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STUDIES ON N, P AND BIOFERTILIZER MANAGEMENT PRACTICES ON GROWTH, YIELD AND NUTRIENT UPTAKE OF PEARL MILLET [Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.] BY NEERAJ YADAV B.Sc. (Ag.) THESIS SUBMITTED TO THE ACHARYA N. G. RANGA AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE AWARD OF THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE IN AGRICULTURE (AGRONOMY) CHAIRPERSON: Dr. Ch. PULLA RAO DEPARTMENT OF AGRONOMY AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE, BAPATLA - 522 101 ACHARYA N.G. RANGA AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY RAJENDRANAGAR, HYDERABAD - 500 030 2014 DECLARATION I, NEERAJ YADAV, hereby declare that the thesis entitled “Studies on N, P and Biofertilizer management practices on growth, yield and nutrient uptake of pearl millet [Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.]” submitted to the Acharya N. G. Ranga Agricultural University for the degree of Master of Science in Agriculture in the major field of Agronomy is the result of original research work done by me. I also declare that no material contained in the thesis has been published earlier in any manner. Place : (NEERAJ YADAV) I.D. No. BAM-12-06 Date: CERTIFICATE Mr. NEERAJ YADAV has satisfactorily prosecuted the course of research and that the thesis entitled “Studies on N, P and Biofertilizer management practices on growth, yield and nutrient uptake of pearl millet [Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.]” submitted is the result of original research work and of sufficiently high standard to warrant its presentation to the examination. I also certify that neither the thesis nor its part thereof has been previously submitted by him for a degree of any University. Date : (Dr. Ch. PULLA RAO) Place : Chairperson of the advisory Committee Professor & Head Department of Agronomy Agricultural College, Bapatla CERTIFICATE This is to certify that the thesis entitled “Studies on N, P and Biofertilizer management practices on growth, yield and nutrient uptake of pearl millet [Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.]” submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Agriculture of the Acharya N. G. Ranga Agricultural University, Hyderabad is a record of the bonafide research work carried out by Mr. NEERAJ YADAV under our guidance and supervision. No part of the thesis has been submitted by the student for any other degree or diploma. The published part and all the assistance received during the course of investigations have been duly acknowledged by the author of the thesis. Thesis approved by the Student Advisory Committee Chairman : Dr. CH. PULLA RAO Professor and Head Department of Agronomy Agricultural College Bapatla Member : Dr. M. MARTIN LUTHER Professor Department of Agronomy Agricultural College Bapatla Member : Dr. Y. ASHOKA RANI Professor Department of Plant Physiology Agricultural College Bapatla Date of Final Viva-Voce: STUDIES ON N, P AND BIOFERTILIZER MANAGEMENT PRACTICES ON GROWTH, YIELD AND NUTRIENT UPTAKE OF PEARL MILLET [Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.] NEERAJ YADAV B.Sc. (Ag.) MASTER OF SCIENCE IN AGRICULTURE (AGRONOMY) 2014 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Accomplishment of this thesis is the result of benevolence of Almighty, blessings of my teachers, love of my parents and motivation of my friends. At the very outset, whole heartedly I wish to express my fidelity and deep sense of gratitude to the chairman of my advisory committee Dr.Ch. Pulla Rao, Professor, Department of Agronomy, Agriculture College, Bapatla for his learned counsel, unstinted attention, arduous and meticulous guidance. I feel elated to express my heartfelt thanks for his immense interest, transcendent suggestions, affectionate encouragement and adroitness in handling the work in all its stages which provided me commendable encouragement and shaped my efforts into a successful research work. I wish to express profound sense of gratitude to member of my advisory committee Dr. M. Martin Luther, Professor, Department of Agronomy, Agricultural College, Bapatla for his valuable suggestions, whole hearted cooperation on unabated help which greatly contributed to the enrichment of the thesis. It gives me great pleasure to extend my thanks to Dr. Y. Ashoka Rani, Professor, Department of Plant Physiology, Agricultural College, Bapatla member of my advisory committee for her timely guidance and kind cooperation throughout my research work. I fervently extended my profound thanks to Dr. G. Subbaiah, Associate Dean, Agricultural College, Bapatla for his concern in enlightening me on various aspects of research, whole hearted cooperation and for his constant appraisal on subject matter to bring out this successfully during my investigation. I owe my gratitude to Dr. R. Lakshmipathy, Scientist, Department of Agricultural Microbiology, Agricultural College, Bapatla for his scholarly guidance, valuable suggestions and for doing the microbial analysis and providing the necessary facilities. I humbly express my sincere thanks to the staff members of the Department of Agronomy viz., Dr. B. Venkateswarlu, Professor, Dr. M. Sree Rekha, Assistant Professor, Dr. N. Venkata Lakshmi , Assistant Professor and Sri. P. Venkat Rao Assistant Professor for the valuable suggestions and timely help and kind cooperation during my study. I also express my sincere thanks to Dr. P. V. N. Prasad, Principal scientist (Agronomy) for keeping abreast of me and providing valuable help when ever needed, during the period of my investigation. I am very much grateful to Buchaiah , Maruti Garu, Thirupathaiah, Ahmed Shereef, and to all the non-teaching staff of Department of Agronomy for their timely help for carrying out my research work. I am thankful to our College Librarian and other Library Staff for providing necessary facilities. From my mere existence on earth to present situation, my every step of life is moulded mud by my mother Smt. Ramrati Yadav and father Sri. Chhajuram Yadav. Their parenting brings out my best in every walk of my endeavours including the present research work. I feel happy to have amiable and caring sisters Neetu, Priyanka. I can’t match their stable affectionate watch on my personal life, moral support and encouragement whenever needed. My keen sense of gratitude to my seniors, Nilesh Patidar, Nilesh Panchbhai, Ghous Ali, Sandeep Naik, Satya Shree Ram, Gautham, P. Chandrasekhar sir, Rama Devi, Mansa Rani, V. Sujatha, Vinod Singh, Nishit Debbarma, Punnia Viswan and Subbaram Reddy and Ratnam my juniors Aruna, Jayasankar, Lakshmi, Mukesh, Rama rao, Sunil kumar, Revathi, Pradeep, Priyanka, Hemalatha, Sarvanthi, who helped me a lot in my research work. I am very much beholden and profoundedly indebted to my affectionate classmates Girraj, Divyasree, Pratyusha, Uma, Pushpa, Priyanka, Sandya, Durga, Porna teja, Kiranmai, Jyothi who helped me a lot in my research work. I shall be failing in my duty, if I don’t express my thanks to ICAR and ANGRAU for providing me the financial help in the form of stipend and also encouragement to complete the study successfully. While travelling on this part of education, many hands pushed me forth, learned hearts put me on the right track. I ever rest THANKS to all of them.. Any omission in this brief acknowledgement doesn’t mean lack of gratitude. Place : Bapatla Date : (Neeraj Yadav) LIST OF CONTENTS Chapter No. Title Page No. 1 - 4 I INTRODUCTION 5 – 18 II REVIEW OF LITERATURE 19 - 32 III MATERIALS AND METHODS 33 - 70 IV RESULTS AND DISCUSSION V SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS 71 - 74 LITERATURE CITED I - IX APPENDIX X LIST OF TABLES Table No. Title Page No. 3.1 Weekly Weather data recorded at Agricultural College 20 Farm, Bapatla during the crop growth period (21-07-2013 to 10-10-2013). 23 3.2 Physico- chemical properties of the experimental soil. 34 4.1 Plant height (cm) of pearl millet as influenced by N, P and biofertilizer management practices. 4.2 Drymatter production (q ha-1) of pearl millet as influenced 36 by N, P and biofertilizer management practices. 39 4.3 Number of tillers per hill of pearl millet as influenced by N, P and biofertilizer management practices. 4.4 Number of hills m-2 and days to 50% flowering of pearl 41 millet as influenced by N, P and biofertilizer management practices. 4.5 Number of earheads m-2, length of earhead (cm) and 43 number of grain rows per earhead of pearl millet as influenced by N, P and biofertilizer management practices. 49 4.6 Number of filled grains per row and test weight (g/ 1000 grain weight) of pearl millet as influenced by N, P and biofertilizer management practices. 4.7 Grain yield (q ha-1), stover yield (q ha-1) and harvest 54 index (%) of pearl millet as influenced by N, P and biofertilizer management practices. 60 4.8 Effect of N, P and biofertilizer management practices on protein content (%), nitrogen content in grain & stover (%) and nitrogen uptake (kg ha-1) by pearl millet. 65 4.9 Effect of N, P and biofertilizer management practices on phosphorus content in grain & stover (%) and its uptake (kg ha-1) by pearl millet. 69 4.10 Economics of different treatment as affected by N, P and biofertilizer management practices. LIST OF FIGURES Fig. No. Title Page No. 21 3.1 Weekly mean minimum and maximum temperatures during the crop period. 22 3.2 Weekly rainfall (mm) and mean relative humidity (%) data during the crop period. 26 3.3 Layout of the experimental field. 4.1 Drymatter production (q ha-1) of pearl millet as influenced 37 by N, P and biofertilizer management practices. 44 4.2 Number of earheads m-2 and length of earhead (cm) of pearl millet as influenced by N, P and biofertilizer management practices. 47 4.3 Number of filled grains per row of pearl millet as influenced by N, P and biofertilizer management practices. 50 4.4 Test weight (g/1000 grains) of pearl millet as influenced by N, P and biofertilizer management practices. 4.5 Grain Yield (q ha-1) and Stover Yield (q ha-1) of pearl millet 55 as influenced by N, P and biofertilizer management practices. 4.6 Nitrogen uptake (kg ha-1) of pearl millet at harvest as 61 influenced by N, P and biofertilizer management practices. 4.7 Phosphorus uptake (kg ha-1) of pearl millet as influenced by 66 N, P and biofertilizer management practices.

submitted to the Acharya N. G. Ranga Agricultural University for the degree of . My keen sense of gratitude to my seniors, Nilesh Patidar, Nilesh Panchbhai, Ghous Ali,. Sandeep Plant height (cm) of pearl millet as influenced by N, P and . The experiment was conducted in a randomized block design.
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