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Study of the $Λp$ Interaction Close to the $Σ^+n$ and $Σ^0p$ Thresholds PDF

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Preview Study of the $Λp$ Interaction Close to the $Σ^+n$ and $Σ^0p$ Thresholds

Study of the Λp Interaction Close to the Σ+n and Σ0p Thresholds 3 1 0 H. Machner,1 J. Haidenbauer,2,3 F. Hinterberger,4 2 A. Magiera,5, J.A. Niskanen,6 J. Ritman,2 R. Siudak,7 n a 1Fachbereich Physik, Universit¨at Duisburg-Essen, J 5 Duisburg, Germany 2 2Institut fu¨r Kernphysik and Ju¨lich Centre for Hadron Physics, Forschungszentrum Ju¨lich, Ju¨lich, Germany ] x 3Institute for Advanced Simulation, e - Forschungszentrum Ju¨lich, Ju¨lich, Germany cl 4Helmholtz-Institut fu¨r Strahlen- und Kernphysik u der Universit¨at Bonn, Bonn, Germany n [ 5Institute of Physics, Jagellonian University, Krak´ow, Poland 1 v 6Department of Physical Sciences, University of Helsinki, 9 Helsinki, Finland 8 0 7Institute of Nuclear Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, 6 Krak´ow, Poland . 1 0 January 28, 2013 3 1 : v Abstract i X The Λp interaction close to the ΣN threshold is considered. Specifi- r cally, the pronounced structure seen in production reactions like K−d→ a π−Λp and pp → K+Λp around the ΣN threshold is analyzed. Modern interactionmodelsofthecoupledΛN−ΣN systemsgeneratesuchastruc- tureeitherduetothepresenceofa(deuteron-like)unstableboundstateor ofaninelasticvirtualstate. Adeterminationofthepositionofthepromi- nentpeak as observedin various experimentsfor thetwoaforementioned reactions leads to values that agree quite well with each other. Further- more, thededuced mean valueof 2128.7±0.3 MeV for thepeak position coincides practically with the threshold energy of theΣ+nchannel. This supports the interpretation of the structure as a genuine cusp, signaling an inelastic virtualstateinthe3S1−3D1 partial waveof theΣN isospin 1/2channel. Thereisalsoevidenceforasecondpeak(orshoulder)inthe data sets considered which appears at roughly 10-15 MeV above the ΣN 1 threshold. However, its concrete position varies significantly from data set to data set and, thus,a theoretical interpretation is difficult. 1 Introduction Since the discovery of strangeness, the hyperon–nucleon (YN) interaction has beenoffundamentalinterestboththeoretically[1]aswellasexperimentally[2]. First, its knowledge is important for the general understanding of the struc- ture of hadrons and their constituents. Further, it is also needed to explain the spectra of hypernuclei, which, in return, also convey information on these interactions especially at small relative energies. Unfortunately, since hyperons are short lived, this energy region is practically inaccessible by hyperon beams. Thus, possible bound states are indispensable as the source of information. In this report we will concentrate on the Λp interaction at energies close to the threshold of the ΣN channels. These are at 2128.94 MeV (for Σ+n) and at 2130.9 MeV (for Σ0p). In this region experimental data for elastic scattering, Λp Λp , (1) → indicate an enhancement in the Λp cross section as we will discuss in the next sections. However, the dynamical origin of this enhancement remains unclear so far. It could be a cusp structure due to (and at) the opening of the ΣN threshold and then would be a signal for an inelastic virtual state (we follow here the nomenclature used and explained in Ref. [3]) or due to a bound Σ0p or Σ+n state, i. e. a deuteron-like but unstable bound state. In the latter case the peak of the crosssection has to be below the ΣN threshold. In principle, it could also be a Λp resonance above the ΣN threshold. Data from elastic scattering experiments that cover this range exist in the literature, but so far the momentum resolution of the Λ beams has been insuf- ficient to draw firm conclusions. A much more promising avenue is offered by the study of final state interactions (FSI). Assuming relative weakness of the pion interaction one possibility is the strangeness exchange reaction − − K d π Λp. (2) → Also strangeness production processes like π+d K+Λp (3) → pp K+Λp (4) → should contain basically the same information. In this work we will concentrate on the two reactions (2) and (4). With re- gardtotheformerreaction,evidenceforanenhancementintheΛpcrosssection near the ΣN threshold has been already found in the late 1960s and confirmed in later experiments [4–10]. We review those data and we also re-analyze them with the aim to determine accurately the position of this enhancement. Exper- imental information about the reaction 4, in the region of the ΣN threshold, 2 hasbecome availablemuchmorerecently andclearevidence forthe presenceof anenhancementatthatthresholdis onlyemergingrightnow. Here we perform ananalysisofdatafromthe inclusivemeasurementsofthereactionpp K+X → performedatSaclay[11]andinJu¨lich[12],respectively,andattempt toextract theenhancementanditspositionfromthoseexperimentstoo. Thissortofanal- ysis suffers from lacking precise pp exclusive data to rely on. However, as we willsee, the positions determinedfromthe tworeactions(2)and (4) agreewith each other, and they also coincide with the opening of the Σ+n channel within the error bars of our analysis. We also study an additional peak (or shoulder) that is present in basically all the aforementioned measurements and located a few MeV above the ΣN threshold. However, in this case it turns out that there are sizable variations of its positionbetween reaction(2) and(4), but even betweenmeasurements of oneandthe samereaction. Thus,the physicalsignificanceofthatpeakremains unclear to some extent. The paper is organizedas follows. In the next section we take a look at the status of the results from elastic Λp scattering. We discuss also the behavior of the Λp cross section around the ΣN threshold as predicted by various YN interactionmodels from the literature. In the two subsequent sections the data for the tworeactions (2) and (4) are discussed. Insection 5 the peak structures found are analyzed. In particular, we determine their position as seen in the variousmeasurements for the two reactionsin question. The paper ends with a summary. 2 Elastic Λp Scattering Beforediscussing the situationfor ΛN scatteringlet us briefly recallsome well- known features of coupled-channels dynamics [3,13]. Conservation of flux and theassociatedunitarityoftheS-matrixnecessarilyimplyanomaliesattheopen- ingofnewthresholds[13]. Specifically,atanS-wavethresholdthecrosssection of the “old” channel as a function of the energy will, in general, have infinite slopes at such a threshold. The resulting structures are usually called cusps or rounded steps, depending on their specific shape [3,13]. Whether these struc- tures remain primarily of academic interest or manifest themselves via large, experimentallyobservableeffectsdependsstronglyonthestrengthsoftheinter- actionsinthecoupledchannels. Inparticular,pronouncedthresholdphenomena alwaysgo along with near-by poles in the scattering amplitudes of the involved channels that are associated with (inelastic) virtual states or (unstable) bound states [3,14]. Modern meson-exchange models of the YN interaction such as the Ju¨lich [15,16] or Nijmegen potentials [17,18] are derived under the assumption of (broken) SU(3) symmetry. This symmetry implies, that the strongly attractive forces that yield the deuteron bound state (in the 3S1 3D1 partial wave) and a virtual state in the 1S0 partial wave in case of the N−N system will likewise act in the strangeness S = 1 sector (see, e.g., Refs. [19,20] for details on the − 3 Λp -> Λp Λp -> Λp EFT EFT 60 Jül04 60 Jül04 Jül89 Jül89 NSC97f NSC97f NSC89 NSC89 50 50 40 b) 40 mb) σ (m30 σ (30 20 20 10 10 0 0 77.0 77.2 77.4 77.6 77.8 78.0 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 E (MeV) E (MeV) cm cm Figure 1: Elastic ΛN cross section as function of the center-of-mass energy. Ju¨l04 and Ju¨l89 are results for the Ju¨lich potentials published in Refs. [15] and [16], respectively. NSC97f and NSC89 refer to results of the corresponding Nijmegen soft-core potentials [17] and [18]. Results obtained at leading-order chiral EFT [19,20] are indicated by the grey band. The dashed line is the threshold for the Λp ΣN transition. The left part has an expanded energy → scale. SU(3) relations). Specifically, there is a strong coupling between the ΛN and ΣN systems. It is caused by the long-ranged tensor force provided by pion exchange and boosted by the fact that the thresholds of the two channels are only separated by 77 MeV. Therefore, it is not surprising that practically all YN interactions that fit the data and include explicitly the coupling between the ΛN and ΣN channels predict also sizeable threshold effects. A closer inspection of the results for published interaction models reveals that, in general, they can be grouped into two categories. In one case the predicted ΛN crosssection aroundthe ΣN thresholdis in the orderof 40 to 50 mb and, more characteristic,roughly a factor four largerthan a few MeV away fromthe threshold. The crosssectionis so largebecause one ofthe eigenphases of the tensor-coupled 3S1 3 D1 partial wave (in most cases the 3D1) passes ◦ − through90 rightbelowtheΣN threshold. Duetothelatteraspect,thepeakof the cross section is actually not at the ΣN threshold but slightly below. Thus, in this case the ΛN cross section exhibits a typical resonance-like behavior. 4 Moreover, no cusp appears at the actual ΣN threshold, only a rounded step [3,13]. However, since the peak of the cross section occurs so close to the ΣN threshold – often the separation is less than an MeV – it is usually impossible to recognize the above features in the published results due to the scale used for the figures! Pole searches performed for the amplitudes produced by the potentialmodelsinquestionfoundthatthesearelocatedinthesecondquadrant of the complex plane of the relative momentum in the ΣN channel [14]. Thus, these YN interactions are characterized by the presence of an unstable bound state, i.e. a deuteron-like ΣN state [3]. The Nijmegen potentials NSC97f [17] and NF [21] but also the original Ju¨lich YN interaction [16] belong to this category. In the case of an unstable bound state it is also possible that the 3S1 eigenphase passes through 90◦(instead of the 3D1). Interestingly, such a scenario is seldom realized. In fact, we are aware of only one meson-exchange YN potentialwherethishappens,namelytheNijmegenESC04interaction[22]. Incaseoftheinteractionsconsideredin[23]itisalsothe3S1thatpassesthrough ◦ 90 . But since these potentials were intended for application in Faddeev-type calculations for simplicity reasons only S-waves were taken into account. One of the interactions considered in [23] has the rather unique feature that the predicted 3S1 phase passes through 90◦slightly above the ΣN threshold. As far as we can see, this does not happen for any of the meson-exchange YN potentials whose phase shifts are documented in the literature. The second category of YN potentials produces a peak in the ΛN cross section precisely at the ΣN threshold. Thus, now we do observe a genuine ◦ threshold cusp. Here none of the relevant eigenphases passes through 90 . In generalthe ΛN crosssectionatthe ΣN thresholdis roughlya factortwolarger than at a few MeV away from the threshold. Usually, the peak values are around 20 mb, but can still reach up to 40 mb. The poles for this kind of potentialsarelocatedinthe thirdquadrantofthe complexplane ofthe relative momentum in the ΣN channel [14]. They are an indication for the presence of inelastic virtual states [3], i.e. the analog of the virtual state in the NN 1S0 partialwave. TheNijmegenpotentialsND[24],NSC89[18]andESC08[25],and also the recent Ju¨lich YN interaction [15] belong to this category. Also a YN interactionderivedatleading-orderinchiraleffectivefieldtheory(EFT)[19,20] predicts such a behavior. In order to illustrate the statements made above, Λp cross sections for the Nijmegen soft-core potentials NSC97f [17] and NSC89 [18], and for the Ju¨lich potentials from 2005 [15] and 1989 [16] are shown in Fig. 1 for energies around the ΣN threshold for two different energy scales. Results obtained at leading- order chiral EFT [19,20] are indicated by the grey band. One can see that the crosssectionspredictedbythoseYN potentialsindeedexhibitdifferentfeatures at the ΣN threshold. As said above the Nijmegen NSC97f and the Ju¨lich 1989 one-boson exchange models produce a deuteron-like unstable bound state in the ΣN channel. In both cases the 3D1 ΛN phase shift shows a resonance-like ◦ behavior andcrosses 90 slightly below the ΣN threshold[15,19]. The rounded stepinthe crosssectionofthe Ju¨l89potentialis clearlyvisible inthe left figure (with magnified scale). The structure produced by the NSC97f potential is 5 similar. However, since in this case (in our calculation) the 3D1 phase shift ◦ crosses90 atamere20keVbelowthenominalΣN thresholdafurtherincrease in the scale would be required to see that. The Ju¨l04 and the NSC89 models and the EFT interaction support an inelastic virtualstate rather than a bound state and, consequently, a genuine cusp structure appears in the cross section. 70 EFT Jül04 60 Jül89 NSC89 50 NSC97f ) 40 b m ( σ 30 20 10 + 0 Σ n Σ p 0 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 p (MeV/c) lab Figure2: CrosssectionsforelasticΛpscattering. Dataarefrom[2,26–30]. The curves are results from YN models, namely from the Nijmegen YN soft-core potentialsNSC97f[17](dashedcurve)andNSC89[18](dash-dottedcurve),and from the Ju¨lich one-boson-exchangemodels [15] (solid curve). and [16] (dashed curve). Results obtained at leading-order chiral EFT [19,20] are indicated by the grey band. The thresholds for the reactions Λp ΣN are indicated by → arrows. Note that that the results in Fig. 1 are calculated in isospin basis using isospin-averagedΣ and nucleon masses. In particular, the ΛN momentum and the ΣN threshold are evaluated for mN = [mp +mn]/2 and mΣ = [mΣ+ + mΣ0 +mΣ−]/3, respectively. Experimentally,inprinciple,theΛpinteractioncouldbestudiedintherange of interest, i. e. in the vicinity of the ΣN thresholds by elastic scattering. In Fig. 2 all cross sections [2,26–30] – to the best of our knowledge – for elastic scattering in a momentum range from 400 MeV/c to 1 GeV/c are collected. In addition to data we include the model calculations for the Nijmegen soft- corepotentials NSC97f[17]andNSC89 [18], the Ju¨lichmeson-exchangemodels Ju¨l05 [15] and Ju¨l89 [16], and the leading-order chiral EFT interaction [19,20]. Here the computation of the cross section was done in particle basis so that the Σ+n and Σ0p thresholds could be correctly implemented. Partialwaves up 6 to L 2 have been taken into account. Note that the agreement between data ≤ and calculations at low energies (not shown here) is of similar quality for all models. Obviously, the data on elastic scattering are insufficient in quality to allow to discriminate between the different scenarios. It is therefore highly desirable to have additional data of high quality. 3 The reaction K d π Λp. − − → One possibility to study the Λp interaction is via the FSI in reactions like − − K d π Λp. Inelasticscatteringthecontributionfromthespin-tripletwaves → to the cross section can be expected to be the larger one due to its statistical weight. Fortheabovereactionweexpectlikewisethemaincontributiontocome fromspin-tripletstatesand,specifically,fromthe3S1-wave,butduetodifferent reason: the deuteronis alreadypresentinthe initialstate. For kaonabsorption atrestthefinalbaryonicstatehastohavepredominantlythequantumnumbers − of the deuteron. At lowest order the reaction should be dominated by K n − → π Λ (quasi-elastic) scattering leaving the spin-space part of the baryon state unchanged. Fig. 3 shows the Λp spectra in the center-of-mass (c.m.) system. The data aretakenfromRefs.[4–7,9,10,31]. ThereisclearlyapeakaroundtheΣN mass, i.e. around2.13GeV.However,theshapeofthepeaksaswellastheunderlying cross section vary from one experiment to the other. One reason for this are different boundary conditions in the experiments and the analysis. We will returntothispointlater. Inordertostudythisdependencefurtherwecompare in more detail some of the spectra. The data from Sims et al. [7] are ignored sincetheyhaveapoorsignaltobackgroundratio,i.e. donotallowtostudythe structureindetail. Similarly,thedatafromAlexanderetal.[31]aswellasthose fromClineet al.[5]withbinwidthsof10MeVandpoorstatisticsareexcluded. The latter data have only two bins with 67 counts together in the peak region thusawidthofthepeakcannotbeextracted. ThedatafromEastwoodetal.[9] on the other hand contain some more counts (130) but in thirteen bins. We therefore kept these data. First we inspect the spectra from Tan [4] and Braun et al. [6]. These are data sets with rather large statistics. The smooth yield below the peaks contains, in addition to the direct reaction (2), contributions − − from the reaction with a heavier intermediate hyperon: K d Σ (1385)p − − → which decays in a second step as Σ (1385) Λπ . In order to avoid any → phenomenological modelling and possible ambiguities associated with that we simplysubtractsomeyieldbelowthepeakbyfittingpolynomialstotheseyields. Wewilldiscussthisfurtherinsection5.3. TheresultisdepictedinFig. 4. Then thisfittedcrosssectionissubtractedfromtheexperimentalcrosssectionsothat only the peak structure remains. The peak in Tan’s paper [4] shows a shoulder on the heavy mass side. In the case of the unconstrained data from Braun et al. [6] the structure looks quite different. There is much more yield to the high-mass side than in Tan’s data. At this point we have to elucidate that 7 200 100 Tan 0 20 Cline 0 Braun 100 0 n 40 ib Sims / s t n u Alexander o 0 c 10 0 5 Eastwood 0 200 Pigot 0 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 m(Λp) (GeV) − − Figure 3: Invariant mass spectra for the reaction K d π Λp. The data are fromTan[4],Clineet al.[5],Braunet al.[6],Simset al.→[7],Alexanderet al.[8], Eastwoodet al.[9],andPigotet al.[10]. Thedottedlineindicatesthe averaged ΣN mass 2.13 GeV. 8 40 Braun et al. 30 20 10 n ib / s tn 0 u o Tan c 200 100 0 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 m(Λp) (GeV) Figure 4: The missing mass spectra for the constraineddata (see text) from [6] (upperpanel)and[4](lowerpanel). Thesolidcurvesshowfitstothedatawhere the peak region has been excluded. 9 this comparison is made between different things. The data from Braun et al. have no constraints while in case of Tan, counts with proton momenta below 75 MeV/c have been cut. Thus, reactions with the proton as a mere spectator − − K d π Λp ,withthetwobaryonsbeinguncorrelatedareexcluded. Inorder s → tohavereallybothhadronsintheentrancechannelparticipatinginthereaction Braun et al. introduced two cuts: (i) a threshold in the proton momentum of 150 MeV/c and (ii) the requirement of the angle between the incoming kaon and the outgoing pion 0.9 < cos(K,π) < 1. If one takes that into account the peak agrees, with respect to its shape and its position, to a large extent to the one reportedby Tan [4] as is discussed in Sect. 5. Note that Eastwoodet al. [9] required the proton momenta to be larger than 170 MeV/c. While almost all groups relied on bubble chambers, Pigotet al. [10] applied − a magnetic spectrometer to detect the emerging pions. However, most π ’s are not from reaction (2) but from beam decays K− 2π−π+. In order to → reduce the number of such events the targetcylinder was surroundedby twelve scintillationcounters. AfterthedecayoftheΛintotwochargedparticlesonehas then three charged particles in addition to the forward going pion. Therefore, the authors studied the data with charged particle multiplicity m 2 in these ≥ scintillators. For the width of the peak they give only upper limits. They also studied the line reversedreaction(3). The cross section for this reactionis smallerthanforthestrangenessexchange. Spectatorprotonsarerarelydetected in the set-up since they are stopped in the liquid deuterium target being 4 cm in diameter. Their final result is 2129 0.2 0.2 MeV and 16.7 1.9 2 MeV ± ± ± ± for the position and the width of the peak, respectively. Here we make use of their data set ofthe reaction(2) takenata beam momentum of1.4 GeV/c and multiplicity m 3. Forthis casethe spectrumis rathercleanandthe statistics ≥ isstillsufficient–whichisnotthecasefortheotherdatasets. Wethenproceed as in the other cases. The final results for the structure at the ΣN threshold are given for all cases in Figs. 9 and 11. 4 The reaction pp K+Λp → Moststudiesofthereactionpp K+Λpreportonlytotalcrosssections. Hogan et. al [32] and more recently t→he COSY-TOF collaboration [33,34] published spectra. However, these experiments although having rather large acceptances sufferfrominsufficientresolutiontostudyapeakinthethresholdregion. These unfavorable boundary conditions were overcome with sufficient high resolution by Siebert et al. [11] employing the SPES4 spectrometer at Saclay and, more recently,evenmorebytheHIRESexperiment[12,35]makinguseoftheBigKarl spectrometer [36] at the COoler SYnchrotron COSY Ju¨lich. The disadvantage of the experiments from Refs. [11,12,32,35] is that they are inclusive. This means that above the ΣN threshold also the Σ0p and Σ+n channels contribute to the experimental cross section. Thus a peak in the experimental spectrum is more difficult to see because the signal will be distorted by the rising contri- butions from the ΣN channels. Therefore, the following analysis is incomplete 10

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