“STUDIES ON PREPRATION OF CUSTARD APPLE (Annona squamosa L.) SYRUP" BY MISS. MITA VILAS SAWANT. B. Sc. (Horti.) DEPARTMENT OF POST HARVEST MANAGEMENT OF FRUITS, VEGETABLES AND FLOWERS CROPS, POST GRADUATE INSTITUTE OF POST HARVEST MANAGEMENT, KILLA-ROHA. FACULTY OF AGRICULTURE, DR. BALASAHEB SAWANT KONKAN KRISHI VIDYAPEETH, DAPOLI - 415 712, DIST. RATNAGIRI (M.S.) July, 2015 “STUDIES ON PREPRATION OF CUSTARD APPLE (Annona squamosa L.) SYRUP” A thesis submitted to the DR. BALASAHEB SAWANT KONKAN KRISHI VIDYAPEETH, DAPOLI (Agricultural University) Dist. Ratnagiri (Maharashtra State) in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of MMaasstteerr ooff SScciieennccee ((PPoosstt HHaarrvveesstt MMaannaaggeemmeenntt)) In FRUITs, VEGETABLEs AND FLOWERs CROPS By MISS. MITA VILAS SAWANT. B. Sc. (Horti.) DEPARTMENT POST HARVEST MANAGEMENT OF FRUIT, VEGETABLE AND FLOWER CROPS, POST GRADUATE INSTITUTE OF POST HARVEST MANAGEMENT, KILLA-ROHA. FACULTY OF AGRICULTURE, DR. BALASAHEB SAWANT KONKAN KRISHI VIDYAPEETH, DAPOLI - 415 712, DIST. RATNAGIRI (M. S.) July, 2015 Dr. K. H. Pujari. M.Sc. (Agri), Ph.D. (Horti.) Professor and Associate Dean P. G. Institute of Post: HCahrvaesitr Mmaannag eamnendt , Research Guide: Killa- Roha. Dist. Raigad (M. S.) (P. D. Veerkar) Assistant Professor, Department of Agricultural Economics, College of Agriculture, Dapoli- 415 712 : Members: C E R T I F I C A T E (S. S. Wadkar) (A. C. Sawant) Associate Professor, Professor, Department of Agricultural Economics, Department of Agronomy, College of Agriculture, Dapoli College of Agriculture, Dapoli (V. G. Naik) Assistant Professor, Department of Agricultural Economics, College of Agriculture, Dapoli This is to certify that the thesis entitled “ Studies on preparation of custard apple ( Annona squamosa L.) syrup .” submitted to the Department of Post Harvest Management of Fruits, Vegetables and Flowers crops, Post Graduate Institute Of Post Harvest Management, Faculty Of A griculture, Dr. Balasaheb Sawant Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth, Dapoli, Dist. Ratna giri, Maharashtra State, in the partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE (POST LIST OF TABLES. HARVEST MANAGEMENT) in FRUITS, VEGETABLES AND FLOWERS TCaRbOle PS, embodies the results of a Tpiietclee of bona-fide research carried ouPta gbey NMo.i ss. No. MITA VILAS SAWANT under my guidance and supervision. No part of this thesis 3.1 Land utilization pattern of Dapoli tahsil. 3.2 Cropping pattern of Dapoli tahsil. has been submitted for any other degree or diploma. All the assistance and help 3.3 Livestock population of Dapoli tehsil r5ec.1ei ved during the Gcoeunresrea ol fin ifnovremstaitgioanti oonf saenledc ttehde fsaorumrceerss .o f literature have be en duly 5.2 of sected farmers. acknowledged by him. 5.3 Cropping pattern of selected farmers. 5.4 Per farm investment in different farm assets. 5.5 Primary information of vermicompost units. 5.6 Capital investment in vermicompost units. 5.7 Per unit physical inputs utilization. 5.8 Per unit cost of production of vermicompost 5.9 Per quintal cost of production of vermicompost. Place: Killa-Roha. (K. H. Pujari.) 5.10 Per unit profitability of vermicompost production. Dated: July, 2015 Chairman, 5.11 Regression coefficients for per unit vermicompost production. Advisory Committee and Research Guide “STUDIES ON PREPRATION OF CUSTARD APPLE (Annona squamosa L.) SYRUP” A thesis submitted to the DR. BALASAHEB SAWANT KONKAN KRISHI VIDYAPEETH, DAPOLI (Agricultural University) Dist. Ratnagiri (Maharashtra State) in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of MMaasstteerr ooff SScciieennccee (( )) PPoosstt HHaarrvveesstt MMaannaaggeemmeenntt In FRUIT, VEGETABLE AND FLOWER CROPS By MISS. MITA VILAS SAWANT B. Sc. (Horti.) Approved by the Advisory Committee : Chairman and Research Guide: “STUDIES ON PREPRATION OF CUSTARD ( K. H. Pujari) APPLE (Annona squamosa L.) SYRUP" Professor and Associate Dean, PGI.-PHM, Killa-Roha, Dist. Raigad. Members (P. P. Relekar) (V. S. Pande) Associate Professor, Professor & Head PGI.-PHM. Killa-Roha, Plant Pathology. Dist. Raigad. Dr. B. S. K. K. V., Dapoli. . CANDIDATE DECLARATION I hereby declare that the thesis or any part thereof has not been previously submitted by me or for the degree of any other University or Institute. Place: Killa- Roha. (M.V. Sawant.) Date: / / 2015 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT While writing this page of the manuscript of my thesis, numerous thoughts came to my mind which is full of gratitude to those who encouraged and helped me at various stages of this research work. There are several occasions when you say ‘Thanks’ to someone in your life time, but when a person divert your life towards a new achievement without whom you can’t think about that, that condition creates a real respect and faith in your heart and your words become an “Acknowledgement” in respect to that great personality. At this time, I am on that golden moment of my life I would like to express my sincere gratitude to prof. Dr. K. H. Pujari. Hon. Chairman of my Advisory Committee and Associate Dean, Department of fruit, vegetable and flower crops, P. G. Institute of Post Harvest Management, Killa-Roha, Dist-Raigad. I express my deep and sincere gratitude to him for whose most valuable and inspirative guidance, keen interest, concrete suggestions, constant encouragement, enormous help and constructive criticism throughout my academic career and above all, playing an important role in moulding my personality. I express my gratefulness to Dr. P.P. Relekar, Associated professor, P. G. Institute of Post Harvest Management, Killa-Roha, Dist-Raigad. Dr. V. S. Pande, Incharge, Plant Pathology Centre, the members of my advisory committee for their excellent guidance and helpful discussion throughout the post graduation studies. I am also grateful to Dr. J. S. Dhekale, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Agriculture Economics, College of Agriculture, Dapoli, for encouragement, valuable suggestions and helpful discussion throughout the post graduation studies. I am highly grateful to Mr. Shedge sir, Mr. Debaji sir, Mr. Khapre sir, Mr. Sawant & Miss. Kashid from Department of Fruits, Vegetables and Flowers crops, Post graduate institute of post harvest management, Kill- Roha for their kind co-operation during the course of my research work. Also special thanks to all the staff members of P. G. I. P. H. M. Merely words are not sufficient to express my sentiments towards my parents who have constantly struggled and borne innumerable hardships with doubtless courage in their endeavor to provide best of everything in my student life. Words are tool of expression but they fail miserably when it comes to acknowledge the love, affection, encouragement and sacrifice of my mother Mrs. Vrushali and father Mr. Vilas S. Sawant, sister Miss. Karishma V. Sawant. & Brother Mr. Vishal V. Sawant. I must convey my special thanks to my dear friends Yugandhara, Harshala, Priyanka, Rupali, Vidya, Shweta, Sanket, Roshan, Akash, Govind, Hemant, Mayuresh, Pranav, Suhas, Abhishek our whole group members, my whole batchmates, senior and junior friends, and special thanx to my best friend Manish and Sandesh. I wish to thank all those who directly or indirectly played pivotal role in successful completion of my post graduation and this manuscript. Last, but far from the least, I wish to express my deepest gratitude and sole full respect to ‘God’, who helped me on every path of life and made every step a great success. Place: Killa-Roha. Date: July, 2015 (Miss. Mita Vilas Sawant.) Dedicated To Lord ‘Ganesha’ And My respected Parents...... Dedicated To Lord ‘Ganesha’ And My respected Parents......