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Studies of Neotropical Amblyopone Erichson (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). PDF

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by  LattkeJ. E.
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Preview Studies of Neotropical Amblyopone Erichson (Hymenoptera: Formicidae).

Number 428 4 September 1991 Contributions Science IN Studies of Neotropical Amblyopone Erichson (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) John E. Lattke Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County Studies of Neotropical Amblyopone Erichson (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) John E. Lattke^ ABSTRACT. Two newspeciesofneotropicalAmblyoponeare described:A. falcata from Puerto Rico andA. lurilabes fromnorthernSouthAmerica,southeasternPeru,and northernArgentina.Amblyopone tropicalis Brown issynonymizedunderA. orizabana Brown,andthepreviouslyunknownworkerofA. mystriops Brown is described. Amblyopone degenerata Boi^meier is reported from southeastern Peru. Akey forthe identification ofthe workersand femalesofNewWorldAmblyoponeis included. RESUMEN.SedescribendosnuevasespeciesdeAmblyoponedelneotropico:A.falcata dePuertoRico yA.lurilabesdelnonedeSudAmerica,surestePeruanoyelnortedeLaArgentina.Amblyoponetropicalis Brown se convierte en un sinonimo menorde A. orizabana Brown yse describe la casta obrera de A. mystriops Brown, previamente desconocida. Se reporta la presencia de A. degenerata Borgmeier en el surestedelPeru. SeincluyeunaclaveparalaidentificaciondelasobrerasyhembrasdeAmblyopone del Nuevo Mundo. INTRODUCTION CASC—California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, California,U.S.A. Amblyopone is a cosmopolitan genus of primitive CFFB—Coleccion FernandoFernandez,Bogota,Colom- ants belonging to the subfamily Ponerinae. It con- b—ia sists, at present, of 50 species, 13 of which occur IZAV InstitutodeZoologiaAgricola,UniversidadCen- intheNewWorld.Brownrevisedthegroupin1960 tral deVenezuela,Maracay, Venezuela and described an additional neotropical species in JTLC—^JackT. LonginoCollection,TheAllynMuseum, s1e9n6t2e.dAisnpGeocttswaolfd AanmdblLyeovpioeunxe(1b9i7o2l)o,gyBararoenipUrre-- LACMSa—rasNoattau,rFallorHiidsat,orUy.SM.uA.seumofLosAngelesCoun- bani (1978), Masuko (1986),andWard (1988). Re- MCZtCy,—LMosusAneguemleso,fCaCloimfopranriaat,iUv.eS.AZ.oology, Harvard cent improvements in collecting methods such as University,Cambridge, Massachusetts,U.S.A. leaflitter sifting and the use of Berlese funnels or MZUSP—MuseudeZoologia,UniversidadedeSaoPau- Winklersacks havepermitted the capture ofmore lo,Sao Paulo, Brazil specimensofAmblyoponeandothercrypticground USNM—U.S. National Museum of Natural History, nestingantsthanwaspreviouslypossible.Newspe- Smithsonian Institution,Washington, D.C.,U.S.A. cieshave beendiscoveredand thestatusofknown taxa can be better evaluated. The measurements u83s0e)d,ienxctehpistsfotrudHyWa,rewahsicdhefhienreedibnyclTuadyelsotrhe(1g9u7l8a:r Amblyopone falcata Lattke, new species teeth. (Fig. 1) SPECIMENS EXAMINED TYPE MATERIAL. Holotype worker: PUER- TO RICO, Guayama, carr. 7740, km 4 (8 km N During the course of this study I have studied material Guayama, 18°04'N 66°07'W,985m),San Lorenzo, from the followingcollections: 22-IV-1980,J.A. Torres, col., no. 33. Deposited in BMNH—British Museum of Natural History, London, the LACM. Paratypes: (1) Eight nidoparatypic England workers with same collection data as holotype. Three deposited in the LACM, 2 in IZAV, 1 in MCZC,1 inBMNH,1inMZUSP.(2)Oneworker: 1. InstitutodeZoologiaAgricola,UniversidadCentral PUERTO RICO, Aguas Buenas Forest at Aguas de Venezuela, Facultad de Agronomia, Maracay, Vene- BuenasCave, 18°14'N 66°07'W,250 m, 7-17 May zuela. 1973, S. Peck, leg. Deposited in MCZC. Contributionsin Science,Number428,pp. 1-7 NaturalHistory MuseumofLosAngelesCounty, 1991 WORKER.Holotype(paratypes)dimensions:HL Pygidiumdenselypunctate,withsomelongitudinal ML HW 1.12 (0.73-1.10), 0.98 (0.41-0.98), 1.00 rugae. Subpetiolar process is translucent rounded (0.57-1.00), SL 0.63 (0.37-0.65), WL 1.32 (0.85- lobe anteriorly directed. Petiole and postpetiole 1.32)mm,CI0.89(0.75-0.91),MI0.98(0.72-0.98), dorsally broader than long. Tibiae and femora SI 0.63 (0.65-0.66); n = 6. smoothandshiningwithabundantpunctures. Em- Head in full face view with concave posterior podia present, claws simple. Large pectinate spur margin,sidesweaklyconvexanddiverginganterad. onprotibialapex,noneonmesotibiaand onelong Anteriorclypeal margin convex, with 6-8 teeth: 2 pectinatespurplussmaller, slenderstraightspurat median teeth may be separate or fused to variable metatibial apex. degree,2intermediateteethand2lateraltriangular Most ofbody covered with shortand diluteap- teeth.Gularteeth smalland sharplypointed. Man- pressedpubescence;antennae,tibia,andgastricapex dibles elongate with concave outermargins: apical with some decumbent hairs, erect hairspresent on tooth long and sharp, preapical tooth very small gastric apex. No pubescence on mes- and metepi- and subquadrate (sometimes slightly emarginate sterna. Color mostly ferruginous-yellow, legs and mediallyandinsmallspecimenstubercle-like),fol- gasterslightlypaler. lowed by 5 double teeth fused basally, and a large QUEEN, MALE. Unknown. andtriangularinnermosttooth. Mandiblesinsmall ECOLOGY.Theholotypeserieswastakenfrom specimensrelativelybroaderandwithmoreconvex leaf litter in the Carite subtropical wet forest. inner preapical border; double teeth tend to be DISCUSSION.Amblyoponefalcatamaybecon- more fused basad. fused with the Cuban A. bierigi Santschi,a species Frontal carinae contiguous, separated only by known only from the holotype. Amblyoponebier- slightsuture.Apexofantennalscapereachingback igi, however, lacks the yellowspot on gastric ster- V3 of head and narrowest medially. Funiculus 10- nite II of A. falcata and has 12-merous antennae merous,eachsegmentconstrictedonefromanoth- ratherthan 11, andsparserpunctulaeon the body. erand incrassateapicad, notformingdistinctclub. The combination of 11 antennal segmentsand the Funicularsegments I-V, X longerthan broad; VI- distinctive spot on the gastric ventrum sets A. fal- IXlongas broad. Anteriorone-thirdto one-fourth cata apart from all other known species of the ofheadwithparallellongitudinalrugaethatdiverge genus.Reducedantennalsegmentationisknownin slightly posterad, very weakly impressed median A. degenerata Borgmeier (6 or 7) from SE Brazil longitudinalsulcus reachesvertexora little before andSE Peru,andA.gnotna Taylor(10) from Gua- it. Eyes absent. Dorsum of head denselypunctate- dalcanal Island. SEM examination of the unique reticulate,eachpuncturewithcentralpiligeroustu- gastric spot at 150x failed to reveal openings or bercle. Punctures slightly less dense on lateral and othersculpturingoftaxonomicinterest,onlysmooth ventral sides of head. Occiput shining and with integument. sparse shallow punctures. ETYMOLOGY. The species epithet falcata is Mesosoma laterally with pronotum convex and derived from the Latin adjective falcatus and al- separated by deep suture from straightand slightly ludes to the sickle-shaped mandibles ofthe ant. descending mesonotum. Metanotum and dorsal propodealfaceslightlyconvex,gentlycurvingdown Amblyopone lurilabes Lattke, to feebly convex declivitous face. Most of meso- new species somasmoothandshiningwithnumerouspiligerous (Fig. 2) punctures except for narrow median longitudinal bandthatextendscaudadovermesosomaldorsum Amblyopone armigera Lattke 1985:82, 84 (mis- with fewerpunctures, appearing smoother. Meso- identification). notum transverse and dorsally narrowest part of TYPE MATERIAL. Holotype worker: VENE- mesosoma; metanotal suture sometimes impressed ZUELA, Portuguesa, 6 km SE Biscucuy, 9°18'N as fine shallow transverse sulcus. Propodeum with 70''01'W, 1000 m, 18-VIII-1983,J. Lattke, leg. no. posterolateral striae, declivitous face with almost 438. Deposited in IZAV. Paratypes: (1) Eleven ni- glabrous inferomedian areaandwith superolateral doparatypicworkersand queenwiththe samecol- punctures and inferolateral transverse striae. Mes- lection data as the holotype. One worker each in episternum with horizontal rugulae. Sides of pro- MCZC, LACM, MZUSP. (2) COLOMBIA, Gua- coxawithobliquerugulaeanddispersedpunctures. jira, Serrania de Macuira, 6-8 km S Nazareth, 70- Sides of metepistemum and propodeum with few 200 m, 13-VI-75, W.L. Brown &C C. Kugler, leg. punctures. Propodeal spiracle oval. MCZC. (3) COLOMBIA,Magdalena, ParqueTay- Petiolelaterallywith fairlystraightanteriormar- ronanearPueblito,200m, 15-X-77,C. Kugler,leg. gin,meetingtheweaklyconvexfaceatsharpangle. CASC. (4)COLOMBIA,Antioquia,Providence Bi- Castersmoothandshining,withnumerouspiliger- ological Station, Zona Buenos Aires, 600-800 m, ouspunctures;acrotergitewithveryfinetransverse 30-XII-77,C.Kugler,leg.MCZC.(5)COLOMBIA, striae;baseofgastricsegmentIIscrobiculate;post- Meta, Villavicencio, 3-III-72, S. & J. Peck, leg. petiolarsternite with largerpunctures and appear- MCZC. (6) ECUADOR, Pichincha, Tinalandia, 16 ingroughened. GastricsterniteIIwithboomerang- km SE Santo Domingo de los Colorados,4-VI-76, shaped, beige to yellow patch, outlined in brown. S. &:J. Peck, leg. MCZC. (7) ECUADOR,Manabi, 2 ContributionsinScience,Nutnber428 Lattke: NeotropicalAmblyopone Figures1 and2. Amblyoponespecies. 1.Amblyoponefalcata frontalviewofhead.2.Amblyoponelurilabes frontal viewofhead. Scale barequals0.5 mm. Contiibutionsin Science,Number428 Lattke:NeotropicalAmblyoponeWi 73 km NE Chone, 300 m, 12-VI-76, S. ScJ. Peck, Petiole laterallywith straightto slightlyconcave leg. anterior face, meeting the flat to slightly convex Additional studied material (not types): (1) dorsal face at right angle. Petiole dorsally longer TRINIDAD, Tortuga Estate, 1943, Strickland & thanwide, postpetiole transverse. Subpetiolarpro- Mc.C. Galley, leg. MCZC. (2) ARGENTINA, cesselongate,withslightlyconcaveinferiormargin. Buenos Aires, Zelaya, III-1956, J. Daguerre, leg. Gastersmoothandshiningwithscatteredpiligerous USNM. (3) COLOMBIA, Magdalena, Canaveral, punctures. Femoraand tibia,especiallymiddleand 200 m, 11°19'N 73°56'W, ll-VII-85, J. Longino hind, laterallycompressed. Apexoffore tibiawith 708-15.JTLC. large pectinate spur, mesotibia with small slender S.P. Cover(pers. comm.)reportsadealatequeen spurand metatibiawithlargecurvedpectinatespur from: PERU, Tambopata, Guzco Amazonico, 15 and an accompanying smaller, more slender one. km NE Puerto Maldonado, 23-VI-89, S. Cover& Empodia present, claws simple. J. Tobin, leg. CA-423. MCZC. Headverydarkbrown;antennae,mandibles,pet- WORKER.Holotype(paratypes)dimensions:HL iole, and posterior pronotal margins dark ferrugi- 0.76 (0.72-0.80), ML 0.54 (0.50-0.56), HW 0.60 nous yellow. Mesosoma mostly black; gaster light WL (0.57-0.70), SL 0.34 (0.35-0.40), 0.90 (0.94- to darkyellowish-brown. Legs ferruginousyellow. 1.00) mm, CI 0.79 (0.79-1.00),SI 0.57(0.57-0.63); Lateroposteriorcornersofpropodeumwithoblong n = 5. patchusuallytestaceoustodarkferruginousyellow. Head in full face view with straight to gently Bodywith short standinghairs on mesosoma, lon- convexposterior border, sides slightly convexand geronanteriorfaceofpronotum,posteriormargin diverginganterad. Gularteethsmallandacute.An- ofpropodealdorsalfaceandtowardapexofgaster. teriorclypeal border convex, usually with 6 teeth: Pubescence mostly sparse and appressed. medianpairmay be separate or fused to avariable QUEEN. HL 0.72, 0.71; ML 0.44, 0.47; HW degree,singletoothoneachside,andheavy,usually 0.58, 0.56; SL 0.35, 0.35; ED 0.10, 0.11; WL 1.00, bidentate lateral teeth. Sometimes a single tooth 1.00 mm; CI 0.81, 0.79; MI 0.76, 0.84; SI 0.60, may be present between median teeth and lateral 0.63.Twoparanidotypeswithsamecollectiondata tooth; one specimen with small denticle between as holotype. Deposited in IZAV. Significant differ- median teeth. Inner mandibular margin with large ences from the workers are the usual: presence of basaltriangulartooth,smallersubbasaltooth,series compound eyes, ocelli, and more mesosomal de- offour basallyfused double teeth. Asmallpreapi- velopment,pluswingstumps.Puncturesofcephalic cal,usuallybicuspidtoothpresentbeforelong,sharp dorsumareshallowerthan inworker,and the lon- apical tooth. Dorsal and ventral mandibular sur- gitudinalrugulaearemorenoticeable.Pilositymore faceslongitudinallyrugose.Scapewithlongitudinal abundant than worker. rugulae and low oval depressions. MALE. Unknown. Cephalicdorsumdenselyreticulate-punctateand ECOLOGY.Theholotypenestconsistingoftwo with noticeable longitudinal rugulae on anterior queensand 17workerswas found beneathastone one-fourth to one-third ofhead, much weakerru- ina coffeeplantation. Beneath the samestoneand gulae,sometimesbarelydiscernible,extendcaudad apparently with overlapping nest limits was a col- toward vertex. Some oblique striae on gular area. ony of Basiceros discigera (Mayr). Other samples A narrow longitudinal median strip of smoother comefromleaflittersamplestakenmostlyinhumid sculpture present, extending from behind frontal andwet forests, between elevationsof70-1000m. carinae to vertex. Microsculpture on posterior ce- The Peruvian specimenwascapturedin claysoilat phalic dorsum coriarious. Head ventrum smooth, the base of a large tree growing in mature "tierra withscatteredpiligerouspunctures;occiputsmooth firme" forest. and shining with some punctures. Eyes consisting DISCUSSION. The dense anterior sculpturing of single ommatidium situated behind cephalic on the cephalic dorsum separatesthis species from midlength. A.elongata(Santschi)andA. monrosiBrown,which Mesosoma laterally with nearly flat dorsal mar- are predominantly smooth and shining. Ambly- gin,promesonotalsuturemarked,metanotalsuture opone lurilabes is apparently sympatric with A. totally effaced. Propodeal dorsum slightly higher elongata in northern Argentina, andA. monrosi is than rest of mesosomal dorsum, broadly curving an endemic Chilean ant. Amblyopone armigera intogentlyconvexdeclivitousface.Propodealdor- Mayr is larger in size, with proportionally much sum smoothandshining,withscatteredpunctures, larger gular teeth, and larger punctures and more declivitousfaceglabrous.Mesosomawidestatpro- prominent rugae on the cephalic dorsum than A. notum, narrowest at mesonotum, which is trans- lurilabes. An apparently exclusive character that verse; propodeum has broadly convex sides that separatesA. lurilabes fromthe rest ofNewWorld divergecaudad. Pronotalsides smoothandshining Amblyoponeisthespotoneachposterolateralpro- withscatteredpunctures. Metepisternalandlateral podeal face. propodealfacesglabrous,exceptforinferoposteri- Most ofthe records forthis species are concen- ortransversestriaewithsomepuncturesbelowpro- trated in northern South America,with the excep- podeal spiracle. Katepisternum with transverse ru- tion of a specimen from northern Argentina and gulae, anepisternum smooth and shining. the Peruvian record. The large gaps in its distri- 4 ContributionsinScience,Number428 Lattke:NeotropicalAmblyopone bution is unexpected consideringthe fact that this face broadly convex. Subpetiolar process an ante- speciesisapparentlynotuncommon,judgingfrom riorly directed rounded lobe with oval fenestra. the number ofspecimens available for study. Gaster smooth and shining with sparse punctures. ETYMOLOGY. The name of this species is a Legs mostly smooth and shining, but with numer- conjugation ofthe Latin adjective forpale yellow- ouspunctures.Apexofprotibiawithpectinatespur, ish,luridus,andtheLatinnounforspot,labes. The mesotibia with 2 simple spurs and metatibia with name alludes to the unique propodeal spots. pectinate spurand simple spur. Head,legs,antennae,andventralmandibularface Amblyopone degenerata Borgmeier with abundant decumbent pubescence, thinneron restofbody.Suberecthairsoninteriormandibular Amblyopone degenerata Borgmeier, 1957:111. margin, antennae, and to a lesser degree on legs. S.P. Cover (pers. comm.) reports capturing this Abundant subdecumbent hairs on tarsi. Sparse de- rarespecies,previouslyknownonlyfromSEBrazil: cumbent pilosity on mesosoma, gaster and longer PERU,Tambopata, Cuzco Amazonico, 15 km NE suberect hairs on pygidium. Mandibles, antennae, Pleuge.rtSoamMpalledsonCaAd-o1,2913-a1nVd-8C9A,-S1.1C9o.veBro&thJ.sTaombpilne,s legQsUrEedEdNis.hAbsroiwnnB,rroewsnt'osfobroigdiynablldaecskc.ription ex- weretakenfromclaysoilatthebaseofalargetree, cept that space between the dorsal mandibularca- and each sample yielded two workers. All are de- rina and teeth is mostly convex. posited in MCZC. These specimens compare well COMMENTS. The Gorgona locality is a new waintthennthoemedreegse,nearnadtanottyp7e,ashdooweesvethreatlylpe4. have 6 sisoluotchaetrendraapnpgreoexxitmeantseiloyn5o6fkthmisNspNeciWes.ofThtheeitsolawnnd ofGuapionthesouthwesternColombiancoastand has extensive forest cover. Amblyopone mystriops Brown MATERIAL EXAMINED. COSTA RICA, Re- servaBiologicaHitoy-Cerese,9°40'N83°02'W,200 Amblyoponemystriops Brown, 1960:185-188, fig. m, 29-VI1I-85,J. Longino no. 942-s. Five workers 19 (female). and 1 queen from wet forest littersample. Depos- WORKER.Dimensions:HL1.18-1.35,ML1.14- itedinJTLC.COLOMBIA,IslaGorgona,l-X-1987, 1.29, HW 1.08-1.24, SL 0.72-0.77, ED0.06-0.08, G. Andrade, leg. Amblyopone mystriops was pre- WL1.63-1.88mm,CI0.92,MI 1.03-1.07,SI0.62- viouslyknown onlyfrom the typesseriesfrom Los 0.67; n = 3. Cephalic dorsum reticulo-punctulate Amates, Guatemala. withshortsmoothandshinymedianstrip,bordered laterally by longitudinal carinae that extend from Amblyopone orizabana Brown betweenfrontalcarinaeandfusingatcephalicmid- Amblyoponeorizabana Brown, 1960:198, worker length.Anteriorcephalicmarginswithlongitudinal and female (examined). parallel rugulae that diverge from antennal fossae. Amblyopone tropicalis Brown, 1962:73, worker Frontal carinae separated by smooth and shining (examined) NEW SYNONYMY. median depression,and also bysmall clypeal lobe. Headwithoutgularteeth,only bluntcornerspres- WORKER.Dimensions:HL0.58-0.62,ML0.38- HW WL ent. Mandibles between dorsal carinae and teeth 0.42, 0.48-0.55, SL0.31-0.34, 0.70-0.79 with oblique rugulae, becoming smooth and shin- mm, CI 0.81-0.90, MI 0.76-0.88, SI 0.58-0.65; n ing apicad. About 7 denticles on anterior clypeal = 8. margin. Mandibles with 2 separate ranks of teeth, The recent increase of specimens in collections a short apical tooth and a rounded preapical pro- haspermitted a new assessment ofthe status ofA. cess. Eyes small and situated behind cephalic mid- tropicalis as a valid species. Brown (1962:76) sep- length. Antennae 12-merous. arated A. tropicalis from A. orizabana by the fol- Promesonotal suture deep, mesometanotal su- lowing characters: (1) reduced number of clypeal ture also well defined; mesonotum narrow, trans- teeth,(2)configurationofthemedianclypealtooth, verserugulosetopunctate. Restofnotatendto be (3) diminished dorsal members of the mandibular smooth and shining, with sparse punctures. double teeth, (4) larger size, (5) broader head, and Mesosoma laterally with anteriorpronotal mar- (6)longerandmoreslendermandibles.Thesechar- gin convex and broadly convex dorsally; metano- acters, as well as others taken into account during tumstraight;dorsalpropodealfaceslightlyconvex, the present studies, all show an overlapping con- declivitous face straight to slightly convex. Pro- tinuum of variability. In particular, the use of the podealspiracleovalanddirected lateroposteriorly. dispositionandnumberofclypealteethasaspecies Indorsalviewlateralpronotalmarginand metano- difference can be misleading if one is comparing tum -I- propodeum form two broad convexities. onlya few specimens; especiallyvariable is the de- Anepisternum with some longitudinal rugulae, but gree of fusion of the median pair of teeth. The rest oflateral mesosomal sculpture as on dorsum, number of mandibular teeth in the examined ma- but with fewer punctures posteriorly. Declivitous terial is 7 (2 single basal teeth,4 double teeth, and propodealfacesmoothandshining.Anteriornodal areclinatepreapicaltooth),exceptfortheholotype face of petiole straight to slightly concave, dorsal of A. orizabana, which apparently has 6 (as its Contributionsin Science,Number428 Lattke: NeotropicalAmblyopone 5 . mandiblesare closedtightlyagainsttheclypeusan- nallystriatewith intermixedpuncturesand/or other tooth could be hidden). posterolateralpropodealcornerseachwithtes- MATERIAL EXAMINED. COLOMBIA, Cho- taceous to ferrugineous yellow spot; color of c6, 10kmSWSanJosedelPalmar,RioTorito,610 body mostly black or brown 9 m, 1-4June 1978, C. Kugler; COSTA RICA, Pun- - Cephalic dorsum denselyand uniformlypunc- tarenas, Monteverde, 1500 m, 10°18'N 84°48'W, tate or striolate-punctate (except for shining lO-XII-87,J. Longinono. 1972-s;ELSALVADOR, borderofmedianfrontalgrooveinsomecases); CerroVerde,1760m,14-V-1971,S.Peck,Ber.201; longitudinal striae on anterior V3-% of head MEXICO, Veracruz, Pico Orizabana, 2750 m, 24- absent;yellowishposterolateralpropodealspots VIII-53, E.O. Wilson; MEXICO, Veracruz, Cor- alwaysabsent; colorofbodymostlyyellowor doba, Paraje Nuevo, El Nacimiento, 7-VIII-69, S. ferruginous 10 &J. Peck no. B-176; MEXICO, Oaxaca, 14.5 km 9. Longitudinal striae on anterior yi-% of ce- NE Oaxaca on Mex. 175, 1890 m, 20-VIII-1973, phalic dorsum well developed; sculpture on A. Newton; PANAMA, Barro Colorado Island, remainderofcephalicdorsumconsistingofdis- 6-1-60, W.L. Brown; PANAMA, Barro Colorado tinctpuncturesonly,withspacesbetweenthem Island, 11-14-76, A. Newton. smooth and shining; propodeum completely black (SE Brazil-N Argentina) KEY TO NEW WORLD SPECIES OF armigera Mayr AMBLYOPONE—"WORKERS AND FEMALES - Longitudinalstriaeusuallyconfinedtoanterior ThefollowingkeyismodifiedfromBrown(1960: tVhi-eVrstoofwhaeradd,vesrotmeex,tismoemsetwiemaekslyveerxytefnedeibnlgyfduer-- 191-192). veloped and difficult to see; sculpture on re- 1. Antenna with 12 segments 3 mainder of cephalic dorsum consisting of - Antenna with <12 segments 2 moderately dense punctures, the spaces be- 2. Antenna with 11 segments; HW > 0.70, WL tweenthem,ifpresent,shining;propodeumwith > 1.10 mm (Puerto Rico) .... falcata n. sp. a testaceous to ferrugineous yellow spot on HW - Antenna with 6 or 7 segments; < 0.70, each of its posterolateral corners (N South WL < 1.10 mm (SE Brazil, SE Peru) America, SE Peru, N Argentina) degenerata Borgmeier lurilabes n. sp. 3. Lobes of frontal carinae separated by a distinct 10. Mesosoma smooth, punctation sparse; pro- gap 4 podeum with very few punctures on dorsum, - Lobes of frontal carinae contiguous or fused and its lateral striation restricted to the lower 7 third; color yellow (Mexico-Choco, Colom- 4. Mandibles on inner surfaces each with 2 sep- bia) orizabana Brown arate rows of small, sharp sparse teeth (C. - Punctures more abundant and distinct on America-SE Colombia) mystriops Brown mesosoma;sculptureofpropodeallateralfaces . . . - Mandibles on innersurfaces with much larger covers one-half or more of surfaces .... 11 mm teeth, those near midlength fused at bases to 11. Uniqueholotypeworker4.5 long(accord- form heavy double teeth 5 ing to original description) (Cuba) 5. Innerbordersofmandibleangularlyproduced, bierigi (Santschi) so thatthe bladesare triangularin shapewith- - Worker TL 3.0-4.1 mm; female TL 4.1-4.5 outtheapices;largedoubleteethwithrounded mm (Chile) chilensis Mayr HW apices; genal teeth reduced to inconspicuous 12. > 0.70mm;straightanteriorclypealmar- obtuse angles (N. Carolina, U.S.A.) ginwithsmallmediantooth,notadvancedbe- trigonignatha Brown yond the larger lateral teeth (Chile) - Innerbordersofmandiblesstraightto convex, monrosi Brown HW notangularlyproduced,thebladeslinear;large - < 0.70mm;convexanteriorclypealmar- double teeth prominently acute; genal teeth ginwithmediantoothadvancedbeyondlateral acute and projecting 6 teeth (SE Brazil-N Argentina) 6. Innerbordersofmandiblesandanteriorclypeal elongata (Santschi) marginstraight(NCaliforniatoBritishColum- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS bia) oregonensis (Wheeler) - Inner borders of mandibles, and usually also MythanksgotoF. Fernandez,J. Longino, E. Ross,J.A. the anterior clypeal margin convex in outline Torres,andM.A.Tenoriofortheirassistance.BillBrown (temperate N. America at least to Arizona) pointedouttheA. tropicalisandA. orizabanaproblem. pallipes (Haldeman.) R. Snelling made the A. falcata nest series available for 7. At least the anterior % of the head (full-face sthtouudgyhtafnudlrceovmimeewnedtsthoeftmhaenumsacnruispctr.ipSt.aCnodvesrhaprreodvviadleud- view) predominantly densely sculptured and able information. opaque 8 LITERATURE CITED - Entireornearlyentirecephalicdorsumsmooth and shining, with spaced punctures 12 BaroniUrbani,C. 1978. Contributoaliaconoscenzadel 8. Anterior V3-% of cephalic dorsum longitudi- genere Amblyopone Erichson. Mitteilungen der 6 ContributionsinScience,Number428 Lattke: NeotropicalAmblyopone schweizerischen entomologischen Gesellschaft, 51: Masuko, K. 1986. Larval hemolymph feeding: a non- 39-51. destructiveparentalcannibalismintheprimitiveant Brown, W.L. 1960. Contributions toward a reclassifi- AmblyoponesilvestriiWheeler.BehavioralandEco- cation ofthe Formicidae. III. TribeAmblyoponini. logical Sociobiology, 19:249-255. Bulletin ofthe Museum ofComparative Zoology, Taylor, R.W. 1978. Melanesian ants ofthegenusAm- 122{4):145-230. blyopone. AustralianJournal of Zoology, 26:823- . 1962. AnewantofthegenusAmWyopo«efrom 839. Panama. Psyche, 69{2):73-76. Ward,P.S. 1988. MesicelementsinthewesternNearctic Gotwald, W.H.,Jr., andJ. Levieux. 1972. Taxonomy antfauna: taxonomicand biological notes on Am- and biology ofa new West African ant belonging blyopone, Proceratium and Smithistruma. Journal to thegenus Amblyopone. Annals ofthe Entomo- ofthe Kansas EntomologicalSociety,61:102-124. logicalSocietyofAmerica, 65:383-396. Lattke,J. 1985. HallazgosdehormigasnuevasparaVen- Received 9April 1990; accepted 13 December 1990. ezuela.BoletindeEntomologiadeVenezuela,4(10): 82-84. ContributionsinScience,Number428 Lattke: NeotropicalAmblyoponeU7

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