“STUDIES ON QUALITY OF SOLAR AND TRAY DRIED FIGS”. By P. SOWJANYA B.H.Sc (Home Science) THESIS SUBMITTED TO ACHARYA N.G. RANGA AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE AWARD OF THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY INTERFACULTY PG PROGRAMME POST GRADUATE AND RESEARCH CENTRE ACHARYA N.G. RANGA AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY RAJENDRANAGAR, HYDERABAD – 500 030 JUNE, 2004 CERTIFICATE Mrs. P. SOWJANYA has satisfactorily prosecuted the course of research and that the thesis entitled ““STUDIES ON QUALITY OF SOLAR AND TRAY DRIED FIGS” submitted is the result of original research work and is of sufficiently high standard to warrant its presentation to the examination. I also certify that the thesis or part thereof has not been previously submitted by her for a degree of any university. Date : (Dr. P. VENKATA RAO) Place : Hyderabad Major Advisor CERTIFICATE This is to certify that the thesis entitled ““STUDIES ON QUALITY OF SOLAR AND TRAY DRIED FIGS” submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY for Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural University, Hyderabad, is a record of the bonafide research work carried out by Mrs. P. SOWJANYA under my guidance and supervision. The subject of the thesis has been approved by the student’s advisory committee. No part of the thesis has been submitted for any other degree or diploma. The published part has been fully acknowledged. All assistance and help received during the course of the investigation have been duly acknowledged by the author of the thesis. (Dr. P VENKATA RAO) Chairman of the Advisory Committee Thesis approved by the student advisory committee Chairman (Dr. P. VENKATA RAO) Professor, Department of Horticulture, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad-30. Member (Dr. J. DILIP BABU) Senior Scientist, AICRP on PHT, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad-30. Member (Dr. S. SUMATHI) Associate Professor Post Graduate Research Centre Rajendranagar, Hyderabad-30. Member (Dr. K. DHANALAKSHMI) Assistant Professor, Dept. of Veterinary Microbiology College of Veterinary Science, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad-30. DECLARATION I, Mrs. P. SOWJANYA hereby declare that the thesis entitled “STUDIES ON QUALITY OF SOLAR AND TRAY DRIED FIGS” submitted to the ACHARYA N.G. RANGA AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY for the degree of MASTER OF FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY is the result of original research work done by me. I also declare that any material contained in the thesis has not been published earlier. Date : Place : Hyderabad (P. SOWJANYA) CONTENTS Chapter Title Page No. I INTRODUCTION II REVIEW OF LITERATURE III MATERIALS AND METHODS IV RESULTS V DISCUSSION VI SUMMARY LITERATURE CITED APPENDIX ABBREVATIONS % - Percentage B - Degree Brix C - Degrees Celsius g - micrograms ANOVA - Analysis of variance AOAC - Association of Official Analytical Chemists g - grams HDPE - High density poly ethylene hrs - Hours kg - kilogram KMS - Potassium metabisulphite mg - milligrams ml - milli liter mt - metric tons N - Normality ppm - parts per million TSS - Total soluble solids APPENDIX – I SCORE CARD Name : Date : Time : You are requested to evaluate the dried fig for the following sensory attributes as per the guidelines indicated below. Products Attributes Appearance Colour Flavour Texture Overall 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Comments / suggestions : Signature of evaluator Scores : Excellent : 5 Good : 4 Fair : 3 Poor : 2 Very poor : 1 LIST OF TABLES Table No. Title Page No. 1. Proximate composition of fresh figs 2. Effects of drying methods on moisture content in fig (%) 3. Effect of drying methods on reducing sugar content in fig (%) 4. Effect of drying methods on ash content in fig (g / 100 g) 5. Effect of drying methods on Calcium content in fig (mg / 100 g) 6. Effect of drying methods on protein content in fig (%) 7. Effect of drying methods on crude fiber content in fig (g / 100 g) 7.1 Effect of drying methods on appearance of dried fig 7.2 Colour 7.3 Flavour 7.4 Texture 7.5 Overall acceptability 8.1 Effect of drying methods on yeast and mould count of dried fig (100) (Cfu / g) 8.2 PCA (Plate Count Agar) (10) (Bacterial count) (Cfu/g) LIST OF PLATES Plate No. Title Page No. 1. Fig plant (Ficus carica) 2. Fresh fig fruits 3. Solar drier 4. Tray drier 5. Final products of solar dried method 6. Final products of tray dried method LIST OF FIGURES Fig. No. Title Page No. 1. Effect of drying methods on moisture content in fig (%) 2. Effect of drying methods on reducing sugar content in fig (%) 3. Effect of drying methods on ash content in fig (g/100 g) 4. Effect of drying methods on calcium content in fig (mg/100 g)