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STUDIES ON PROTEINOGENOUS AMINES. Work on the proteinogenous amines thus far reported ... PDF

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Preview STUDIES ON PROTEINOGENOUS AMINES. Work on the proteinogenous amines thus far reported ...

STUDIES ON PROTEINOGENOUS AMINES. XXI. THE INTESTINAL ABSORPTION AND DETOXICATION OF HISTAMINE IN THE MAMMALIAN ORGANISM. BY KARL K. KOESSLER AiVD MILTON T. HANKE. (From the Otho S. A. Sprague Memorial Institute and the Department of Pathology, University of Chicago, Chicago.) (Recei: ed for publication, January 26, 1924.) Work on the proteinogenous amines thus far reported shows that the human intestinal tract is normally inhabited by microorgan- isms which have the faculty of decarboxylating histidine to histamine and tyrosine to tyramine. We were able to show that this amine production (decarboxylase activity) is a specific function of certain species of bacteria and of certain strains within the species; microorganisms which decarboxylate histidine do not decarboxylate tyramine and vice versa. The decarboxylation of the amino acids, histidine and tyrosine, and probably of other amino acids resulting in amine production, is thus a normal path- way in the catabolism of amino acids in the intestinal tract which occurs side by side with deamination. Histamine (and probably also tyramine) is a normal constituent of the cecal and fecal matter of man; i,?., of the large intestines. This last point, the actual demonstration that relatively large amounts of histamine are present in the intestinal tract of healthy men, invited further investigation into the fate of this amine in the organism. For it deserves the meditation of the physiologist. as well as of the clinician, how it is possible that such quantities of a highly poisonous substance could be harbored within the organism without producing symptoms of intoxication. There are several explanations which present themselves. 1. The histamine is detoxicated within the intestinal lumen. The contents of the intestine, by means of their bacterial and cellular enzymes, might produce rapid changes in the structure and constitution of the amine of such nature that it is deprived of 889 This is an Open Access article under the CC BY license. 890 Studies on Proteinogenous Amines. XXI its toxicity. On this assumption the histamine found by us in the intestinal contents would represent only a transitional stage in protein metabolism and would not be an end-product. 2. Histamine is not absorbed. It might, for example, be so firmly adsorbed by the solid constituents of the intestinal contents that it is not free to pass through the intestinal wall. 3. Histamine is absorbed, but during absorption is at once detoxicated by the animal tissues (e.g. by the liver or by the cells of the intestinal wall itself). Certain phases of this problem of the intermediary metabolism, fate, mode of absorption, and dctoxication of imidazole ethylamine, have been approached by previous investigators and before we report our own attempts directed toward solution of these questions it might be well to review briefly those papers which have a direct bearing on our subject. Dale and Laidlaw,l investigating the fate of histamine by perfusion experiments through the liver, obtained some evidence of its disappearance, but the limit of the destructive power of the liver appeared to be reached very quickly. Neither by adding one large dose (200 mg. or more) nor by successive small addi- tions could they get evidence of a total destruction amounting to more than 10 mg. In a paper on the mode of action of histamine on intravenous injection Oehme2 showed that many multiples of the acute lethal dose of a dilute histamine solution might be injected provided the injection is done slowly. He showed that a very rapid detoxication must be taking place in the animal organism and demonstrated further that the difference between peripheral venous injection and’ that through the portal way disappears completely on slow injection. All the previously conducted comparison experiments have, as far as we know, been carried out in this way; i.e., a peripheral venous injection has been compared with a portal injection. Dr. H. G. Wells has called our attention to the fact that these two routes are hardly com- parable because in one case only one capillary system is traversed by the poison; namely, the pulmonary; in the other instance, 1 Dale, H. H., and Laidlaw, P. P., J. Physiol., 1919, xli, 318. * Oehme, C., Arch. exp. Path. u. Pharmakol., 1913, Ixxii, 76. K. K. Koessler and M. T. Hanke 891 however, two are traversed, the hepatic and pulmonary. It should be more correct to compare the injection into the femoral artery with one in the portal system for in this way two capillary syst.ems have to be traversed in both instances. We have adopted this mode of procedure in our work. A very interesting and important piece of work was reported by Guggenheim and Liiffler in 1916.3 These investigators showed-extending the previous work of Ewins and Laidlaw on p-hydroxyphenylethylamine-that most proteinogenous amines, such as isoamylamine, phenylethylamine, p-hydroxyphenyl- ethylamine, indolethylamine, and imidazole ethylamine, are de- toxicated in the animal organism. The detoxication proceeds through deamination and oxidation by way of the alcohol to the aldehyde and finally results in the formation of fatty acids of the same number of C atoms as the amines. Only the catabo- lism of histamine (p-imidazole ethylamine) to imidazolacetic acid could not be proved. If 1 gm. of histamine in solution was perfused for several hours through a rabbit liver, no considerable destruction of the amine could be demonstrated by biological methods. The most recent work on this subject is reported by NIeakins and Harington.4 These investigators, studying the absorption of histamine from the intestine in the cat, found that histamine introduced as hydrochloride, was absorbed from all parts of the intestinal tract. The rate of absorption was most rapid from the ileum, somewhat less from the duodenum, and very much less, but still quite definite, from the cecum and stomach. Regarding the part which the liver played in the destruction of histamine after absorption these authors, on the basis of the work with animals in which Eck fistulas were made, feel that the liver exercises a protective function, which is ascribed to the cushioning effect of its extensive capillary network, which prevents a sudden flood of the substance from reaching the general blood stream and thus is regarded as more mechanical than chemical. Our own experiments directed toward the solution of these problems were of two kinds: 3 Guggenheim, M., and Liieffler, W., Biochem. Z., 1915-16, lxxii, 325. 4 Meakins, J., and Harington, C. B., J. Pharmacol. and Exp. Therap., 1921, xviii, 455; 1923, xx, 45. 892 Studies on Proteinogenous Amines. XXI 1. Dogs and guinea pigs were fed known amounts of histamine dichloride. After the animals had been kept under observation for some time, they were killed. The intestinal contents, the intestinal tract, and the liver were then examined for histamine. In this way we were able to ascertain the approximate rate at which the amine disappeared from the intestinal tract. 2. Large dogs were anesthetized and prepared so that blood pressure and respiratory tracings could be obtained. Dilute solutions of histamine dichloride were then injected, at definite rates, into the saphenous vein, the femoral art,ery, the mesenteric vein, the splenic vein, and the duodenum. It was possible for us, in this way, to determine the minimum effective dose of hista- mine for the venous system, the buffer effect of the capillary net- work of the dog’s leg, and the effectiveness of the liver as a detoxicating organ. I. On the Absorption and Disappearance of Histamine from the Alimentary Tract. Mock of Procedure. A gelatin capsule containing the finely powdered histamine dichloride was placed in the posterior pharynx of guinea pigs in such a manner that it passed into the esophagus intact. The animals were carefully watched to make certain that they had swallowed the capsule. Histamine has thus to be introduced directly into the stomach, for comparatively small doses will cause death when the amine comes in contact with the mucous membrane of the mouth, through which it is rapidly absorbed. In another set of experiments a watery solution of histamine dichloride was introduced directly into the stomach of young dogs by means of a stomach tube. The analytical procedure used in determining histamine was that described in the preceding paper. Experiment i.-Approximately 80 per cent of the histamine present in the intestinal contents of a guinea pig can be recovered by our method. Two large guinea pigs, weighing each approximately 800 gm., which had been fed exclusively on carrots, were asphyxiated. The entire alimentary tract was removed and the contents of the stomach and intestines washed out with 0.85 per cent salt solution. K. K. Koessler and M. T. Hanke To the contents of the alimentary tract of one animal were added 100 mg. of hist.amine dichloride. The contents from the other guinea pig were treated with 20 mg. of histamine dichloride. The two mixtures were then separately hydrolyzed and analyzed for histamine. Histamine added. Histamine recovered. Efficiency of method. mg. %7. per cent 100 80 80 20 16.8 84.3 The methods seems, therefore, to recover approximately 80 per cent of the histamine present irrespective of the initial concentration. Experiment S.-Histamine is not changed by a 24 hour tncubation with intestinal contents. 100 mg. of histamine dichloride in solution were intimately mixed with the contents of the stomach and intestines of a guinea pig which weighed about 800 gm. and the mixture was then incubated for 24 hours at 37°C. At the end of this time it was hydrolyzed and analyzed for histamine. Exactly 60 mg. of histamine dichloride were recovered, 80 per cent of the amount originally added. \Ve proved, in Experiment I, that our method is 80 per cent efficient when applied to this kind of material; hence we are justified in concluding that the constituents of the intestinal contents do not modify or destroy hista- mine so that the amine is unrecognizable. The first of our speculative possibilities to account for the disappearance of histamine seems thus to be eliminated by this experiment. E.cperiment 3.-100 my. of histamine, when fed to a guinea pig, does not cause death. The amine disappears from the alimentary tract within $4 hours. Histamine dichloride, 100 mg. enclosed in a gelatin capsule, was fed to an 800 gm. guinea pig. During t.he 1st hour the animal showed some signs of discomfort. It seemed depressed, sneezed occasionally, scratched its nose, and salivated profusely. These symptoms had disappeared completely at the end of 2 hours. The animal’s normal appetite was reestablished. The following morning, 24 hours after the histamine had been ingested, the guinea pig seemed quite normal. It was killed by asphyxiation; the entire alimentary tract was removed, free from adhering fat and omentum, slit open, and the contents carefully removed by washing with physiological salt solution. The aliment.nry tract and the contents were separately hydrolyzed and analyzed for histamine. The alimentary tract did not con- tain histamine. The contents contained only 1.6 mg. In some uay, 98.4 mg. of histamine disappeared from the alimentary tract without causing death and without eliciting marked symptoms. Experiment 4.-100 mg. of histamine, when fed to a guinea pig, have dis- appeared from the alimentary tract to the extent of 61.6 per cent within 2 hours. 894 Studies on Proteinogenous Amines. XXI Experiment 3 was repeated excepting that the animal was killed 2 hours after the histamine had been injected and that the liver was removed as well as the alimentary tract, and analyzed for histamine. This animal neither vomited nor defecated during this time interval. The stomach was found to be acutely dilated with fluid. Solid matter was almost absent. Efficiency Histamine of method. present. cent m7. per WT. Intestinal contents.. 26.8 50 33.5 Alimentary tract.. . . . . 4.7 lOO(?) 4.7 Liver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.5 lOO(?) 4.5 Total.................................................... I 42.7 In this case, 66.5 mg. of histamine dichloride disappeared from the intestinal contents; 4.7 mg. of this were surely in the tissue of the alimentary tract and 4.5 mg. had been transported to the liver. The remaining 57.3 mg. were not accounted for. If we assume that the histamine was ab- sorbed, as such, to pass into the portal blood stream or into the lymphatic circulation and thence to the systemic circulation, the body of this guinea pig was being injected with histamine at the rate of 0.5 mg: per minute. It is well known that one intravenous injection of 0.5 mg. of histamine dichlo- ride will kill a guinea pig of this size. We are, therefore, forced to conclude that the histamine, as such, could not have been thrown into the general circulation at any such rate of speed. The experiment indicates that the histamine passed into the intestinal wall as histamine, for we found some of it there. It, is also ,clear that some of the histamine reached the liver as histamine, because we found it in this organ. This experiment tells us nothing, however, about what happens to the major part of the amine after it leaves the lumen of the intestine. Two possi- bilities present themselves : 1. The amine may be absorbed and pass into the liver as such. In this case the liver must possess a highly developed faculty for depriving histamine of its toxicity, because, if such large doses of amine were to pass into the systemic circulation, death would be the inevitable outcome. 2. Histamine may be detoxicated in its passage through the intestinal wall. In t.his case we should be ascribing to the thin intestinal wall a function that seems almost prodigious and we recall hesitatingly how other functions that have been ascribed K. K. Koessler and M. T. Hanke to this membrane from time to time have all proved untenable (e.g. the synthesis of proteins). But in this instance it is possible that we may have to deal with the phylogenetic development of a protective mechanism, for histamine exerts a very stimulating effect upon the musculature of the intestines eliciting violent contractions. The ability of the intestinal mucosa to detoxicate amines might have had to be acquired in the phylogenesis of man. Before we turn to a consideration of the above problems, we shall describe a typical example of the conditions prevailing when histamine is fed to a dog, from which it becomes clear that the results obtained with the guinea pig are more general in their application. Experiment 5.--500 mg. of histamine when fed to a 5 lcilo dog have disap- peared from the alimentary tract to the extent of 53 per cent within 2 hours. After convincing ourselves that puppies show no signs of discomfort after the ingestion of 500 mg. of histamine dikhloride, we introduced 500 mg., dissolved in 200 cc. of water, by stomach tube into a puppy weighing 5.2 kilos. There was no reaction of any kind. The animal did not vomit. The dog was killed with illuminating gas 2 hours after the amine was ingested. The entire alimentary tract was removed and freed from fat and omen- turn. A ligature was placed tightly at the cardiac and pyloric ends of the stomach to prevent loss of material. The intestine was cut off just below the stomach. The material was, in this way, divided into two fractions; namely, the stomach and the intestines. Each of these was separately hydrolyzed and analyzed for histamine. The stomach and contents weighed 500 gm. This organ was acutely dilated with fluid. Solid matter was practically absent. The contents were not separated from the stomach wall; the analysis was conducted on the entire material. The stomach and contents contained i.JY mg. of histamine dichloride. Since the material was simple in composition, mostly fluid, this figure is probably not subject to corrections. This is equal to 29.4 per cent of the amount ingested. The alimentary tract, below and exclusive of the stomach, weighed 520 gm. This was hydrolyzed and analyzed for histamine. The contents were not separated fr.om the tract. The intestines contained 53.2 mg. of histamine dichloride which is 10.64 per cent of the amount originally ingested. Since this mat.erial was something like human feces in consistency, for which the efficiency of our method has proved to be 60 per cent, the maxi- mum amount of histamine that could have been present in the intestine is 88.65 mg., which is 17.73 per cent of the amount originally ingested. 896 Studies on Proteinogenous Amines. XXI The total recovery was 235.6 mg.; hence 264.4 mg. of histamine dichloride were absorbed in 2 hours. The average absorption rate was, therefore, 2.2 mg. per minute; but we know that, if histamine were injected into the systemic circulation at anything approaching this rate of speed, severe symptoms of intoxication would undoubtedly have developed. The feeding experiments lead always to the same conclusion. It is unreasonable to assume that the histamine absorbed passes into the general circulation as such. The compound must be removed from the general circulation in some way. We have already indicated, under Experiment 4, that there are only two possible explanations. The amine must be detoxicated either in its passage through the intestinal wall or subsequently by the liver. The other tissues of the body unquestionably have some power of detoxicating this amine; but this in itself would not be sufficient to account for our results. So much .speculation has surrounded the liver as a detoxicating organ that, in spite of the .convincing experiments of Meakins and Harington4 we decided to investigate, in a different way, the role of the liver as a “detoxicator” of histamine. II. On Certain Factors Involved in the Extent of Pharmacodynamic Action of Histamine Following Its Injection into the Circulation.5 The toxic action of histamine on intravenous injection in the common laboratory animals is well known since the extensive studies of Dale and his coworkers. While the pharmacological effect of the poison is very similar in its symptoms in the different species, the minimal lethal dose of histamine on intravenous injection varies considerably in different animals. For guinea pigs and rabbits 0.6 to 0.8 mg. of histamine per kilo constitutes the fatal dose. Working with dogs we found that 30 mg. of histamine per kilo body weight is insufficient, in unanesthetized animals, to produce death.‘j We were, however, more interested to establish the minimal effective dose of histamine in the dog; i.e., the smallest quantity 5 In the experimental part of this work we were ably assisted by Dr. H. L. Huber. 6 We were assisted, in these experiments, by Dr. Julian H. Lewis. K. K. Koessler and 31. T. Hanke 897 of the amine which on intravenous injection would still produce a definite fall in blood prcssurc. Large dogs were used in this work (10 to 20 kilos). In our first experiments ether preceded by an injection of morphine was used as anest.hetic. We found, however, that the respiration and blood pressure would remain at a more constant, normal, level when barbital7 was used as anesthetic. Even with this anesthetic it is advisable to use a small amount of ether while the intestines are manipulated. The dog, after anesthetization, was prepared so that blood pressure and respiratory tracings could be made simultaneously on the drum of the same kymograph. The injections were made with a Woodyatt pump.* The apparatus had to be arranged so that we could switch from salt to histamine solution, or vice versa, within a few seconds. To accomplish t,his two pumps were used, one for histamine and one for salt solution. The solutions were fed to the machines from burettes so that the rate of injection could bc easily followed. All solutions were warmed to 40°C. before they passed into the animal’s circulation. The feed pipes, from the pump to the animal, were composed of glass. Rubber connections, where such were necessary, were as short as possible. Many animals were used in these experiments, but we will give here only a few graphs which illustrate sufficiently the points we wish to make. Fig. 1 shows the effect of injecting histamine into the saphenous vein. The minimum effective rate was 0.0027 mg. per minute per kilo body weight. When the inject,ion was made at the rate of 0.0054 mg. per minute per kilo body weight, there was a pro- nounced fall in blood pressure, but no respiratory embarrassment. When the injection rate was increased to 0.0108 mg. per minute, the animal reacted with a marked fall in blood pressure and considerable respiratory embarrassment. These experiments were repeated a large number of times on dogs weighing from I2 to 15 kilos. The results were always the same. The two graphs listed as Figs. 2 and 3 show the effect of in- jecting histamine into the saphenous and large mesenteric veins 7 Tstum. A. L., and Parsons, E., J. Lab. and Clin. Med., 1922-23, viii, 64. 8 \vqodyatt, R. T., J. Biol. Chew, 1917, xxix, 35.5. 898

function of certain species of bacteria and of certain strains within the species perfusion experiments through the liver, obtained some evidence of its disappearance, but the limit of the destructive power of the liver appeared to be
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