STUDIES ON LAND DEGRADATION IN THE THREE AGRO-CLIMATIC ZONES OF BELGAUM DISTRICT, KARNATAKA Thesis submitted to the University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry By PRABHAVATHI KORAPROLU DEPARTMENT OF SOIL SCIENCE AND AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, DHARWAD UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES, DHARWAD - 580 005 JUNE, 2013 ADVISORY COMMITTEE DHARWAD (G. S. DASOG) JUNE, 2013 MAJOR ADVISOR Approved by : Chairman : ____________________________ (G. S. DASOG) Members : 1. __________________________ (P. L. PATIL) 2. __________________________ (M. V. MANJUNATH) 3. __________________________ (MANJUNATH HEBBAR) 4. __________________________ (H. B. BABALAD) 5. __________________________ (KANWAR L. SAHRAWAT) CONTENTS Sl. No. Chapter Particulars CERTIFICATE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT LIST OF TABLES LIST OF FIGURES LIST OF PLATES LIST OF APPENDICES 1. INTRODUCTION 2. REVIEW OF LITERATURE 2.1 Determination of extent of land degradation using Remote sensing and GIS techniques 2.2 Characterisation of soils in micro-watersheds 2.3 Chemical characteristics and nutrient status of soils under different land uses 2.4 Soil loss estimation using USLE 3. MATERIAL AND METHODS 3.1 General description of the area 3.2 Location of the study area 3.3 Relief and drainage 3.4 Geology 3.5 Climate 3.6 Landuse 3. 7 Land Degradation Mapping using Remote Sensing and GIS 3.8 Pedon and surface soil sampling 3.9 Morphological description of pedons 3.10 Preparation of soil samples 3.11 Methods of soil analysis 3.12 Assessment of chemical characteristics and Soil Fertility of surface samples 3.13 Estimation of soil loss using USLE Contd… Sl. No. Chapter Particulars 4. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS 4.1 Land degradation in Belgaum district 4.2 Land degradation in the selected micro-watersheds in agro-climatic zones 3, 8 and 9 of Belgaum district 4.3 Characterisation of soils of representative micro-watersheds in agro climatic zones of Belgaum district 4.4 Broad Land use classes 4. 5 Chemical characteristics and fertility status of the selected micro- watersheds 4.6 Prediction of soil loss in selected micro-watersheds using USLE 5 DISCUSSION 5.1 Assessment of land degradation using RS and GIS technique 5.2 Characterization of soils of selected micro-watersheds 5.3 Chemical characteristics and nutrient status of surface soil samples in selected micro-watersheds 5.4 Prediction of soil loss and erosion risk assessment 6 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS REFERENCES APPENDIX LIST OF TABLES Table Title No. 1. Extent of land degradation under different classes in Belgaum district Extent of land degradation under different classes in agro-climatic zones 2. of Belgaum district Extent of land degradation under different classes in the selected micro- 3. watersheds of three agro-climatic zones in Belgaum district Particle size distribution and bulk density of the pedons of selected 4. micro-watersheds 5. Physical properties of the pedons in selected micro-watersheds pH, EC, organic carbon and CaCO content in the pedons of selected 6. 3 micro-watersheds Exchangeable cations and CEC of the pedons in selected micro- 7. watersheds 8. Correlation matrix of Dispersion ratio (DR) and Erosion index (EI) Area under broad land use classes in the selected micro-watersheds of 9. three agro-climatic zones in Belgaum district Chemical and nutrient quality parameters of soils in selected micro- 10. watersheds Chemical and nutrient quality parameters of soils under agricultural and 11. open scrub land in Hukkeri micro-watershed Chemical and nutrient quality parameters of soils under agricultural and 12. forest land in Khanapur micro-watershed 13. R factor and average rainfall data for the selected micro watersheds 14. K-Factor for different soils of the selected micro watersheds 15. CP factor for different land use classes in the selected micro-watersheds 16. Estimated rate of soil erosion in the selected micro-watersheds 17. Spatial distribution of soil fertility in the selected micro-watersheds LIST OF FIGURES Figure Title No. 1. Location map of the study area 2. Flow chart of methodology for mapping land degradation 3. Land degradation map of Belgaum district 4. LISS III Image and map showing land degradation in Yadawad micro- watershed 5. LISS III Image and map showing land degradation in Hukkeri micro-watershed 6. LISS III Image and map showing land degradation in Khanapur micro- watershed 7. LISS III Image and land use / land cover map of Yadawad micro-watershed 8. LISS III Image and land use/ land cover map Hukkeri micro-watershed 9. LISS III Image and land use/ land cover map of Khanapur micro-watershed 10. PH and organic carbon status in soils of Yadawad micro watershed 11. PH and organic carbon status in soils of Hukkeri micro-watershed 12. PH and organic carbon status in soils of Khanapur micro-watershed 13. Available nitrogen and P O status in soils of Yadawad micro-watershed 2 5 14. Available nitrogen and P O status in soils of Hukkeri micro-watershed 2 5 15. Available nitrogen and P O status in soils of Khanapur micro-watershed 2 5 16. Available K O and sulphur status in soils of Yadawad micro-watershed 2 17. Available K O and sulphur status in soils of Hukkeri micro-watershed 2 18. Available K O and sulphur status in soils of Khanapur micro-watershed 2 19. Available zinc and iron status in soils of Yadawad micro-watershed 20. Available zinc and iron status in soils of Hukkeri micro-watershed 21. Available zinc and iron status in soils of Khanapur micro-watershed 22. Available manganese and copper status in soils of Yadawad micro-watershed 23. Available manganese and copper status in soils of Hukkeri micro-watershed 24. Available manganese and copper status in soils of Khanapur micro-watershed 25. Slope gradient map and soil erosion risk map of Yadawad micro-watershed 26. Slope gradient map and soil erosion risk map of Hukkeri micro-watershed 27. Slope gradient map and soil erosion risk map of Khanapur micro-watershed LIST OF PLATES Plate Title No. 1. Sheet and rill erosion in Yadawad micro-watershed 2. Land scape of the selected micro-watersheds 3. Pedon 1 and 2 of Yadawad micro-watershed 4. Pedon 3 of Yadawad micro-watershed and Upland pedon of Hukkeri micro-watershed 5. Midland and Lowland pedon of Hukkeri micro-watershed 6. Midland and Lowland pedon of Khanapur micro-watershed LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix No. Title I. Soil analysis results of ground truth sites of the study area II. Chemical properties and major nutrients content in surface samples of Yadawad micro-watershed III. Secondary and micronutrients content in surface samples of Yadawad micro-watershed IV. Chemical properties and major nutrients content in surface samples of Hukkeri micro-watershed V. Secondary and micronutrients content in surface samples of Hukkeri micro watershed VI. Chemical properties and major nutrients content in surface samples of Khanapur micro-watershed VII. Secondary and micronutrients content in surface samples of Khanapur micro watershed VIII. Rainfall data of ARS, Arabhavi representing Yadawad micro- watershed IX. Rainfall data of ARS, Sankeshwar representing Hukkeri micro- watershed X. Rainfall data of Khanapur weather station representing Khanapur micro-watershed INTRODUCTION Land degradation and decline in land quality caused by human activities has been a major global issue during the 20th century and will remain high on the international agenda in the 21st century. The importance of land degradation among global issues is enhanced because of its impact on world food security and quality of the environment. Land degradation can be considered in terms of the loss of actual or potential productivity or utility as a result of natural or anthropic factors. In the context of productivity, land degradation results from a mismatch between land quality and land use. Mechanisms that initiate land degradation include physical, chemical and biological processes. Important among physical processes are decline in soil structure leading to crusting, compaction, erosion, desertification, anaerobiosis, environmental pollution and unsustainable use of natural resources. Significant chemical processes include acidification, leaching, salinization and alkalization, decrease in cation retention capacity and fertility depletion. Biological processes include reduction in total and biomass carbon and decline in land biodiversity. Soil structure is important as it affects all three forms of degradation processes. Thus, land degradation is a biophysical process driven by socioeconomic and political causes (Eswaran et al., 2001). Soils and lands are fixed natural resources. Whereas, their use is diversified for different purposes which modify the ecology of the region. The land is used for agriculture and forest production, infrastructure, gene reserve and production, geogenic and cultural heritage forming landscapes and source of raw materials. The world population is expected to grow to almost 9 billion by 2050. Feeding this population is not an easy task. Therefore, pressure on land is expected to increase manifold. Statistics shows that arable land per person has already shrunken from 0.24 ha in 1950 to 0.12 ha at present. These different uses of land and inter competition among them to satisfy the needs of ever increasing population cause land degradation (Blum, 2002). During the past century, land use and associated human activities have degraded about 5 billion ha (about 43%) of earth’s vegetated land (Brady and Well, 2007). Decline in land quality is attributed to various land degradation processes; amongst them water induced erosion is the single most destructive one (Lal, 2001). The National Bureau of Soil Survey and Land Use Planning (NBSS&LUP) estimates projected an area of 187 m ha as degraded lands in India in 1994 following GLASOD methodology and revised it to 147 m ha in 2004, of which a dominant fraction is by water erosion (93.67 m ha). The National Wasteland Development Board estimated an area of 123 m ha under wastelands. In the preparation of the soil degradation and wasteland maps, two distinct approaches were followed by the NBSS&LUP and the National remote sensing agency (NRSA). After intensive deliberations on the datasets of wastelands and soil degradation, a harmonized classification system comprising wasteland classes and soil degradation has been prepared involving different agencies. The harmonized area statistics for degraded and wastelands now stands at 120.72 m ha of which 82.5 m ha is affected by water erosion (NAAS, 2010). It has been estimated that the average annual erosion rate in India is about 16.35 t ha-1, resulting in a total yearly soil loss of about 5334 m t. Whereas, the permissible erosion rate is around 3-5 t ha-1 yr-1 (Dhruva Narayana and Ram Babu, 1983). Soils have been degraded by human activities like intensive arable farming, overgrazing, deforestation, enhanced industrial growth and contamination. Subsistence farming practices, increasing population and high density of livestock contributing to unsustainable land use; erratic rainfall and accelerated water erosion of soil have led to degradation of land in Karnataka. It is reported that 49 per cent of TGA of Karnataka (93,978 km2) is degraded due to water erosion (NAAS, 2010). Of the total non-arable land (6.50 lakh ha) in Karnataka, 9.67 per cent is rocky. About 27 per cent of these lands have steep slopes and occur in the hilly zone (50.85%). Non-arable lands are strongly gravely to the extent of 79 per cent in the state and high proportion is found in dry and transition zones. Soils with less than 25 cm depth occur in dry and transition zones. Erosion is a problem associated with nonarable land and 54.51 per cent of non-arable lands are severely eroded. Severe erosion of non-arable lands is a major problem particularly in dry and transition zones (Anon., 2003). The salinization has become acute problem in the command areas of the state. It is reported that nearly 10 per cent of the total irrigated land in the state is subjected to water logging, salinity and alkalinity. Acid soils are found to a variable extent in most of the top soils of hilly areas and flood plains. In the recent past, concept of watershed based holistic development has emerged as one of the potential approaches for rainfed areas for increased productivity and sustainable agricultural production. The sustainable development of a region needs not only the protection and reclamation of natural resources particularly soil and land, but also their management based on sound scientific principles that are in harmony with environment. For the sustainable use of the natural resources, a detailed chart of land resources giving its potential and constraints becomes pre-requisite for planning. Soil quality is considered a key element for sustainable agricultural production and is defined as “the capacity of a specific kind of soil to function within natural or managed ecosystem boundaries, to sustain plant and animal productivity, to maintain or enhance water and air quality, and to support human health and habitation”. Soil quality has two parts: an intrinsic part covering a soil’s inherent capacity for crop growth (the genetic pedological processes), and a dynamic part influenced by the soil user or manager. The interactions of soil chemical, physical and biological properties define a particular soil’s quality and determine how effective the soil performs the ecosystem functions such as : (1) retention and release of nutrients and other chemical constituents, (2) partitioning of rainfall at the soil surface into runoff and infiltration (3) holding and release of soil water to plant, streams and groundwater (4) resisting water and wind erosion and (5) buffering against the concentration of potentially toxic materials. Soil organic carbon and organic nitrogen, C/N ratio, soil pH, extractable available N, P and K, CEC, salinity and acidity and extractable or available trace elements have been proposed as chemical indicators of soil quality. Physical indicators of soil quality include soil texture, infiltration rate, soil bulk-density, available water content, and aggregate stability at a depth of 30 cm, slope, drainage and land form. Microbial C and N, potential mineralisable N, soil respiration, soil temperature and number of earthworms in surface horizon have been proposed as biological indicators of soil quality. Land use has a direct bearing on the soil organic carbon content changes in land use pattern. The impact of natural vegetation is sufficiently large on soil organic carbon content indicating their sink capacity (Dinakaran and Krishnayya, 2008). Although the amount of soil organic carbon (SOC) in soils of India is relatively low, ranging from 0.1 to 1 per cent and typically less than 0.5 per cent, yet its influence on soil fertility and physical condition is of great significance (Swarup et al., 2000). Cause of low organic carbon in Indian soils is primarily due to high temperatures prevailing throughout the year. Conversion of land from its natural state to agriculture generally leads to losses of soil organic carbon. SOC values tend to attain quasi-equilibrium with varying duration of 30-50 years in agricultural systems after forest cutting (Naitam and Bhattacharyya, 2004). It is well established that land use change such as long-term cultivation, deforestation, overgrazing and mineral fertilization can cause significant variations in soil properties (Fraterrigo et al., 2005). Enriching soil carbon through recycling of organic wastes provides beneficial ecosystem services such as nutrient recycling, improvement of soil quality and carbon sequestration. Repeated applications of organic amendments under agriculture and or agri-horticultural land use systems may enrich labile fractions of carbon, enhance soil microbial biomass and activity, increase soil aggregation as well as water holding capacity and therefore improve the soil quality too. Soil erosion is the detachment, transportation and deposition of material from one place to another through the action of wind or water. Soil erosion, for whatever cause, destroys man-made structures, fills reservoirs, lakes and rivers with washed soil sediment and dramatically damages the land. Eroded sediment is the richest part of the soil, the nutritive top soil containing most of the organic matter. Soil loss calculations provide important information because losing soil means losing expensive nutrients. Soil erosion due to water is a serious problem in semi-arid and sub-humid areas of India. Though conventional soil surveys provide information on land degradation, they are slow, time consuming and expensive. Among the newly emerging technologies emerged for studying natural resources, remote sensing technology proved to be powerful, because of repetitive coverage of the same area at regular time intervals, collection of data invisible through near infra-red, thermal to microwave regions and availability of data to computers for quick analysis. The data on land degradation for Karnataka state is limited and therefore, an attempt was made to generate land degradation data base on 1: 50,000 scale for Belgaum district as a part of an effort of nationwide mapping of land degradation adopted and coordinated by National Remote Sensing Centre, Hyderabad, with University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad as one of the partners. Soil degradation is influenced by land use, soil management and soil susceptibility to degradation processes. The need to maintain sustainable use of these lands requires that these ought to be monitored for the onset of land degradation so that the problem may be addressed during early stages. In order to develop technologies to combat with the problem, it is imperative to know the extent and degree of land degradation. Effect of land use systems on soil properties provides an opportunity to evaluate sustainability of land use system and thus the basic process of soil degradation in relation to land use. Further, quantification of soil erosion under various sub- watersheds will help to prioritize soil conservation planning, which is expected to support effective natural resource conservation and sustainable development. Hence, with these considerations in view the study was initiated with the following objectives 1. To determine the extent of land degradation in Belgaum district using remote sensing and GIS techniques 2. To characterize soils in the three agro-climatic zones of Belgaum district 3. To assess soil quality in different land uses in agro-climatic zones of Belgaum district in relation to soil degradation 4. To estimate the amount of soil loss using USLE in the study area.