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- €OLTÈCT DE FRANCE CNRS ORIENT ET MÉDITERfuTNÉE ruMR 8167) / MONDE BYATNTIN CENTRE DE, RECHERCHE, D'HISTOIRE, COLLÈ,C]E, DE, FMNC]E, / INSTIT"U]' I)'É,TUDE,S BYZANTINE,S E,T CIVILI§ATION DE BYZANCE TRAVAI.IX ET MÉMOIRES TRAVAUX ET HAÉHAOIRES §ont une publication annuelle paraissant en un ou deux fascicules Fondés par Paul LsÀdBnLt Continués par Gilbert DecnoN Dirigés par Constantin ZucrsRMeN Comité de rédaction : CurvNrt, Vincent DÉnocnp, STUDIES Jcan-Claude Denis FsIsssL Bernard FrusIN Comité scientifique : N THEOPHANES I(lolfram Bn rNoas (Francfort) Peter ScnnrrNnn (Cologne - Munich) Jern-Luc FounNst (Paris) \Terner Sunr (Vienne) Mnrlh MrNco (Oxford) Jean-Pierre SoorNr (Paris) t Brlgltte MoNpn lIN (Paris) Iu lt/ q e.Sce edited by ts Marek JaNrowrer T++Ëo 8. Z) Federico MoNrrNeno Secrétariat de rédaction, relecture et composition : Emmanuelle CepBr Ouurage publié auec le concours de kfondation Ebersob du Collège dc France @Association des Amis du Centre d'Histoire et Civilisation deByance - 2015 Association des Amis du Centre d'Histoire et Civilisation de Byzance rsBN 978-2-9167 16-58-9 52, rue du ne - 75005 Paris rssN 0572-r471 lttll,ctt l),t,r,trttt il(ttt\ ,t rliltl/rtt 1,, -l ,tttù/ rlt.t.ttit,t., roil)it.qt,il.v (,il ((/t( rltt.fujlr.c y'preuue ,trrrrtrtt t/ litt',trl ,'t,' trt11/ ,111 l,,tt,q r1,,.\,t ttit,. Nt)tt.\.toltl)t(,s tu lrtti/ dt: cc/ui qui, élu au'College Ir l'ttt,, ;'t)ttt tltt,ttitttlt',ttt.r,.f)rt l,tttrt /t'.ç lt.'y:,,ru/iui.rlts.fi,znç:ais un basileus incontesté etpoîr &c,lutrtttl,, lt,ut1,tr, r'l rtlt',rtt,qt.t.t, ttl rttlti ,t//ottif'tl ,ho/rul.rru*. Les Travatxet Mémoires tlrut.,tt,,t,l,tttt ,i l»,trr/ l,t'tttt,t./r', i/ txrt.ç,t dc 1975 à 2001 la direction, sont en deuil et tt'itt,tt,.,tt,tl l't('ttlit rrtt t'tt/tttut à sa rulrnoire et à son æuure. Il serait uain de prétenclre lsfitltt ltrttttrrt,t,tt('('tt rlrrr'lr1trt.t 7ilols /tugrand bistorien qu'itfut. (Jne érudition ron, li*itrr, nuï ttflt trttrt ltt'ttlrtttrlt'lrri prt'ruircnt de rendre uie au monde byzantin, à ses bomznes et à rct ' ttltt't ", r1t11t ft ,ttf)((/.ç hs plus diuers. Sa langue reflétait auec élégance la cornplexité de 11tt1 pl'1,'t, l,t 'trl'/i/itttrlt srs analyses, les nuances tle ses conclusiorus. paifols ironiqi à l,égard lr, ttt (ii/Lt'r/ ^,11,, ',, l)dQl't)n s'est pourtant illustré dans les ,ho*p, læ plus ichniqu'es de tr,r* ''t,ttl('\, lt,t.(irt,<ntltltic tttt iconographie, épigrapbie ou diplomoriqur, clroit ou éconornie ,r,'l{tt,,tt,'ttl' l',rt lt'/,i «'.; rli.ttiltlines spéciales, les ruaîtres-liures quijalo,nnent sa longue carrière Fut f,,,t ttttr'tt\ tr)ttt/tti/t? cl uticux cc,ntprendre aux blzantinistes quelques-uns d, leurs obiets htili,rtttt'ttl,tl\': ()t)t.tlttnrinople rl'abord., de « Naissance d'uo, ,op;toi, , (1g74) ou*iru, ,1, I't1ty1,,,,1s,,,,,r (.l0ll), s,tn.s oublier «constantinople imaginai;, (lgs+); le christjanisme $F,ttt,ttt. ,l,rtt, trtt t'tt/uulc de l'Histoire du christiani sme paru sous s/z direcïion (1g93), k lhtuttt /'rt/ttirlrrt' ,rrtrt « ErtPereur et prêrre, (1996), la tiéorie estbétique auec «Décrire et fct*ltr " (.'()()"). ,'l tôti de ces ouara.ges rnajeurs, dorut de grandes rnaisozts cl'édition et de ,xrrl,tÿt'\ tt',rrlrtt tittus ont étendu le raryonnernerut, Gilbert Dagron ne perdit jarnais de uue les çdllil ltrtttt rlrt (.1'71171' dc recbercbe qu'il dirigeah, à ,o*mrnu, pr, ,à Travaux et Mémoires 6ti lttt ttrlttt,' ,rt',rit .f)tit un début retentissant. De 1968 à zoô1, d.u rbéteuy nbéntistios au I it'rt' ,1,'t rtil'tilt't«rttics, ses propres nténtoires et articles jtforment une chaîne ininterrornpue, tlxt t,,,t'rt'\t' tlt' ftrtrr cn ?art le millénaire blzantin. supplément aux Travauxet Mémoires, lû 'e't tt ,/,'' l\1.»rr.grirphies qu'il crée en 1982 accueillera-les ouurages de cbercheursfançais et dlt'ttt.E't t, rlû ,trlct rJe colloque' du leçorus professées au Collège tle Fiancepar cl'érninents inuités. Èuhu,l,ttt'l,ttttllrcrittndesBilansderecherche, dontilaiaiten200iparrainélacréationet thtt't l,' tttrrrit, ( ii/bcrt Dagron ofrit en 2012, sous le beau thre d'« ldées- byzantines », l,éd.ition '€t'ltle't/(' ltt'rtlt'--çix articles cboisis. Il espérait encore aoir paraître l'édition comme,tée du llvt, ,l,'. ri'tl'tttotries de ConsTarutiru Porphyrogénète, dont il auait pris I'initiatiue et qui, f:n"\,,1t'\ t,ru',ut.\' de ses dernières années,fut sans cloute celui qui lui tenait le plus à rno, '\.,t 1)11'/1,,,11,,tt 1»rttbaine sera le nteilleur bornntage que nous puissions renclre, eru térpoignage Paris,4 mars 2007 @ C. Hélie Ciilutt,ttirttt t'/ rl'attacbernent, au rnaître et à l'azni q?ue nous auons perulu. TABLE OF CONTENTS Itrllben Degron x 6g Fedcrico MoNtrx.tno, Introduction. ........... 1 The authorship of the Chronicle 7 Syncellus The life and wider significance of George ......... 9 ZgcxgrumN, Theophanes the Confessor and Theophanes the Chronicler, ftory of squere brackets...... ................... 3l Framing universal history: Syncellus' canon and Theophanes' rubrics .... 53 pl, In search ofsyncellus' and Theophanes' own words: revisited.. 1uthomhlp oî the Cbronograpbia ................... 73 93 Transmission, transcription, transladon ll9 feONI, Le première circulation de la o Chronique de Théophane , : t2l pdéographiques et codicologiques........'.. NrtL Theophanes Confessor on the Arab conquest: version by Anastasius Bibliothecarius ................... 149 Cooof,tBn, Theophanes at the time of Leo VI r59 The Cbronicle of Theophanes in the indirect tradition....... 177 Totou,tNove,The Chronicle of Theophanes the Confessor Theophanes andearlyByzantine history 237 , The first half of Theophanes' Chronicle 239 Veneration of relics in the Chronicle of Theophanes ................... 261 Théophane et ses sources sur Ia guerre d'Anastase I" contre les Perses. 269 t, Théophane, témoin de l' Épitomè d'histoires ecclésiastiques, le Lecteur ou de Jean Diacrinoménos ?................ 279 and Lukasz Rô2vcrr, The battle ofSolachon of586 of the worls of Theophylact Simocatta and Theophanes...'.......'.................... 315 CotStNrwo, La perception du domaine économique slt Chronograpble deThéophane................ ................ 327 Edcrl ,r, ""' Theophtlurof '. Robcrt Cl, HoytaNp, Ageplur,'l'heophllus urrd Mrrrllm rt)uf€êr,,,rrr,, .,..,,,,,,, J5, Murlcl l)xurÉ,'l'heophanes"'Orlcntul source"i what carr we leern fiom Syrlac hlstortography?,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,, ,..,.,,.,,,.,,.,.,... 365 ABBREVIATIONS Merla CoNtanNo, Theophilos, "the morc likely canditlnrc,'? Towarcls a reappraisal of rhe question o[îheophanes' "orlental sourcc(s),,,..,,.,......... 3g3 ACtd sAnctorum quotquot toto orbe coluntur, uel a catholicis scriptoribus Andy HrrruNs, Before the Eastern source: Theophancs ancl the late syriac Orthodox cçlab rannr, Venetiis 17 3 4- 19 40. chronlcles,4,l'-6,1,centuries....,.,..,...,........._.,....,.,..,., ........ 401 ACta conciliorum oecurnenicorum. Series secunda, ed. R. Riedinger, Berlin 1984-. Theophanes and recent history 4I5 T'he chronography of George svnkellos : a Byzantine cltronicle of uniuersal hlsnryfrom"thi Cràtio", ri"til. *i.h introà. and notes by W' Adler and §tephaannlde eFaorlnyn esisgrh, rhT hceeonpiuhraiense,s 'c . BeyDz a6nt6in8es-o7ur1ce6 for the rate seventh ... 417 APf.l mTuuqffaina,t Oàpxefaoarodc m2o0 u0 2E.eàruue eerca.E«atepzu6ypr' Lee MononcHer, The last century of rheophane s' chronicre: a statistical approach...... ...... 445 Kltab al-'unuan : Histoire uniuerselle écrirc par Agapius (Mahboub) dz Dmltry.ArrNoc,Nov, Sryle, s*ucture, and authorship of the hypothetical source of Mcnbidj, éd. et trad. par A. Vasiliev, Paris 1906-16 (PO 5, 4;7, 4; 8, 3; Thcophancs for the reigns of Leo III and Consiantine V:.:............... ..... 467 11, l), Po 8. Jamcc cHndo vltrsn ao-nJotneNcserodNe, nTthse.o,p.h.a..n.e.s. .o.n. the recent past: the crisis of 7g2 ..... 473 HThisctoirpiahman istr ipCe hrrotintaoignr,a p- dhisisae.r t2at,io nTehmeo pd eh caondiilc ibuultsa so, ?A!nrla: sTtalesoii? bhibd ileioi,t hieÿccaeri:i continens, r.". C. d. Boor, Lipsiae 1885 (2'd' éd., Hildesheim - New York . Index 4gl 1980). §ourcec...,...., Anahcta Bo llandiana. Bruxelles. MenuocrlPm ..............491 Anti quité tard iae. Turnhout """""""' 506 Bulhtln dz conespondance hellénique. Paris. places...., Nlmec and ....................... 507 Bibliotheca hagiograpbica Graeca,3'éd' mise à jour et considérablement augmentée, Bruxelles 1957. Byzantine and rnodern Greeh studies.Leeds. Èyzantinos lauica : reuue internationale d.es études byzantines' P raha' '§ÿ'etteren' Byzantion : reaue internationale des études byzantiaes. iyzantinische Forschungen: internd.tionale Zeitschrift fùr Byzantinistik. Amsterdam. Byzantinisc he Zeitschrifi . Berlin. Corpus christianorum. Series Graeca. Turnhout. Georgr Cedrenus loannis SElitzae opr, ab I. Bekkero suppletus et emendatus (CSHB 4), Bonnae 1838-1839. Corpus fontium historiae Byzantinae. Chronicon ad annum Christi 1234 Pertinens. 1, ed' I'-B' Chabot (CSCO 81. SS 36), Parisiis 1920. Chronicon Paschale, rec. L. Dindorfius, Bonnae 1832' Thrce'neatises: Constantine Porphyrogenitus, Tbree teatises on imperial mi!1,ary expeditions, introd.' .d., tir.rrl' and commentary by J' F' Haldon' Wien 1990. Corpus scriptorum historiae Blzantinae' corpus scriptorum christianorum orientalium. Louvain. sS : scriptores Syri. Codex Theodosianus. r€.*=, DAI Conrtentlne Porphyrogenlut, Dr adnlnhnxnda lnÈrla, greek terr ed, hy Ths Chrsalek of Theophenæ Conrtsor: B!üdntlnë dnd Near Ea*rlrn hlsnr,l (t 9ly6,71)4,oruvcrlk, crrg,lhlrrrunrl, hy R, f , I l, Jenklnr ((lFHB'i), Vnrhlrrgtorr Al{,D § c2o8tt4 w*8lt1h: 1t,lr-ctr asngsrlls. tqwtlclct ho fl n(ti,r oCdr,e astRredx ,c Oorxlrfmorcdn t1.9 t9r7y. O, Mango attd l)e e,er, Conrlaytlytl lorphyygnltl imltcrutorh l)e eertnonlk auhre ltymntinac, e Saeroram concihhrum nourt ct amplhsima collectio, Florentiae - Venetiis rec, J, J. Relskll (CSHB), llonnac 1829- t 840, 1719-1798. [réinrpr. Paris l90l et Graz 1960]. DQ[' [)umbarton Oalet paperl §/ashington, I'heaphanis t Methodii Pa»iarchae Constantinopolitani Vita Theophanis -5. §HB The econonic hixory of Byzantium : fiom the seuenth through the fifieenth Çonfrstoris e codicc Mosquensi n' 159, ed. B. Lary§ev = Meeoàis llarnpiapxa ccntur!, A. 8,. Laiou, ed.-in-chief (Dumbarton Oaki studlés 39), Koicmaamuuotto./tbc,cazo trumie llpen. Oeofiaaa I'Icnoeruàuurca. v3Aa ls cr' lVashington DC2002, EBeAcgieur,, npntrl'buani.xruu I'I yKasare^.suu B' B. Àarr,ruresl (3anucrr'r b:t Encyclopédie de I'Islam, Leiden - Paris 1g13-1938, Pocciücroü Ara4errlir Hayrt. S'série = Mémoires de l'Académie des EF EnEclopédie de l'Islam, nouuelle édition, Leiden - Paris 1954-2009. rcl€nccs de Russie, classe historico-philologiqu e 13 I 4), llerporpaa:s 1 9 I 8. Evngr, The Ecclesiastical hlstory of Euagrius, with the scholia, ed. with introd, critical Monumenta Germaniae historica. Epistolae, Leges. Berlin. notes and indices byJ. Bidez and L. Parmentier, London 1898. Chronique de Michel le Syrien, patriarche jacobite dAntioche (1166-1199)' EOT ' ü"Lr1wrôç iDtho)"oyrcàç 26LLoyoç Kavoravr wooxô),eaç. éllud.r cest VirIaIId-X, pI;a r3 J,. -BT.r aCdhuactbioont, 1liu, rTersaXduIIc-tXioXn I;l iu4r,e sTIe-VxtIeI; s2yi,a .Tqraaed,u cPtaiornis FHG Fragmen ta lt is to ri co ru m G rae c o rurn, P aris I 8 4l - | 87 2. 1899-1924 (réimpr. Bruxelles 1963). GCS BDeierl ing.riechischen christlichen schriftsteller der ersten drei Jahrhunderte. Monographies de Travaux et mémoires. Paris. Gen, IIo. sTehpuhrln ,G Beneerosliiin Ri e19g7u8m. libri quattuor, rec. A. Lesmueller-'§Terner et eCohnrosntoagitrlaiopphoiali tabnrei uOisp u=s cXuplao vhoisytpoariqcarc; ôavc coeôdwit oIgtrntoavt ii: DNiiacecopnhio rVi itaar cNhiiceeppishcoorpi,i ed. C. de Boor, Lipsiae 1880, p. 79-135. €ieorg, M. on, G19e7o8rg.ii Monachi Chronicon, ed. C. de Boor, corr. P. §7irth, Stutgardiae Brcuiarium = 'Iorop{q oôwotrtoç: Nikephoros, patriarch of Constantinople, Short history, text, transl. and commentary by C. Mango (CFHB 13), Georg. Sync, Georgii $ncelli Ecloga chronographica, ed. A. A. Mosshamm er,l-eipirgl9g4. §flæhington DC 1990. GRÊS Greeh, Roman and Byzantine studies. Durham. Oxford dlalonary of Byzantium, A. P . Kazhdan ed. in chief, New York 1991 . Hovann'JoHN§ToN, ÿlimesses: J. Howeno-JoHNsroN, rYitnesses to a world crisis: historians Patrologiae cursus completus. Series graeca, accur. J.-P. Migne, Paris and bistories of the Middle Ea"st in the seuenth centary, Oxford 2010. 1856-1866. HovueN», Seeing Iskm: R. G. Hovu.No, Seeing Islam as others saw it : a surue! and eualuation Photius, Bibliathàque, texte établi et trad. par R. Henry, Paris 1959-1991. aofn tCiqhuriisrtyia na,n dJ eewairslÿh Iasnladm Z o1r3o)a, sPtrriidnnc ewtorinti nNgsJ o1n9 9e7a.rly Islaà (Studies inlate The prosopographlt of the later Roman Ernpire, by A. H. M. Jones, HoYtlNo, Theophilush: isRto. rGica. lH konovwulre.droge, iTnh elaotpeh ailunst iqouf iEtyd æansda \e Carhlyro Insilcalem a(nTdra tnhsela cteirdcu tlaet*itosn foo"rf JP,r oRs.o pMoagrratipnhdiea led e&r mJ.it tMelbolrtzriasn,t iCniascmhbernid gZee i7t.9 B7e1r'l1in9 9-2 .New York 1998-. historians 57), LiverpooL 2Ol l. Patrologia Orientalis. Paris. THS The journal of Hellenic studies. London. Procopii Caesariensis operA omnia. 3, 2, De aedifciis cum duobus indicib-us et tÔB Jaltrbuch d.er iisteneich is c h en Byzantinis ti k. W ien. yien. dG?.p \e7;diricthe,, rLeicposgianeo v1i9tJ6.4 .Haury, Lipsiae 1913, addenda et corrigenda adiecit JJÔohB. GEph.,llE J!@ahr1bnuclsh Edeprh ieisstienni eHicihsitsocrhiaene Becyczleasniatisntiicsaceh epna rGs etsuerltlsiach, aefid. ., interpretarus esr Dreec obgenlloo vPiteJr.s icHoa -u-r Py,r oLcipospiiai eC a1e9s0a5ri,e ansdids eonpdear ae to cmonrriiag.e n1d, aD ea dbieeclliits Glib. r§i ÿI'-irItVh,, E. §7. Brooks (CSCO 106. SS 3), Parisiis, Lovanii 1935,1936. Lipsiae 1962, p.l-304. LP ,, LPea rLiisb e1r8 p8o6n teifitc a1l8is9, 2r.;e xItIe , ianvterocd a. dedr itcioomnsm eern rcaoirrere pcariro nLs. Dduec hLe. sDneu,c h2e svnoel.,, Dreec obgenttoov Vit aJn.d Halaicuor y=, PLriopcsoiapeii 1C9a0e5sa, raiedndsiesn doap eerat coomrrnigiaen. dl,a Daed ibeeclilits Glib. r-iÿ Ii-rItVh,, C. Vogel éd., Paris 1955-1957. , Lipsiae 1962, p. 305-552. Mal. Ioannis Maklae chronographia, rec.r. Thurn (GFHB 35), Berolini 2000. dans Theophanes continuattts, p. 601'770. M^Nco, §7[ro wrote ZthReV cIh 1ro8n, ilc9lel \:, Cp. pM.9e-N1c7o, ,r e\xp{uhboli swhreodt ei nth leo .c, hBroyznaicnlteiu mof aTnhdeo ipih aimneasg?e,, PMaüunfcirh eRne a1le8n9c4y-c1lo9p9à7d.ie der c lassisclten Ahertumswiss ens chafi , Stuttgart - London 1984. Reuue des étud.es byzantines. Paris. Roeaov, Ê1æas tm â, !h;,r l, $3qr+gv, E1ryna.ln â, Jehb*ecric n fu SUht lq Tbeophanet : quellenlorltkrh-hhkrhîlnr Kommpnar se du Jebrca 7Iq-Bt,i (ilerltner byzantinkchc Artreltcn 57), llcrlln lr)rl I , lô?N Rluhta dl tndl bluntinl t neoellenlrl,lktme INTRODUCTION .§(: .§ources chrériennes, Pnris. §ocr, l?{1,ï: Kirchen^geschicbfa,.hrsg. von.(i. C, Hansen, mit Beitrâgen von M. Sirinjan (GCS. Neue Folge i), Berlin t995. by Marek J,tNxowm« & Federico MoNtNeno Soz. Sozomène, Histoire ecclésiastique. Liures l-il, texre grec de l,éd. J. Bidez, f4.ft4 -J. Festugière (SC 306), Paris 1983 ; Liaùs III-IV, te*t. g... d. l'éd, J. Bidez, trad. par A.-J. Festugière, rev. par B. Grillet (SC 40gi paris 1996; Liures V-W. Liures VII-IX, texre grec d; l'éd. J. Bidez, G. C. Hansen, rad. parA.-J. Festugière et B. Grillet (SC +15,516), paris 2005,200g. Strat, lfayicll.ftryrrsrfr-y ed. et introd. instruxit G. T. Dennis, germanice vertit pre§enrs the proceedings of the conference "The Chronicle ofTheophanes: E. Gamillscheg (CFHB 17), \ÿien 1981. àEltlon, transmission," àrganized by the editors in Paris in September 2012. .§ym. Log. ÿrynnis-ryagi1tri et logotbetae Cltronicon, rec. S. \Tahlgren (CFHB 44, l), lfoattributed to Theophanes the Confessor (f 817 or 818) is an annalistic Berlin - New York 2006. Bgntinuing the world ôhronicle of George Synkellos and spanning more than tlXn, Cll' synaxariurn Ecclesiae constantinopolitanae e codice sirmondiano nanc I yeers ofÉyzantine history, from Diocledan's accession to th€ eve of the Berolinensi, adiectis synaxariis selictis, Propylaeum ad Acta sanctorum m (ro 284-813). It stands as the mâjor Greek source on Byzantium's Nouem bris, éd. H. Delehaye, Bruxelles t902 iréimpr. Louvain 19 5 41. " for which its author relied on now lost sources covering, notably, the 'l'hcocl. tect. f.!:"_dgl* Anagnostes, Kirchengeschicbte, hrsg. von G. Ch.TIansen Ct, ùe Monothelete conrroversy, the emergence of Bulgaria, and the first (GCS. Neue Folge 3), 2., durchgei. Auflage, Berlin 1995. It geemed to us in 2012 that the fifteen years of research since C. Mango Theoph. lltio.planis Chronographia, rec. C. de Boor, Lipsiae 1883-1885 [réimpr. ! Eround-breaking English translationr had witnessed steady advances in the Hildesheim - New York 19801. rg-of the ,rrrr,.rr..i-pt ,àdition as well as in the identification and assessment Thcoph.2 voir Anast. s individual ,oïr..r. In this regard, one source of the Chrolicle, clearly Theoph. cont. Theopbanes continuatus, ex rec. I. Bekkeri (CSHB), Bonnae lg3g. Western Syriac tradition, had received a particularÿ large share attention. Theoph, Sim. Theopfulacti Simocattae Historiae, ed. C. de Boor, ed. correcdorem cur. d to us, hô*..,.r, that on this and othel matters opinions dif^foefr ed, while TIB TPâ. b§u7liart hIm, pSeturitig aBrydziaaen ti1n9i.7 2\.[ien. EËU, eoOr tltohn.s ,L caotninc earndiaripgl aftoior ne xbaym Àpnlea sthtaes iauus,t hLoirb'sr amrieatnh oodf athned Rbioamseasn, thCeh euarcrhÿ I'LG Thesaurus linguae Graecae. Universiry of California. nnlted to be reforrntrlated in the light of recent research. TM Tiauaux et mérnoires. Paris. 'l"Rrrocor,o, Middle BYyozrakn 2ti0n1e3 h.istorians : \7. Trueocoro, The m iddle Byzantine historia ns, New tdt æfedc tiboyn co.f Mthaen vgool uamlmeo sist dfoervtyo tyeeda rtso atghoe. zq Dueetsetciotin_n og f wthhel t ahuet hboerlsiehvipe do tfo t hbee W B utaurnuùcrcuù lperweHHuc. Mocrna. Georg" Synke[às' composition, Malgo suggested that the sentence, found Zon. Ioannis Zonarae Epitomae Historidram tibri wlil, ex rec. M. pinderi ed. tCa, piefaée, "[George Synkellos] both bequeathed to me, who was his close Th. Büttner-\7obst (CSHB 3l), Bonnae 1897. ook he had *ritt..ràndprovided aphormàswith a view to completing whal ZRVI 36opaurc p aà o ea Busaurno,tol.urco z utrcrlurryrna. Eeorpa4. ti where aphormas caninàeed indicate "marerials" (but also a "starting point" ), descriÉes more or less a draft which Theophanes did little_ mo_re than sh. The opening contribution of this section, by \7. Treadgold, develops presents tlh. k à*rt and unknowns of George's life, :".t.:., and legacy' ylne oaper, in conrrast, C. Zuckerman takes issue with this interpretation. fttïbui.t a far greater agency to the author of the Chronicle and argues - Scorr. §üho wrote the Chronicle. fibæ1hanæ,ed. by M. Jankowiak & F. Montinaro (Tiavaux et mémoires l9), Paris 2015' pp. l-5. isrtrrvll,rr,rc '"rrr ltlr'(r lrrc'l'lr,lt rlrn,l lr,tsr t ltlrirtr.t't'rlr't r"hrr ,llr.rl irt.rlrlr 'rtesr'l , rrrritc,ll'r,lr s.r.,(''l,u.t'r'tt/, iu,i,t,vt.,rta,,.r.t-, 'trrl'ir, tlr/ il.,ttlr.,it,i,rt,,r .rr,ri,rt'r.rrl,r.t, rrl,r,,lr',l.ttr; rirri.t;, .yri.(,',, i,t; lr,;rr.''.,rl,t,r,i,*r.l,r,,r.,,,;.*,,r*trrrr., rr rr. ;rrr,,r.,,rr r(r,(,lrllr.rrorr ).,l,rl,r .ll\ulr r,r,,i,r\,, 1r,i,,,rr.trlr t,,.Arrrtirrr;r,,ri,,,rrrry,r,, rr,lr,sr. iy.l; r,rr rr rklsvrer,it.rll1,rrrr 1sr(r.,it lr.rrl, .rrrrt.r,lgrr.titrrs. Fâhtfttgte ltettttt ,to). ,lrer llila lly( l liulyrlrrr rgrwer,r irt; rtrltltrcr( rsc§ slllrrl rtvtsrooI r ilttitrssllt l.crt cl ;lrtgtlt' aitr'(rtrt tpscir,lt eartcrtolil oe st tltltrr trt'oxt'ilrrtlc git tclrtt'c »ot ll'lrldrt c'tlr|c)''.l citr(oltlrtlr'ttviritool;ptsnt1t i,tc r tolselr l."lotlr'tlg'rtcitotoctlttr,ll tltrlltyltct'le 'oSst'o llv(t t"otlitttrllutittul vtictr'txl,rt' 'rrlr'irs i, ,ri.ri,l ,iu. r",,,,,,", wirrr.trr 6.wr:vcr. tltlftl serti,,t,,,,,,.",,rs'l'lrt'ollltrrtlcs sol.ll'crc:s lilr carly Byzantine histOry. Tr is ''tlt't'rrrty' i,rrrrrg,r'lt'vlrsris', rP,rl'rr,rrrrrr.t 'str' rr*r,rrrrt'. r,g,iic,,,itr.ri, ,1r1; ,i;i ;i,.;,.;,;r;., [,;.i,ry' ,'.ir,ir,l,"',i.'...ri,,r) ,r,i,.,,r',i,; :si.fï,,iit ,.rt,,r, ( .,rtronogrup/ry. hy ll, S.ott's prcsctttuiiott ol"l'heopltrrnc-s'.handling of the sources. in the first .xIl,rrr;rri.rr -l 'l'lrc..rrrrrrrcs' rrirrr r«, «,rïL.r ,r ,cw Ghe (,lltrottirlr, tlcvckrpittli lris vicws published in several articles since 1996.5 'lrrrrrtr li srlrrrrlr'rttwirsr li' "lir'r,t,g'lrirgri'rrirrts ,,.,lr' (r rii.cr1.'.rrig.r,,,c,,r,'rs'.r. .,,,r. ,,,À,,,,,,,r"i .rr 1r.ir*rii,r,,i',rr,ir"n"r ti.,rrg.ryl î.,r rr,r<rr,.,.r ,r"1"r*,;r;À;iJ',;rarc sl rcyrigishtirch acrcgnutmureicnsr fllnhatt tritorrtrtl icosl''l('lit.c o(;prhcllrtrt'ccisx' lrcalcnldlsli nwgi tho Tf honeeo pphaartniceusla'lor stth esmouer,c teh eo nc uthlte o Pf erersliicasn. lr'rll w.ry l,.r*,',1,, rlrt'strPP.rtcr.i rhe rexr "r r[-r"L':iir'nir1r, serring himselF gf,Alrartarirrs I, itlcrrtilÿing it with the work of a classicizing author also accessed rrltrrl.i'rrs r sr1 icofr .r'' cri r§rr,k /r'''lr r 'cllrr'srtr'''r:srrrgrr-rlcrrs'rrsrr'rrr,r,r,i,scrr'.'r,ss'rsi r,, ,",, i p., l'.,,1',,iirir,,r".r"r'g, ,? icr*idrrhr.cru«ip.lr",hfc r,r'r ,rràdr* eoerr 'r"nàr"rrrtri:rd ,ëiih* rel,pr*,oir. ,irrop.hg.no.re,i p"n,\ sù,r n/ re is,b "h trroah.rv .eàr oo.o .brèËror.trrruurrg!"îJJrl ro,ironnr d,p, au,blh,r eeoinlaro.d n rywhg iehsmd osa eidpncer et tiohb[eneyr §Rt$hhie t Cl .td ellaoetttlrtlrtr rrro rlrell, l'gv,ll*ctl,irt ioipl itrtlltro,cr,o,ut tfr a'rcclhtoihiari.,rt, r'iwplr'ghahhcno oisohpcÀe h wastopone reeckscu cTlaulhetseseesioad ps thothicnaaaent l eToshhf i eshiotniosp rhhymai sanb ejtyous rTr nsmho eakuoynrdc eheowsar e.v fe oBL rk. e ntPchotoeowu rfd,no e uoarrnoltsnlhyo tI' lt'rirr','tc rl''t ll. '''lhkrlr'ltlrc 'tirrcs rsr, ,;1irrt*rl'trcrrlrr'rr.ir:rr.s"rrrc,tt,.sl.r' i .(r,w':r*".s,r.rr c,irrirÈrr,isr,, r s,*.q,w. .i.hilccrris s r.ed .c.r-,> ;hria;enr"co akA;nd Ji,nc "'rr;;e.'";,' arrlorrisri rr;'a.êi,i "i'tsClr";in"r;lr;rg.ogr"lneirc- .,.olure,gn r;,irnsvhae rrpri.-rsh air*gàinar.lid nrr c aà.*Th rin phir..oFeeo,n,o'r unittpci-ttlhîÀea.îa*..ir'nT,t.. ''e hio,,sien,*n, w .eGwaro ue hriotksihcrsgo,h e.r i*,Gnssp u ecsro,ome"rdvsiiesee,reox,ass.r â, *,Hu'llt'rÉ, llirr+r"lt rl,rt,l, ,t,rl§ewrl'i l'r,rlou',Llr,lor'rcitc,t. csrrcrr sttlbtt«'a trrdpo t 'aic"ntd t, ..ct a.hrIpn{ eôpdi i2es o6rytsetcf pp1keosoic foh tpitvf"hrJe eeaD,s .eiet ahNcnkeot.r nicanLoo ojcmunmabtsirceaeib n rssusoptktsuhii.odej .nry IenF .bo inytTfh a hSeTll .iyh spC,e e boownespueceh lotnhaimmtaninveeaeosst ,e f'a i wt tctprehoerdoena tttpeirmnrixbotetopu n-f tootitosh roe inssaf t,trlirirrr) irrr«l indirccr (..rd.rrhip, ,àrrjr,à"ri.-p. (manuscrior fear lrlrrg ,rn.l rlicrcFore very welcome discussion of some vexed issues in seventh- '.'tirtr '''s(trrtt(lrtr t'ryn 'lr ' rilrtt't 'sic;lrrut.rstrrr'cs('riislucu,irrrrs lityrihs n riir.rarg.srrsn g d rd[r o> e ao edmrneafhfnearee ewi fnredus a rrrothtnrophleyae e rnn.nhr." yie an..i rRr1itrhgeo.uvi ngn,er;crhhd;ort ;"rn.i;à".ui: .r ;piïi*r . rru"eü[rrif.éeb".;rr.u.r"sr.r1y ,ti;"'s p {d.gi, r*.ngg;-*rB"n,r;p; .oo;; èr;o;1rr;r;ii'r7.r.i'. orLt rotïn"or",,'irii 'Tnr*). ,ïriip.,,,. nià r.,inrï"i,r'iriol.oàirr*oyad*, *or otqgbeFuue nrraeBhor net.tse hrFpre,e o,ago nramifksr dabitiaèhejuon,edrsr lgdlæghetF8rte[tnt,r,rua lfl.. y't.é 'ac t,s(lcrrlorictoisrgt,l lrr ,ltyccnriol lcir'ztctettetic n dosllga ùon tub«.etrtry cmtS l eaEipy.cr .gr à Ai\eaap7 cnsq.. dio uct Bu hsabrrorcnpyoceot inis akroiflycs om .hlreo6 eis ft Thtoopoehffor eysstMh ,ei tseiivwcva ehemmhna ietadche ajh solt,a oar in su.pa drascc utteeropi iagrapsrhplc ePithnmhe eatochrnef§et ne A ttcdounu- rhtirbeiaroyesvc neahc-tnb o de(maTe-pemb pn1a eo1teunn9s d 9oeti)xond, rrtik's, srlrr rrrrrrlr rr.r.rrwi'slrth.c' .lc.yfr ^ Alie<nrriatn obes hatcrihoroev n iqms,u uatcehncsueerss srcs, riruifapËr"r .tsrs-.Àr etFp,r"siiir s"i;n ,k" "tlah;J;yi rltir;,a. n ièss imri;kries;jrr;y.ior ntkso :r ,os";;iap;jTë;a.h;îra5ki"lo ,Ïf"ïprdoaehls oaehgn rdeic esab,e alx itpnearf.sol upBreee.sc nN ttsti haeoerilf É-dbÉUlr]p o elnnrtrtr r'u*ctlr.l ,l-l ,,M,iy,rrl ÿicillihnrtrcdro iifrr,i.ce rns'dI hr hSet-hyocirpesia nhcsti oulocurhsyrcr Aoeorn afw ibcEi-ltdeCherh ,s trshwiase tr i(ialTtoin ns7 gt8 hh5dii)sso,t twoowrrnihiac intacoAlh gw1tao2opd3rika4o y,so wefo hntfh jooMe ys esch noadbruiesirddtt i jna.MIcsnittc r ohl1ilafo9eeg9 le0i'snr, ';'sl'slriltr'lc', ^.rrcs cânÊessor,;;r;;;;il".ir,.i . been amributed lrntivc reconstrultion of R. Hoyland.T Adding another element to the puzzle, rr' ( l'rrsrrrrrrirrerh ve II porphvrogeni,"'. s;;;; f".r"E;".-î,;p;;;.*;,i "zù;l;iK;.;î;"r,o psina and her tl br.ings out an unpublished portion of Agapios' work from the pages of the paris. gr. 17t0 lls ttranusciipt that werè glued togither when the early twentieth-century editors, ltfc. 'rrcillisitrccrgr,lr strhr 'cicr.rlscru re caZcerolsves 'siso hona rno're.Fo on.-f"i g.T..,àh epror.,p. hhpraplnr,er is*"'ri ,-*tko iin't5"gk ,, rhdd. i;ti;J;,gî.È.rr*rr;.;'.ir',,à;.",o rogchicraoln icrrueb rwicass Verlrlrlel'Mv rlrn'ircwl iLy.a C(h6e6i1k1h2o-,6 v6i6e1w7e),d iist .t oT hane unnee\Mx pteecxtte, dclyo vlearrigneg ethxtee nfitr sbta syeeda ros no ef athrley (lrr.r.aliphs), r' ltwy''1 .rrrflc <1,'r;ssr sl,1rf ('c ri'rc ncnihdrurdorlyne.i cBrley z, yasn:turïidinlye.i "nr gri rsâyÀrsit"e;"m;r;.a ;Ër,icËi-ail"iiytIyo ,i t sA i.n-Mdfuir.er fTcitor ;t,odrmr;a;;;;n;;o;,v;a;;a;ni; d;p*; r,pien aspre raniartrstreic csthuehsraea r rcisnrhoy tfohainner âîîn6,ib -lm;h1 ipwn,e tl.ra l,irr,urr,r ltlli y r1s' rii'inh,n.e, n lo"lin.Tp hgËSa?ecn, o eee rvdr'e, . .bc\rTiy,à rPoit"f.i n iAergvl-i el'etr"hny'e iay #rn.e"dii.g:.Enà ., .oilreirfrJfrlgurîe'èsiytrdsini )iw(aB nity* hza:o aM*unoarti linarcal,oa nsA: f-luvaues srlirisortuatnésli" re aTn: ihsJiteiuéaos pdtli0hena )ita.n nnBei sroai,s nitibdnoa gonTrtehho eep1 rs9tsii9x, i6t nh', r,1r. ,I,;., Ai,. ,<il;rosH)«"2f.ri,i qOÂ'|a;rri.;r:::;::,ffi ;:;T:ü:{,.T{T,îïîË.il.;:Zi1i::iJ';li:i,"î;:f:ii 4lu,\,\ lellt' rl'uultlttittu,.itrusietë indete Crnhaytpioren. aslo upsh illao ldoùg.i qâuee PE. OPdMoHricNoE. IPA. ,A N. iAcogsaipe.it o6s-7, -M8 . mHaini t2e0rb0e4r.g eorr ga(Dniossés ipearsr ':.'1,',:,:'ii,{,i;;:'rtrî;':;f!tt"'tio"' ,"-pa,ï,,''' ),à)i)iie"/,,iii;îi)i,»il';'*q"es, nr fi), f'nris 2006, pp.49-65. teBs-tee., W, l,l, llnoors, Thi sources of Theophanes and the Syriac chroniclers, BZ 1512, 1906, t'tü.l ^lli'.tg't . : ln).p YodeteNuNoro apuosuaruonsru, ùUcxnoeti nuo areo osuorr pIar rdràatie qd)u)n poazriusiunu, sM gocr«. e1a7 1200,0 tn1 , Mppo.o 2T7o_B3ia0 :. K 60-/xen2ulo iâ, 7at.:,na il',zl' h,çetroNpnhailuos,T.heophanesandtheArabichistoricaltradit\on,B1tz. Forsch. 15,1990,pp. 144; MAREKJANKOVTAK FEDERICOMONTINARO INTRODUCTION lsl;ttttir' sourccs. 'l'he following two papers voice scepticism against the "Theophilos tluÉst ions that were asked, let alone to have always asked the right questions. But we tltt'ory." M, l)cbié offers an introduction ro the complicated philological and cultural- Iut'pt'isecl by the number of new findings that emerged both during the colloquium Itistot'ir';rl issttcs raised by the hypothesis of a single Syriac source underlying the four at tlrc crliting stage. Opinions on these and other marrers still diverge, but our aim rk'1x'ttrlitnts, wlrilc M. Conterno brings forth several (mainly linguistic) arguments against attrl trr rrllcr a definitive volume on Theophanes' Chronicle. Our projecr \Mas rather I loyl;rrrrl's rc(r()nstruction and similarly argues for multiple Eastern sources covering the ëlelrle tltc rcaders to take the temperature of the debates and to famlliarizethemselves l).rlk ( lcntrrrics. 'l'hc opposite perspecive is defended by M. Jankowiak in his paper h ltrrrltirrrrs on issues of central importance to the study of the Cbronicle.Weoffer lrr tlrc lirst lritrt oltthe book. At the end of this section, A. Hilkens presenrs some of I fttltllrc to the reader with the simple hope that it will stimulate further research. tltc testtlts ol'lris rkrctot:al dissertation on the source of the Chronicle of 1234. He offers 'l'lte l.lc,r rrf a conference and a volume on Theophanes' Chronicle has long been a rlcltr prcsctttitti«»r «rf an aspect of the relationship between Theophanes and Syriac §Érlatlorr. lrr 2008, we both attended C. Zuckerman's seminar on rhe Chronicle lristoliolirrtplry tltrtt ltrts l'rcen overshadowed by the interesr in TheopÀilos and the Dark t'he F,.,,1" prrrriclue des hautes études, which instilled in us an enthusiasm for this ( lctrtttt'ics, trtnrcly tlrc cxistence of parallels relating ro the fourth to sixth centuries. tour('c. l,ilter on, during the Byzantine Congress in Sofia in August 2011, we I lilkors (lucsti()n.s tlrc tscr:iption of some of these parallels to a lost Arian history which out'§clvcs cng:rged over a glass of beer in a discussion about the authorship of the trltitrrrrtc'ly rclicrl on l)hilostorgios' Church history (J. Bidez) or to Theodore Lecror Elll:'/e wirh A, Kompa. This one pub idea survived the evening and evenrually led to (A. I )'y:tl<orrov), lrtcl instead supports H. C. Hansen's view that the Syriac chroniclers §allrer lrrg irr l)rrris in September 2012. rc;rrl 'l'lrcoplrrtttc:s. Itr thc light of this theory, so far overlooked in the debate on rhe lÿe whlr to ('xl)r'css our gratitude to the contributors, who have endured and reacted to ( )r'ie rrtrrl sor.rrcc, thc rcconstruction of Theophilos' chronicle may have been flawed by the FGtct t lrrg ( ( )nuncnts on their work in progress for almost three years, to the sponsors rtttt'ilrtttiotr t«r'l'hc«rphilos ofbits ofTheophanes'narrative. (On these implications, see rhe He Zltl.l torrlcrcnce, namely the Collège de France, the Universiry of Paris 4, the prtpcr hy li, M«ltttinaro.) In sum, the debate on the Eastern source is certain ro continue. Ë lfr7, ;rrrtl the Association des amis du Centre d'histoire et civilisation deByzance, 'l'lrc lrrst scction of the book deals with the later part of the Chronicle and with its p th+mc wlto tttitclc that confçrence possible by entrusting us with important resources: s(,ttlr'cs. ln lrcr sttrcly ofTheophanes' Byzantine source for the late seventh and earÿ eighth , Clheyrrcr, ( l. Zrrckerman, V. Déroche, and O. Delouis. A. Ter-Markosyan rook care tctttttrics, S. liorrcst thinks of one single source beginning c.668 andending r. 716. She tttll'rrcttcc rlcsign. L. Simon, who has now retired, did much of the administrative sttspt'ttrls ittdgrncnt on whether or not we should attribute rhis source, which she prefers V, Ittlp,crrt hrrrvcly took over a Saturday morning panel during a communication trr t'rrll tlrc (,'hronicle ofJustinian 11, to the shadowy Patrician Trajan. L. Mordechai sets bctwcctr rhc organizers. A. Binggeli and B. Caseau accepted to chair two ttp it strttistit:ll tncthod for spotting Theophanes'presence in the text through selected pÉtleh, \Wc slrotrlcl also like to thank the staff of the rwo Byzantine libraries of rue tt'xt tt;tl tttrtrl<ct's. Whilc there are risks inherent in a quantitative approach, Mordechai has lngl=l,errroirrc uncl at the Sorbonne. Those who have had the privilege ro cooperare sttt t t't'tltrl itt sltowing that Theophanes quite uniformly edited the text of the last cenrury E, ( la;r"t k rrow t lrat hcr work on texts goes well beyond the usual tisks performed d tltç ( )ltrurrirh, lrn observation which does not contradict Kompa's aforementioned llrrtlirrgs ('on('o'rring, Êor the mosr parr, the first part of the Chroruicle. D. Afinogenov f)t(rlrrrscs to irttribrrtc'fheophanes'source for the yearsTlS-75 to nobody less than Hlrlp ul't lrc llrir islr Acrrclerny, to which he expresses his gratitude. l'atriutt'lr'l'urusios (t 806), writing before his election. Finally, J. Howard-Johnston M, wltlrt'* to tlr:rrrl< tlrc liritz-Thyssen-Foundation in Cologne, and the university tleterts tltc (ritccs o[government communiqués behind much of the seemingly official f{tf rttppolring his rcscarch cluring much of the time thât was needed for the ittlrrrtuirtion irr thc last thirty years covered by the Chronicle. Itlutt ul.tltis lrool<; (1. Soclc and S. \ü/ahlgren for support beyond academia; his Itr spitc «rl'irs tight three-day schedule, the Paris conference could not be exhaustive . It ëltlJrhryer, tlrc I'lbclhrrrcl Karls Universitât Tübingen, M. Meier and the colleagues [ienlrlthte antl thc.Slrl] 923; his family. is.in t lre nlturc «rf rh ings that many questions should remain unanswered or even udasked. 'l'ltc'trtost ttoticcablc: gap irr this book is perhaps the absence of studies on Alexander thir vulttruc H,(,cs to prirrt, thc ncws has already reached Byzantinists worldwide tlrc Mottl<, tttrc of 'l'hcophanes'sources for the reign of (lonstantir.rc thc (lrcat, which llagrotr's rlcrrth. \rVc ncecl not underline the graviry of the loss. \7e dedicate is ttow rrvitilrtblc irr J. Ne.s[ritt's l"lrrglish translnti«rn, or or.r (ieorgc oFPisidia, <ln wh«rrrr le lrt ltittt, 'l'lrcoph:rtres clrcw atnply fol thc rcigrr oIHerac:litrs irrrcl wlrosc worl< Mtry Whirby hg; t'ccctltly tlottc trrttclr t«r clttcirlrrtc.s Wc cl«l rrot cluirrr lo lrrrvt'olli'rcrl lltr.:rnswcr to elrclr irf' tl. l. §ÿ. Nt'stttt"t', Alt'x,trrtlcr tlrc Morrk's lt'xt ol llt'lt'rr,r' ,1ir,,,v,'r1,ol rlrt ( ir,rs (llll(;41(l), irt , ltJT lJti ltan., I)r'lltrtl,'t ol tlrt' ( itoss ; ( lr'ot13' ol'l'irirli:r orr tlrt t'rrr[t.ror I Icrrrclitrs rrrrcl isr, ltr l'lr pntp1,r11,,r1,t of'y111,1'1 ; t/t,' ntlr of'1u1t11',qyy1, iu /ttt( ilulitluity, cl. lty M. Wlrirlry, 1Nr1trr.t tJ/tltr (.l)'t)l,tt(u)ttlt(tt'(tt'o(/taË\,(«'olrl. l,ly'i rlt,t' lltWalr, s cNcrr'l,rgi,t,t M(l',l rWt'rrtrttt',t1triy,'v,Â,rl rNrt1wt'rrtlrirrr,'rrgr-rr rlrrrr,rr n*,rlr'le), wIilcgierl;r(,;rer( ,lrLgrcrot.lr r l'.is)(lXrl)r1,r, I ulrH, I y),_1e /t lrl, 1r 1lr;v le'.lra,;ttrl.r,r(('irtl'to, tlllilr olll, el' irvi7r1lfit., ro'rlI rlltrlrr,ttlrtli.utt.ito (t(rtlllO tl(rtrl,l().;ln l)(tt,tit(i)tt tltltrt,lr ,trotlnirlr,so.nrlrirlltil( ,luri,s on ths crufreror Hemcllur, ln Rowtn nnC Byxutlne ilrffU lH lh frlrç:d, by E, Dqbrown, Krnkéw * rnd B, H, §tolte, l,euverr 2002, pp, 157:7,1, THE AUTHORSHIP OF THE CHRONICLE THE LIFE AND §rIDER SIGNIFICANCE OF GEORGE SYNCELLUS by §Tarren Tnneocoro eedl George Syncellus a Byzantine historian? The common opinion, which I Xt:hould.l Yet some have also thought that George was born and educated Empire, as I believe he was not. His case seems to have been of that ofAmmianus Marcellinus, whom some of us would also call a 2 Ammianus was a native speaker of Greek from the Easrern Roman red to the,Western Roman Empire and wrote in Latin. George was tpcakcr of Syriac from the Arab Caliphate who moved to the Byzantine ln Greck. Both Ammianus and George were born in Syria, though Ë! tPert. Both of them also intended to write histories that began tlmcs and ended with their own, though most of the earlier part of h lost and the latter part of George's history was never finished. \Xzhile Ammianus' life and history are fairly well established-except for of some of the earlier part of his history-the facts about Geàrge's d5! morÉ controversial, including how much he was responsible for the ltbc Ghronogrdpb of Theophanes.3 lcfi lnforÀatlon about George than about most of the authors of hhrcrics,a He never v/rote a preface for his Selection of chronography, h:ve appeared in slighdy different form in Tnreocolo, Middle Byzantine en Ammlanus, see'§fl'. Tnelocolo, The early Byzantine hhtorians, Basingstoke / vd of rome of thc carlier part of Ammianus'history, see TnBeocor,o, Early (quoted n. 2), pp. 314-9 (îragments preserved by Jôhn Malalas and John of lqnctlqr of Epiphania) and Middh Byzantine historialr§ (quoted n. l), pp. 395-6 ../ by John Zoïàres hy way of John ôf Antioch and Eustathius), and now Ip., üy :n{ the lost books of Ammianus Marcellin us, in Armenia bctwcen Byzanrtun tng thc mcmory of Karen Yuzbathyan, cd. by C, Horn et al. (Tcxts arid studies Hrlry, 3tos DbeG pPuuDblillrshneedd bbyy tBrfrliilll,, 3 ln generEl, bccidcs Tnaaucor,n, Middlc Byzantine hktorians, pp, 3tl-63, see lsslrnailal r arthaic hittory1nd its sourc* in ()hrhtian rhronog-rAapphuyü fir-o'lm'u pJlurrliuus, funnllru (Duntburton Osks studlcr 2(r), Washingron 1 989i rÈgo - Scon', pp, rllll-lxlllr Mrntiu, \ÿho wrotà rhe Chroniclel l. Suvdur.lxo,

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