STUDIES ON GENETIC VARIABILITY AND CHARACTERIZATION OF CUSTARD APPLE (AnnonasquamosaL.) GENOTYPES IN NORTHERN BASTAR OF CHHATTISGARH Ph. D. Thesis By Jeevan Lal Nag DEPARTMENT OF HORTICULTURE COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE INDIRA GANDHI KRISHI VISHWAVIDYALAYA RAIPUR (Chhattisgarh) 2017 STUDIES ON GENETIC VARIABILITY AND CHARACTERIZATION OF CUSTARD APPLE (AnnonasquamosaL.) GENOTYPES IN NORTHERN BASTAR OF CHHATTISGARH Thesis Submitted to the Indira Gandhi Krishi Vishwavidyalaya, Raipur by Jeevan Lal Nag IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT OF THEREQUIREMENTS FOR THEDEGREE OF Doctor of Philosophy in Agriculture (Horticulture) Roll No. 15428 ID No.: Ag/94/13 JANUARY, 2017 Scanned by CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I consider it my privilege in expressing my warmest feelings with deep sense of gratitude to my Major Advisor and Chairman of the advisory committee Dr. S. N. Dikshit,Professor, Department of Horticulture, College of Agriculture, Raipur (C.G.) for his excellent guidance, enthusiastic interest, valuable suggestions, plausible appreciation, constant encouragement and healthy criticism on each and every aspect of this investigation and preparation of this manuscript. I am extremely grateful to Dr. O.P. Kashyap, Dean Student Welfare,and Co-Chairman of the advisory committee,IGKV, Raipur, who endowed me with his invaluable help, full-fledged co-operation and guidance during the period of investigation. I am deeply obliged to Dr. Neeraj Shukla, Professor and Head, Department of Floriculture and Landscape Architecture, and Dr. R.R. Saxena, Professor, Department of Agricultural Statistics and Social Science (Language); members of my advisory committee, for their inspiring guidance and fruitful suggestions during the period of research work. I would like to express my Special thanks to Dr. Nandan Mehta for kind support and help to complete my research work and making the manscript of my thesis. I would like to express my cordial appreciation toDr. Prabhakar Singh,Professor and Head, Department of Fruit Scinece for this excellent guidance, valuable suggestion and critical comments during course of this investigation and providing necessary facilities. I wish to record my sincere thanks to Dr. S.K. Patil, Hon’ble Vice- Chancellor, IGKV, Raipur, Dr. J.S. Urkurkar, Director Research Services Dr. S.S. Shaw, Director of Instructions, Dr. M.P. Thakur, Director Extension Services, Dr.P.K. Chandrakar,Dean, College of Agricultureand Research Station, Kanker and Dr. S.S. Rao Dean College of Agriculture, Raipur for their blessings and necessary facilities provided during the course of my studies. I am immensely thankful to Dr. Jitendra Singh, Dr. H.G. Sharma, Dr. Vijay Kumar, Dr. Vijay Jain, Dr. Satish Verma, Dr. Dhananjay Sharma, Dr. Praveen Sharma, Dr. JitendraTrivedi, Dr. Gaurav Sharma, Dr. Amit Dixit, Dr. L.S. Verma, Dr. G.L. Sharma, Dr. G.D. Sahu,Shri T. Tirkey, Dr. Sameer, Dr. S. Sharma, Dr. D.S. Ram, Dr. M.S. Paikara, Dr, RajshreeGayen, Dr. AnnuVerma, Dr. HemantPanigrahi,Dr, Sanjay Verma, Dr. R.K. Bisen,Dr. Vijay Soni, and other technical and non-technical staff members of Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding, for their valuable suggestions, kind cooperation and encouragement during the course of investigation. I own my heartfelt gratitude to Dr. (Major) G.K. Shrivastava Professor, Dr. C.P. Khare, Principal scientist, Dr. G.P. PaliProfessor, Dr. G.K. Das Professor and Head, Dr. BirbalShau,Programme Coordinator, ShriS.K. Nag, Scientist, and ShriV.B.Kuruwanshi,Assit, Prof.whose diligent support & help could lead to the completion of this work. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Dr. M. Pandey (Librarian, Nehru library, Raipur) and Shri U.K. Watti for giving me there kind help during my present study. i Scanned by CamScanner TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter Title Page No. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT i TABLE OF CONTENTS iii LIST OF TABLES vi LIST OF FIGURES viii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ix ABSTRACT x I INTRODUCTION 1 II REVIEW OF LITERATURE 7 2.1 Evaluation of genotypes 8 2.2 Flowering behaviour 11 2.3 Assesment of genetic variability 12 2.4 Character association 16 2.5 Genetic divergence 20 2.6 Physico-chemical characters of fruits 23 2.7 Keeping quality (Shelf Life) 25 III MATERIALS AND METHODS 30 3.1 Location and period of experiment 30 3.2 Geographical location 30 3.3 Agro-climatic conditions 31 3.4Experimental soils 31 3.5 Experimental materials 31 3.5.1 Experimental details 35 3.6 Experimental methods 35 3.6.1 Experimental design 35 3.6.2 Cultural practices 35 3.7 Observations recorded on morphological and yield parameters 35 3.8 Observations recorded on chemical composition of fruits 64 3.9Statistical analysis 68 3.9.1 Analysis of variance 69 3.9.2 Variability parameters 70 3.9.3 Variability for PCV and GCV 70 3.9.4 Heritability (broad sense) 71 3.9.5 Genetic advance 72 3.9.6 Genetic advance as percentage of mean 72 3.9.7 Estimates of correlation coefficient 73 3.9.8 Significance of correlations 73 3.9.9 Path coefficient analysis 73 3.9.10 Genetic divergence study 74 3.9.11Average Intra and Inter-Cluster Distances 75 3.9.12Contribution of individual characters towards total 75 divergence 3.10 Visual observation of selected 5 genotypes 77 iii Chapter Title Page No. IV RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 83 4.1 Analysis of variance for quantitative traits 83 4.2 Genetic variability 83 4.2.1 Range and mean performance for quantitative traits of 83 fruit yield and its components during the year 2013-14 and 2014-15 4.2.2 Range and mean performance for qualitative traits of 88 fruit yield and its components in custard apple during the year 2013-14 and 2014-15 4.2.3 Genotypic and phenotypic coefficient of variation for 90 quantitative traits of fruit yield and its components during the year 2013-14 and 2014-15 4.2.4 Genotypic and phenotypic coefficient of variation for 93 qualitative traits of fruit yield and its components during the year 2013-14 and 2014-15 4.3 Heritability and genetic advance 93 4.3.1 Heritability for fruit yield and its components in 94 custard apple for quantitative traits during the year 2013-14 and 2014-15 4.3.2 Heritability for fruit yield and its components in 95 custard apple for qualitative traitsduring the year 2013-14 and 2014-15 4.3.3 Genetic advance for fruit yield and its components in 95 custard apple for quantitative traits during the year 2013-14 and 2014-15 4.3.4 Genetic advance for fruit yield and its components in 96 custard apple for qualitative traits during the year 2013-14 and 2014-15 4.3.5 Genetic advance as percentage of mean for fruit yield 96 and its components in custard apple for quantitative traits during the year 2013-14 and 2014-15 4.3.6 Genetic advance as percentage of mean for fruit yield 97 and its components in custard apple for qualitative traits during the year 2013-14 and 2014-15 4.4 Correlation coefficient analysis 101 4.4.1 Phenotypic and genotypic correlation coefficient for 101 fruit yield and its components in custard apple for quantitative traits during the year 2013-14 and 2014-15 4.4.2 Genotypic and phenotypic correlation coefficient for 105 fruit yield and its components in custard apple for qualitative traits during the year 2013-14 and 2014-15 4.5 Path coefficient analysis 107 4.5.1 Path coefficients showing direct and indirect effects of 107 different quantitative traits on fruit yield and its components during the year 2013-14 and 2014-15 4.5.2 Path coefficients showing direct and indirect effects of 112 different qualitative traits on fruit yield and its iv Chapter Title Page No. components during the year 2013-14 and 2014-15 4.6 Genetic divergence for fruit yield and its components in 120 custard apple 4.6.1 Genetic divergence for fruit yield and its components 120 in custard apple for quantitative traitsin2013-14 and 2014-15 Cluster constellation 121 Mean performance of cluster wise 121 Percent contribution to variation 123 Cluster wise promising genotypes for quantitative 125 traits 4.6.2 Genetic divergence for qualitative traits of fruit yield and its 125 components in custard apple during the year 2013-14 and 2014-15 Cluster constellation 125 Intra and Inter-cluster distances for qualitative 125 traits Percent contribution to variation or mean 127 performance of genotypes for qualitative traits Cluster wise promising genotypes for qualitative 129 traits V SUMMARYAND CONCLUSION 139 REFERENCES 150 APPENDICES 156 Appendix I 156 Appendix II 157 Appendix III 158 Appendix IV 162 Appendix V 164 Appendix VI 168 Appendix VII 170 Appendix VIII 174 Appendix IX 176 VITA 180 v LIST OF TABLES Table No. Title Page No. 3.1 Geographical information about various blocks of District-Kanker 30 3.2 Soil physico-chemical properties of experimental field 34 3.3 Custard apple genotypes used for experimental material 36 3.4 In-situ custard apple genotypes and their location 56 3.5 The skeleton of analysis of variance for randomized complete block 69 design 4.1 Analysis of variance for quantitative traits of fruit yield and its 85 components in custard apple during the year 2013-14 and 2014-15 4.2 Analysis of variance for qualitative traits offruit yield and its 86 components in custard apple during the year 2013-14 and 2014-15 4.3 Genetic parameters of variation for fruit yield and its components in custard apple for quantitative traits during the year 2013-14 and 2014- 99 15(pooled data) 4.4 Genetic parameters of variation for fruit yield and its components in custard apple for qualitative traits during the year 2013-14 and 2014- 100 15 (pooled analysis) 4.5 Genotypic (G) correlation coefficients for quantitative traits of fruit yield and its components in custard apple during the year 2013-14 and 114 2014-15 4.6 Phenotypic (P) correlation coefficients for quantitative traits of fruit yield and its components in custard apple during the year 2013-14 and 115 2014-15 4.7 Genotypic path coefficients for quantitative traits of fruit yield and its 116 components in custard apple during the year 2013-14 and 2014-15 4.8 Genotypic (G) correlation coefficients for qualitative traits of fruit 117 yield and its components in custard apple during the year 2013-14 and 2014-15 4.9 Phenotypic (P) correlation coefficients for qualitative traits of fruit 118 yield and its components in custard apple during the year 2013-14 and 2014-15 4.10 Genotypic path coefficients for qualitative traits of fruit yield and its 119 components in custard apple during the year 2013-14 and 2014-15 4.11 Distribution of different clusters for quantitative traits of fruit yield 131 and its components in custard apple during the year 2013-14 and 2014-15 4.12 Intra and Inter-Cluster distances and D2 values among 8 clusters for 132 quantitative traits of fruit yield and its components in custard appleduring the year 2013-14 and 2014-15 vi