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Studies of the relation of mineral elements to the effect of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid on rice PDF

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Preview Studies of the relation of mineral elements to the effect of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid on rice

& m m m of tbb bm tioh or w m im h m M m m to tm effect of a^oicaoBCPHM om osi^o acid on a m A I&asert&iion Submitted to the Graduate Faculty of the Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College In partial fulfliaiaeot of the retirem ents fbr the degree of Sector of Philosophy in The Department of Botany, Bacteriology, and Plant Pathology hy Mohammad Ishaque B«A«, University of Calcutta, 1942 M*A», University of Calcutta, 1944 August, 1949 UMI Number: DP69336 All rights reserved INFORMATION TO ALL USERS The quality of this reproduction is dependent upon the quality of the copy submitted. In the unlikely event that the author did not send a complete manuscript and there are missing pages, these will be noted. Also, if material had to be removed, a note will indicate the deletion. U M T Dissertation Publishing UMI DP69336 Published by ProQuest LLC (2015). Copyright in the Dissertation held by the Author. Microform Edition © ProQuest LLC. All rights reserved. This work is protected against unauthorized copying under Title 17, United States Code uest ProQuest LLC. 789 East Eisenhower Parkway P.O. Box 1346 Ann Arbor, Ml 48106 - 1346 MANUSCRIPT THESES Unpublished theses submitted for the master's and doctorfs degrees and deposited in the Louisiana State University Library are available for inspection* Use of any thesis is limited by the rights of the author* Bibliographical references may be noted3 but passages may not be copied unless the author has given permission* Credit must be given in subsequent written or published work. A library which borrows this thesis for use by its clientele is expected to make sure that the borrower is aware of the above restrictions* LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY 119-a 4» W i l s i 1 % h t TABLE OF CONTESTS X AOCHOfflEDCKaiKTS XX TABLE 07 CONTENTS XXX LIST 07 TABLES V X? LIST 07 FTCUBES x 7 LIST OF PLATES x ti 71 ABSTBACT X*7 VXX INTHQBUCTION X T ill LITERATURE EBTIW 4 IX BATBMALS AND METHODS 15 x pmxuiKABx experiments 22 EHfce* of 2,4.0 on germination of eight ts$ist& es of xioQ 22 J&ffeei of different concentrations of 2#4**i m seedlings of the 2enith variety of aiee 34 Effeet of 0*1 p*p*»* 2#4»I> m seedlings of six varieties of rice 37 XI FAKT I 30 STUDIES or THE EFFECT OF MAJOR U S ! M M T S OH THE action of 2,4-b oh m m 30 Ax Chemicals furnishing the elements added to the culture mecdm 30 1* Laboratorye xporijaenta 30 2» Greenhouse experiments 42 B, Seed# •oatod la aotatton# ««itoi»tng to# elements 64 1. Laboratorye xperiments 64 2* greenhousee xperiments 68 i l l minim m*mim m*®mm o f the effect of minor oh the ACTION OF 2,4-0 OH HICK 76 K Chemicals furnishing the elements added to the culture medium 76 B* Seeds soaked In solutions containing the elements 79 m o m of the combined effect of major and mmn nmmm: m*wmm m tm action of 2,4-0 oh rick ao Xix PART XX 04 studies of the effect of seed m ax& sm with fungigxdes OH THE ACTION OF 2,4-0 OH HICK 04 A. Seed treatment by dusting with fungicides 04 1# laboratory experiment© 04 2a Greenhouse experiments 92 0* Seed treatment by dusting ©1th fungicides and then soaking In water 95 1* Laboratory ea^erlments 95 2* Greenhouse experiments 97 XXXI PART XXX 101 m rm studies op m sw io m of j u m m gahsoh effect OF 2,4-0 OH HICK 1CXL A* Laboratory experiments 101 B» Greenhouse experiments 110 1* Activated carbon dusted on the seed coats 110 2* Activated carbon applied In s d l mixture 112 3, Activated carbon sprayed on the soil 117 XXV DISCUSSION 124 XV S0MMAHX l4 l XVI LITERATURE GITED 144 XVII PUBLICATIONS 149 X7ZII BIOORAPHX 150 iv LIST OF1 TABLES Table 1* Per Gent Cterainatictn of Eight V arieties of Klee in Different Concentrations of 2,4~B* Averages of Pew Replications. 23 . 2 Effect of different Conceaitrfttlons of 2, 4-8 on (terminating Seedlings of the Senlth Variety of fUes* Ms&surements of Shoots and Boots Taken after seven Days of Growth in P etri Plates* Averages of 4o Measurements* 25 3* Effect of 2,4-B m Germinating Seedlings of Six V arieties of Rice, Measurements of Boot Length Taken after Ten Bays of Growth in P etri Plates* Averages of Three B ^eriaents with Four Iteplieatipao in Each* 28 4* Effect of Chemicals ftm&shing major Kutrient Elements cm the Action of 2,4*8 on (terminating Seedlings of Klee* Measure* sente of Shoot and Boot Lengths Taken after Seven Days of Growth in P etri Plates* Averages of Three Espe risen ts with Tiro to Four Replications Each* 32 5« Effect of Chemicals Furnishing Nutrient Elements on the Action of Lethal Ooneentrations of 2,4*IL Measurements of Shoot and Boot Lengths Taken after Seven Days of Growth in P etri Plates* Averages of 4) Measurements* 37 6 Effect of Three Organic Compounds on the Action of 2,4~B m * Germinating Rice Seedlings* Measurements Taken after Seven Says of Growth in P etri Plates* Averages of do Measurements* 33 ^ 7# Average Lengths (In on*) of Shoot and Hoot of Bice Seedlings after Two Weeks of Growth in Soil to which nutrients were Added a t the Tine of Planting of Seeds and 2,4-p Sprayed as Pre-emergence Treatments* Averages of 20 Measurements* 44 S* Effect of D ifferent Nutrients on the Action of 2,4*8 on Rice Seedlings Grown in Soil* Sutrients Added to the Soil a t the Tine of Planting of Seeds a t the Kate of 4o Pounds per Acre and 2,4-8 Sprayed as a Pre-emergence Treatment* 4? 9* Relative Lengths of Shoots and Roots Of Seedlings after Two Weeks of Growth in Soil to which Mutrlenfca were Added and 2/2 Pound 2,4-8 per Acre was Sprayed as a Pre-emergence Treatment* 50 10* Average Length® (In m +) of SBloots and Roots of Moo deedllngs after Three Weeks of Growth in Soil to Which D ifferent N utrients were Added a t the Bata of SO Pounds Acre a t the Mae of Planting of Seed#* 2,4-0 Sprayed a# Pre*eaergemoe and Post-eaergenoe Treatments at the Rato of 3/2 Pound par Acre* Averages of m Measurements* 57 11* Effect of Different Nutrients Added to the Soil at the Time of Planting of Seeds a t the Rate of SO Pounds per lore on the Action of 2,4*B on Mas Seedlings* Per Gent Inhibitions Calculated from the Rata of fable 10% 59 32% Effect of A fferent N utrients Added to the Sell (Poor Rapa after the PooVemergence Applicable^! of 2,4.0) on the Action of 2,4.0 on Mee Seedlings* fefcrlents Added at the Rate of 30 Poinds per Mm$ 2,4.0 %>rayed a t the Rate of l/2 Pound per Acre when the Seedlings mere One f#ek Old* Averages of 20 Measurements# dj 13* Effect of 2&fferent Jfutrisat Elements Introduced into the Seeds by Prcwicehittg in Solutions Gontaining the Elements m the Action of 2,4*0 on Rice Seedlings* Measurements of Shoot end Root Lengths Taken after Seven Raya of Growth in P etri Plates Containing 0*1 pvp*m* 2»4»$ Solution# Summary of Two Experiments with Four Implications Rash# S5 14, Effect of D ifferent Nutrient ELements (Introduced into the Seeds by Pre>»#oaMng in 0*5 per cent Solutions of' Compounds Furnishing Single Major Nutrient Llomanis) on the Action of 0*1 p*p*n* 2,4.0 on Rests of Bice Seedlings* Measurements Tdcen after Thirteen Bays of Growth in P etri H ates Containing 2,4-0* Summary of Tm Ibperdsmt* with Four Replicaticns Each* 67 15, Effect of D ifferent H uhdett Mements {Introclxcod into the Seeds by tak in g in 1*0 per cent Solutions of Compounds Ihrniahing One or More Nutrient Momenta) 021 the Action of 2,4.0 on Rice Seedlings Orem in Soil* 2,4-0 Sprayed as Pre-Mergence Treatments at the Rate of 1/2 Pound per Acre* Measurements of 2~Week-0ld Seedlings* Averages of 20 Measurements* & Id* Effect of Pre-aoaSdng of deeds in Nutrient Solutions on the Stimulation of Shoot Growth and on the Action of 2,4*0 on Shoot* 70 17. Average lengths of Shoot and Itoofc of Rice Seedlings after Three Weeks of Growth in Soil* deeds Soaked in 0*5 per cent Solutions of D ifferent Chemicals for 48 Rears* 2,4-0 Sprayed a t the Rate of 1/2 Pound per Acre as Pr©~emergence and PostHwaergenoe Applications* Averages of 20 Measurements* 74 vt IB* Effect of Nutrient Dm Ii on th© Action of 2,4® on Bloe Seedlings* Nutrients Introduced into the Seeds by Seeking in Oheateal Solutions Containing the Nutrients for 4& Hours before Planting* 2,4-® Sprayed at the Bate of 1/2 Pound per Acre as Pre-emergence and Post-emergence Applications* '* 19* Effect of Minor Nutrient Elements can the Action of 2 ,4 d on Germinating Rice Seedlings* Measurements Taken after ten Bays of Growth in P etri H ates Oontaining the Elements and 0*1 p*p*n* 2,4-®* Buaaary ©f B^eidaent# with ^ Pour Replications Bash* ^ 20* Effect of Minor Hubrlenb Elements on the Action of 2,4-® on Roots of Rice Seedlings. Nutrients Introduced into the Beads by Soaking in Solutions Containing the nutrients* Measurements Taken, after Seven Beys of Growth in P etri Plates Oontaining 2,4*®* Averages of 40 Measurements* BD 21* The Combined Effect of Major and Minor Nutrient Elements on the lotion of 2*4® on the Roots of Geminating Rise Seedlings* Measurements Taken after Seven Bays of Growth in P etri Plates Containing 0.1 p.p.*. 2*4-® Solutions which also Contained D ifferent Major and Minor Nutrient moments. Averages of 4q Measurements* 82 22* Effect of Seed Treatment by Dusting with Fungicides on the Action of 2*4-® on the Germinating Jtiee Seedlings. Measurements Taken, afte r Seven Bays of Growth In P etri Plates Containing 0*1 p*p«&« 2*4*® Solutions. Summary of Two Experiments with Four Replications Each. B6 23* Effect of Seed Treatment by Busting with Ehnglaides on the Action of 2,4® en Germinating Rice Seedlings. Measurements Taken after Nine Buys of Growth in P etri Plates Containing 0 to 10 p.p.m. Solutions of 2,4® . Averages of 10 Measurements from Bach of the Four Repli­ cations* &S 24* Effect of D ifferent Rates of 2*4® on Seedling Emergence. Seeds Treated with Fungicide Dusts before Planting* Qnergenee Counted Seven Bays after Planting of Seeds* Averages of Three Replications. 93 25* Average lengths (In cm*) of Shoot and Root of Rice Seedlings after Two Weeks of Growth in Soils Sprayed with 2*4® at Different Rates* Beads Treated with Fungicide Busts before , Planting* Averages of 30 Measurements* 9% 26* Effect of Bead Treatment by Dusting with Slrngi aides an the Action of 2*4® on Germinating Rice Seedlings in Boil* 2*4® %>rayed a t Different Rates as Pre-emergence Treatments* . Calculated from Bata of Table 25# 94 v il 27* Effect of a Seed Treatment (F irst Busting with Ftagicides and than Soaking in Water fo r 4a Hours) m the Action of 2.4-D on Oezttinatlng IMo* Seedlings* Measurements Taken afte r fen Days of Growth in F etri Plates containing 0*1 p. p.m. 2,4-0 Se&uttons* Summary of Three H^erlaent® with Two Replications Each. 96 28* Effect of a Bead Treatment (F irst Dusting with Fungicide© and then Soaking in Water fo r 48 Boors) on the Action of 2.4-0 cm Germinating I&ee Seedlings* Measurements Taken afte r Two Weeks of Growth in Soil* Sprayed with 2,4-0 at the Bate of 1/2 Found per Acre as a Pre-emergence Application* Averages of 20 Measurements* 9g 29* Effect of Bead Treatment with Activated Carton (H oritB) on the Action of 2,4*0 on Germinating M m Seedlings* Measurement* Taken after 3mm Bays of Growth in Petri Plates Containing D ifferent Concentrations of 2,4-0* dunmary of Three Experiments with Four Replications Each. 102 30* Effect of F iltering 2,4-0 through Activated Carbon (HerAt B). Measurement* of the lengths of the Shoots and the Boots of RLee Seedlings Taken after Seven Bays of drouth in P etri Plates Containing Solutions of 2,4-0 and the Filtrates* Summary of Three Es^erlmenta with Four Replications Each* 107 31* Effect of Activated Carbon (Merit A) Applied in Soil Mixture Covering the Seeds on the Action of 2,4-0 on Seed­ ling Skergenee of 1ft c®* Emergence Counts Made after Seven Bays* 2,4-0 Sprayed a t D ifferent Bates on the Soil as Fro- emergence Applications. Averages of Four Replications. 314 32* Effect of Activated Carton (Merit A) Applied in Soil Mixture Covering the Seeds on the Action of 2,4-0 on Bice Seedlings* Measurements Taken af te r Two Weeks of Growth in Soil Sprayed with 2,4-0 at D ifferent Bate© as Pre-emergence Applications. Averages of 10 Measurements fro® Each of Four Replications. 115 33* Effect of Activated Carbon (Horlt A) Sprayed on the Surface of the Soil in Bows Planted with Bioe Seeds m the Action of 2.4-0 on Seedling Baergence* 2,4-0 Sprayed a t the Bate of 2 Founds per Acre on the Soil as a Pre-emergence Application. Siergenee Counts Made after Seven Bays. Averages of Three Replications. 118 34* E ffect of Activated Gaybon (Norit A) Sprayed on the Surface of the Soil in Bows Planted with J&ee Seeds on the Action of 2,4-0 on Shoots of Seedlings. 2,4-0 grayed at the Bate of 2 Pounds per Acre on the Soil as a Pre-emergence Applica­ tion* Measurements Taken after Seventeen Bays of Growth. Averages of 10 Measurements ffcoa Each of Three Replications. 120 viH

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