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STUDIES ON THE METABOLISM OF THE YEAST, HAhSKNULA ANOMAIA (HANSKH) SXBCftT Dissertation Presented in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Derree Doctor of philosophy in the Graduate School of the Ohio State University By THOMAS DALE J5100K,,, B ,, M. Sc. *•«•»*»*** * * • • ■ • • • * • The Ohio State University 19£2 Approved bys Adviser ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would, like to thank especially my adviser Dr- W. D. Gray for his interest and invaluable counsel and assistance during the course of this work. Thanks are also due to Dr. G. L. Stahly and Dr. B. S. Meyer for reading the manuscript and offering many valuable criticisms. I also wish to thank the Graduate School of the Ohio State University for granting me a University Fellowship which was used to complete this work. i 809381 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction - - - - - ----- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ^ 2. Materials and Methods - - - - - - - - - -- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ o 3- Results and Discussion Formation of Storage Products in Grovdnr Ceils - - - - - - 1| Respiratory Studies with Washed Suspensions - - - - - -- 22 I4. Summary and Conclusions _ _ _ _ -— __ 3$ 5. Literature Cited _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ — __ jp? ii STUDIES ON THE METABOLISM OF THE YEAST, HANSENULA ANOMALA (HANSEN) SYDOW INTRODUCTION In recent years there has been considerable interest in the metabolism of Hansenula anomala (Hansen) Sydow. This yeast is of particular interest because of its ability to produce large amounts of ethyl acetate. Some physiological aspects of this ester synthesis were first investigated by Gray (191*9) • He was the first to actually show that the ester formed ethyl acetate, and he studied the effect of various environmental factors on ester synthesis. Later Peel (1951) and Tabachnik (1951) made further studies on some biochemical aspects of this synthesis, and Tabachnik in particular has done much to deduce some of the overall steps leading to synthesis. Kuehner (1951) has studied the effect of added vitamins on the amount of ester synthesized, and Hughes (1952) has identified some of the acidic metabolic products produced by H. anomala. In an earlier work, Usami (19U2) studied the respiration of many alcohols and several acids. Wickerham (1951) has recently monographed the genus in a considerable extension over the earlier work of Bedford (19U2). Wickerham1s work may prove to be an excellent model for further study in the taxonomy of the yeasts. He has designated H. anomala the type species for the genus. Most of the work on H. anomala has been directed towards the special problem of ester synthesis and toward the study of other water-soluble metabolites and many of the more general aspects of glucose metabolism have not been studied. It was felt that a study of other aspects of glucose dissimilation was warranted. In particular, ) 1 2 the problem of lipid synthesis from carbohydrate has been stressed, and preliminary work on the mechanism of glucose dissimilation and its fate in the yeast cell have been carried out. MATERIALS AND METHODS In most of this work, the yeast has been cultured 011 a medium containing 7 per cent glucose, 0.6 per cent and 0.7 per cent Difco Yeast Extract. For certain experiments the glucose concentration has been varied. In certain work a synthetic medium has been used consisting of: Glucose 70 g. KH2F0l 1.5 g- MgS0j^*7Hg0 0.5 g. Nitrogen'source 5 P.* Vitamins, in ug/liter: riboflavin, 100; pyridoxinhydrochloride, 200; thiamin hydrochloride, 200; niacin, 200; biotia methyl ester, 0.2; calcium pantothenate, 200; inositol, 1000; choline, 100; p-aminobe nzoic acid, 100. Trace, elements in mg/liter: Mn++,. 0.01; Zn++, 0.07; 8, 0.01; Cu*'*’, 0.01; Fe++, 0.05; Mo, 0.01. This medium is a modification of a medium used by Kuehner (1951)* When cells were grown for respiration studies they were cultured in the above Yeast Extract medium with 5 per cent glucose. In preliminary experiments it was found that rapid growth and good cell and lipid yields were obtained if the yeast cells were cultured in liter flasks containing 100 ml. of medium per flask. These flasks were inoculated with a loopful from a 2k hr. liquid culture which had been inoculated from an agar slant. In all work the yeast cells were incubated at room temperature which varied between 2k-280 C. At the end of the incubation period the cells were harvested by centrifugation at 2000 r.p.m. Since H. anomala produces a film of pseudo-nyceliar cells of light weight on the surface of the liquid, some of these lighter cells would not spin down, but their contribution to the total weight of material was negligible and they were ignored. The cells were washed into weighed petri dishes and dried to constant weight at k5° C. Lipid analyses were made by a method described by Usdin (1951) which is identical with that of Fan et al. (19k9)» The dried cells were hydrolyzed for 2 hr. in 1 ft HC1 in boiling water, filtered, washed from the filter paper, dried, and extracted with absolute ether in a micro-Soxhlet apparatus for 2k hr. At the end of this time the ether was evaporated from the extraction flask and the flask weighed to determine the amount of lipid. It must be stressed that in this work "lipid" signifies total ether extractables of the water insoluble material remaining after preliminary hydrolysis. Carbohydrate analyses were made by taking the filtrate of the acid hydrolysis, neutralizing, and determining the reducing sugar present. The amount of carbohydrate present is expressed as glucose. Reducing sugar analyses were made by the method of Stiles et al. (1926). For the respiration measurements standard manometric techniques were used (Umbreit et al., 19U9)• The cells for this work were obtained by centrifuging from 2k hour cultures, washing three times in I distilled water, and resuspending in 0.02M phosphate buffer. Since the endogenous respiration of unstarved cells was rather high, the h cells were aerated for two hours in buffer to deplete stored reserves and reduce the endogenous respiration to a low value. If the cells were not used immediately after starving they were stored in the refrigerator. Sometimes cells that were refrigerated for 2ij.-L8 hr. were used, as it was found that their respiratory activity was not appreciably diminished. Ail respiratory studies were carried out at 28° G. at a shaking rate of 110 cycles per minute. Further details of experimental set-ups will be found in the section Results and Discussion. Aerobic CO2 production was determined by the "direct" method of Warburg (Umbreit _et al., 19R9)• Unless otherwise stated the respiratory work was done with yeast at pH 6.0. RESULTS AMD DISCUSSIOU Formation of Storage Products in Growing Cells. The major water-soluble products formed by H. anomala have been identified by Gray (I9li9), Peel (1951), Tabachnik (1951) and Hughes (1952). They are ethanol, ethyl acetate, acetic acid, acetaldehyde, and an unidentified non-volatile acid. The relative amounts formed of these various products varies with the conditions of growth: pH, aeration, nitrogen source, and others. In growing cultures there are a large number of various oxidative and synthetic mechanisms competing for the supplied carbohydrate and small changes in environmental conditions sometimes have a rather large effect in determining which of the various competing mechanisms will predominate. If there is a minimal amount of .carbohydrate present initially, certain mechanisms will be active in utilizing this material and others will not operate. 5 However, in an excess of carbohydrate, other mechanisms will also play a part in carbohydrate transformations, and a different fermentation picture will prevail. Relationship betv/een glucose concentration and lipid synthesis.— Figures 1-3 present data representing a time course study of glucose utilization by H. anomala in various concentrations of sugar. Hi. . 1 presents the dry weight data for a typical experiment. Although there was considerable fluctuation, it is evident that in general there was an initial rapid rise in dry weight during the early part of the fermenta­ tion, followed by a more gradual increase during the later stages until all of the sugar in the flask was utilized. In the lowest concentration of glucose (ca. 1 per cent), maximum dry weight was attained early (5 i ^ days) and after this maximum, the dry weight decreased slightly, presumably because of oxidation of stored food reserves. In the higher glucose concentrations (13 per cent and 17 per cent), no maximum value was. obtained, as the dry weight continued to rise throughout the entire time period (21 days). Presumably there was still some available carbon compounds left in the medium at the end of this period (although all glucose was gone, undoubtedly some water-soluble compounds: ethanol, ethyl acetate, acetic acid, were still present), and it was these carbon compounds that were now being utilised in dry weight production. Pig. 2 represents graphically the glucose utilized at various time intervals after inoculation in different sugar concentrations. In the lowest concentration (1 per cent) all of the sugar was utilized within » two days. In general, the higher the concentration, the longer the time interval until all of the sugar was utilized. In the 13 per cent and 17 ro o G .R 00 A M I % o. S 3 % 0> 7 % 1 3 % p. o I 7% A o / k> 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 D A Y S Fig. 1. Dry weight production at various incubation times and at various glucose concentrations. Dry weight values are for 100 c.c. of medium. Glucose concentrations in per cent are listed on the graph. G R A M S 3% 7 % 1 3 % 17% D A Y S Fig. 2. Grams of glucose utilized from various initial glucose concentrations at various time periods.' Ordinates are grams of glucose utilized in 100 c.c. of medium.

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