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Studies On The Crustacea Of The Turks And Caicos Islands, British West Indies. Iv. Heteromysis (Heteromysis) Spottei, A New Species PDF

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Preview Studies On The Crustacea Of The Turks And Caicos Islands, British West Indies. Iv. Heteromysis (Heteromysis) Spottei, A New Species

PROCEEDINGS OF THE BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON 113(1):88-94. 2000. Studies on the Crustacea of the Turks and Caicos Islands, British West Indies. IV. Heteromysis (Heteromysis) spottei, a new species (Peracarida: Mysidacea: Mysidae) from Pine Cay W. Wayne Price and Richard W. Heard (WWP) Department of Biology, University of Tampa, Tampa, Florida 33606, U.S.A.; (RWH) University of Southern Mississippi, Institute of Marine Sciences, Ocean Springs, Mississippi 39566-7000, U.S.A. — Abstract. During a survey of the marine Crustacea in the vicinity of Pine Cay, Turks and Caicos Islands, an undescribed mysid, Heteromysis spottei, new species, was collected at depths ranging from 1 to 18 m. The new species belongs to the subgenus Heteromysis Bacescu and can be distinguished from the five other members of that subgenus known from the western Atlantic by the setation of the telson. In Heteromysis spottei the telson has spine-setae along the entire length of the lateral margins, spinules along the entire margins of the cleft, and a pair of spine-setae on each apical lobe, the outer being nearly A three times longer than the inner. key and diagnostic table to the species of the subgenus Heteromysis from the Northwest Atlantic is presented. Excluding the commensal palaemonid ment. The term "spine-seta" as used here shrimps, which have been addressed in a refers to any seta with spine-like character- & separate series of publications (Heard istics; a spine is defined as a non-articulated Spotte 1991, Heard et al. 1993, Spotte et al. extension of the cuticle. & & 1994, Spotte Bubucis 1996, Heard Spotte 1997), this is the fourth contribution Heteromysis (Heteromysis) spottei, new in a series on the crustacean fauna of the species Turks and Caicos Islands. The first three re- Figs. 1-2 & ports dealt with marine isopods (Kensley Heard 1991, Schotte & Heard 1991, Schotte Material examine—d (all material from et al. 1991). Turks and Caicos). Holotype: adult 9 USNM This report presents the description of a (Length [L] 3.1 mm), 282719, new species of mysid belonging to the ge- fringing reef off Pine Cay, live bottom/ nus Heteromysis Smith, 1873. The new spe- sand, depth 18 m, J. A. McLelland (coll.), cies, which is referred to the subgenus Het- suction device, 12 Nov 1989. Paratypes: USNM eromysis (Heteromysis) Smith 1873 sensu adult 6 (L3.5mm), 282720; adult Bacescu, 1968, was collected in water 6*, damaged, GCR—L 1346, same collection m depths ranging from 1 to 18 in the vicin- data as holotype. 1 adult 8, 2 9 9, (all ity of Pine Cay. damaged) Pine Cay, shallow inner reef, The type material was deposited in the sand-coral rubble substratum with associ- National Museum of Natural History ated sponges and cnidarians, depth 4 m, 1 mm (USNM), Smithsonian Institution, and the mesh dredge net, R. Heard, J. Mc- & Gulf Coast Research Laboratory (GCRL). Lelland, P. B—ubucis, S. Spotte (colls.), 5 We follow the setal classification ofWatling Nov 1988. 1 c? (damaged), Pine Cay (1989) in which a seta is defined as an ar- (Rock-a-Wash Cay), depth 1 m, Neogoniol- & ticulated cuticular outgrowth of the integu- ithon sponge washings, R. Heard (coll.), VOLUME 113, NUMBER 89 1 30 Oct 1988.—26 6, 1 9 (all damaged), mose distomedial spine-setae; article 3 with same data as—holotype. 1 plumose and 3 simple distomedial spine- Diagnosis. Article 3 of antennular pe- setae, 3 plumose spine-setae along lateral duncle without distomedial flagellated margin. spine-seta; thoracic endopod 3 with 3 flag- Eyes (Fig. 1A): large, oval, directed lat- ellated spine-setae on medial margin of erally, distal part of eye stalk wider than merus, medial margin of carpo-propodus cornea, lacking ocular tooth; cornea large, without flagellated spine-setae; pleopods oval. uniramous, reduced to simple setose plates Mandibles (Fig. 1D-F): molar, incisor, with no modified spine-setae in either sex; and lacina mobilis as illustrated. Palp 3-seg- endopod of uropod armed with 1 small mented; article 1 small, inconspicuous; ar- spine-seta near statocyst; lateral margins of ticle 2 expanded, medial margin with 5-10 telson armed along entire length with 10- simple spine-setae, lateral margin with 4-5 12 spine-setae per margin (including apical proximal plumose spine-setae and simple 1 spine-setae), posterior-most lateral spine- distolateral spine-seta; article 3 half as long seta 1.6—1.7 times length of preceding as 2, medial margin with 1 plumose spine- spine-seta, extending beyond posterior end seta, distal part armed with 1 simple and 9- of telson; outer apical spine-seta nearly 3 10 barbed spine-setae, 1 simple spine-seta times longer than inner; cleft completely on medial surface. armed with 18-20 spinules. Labrum and paragnaths (Fig. ID, G): as — Description. General body form (Fig. illustrated. 1A): moderately robust; carapace with an- Maxillule (Fig. 1H): outer lobe with 11 terior margin produced into pointed trian- stout apical and 3 subapical spine-setae; in- gular rostrum; posterior dorsal margin ner lobe with 3 long, distally curved, serrate emarginate, partly exposing thoracic seg- spine-setae, 2 plumose and 2 simple spine- ment 8; anterolateral lobes rounded. setae distally, and 1 plumose and 1 simple Antennule peduncle (Fig. IB): article 1 spine-seta on distomedial margin. slightly shorter than article 3, with 3 plu- Maxilla (Fig. II): as illustrated; exopod mose and 2 simple spine-setae on distolat- with 13—15 plumose spine-setae on disto- eral process, dorsomedial longitudinal ridge lateral margin. with 4 strong simple distal spine-setae; ar- Thoracic endopods 1-8 (Fig. 2A-G): ticle 2 compressed with 2 distomedial thoracic endopods 1 and 2 as illustrated. spine-setae, 1 simple and 3 plumose spine- Thoracic endopod 3, merus approximately setae near middle of distal margin; article 3 1.6 length of ischium and equal in length with simple spine-seta on medial margin, 3 to carpo-propodus, medial margin with 3 simple distomedial spine-setae, 3 plumose flagellated and 3 simple spine-setae, lateral spine-setae near distolateral margin, 1 sim- margin with 1 distal simple spine seta; me- ple spine-seta on dorsolateral surface, lack- dial margin of carpo-propodus with 4—5 ing flagellated spine-seta, males with small simple spine-setae, 2 simple and 2 stout ser- moderately setose lobe on ventral surface. rate spine-setae on distomedial margin; dac- Antenna (Fig. 1C): scale slightly shorter tyl small, with long, slightly curved claw than peduncle, 3.0-3.2 times as long as on distal end surrounded by several simple maximum width, medial margin strongly spine-setae. Thoracic endopod 4, merus convex, lateral margin straight, all margins about 1.5 length of ischium; carpo-propo- setose, lacking distal article; antennal pe- dus about 3A length of merus, with 3 articles duncle having 3 articles; article 1 incon- (distal 2 subequal, combined length slightly spicuous; article 2 just over 1.5 times lon- longer than proximal article); dactyl mi- ger than article 3, short plumose spine-seta nute, papillate, lacking terminal claw. Tho- near distolateral border, 2 simple and 2 plu- racic endopod 5, ischium and merus sub- 90 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON B Fig. 1. Heteromysis spottei, new species. A, adult 9, dorsal view; B, antennular peduncle; C, antennal & peduncle and scale; D, labrium right mandibular palp; E, F, right mandible, inner and upper aspects, respec- tively; G, paragnaths; H, maxillule; I, maxilla. Scale 1, A = 0.5 mm; C = 0.2 mm; B, D-F, I = 0.1 mm; A = 0.05 mm; Scale 2, G = 0.1 mm. equal in length; carpo-propodus with 4 ar- merus, merus slightly longer than carpo- ticles, distal 3 subequal in length, each half propodus; carpo-propodus with 3 articles, as long as proximal article, ultimate article proximal distinctly longer than each of dis- with 6-7 simple spine-setae (2 sickle- tal articles; dactyl small, papillate with dis- shaped with strong articulated bases); dac- tal serrate slender claw. Thoracic endopod tyl small, papillate with long distal, slender 8 (1 damaged limb available for study), claw. Thoracic endopod 6, carpo-propodus, long, attenuated, at least Vi longer than other ischium and merus subequal in length; car- thoracic endopods; carpo-propodus with at po-propodus with 5 articles, distal 4 sub- least 5 articles. % equal in length, each about as long as Thoracic exopods: exopod 1 with 8 arti- proximal article; dactyl small, papillate with cles; exopods 2-8 with 9 articles. distal serrate slender claw. Thoracic endo- Thoracic sternal processes: median spi- pod limb 7, ischium slightly longer than niform processes on sterna 3-7 in males. VOLUME NUMBER 113, 91 1 Fig. 2. Heteromysis spottei, new species. A-G endopods of thoracic limbs 1-7; H, telson; I, uropod. Scale 1, H = 0.1 mm; Scale 2, A = 0.1 mm, B-G = 0.2 mm; Scale 3, I = 0.2 mm. Pleopods: without sexual dimorphism; maximum width, lateral margins slightly reduced to uniramous plates with no mod- concave, armed along entire length with 10- ified spine-setae, similar in form. 12 spine-setae per margin (apical spine-setae Uropods (Fig. 21): exopod about 1.2 included), increasing in length posteriorly, times longer than endopod, lateral margin most posterio-lateral spine-seta 1.6-1.7 straight, medial margin slightly convex, all times length of preceding spine-seta, extend- margins setose; endopod linguiform with 1 ing beyond posterior lobes of telson; outer spine-seta on medial margin in region of apical spine-seta 2.8-3.0 times longer than statocyst, all margins setose. inner; cleft, depth 0.25 length of telson, Telson (Fig. 2H): 0.8 times length of ex- completely armed with 18-20 small spines. — opod of uropod, 1.4-1.5 times as long as Etymology. This species is named for » •i 92 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON — 3 (N o<oU <D 0<b3uD O (—N q nt"O1- f0c3 rq.n3» 0(0N1 O1 en 00 m 00l X4003_)03l ^Ha£0j0" T1.—3).. M'"6oao. -od O3<3u — 3„ 31>^ '(•aSN—3 Xt3<a0)Da3. eCeqnNn iO-T CO T3 3 JD 1) X O ON "c3 J— q 13 _o 3 'C CN 3 X00)03 "sa C0C3 "3£H3. 3CO<U O 3 a0OO 'a55 aOO etn> s-T 00 oo •a u 3 c3 (U <-t-T C3 X XI o X X4<0c-0u1 .—<a1D• ^£0S0 e<aU 4C<u3—D '*0o<aC—0u 'ouaS3 o<13-oU vC 03 00 '</} 03 O, ri s I en ^H CN X 030 CN1 C CM 1_ r- X<Wu) 3 en 'C 3 CN 1 30(0U XV0I3 3O3 3O3 3O3 o(N1 3 ooo 'c3/3 u•a— Cr*i") 3i U OaNs O3 eTn eOn 4X-4 T03Ur333 Xo30o3 "0eo01oa •Ns0aO-0T "'0£o0ao 3O3U O7-~N N3IUOlh _tOa•o_o 71O—N1 'JO3SJJO X30033 rrOrii-N CJ <X 'o <aD 0) a 3 o ^M X"o3 3 <U X15 c3o X3r-y;. "ea33 x03 '^"rst-5oa~ <3O3u C>iMnn1 S30t3o 3° _'Oa0o—ou)o Or7- '_(0o3JUo3 a•3— 0ro0r U CO o r3 0ai3 TOa3 — aoo 13 Xif 1o3 X 3c O o o 3 '0a3 _0 00 Hcd TE3u3cC313 103a33) _'C''1a3O<0<£0£-53£3O3i)U3u133.) TX'oaODOaC3o0O—<3—3/o13U5. 'o'a033O<0£0£3So53)U33.b 'XTT1£oC30o—ouao3u—o33)O3 '-5"-o£oOOoo(3oa3Ah 'Z"TodO<0aa333Oaoo3tao33jD3 '0_11—3033O0S033300- 1J'£e0I0<3«Oo3Oo331d2ha0D03jo '1__-00a030333oa0303) 11<'o03Ooc30•<3310oa3—D XOi3(3•3b3n—UO 1s11001O303330O3330_330 XJ_X1•<o3O03313o—3xu3)) VOLUME NUMBER 113, 1 93 Stephen Spotte in recognition of his many .Heteromysis mureseanui Bacescu, 1986 . . . contributio—ns to marine science. -Endopod of uropod with 1 medial spine- Habitat. Heteromysis spotte was col- seta, near statocyst 5 i lected from habitats having a variety of cal- 5. Posterior half of lateral margins of telson armed with spine-setae; margins of telsonal careous algae, sponges, anthozoans, and cleft with spinules in apical half only other sessile forms. It occurred in depths of m m Heteromysis nouveli Brattegard, 1969 less than 1 on the Caicos Banks, 3-4 -Lateral margins of telson armed with m in the back reef area, and 18 on the outer spine-setae along entire length; margins of fringing reef. Unfortunately, our collecting telsonal cleft with spinules along entire techniques were too general to determine if length the species was associated with a specific Heteromysis spottei, n.sp. sessile host. — Distribution. This species is presently Heteromysis spottei appears most similar to known only from waters immediately ad- H. nouveli, but differs in several aspects, espe- jacent to Pine Cay, Turks and Caicos Is- cially in the setation of the telson and third tho- lands, British West Indies. racic endopod (see Key, Table 1). Except for H. — {Heteromysis) waitei W. Tattersall, 1927, a Remarks. The dichotomous key and Ta- South Australian species, the distinctive telson ble 1 present some of the salient characters setation of H. spottei differs from all other de- that distinguish these western Atlantic spe- scribed species of the subgenus Heteromysis. cies of the subgenus Heteromysis. Several characters distinguish H. spottei from H. waitei including the presence of a single, instead Key to western Atlantic species of the of 3~4> spine-setae adjacent to the statocyst on subgenus Heteromysis Smith, 1873 sensu the "ropodaWl endopod and the absence of ocular teeth (see Tattersa11 1927 Bacescu, 1968 )- (species lacking flagellated spine on segment. n3 or* ant.ennul!ar pedjunclie anda Acknowledgfements sexually dimorphic pleopods). Support for the collection of specimens used in this study was sponsored by the 1. Endopod of uropod with 12 or more spines ^Oak,l,ei•ghu TL. tT-hi.orne tF-oundjat-ion „t.ih_rougih_ a taoloanpgexmedi..al, margi.n f,rom region of„ statocysnzt, BgranTthotornS_etepm,heemnbeS_prosttea.nd_W,eermtp,hlaony.keeO_sakolf'e, i.tgh.he -Endopod of uropod with no spines or one ' Meridian Club, and the Turks and Caicos spine medially, near statocyst 4 2. Margins of telsonic cleft with spinules along government for support and encourage- We entire length; antennal scale 3 times or less ment. are grateful to Steve Spotte for as long as maximum width 3 his help, interest, and overall coordination -Margins of telsonic cleft with spinules of the field work for the faunal survey. Pa- only in apical part; antennal scale at least 3.5 tricia Bubucis, Jerry McLelland, and Steve times as long as maximum width Spotte assisted in the collection of speci- He^omysis elegans Brattegard, 1974 mens and provided other helpful assistance. 3. dCw,ii.aa.trl,.hprom3_-aprprgaoii..rpnsodouf_sstoofuttshpiirnde-tsheotraaeciocn de,i.nsdtoopmoed- TrUTT™nhiev. efcrisris.ttJyauot*f.huoT_ramwpvaas F.sa-ucpu.pl*otrJy«te.Ddjevt*euhlroo^pumgehunta Grant Heteromysisformosa S. I. Smith, 1873 - -Carpo-propodus of third thoracic endo- pod with no stout spine-setae on medial Literature Cited ° Bacescu, M. 1968. Heteromysini nouveaux des eaux Heteromysis mexicana Escobar-Briones & Cubaines: trois especes nouvelles de Hetero- ooto, 199U mysis—et Heteromysoides spongicola n.g., 4. Endopod of uropod with no spine-setae me- n.sp. Revue Roumaine de Biologic Serie de dially, near statocyst Zoologie 13:221-237. — 94 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON 1986. Heteromysis mureseanui n.sp. and Kal- Crustacea ofthe Turks and Caicos Islands, Brit- . liapseudes viridis, ssp. brasil—iensis n. ssp., from ish West Indies. II. A new species, Armadillon- the Brazilian littoral waters. Revue Roumaine iscus stepus, (I—sopoda: Oniscidea: Scyphacidae) de Biologie, Serie de Biologie Animale 31:93- from Pine Cay. Gulf Research Reports 8:247- 97. 250. & Brattegard, T. 1969. Marine biological investigations -. , B. Kensley. 1991. Studies on the in the Bahamas. 10. Mysidacea from shallow Crustacea ofthe Turks and Caicos Islands, Brit- water in the Bahamas and Southern Florida. ish West Indies. III. Records of marine Isopoda Part I.—Sarsia 39:17-106. from Pine Cay, Ft—. George Cay, Water Cay, and 1974. Additional Mysidacea from shallow adjacent waters. Gulf Research Reports 8: . water on the Caribbean coast of Colombia. 251-257. Sarsia 57:47-86. Smith, S. I. 1873. Systematic catalogue of the inver- Escobar-Briones, E., & L. A. Soto. 1990. Heteromysis tebrates of the southern New England and ad- mexicana, a new species from Campeche Bank, jacent waters. Crustacea: Pp. 545-580 in A. E. — Gulf of Mexico (Crustacea: Mysidacea). Pro- Verrill, Report upon the invertebrate animals of ceedings of the Biological Society of Washing- Vineyard Sound and the adjacent waters, with ton 103:131-139. an account of the physical characters of the re- Heard, R. W, & S. Spotte. 1991. Pontoniine shrimps gion: Pp. 295-778 in S. F Baird, Report on the (Decapoda: Caridea: Palaemonidae) of the condition of the sea fisheries of the south coast northwest Atlantic. II. Periclimenes patae, new of New England in 1871 and 1872.—United States commission of Fish and Fisheries 7:1- species, a gorgonian associate from shallow reef 852. areas off t—he Turks and Caicos Islands and Flor- Spotte, S., & P. M. Bubucis. 1996. Diversity and abun- ida Keys. Proceedings of the Biological So- dance of caridean shrimps associated with the ciety of Washington 104:40-48. & slimy sea plume (Pseudopterogorgia ameri- 1997. Pontoniine shrimps (Deca- p,oda: Caridea.: Palaemonidae) of the northwest cana) at Pine Cay,—Turks and Caicos Islands, British West Indies. Marine Ecology Progress Atlantic. V. Periclimenes mclellandi, new spe- Series 113:229-232. Tciuersk,saangdorCgaoincioasnIsalsasnodsc.ia—tePrforceoemdiPnignseofCatyh,e , R. W Heard, & P. M. Bubucis. 1994. Ponto- niine shrimps (Decapoda: Caridea: Palaemoni- Biological Society of Washington 10:39-48. , , & P. M. Bubucis. 1993.1 Pontoniine daanet)ipoafthtohpehinloursthnweeswtsAptelcainetsi,c.aIVb.laPcekriccolriamlenaess- shrimps (Decapoda: Caridea: Palaemonidae) of sociate from the Turks and Caicos Islands and — the northwest Atlantic. III. Neopericlimenes Eastern Honduras. Bulletin of Marine Science thornei, new genus, new species, from Pine 55:212-227. W Cay,—Turks and Caicos Islands, British West In- Tattersall, M. 1—927. Australian opossum shrimps dies. Journal of Crustacean Biology 13:793- (Mysidacea). Records of the South Australian 800. W Museum 3:235-257. & Kensley, B., R. Heard. 1991. Studies on the Watling, L. 1989. A classification system for crusta- Crustacea of the Turks and Caicos Islands, Brit- cean setae based on the homology concept. Pp. ish West Indies. I. Four new marine isopo—d crus- 15-26 in B. E. Felgenhauer, L. Watling & A. taceans from the vicinity of Pine Cay. Gulf B. Thistle, eds., Crustacean Issues 6, Functional Research Reports 8:237-246. morphology of feeding and grooming in Crus- Schotte, M., & R. W. Heard. 1991. Studies on the tacea, A. A. Balkema, Rotterdam, 225 pp.

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