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Studies of Hyperons and Antihyperons in Nuclei Josef POCHODZALLA∗ JohannesGutenberg-UniversitätMainz,InstitutfürKernphysik,D-55099Germany E-mail: [email protected] Alexander BOTVINA 1 InstituteforNuclearResearch,RussianAcademyofSciences,117312Moscow,Russia 1 E-mail: [email protected] 0 2 Alicia SANCHEZ LORENTE n JohannesGutenberg-UniversitätMainz,InstitutfürKernphysik,D-55099Germany a J E-mail: [email protected] 7 1 Stored antiproton beams at the international FAIR facility will provide unique opportunities to study hyperons as well as antihyperons in nuclear systems. Precise γ-spectroscopy of multi- ] x strange hypernuclei will serve as a laboratory for the hyperon-hyperon interaction. Exclusive e hadron-antihadron pair production close to threshold can measure the potential of a antihadron - l c relativetothatofthecoincidenthadrons. u Inthepresentworkweexploretheproductionofexcitedstatesindoublehypernucleifollowing n the micro-canonical break-up of an initially excited double hypernucleus which is created by [ the absorption and conversion of a stopped Ξ− hyperon. Generally the formation of excited 1 hypernuclearstatesrelativetogroundstatesdominatesinthismodel. Fordifferentinitialtarget v 1 nucleiwhichabsorbtheΞ−,differentdoublehypernucleinucleidominate. Wealsocomparethe 8 modelpredictionswiththecorrelatedpionspectrameasuredbytheE906collaboration. 1 Inantiprotonnucleusreactionstheevent-by-eventtransversemomentumcorrelationsofhadron- 3 . antihadron pairs produced close to threshold contain information on the difference between the 1 0 nuclear potential of the hadron and the associated antihadron. For produced D-meson pairs at 1 6.7GeV/cthesensitivityofthetransversemomentacorrelationwillprobablybetosmalltode- 1 : ducedifferencesbetweenthepotentialsforD+andD−mesons. However,forΞΞpairsproduced v i at2.9GeV/ctheasymmetryissufficientlysensitivetopredicteddifferencesbetweentheΞand X Ξ potentials even if the momentum and density dependence of the the potential are taken into r a account. XLVIIIInternationalWinterMeetingonNuclearPhysicsinMemoriamofIleanaIori 25-29January2010 Bormio,Italy ∗Speaker. (cid:13)c Copyrightownedbytheauthor(s)underthetermsoftheCreativeCommonsAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlikeLicence. http://pos.sissa.it/ StudiesofHyperonsandAntihyperonsinNuclei JosefPOCHODZALLA 1. Introduction Quantum Chromo Dynamics (QCD) is the theory of the force responsible for the binding of nucleonsandnucleiandthusofasignificantfractionoftheordinarymatterinouruniverse. While the internal structure of hadrons and the spectra of their excited states are important aspects of QCD,itisatleastequallyimportanttounderstandhownuclearphysicsemergesinamorerigorous way out of QCD and how nuclear structures - nuclei on the small scale and dense stellar objects on the large scale - are formed. In particular the role of strangeness in neutron stars has not been settledyet. The study of hypernuclei can illuminate features that are obscured in conventional nuclear systems. The hyperon offers a selective probe of the hadronic many-body problem as it is not restricted by the Pauli principle. Since direct scattering experiments between two hyperons are impractical, the precise spectroscopy of multi-strange hypernuclei provides a unique chance to explore the hyperon-hyperon interaction. Significant progress in nuclear structure calculations in chiral effective field theory nurtures the hope that detailed information on excitation spectra of double hypernuclei will provide unique information on the hyperon-hyperon interactions. At the same time, the Λ-N and Λ-Λ weak interaction can be studied by hypernuclei decays, opening a inimitablewindowforthefour-baryon,strangenessnon-conservingweakinteraction. Furthermore,thephysicsofstrangenessinhadronicsystemsisaconstantlydevelopingfield. It bringsupnew,oftenunexpectedresults,newchallengesandopenquestionslikeanti-hypernuclei, kaonicnuclei,exotichadronicstateslikethecontroversiallydiscussedpentaquarkbaryonsandthe H-dibaryon. Based on G-parity transformation [1] Dürr and Teller predicted within an early form of a relativistic field theory a strongly attractive potential for antiprotons in nuclei [2]. First in- vestigationsofantiproton-nucleusscatteringcrosssections[3,4,5]showedhoweverdisagreement with a strong attractive potential. Later, X-ray transitions in antiprotonic atoms [6, 7, 8, 9, 10] gavealsohintsforanattractivepotentialalbeitwithlargeuncertainties[11,12]. Morecomprehen- sivestudies[13]ofantiprotonicX-raysaswellasrecentanalysesoftheproductionofantiprotons in reactions with heavy ions resulted in attractive real potentials in the range of about -100 to - 150MeV[14,15,16]. ItisobviousthatG-paritycanonlyprovidealinkbetweentheNN andNN interactions for distances where meson exchange is a valid concept [17, 18]. For distances lower than about 1 fm, quark degrees of freedom may play a decisive role. Nevertheless this considera- tionstillindicatesthatadirectcomparisonoftheinteractionsofbaryonsandantibaryonsinnuclei mayhelptoshedsomelightonthenatureofshort-rangebaryon-baryonforces. 2. ProductionofDoubleHypernuclei ThesimultaneousproductionandimplementationoftwoΛparticlesintoanucleusisintricate. Thereisapossibilitytoproducemulti-strangehypernucleiinheavyioncollisionsviacoalescence [19,20]. ThefirstobservationofantihypernucleibytheSTARcollaborationimpressivelyillustrates the potential of this method [21]. However, high resolution spectroscopy of excited states is not feasible. To produce double hypernuclei in a more ‘controlled’ way the conversion of a captured Ξ− andaprotonintotwoΛparticlescanbeused. Thisprocessreleases–ignoringbindingenergy effects – only 28MeV. For light nuclei there exists therefore a significant probability of the order 2 StudiesofHyperonsandAntihyperonsinNuclei JosefPOCHODZALLA Z N S Figure 1: Present knowledge on S=-1 nuclei (blue) and S=-2 nuclei (yellow). Only very few individual events of double hypernuclei have been detected and identified so far. First antihypertritons were recently observedbytheSTARcollaboration[21]. ofafewpercentthatbothΛhyperonsaretrappedinthesameexcitednuclearfragment[22,23,24, 25,26,27]. Unfortunately Ξ− hyperons produced in reactions with stable hadron beams have usually rather high momenta. Therefore, direct capture of the Ξ− in the nucleus is rather unlikely. Even in case of the (K−,K+) double strangeness exchange reaction, Ξ− hyperons are produced with typical momenta of 500 MeV/c at beam momenta around 1.8 GeV/c [24, 28]. The advantage of this production process is that the outgoing K+ can be used as a tag for the reaction. A drawback is the low kaon beam intensity and hence the need for thick primary targets. Furthermore, as a consequence of the large momentum transfer, the probability to form bound Ξ− states directly is rathersmallonthelevelof1%[29,30]andtheproductionofquasi-freeΞ−dominates. StilltheΞ− hyperonsinthequasi-freeregionmaybeabsorbedintothetargetnucleusviaarescatteringprocess onanucleonwhichitselfisknockedoutoftheprimarynucleus. Thistwo-stepprocessispredicted toexceedthedirectcapturebymorethanafactorof6[23]. On the other hand most (∼ 80%) Ξ− hyperons escape from the primary target nucleus in (K−,K+)reactions. However,inasecondstep,theseΞ− hyperonscanbesloweddowninadense, solid material (e.g. a nuclear emulsion) and form Ξ− atoms [31]. After an atomic cascade, the Ξ-hyperoniseventuallycapturedbyasecondarytargetnucleusandconvertedviatheΞ−p→ΛΛ reaction into two Λ hyperons. In a similar two-step process relatively low momentum Ξ− can alsobeproducedusingantiprotonbeamsinpp→Ξ−Ξ+ orpn→Ξ−Ξ◦ reactionsifthisreactions happens in a complex nucleus where the produced Ξ− can re-scatter [32, 33]. The advantage as comparedtothekaoninducedreactionisthatantiprotonsarestableandcanberetainedinastorage 3 StudiesofHyperonsandAntihyperonsinNuclei JosefPOCHODZALLA ring. Thisallowsaratherhighluminosityevenwithverythinprimarytargets. Because of the two-step mechanism, spectroscopic studies, based on two-body kinematics likeinsinglehypernucleusproduction,cannotbeperformed. Spectroscopicinformationondouble hypernucleicanthereforeonlybeobtainedviatheirdecayproducts. Thekineticenergiesofweak decay products are sensitive to the binding energies of the two Λ hyperons. While the double pionic decay of light double hypernuclei can be used as an effective experimental filter to reduce the background [34] the unique identification of hypernuclei groundstates only via their pionic decay is usually hampered by the limited resolution. Instead, γ-rays emitted via the sequential decayofexciteddoublehypernucleimayprovidepreciseinformationonthelevelstructure. 2.1 StatisticalDecayofexcitedDoublyStrangeNuclei The PANDA experiment[33]whichisplannedattheinternationalFacilityforAntiprotonand Ion Research FAIR in Darmstadt aims at the high resolution γ-ray spectroscopy of double hyper- nuclei[32]. Animportantquestionistowhatextentdoublehypernucleiinexcited, particlestable states are populated following the break-up of an highly excited doubly strange nucleus which is formed after the absorption and conversion of a stopped Ξ−. For light nuclei even a relatively small excitation energy may be comparable with their binding energy. We therefore consider the explosive decay of the excited nucleus into several smaller clusters as the principal mechanism of de-excitation. To describe this break-up process we have developed a model [35] which is similar to the famous Fermi model for particle production in nuclear reactions [36]. We assume that the nu- cleuswithmassnumbersA , chargeZ , andthenumberofΛhyperonsH (hereH =2)breaks-up 0 0 0 0 simultaneouslyintocoldandslightlyexcitedfragments,whichhavealifetimelongerthanthede- cay time, estimated as an order of 100-300 fm/c. In the model we consider all possible break-up channels, which satisfy the mass number, hyperon number (i.e. strangeness), charge, energy and momentumconservations,andtakeintoaccountthecompetitionbetweenthesechannels. Theexcitationenergyoftheinitial,highlyexciteddoubleΛnucleusisdeterminedbythebind- ingenergyofthecapturedΞ−hyperon. Unfortunately,stillverylittleisestablishedexperimentally ontheinteractionofΞ− hyperonswithnuclei. Variousdatasuggestanuclearpotentialwelldepth around 20MeV (see e.g. [37, 10]). Calculations of light Ξ atoms [31] predict that the conversion ofthecapturedΞ− fromexcitedstateswithcorrespondinglysmallbindingenergiesdominates. In a nuclear emulsion experiment a Ξ− capture at rest with two single hyperfragments has been ob- served[38]whichwasinterpretedasΞ− +12C→4H+9Bereaction. Thededucedbindingenergy Λ Λ of the Ξ− varied between 0.62MeV and 3.70MeV, depending whether only one out of the two hyperfragments or both fragments were produced in an excited particle stable state. In order to takeintoaccounttheuncertaintiesoftheexcitationenergyoftheconvertedΞ−-states,thecalcula- tionswereperformedforarangeofenergies0≤B ≤E ,constructinginthiswaytheexcitation Ξ max functionsfortheproductionofhypernuclei. Fig.2showsasanexampletheproductionofground(g.s.) andexcited(ex.s.) statesofsingle +onefreeΛ(SHP),twin(THP)anddouble(DHP)hypernucleiincaseofa12Ctargetasafunction oftheassumedΞ− bindingenergy. WithincreasingΞ− bindingenergytheexcitationenergyofthe excited primary 13 B∗ nucleus decreases from left to right from about 40MeV to 15MeV. For all ΛΛ excitation energies above 20MeV the production of excited double hypernuclei dominates (green 4 StudiesofHyperonsandAntihyperonsinNuclei JosefPOCHODZALLA Excitation energy [MeV] 40 35 30 25 20 15 100 10-1 t n e v e 10-2 12C target r e DHP g.s. p ex. s. eld 10-3 Λ + SH--P e gx..ss.. Yi THP g.s and g.s. -- g.s and ex. s. 10-4 -- ex.s. and ex.s Λ + Λ 10-5 0 5 10 15 20 25 Ξ- Binding energy [MeV] Figure2: Predictedproductionprobabilityofground(g.s.) andexcitedstates(ex.s.) inonesingle(SHP), twin(THP)anddoublehypernuclei(DHP)afterthecaptureofaΞ−ina12Cnucleusanditsconversioninto twoΛhyperons. ThelowerandupperscaleshowsthebindingenergyofthecapturedΞ−andtheexcitation energyoftheinitial13 Bnucleus,respectively(fromRef.[35]). ΛΛ triangles). Thiscanbetracedbacktotheopeningofseveralthresholdsforvariousexciteddouble hypernuclei already at moderate excitation energies. Only for small binding energies and hence largeexcitationenergiestheproductionofsingleandtwinhypernucleiissignificant(∼10%). The non-monotonic behaviour for single hypernucleus + one free Λ production reflects the fact that the various lowest thresholds are relative high and widely separated, e.g. 12B+Λ at B =23.9MeV Λ Ξ followed by 11B+n+Λ at 11.3MeV. Twin-hypernuclei are only produced for Ξ− binding energies Λ belowthethresholdfor8Li+5HewithB =13.6MeV.Asdiscussedabovethefrequentobservation Λ Λ Ξ oftwin-hypernuclei[39,40,41,42,38,43]signalsaconversionfromaΞstatewithonlymoderate bindingenergy. InthisrangeofB theproductionprobabilityofdoublehypernucleiiscomparable Ξ topreviousestimateswithinacanonicalstatisticalmodel[23,24]. Itisimportanttostressthatthese numbers do not include a possible pre-equilibrium emission of hyperons during the capture and conversion stage. With respect to the number of stopped Ξ− hyperons, pre-equilibrium processes will decrease the yield of double hypernuclei relative to the yield for single hypernuclei (see e.g. [27]). IndeedinthesimulationsfortheplannedPANDAexperiment[34]ajointcapture×conversion probabilityof5%wasassumedtomimicthispre-equilibriumstage. UsingdifferentΞ-absorbingstablesecondarytargetnuclei9Be,10B,11B,12Cand13Conefinds that different double hypernuclei dominate for each target [35]. Thus combining the information shown in Fig. 2 with the measurement of two pion momenta from the subsequent weak decays a unique assignment of various newly observed γ-transitions to specific double hypernuclei seems possibleasintendedbythe PANDAcollaboration[32,34]. 5 StudiesofHyperonsandAntihyperonsinNuclei JosefPOCHODZALLA 2.2 TheE906Puzzle In2001theBNLexperimentE906reportedtheobservationofthe4 Hhypernucleusbymea- ΛΛ suringthesequentialpionicdecaysaftera(K−,K+)reactiondepositedtwounitsofstrangenessina 9Betarget[44](seeFig.3). Twostructuresinthecorrelatedπ− momentaat(133,114)MeV/cand at(114,104)MeV/cwereobserved. Thefirststructurewasinterpretedastheproductionof3H+4H Λ Λ twinswhilethebumpat(114,104)MeV/cwasattributedtopionicdecaysofthedoublehypernu- cleus4 H.However,asitwaspointedoutbyKumagai-FuseandOkabealsotwinΛ-hypernuclear ΛΛ decaysof3Hand6Heareapossiblecandidatetoformthispeakifexcitedresonancestatesof6Li Λ Λ are considered [45]. More recently Randeniya and Hungerford showed that the published E906 datacanbereproducedwithouttheinclusionof4 Hdecayandthatitismorelikelythatthedecay ΛΛ of7 HewasobservedintheE906experiment[46]. Intheiranalysisthisdoublehypernucleuswas ΛΛ accompanied by a background of coincident decays of single hypernuclei pairs 3H+4H, 3H+3H, Λ Λ Λ Λ and4H+4H,respectively. Λ Λ Fig. 4 shows the predicted relative probabilities for the production of particle stable twin and double hypernuclei in the E906 experiment after the capture and conversion of a stopped Ξ− in a secondary 9Be target Ξ−+9Be→10 Li∗. As before a Ξ− binding energy of 0.5MeV seems ΛΛ reasonable corresponding to an 10 Li excitation of about 29MeV. The produced yields for this ΛΛ excitationenergyareshowninFig.3. Here,groundstateandexcitedstate(s)-iftheyexist-have been added and the pion momenta for groundstate decays are assumed. Note, that the production of4H+4Htwinsisevenatanexcitationenergyof35MeVenergeticallynotpossibleand-unlike Λ Λ toacanonicalcalculations[24]-doesthereforenotoccurinourmicro-canonicalmodel. Let usfirst discussthe structure at(114,104)MeV/cwhich hasbeen attributedto double hy- pernucleidecays. Generallytheproductionofdoublehypernucleiisenergeticallyfavoredoverthe productionoftwins: allpossiblechannelswithtwin-productionlieenergeticallysignificantlyabove the thresholds for 9 Li, 7 He and 6 He production in case of the 10 Li compound picture. Cor- ΛΛ ΛΛ ΛΛ ΛΛ respondingly the production of 3H and 6He twins which has been suggested as a possible source Λ Λ of the peak structure around (114,104)MeV/c [45], is in our model by a factor of 30 lower than the7 Heproductionprobability. UnlikeinthecanonicalmodelofRef.[24]the7 Heprobability ΛΛ ΛΛ exceeds also the one of a 4 H by more than two orders of magnitude and the production of 5 H ΛΛ ΛΛ by a factor of about 17 in our model. Of course, a direct comparison with the E906 data requires a detailed consideration of the branching ratios for pionic two-body decays many of which are not known so far. Keeping that caveat in mind our microcanonical model supports independently on the assumed production scheme the interpretation of the E906 observation by Randeniya and Hungerford[46]intermsof7 Hedecays. Decaysfromthegroundorevenexitedstatesof8 Lior ΛΛ ΛΛ 9 Licanpossiblycontributesomebackgroundtothestructureat(114,104)MeV/c. ΛΛ In order to describe the (133,114)MeV/c structure of the E906 experiment, the production of 3H+4H twins seems mandatory [44]. However, the 3H+4H+t mass lies above the initial mass Λ Λ Λ Λ m =m(Ξ−)+m(9Be) and can therefore not be produced in the Ξ−+9Be compound production 0 scheme (see right part of Fig. 4). With an energy of 12.6MeV below m , the channel 4H+6He is 0 Λ Λ the most likely twin in the present scenario, followed by the 4H+5He+n decay. Given however Λ Λ theexperimentalprecisionofabout1 MeV/cforthemomentumcalibrationinE906[44],neither thedecaysof4H+6Hewith(133,108)MeV/cnordecaysof4H+5Hepairswith(133,99)MeV/c Λ Λ Λ Λ 6 StudiesofHyperonsandAntihyperonsinNuclei JosefPOCHODZALLA Figure3: MomentaoftwocorrelatedpionsmeasuredbytheE906collaboration(greysquares). Overlaid areproductionyieldsofvarioustwinpairs(blue),doublehypernucleiincludingtheirexcitedstates(green) anddoublehypernucleiwithastablegroundstateonly(red). Theareasofthecirclesareproportionaltothe productionyieldspredictedbythestatisticalmodel. Pionicdecayprobabilitiesarenotincludedinthisplot. seemtoexplainthestructurearound(133,114)MeV/c. Ofcourseinparticularthefirstonecould contribute to this enhancement in the tail region. Even more intriguing is however the fact that the statistical models predict a production of 4H+4H twins exceeding the 3H+4H production. Λ Λ Λ Λ Considering furthermore the branching ratios for two-body π− decays of Γ /Γ ≈0.26 π−+3He total [47] and Γ /Γ ≈0.5 [48] the absence of a bump which could be attributed to 4H+4H π−+4He total Λ Λ is particularly puzzling. A similar conclusion is obtained [35] within the quasi-free/rescattering pictureofYamamotoetal. [24]resultingintheproductionofexcited8 Heor8 Hnuclei. ΛΛ ΛΛ At first sight it seems that an alternative production process than the ones discussed so far is required to explain the singular structure at (133,114)MeV/c in terms of 3H+4H twins. Note Λ Λ however that in the initial analysis of the E906 data the bump at (133,114)MeV/c served as a calibration point for the pion momenta, taking the decay of 3H+4H twins as granted [44, 49]. If Λ Λ that structure were indeed caused by 4H+6He twins with (133,108)MeV/c, it would of course Λ Λ influencethemomentumscaleintheregionofthe(114,104)MeV/cbump. Thisbumpwouldthen be shifted to approximately (108,97)MeV/c. Considering the uncertainty of ∆B also such a ΛΛ momentumscalewouldbecompatiblewiththedecayof7 Heand8 Lioramixtureofboth. The ΛΛ ΛΛ absence of 9 Li nuclei may be related to the decreasing pionic decay probability with increasing ΛΛ nuclearmass. Clearly,thepresentstatisticaldecaymodelneedstobecomplementedbyquantitative weakdecaycalculations(seee.g. Ref.[50])tofurthercorroborateourconjecture. 7 StudiesofHyperonsandAntihyperonsinNuclei JosefPOCHODZALLA 100 Λ Λ-hypernuclei 10-1 4Λ ΛH g.s. 5Λ ΛH g.s 10-2 5Λ ΛHe g.s. 6Λ ΛHe g.s. 7Λ ΛHe g.s. 10-3 8Λ ΛHe g.s. 8Λ ΛHe ex.s. 10-4 9Λ ΛHe g.s. 9Λ ΛHe ex.s. 10-5 89ΛΛ ΛΛLLii gg..ss.. ent 10-6 98ΛΛ Λ ΛLLi i eexx..ss. v e r 100 eld pe 10-1 33ΛΛHH ++ 34ΛΛHH gg..ss.. Twin Λ-hypernuclei Yi 4ΛH + 6ΛHe g.s. -- g.s + ex.s 10-2 3ΛH + 7ΛHe g.s. -- g.s + ex.s 10-3 4ΛH + 5ΛHe g.s. -- ex.s. + g.s. 10-4 4Λ--H e +x .4sΛ H+ gg..ss.. -- ex.s. + ex.s 10-5 BΞ = 0 MeV 10-6 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Excitation energy [MeV] Figure4: Relativeproductionprobabilityofdouble(toppart)andtwinhypernuclei(lowerpart)forapri- mary10 Linucleusasafunctionofitsexcitationenergy. ΛΛ 3. AntihyperonsinNuclei Concerningantibaryons,realiableinformationontheirnuclearpotentialareavailableonlyfor antiprotons. Antihyperons annihilate quickly in normal nuclei and spectroscopic information is thereforenotdirectlyaccessible. Mishustinrecentlysuggestedtostudydeeplyboundantibaryonic nuclei via various characteristic signals in their decay process [51, 52]. It is however not obvious whether these proposed observables will provide unique and quantitative signals of deeply bound antihyperonicsystems. Quantitative information on the antihyperon potentials relative to that of the corresponding hyperon may be obtained via exclusive antihyperon-hyperon pair production close to threshold in antiproton-nucleusinteractions[53]. Oncethesehyperonsleavethenucleusandaredetected,their asymptotic momentum distributions will reflect the depth of the respective potentials. However, sinceintheppcenter-of-massthedistributionoftheproducedbaryon-antibaryonpairwillusually notbeisotropic,theanalysiscanrelyonlyonthetransversemomentaoftheoutgoingbaryons. In Ref. [53] it was demonstrated that the individual transverse momentum distributions alone do not 8 StudiesofHyperonsandAntihyperonsinNuclei JosefPOCHODZALLA allowtoextractunambiguousinformationonthepotentialofantihyperons. Instead,thetransverse momentum asymmetry α defined in terms of the transverse momenta of the coincident particles T canbeusedtoexploreevent-by-eventcorrelations: p (Λ)−p (Λ) T T α = . (3.1) T p (Λ)+p (Λ) T T Inapurelyclassical,non-relativisticpicturethisasymmetryisoftheorderof∆U/4·E ,where∆U 0 isthepotentialdifferenceandE thetypicalkineticenergyofthehadrons. 0 3.1 Antihyperon-HyperonPairProductionandPropagationinNuclei In Ref. [53] we have examined the influence of the potentials on the transverse momentum asymmetry of coincident hyperons and antihyperons by means of a schematic Monte Carlo simu- lation. Albeit crude, this classical approach allows to explore the role of different features of the reactioninatransparentway. Theabsorptionoftheantiprotonsenteringthetargetnucleusdeterminesthepointsofannihi- lation inside the nucleus and the paths which the eventually produced hyperons and antihyperons havetopassinsidethenucleuspriortoemission. Becauseofthestrongabsorptionoftheantihyper- ons,theemittedhyperon-antihyperonpairsare-unlikeininclusivereactions[54,55]-createdclose tothecoronaofthetargetnucleusatatypicaldensityof20to25%ofthecentralnucleardensity. InreactionsclosetothresholdtheFermimotionoftheprotonsinsidethenucleartargetcontributes significantly to the final momenta. Lacking any detailed experimental information it is assumed thattheannihilationcrosssectionsforantihyperonsshowasimilarmomentumdependenceasthe ppsystem[5,56]. The energy and the momentum of the baryons propagating within the nucleus are related accordingto[57]: (E−V)2=(M +S)2+P 2 (3.2) 0 in Here V and S denote the real part of the vector and scalar potential, respectively. The relation betweenthemomentainsideandoutsideofthenuclearpotentialareapproximatedby (cid:113) P 2+M2=( (M +S)2+P 2+V)2. (3.3) out 0 0 in Refractiveeffectsatthepotentialboundarywereignored. Thedefaultparametersforthescalarand vectorpotentialsofthevariousbaryonsatnormalnucleardensityρ wereadoptedfromRef.[58]. 0 Sincetheantiprotonannihilationandthesubsequentantihadron-hadronpairproductiontakeplace inthenuclearperipheryatlowdensitiesρ weassumedalineardensitydependence∝ρ/ρ forall 0 vectorandscalarpotentials. 3.2 TransverseMomentumCorrelationsatPANDA For a compact representation of event-by-event correlations we examine the transverse mo- mentum asymmetry α as a function of the longitudinal asymmetry α , where α is defined by T L L analogytoEq.3.1intermsofthelongitudinalmomentumcomponents: p (Λ)−p (Λ) L L α = . (3.4) L p (Λ)+p (Λ) L L 9 StudiesofHyperonsandAntihyperonsinNuclei JosefPOCHODZALLA Figure 5: Left part: Average transverse momentum asymmetry of ΛΛ(solid line), ΞΞ (dashed line) and D+D− pairs(dottedline)producedexclusivelyin1.66, 2.9and6.7GeV/cp12Cinteractions, respectively. Rightpart: thesameasinpart(a)buttakingthemomentumdependenceofthepotentialintoaccount. In future more sophisticated analysis methods which e.g. use mixed events as a reference, further detailsofthesecorrelationsmayberevealed. Transverse momentum correlations can in principle be analyzed for each hadron-antihadron pairproducedexclusivelyin pAinteractions. Asexamples,thesolid,dashedanddottedhistograms in figure 5a show the average transverse momentum asymmetries of ΛΛ, ΞΞ and D+D− pairs produced in 1.66, 2.9 and 6.7GeV/c p + 12C interactions, respectively. For simplicity, isotropic center-of-massdistributionswereassumedincaseoftheΞΞandD+D− production. FortheΞand Ξ baryons the same absorption cross sections as for the Λ and Λ were adopted, whereas for D− andD+ mesonsenergyindependentabsorptioncrosssectionsof10and90mb,respectively,were taken. IntheleftpartofFig.5nomomentumdependenceofthepotentialswasconsidered. In line with the classical picture mentioned above (α ∝∆U/4·E ) the smaller asymmetries T 0 for the heavier particles are a consequence of the the large Ξ hyperon and D meson laboratory momenta. InthesimulationsofFig.5bthemomentumdependenceofthepotentialswasaddedby means of the scaling factor [59]. As expected the transverse asymmetry is shifted towards more negative values. Nevertheless the asymmetry remains sizable even for the ΞΞ case. At PANDA when reaching the design luminosity a measurement of α for ΞΞ pairs with a precision of about T 10%willrequireameasurementtimeoftypicallylessthanaday. Furthermoreitputsonlymoderate constraintsonthedetectorperformance,e.g. thetrackingcapabilitiesofthecentralvertexdetector. The fact that energy and momentum conservation are the main ingredients of the proposed methodraiseshopethatsimilarresultsmightbeobtainedbymoresophisticatedcalculations. Since mostoftheemittedhyperon-antihyperonpairsarecreatedinthenuclearperipheryatsubsaturation density, a neutron skin of neutron rich target nuclei may help to explore different effective poten- tials. Possibledeflectionsatthepotentialboundarywhichareignoredinthepresentworkmaybe 10

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