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Studies on the Chemical Consitituents of Peucedanum japonicum (Umbelliferae) PDF

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by  Bo Fan
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Preview Studies on the Chemical Consitituents of Peucedanum japonicum (Umbelliferae)

August 2000 Journal of Japanese Botany Vol. 75 No. 4 257 短報 Bo FANa,M asaki BABA ,A tsuo MIZUNOa,Y o shihito OKADA ,J ingda XUb and Toru a a OKUYAMAa: Studies on the Chemical Consitituents of Peucedanum japonicum (Umbelliferae) ボタンボウフウ(セリ科)の化学成分(沼波,馬場正樹 ,水野敦夫 ,岡田嘉仁 ,徐 a a a a 景達 ,奥山徹a) b In connection with our previous studies on Peucedamum, jαponicum was extracted twice the plants of the genus of Peucedanum with AcOEt under reflux for 3h ours. The so ・ (Okuyama et al. 1981,1 986),w e have in- lution was concentrated in vacuo at 400C to vestigated P. japonicum Thunb.,w hich is a yield an extract (60 g). The extract was sub- perennial herb distributed in Japan,K orea, jected to column chromatography on silica Taiwan,M ainland China and the Philippines gel,e luting the column initially with n- (Ono et al. 1996). This plant has been used hexane-AcOEt (3:1),f ollowed by stepwise as af olk medicine to eatcold and cough in increments of polarity by gradual addition of 佐 Japan and Taiwan,a nd to treat some intesti- AcOEt to afford four fractions (AI-A4). nal diseases in Indonesia (Mitsuhashi 1988). Fraction A2 was separated on silica gel col- Some coumarins were reported to be isolated umn using n-hexaneAcOEt(3: 1) as eluting 幽 from this plant (Chen et al. 1996,Ik eshiro et solvent,a nd gradually increasing the polarity al. 1993). This paper describes the isolation with AcOEt to afford three fractions (BI-B and spectral data of eleven coumarins,t wo 3). Fraction B2 was further purified by saccharides and stigmasterol. This is the first HPLC eluting with nhexane-AcOEt(3:2) to 田 report on isolation of dihydrosamidin (2) give compound 1( 302 mg). The fraction A3 from the aerial p制 and(+)グ(R),4'(R)-3'- was rechromatographed on silica gel CC acetoxy-4' -senecioyloxy-3,4' -dihydroseselin using n-hexane-AcOEt (6:1) as eluting sol- (7),u mbelliferone (11) and stigmasterol vent to afford five fractions (CI-C5). from the root of this plant. Melting points Fraction C2 was further purified on HPLC were determined with a Yanagimoto eluting with n-hexane-AcOEt (3:2) to yield micromelting point apparatus and were un- compound 2( 176 mg),c ompound 3( 80 mg), corrected. EI -MSs pectra were obtained by a compound 4( 333 mg),a nd compound 1( 753 JMS-DX302 mass spectrometer. Optical ro- mg),r espectively. Fraction C3 was further tation was measured on JASCO DIP-370. separated over HPLC under the same condi- Chromatographic sep ationswere carried tion as fraction C2 to give compound 4( 152 紅 out on Silica gel 60 (Kanto,C hemica1 Co., mg) and compound 1( 1.1g ). Fraction C4 Inc.) open column,H PLC packed column of was purified to yield compound 1( 793 mg). COS勘fOSIL(No. 750-00,s ize: 20 X2 50 The dried and chopped root of P. mm),O DS open column (COSMOIL 75 japonicum (4.5 kg) was extracted twice with CI8-0PN) and ODS column for HPLC AcOEt under reflux for 3h ours. After filtra- (Senshu Pak PECASIL,si ze: 10X250 mm). tion,th e solution was left at room tempera- TLC (Silica gel 60 F Merck) was detected ture for two days to yield AcOEt solution 254 under UVa t 365 nma nd 254 nma nd spray- and crystalline substance which was ing with sulfuric acid. recrystallized with MeOH to afford mannitol and sucrose. The AcOEt solution was evapo- IsoIation procedure rated under reduced pressure to give an ex- 百ledried ground aerial p紅t(2.6 kg) of tract (150 g). Eighty go f the extract was 258 植物研究雑誌第75巻第4号 平成12年8月 chromatographed on silica gel with n- (1H,d ,J = 8.6 Hz,H 6),5.31 (1H,d ,J = 5.0 Hz, ・ = hexane-AcOEt (100:1),fo llowed by increas- H-3'),6 .55 (lH,d ,J 5.0 Hz,H -4'),1. 45 (3IJ,s , ing polarity of eluting solvent by adding gem-Me),1. 42 (3H,s ,g em-Me),2 .33-2.24 (2H,m ), 2.20-2.17 (lH,m ),1. 00 (3H,d ,J = 4.0 Hz,M e),0. 98 AcOEt gradually to AcOEt 100%. Fraction (3H,d ,J = 4 .0 Hz,M e),2. 10 (3H,s, O COMe). 1 (21.1 g),f raction 2 (2.6 g),f raction 3 cis -3',4' -Disenecioylkhel1actone (3 ) white powder, (22.2 g),fr action 4 (20.8 g) and fraction 5 mp. 112.0115.0oC;(αJ 0- 23.00( CHCI,c O.lO, 30 ー 3 (2.9 g) were gained. Fraction 2 (2.6 g) was oC): EI-MS: 426 (M+J,3 26,3 11,2 44,2 13,8 3,55 ; IH recrystallized from MeOH several times to NMR( in CDCh)δ(ppm): 6.20 (1H,d ,J = 9 .6 Hz, H-3),7. 58 (1H,d ,J = 9 .6 Hz,H -4),7. 34 (1H,d ,J = give stigmasterol (83 mg). Two go f fraction 8.6 Hz,H- 5),5. 35 (lH,d ,J = 8 .6 Hz,H 6),5.35(1H, 3 was subjected to ODS open column, d,J = 5 .0 Hz,H- 3'),6. 62 (lH,d ,J = 5 幽.0 Hz,H- 4'), eluting with MeOH-H20 (4:1) to give three 1.46 (3H,s, g em-Me),1. 42 (3H,s, g em-Me),5. 66 (1H, fractions D1 ,D 2 and D3. D1 w as separated br s),5 .62 (IH,br s),2 .19 (3H,d ,J = 1.3H z,M e), on ODS HPLC,e luting with MeOH-H0 2.15 (3H,d ,J = 1 .3H z,M e),1. 89 (3H,d ,J = 1 .3H z, (4:1) to yield compound 10 (7.6 mg). D2w 2as Me),1 .88 (3H,d ,J = 1.3 Hz,M e). (+)ーPraeruptorinA (4) white powder,m p. 131.0-13 purified on HPLC with nhexane-AcOEt o 0 o 帽 3.0C; (αJ 0+ 52.0(CHCh,cO .lO, 30C): EI-MS: 386 (2: 1) to give compound 7( 260 mg). D3 was (M+J ,2 86,2 44,2 29,2 00,1 00; IH NMR( in CDCh) rechromatographed on HPLC with n-hexane- d (ppm): 6.24 (1H,d ,J = 9 .6 Hz,H -3),7. 61 (lH,d , AcOEt (3:1) to yield compound 5( 31 mg) J= 9 .6 Hz,H- 4),7. 36 (1H,d ,J = 8 .6 Hz,H- 5),6. 81 and compound 3( 116 mg). Two go f fraction (IH,d ,J = 8.6 Hz,H -6),5 .41( lH,d ,J = 5.0 Hz, H-3'),6 .60 (lH,d ,J = 5.0 Hz,H -4'),1. 48 (3H,s , 4w as subjected on ODS open column with gem-Me),1. 44 (3H,s ,伊g em MeOH-H0 (4:1) to give three fractions El, 2 1.96 (σ3H,勧b rs,恥M司e), 1.88 (3H,br s,M e),2. 11 (3H,s , E2 and E3. El was recrystallized with OCOMe). MeOH several times to yield stigmasterol (+)四Anoma1in(5) amorphous,( αJ 0+22.00( CHC1, 0 3 (15m g). E2 was separated on HPLC with n- cO.134,匁3 2C):回EI hexane-AcOEt (2:1) to give compound 8( 35 244,2 29,2 27,2 13,8 3,5 王5;IH NMR( in CDCαh)δ (ppm): 6.幻21(υlH,d ,J = 9.6 Hz,H -3),7 .58 (1H,d , mg),c ompound 7( 693 mg),c ompound 6( 11 J= 9 .6 Hz,H 4),7.36 (lH,d ,J = 8 .6 Hz,H- 5),6. 81 mg) and fraction F. Fraction F was further 閏 (lH,d ,J = 8.6 Hz,H -6),5 .45( 1H,d ,J = 5.0 Hz, purified on HPLC,e luting with nhexane- H-3'),6 .71 (IH,d ,J = 5.0 Hz,H -4'),1. 49 (3H,s , 国 AcOEt (3:1) to yield compound 9( 9 mg). gem-Me),1. 46 (3H,s ,g em-Me),6 .12 (lH,br d,J = Fraction 5w as rechromatographed on silica 7.3 Hz),6 .02 (lH,br d,J = 7.3 Hz),1. 97 (6H,m ,2 XMe),1. 85 (3H,m ,M e),1. 83 (3H,m ,M e). gel with a gradient mixture of n-hexane- Peujaponisinol A (6) amo中hous,(αJ0 一2.2 AcOEt (1:1→ 100% AcOEt) to yield com- 0 (CHCα1,Cω 0.1ω04,3 2C): EI-MS: 344 (M+J,2 61,2 44, 3 pound 11 (20 mg). 229,1 91,8 3,55 ; IH NMR( in CDCh)δ(ppm): 6.25 o (+)ーSamidin(1) white powder,m p. 135.0-138.0C; (1H,d ,J = 9.6 Hz,H- 3),7. 64 (1H,d ,J = 9.6 Hz,H - 〔αJ0+13.80( EtOH,cO .10,3 0oC); EI-MS: 386 (M+J, 4),7. 33 (lH,d ,J = 8.6 Hz,H ・5),6.79(1H,d ,J = 8.6 287,2 44,2 29; IH NMR( in CDCh)δ(ppm): 6.22 Hz,H -6),5. 21 (1H,d ,J = 5.0 Hz,H- 3'),5 .43( 1H,d , 4()1,H7, .d3 5,J( 1= H,9 d.6 , JH = z, H8. ・63 )H,z7,.H59 ・ 5()1,H6.,7d9 , J(1 =H ,9 d. ,6J H = z, 8H. 6但 Jge= m- 5M.e0 )H,z5., 8H0- 4('1)H,,1.s )4 ,92 (. 230H ,(s3, Hg, edm ,-JM =e ), 1.1.0 4H1 z(,3MH e,)s,, Hz,H- 6),5. 30 (1H,d ,J = 5 .0 Hz,H- 3'),6. 59 (1H,d , 1.92 (3H,d ,J = 1.0H z,M e),3 .24 (1H,br s.-OH). J= 5 .0 Hz,H ・4'),1.46 (3H,s, g em-Me),1. 42 (3H,s, (+)・3'(R),4' (R) -3' -Acetoxy-4' -senecioyloxy-3',4'- gem-Me),5 .64 (1H,b r s),2 .23 (3H,d ,J = 1.3H z, dihydroseselin (7) amo中hous,(αJ 0+ 10.70( EtOH, 0 Me),1. 89 (3H,d ,J = 1.3 Hz,M e),2 .09 (3H,s , cO.118,3 3C): EI-MS: 386 (M+J,3 26,3 11,2 87,2 61, OCOMe). 244,2 99,83 ; IH NMR( in CDCh)δ(ppm): 6.21 (1H, Dihydrosamidin (2) white powder, mp. 116.0- d,J = 9.6 Hz,H -3),7 .61 (1H,d ,J =9 .6 Hz,H -4), 118.0oC; (αJ 0+4.00( EtOH,c O.lO, 30 oC): EI-MS: 7.38 (lH,d ,J = 8 .6 Hz,H -5),6 .81 (1H,d ,J = 8 .6 388 (M+J,2 87,2 61,2 44,2 29; IH NMR( in CDCh) Hz,H -6),5. 29 (1H,d ,J = 4.9 Hz,H- 3'),6. 58 (1H,d , d (ppm): 6.23 (1H,d ,J = 9.6 Hz,H ・3),7.61 (1H,d , J= 4.9 Hz,H- 4'),1. 47 (3H,s, g em-Me),1. 43 (3H,s, J= 9 .6 Hz,H -4),7. 36 (1H,d ,J = 8 .6 Hz,H 5),6.79 gem-Me),2 .09 (3H,s ,O COMe),5 .64 (1H,s) ,2 .23 ・ August 2000 Journal of Japanese Botany Vol. 75 No. 4 259 (3H,s, M e),1 .90 (3H,s, M e). Results and Discussion Pteryxin (8) amo中hous,(αJ D +20.70 (CHCh, Many pyranocoumarins and furocou・ cO.082,3 20C): EI-MS: 386 (M+J,3 26,3 11,2 87,2 61, marins from Chinese crude drug“Qian-Hu" 245,2 29,2 13,1 91,8 3,5 5; lH NMR (in CDCh)δ (ppm): 6.20 (1H,d ,J = 9.6 Hz,H 3),7.60 (lH,d , (P. praeruptorum and P. decursivum) were J= 9 .6 Hz,H- 4),7. 37 (1H,d ,J = 8 .嗣6 Hz,H- 5),6. 81 isolated (Okuyama et al. 1981,1 986). This (1H,d ,J = 8.6 Hz,H -6),5 .35 (1H,d ,J = 5.0 Hz, time we obtained nine pyranocoumarins H-3'),6 .63 (IH,d ,J = 5.0 Hz,H -4'),1. 46 (3H,s , from P. japonicum. Furthremore some gem-Me), 1.43 (3H, s, gem-Me), 2.09 (3H, s, pyranocoumarins such as (+) praeruptorin A, OCOMe),6. 05 (IH,m ),2. 00 (3H,d d,J = 7 ,4.1.2H z, (+) anomalin,et c. were gained from both P. Me),1. 87 (3H,d ,J = 1.3H z,M e). praerupωrum and P. ,jαrponicum. These sug- ー()-trans-3'-Acetyl-4' -senecioylkhellactone (9) amorphous,( αJ D -3.60 (CHCh,c O.14,3 20C): EI- gested that pyranocoum紅lnswere common MS: 386 (M+J,3 26,3 11,287,261,245,229,83,55, compounds in some Peucedanum genus 43; lH NMR( in CDCh) 8 (ppm): 6.23 (1H,d ,J = plants. And it was reasonable to consider 9.6 Hz,H ・3),7.60 (IH,d ,J = 9.6 Hz,H- 4),7. 36 (IH, there were some links between antitumor ac d,J = 8.6 Hz,H ・5),6.82 (IH,d ,J = 8.6 Hz,H ・6), tivity and some pyranocoumarins (Nishino et幽 5.32( IH,d ,J = 3.6 Hz,H- 3'),6. 20 (1H,d ,J = 3.6 Hz,H -4'),1. 46 (3H,s ,g em-Me),1. 38 (3H,s ,g em- al. 1987,1 990). That is one of the reasons Me),2. 09 (3H,s, O COMe),5. 62 (1H,m ),2. 24 (3H,d , why we have studied Peucedanum genus J= 1.2H z,M e),1. 87 (3H,d ,J = 1.2H z,Me ). plants. Table 1. 13C NMRs pectral data of 1-9 (ppm from TMS,in CDCh) C 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 159.8 159.8 159.9 159.9 159.7 160.6 159.7 159.7 159.9 3 113.3 113.3 113.2 113.2 113.3 112.5 113.0 113.3 113.2 4 143.1 143.2 143.2 143.3 143.2 143.9 143.1 143.1 143.2 5 129.1 129.3 129.0 129.1 129.2 128.7 129.1 129.2 129.0 6 114.3 114.3 114.4 114.3 114.4 114.6 114.3 114.4 114.4 7 156.6 156.6 156.8 156.7 156.8 156.1 156.5 156.6 156.6 8 107.5 107.2 107.6 107.1 107.6 110.7 107.2 107.3 106.8 4a 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.4 112.4 112.5 112.5 8a 154.0 154.0 154.1 154.0 154.2 154.4 153.8 154.0 154.2 2' 77.2 77.2 77.2 77.2 77.5 77.8 76.5 77.2 77.2 3' 70.6 70.6 69.4 69.8 70.3 71.4 70.6 70.2 71.4 4' 59.6 60.4 59.8 61.0 60.2 60.2 59.4 60.1 62.4 gem-Me 25.3 25.4 25.1 24.9 25.5 25.5 25.3 25.3 23.8 22.2 22.2 22.7 23.0 22.8 22.6 22.0 20.3 23.7 others R1 R1 RIIR2 R1 RIIR2 R1 R1 R1 R1 165.2 172.0 165.2 166.5 166.5 165.6 169.8 169.8 169.4 158.2 43.3 165.1 139.8 166.3 159.2 20.0 22.1 20.7 114.7 25.5 158.2 127.0 139.8 115.1 2 2 2 27.4 22.5 157.6 20.5 138.4 27.5 R R R 20.4 22.4 115.3 15.8 127.4 20.5 165.1 166.8 164.7 115.2 127.1 158.0 137.7 158.9 2 2 2 R R 27.5 R 20.43 114.9 127.5 114.9 169.9 169.8 27.4 169.8 20.38 27.3 20.7 27.5 20.7 20.7 20.4 20.7 15.8 20.4 15.5 20.5 20.3 15.6 260 植物研究雑誌 第75巻 第4号 平成12年8月 The lH NMRs pectrum of compound 1t o respectively (Okuyama et al. 1981)) and 9i ndicated that they were khellactone type geminal methyl singlets (ム δ=0.03 to GIs- coumarins,wi th the characteristic three pairs form except 6 or 0.08 to transイorm of doublet H・3and H-4 (J =9 .6 Hz),H -5 (Gonzalez et al. 1979)). The 13C NMRs pec- and H-6 (J =8 .6 Hz),H -3' and H-4' (J = 佐aof these compounds corroborated the 5.0 Hz to cis・formand 3.5 Hz to trans-form, presence of pyranocoumarin,ex hibiting sig 剛 。 。 4' 3'z f/OR2 OR 1 Rl R:: Rl R2 え人 1 -COCHJ 7 -COCHJ λ 人 2 -COCHJ 8 -COCHJ λ え入 人 3 手 γj 4 -COCH3 )(( ^( 5 え人 6 H ュ。 。 〈び;ユ。 aOな Or 10 11 9 Fig. 1. Structures of the compounds from Peucedanum japonicum. August 2000 Journal of Japanese Botany Vol. 75 No. 4 261 nals for ac oumarin skeleton (eight aromatic References carbons and one ester carbonyl),a long with Chen ,.1 Chang C.,S heen W.,T eng C.,T sai 1. and gem-dimethyls and heteroatom ring consist- Duth C. 1996. Coumarins and antiplatelet aggrega~ tion constituents from Formasan Peucedanum ing of one quatemycarbon (δwas about ぽ japonicum. Phytochemistry 41(2): 525-530. 77 ppm) and two methines (one's shift was Gonzaletz A. G.,Ba rroso J. T.,L opez D. M.,Lu is J. R. about 70 ppm,a nother was about 60 ppm). and Rodriguiz L. F. 1979. Pyranocoumarin deriva~ The coupling constants J and theムδval'" tives from Seseli tortuosum. Phytochemistry 18: 3',4' ues of geminal methyls suggested that the 1021-1023. compound 1-8 were GIs-forms, whereas Ikeshiro Y., Mase 1. and Tomita Y. 1993. Dihydropyranocoumarins from Peucedanum coupound 9 was trans-form. The EI mass japonicum. Phytochemistry 33: 1543-1545. spectrum and HMBC of 7 indicated the Mitsuhashi H. 1988. Illustrated Medicinal Plants of the acetoxy group at C-3' and senecioyloxy World in Color: 368. Hokuryukan Co. Ltd. Tokyo. group and angeloyloxy group at C-4' in 7 Nishiro H.,N ishiro A.,O kuyama T. and Shibata S. and 8,r espectively (Shaath et al. 1976). 1987. Antitumor-promoting activity of Pd-II [(+) J anomalin,( +) praeruptorin B ,a seselin-type HMBCo f 1,2 ,4 ,s uggested acetoxy group at coumarin. J. Kyoto Pref. Univ. Med. 96: 391-394. C-4' and senecioyloxy,i sovaleryloxy and 一一一, Okuyama T.,T akata S.,S hibata S.,T okuda H., angeloyloxy group at C-3' in 1,2 ,4 ,r espec- Takayasu J.,H asegawa T.,N ishino A.,U eyama H. tively. The EI mass spectrum of 9i ndicated and Iwashima A. 1990. Studies on the antitumor~ an acetoxy group at C3'and senecioyloxy promoting activity of naturally occuring sub~ group at C4'(Shaath et帽 al. 1976). The abso- stances. IV. Pd-II [(+) anomalin,( +) praeruptorin ・ BJ ,a s eselin-type coumarin,in hibits the promotion lute configurations of 1t o 8w ere determined of sikin tumor formation by 12-0-tetradecanoylph~ by their optical rotation (αJ D. However,th e orbol13acetate in 7, 12-dimethylbenz lal ・ ・ absolute configuration of 9c ould not be de- anthracene-initiated mice. C訂'CInogenesis11(9): termined yet,b ecause neither its (αJ nor 1557-1561. D its chiral isomer' s (α) were reported. Okuyama T.,K awasaki C.,S hibata S.,H oson M., D Kawada T.,O sada H.,N oguchi T. 1986. Effect of Further study is necessYto determine its 紅 Oriental plant drugs on platelet aggregation 11. absolute configuration by alkaline hydrolysis Effect of Qian-Hu coumarins on human platelet ag- on this compound. gregation. Planta Med. 52: 132-134. 一一-and Shibata S. 1981. Studies on coumarins of a We egrateful to Dr. S. Fushiya (Tohoku Chinese drug“Qian-Hu". Planta Med 42: 89-96. 征 University, Japan) for measurement of 一一一,Takata M.,N ishino H.,N ishino A., Takayasu J. and Iwashima A. 1990. Studies on the antitumor- 〔αJD ・ promoter activity of naturally occuring substances. 11. Inhibitation of tumor-promoter-enhanced ボタンボウフウは日本,朝鮮半島,台湾,中国 phospholipid metabolism by Umbelliferous materi- 及びフィリピンなどに分布し,沖縄では長命草と als. Chem Pharm. Bull. 38: 1084-1086. いう名前で市場で売られている.民間では鎮咳, Ono M.,O hba H.,M urata J. and Nishida M. 1996. 利尿,強壮作用があるとして,感冒,滋養強壮に Revised Makino's Illustrated Flora in Color: 447. 使用されている.台湾ではインフルエンザの治療 Hokuryukan Co. Ltd. Tokyo. Shaath N.,S oine T. and Shipchandler M. 1976. に,インドネシアでは腸の疾患の治療に用いられ Coumarins XIV: High-resolution mass spectra of ている.成分研究としては,主に coumarin類の 3' ,4' -disubstituted 3' ,4' -dihydroseselins. Joumal of 単離が報告され,薬理活性としては細胞毒性活性 Pharmaceutical Sciences 65(7): 10281033. ー の検討,血小板凝集抑制作用の検討などがある. (aDepartment of Natural Medicine and Phytochemistry, 今回11種の coumarin,2種の saccharideとstigma- Me討iPharmaceutical University. Noshio 2-522-1, sterolをボタンボウフウより単離した.ボタンボ 阻yose,Tokyo,2 04-8588 JAPAN明治薬科大学; ウフウの発がんプロモ}ター抑制作用を現在検討 bThe Faculty ofPharmacy,N orman Bethune University 中である. of Medical Sciences,C hangchun,Ji lin,C HINA 白求思医科大学)

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