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STUDIES IN YEAST METABOLISM. I. BY A. K. BALLS AND J. B. BROWN. (From the Henry Phipps Institute and the Department of Pharmacology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia.) (Received for publication, July 18, 1924.) I. INTRODUCTION. The experiments described in this paper were undertaken for the purpose of investigating some of the more conspicuous changes associated with the active and rapid growth of baker’s yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisice). Such a growth is essentially aerobic, and necessitates experimental conditions which fulfill this re- quirement, and accordingly differ from the conditions suitable for the study of alcoholic fermentation. The methods employed permitted the construction of time- concentration curves of the most important constituents of a yeast mash which, as far as laboratory facilities would permit, represented the conditions known empirically in the yeast industry to produce the largest crops. Lately there has been a great change in the methods of pro- ducing commercial yeast. Sugar, nitrogen, and phosphoric acid, formerly derived from grain, are now more cheaply obtained from molasses, ammonium salts, and phosphates. By very vigorous aeration of the liquid, far larger quantities of yeast are produced per unit of raw material. These “ammonia-molasses” processes have now been generally adopted by yeast manu- facturers both in this country and Europe.1 1 A typical example of the modern ammonia-molasses process is shown in United States Patent, No. 1, 449, 127, to Nilsson and Harrison. It em- bodies the first technically successful method for obtaining these immense yeast crops, the production of which in the last few years has practically revolutionized the industry. 789 This is an Open Access article under the CC BY license. Studies in Yeast Metabolism. I II. General Method. The yeast was grown on a medium composed of: gm. per 1. Beetmolasses.............................................. 48 Ammonium dihydrogen phosphate.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2 “ sulfate”........................................ 1.6 In preparation for an experiment the necessary weight of molasses to furnish 30 liters of mash was taken, diluted fourfold with water, heated to 70-75°C. with an excess of powdered chalk, filtered on a Btichner funnel, and washed. This solution, together with the salts, the yeast used for seeding the culture, and sufficient water to make 30 liters, were placed in a cylindrical stoneware crock which served as a “fermenter.” The crock was equipped with heating, cooling, and aerating coils, the last sufficient to produce a very vigorous aeration. The molasses used in our several experiments was from the same stock supply. It contained 50 per cent sucrose, only a trace of reducing sugar, and 2 per cent nitrogen. This was present as betaines and partially hy- ,drolyzed proteins; none was precipitable by trichloroacetic acid. The yeast used to seed the fermenter was treated as usual with dilute sulfuric acid. As soon as the yeast was added, necessary manipulations were made as rapidly as possible, and samples of the liquid withdrawn to represent the zero hour in at most 2 minutes. The mashes were allowed to grow with constant attention from 20 to 24 hours, and similar samples with- drawn at stated intervals, usually hourly, during the run. These samples were used in determinations of yeast content, sugars, ammonia, amino and total nitrogen, alcohol, specific gravity, and total non-volatile solid matter. Sugars and ammonia were determined at once, the rest in the course of 6 or 8 hours. The specific gravity and pH of the whole mash were also determined, and the appearance of the yeast was observed frequently under the micro- scope. Should the presence of foreign yeasts or bacteria become promi- nent, the run was naturally discarded. This happened once (in the case of Mash B). III. Analytical Methods. En general, two samples were removed, one for the deter- mination of the various soluble constituents, the other for the measurement of the yeast crop and pH. The first sample was centrifuged at once, the clear liquid removed and cooled to 2-3”. 2 In the first experiment (Mash A) ammonia was used as a nitrogen source. A. K. Balls and J. B. Brown Total solids were determined by evaporating 10 cc. of this liquid in a shallow porcelain dish and drying to constant weight at 110”. Reducing sugars were determined, using 10 or 25 cc. samples which, with- out clarification, were treated with 50 cc. of Fehling’s solution according to Munson and Walker (l), the copper being finally determined as directed by Low (I). The results are expressed in grams of invert sugar per liter of mash. Sucrose was taken as the difference between the reducing sugar and the total sugar determined in the same manner after inversion. The inversion was performed by adding 5 cc. of 38 to39 per cent hydrochloric acid solution to 50 cc. of the liquid freed from yeast, then setting aside for 24 hours at 20-25”. The liquid was then neutralized to phenolphthalein, diluted to 100 cc., and aliquots were taken equivalent to the sample used for reducing sugars. Several determinations were tried in which the sugar was inverted in the presence of the yeast. The results were not appreciably different. The tables of Munson and Walker are used in the computation of the sugars from the copper oxide, and the reducing sugar is computed as in the absence of sucrose. Sucrose is also expressed as grams per liter of invert sugar. Since the inversion is very rapid, the error appears to be small. Beet molasses contains only traces of sugars other than sucrose, and no great error has been introduced by not considering these. The probable error in the determinations of both sugars is, in our opinion, less than 1 per cent. Alcohol was determined by distilling the mash from a small quantity of precipitated chalk until a few drops less than half of the volume had been distilled over. This was then diluted to precisely half the original sample, and the specific gravity determined with a 25 cc. gravity bottle at tempera- tures within half a degree of 15.6”. A correction for this deviation from the standard temperature was made by the customary formula 1 - D’ D = D’ * d 0.00014 + r) where D and D’ are the apparent and the observed specific gravities, and d = t - 15.6, where t is the temperature of the determination in degrees Centigrade. Ammonia and amino nitrogens were determined on the centrifuged mash liquor. For the ammonia determination 10 cc. of the solution were placed in a Folin aeration tube, made alkaline with potassium carbonate, and a current of acid-washed air was passed through and into 10 cc. of 0.1 N acid. The back titration was made with Congo red. The total of amino and ammonia nitrogens was estimated by Sorenson’s formaldehyde titration. 50 cc. of the liquid were diluted to about 150 cc., and neutralized by alkali until giving a distinct pink tinge with phenol- phthalein. 50 cc. of approximately 10 per cent formaldehyde, also neutral- ized to phenolphthalein, were added, and the solution was brought back by standard alkali to the same end-point as before. Studies in Yeast Metabolism. I Nitrogen in yeast and total nitrogen of the mash were determined by the ordinary Kjeldahl method, using copper sulfate as a catalyst. For the former, dried yeast crop determinations served as samples; for the latter, 50 cc. portions of the mash, taken under precautions to prevent settling of the yeast during measurement of the sample. The determination of nitro- gen in the yeast crop samples was not very satisfactory, especially at the beginning of the experiments, where the yeast crops were small. The total mash nitrogen was found to be more consistent and so replaced the former determination in our later runs. The determination of pH on the whole mash we found could be made by adopting the collodion membrane method of Dale and Evans (2), because the mash liquid contains considerable buffer. A few cubic centimeters of the mash were dialyzed against an equal volume of distilled water for 5 to 10 minutes. Equilibrium is obtained long before much of the coloring mat- ter has diffused through. By using brom-thymol blue or methyl red, as the case might require, the pH of the dialysate could be determined at once. Readings were made only to tenths of the pH index, and there was no attempt to prevent the escape of carbon dioxide, but the amount present at any time in the thoroughly aerated liquid was found to be very small. Method of Determining Yeast Crops.-It seemed to us that data based upon the weight increase of the yeast would be best since the expression of our other results must necessarily be in terms of weight. This method, we are aware, has met with very little favor in the past. Pasteur, however, used it, and Bokorny (3) in recent times has used it again. Counting the cells was out of the question, since increase in the size of the individual cells is seen under the microscope to be the most potent factor in the yeast in- crease during the latter part of an aerated run. It is to be noted that the weight probably increases as some simple function of the cube of the cell diameter. After many trials a procedure was adopted consisting of filtering a known volume, usually 100 cc. of mash, through a Gooch crucible, the mat of which must be composed of loose long fibred asbestos, preferably in a thick layer. Very little suction is used, otherwise the filter will clog. The cake of yeast so formed is then washed twice with 25 cc. of water and twice with 25 cc. of alcohol. The alcohol washing is necessary to remove traces of the oil originally used as a foam destroyer in the fermenter. The dead cells are dried at 110”. After drying, the material is very hygroscopic, and the crucible was placed before coolin g in a tared weighing bottle of just the proper size to contain it. Tests on the method as outlined, employing water suspensions of known amounts of yeast, gave very satisfactory results, which were practically independent of the degree of dilution of the yeast. The probable error seems to be about f 2 per cent. Since the liquids in which our yeast was grown were well buffered, A. K. Balls and J. B. Brown 793 and no very great change in pH was allowed to take place, nothing was done to regulate the acidity of the samples used for deter- mining yeast crops. If the method were to find general use, samples before filtering would naturally have to be adjusted to nearly the same pH by appropriate buffering. The method has been carefully checked by Professor A. W. Hixson at Columbia University and found to give good results in the hands of his students. EXPERIMENTAL. Seven consecutive experiments of the type outlined were run. One was rejected because of infection. It was not possible to make all the determinations desired each time, and particularly after the first run, some modifications of the procedure were made. The tabulated data should make this clear. It should be noted, however, that the spent liquor (beer) from Run D was used instead of water in diluting Run F. This experiment was meant to show whether any growth-inhibiting substances had been excreted into the medium by the yeast during its growth in Run D, but no such influence was demonstrated. On the other hand, Run E was interrupted at the 8th hour by the addition of more molasses (and ammonium salts) in order to show the effect of replenishing the food supply at the point where the original sugar had disappeared. In this way a marked increase was caused in the growth rate. The measurement of carbon dioxide production was made on Run H, only 6 liters of medium being used in a covered vessel, the carbon dioxide being absorbed by potassium hydroxide from the issuing air current. Due to the resistance of the apparatus, only about half the usual aeration was obtained. G z F yeast. m yeast. anisms. ms. of the of Kah n org organis V. Data. TABLE I. Data on Mash A. gn. per 1. position : olasses...................................................... 48 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2 - - Additions during Microscopic appearance experiment. Qm. Qrn. perl. perl. 1.09 0.14 1.01‘ 1.014 29.0 N added as 1.014 29.5 1.04 0.12 1.01‘ NHIOH. 30.0 0.03 Budding well; trace 1.05 0.14 1.01‘ 29.0 0.03 1.01~ Chains with no foreig1.011 29.0 0.07 1.01 29.0 l.Ol( 0.10 1.006 29.0 0.07 1.00: Clusters; no foreign 1.004 29.0 0.03 l.OO( l.OO! 1.003 28.8 No foreign organisms. 1.004 29.0 0.93 0.17 1.00t 1.004 28.7 l.OO( 1.004 28.8 0.80 0.13 1.oot 1.004 28.7 l.OO( I&SO+, comgarmO4. Qm. perl. 0.15 0.18 0.43 0.49 u$ Original BeetsNH4H 2 .8 4 ~. p”2. &2. 0 0.32 0.59 0.73 1.13 0 1.47 1.6 2.141 6.0 3.721 7.0 4.66 7.0 5.04 6.0 5.27 5.64 5.0 5.84 6.02 i D 2 2 ‘B s 2 _- Qm. PW0 1.62 4.92 7.50 8.98 5.26 4.94 1.40 1.00 0.53 0.48 0.53 m a 2 0 8 8 8 8 7 6 5 6 8 9 1 i E F - hrs. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ms. nisms. ganis m. orga ms. or Kah Pairs; no foreign organis Fewer buds; no foreign Very few buds; trace of No foreign organisms. “ “ “ Cells discrete; no foreign No foreign organisms. “ “ ‘I “ “ “ I‘ ‘I ‘I HzSO4 &SO4 28.8 28.7 28.6 28.5 28.7 29.0 29.0 28.5 28.5 28.5 28.7 28.6 28.6 h. 1.005 1.004 1.004 1.005 1.004 1.005 1.005 1.005 1.005 1.005 1.005 1.005 1.004 of mas 1.007 1.007 1.007 1.007 1.008 1.008 1.007 1.008 1.007 1.006 1.007 1.007 1.007 liter 0.51 0.80 0.12 0.47 0.69 0.10 0.55 0.69 0.07 0.70 0.06 0.58 0.69 0.07 0.54 0.68 0.04 0.65 0.05 0.58 0.63 0.05 in the yeast per hours. 6.09 5.0 6.23 6.28 6.68 6.76 1.0 6.97 7.38 7.44 7.61 8.32 8.12 7.90 8.14 as grams of N 4%. and 6.17 6.3 0.51 6.4 6.3 6.3 0.48 6.2 6.2 6.2 0.52 6.1 6.2 6.1 6.4 6.2 9.44 5.6 Expressed Respectively 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 - * t m. “ ‘I the yeast. no KahI‘ “ good. C. gm. per 1. 48 s................. 1.2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.6 Additions during Microscopic appearance of experiment “C. 29 NaHC03 Trace of Kahm in stock. “ “ “ “ “ 29 “ “ “ “ “ 28 27 1.5 Apparently pure culture; ‘I “ “ 28 “ “ ‘I 27 28 Few small cocci; otherwise 27 No change. “ “ 28 “ I‘ 29 “ “ 29 II. Mash k-2 .f: k. ,oI .-a g% * .01: .Ol! .01: .Ol( . oat . oat .oot . OO! . OO! OO! ,001 TABLE on Oli .OlE ,012 ,011 . OOE . 00: OOE . OOE ooi 00s ,008 Data Original composition: Molasses................................................... NH&PO d.................................... (NH4)2S04................................................................... - - - i i d s g . . t L B e i i 2 2 d 2 .': a % d ,a2 d ;: .s z % a g 82 g . 2 “0 -2 -2 2 8 “-2 ,” E$ .- E I $p .- s g Ee z z * z 4 Fr 4 4 2 -- - -- - gm. gm. sm. gm. gm. gm. gm. 9erz. ,er 1. per 1 perl. per1 $. 2Ci per 1 per I 1 ).O! 0 !t 5.3< 4 1.5s I( I.55 ..51 1.550.4; 1.0: )( 2.55 ( I.79 1.530.4t ..4( i( j.0: 3.8: L7E 11 !.510.14 1.500.4i 1.t .3$ )( ).OL 0.35 4.5i c i. 19 0.31 4.c I.41 1 .2c I( ,.;o: 1.14 7.43 :E i.530.34 6.: i 2: j.260.23 .oc I.04 i( 3.5E 5 E i. 35 0.53 5.: ). 19 0.15 1.8E ).OL i( 3.51 5.32 !E i.650.57 5.: 5 I! ). 16 0.11 1.8: j.01 I( 3.5: 7 ‘.210.72 3.c 1 1.130.OE 1.7s I.04 C 3.3 1.61 7 I. 42 0.72 12 ).120.OE I. 71 ;I( I. 01 3.54 i ‘. 89 0.65 ).100.09 1.75 !‘C 1.0: 3.54 L76 ie i.040.70 1.080.06 1.72 L !- - $ 9 z .: s 2 2 -~ ie?i, 5.8 5.9 4.05 5.29.99 5.08 83 5.60.73 5.8’0.71 6.0 0.43 6.50.42 6.00.43 6.20.43 6.30.43 - E” F - hrs 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 - ure. ‘I ‘I “ “ “ “ ‘I “ “ “ ‘I ult c pure “ “ “ “ “ “ I‘ ‘I “ “ “ m. per 1. 48 1.2 1.6 Ipparently “ “ “ “ ‘I “ “ “ “ “ ‘< g ...... ...... ...... C03 1.0 0.5 WI 0.2 TABLE III. Data on Mash D. Original composition: Molasses............................................................ NHdH2POa. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (NH&S04.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - i ?a c :: sm. Qm. Qm. Qm. Qm. Qm. "C. per 1. per 1. per 2. perz. perl. pe71. 1 4.17 1.45 0.55 0.48 0.071.0141.014 28 NaH2.77 0.55 0.49 0.061.0141.014 29 8.74 1.27 0.49 0.43 0.061.0131.012 28 3.E 0. II 4.11 0.45 0.37 0.29 0.081.0111.008 28 1.12 0.21 8.21 8.C * 3.36 0.9E 0.31 0.26 0.051.0081.005 27 L5.50 4.9; 0.4: 0.89 1o.c 0.54 0.7i 0.25 0.17 0.081.0061.005 29 6.t 5.3( 0.4 0.55 0.8: 0.21 0.15 0.061.0061.004 30 &6.: 15.54 5.58 0.41 0.20 0.13 0.071.0051.004 29 0.5: 0.7: 4.c 5.9; 0.56 0.78 0.20 0.16 0.041.0061.005 30 14.02 6. li 0.5: 0.58 0.72 0.18 0.12 0.061.008 28 6.4: 0.5’ 0.50 0.7E 0.18 0.11 0.071.0081.006 29 14.05 6.7f 0.5: 0.17 0.11 0.061.0071.007 29 0.5‘ 0.51 0.7i 6.8( 0.14 0.09 0.05 30 13.43 7.4f 0.5‘ 0.61 0.48 Qm. per 1. 0.13 6.82 2.69 0.95 8.93 3.00’ 0.80 0.28 0.42 0.44 0.33 0.43 0.37 urs. o h m a 6.0 5.7 5.3 5.0 4.2 5.0 5.0 6.4 6.6 6.0 6.2 6.2 6.4 6.4 6.2 6f ..- d Ei ‘G hrs. 0 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 16 18 20 22 24 *At gm. per 1. 48 1.2 1.6 - Stock looks pure. I Little change. Many buds; no infection. Yeast looked healthy and grew well, but contained a trace of Kahm throughout. are made here on account ................ ................ ................ Additions during experiment. NaHC03 0.5 2.0 QWL. per 2. 36 0.65 0.89 NaHCOs 1.0 No corrections TABLE IV. Data on Mash E. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $, .‘1 > c b0.c ii P- a’0 * “C. gm. cm. Qm. petl. per 1. PCTl. 0.44 1.01, 27 0.11 1.41 0.41 1.01, 0.10 29 0.38 1.01. 26 0.08 1.001 30 0.07 0.26 1.00, 0.04 1.37 0.21 29 w volume made 8 to 8; hrs. Molasses ............................ NHdHzPO., ... .( ..................... (NH&S04 .......................... - 0.13 28 27 1.012 29 0.18 29 30 0.08 served in the liquids analyzed. Original composition: Molasses. ................. NHaHzPO , ................ (NH&S04 ................ !Tm. Qm. !Jm. Qm. w: !7m. lm. per 1. per 1. PWZ. pPr 1. per I. per 1. 0.55 0 5.6 0.9( 24.3( 42.21 0.54 1.39 0.51 2 6.0 9.6f 0.94 22.3( 0.46 4 5.6 12.0! 16.7( 32.3, 2.06 0.34 6 4.8 4.9: 4.08 6.1: 0.24 8 4.8 0.7: 2.3( 15.81 5.15 0.93 Additions calculated to necc. Old volume......................... 4,790 New “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,360 ;$I 5.61 4.33’1 17.331 40.401 .63 1.251 1 10; 0.89 I I 7.32 11 6.8 12 6.5 12; 6.8 0.74 14; 6.8 16 6.5 0.67 1.36 * Concentrations from 8; hrs. on are those obof the change in volume.

chalk, filtered on a Btichner successfully grown upon the filtered beer of a previous experi- .. of the cells, does not seem to be corroborated.
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