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General Editor Peter L. HAMMER, University of Waterloo, Ont., Canada Advisory Editors C. BERCE, UniversitC de Paris, France M.A. HARRISON, University of California, Berkeley, CA, U.S.A. V. KLEE, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, U.S.A. J.H. VAN LINT, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, U.S.A. C.-C. ROTA, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA NORTH-HOLLAND PUBLISHING COMPANY - AMSTERDAM NEW YORK OXFORD NORTH-HOLLAND MATHEMATICS STUDIES 59 Annals of Discrete Mathematics (11 ) General Editor: Peter L. Hammer University of Waterloo, Ont., Canada Studies on Graphs and Discrete Programming Editor: P. HANSEN Faculte Universitaire Catholique de Mons Mons, Belgium NORTH-HOLLAND PUBLISHING COMPANY -AMSTERDAM NEW YORK OXFORD Q North- Holland Publishing Company, 1981 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrievalsystem, or rransmirted. in any form or by any means, elerrronic. mechanical. phorocopying. recording or otherwise. without thepriorpermissiono f thecopyrighr owner. ISBN: 0 444 86216 1 Publishers NORTH-HOLLAND PUBLISHING COMPANY AMSTERDAM NEW YORK OXFORD Sole distributorsf orthe U.S.A.a nd Canada ELSEVIER NORTH-HOLLAND, INC. 52 VANDERBILT AVENUE, NEW YORK, N.Y. 10017 Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Main entry under title: Studies on graphs and discrete programming. (Annals of discrete mathematics ; 11) (North- Holland mathematics studies ; 59) Includes proceedings of the Workshop on Applications of Graph Theory to Management, held at the European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management, Brussels, Mar. 20-21, 1979, and also papers from the loth Mathematical Programming Symposium, Montreal, Aug. 27-31, 1979. Bibliography: p. 1. Networks analysis (Planning) --Congresses. 2. Graph theory--Congresses. 3. Integer program- ming--Congresses. I. Hansen, P. (Pierre) 11. Work- shop on Applications of Graph Theory to Manage- ment (1979 : European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management) 111. International Mathe- matical -ramming Symposium (1Qth : 1979 : Montreal, Qu6bec) IV. Series. V. Series: North- Holland mathematics studies ; 59. w.a5.~78 519.7'7 81-14027 ISBN 0,444 - 862 16- 1 AACR2 PRINTED IN THE NETHERLANDS This volume contains the proceedings of the Workshop on Applications of Graph Theory to Management, held at the European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management, Brussels, March 20-21, 1979. In addition, contributed papers are included, many of which were presented at the Xth Mathematical Programming Symposium, Montreal, August 27-31, 1979. Research on Graph Theory and on Discrete Programming has been very active during the last decade; the intersection of both areas constitutes a particularly fruitful research domain. A variety of studies in the present volume illustrates the point, both as far as theory and applications are concerned. Some progress is made towards proving the deep Chvatal-Hammer conjecture on the aggregation of inequalities in integer programming. The intriguing relationship between the optimal values of variables in linear 0-1 programs and their continuous relaxations is further analysed, for matching and for packing problems. Polynomial algorithms are proposed for new or little studied prob- lems such as coloring claw-free perfect graphs or optimizing totally dual integral systems. Improved resolution methods are suggested for classical problems, e.g. assignment and quadratic assignment. Several new theorems provide original perspectives on important applications to school timetabling and scheduling the games of a sports league. Other applications concern basis restructuring and reinversion in linear programming-for which a surprising connection with a machine maintenance problem is exhibited-network synth- esis with non-simultaneous multicommodity flows and testing the reliability of a tree system. Studies on recent developments of discrete programming without direct ties with graphs are also presented: solving non-separable non-convex programs, a noteworthy yet neglected subject is taken up; parametric multi- criteria integer programming is explored. Complexity theory is used to analyse the administration of standard length telephone cable reels and to provide polynomial algorithms for some continuous locational problems. To all those who have generously given of their time during this volume’s preparation, allowing all papers to be refereed, sincere thanks are due. P. HANSEN 1981 P. Hansen, ed., Studies on Graphs and Discrete Programming @ North-Holland Publishing Company (1981) 1-13 INTEGER AND FRACTIONAL MATCHINGS* Egon BALAS Graduate School of Indusrrial Administration, Carnegie-Mellon Unioersity, Pittsburgh, PA 15213, USA We examine the connections between maximum cardinality edge matchings in a graph and optimal solutions to the associated linear program, which we call maximum f-matchings (fractional matchings). We say that a maximum matching M separates an odd cycle with vertex set S, if M has no edge with exactly one end in S. An odd cycle is separable if it is separated by at least one maximum matching. We show that (1) a graph G has a maximum f-matching that is integer, if and only if it has no separable odd cycles; (2) the minimum number q of vertex-disjoint odd cycles for which a maximum f-matching has fractional components, equals the maximum number s of vertex-disjoint odd cycles, separated by a maximum matching; (3) the difference between the cardinality of a maximum f-matching and that of a maximum matching in G is one half times s ; (4) any maximum f-matching with fractional components for a minimum number s of vertex-disjoint odd cycles defines a maximum matching obtainable from it in s steps; and (5) if a maximum f-matching has fractional components for a set Q of odd cycles that it not minimum, there exists another maximum f-matching with fractional components for a minimum-cardinality set S of odd cycles, such that S c Q, lQ\Sl is even, and the cycles in Q\S are pairwise connected by alternating paths. Statement (4) duplicates an earlier result of J.P. Uhry [7]. 1. Introduction Let G = (V, E) be an undirected graph with 1 V(= n and (El = rn, let A be the vertex-edge incidence matrix of G, and ep the p-vector of 1's. Consider the problem of finding a maximum-cardinality edge-matching in G 1 EM(G) max{emx Ax G en, x E {0,1)") and the associated linear program LEM(G) max{emx I Ax ss en, x 2 0). We will call EM(G) the matching problem, and LEM(G) the fractional matching, or shortly the f-matching problem. A feasible solution to EM(G) will be called a matching, a feasible solution to LEM(G), an f-matching. Clearly, every matching is an f-matching. * Research supported by the National Science Foundation through grant MCS76-12026 A02, and by the U.S. Office of Naval Research through contract N0014-C-0621 NR 047-048. 1 2 E. Balm We wish to investigate the relationship between maximum matchings and maximum f-matchings in a graph G, i.e., between optimal solutions to EM(G) and LEM(G). For a problem P, we denote by v(P)t he value of (an optimal solution to) P. For vertex sets S, TGV , we denote by (S, T) the set of edges of G with one end in S and the other in T, and by (S) the subgraph of G induced s= by S. Also, V\S. An alternating path relative to a matching M is a path whose edges alternate fi. between M and An M-augmenting path is an alternating path whose end vertices are distinct and are not incident with M. A matching M in G is of maximum cardinality if and only if G contains no M-augmenting path (Berge PI). If G has no odd cycles (i.e., is bipartite), A is totally unimodular and every basic solution to LEM(G) is integer, i.e., v(LEM(G))= u(EM(G)). (1) If G is not bipartite, LEM(G) has fractional basic solutions, and the convex hull of feasible integer solutions, i.e., the matching polytope, is defined (to- gether with the constraints of LEM(G)) by the inequalities 1 xes$(\Sl-l), SGV, (S(33a nd odd. (2) ee(S,S ) (Edmonds [3]). Any basic feasible solution to LEM(G) has components equal to 0,l or $ (Balinski [l]).F urthermore, if x, =$,t hen e belongs to some odd cycle C, and xf = i, Vf E C. Let M be a maximum matching in G. If G is bipartite, M is a maximum f-matching; but the converse if false, as illustrated by the graph in Fig. 1, where the maximum matching shown in heavy lines is also a maximum f-matching, in spite of the presence of a 5-cycle. It would seem that whether a maximum matching M is also a maximum f-matching, depends on whether M covers all vertices of every odd cycle; but this is not so. The matching in the graph of Fig. 2 leaves a vertex of an odd cycle exposed, yet it is a maximum f-matching. On the other hand, the maximum matching M in the graph of Fig. 3(a) covers all vertices of the only odd cycle of the graph, yet it is not a maximum f-matching, as shown by the f-matching M' of Fig. 3(b): lM(=3, while the value of M' is 34. Fig. 1. Fig. 2. Integer and fractional matchings 3 2. Separable odd cycles The key concept for understanding the connection between maximum matchings and maximum f-matchings is the following. Let M be a maximum matching and C an odd cycle in G, and let S be the vertex set of C. We will say that M separates C if Mn(s, 3)=@ (3) An odd cycle which is separated by at least one maximum matching in G will be called separable. If C is a separable odd cycle in G, with vertex set S, then G has a maximum matching of the form M = MI UM,, where M1 and M2 are maximum matchings in (S) and in (3) respectively. If C is a nonseparable odd + cycle with vertex set S of cardinality 2k 1, then every maximum matching + contains at least k 1 edges incident with S. Theorem 1. G has a maximum f-matching that is integer if and only if G has no separable odd cycle. Proof. Necessity. Let M be a maximum matching in G which separates an odd cycle C with vertex set S, and (S(=2k+1.S ince M is maximal and M n (S, 3) = 8, M contains k edges of (S, S). Let X be the incidence vector of M, and define f by i 4 egC, ie=0 eE(S,S)\C, e E E\(S, S). X, Clearly, f is a feasible solution to LEM(G), and u(LEM(G))ae,f = (M(-k+t(k+l)>u(EM(G)), hence G has no maximum f-matching that is integer. Sufficiency. Let u(LEM(G))>u(EM(G)), and let f be a basic maximum f-matching in G having fractional components for a minimum number of odd cycles, say C1,.. . , C,. For i = 1,. . . , q, let Si be the vertex set of Ci, with 4 E. Balas lSil = 2ki + 1. Clearly, Si flS i = 8, Vi,j E (1, . . . , q}. Further, let S = UfZlS i. The components fe of f such that ie=delfi ne a matching M' in (3) which is clearly maximum, or else f itself could not be a maximum f-matching. For i = 1,.. . , q, let Mi be a set of ki mutually nonadjacent edges of Ci, i.e., a maximum matching in (Si). Then the edge set M = M'UM I u - - u M, (4) * is a matching in G such that M fl (Si, $1 = 8, i = 1,. . . , q. Next we prove by contradiction that M is of maximum cardinality, which implies that the odd cycles C1,.. . , C, are all separable and thus completes the proof the theorem. Suppose M is not maximum. Then there exists an M-augmenting path P in G. Moreover, we claim that the maximum matchings Mi in (S,), i = 1,.. . , q, which are not unique, can always be chosen such that P has no edge in common with any of the cycles Ci, i = 1, . . . , q. For suppose P r lC i # 8 for some i E { 1, . . . , q}. Since Ci has only one vertex exposed with respect to M, at least one of the end vertices of the path P, say u, is not contained in Ci. Let w be the first vertex of Ci encountered when traversing P starting from u. Then the maximum matching Mi in (Si) can be replaced by fii, containing those ki mutually nonadjacent edges of Ci that leave exposed w. This replaces the matching M in G by A2 = (M\Mi) U fii, such that \fil=\Ml, and the portion of P between w and u is then an 6f-augmenting path p, with pn Ci = $3. If p still has some edge in common with some Ci, j ~ ( 1., . . , q}-{i}, the above procedure can be repeated. After at most q applications of this procedure, we obtain a matching I\;r in G such that IMl= \MI, fi, u u fiq = M'U * * p, (where each is a maximum matching in (Si)), and an 6f-augmenting path not containing any edge of any Ci, i = 1, . . . , q. This proves that w.l.o.g., the path P can be assumed to have no edge in common with any Ci, i = 1,. . . , q. If we now reverse the assignment of edges in P with respect to M, we obtain a matching M" in G, such that IM*( = (MIS1 . But from M" one can construct an f-matching iin G such that e i5 eP and ih as fractional components for fewer odd cycles than 2, contrary to our assumptions on 2. To construct P, first note that since P contains no edge of any Ci and is an alternating path, P contains no edge of (S), and the only vertices of P contained in S are one, or possibly both, end vertices of P. The fact that P has at least one vertex in S follows from the maximality of the matching M'= (s). M n(3, 3) in Integer and fractional matchings 5 Let u1 and uz be the two end vertices of P. We consider two cases. Case 1. uleSi for some i ~ ( 1 ,.. . , q},u 2$S. Let el,.. . , e2k+lb e the edges of Ci, and let el and e2k+bl e incident with ul. Define f by Ife otherwise. Case 2. U ~SE, a nd u2€ S, for some i, j E (1, . . . , 9). Let e,, r = 1, . . . ,2k + 1, and d,, s = 1, . . . ,2k, + 1, be the edges of C, and Ci respectively, where el and ezk,+al re incident with ul, and dl and d2k,+alr e incident with +Then define Z by fe1=-ie {eiEeP, e E {e2,e 4, . . . , ezk,U> (4,d 4, . . . , dZk,}, e €{el, e3,. ezk,+i)U{di,4 ,. - dzk,+i}, 9 9 otherwise. In Case 1, X has fractional components for q - 1 odd cycles, and em%= emR +i,s ince the reversal of edge assignments in P adds 1 to, while the change of values for eECi subtracts $ from, the value of en%I n Case 2, X has fractional components for q - 2 odd cycles, and em%= emf. In both cases the existence of i contradicts our assumption that i is a maximum f-matching which has fractional components for a minimum number (9) of odd cycles. Thus M is a maximum cardinality matching in G, which separates the odd cycles C1,. . . , C,. The graphs in Figs. 1 and 2 both have maximum f-matchings that are integer, since in each case the unique maximum matching shown in heavy lines does not separate the unique odd cycle of the graph, hence the latter has no separable odd cycle. The graph of Fig. 3, on the other hand, has a maximum matching (other than the one shown in Fig. 3(a)) which separates the odd cycle: it contains two edges of the cycle, and a third edge not incident with any vertex of the cycle. Therefore there exists no maximum f-matching that is integer. It is interesting to note that if LEM(G) has an integer optimum, it does not follow that the linear program dual to LEM(G), namely the fractional vertex covering problem LVC(G), also has an integer optimum. In other words, the absence of a separable odd cycle in G does not guarantee that the cardinality of a maximum edge matching is equal to that of a minimum vertex cover. For example the graph of Fig. 4 has no separable odd cycle and therefore it has a 6 E. Balas (4 Fig. 4. maximum f-matching of value 3 that is integer. On the other hand, the cardinality of a minimum vertex cover is 4, and the fractional vertex cover that assigns value 4 to every vertex u is the only one with value 3. In proving the ‘if’ part of Theorem 1, we have rediscovered what turns out to be a recent result of J.P. Uhry: Corollary 1.1 (J.P. Uhry [7]). Let i bc a maximum f-matching in G having fractional components for a minimum number of odd cycles Cii, = 1, . . . , q. Let M’ = {e E E 1 ie= l}, and for i = 1, . . . , q, let Mib e a maximum matching in Ci. Then M = M’ u MI u * * * u M2 is a maximum matching in G. This result shows how to obtain a maximum matching in an arbitrary graph G from a maximum f-matching in G that satisfies an additional requirement (having fractional components for a minimum number of odd cycles). It turns out that this procedure can be reversed, to obtain a maximum f-matching from a maximum matching that, again, satisfies an additional requirement: to separate a maximum number of disjoint odd cycles. (Two odd cycles are disjoint if they have no common vertex.) The next Corollary and its proof state this relationship more precisely. For a maximum matching M, let a(G,M) be the maximum number of disjoint odd cycles separated by M. For a maximum f-matching x, let y(G,x ) be the number of odd cycles for which x has fractional components. Finally, let x A be the set of maximum matchings, and the set of maximum f-matchings in G. Corollary 1.2. max a(G,M )= min y(G,x ). ME& XEX Proof. In the sufficiency part of the proof of Theorem 1, a maximum f- matching i such that y(G, i)= q = min y(G, x) XEX

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