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Studies on the Flora of the Guianas: The Genus Pitcairnia (Bromeliaceae) PDF

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Preview Studies on the Flora of the Guianas: The Genus Pitcairnia (Bromeliaceae)

ARCHILA & HIGGINS: ENCYCLIA IN GUATEMALA 79 long, 1.2 cm wide; Pseudobulbs orbicular-oval central lobe 0.65 cm long and 0.61 cm wide. 4.7 cm long and 2 cm in diameter; Inflorescence Column oblong-capitate, apex truncated, small 20 cm long; Flowers Sepals and petals brown, central triangle projection 0.7 cm long. Capsule labellum yellow with purple keeL Sepals: Dorsal not seen. sepal oblanceolate, with the apex rounded 1.68 Etymology. Named for Helmuth Ibanez, a no cm long and 0.4 cm wide. Lateral sepals oblan table orchid grower in Coban. ceolate-spatulate, with acuminate apex, 1.6 cm long and 0.41 cm wide. Petals spatulate with acute apex, 1.3 cm long and 0.3 cm wide. La LITERATURE CITED bellum trilobed with 2 side lobes and central World Checklist of Monocotyledons. (2008). The lobe linear acuminate irregularly obovate with Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, apex acute, margins crimped, rich veins of pur Kew. Published on the Internet; http;llwww.kew. ple. Side lobes 0.55 cm long and 0.2 cm wide, org/wcsp/monocotsl accessed 21 August 2008. Selbyana 30(1): 80-88. 2009. STUDIES ON THE FLORA OF THE GUIANAS: THE GENUS PITCAIRNIA (BROMELIACEAE) ERIC J. GOUDA Curator of the University Utrecht Botanic Gardens, P.O. Box 80162, 3508 TD Utrecht, Netherlands. Email: [email protected] ABSTRACT. Two species of Pitcaimia occurring in the Guianas are proposed to become synonyms (Pit caimia leprieurii Baker = Pitcaimia rubiginosa Baker and Pitcaimia incamata Baker = Pitcaimia car icifolia Mart. ex Schult. & Schult.f.). Pitcaimia semijuncta Baker is resurrected as a recognized species and two inselberg species are proposed as new. Descriptions and drawings of the newly described species are provided, as well as an identification key to the 15 Pitcaimia species that occur in or are expected to occur in the Guianas. Key words: Bromeliaceae, Pitcaimia, new species, taxonomy, Guianas INTRODUCTION in the Mt. Roraima area as some specimens have been found on Auyan- and Chimanta In preparation for future installments of the Tepui (Venezuela: Bolivar). Bromeliaceae treatment for the Flora of the • P. semijuncta Baker (not P. incamata Baker, Guianas project, a herbarium study of the genus see discussion below) is newly recorded for Pitcaimia was undertaken at the Utrecht Uni Suriname and French Guiana. It is endemic to versity Herbarium (U), where I was at first as the Guianas with one record in N Guyana, one sisted by a student, Aletta van der Berg. The in NE Suriname, and two in coastal (NE & work proved to be a little bit more complex than NW) French Guiana. expected beforehand and presented some prob • P. maidifolia (C.Morren) Decne. ex Planch. lems. Some species complexes, like Pitcaimia has been collected, mainly in C & W Guyana nudalgeyskesii, Pitcaimia ieprieuriilrubiginosa, and one collection in C Suriname. and Pitcaimia incamatalcaricifolia were stud • P. nuda Baker grows in C Suriname and SC ied thoroughly and are listed below. Guyana. • P. geyskesii L.B.Sm. grows more to the S in the border area between Suriname and Brazil Reported Species and French Guiana on rocky outcrops (insel The following Pitcaimia species are included bergs). here because they were already known from the • P. cremersii Gouda grows on rocky outcrops Guianas (Smith & Downs 1974) or from its in C & E French Guiana neighborhood and were therefore expected to • P. saxosa Gouda grows also on rocky out occur there: crops (savanne roche) in SE French Guiana in the border area with Brazil. • Pitcaimia brittoniana Mez is known to occur • P. patentiflora L.B.Sm. is not yet known from in Guyana from only one collection, but sev the Guianas, but from the neighboring Vene eral collections near the border in Venezuela zuela, Amazonas, Rio Negro, and Brazil (Bolivar) are known. (Para) and therefore it is included in the treat • Pitcaimia caricifolia Mart. ex Schult. & ment. Schult.f. var. caricifolia is newly recorded for • P. rubiginosa Baker has been collected only French Guiana (and Amapa, Brazil) and has in N & C French Guiana. its distribution through all of the Guianas, • P. sastrei L.B.Sm. & Read is endemic to C & with most of its collections throughout Guy E French Guiana. ana and near the coast of the border area be • P. sprucei Baker is known in the Guianas tween Surinam and French Guiana (and one from only two collections, one in Central on the border with Amapa, Brazil). Although Guyana and one in the border area of E not new, a description of this variety is pre French Guiana with Brazil. sented below too. • Pitcaimia ctenophylla L.B.Sm. (endemic to The Pitcairnia incarnatalcaricifolia Complex Venezuela: Bolivar) and P. heterophylla (Lindl.) Beer have not yet been collected in The Pitcaimia incamatalcaricifolia complex: the Guianas, but would be expected to grow Pitcairnia semijuncta was treated as a synonym 80 GOUDA: GUIANAS PITCAIRNIA 81 of P. incarnata in Smith & Downs 1974, but is margins, abaxially floccose outside. Flowers di certainly not this species. In fact, the type of P. vergent at anthesis, excluding the pedicel 4.5- incarnata is quite similar to that of P. caricifolia 5.5 cm long, zygomorphic. Pedicel 0.5-1.7 cm and has proven without any doubt to be this spe long. Sepals subcoriaceous to fleshy, not obvi cies. This makes it necessary to synonymize P. ously veined, obovate to narrowly ovate, sym incarnata to P. caricifolia var. caricifolia and metrical, with thin margins, subacute or apicu resurrect P. semijuncta as a recognized species. late, 1.7-2 cm long, 0.5-0.7 (-0.9) cm wide, For comparison, see the description of both spe ecarinate, floccose only outside, red or pale yel cies below; for differences, see the identification low. Petals ligulate, slightly imbricate (together key. at one side) and incurved, forming a cap above the stamens, petals rounded or subapiculate, Pitcairnia semijuncta Baker, Handb. Bromel.: 4-5.2 cm long, 0.6-0.8 cm wide, bright orange 117. 1889. TYPE: Jenman 2041 (Holotype: to red or yellow or salmon pink, with one large BRG [not seen]; Isotype: K), Comounie more or less bilobed ligule at the base; ligule Creek, Guyana. subentire or dentate, very thin. Stamens shorter Plant acaulescent, flowering 70-140 cm tall, than to about equaling the pistil, exposed below subdense, growing terrestrial or epiphytic, with the one sided petal-blades; filaments straight many (10-20) leaves. Leaves homomorphic, (not plicate), 3.1-4.2 cm long; anthers 6-9 mm subpetiolate, persisting, stiff-chartaceous, 90- long. Ovary half inferior to two thirds inferior, 140 cm long, mostly exceeding the inflores with a slightly rugose surface (when dry), ellip cence; sheaths coriaceous, broadly ovate to soid and slightly turbinate, 7-9 mm long, con ovate-lanceolate, slightly inflated, 2.5-7 cm tracted or tapering into the style; ovules central; long, 2.5-4 cm wide, entire, with membrana style slender; stigma lobes linear-conduplicate, ceous margins, densely lepidote (trichomes com contorted. Fruit ellipsoid, slightly bluntly angled ing off easily), adaxially glabrous, with sub-ap and turbinate, 1.5-2 ern long, ea. 1.2 ern in di pressed to tomentose, pale-brown scales, casta ameter, short beaked, spreading at about a right neous; subpetiole 10-20 (-45) cm long, 0.8-1.5 angle with the rachis. Seeds narrowly conic, cm wide, laxly serrate; blades erect, somewhat without appendices, slightly over 2 mm long, stiffly chartaceous, nearly flat, with distinct mid dark brown, with a paler mass around it. vein, linear, 80-120 cm long, 2.8-4 cm wide, Additional specimens examined. Surina lustrous green adaxially, laxly serrate at the base me-Blanche Merieval: upper Nickerie river, to subdensely serrulate toward the apex; with Reeder LBB13444 (U). French Guiana-Route pale brown to dark brown to 1.5 mm long an Mana: St. Laurent, Bassin de la Basse-Mana, trorse spines; very long attenuate, with filiform G.Cremers 10106 (CAY). Brazil-Amazonia: tip, subglabrous to densely lepidote (adaxially state of Para, Santarem, Km 35 da estrada do glabrous), with subappressed, pale-brown scales. Inflorescence simple, subdense, including the Palhao, Sftio Minha Espera«a, M.Silva & R.Souza 2354 (K, NY). peduncle 40-80 (-145) cm long; fertile part 12- 22 (-50) cm long, 7-11 cm wide, with 20-40 Pitcairnia caricifolia Mart. ex Schult.f. var. car (-90) flowers; peduncle bracteate but partly ex icifolia Type: Martius s.n. (Holotype M), posed, erect or sometimes curved upward at the Brazil-Amazonas: Rio Amazonas base, 35-60 (-95) cm long, 3-5 (-11) mm in Pitcairnia incarnata Baker. TYPE: Leprieur s.n. diameter (in fruit), floccose; peduncle-bracts (Holotype P), French Guiana-without lo erect or slightly divergent, the lower ones foli cality, 1851. aceous, not imbricate but exceeding the inter nodes with the foliaceous apex, stiffly charta Plant acaulescent or short caulescent, 35-70 ceous or coriaceous at the apex, lanceolate, the (-100) cm tall, flowering not taller, subdense, lower with serrulate apex to entire in the upper growing epiphytically or terrestrial, with many ones, attenuately acute and pungent, mostly (10-20) leaves, green. Stem much shorter than much exceeding the internodes, densely lepidote the leaves, to 15 cm long, 1-1.5 cm in diameter. to floccose. Rachis for most part exposed at least Leaves homomorphic, slightly narrowed at the below, stout, straight, subterete or acute angled, base or subpetiolate, persisting, 35-105 cm long, floccose. Floral bracts divergent with the flow much exceeding the inflorescence; sheaths char ers, loosely arranged, chartaceous at the base to taceous, triangular to ovate, 1-5 cm long, 1-2 stiff-chartaceous at the apex, finely veined, the em wide, entire, with thin margins, sparsely lep upper ones ovate to linear-Ianceolate downward, idote to densely lepidote, adaxially glabrous, acuminate to acute, nearly straight, 1-5 cm long, with appressed whitish scales, castaneous at the 0.4-1 cm wide, mostly about equalling the se base to pale brown distally; blades erect, soft, pals to exceeding the pedicel upward, with thin chartaceous, with distinct midvein, linear, 30- 82 SELBYANA Volume 30(1) 2009 100 cm long, 0.6-1.3 (-1.7) cm wide, dark green kuto-U. Essequibo, D. Clarke 6546 (U). Malali, and silvery-green adaxially, laxly serrulate, with Demerara River, J.S. de la Cruz 2744 (NY, US). concolorous narrow 0.5-1 mm long antrorse Arukunai Creek, North West District, M.S. Gre spines, long attenuate, with filiform tip, abaxi wal 506 (U). Ebini Exp. Sta. Intermadiate sa ally very densely lepidote (adaxially glabrous), vannas, Berbice river, F.G.Harrison 930 (K). with appressed to floccose, whitish to pale Upper Mazaruni River, Kurupung, H.Leng 317 brown scales. Inflorescence simple, lax, includ (NY). Pakaraima Mtns; upper lreng River; 1-2 ing the peduncle 2S-6S cm long; fertile part km up stram from Catch-a-Cow, P.Mutchnick 48 5-20 cm long, 2-8 cm wide, with 3-1S (-40) (SEL). Central Demerara Compartment, ca. SO flowers; peduncle bracteate but partly exposed, km S of Mabura, M.Polak 375 (U). Basin of erect, IS-SO cm long, 2-S mm in diameter, floc Essequibo River, near mouth of Onoro Creek, cose, grey-green to reddish; peduncle-bracts A.C.Smith 2694 (K, NY, US). Suriname-Along erect, the lower ones foliaceous, loosely ar Arakoeka creek: Upper Surinam R. (Boschwe ranged, chartaceous, linear to narrowly lanceo zen) BW 5449 (U). Wane-creek, via secta ab late, serrulate, filiform attenuate, shorter than the Moengo tapoe ad Grote Zwiebelzwamp, internodes to exceeding the peduncle, floccose, J.Lanjouw 626 (NY, US). Marowijne River, whitish green. Rachis wholly exposed, slender R. WPaZmer-Jones 83 (K). Coeroepina creek, to stout, straight to slightly flexuous, terete, floc A.Pulle 98 (U). Coppename Riv., A.Pulle 333 cose. Floral bracts small, slightly divergent, re (NY, U). French Guiana-Saint Laurent: Crique mote, chartaceous, without obvious veins, lan Margot, G.Cremers 8650 (CAY). Riviere Mana. ceolate, filiform-attenuate to acuminate, 0.2-S Crique Tamanoir. F.Halle 613 (P). Fleuve Oya cm long, 0.1-0.S cm wide, much exceeded by pock, savane roche 'Trou Tigre', Oldeman the sepals to sometimes the lower much exceed B2504 (CAY, US). ing the sepals, floccose outside. Flowers diver Comments. Study of the Pitcairnia leprieuriil gent and turning secund at anthesis (?), exclud rubiginosa complex made it clear that it was not ing the pedicel 3.5-5.5 (-6) cm long or more, possible to distinguish the type of Pitcairnia lep zygomorphic. Pedicel 0.7-1.2 cm long. Sepals rieurii Baker (the only specimen cited in Smith subcoriaceous, not obviously veined, narrowly triangular-ovate to ovate-lanceolate, symmetri & Downs 1974) from P. rubiginosa Baker (both described by Baker in Handb. Bromel., 1889) cal, with thin margins, attenuate to acute or ob and therefore they must be considered as syno tuse, 1.2-1.8 cm long, ca. 0.4 cm wide, ecari nyms. There seems to be no priority of one name nate, floccose only outside, reddish to green. Petals ligulate, imbricate (together) and in over the other, so it would be most practical to synonymize P. leprieurii with the more often curved, forming a cap above the stamens; acute used name P. rubiginosa that comprises two in or faintly apiculate, 2.6-S cm long, 0.4-0.7 cm fraspecific taxa (varieties). wide, glabrous or with a few trichomes, orange to dark-red or white, according to Cruz 2744 (GH, NY, US); one large dentate to crenate lig The Pitcairia nudalgeyskesii Complex ule at the petal base. Stamens about equaling or shorter than the pistil, about equaling the petals; The last complex discussed here is that of filoments 2.3-4.3 cm long, cream-white; an Pitcairia nuda/geyskesii, both from rocky out thers linear-sagittate, 6 (-10) mm long. Ovary crops (inselbergs) in the primary forest of the for two thirds inferior or more, ellipsoid, 7-9 Guiana shield, mainly in Suriname. At first mm long, contracted into the style; ovules cen these two species were difficult to distinguish tral; style slender; stigma lobes linear-condupli in herbarium specimens, except in size. Often cate, contorted, cream to red. Fruit ellipsoid, the vouchers consist of a large lax inflorescence 1.S-2 cm long, 0.9-1.3 cm in diameter, short to folded over a few times to fit the voucher sheet long beaked, spreading at an angle of about 4S size. The descriptions on the labels are often degrees with the rachis, light yellowish-green to short, only mentioning the color of the flowers, green. Seeds narrowly conic and with slightly etc. Much material collected from French Gui flattened sides, 1.S mm long. ana seemed to be similar to or intermediate be tween the two species, until a photograph of Selected specimens examined. Guyana Uwe Scharf, Leipzig, Germany, has shed some Marlissa crossline: along the Berbice-Rupununi light on this puzzle. Surprisingly flowers of the Cattle Trail, Berbice or Demerara County, French Guiana material are not pendulous, like A.A.Abraham 250 (NY). Cuyuni River, those of the Surinam and Guyana specimens, A. W.Bartlett 8254 (K). U. Takutu-U. Essequibo, but turn upwardly secund at anthesis. That Chodikar Riv., 0-2 km SW of camp, D. Clarke characteristic, which was not clearly visible in 2814 (SEL), Rewa River, at Great Falls. U. Ta- the chaotic inflorescences of the herbarium GOUDA: GUIANAS PlTCAlRNIA 83 FIGURE I. Picture of P. eremersii growing on the granitic outcrop of Nourague, French Guiana, by Uwe Scharf. specimens, was a big eye opener. The material from the south was also different from that of central French Guiana, especially in indument, FIGURE 2. Picture of P. nuda on the granitic outcrop but also in other characteristics (see identifica of the Voltzberg, Suriname, by Uwe Scharf. tion key). It became clear that the French Gui ana material must be considered to belong to two new species endemic to their "inselberg subdense, growing terrestrial or saxicolous, with areas." The one from Central French Guiana is many (ca. 15-30) leaves, lustrous-green. Leaves proposed to be named Piteairnia cremersii (in homomorphic, not narrowed at the base, per honor of the botanist George Cremers, who sisting, 35-80 (-100) cm long, much shorter worked most of his career in French Guiana than the inflorescence, dark green; sheaths and did a lot of Bromeliad collecting together fleshy to coriaceous, very broadly ovate, not or with Jean-Jaques de Granville) and the one slightly inflated, 1.5-5 em long, 3-5.5 (-6.5) cm from South French Guiana, Pitcairnia saxosa wide, entire, with membranaceous margins, gla (named after its saxicolous growth). brous to densely lepidote toward the apex, most ly less lepidote or glabrous adaxially, large, with Pitcairnia cremersii Gouda sp. nov. TYPE: appressed, whitish scales, distally dark brown to French Guiana-Roche Touatou: Bassin de castaneous; blades erect to spreading, somewhat l'Oyapock, Alt. 200 m. 52°32' 2°57', 23-05- stiff to rigid, coriaceous or fleshy, channeled to 1995, saxicolous in rocky savannah 1 km nearly flat, very narrowly triangular to linear, SE of Inselberg. J.J. de Granville & 30-75 (-100) cm long, 1.5-3 (-4) cm wide, G.Cremers 13045 (Holotype: U; Isotype green, subdensely serrate to densely serrate; CAY). Paratype Granville 3825. with concolorous (with the blade) to dark brown, FIGURE 3. narrow, 1-4 mm long, antrorse spines; mostly Piteairniae nudae et P. geyskesio simil is, ab ambis long attenuate, pungent, glabrous except on the differt braeteis primariis subdense vel dense lepidotis margins or in lower part (abaxially) densely lep (nee glabris vel sparse lepidotis), braeteis floriferis idote. Inflorescence compound, once-branched divergentibus (nee tubum circum pedieellum forman or rarely twice-branched in lower branches, with tibus), floribus e pedicellis divaricatis ascendentibus 4-12 primary branches, lax, including the pe (nee pendulis) et fruetibus diametro 0.7-0.8 em (nee duncle 60-200 cm long, glabrous except for the diametro 0.9-1 em). peduncle and the primary bracts; fertile part 25- Plant acaulescent, flowering 60-250 cm tall, 70 em long, with 25-over 100 flowers; peduncle 84 SELBYANA Volume 30(1) 2009 \~I\IIIIII lll!~f 1em ~ II II [ 1mm A C D ~ F G E FIGURE 3. Drawing of Pitcairnia cremersii Gouda by the author after Granville & Cremers 13045 (Type). A. flower. B. floral bract. C. sepals. D. petals. E. stamen and pistil (including section of the inferior part). F. seeds (after Granville 3825). G. anther and stigma. bracteate but mostly exposed, erect, 35-110 cm mote, chartaceous, without obvious veins or long, 5-11 (-15) mm in diameter, glabrous, red; veined when dry, broadly ovate to ovate, round peduncle-bracts suberect to divergent, often the ed and obscurely apiculate, nearly straight, 0.3- lower ones foliaceous, upwards remote, coria 0.5 cm long, ca. 0.3 cm wide, much exceeded ceous, the upper ones lanceolate to narrowly tri by the pedicel, glabrous outside, red. Flowers angular, serrate, long attenuate and pungent, ex with spreading pedicel and then the flower turn ceeding the internodes to the upper much shorter ing upward, excluding the pedicel 4-6.5 cm than the internodes, mostly densely lepidote to long, probably zygomorphic. Pedicel (1-) 1.5-3 glabrescent in upper ones; main axis of the fer cm long; mostly at a right angle with the rachis, tile portion elongate and wholly exposed, stout distally strongly curved, coiled, twining, but not or slender, straight or slightly flexuous, terete, around something, like a helix or stem of Costus glabrous, red. Primary bracts divergent with the for example Sepals subcoriaceous to fleshy, not branches, remote, coriaceous, 7-12 mm long, obviously veined, ovate-Ianceolate, symmetrical narrowly triangular to ovate, mostly all entire or or slightly asymmetric, with thin margins espe the lower ones serrate, attenuately acute and cially on abaxial side, obtuse, 2.4-4.4 cm long, pungent, much shorter than the sterile base of 0.5-0.9 cm wide, ecarinate, glabrous, red. Petals the branches, subdensely lepidote at least toward ligulate or rhomboid-Ianceolate, fleshy in the the apex. Stipes not bracteate, spreading to di lower part center, the apex of the blade spread vergent at a right angle with the axis, slender, ing to recurving, rounded and acute, slightly cu 2.5-7.5 (-10) cm long, glabrous, red. Racemes cullate, 5-6 cm long, ca. 0.6 cm wide, probably spreading, laxly 4-15 (-25) flowered, elongate, orange to red, ligule on the petal claw absent. including the stipe 10-25 (-65) cm long. Rachis Stamens about equaling the pistil or shorter, in wholly exposed, slender, straight or slightly flex cluded or exposed below the one sided petal uous, glabrous, red. Floral bracts small, imme blades;filaments ca. 4 cm long, whitish; anthers diately subtending the flowers or even more re- 8-9 mm long, whitish; pollen pale-yellow. Ovary GOUDA: GUIANAS PITCAIRNIA 85 up to one third inferior, narrowly ovoid and the or more, subdense, growing terrestrial or saxic superior part trigonous, including the inferior olous, with many (20-50) leaves, green to ci part ca. 10 mm long, tapering into the style; nereous toward the center. Leaves homomor ovules central, not caudate; style slender, red to phic, not narrowed at the base, persisting, 30- ward the apex; stigma lobes linear-conduplicate, 50 cm long, much shorter than the inflorescence; contorted. Fruit ovoid, ca. 1.4 cm long, ca. 0.8 sheaths fleshy to coriaceous, ovate to broadly cm in diameter, short beaked. Seeds alate, nearly ovate, slightly inflated, 2-4 cm long, 2-4.5 cm as wide as long, 3 mm long. wide, entire, with membranaceous margins, gla brous to densely lepidote toward the apex (often Additional specimens examined. French less lepidote adaxially), with subappressed, Guiana-ENE de Saii1: Pic Matecho, G. Cre whitish scales, brown to castaneous abaxially; mers 6182 (CAY, U); Inselberg au NW des blades arching to reflexed, somewhat stiffly co Monts dela Trinite. Haute Crique Baboune, est riaceous, channeled to nearly flat, very narrowly de la Mana, G. Cremers 7448 (BR, CAY, U?, triangular, 25-45 cm long, 1.5-2.5 cm wide, lus US); Mont Bakra-Region des Emerillons, G. trous green to often greyish green toward the Cremers 13043 (CAY, NY); Massif des Emer base and at the abaxial side, densely serrate with illons, vallee de l' Approuage la DZ, C. F euillet pale brown to dark brown 3-5 mm long (or 1312 (CAY); Massif des Emerillons, zone cen more) narrow antrorse spines, long attenuate, trale, i.J. Granville de 3825 (CAY, P); Massif finely pungent, glabrescent to densely lepidote des Emerillons, zone nord, i.J. de Granville at least toward the base (adaxially most part gla 3956 (CAY, U); Roche Touatou-Bassin de brescent), with appressed, whitish scales. Inflo I'Oyapock, i.i. de Granville & G. Cremers rescence compound, once-branched, with 5-9 12954 (CAY); Montagnes des Nouragues-Bassin branches, lax, including the peduncle 45-90 cm de l' Arataye, C. Larpin 547 (CAY); Pic Mate long, sparsely lepidote to densely lepidote, red cho, ca. 22,5 km NE of Les Eaux Claires, S. dish; fertile part 25-50 cm long, with 20-80 Mori & N.P. Smith 25119 (U); Montagnes des flowers; peduncle bracteate but mostly exposed, Nouragues-Bassin de l' Arataye, face sud, C. erect, 25-55 cm long, 6-10 mm in diameter, Sarthou 533 (CAY); Fleuve Approuague, Rivi densely lepidote, green; peduncle-bracts sub ere Arataye, sout Parare, 6 km du flueve, C. Sas erect to spreading, the lower ones foliaceous and tre 5812 (CAY); Mont Chauve, O. Tostain 296 imbricate, the upper ones remote, coriaceous, (CAY); 6 km N saut Parare sur riv. Arataye, et narrowly triangular, densely serrulate, stiffly fi env. 68 km WSW Regina, i.F. Villiers 3990 liform attenuate, the upper ones shorter than to (CAY). Suriname-fluv. Topanahoni sup. Ver much exceeding the internodes, densely to very steeg 785 (U). densely lepidote, green; main axis of the fertile Comments. Pitcairnia cremersii is similar to portion wholly exposed, straight, terete, sub P. nuda and P. geyskesii. It can be distinguished densely lepidote, red. Primary bracts divergent from both species by the following characteris with the branches, remote, coriaceous, like the tics: primary bracts subdensely to densely lepi upper peduncle bracts, narrowly triangular to dote (versus glabrous, to sparsely lepidote). Flo ovate-Ianceolate, distinctly serrulate or serrate, ral bracts divergent with the flowers (versus attenuately acute, much shorter than the sterile forming a tube around the pedicel). Flowers with base of the branches, densely lepidote, green. spreading pedicel and then the flower turning Stipes not bracteate, spreading, slender, 3-5 cm upward (versus pendent). Fruit 0.7-0.8 cm in di long, sparsely to densely lepidote in part, red. ameter (versus 0.9-1 cm in diameter). Floral bracts small, immediately subtending the flowers or slightly remote, brittle-chartaceous, Pitcairnia saxosa Gouda sp. nov. TYPE: French without distinct veins, elliptic, obtuse or round Guiana-Haut Oyapock: Mt. St. Marcel, ed, nearly straight, 0.6-0.9 (-1.5 (on main axis» alt. 300-450 m, 22-03-1976, affleurements cm long, 0.3-0.4 cm wide, much exceeded by granitiques denudes, Sastre, C. 4494 (Ho the pedicel, sparsely to subdensely lepidote out lotype U; Isotypes CAY, P). Paratype Gre side, probably red. Flowers with spreading ped nand 1101 (31n/1975). FIGURE 4. icel and then the flower turning upward, exclud Piteaimia eremersii similis, sed differt injlorescentia ing the pedicel 4.5-7 cm long, zygomorphic. sparse vel dense lepidota (nee peduneulo braeteis pri Pedicel 1.5-2 cm long. Sepals subcoriaceous to mariisque exeeptis glabra), braeteis jloriferis 6-9 fleshy, indistinctly veined, narrowly ovate-Ian (-15) mm longis extus sparse vel subdense lepidotis ceolate, slightly asymmetric, with thin margins (nee 3-5 mm longis et extus glabris), sepalis margines especially on abaxial .side, obtuse, 2.5-3.5 cm saltem versus subdense lepidotis (nee glabris) et pe long, 0.6-0.7 cm wide, ecarinate, subdensely talis tenuibus (nee eamosis). lepidote only outside at least near the margins, Plant acaulescent, flowering 60-100 cm tall orange to carmine red. Petals ligulate, imbricate 86 SELBYANA Volume 30(1) 2009 1 em [ 1mm 1 em G ~ i, ;Jii ":j : i, - &Y ,- ~ i] H B C D E FIGURE 4. Drawing of Pitcairnia saxosa Gouda by the author after Grenand 1101 (31/7/1975) A. flower. B. floral bract. C. sepals. D. petal. E. superior part of ovary. F. section of ovary (placentation). G. stigma. H. seeds. I. anther. and incurved, forming a cap above the stamens, long, ca. 0.7 cm in diameter, abruptly long obtuse, to ca. 7 cm long or more, ca. 0.7 cm beaked. Seeds alate, ca. 2 mm long. wide, orange- to carmine-red; ligule on petal claw absent. Stamens shorter than the pistil, ex Additional specimens examined. French posed below the one sided petal-blades; fila Guiana-Haut Camopi: Mt. Belvedere. Savane ments 3-5.5 cm long; anthers 8-9 mm long. roche face Sud. J.J. de Granville 6929 (CAY, Ovary one third inferior, narrowly ovoid, 6-9 P); Haut Oyapock; sur la savane roche au Nord mm long, tapering into the style; ovules central, de Mont Saint Marcel, J.1. de Granville B.5313 not caudate; style slender; stigma lobes linear (CAY); Haut de Ia Iere savane roche Grenand conduplicate, contorted. Fruit ovoid, ca. 1.2 cm 1101 (CAY). GOUDA: GUIANAS PITCAIRNIA 87 Comments. Pitcairnia saxosa resembles P. side. Sepals glabrous. Petals fleshy in cremersii and can be distinguished from it by lower part center . . .. P. cremersii the following characteristics: inflorescence 6. Inflorescence sparsely lepidote to sparsely lepidote to densely lepidote (versus gla densely lepidote. Floral bracts 0.6- 0.9 (-1.5 (on main axis» cm long, brous except the peduncle and primary bracts). sparsely lepidote to subdensely lepi Floral bracts 6-9 (-15) mm long, sparsely lepi dote outside. Sepals subdensely lepi dote to subdensely lepidote outside (versus 3-5 dote at least near the margins. Petals mm long and glabrous outside). Sepals sub not fleshy . . . . . . . . . .. P. saxosa densely !epidote at least near the margins (ver 1. Leaves from slightly narrowed at the base to pet sus glabrous). Petals not fleshy (versus fleshy). iolate, often partly without spines . . . . . . .. 7 It can be distinguished from P. nuda and P. 7. Leaf-blades ovate, or elliptic, or lanceolate, or geyskesii by its upward-secund flowers (versus oblanceolate, or linear-lanceolate ..... 8 8. Leaf-blades entire, glabrous, or glabres pendulous flowers). cent, or minutely lepidote. The lower pe duncle-bracts foliaceous. Rachis hidden IDENTIFICATION KEy TO THE SPECIES OF to partly exposed. Seed bicaudate.. 9 9. Plant caulescent and stoloniferous. PITCAIRNIA FOR THE GUIANAS Petiole densely serrate of dark spines. Sepals ovate-lanceolate. Petals brown 1. Leaves not at all narrowed at the base, the blade lepidote, yellow to red ........ . narrowly triangular (to linear) often serrate or ser . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. P. brittoniana rulate for most of their length . . . . . . . . . .. 2 9. Plant acaulescent or short caulescent. 2. Leaf-blades relatively slender, to ca. 1.5 cm Petiole entire with hyalin margins. wide at the base, with narrow dark colored Sepals elliptic to narrowly ovate. Pet spines. Peduncle-bracts erect. Sepals acute, at- als glabrous, greenish to white with tenuate, or rounded ........ . . . . . .. 3 white margins . . . . . . P. maidifolia 3. Inflorescence simple. Rachis stout. Flow 8. Leaf-blades laxly serrulate, densely lepi ers excluding the pedicel 3.5-5.7 cm dote. Peduncle-bracts not foliaceous. Ra long. Sepals attenuate and acute. Ovary chis for most part exposed, to wholly ex half inferior to two thirds inferior ..... posed. Seed alate or narrowly conic ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P. ctenophylla .......................... 10 3. Inflorescence compound. Rachis slender. 10. Leaves 25-40 (-55) cm long, nar Flowers excluding the pedicel 1.8-2.3 rowly petiolate, often with elliptic (-2.5) cm long. Sepals narrowly rounded blade. Peduncle-bracts except the and slightly cucullate. Ovary (fruit) one lower ones remote, peduncle-bracts third inferior . . . . . . . . . P. patentiflora sparsely lepidote or floccose. Sepals 2. Leaf-blades often far over 1.5 cm wide at the apiculate and fimbriately lepidote at base, often with coarse spines. Peduncle the apex. Ovary one third inferior to bracts suberect, or divergent, or spreading. Se- half inferior ......... P. sprucei pals obtuse, or apiculate ........... 4 10. Leaves 60-120 cm long, the petiole 4. Primary-bracts glabrous to sparsely lepi merging into the cuneate blade base. dote. Floral bracts forming a tube around Peduncle-bracts the lower ones im the pedicel. Flowers pendent. Fruit 0.9-1 bricate, the upper remote, abaxially cm in diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5 peduncle-bracts densely lepidote. Se 5. Plant flowering 120-150 (-250) cm pals acute or slightly cucullate ob tall. Leaf-blades glabrous except on the margins, rarely abaxially densely tuse. Ovary half inferior to two thirds lepidote (Wilhelmina Mts.). The low inferior .................. . er peduncle-bracts often foliaceous. . . . (incl. P. leprieurii) P. rubiginosa Sepals 3-4.7 cm long. Seed narrowly 7. Leaf-blades linear (grass like) . . . . . . .. 11 conic ........ '....... P. nuda 11. Plant tiny (less than 10 cm tall). Leaf 5. Plant flowering 40-100 cm tall. Leaf sheaths indistinct; leaf-blades very thin, blades glabrescent to densely lepi 0.4--0.5 cm wide, attenuate. Sepals 0.9 dote at least toward the base. Pedun cm long . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. P. pusilla cle-bracts not foliaceous. Sepals 2.4- 11. Plant larger. Leaf-sheaths ample, leaf 2.7 cm long. Seed alate ....... . blades chartaceous (sometimes lacking), . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P. geyskesii 0.5-4 cm wide, with filiform tips. Sepals 4. Primary-bracts subdensely to densely lep 1.2 cm long or more . . . . . . . . . .. 12 idote. Floral bracts divergent with the 12. Leaves homomorphic, persisting, flowers. Flowers with spreading pedicel blades erect. Sepals ecarinate. Fruit and then the flower turning upward. Fruit 0.9 cm in diameter or more ... 13 0.7--0.8 cm in diameter ......... 6 13. Leaf-blades soft, 0.6-1.3 (-1.7) 6. Inflorescence glabrous except the pe cm wide. Inflorescence lax; pe duncle- and primary bracts. Floral duncle-bracts filiform attenuate. bracts 0.3--0.5 cm long, glabrous out- Sepals narrowly triangular-ovate 88 SELBYANA Volume 30(1) 2009 to ovate-Ianceolate ....... . genus Pitcairnia in the Guianas and for starting . . . . . . " (incl. P. incarnata) to gather information for the treatment. I also P. caricifolia thank Lubbert Y. Th. Westra for the translation 13. Leaf-blades somewhat stiff, of the diagnosis of both new species into Latin. 2.8-4 cm wide. Inflorescence subdense; peduncle-bracts atten uate. Sepals obovate to narrowly LITERATURE CITED ovate . . . . . . .. P. semijuncta 12. Leaves dimorphic or polymorphic, deciduous, blades arching or pendent, Boggan, J., V. Funk, C. Kelloff, M. Hoff, G. Cremers, often with a few narrow black spiny and C. Feuillet. 1996. Checklist of the Plants of reduced leaves. Sepals not distinctly the Guianas (Guyana, Surinam, French Guiana; carinate but with a thickened midner Bromeliaceae reviewed by B.K. Holst, J. Grant, ve, or carinate. Fruit up to 0.6 cm in E.J. Gouda, and H. Luther), 2nd ed. Smithsonian diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 14 Institution, Washington, DC. 14. Inflorescence very dense; pedun Gouda, E.J. 1987. Bromeliaceae, subfamily Tilland cle short, ca. I (-5) cm long. Flo sioideae. Pp. l-li2 in A.R.A. Gorts van Rijn, ed. ral bracts with a thickened mid Flora of the Guianas. Ser A(3). Fam. 189. nerve or finely carinate. Sepals ---. 1997. Bromeliaceae in Guide to the vascular subdensely lepidote to densely plants of central French Guiana. Memoirs of The tomentose (normal leaves often New York Botanical Garden 76: 215-232. lacking at flowering time) .. ---. 1999. Studies on the Flora of the Guianas No. . . . . . . . . . .. P. heterophylla 14. Inflorescence lax; peduncle elon 90: Checklist of Bromeliaceae of the Guianas with gate, 10-40 (-100) cm long. Flo notes on critical species. Selbyana 20: 30-39 ral bracts ecarinate. Sepals Holst, B.K. 1997. Bromeliaceae. Pp. 548-676 in P.E. sparsely lepidote . .. P. sastrei Berry, B.K. Holst, and K. Yatskievych, eds. Flora of the Venezuelan Guayana, Vol. 3. Missouri Bo tanical Garden Press, St. Louis. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Smith, L.B. and R.J. Downs. 1974. Flora Neotropica. I want to thank Aletta van den Berg for col Monograph 14: Bromeliaceae, Vol. 1: Pitcairnioi lecting information about the distribution of the deae. Hafner Press, New York.

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