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Study Guide: for C Programming: A Modern Approach PDF

258 Pages·1998·22.83 MB·English
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PROGRAMMING A Modern Approach ... with a K. N. Kl NG·, preview of . . C++ i . Study Guide for C Programming A MODERN APPROACH Study Guide for C Programming A MODERN APPROACH Manuel E.Bermudez University of Florida W W Norton & Company New York London Copyright© 1998 by W.W. Norton & Company, Inc. All rights reserved Printed in the United States of America First Edition ISBN 0-393-96946-0 (pbk.) W.W. Norton & Company, Inc., 500 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10110 http://www.wwnorton.com W.W. Norton & Company Ltd., 10 Coptic Street, London WClA lPU 23 4567890 CONTENTS Preface . . . . . . . . XI How to Use This Study Guide xi Acknowledgments xi 1 Introducing C . . . 1.1 Chapter Summary 1.2 C and Other Languages 1.2.1 C and Pascal 1.2.2 C and Fortran 2 1.2.3 C and BASIC 4 1.3 Exercises 4 2 C Fundamentals . . 7 2.1 Chapter Summary 7 2.2 Solved Exercises 9 2.2.1 Solved Exercise 1: Calculating Net Pay 9 2.3 Programming Exercises 12 3 Formatted Input/Output . . . 15 3.1 Chapter Summary . . . . 15 3.1.1 The printf function 15 3.1.2 The scanf function . 15 3.2 Solved Exercises . . . . 16 3.2.1 Solved Exercise 1: Calculating Travel Time . 16 3.3 Programming Exercises 20 4 Expressions . . . . . 23 4.1 Chapter Summary . . 23 4.2 Questions and Answers 25 4.3 Programming Exercises 26 5 Selection Statements 29 5.1 Chapter Summary . . 29 5.1.1 Logical Expressions 29 5.1.2 The if Statement . 29 5.1.3 The switch Statement ' 31 5.2 Solved Exercises . . . . 31 5.2.1 Solved Exercise 1: A Grading Program 31 5.3 Programming Exercises 37 6 Loops . . . . . . . 41 6.1 Chapter Summary . . 41 6.1.1 The whi 1 e Statement 41 6.1.2 The do Statement . 41 6.1.3 The for Statement 42 6.1.4 Exiting from a Loop 42 ~. 6.1.5 The Null Statement 43 6.2 Solved Exercises . . . 43 6.2.1. Solved Exercise 1: Loan Amortization 43 v 6.2.2 Solved Exercise 2: The Chess Knight's Moves 46 6.3 Programming Exercises 51 7 Basic Types . 55 7.1 Chapter Summary . 55 7.1.l Integer Types 55 7.1.2 Floating Types 55 7 .1. 3 Character Types 56 7.1.4 The sizeof Operator 56 7.1.5 Type Conversion 57 7.1.6 Type Definitions 57 7.2 Solved Exercises 58 7.2.1 Solved Exercise 1: A Word Analysis and Counting Program 58 7.3 Programming Exercises 63 8 Arrays 67 8.1 Chapter Summary . 67 8.1.1 One-Dimensional Arrays 67 8.1.2 Multidimensional Arrays 68 8.2 Solved Exercises 69 8.2.1 Solved Exercise 1: Very Large Numbers 69 8.2.2 Solved Exercise 2: Sorting 73 8.3 Programming Exercises 75 9 Functions 81 9.1 Chapter Summary 81 9.1.1 Defining and Calling Functions 81 9 .1.2 Function Declarations 83 9.1.3 Arguments 83 9.1.4 The return Statement 84 9 .1.5 Program Termination 84 9.1.6 Recursive Functions 84 9.2 Solved Exercises 85 9.2.1 Solved Exercise 1: Plotting the Sine Function 85 9.2.2 Solved Exercise 2: Recursive Sorting . 89 9.3 Programming Exercises 91 10 Program Organization . 95 10.1 Chapter Summary . 95 10.1.1 Local Variables 95 10.1.2 External Variables 95 10.1.3 Blocks and Scope 95 10.1.4 Organizing a C Program 95 10.2 Solved Exercises 96 10.2.1 Solved Exercise 1: Sets of Numbers 96 10.3 Programming Exercises 98 11 Pointers . 103 11.1 Chapter Summary 103 11.2 Solved Exercises 105 11.2.1 Solved Exercise 1: Complex Numbers 105 11.3 Programming Exercises 107 vi 12 Pointers and Arrays . 111 12.1 Chapter Summary 111 12.2 Solved Exercises 113 12.2.1 Solved Exercise 1: Matrix Multiplication 113 12.3 Programming Exercises 117 13 Strings 119 13.1 Chapter Summary . 119 13.1.1 String Basics . 119 13.1.2 String Operations 120 13.1.3 Arrays of Strings 120 13.2 Solved Exercises 121 13.2.1 Solved Exercise 1: Indenting a C Program 121 13.3 Programming Exercises 124 14 The Preprocessor . 127 14.1 Chapter Summary . 127 14.1.1 Macro Definition 127 14.1.2 Conditional Compilation 129 14.2 Solved Exercises 130 14.2.1 Solved Exercise 1: Macros versus Functions 130 14.2.2 Solved Exercise 2: Stacks of Different Types . 132 14.3 Programming Exercises 134 15 Writing Large Programs 137 15.1 Chapter Summary . 137 15.1.1 Header Files 137 15.1.2 Building a Multiple-File Program 139 15.2 Solved Exercises 140 15.2.1 Solved Exercise 1: Sets of Numbers 140 15.3 Programming Exercises 146 16 Structures, Unions, and Enumerations 151 16.1 Chapter Summary . 151 16.1.1 Structures . 151 16.1.2 Unions and Enumerations . 153 16.2 Solved Exercises 155 16.2.1 Solved Exercise 1: A Bank Simulation . 155 16.3 Programming Exercises 161 17 Advanced Uses of Pointers 165 17.1 Chapter Summary . 165 17.1.1 Dynamic Storage 165 17.1.2 Linked Lists 167 17.1.3 Pointers to Functions 168 17.2 Solved Exercises 169 17.2.1 Solved Exercise 1: Sets (Revisited) 169 17.2.2 Solved Exercise 2: Numeric Integration 174 17.3 Programming Exercises 176 18 Declarations 179 18.1 Chapter Summary 179 18.1.1 Storage Classes and Type Qualifiers 179 18.1.2 Declarators and Initializers 180 vii 18.2 Solved Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181 18.2.1 Solved Exercise 1: Arrays of Pointers to Functions 181 18.3 Programming Exercises 183 19 Program Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185 19.1 Chapter Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185 19.1.1 Modules, Information Hiding, and Abstract Data Types 185 19.1.2 C++. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187 19.2 Solved Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190 19.2.1 Solved Exercise 1: A Stack Program in C and in C++ 190 19.2.2 Solved Exercise 2: The ADT Car 191 19.3 Programming Exercises 194 20 Low-Level Programming . . 197 20.1 Chapter Summary . . . 197 20.1.1 Bitwise Operators 197 20.1.2 Bit-Fields in Structures 197 20.2 Solved Exercises . . . . . 198 20.2.1 Solved Exercise 1: Hamming Codes 198 20.3 Programming Exercises 202 21 The Standard Library 205 21.1 Chapter Summary . . 205 21.2 Solved Exercises . . 206 21.2.1 Solved Exercise 1: Holes in a Structure 206 21.3 Programming Exercises 206 22 Input/Output . . . . 209 22.1 Chapter Summary . . 209 22.1.1 Streams 209 22.1.2 formatted 110 210 22.1.3 Character, Line, Block, and String 1/0 211 22.2 Solved Exercises . . . . . . . . . 212 22.2.1 Solved Exercise 1: A Bank Simulation (Revisited) 212 22.2.2 Solved Exercise 2: A Parts Database Program 214 22.3 Programming Exercises . . . . . . . . 217 23 Library Support for Numbers and Character Data 219 23.1 Chapter Summary . . . . . . . . . . 219 23.2 Solved Exercises . . . . . . . . . . 221 23.2.1 Solved Exercise 1: A Text Formatter (Revisited). 221 23.2.2 Solved Exercise 2: A Tokenizer Program 222 23.3 Programming Exercises 223 24 Error Handling . . 225 24.1 Chapter Summary . . 225 24.2 Solved Exercises . . 226 24.2.1 Solved Exercise 1: Efficient String Search 226 24.2.2 Solved Exercise 2: An Interruptible File Printer 230 24.3 Programming Exercises 231 25 International Features 233 25.1 Chapter Summary . . 233 25.2 Solved Exercises . . 235 25.2.1 Solved Exercise 1: Printing Locale Information 235 Vlll

With adoptions at over 225 colleges, the first edition of C Programming has been one of the leading C textbooks of the last ten years. This Study Guide to accompany the text aids the student in the course. This introduction to the C programming language is based on the C ANSI dialect and is usable w
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