Study of Half-Ducted Propeller Fan on Aerodynamic Performance and Internal Flow September 2014 Department of Science and Advanced Technology Graduate School of Science and Engineering Saga University Pin Liu CONTENTS Nomenclature ······································································ I Abstract ··········································································· IV Chapter 1 ············································································ 1 Introduction ········································································ 1 1.1 Background and motivation ······················································· 1 1.2 3D flow characteristics of a propeller fan ······································· 2 1.3 Literature review ···································································· 6 1.3.1 Design method ································································· 6 1.3.2 CFD research and internal flow ··········································· 14 1.3.3 Experimental research ······················································ 21 1.4 Objectives and outline of the dissertation····································· 26 Chapter 2 ·········································································· 29 Quasi Three-Dimensional Design Method ································· 29 2.1 Design introduction and parameter selection ································ 29 2.2 Solution of meridional flow ······················································ 30 2.3 Blade selection on the average stream surface ······························· 32 2.3.1 Equivalent velocity triangle method ······································ 34 2.3.2 Imaginary velocity triangle method ······································· 36 2.3.3 Expansion of blade element selection theory ···························· 38 2.4 Correction on blade geometry ·················································· 39 Chapter 3 ·········································································· 43 Numerical Theory and Procedures·········································· 43 3.1 Computational procedures ······················································ 43 3.2 Control volume technique ······················································· 43 3.3 Basic conservation laws ·························································· 45 3.3.1 Multiple rotating frame ····················································· 45 3.3.2 Conservation equations for a rotating reference frame·················· 45 3.4 Turbulence models and acoustics model ······································ 46 3.4.1 RNG k-e model ······························································ 46 3.4.2 LES model ··································································· 48 3.4.3 The Ffowcs Williams and Hawkings model ······························ 51 3.5 Boundary conditions and near wall treatment ······························· 53 3.6 Geometry model and grid generation ········································· 55 3.6.1 Flow field modeling························································· 55 3.6.2 Grid generation ······························································ 57 3.6.3 Convergence and mesh independence ···································· 57 Chapter 4 ·········································································· 59 Experimental Methods ························································· 59 4.1 Experimental apparatus ························································· 59 4.2 Measurement methods ··························································· 60 4.2.1 Working principle of hot wire ·············································· 60 4.2.2 Periodic multi-sampling and ensemble average technique ············· 62 4.3 Uncertainty analysis ······························································ 64 Chapter 5 ·········································································· 68 Experimental Study of Inflow Effect on Performance of Propeller Fans ················································································ 68 5.1 Introduction on inlet flow of propeller fans ·································· 68 5.2 Study on half-ducted and semi-open inlet structures ······················· 69 5.2.1 Analysis on performance of tested propeller fans ······················· 70 5.2.2 Time-averaged velocity distributions along radius ······················ 72 5.2.3 Phase-lock averaged velocity distributions ······························· 75 5.2.4 Result discussion ···························································· 79 5.3 Performance and flow fields of semi-open propeller fan ··················· 80 5.3.1 Performance curves of tested fans ········································· 82 5.3.2 Circumferentially averaged flow field at fan inlet ······················· 83 5.3.3 Phase locked average velocity field at fan inlet and outlet ············· 86 5.4 Summary on effect of inlet geometry ·········································· 90 Chapter 6 ·········································································· 92 Comparison of Half-Ducted Design with Ducted Design ·············· 92 6.1 Half-ducted design and ducted design ········································· 92 6.1.1 Design parameters and procedures ········································ 92 6.1.2 Blade profiles and streamlines of designed propeller fans ············· 94 6.2 CFD performance of propeller fans ············································ 95 6.3 Internal flow of designed propeller fans ······································ 96 6.3.1 Velocity distributions of designed propeller fans ························ 96 6.3.2 Pressure distributions of designed propeller fans ························ 99 Chapter 7 ········································································· 104 Verification of Designed Propeller Fan···································· 104 7.1 Improvement of half-ducted design ··········································· 104 7.2 Performance curves ······························································ 105 7.3 Internal flow of designed propeller fan······································· 106 7.3.1 Velocity distributions ······················································ 106 7.3.2 Blockage effect of hub stall ··············································· 109 7.3.3 Aerodynamic noise of designed propeller fan ··························· 112 Chapter 8 ········································································· 121 Conclusions ······································································ 121 8.1 Dissertation conclusions ························································· 121 8.2 Research prospects ······························································· 123 Acknowledgment ······························································· 124 References········································································ 125 Nomenclature A [m2,-] surface area or Glauert series coefficient a [m/s] so u n d s peed of far field 0 C, C [-] constant, Smagorinsky constant s C, W [m/s] absolute velocity and relative velocity D, D [m] d iameter of the rotor tip and hub t h D [-] eq u ivalent diffusion factor eq d [m] blade thickness in Y direction or distance E [m2/s2] re l a ti ve total enthalpy (rothalpy) re F, f [m3/s,-] f l u x a n d circulation parameter G [kg/s] to tal flo w rate G ,G [-] generation of turbulence kinetic energies k b H [m] E ular head th DI [m2/s2] th eoretical enthalpy th I [N/m2] unit tensor k [-] bla de blockage coefficient B k [-] k i netic energy L , L [N.m] en ergy and theoretical power 1 2 l, L [m] b la de chord N [-] specific speed s n / u[-/s] ro t ating speed of rotor P [N/m2] t o t al p ressure t p' [N/m2] s o u n d pressure Dp [N/m2] s tatic pressure rise s Q [m3/s] volume flow rate q [-] q u asi orthogonal direction q , q [m] r adii of casing and hub in q direction c h q [-] intensity of fixed divergence b R, r [m] r adius r* [m,-] r e f e rence radius or non-dimensional radius S, S , S [-] source terms k e S [N] tensor of strain rate ij T [N.m] ro tor torque t [m,s] one pitch length or time U [m/s] r o tor speed on tip t u, v, w [m/s] components of velocity vector V[m/s,-] velocity or volume Wb [m/s] d e d uced velocity of fixed vortex and divergence Y [-] fluctuating dilatation M y , y [m] blade camber and thickness c d y+ [-] dimensionless wall distance Z [-] blade number b z [-] axial coordinate I Greek letters a [°] attack angle a,a [-] Prandtl number effecting on k and e k e a[-] swirl constant depending on swirl flow density s b, Db [°] f l o w angle, turning angle G, DG [m2/s] c i r c ulation, variation of circulation g [°] pitch angle or stagger angle D[-] local grid scale e [°] angle of q line with normal direction of streamline or dissipation z[-] total pressure loss coefficient p z [1/s] vortex h [-] efficiency q, dq [°] camber angle, change of camber angle c c k [-] constant of Von Karman m [kg/m.s] v iscosity m&[°] divergence x [-/°] vary ratio of axial velocity or yaw angle r [kg/m3] a i r d e nsity s [-] s olidity s [kg/m.s2] stress tensor due to viscosity ij s [-] cascade solidity on XY plane XY t [kg/m.s2,-,s] s t re s s or torque coefficient or retarded time F, f [-] f lo w coefficient or a scalar quantity j [°] streamline angle with rotating axis c [-] parameter of stream surface declination y [-] pressure coefficient W[-] characteristic swirl number w [1/s] a ngular velocity or rotating speed of rotor Superscripts - average component ' fluctuate quantity * reference or non-dimensional quantity . variation ~ defined ratio ^ equivalent quantity vector + relative to y+ II Subscripts 1, 2 rotor inlet and outlet a, r, t axial, radial and tangential component i, j components of tensor m mean quantity m, q meridional and circumferential components re relative quantity tra translational quantity t, h blade tip and hub X, Y components on X, Y axis Abbreviations ASD Acoustic Source Data BPF Blade Passing Frequency DNS Direct Numerical Simulation FFT Fast Fourier Transform FW-H Ffowcs Williams and Hawkings LE Leading Edge LES Large Eddy Simulation MRF Multiple Rotating Frame PS Pressure Surface RANS Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes RNG Renormalization Group rms root-mean-square SPL Sound Pressure Level SS Suction Surface TE Trailing Edge III Abstract Propeller fan, which is an axial flow fan with no casing and guide vane, not only has large flow rate but also satisfies the requirement of the spatial restriction. In some applications, the propeller with simple structure is installed with a bell-mouth at the fan inlet to make the flow enter into the rotor smoothly. As for the half-ducted propeller fan, the inlet bell-mouth and the short casing are formed by a whole one. Due to its commonly applications for heat-exchange and ventilation in the vicinity of people, the desires to own high performance and low noise level of propeller fans have been strongly demanded from the viewpoint of energy saving and quiet living conditions. In order to understand the internal flow and aerodynamic performance of the half-ducted propeller fan, the following studies have been conducted. Firstly, the inflow performance of the propeller fan has been investigated by experimental method, and a single I type and a single slant type of hotwire probes have been used to measure the flow field of a propeller fan which is designed by traditional axial design method. Periodic multi-sampling and ensemble average technique have been applied in the data process. As a result, the radial inflow interfere with the flow in axial direction makes the inlet flow field of the propeller fan very complex and three-dimensional. In comparison with semi-open type, the half-ducted propeller fan has relatively good performance and smooth inlet flow with a bell-mouth. Secondly, according to the particular flow characteristics, a half-ducted propeller fan has been designed by flexible use of the design method of diagonal flow fans. And non-free vortex design method of diagonal flow fans is applied to design a half-ducted propeller fan by taking the radial velocity component into account. In comparison with the ducted design method, the half ducted design can avoid highly twisted blade, obtain better performance characteristics, and improve velocity flow field and blade loading distributions. Then, a half-ducted propeller fan designed by the second time was made by three dimensional printer and tested in the wind tunnel in order to validate the half-ducted IV design method. The pressure performance of the half-ducted propeller fan was improved comparing to the first time. And both of the simulation method and experiment measurement got the same results. In the performance curves, the designed propeller fan is near stall condition at the design flow rate. However, the half-ducted design is still feasible and practicable comparing to the traditional ducted design for a propeller fan. Finally, the internal flow and aerodynamic performance were analysed by numerical method. Large Eddy Simulation (LES) and the Ffowcs Williams and Hawkings (FW-H) equation are used to compute the unsteady flow field and obtain the acoustic signal, respectively. And the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) has been applied to process the acoustic signal. As a result, the low energy flow fluid concentrated near hub region blocks flow in the flow passage and makes energy loss. And the high energy fluid with very low axial velocity focused near casing and suction surface are considered to be vortex. The total sound pressure level is 93 dB and 47.7dB at outlet of fan rotor and 1 m away from rotor center. The discrete frequency might be caused by large fluctuation flow especially the hub stall. V Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Background and motivation Propeller fan is an axial flow fan with no casing and guide vane [1]. It sucks the fluid from infinite space upstream, and makes them get out of it in axial direction downstream. It not only produces large flow rate but also satisfies the requirement of the spatial restriction in setup processing. The simple structure and high performance make it used in many applications. Such as, heat-exchange system for engines, cooling system for outdoor unit of air-conditioner and ventilation system for relatively sealed rooms or tunnels. In many of the applications, the propeller is installed with a bell-mouth at the fan inlet to make the flow enter into the rotor smoothly. As for the half-ducted propeller fan, the inlet bell-mouth and the short casing are formed by a whole one. Since the design of axial flow fan is believable by using two dimensional cascade data, Inoue et al. (1980) [2] have extended this method to design the diagonal flow fan. Some other researchers [3][4] have also investigated in the design method of diagonal flow fan and obtained satisfying results. However, the more effective design of the propeller fan, especially non-ducted, could not follow the design methods of axial fans. The blade shape of propeller fans has long chord length at blade tip and short one at blade hub. The blade tip as the main work part make the opened inlet suck in air at radial direction. The radial inflow interfere with the flow in axial direction make the inlet flow field of the propeller fan very complex and three-dimensional. There are not so many researches involved in this field. The special inlet flow field and the short casing of half-ducted propeller fan make the design different with the traditional design method of axial and centrifugal fans. According to the particular flow characteristics, the design method of diagonal flow fans can be used to design this kind of propeller fans. As so far almost nobody uses diagonal flow fan design method to design axial fan conversely. Due to its special use in the vicinity of people, the desires to own high performance and low noise level of propeller fan have been strongly demanded from the viewpoint of energy saving and 1