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PROC. ENTOMOL. SOC. WASH. 100(3), 1998. pp. 489-496 STUDIES OF NEOTROPICAL CADDISFLIES LVI: DESCRIPTIONS OF FIVE NEW SPECIES OF THE GENUS METRICHIA ROSS (TRICHOPTERA: HYDROPTILIDAE) FROM PAKITZA, PERU, WITH A CHECKLIST AND BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE DESCRIBED SPECIES OF THE GENUS Oliver S. Flint, Jr. and Joaquin Bueno-Soria (OSF) Department of Entomology, MRC 105, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC 20560, U.S.A.; (JBS) Instituto de Biologi'a, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Apdo. Postal 70-153, Mexico 04510, D.F., Mexico. — Abstract. Five new species ofthe genus Metrichia from Peru are described, diagnosed and figured: M. pakitza, M. diosa, M. madre, M. adamsae, and M. helenae. Full generic status for Metrichia is accepted, the 58 described species are listed with their authors, date of publication and known distribution, and a bibliography presented for the papers in which the species were described or new country records given. Key Words: Metrichia. Trichoptera, Hydroptilidae, species list, bibliography, new spe- cies, Peru The genus Metrichia has a wide distri- cal morphology of the larval stage. Subge- bution in the New World, being found from neric status has been followed by various the southwestern United States south to authors at various times, most notably by central Chile and Argentina and all the larg- Marshall (1979) in her reclassification of er Antillean islands. There seems to be a the family, and not by others (Blickle and tendency for the species to breed in small, Denning 1977, give cogent reasons). Mar- tumbling streams, cascades and springs. shall (1979) placed Metrichia. as a subge- Adults are most frequently taken by sweep- nus, in the subfamily Hydroptilinae but cre- ing near the larval site, but a Malaise trap ated the tribe Ochrotrichiini in which she at the same site will often produce large included only the New World genera Och- numbers. They are not commonly attracted rotrichia sensu stricto, Metrichia and Rhy- acopsyche. Wiggins (1996) introduced sev- to lights at night, but now and then a few eral characteristics believed to distinguish specimens will show up. As a consequence the larvae of the two subgenera, and then of this restriction of habitat and retiring recognized both at the full generic level. habits, a true understanding of their diver- Although some recent larval collections are sity is only slowly emerging. difficult to place generically, we follow The genus was erected by Ross in 1938 Wiggins" lead in this paper and recognize for the Texan species, Orthotrichia nigritta the genus Metrichia as an independent ge- Banks. However, Flint in 1968a reduced nus. Jacquemart (1963) created the genus Metrichia to the status of subgenus in Och- Argentitrichia for the single species A. hiil- rotrichia due to the morphology ofthe head bosa Jacquemart, 1963. Marshall (1979) and thorax, spur count, structure ofthe male correctly synonymized Argentitrichia with genitalia and especially on the near identi- Metrichia; the species, however, is valid. 490 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON The first sketchy description ofMetrichia disparilis (Flint 1983) Argentina larvae was for the type species by Edwards espera Botosaneanu 1980 Cuba & Arnold (1961). The next description, excisa (Kumanski 1987) Cuba somewhat more complete, was of the Puer- exclamationis (Flint 1968b) Dominica, . . . to Rican M. jiiana (Flint) (as Ochrotrichia Guadeloupe juana. Flint 1964). Wiggins (1996) gave the favus (Botosaneanu, in Botosaneanu & Al- most complete description with figures of kins 1993) Trinidad M. iiigritta, together with a differential ge- fontismoreaui (Botosaneanu 1991) Do- . . neric diagnosis. Botosaneanu & Flint minican Republic, Haiti (1982) reported on some larval morphology geminata (Flint 1996a) Tobago, Trinidad and showed interesting variation in larval helenae Flint & Bueno, herein Peru case structure with the development ofdor- juana (Flint 1964) Puerto Rico sal silken tubes, but all from unknown spe- kitmanskii (Botosaneanu 1991) .... Haiti cies in the genus. Nothing is reported on lacuna (Bueno 1983) Mexico larval food habits. lemiscata (Flint 1972) Panama Because the number of described species lenophora (Flint 1991) Colombia has increased rapidly in recent years, and macrophallata (Flint 1991) ... Colombia their descriptions are widely scattered in the madre Flint & Bueno. herein Peru literature, we present the following check- madicola (Botosaneanu 1994) Guade- . . . list with known distributions. A few refer- loupe ences are given in the Literature Cited malada (Flint 1991) Colombia, Peru which are not cited in the text; they contain munieca Botosaneanu 1977 Cuba published records for a species from a neotropicalis Schmid 1958 .... Argentina, country that is not otherwise recorded. Chile, Peru & nigritta (Banks 1907, volada Blickle aberrans (Flint 1972) Mexico Denning 1977, synonymy by Moulton, adamsae Flint & Bueno, herein .... Peru Stewart & Young 1994) El Salvador, . . anisoscola (Flint 1991) Colombia Mexico, USA araguensis (Flint 1981) Venezuela pakitza Flint & Bueno, herein Peru arenifera (Flint 1980) Peru patagonica (Flint 1983) Argentina, argentinica Schmid 1958 Argentina Chile arizonensis (Flint 1972) USA penicillata (Flint 1972) Guatemala avon (Bueno 1983) Mexico platigona (Botosaneanu, in Botosaneanu & bidentata (Flint 1983) . . Argentina, Chile Alkins 1993) . . Tobago, Trinidad, Vene- biungulata (Flint 1972) Panama zuela bolo (Flint 1991 ) Colombia protrudens (Flint 1991) Colombia bulbosa (Jacquemart 1963) . . . Argentina quadrata (Flint 1972) Mexico cafetalera Botosaneanu 1980 . . Cuba, Do- rawlinsi (Flint & Sykora 1993) . . Domini- minican Republic ca campcma (Flint 1968b) Dominica riva (Bueno 1983) Mexico carbetma (Botosaneanu 1994) . . . Guade- rona (Flint 1991) Colombia loupe sacculifera (Flint 1991) Colombia ceer (Flint 1992) Puerto Rico similis (Flint 1968b) Dominica, Guade- . . continentalis (Flint 1972) Panama loupe & cuenca (Harper Turcotte 1985) Ecua- squamigera (Flint 1992) .... Puerto Rico . . dor thirysae Jacquemart 1980 Chile ciispidata (Flint 1991) Colombia trigonella (Flint 1972) Honduras, dietzi (Flint 1974) .... Guyana, Surinam Mexico diosa Flint & Bueno, herein Peru trispinosa (Bueno 1977) Mexico VOLUME 100, NUMBER 3 491 warema (Flint 1974) Surinam antennae in M. pakitza are unmodified, the yuUa (Flint 1968a) Jamaica segments being short and terete, and the clasper bearing a small apicoventral angle. The following five new species do not, Adult.—Length of forewing, 1 mm. Col- on the whole, fit well into the species or in alcohol, brown. Male antenna very groups proposed by Flint (1972), nor do short, hardly as long as width of head, of many of the other species described in re- 17 segments, all short and cylindrical. Male cent years. It is apparent that a completely abdomen lacking apparent modifications. new approach to defining monophyletic Male genitalia: Ninth segment in lateral as- groups will have to be taken, but with so pect one and one-half times longer than many species yet to be made known such a high; posterior margin nearly vertical, an- study is still premature. The five species de- terior margin narrowed and slightly pro- scribed here are all rather atypical of the duced anteriad. Cercus in lateral view genus in the structure of their abdomens. thumblike. Tenth tergum lightly sclerotized, Most species have various sacs, pockets, hoodlike. Dorsolateral hook in dorsal view, and hair brushes on their abdomens. Only apex hooked laterad; in lateral view with M. heleiuie of the Pakitza species clearly apical portion curved sharply ventrad. In- bears hair brushes. However, such brushes ferior appendages in lateral view broad ba- are easily removed from the abdomen dur- sally, dorsal margin slightly sinuate, ending ing clearing and could have been lost from in an apicodorsal point, posterior margin the other species, and small pockets be- concave with a smaller posteroventral an- tween segments are difficult to see with ma- gle. Phallus with two curved hooks arising terial in the best of condition, which most at different levels of the apical portion, of these examples are not. The wings of all apicalmost hook shorter, midway between specimens are completely denuded, thereby preapical hook and tip, preapical hook lon- breenadrersipnecgiaitliizmepdospsaitbclheestoofassccearlteasinonifthaeniyr gerMaatnedriaslt.ra—ighHtoliontydpores,al6.viePwE.RU: Madre wings. The apex of the phallus of the de Dios: Manu, Pakitza, 12°7'S, 70°58'W, unique specimen recorded as Ochrotrichia 250 m. Trail 2, 1st Stream, 14-23 Septem- (M.) n. sp. 1 (Flint 1996b: 399) has been ber 1988, O. Flint & N. Adams, Malaise lost, rendering this specimen unfit for de- trap, night col—lection (NMNH). scription. Etymology. Named for the locality in The types of these species are presently Peru where the species was collected. held in trust at the National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Metrichia diosa Flint and Bueno, for ultimate deposition at the Museo de His- new species toria Natural, Universidad Nacional Mayor (Figs. 4-6) de San Marcos, Lima, Peru. Ochrotrichia (M.) n. sp. 4, Flint 1996b: Metrichia pakitza Flint and Bueno, 399. new species (Figs. 1-3) This species is very closely related to M. pakitza, n. sp., being reliably distinguished Ochrotrichia (M.) n. sp. 2, Flint 1996b: by the presence ofmuch compressed anten- 399. nal segments and the lack of the apico- This species is not closely related to oth- ventral a—ngle on the inferior appendages. er described species, only the following, M. Adult. Length of forewing, 2 mm. Col- diosa, n. sp., being clearly related. Indeed, or in alcohol, brown. Male antenna of 17 in most parts of the genitalia the two spe- segments; segments 5-13 much com- cies appear nearly identical. However, the pressed, about twice as high as long. Male 492 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON Figs. 1-6. Metrkhiu. 1-3. M. piikilza. 1, Male genitalia, lateral. 2, Same, dorsal. 3, Inferior appendage, ventral. 4-6, M. diosa. 4, Male genitalia, dorsal. 5, Same, lateral. 6, Inferior appendage, ventral. abdomen without apparent modifications. lateral view, longer than high, with the Male genitalia: Ninth segment in lateral as- apicodorsal portion produced and angulate; pect about one and one-half times as long in ventral aspect, with the basal portion as high, posterior margin almost vertical; wider than the apical, the inner margin sin- produced anteroventrally. Cercus in lateral uate; inner face covered by many micro aspect, hood-shaped. Dorsolateral hook spines. Phallus with two well developed long, slender; in lateral view apex with spines, origins well separated, basal spine small ventral point. Inferior appendage in much longer than apical and nearly straight. — — ; VOLUME 100, NUMBER 3 493 preapical spine small and sharply curved la- tapering, with a small, dark, hook ventro- terad; intern—al tubule well developed. basally. — Material. Holotype, 6. PERU: Madre Material. Holotype, 6. PERU: Madre de Dios: Manu; Pakitza, 11°56'S, 7ri8'W, de Dios: Manu, Pakitza, 12°7'S, 70°58'W, 250 m. kitchen stream, 12-18 September 250 m, 14-23 September 1988, O. FUnt & 1989, N. Adams et al.. Malaise trap, night N. Adams, Trail 2, 1st Stream, Malaise trap, collection. Paratypes: Same data, 1 d 3 9 day & night collection (NMNH). same, but day collection, 1 cJ, 3 9; same, Etymology. madre: Spanish word for but Trail 2, 1st Stream, 14-23 September mother, also recalling the name ofthe Prov- 1988, O. Flint & N. Adams, Malaise trap, ince, Madre de Dios. day & night collection, 1 i (NMNH). Etymology. diosa: Spanish word for Metrichia adamsae Flint and Bueno, goddess, also recalling the name of the new species Province, Madre de Dios. (Figs. 9, 10) Ochrotrichia (M.) n. sp. 5, Flint 1996b: Metrichia madre Flint and Bueno, 399. new species (Figs. 7, 8) This species appears virtually identical in genitalia to M. malada (Flint), known from Ochrotrichia (M.) n. sp. 3, Flint 1996b: Colombia and Peru. It differs from that spe- 399. cies in that the ninth segment is not quite twice as long as high, rather than three Because of the presence of a very long times as long, and in apparently lacking all phallus with a long, dark, internal tubule modifications of the abdomen. The abdo- and a short, ventrolateral hook, this species men ofthe unique specimen ofM. adamsae appears to be most similar to M. neotropi- is not well cleared, thus obscuring any calis Schmid and M. potagonica (Flint). smaller or fainter structures, but neverthe- However, M. madre can be distinguished less it seems to lack the many abdominal from those species by the triangular shape modifications of M. malada. — of the inferior appendages in ventral and Adult. Length of forewing, 2 mm. Col- dorsal view with their toothed posterodorsal or in alcohol, brown. Male antenna of 18 margin. — segments, unmodified. Male abdomen with- Adult. Length of forewing, 1.5 mm. out apparent modifications. Male genitalia: Color in alcohol, brown. Male abdomen ap- Ninth segment almost twice as long as high parently without any modifications. Ninth in lateral aspect; posterior margin sinuate. segment in lateral aspect almost twice as Cercus ellipsoid. Tenth tergum lightly scler- long as high, the posterior margin arcuate; otized, hoodlike. Dorsolateral hook in dor- anterior margin narrowed and slightly pro- sal view long, slender, and almost straight duced anteroventrad. Cercus in dorsal view with apex hooked laterad. Inferior append- circular, in lateral view thumblike. Dorso- age in lateral view longer than high, with lateral hook in dorsal view with subapical posterior margin obtusely angled; in dorsal angulation, tip angled slightly mesad, in lat- view with a small, dark tooth near the pos- eral view, apical portion elongate ventrad. terior margin. Phallus with two, equal- Inferior appendage in dorsal view with the sized, curved hooks arising at almost same apical portion triangular; in lateral view, ba- level subapically; internal tubule almost sodorsal lobe with row of small teeth along half length of phallus. — posterodorsal margin, ventrally produced in Material. Holotype, i. PERU: Madre a pointed, triangular lobe. Phallus with a de Dios: Manu, Pakitza, I2°7'S, 70°58'W, long, dark, internal tubule: apical portion 250 m, 9-14 September 1988, Trail 1, 1st 494 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON Figs. 7-12. Metrichia. 7, 8. M. madre. 7. Male genitalia, dorsal. 8, Same, lateral. 9, 10, M. adamsae. 9, Male genitalia, dorsal. 10. Same, lateral. 11, 12, M. helenae. 11, Male genitalia, dorsal. 12. Same, lateral. VOLUME 100, NUMBER 3 495 Stream, O. S. Flint & N. Adams. Malaise de Dios: Manu. Pakitza. 1I°56'S. 7n8'W, trap, day colle—ction (NMNH). 250 m, kitchen stream, 12-18 September Etymology. It is our pleasure to name 1989, N. Adams et al.. Malaise trap, night this species after Nancy E. Adams, Spe- collection. NM—NH. cialist for Neuropteroids, who collaborated Etymology. We have the pleasure to in the collection of this and other species dedicate this species to the memory of a here described. great lady and hostess, Helen S. Flint. Acknowledgments Metrichia helenae Flint and Bueno, new species We are indebted to the Biological Diver- (Figs. 11, 12) sity of Latin America program of the Smithsonian Institution for providing the Ochrothchia (M.) n. sp. 6, Flint 1996b: funding and support necessary to visit and 400. collect at the Pakitza site. Miss Nancy E. This species seems closely related to M. Adams, support staff of the Entomology penicillata (Flint) based on the overall sim- Department. National Museum of Natural ilarity in shape and structure of the male History, made important collections at Pa- genitalia. However, M. helenae, new spe- kitza in 1989 and greatly aided OSF in cies, can be distinguished from that species 1988. Dr. P. J. Spangler provided support to by the more quadrate shape of the inferior JBS enabling him to work at the Smithson- appendage which is not drawn out into an ian on this paper. We thank the reviewers angle at midheight in lateral view. Although for their time and effort to improve this both species have lateral hair brushes be- manuscript. tween the fifth and sixth segments, M. he- Literature Cited lenae lacks the internal sacs ofthe fifth seg- ment and the other modifications of the Banks. N. 1907. New Trichoptera and Psocidae. Jour- nal of the New York Entomological Society 15: male abdomen. — 162-166. Adult. Length of forewing, 2 mm. Col- Blickle, R. L. and D. G. Denning. 1977. New species or in alcohol, brown. Male antenna of 19 and a new genus of Hydroptilidae (Trichoptera). segments, unmodified. Male abdomen with Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 50: large hair brushes dorsolaterally between 287-300. Botosaneanu. L. 1977. Trichopteres (Imagos)deCuba, fifth and sixth segments. Male genitalia: captures parmoi-memeen 1973 (Insecta,Trichop- Ninth segment in lateral view twice as long tera). Fragmenta Entomologica 13: 231-284. as high, posterior margin sinuate. Cercus . 1980. Trichopteres adultes de Cuba collectes leaf-shaped. Tenth tergum lightly sclero- par les zoologistes cubains (Trichoptera). Mittei- tized, small, hoodlike. Dorsolateral hook lungen der Munchner Entomologischen Gesell- schaft 69: 91-116. with apex enlarged, hammer-like, only half . 1991. Trichopteres d'Haiti. Bulletin de as long as inferior appendage; in lateral as- rinstitut royal des Sciences naturelles de Bel- pect, with apex hooked ventrad. Inferior ap- gique. Entomologie 61: 113-134. pendage in lateral aspect, almost rectangu- . 1994. LesTrichopteresde laGuadeloupe. An- lar, apical margin slightly sinuate, with a nales de la Societe Entomologique de France 30 (NS): 33-54. small apicoventral point; in dorsal aspect . 1995. Caddis flies (Trichoptera) from the Do- mesal face with a small ridge ending in a minican Republic (West Indies) I. The Hydroptil- point on posterior margin at midheight. idae. Bulletm de rinstitut royal des Sciences na- Phallus with two well-developed, curved turelles de Belgique, Entomologie 65: 21-33. spines, origins well separated, apical trough Botosaneanu, L. and M. Alkins-Koo. 1993. The caddis flies (Insecta: Trichoptera) ofTrinidad and Toba- broad and well sclerotized; ejaculatory duct go. West Indies. Bulletin de I'lnstitut royal des well develop—ed. Sciences naturelles de Belgique, Entomologie 63: Material. Holotype. 6. PERU: Madre 5-45. 496 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON Botosaneanu, L. and O. S. Flint, Jr. 1982. On some the Trichoptera of Antioquia. Colombia. Smith- Trichopterafrom northern VenezuelaandEcuador sonian Contributions to Zoology 520: 1—113. (Insecta). Beaufortia 32: 13-26. . 1992. New species ofcaddisflies from Puerto Bueno-Soria. J. 1977. Una especie nuevade Ochrolri- Rico (Trichoptera). Proceedings of the Entomo- chia Mosely (Insecta: Trichoptera: Hydroptilidae). logical Society ofWa.shington 94: 379-389. 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Studies of Neotropical caddisflies. Ross, H. H. 1938. Lectotypes ofNorth American cad- XXVIII: The Trichopteraofthe Rio Limon Basin. dis flies in the Museum ofComparative Zoology. Venezuela. SmithsonianContributions toZoology Psyche 45: 6-61. 330: 1-61. Schmid, E 1958. Contribution a Fetude des Trichop- . 1983. Studies of Neotropical caddisflies, teres neotropicaux III. Mitteilungen ausdem Zoo- XXXIII: New species fromaustral SouthAmerica logi-schen Museum in Berlin 34: 183-217. (Trichoptera). Smithsonian Contributions to Zo- Wiggins, G. L. 1996. Larvae ofNorth American Cad- ology 377: 1-100. disfly Genera (Trichoptera). Second Edition. Uni- . 1991. Studies of Neotropical caddisflies. versity ofToronto Press,Torontoand Buffalo,457 XLV: The taxonomy, phenology, and faunisticsof pp.

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