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STUDIES IN AMERICAN MIDDLE BROMELIACEAE I & Smith Downs (1974) monograph of spreading and the scape exposed, pale pubescent in their and Bromeliaceae subfamily Pitcairnioideae included to locally glabrous, lower bracts subfoliaceous 56 Pitcairnia from Mexico and Central scattered spinose-serrate, middle and upper bracts species of much reduced and Inflorescence simple, America. Since that time four previously unre- entire. cm 5-6 cm 4,5-10 ported species were collected from the area, in- long, diam., horizontal or eluding one originally thought to be native to Brazil slightly ascending, densely spicate to subglobose, (Zamudio, 1988), and new species have been polystichously many-flowered. Floral bracts ex- five 2.3- described (Luther, 1987a, Rauh, 1986; Smith ceeding the sepals, erect, ovate to elliptic, b; & cm cm Read, 1975). In addition, we herein propose 3.5 long, (0.7-)1.2-1.5 wide, acuminate, two new taxa, P. beachiae and P. virginalis, bring- entire, pink drying brown, finely evanescently pu- ing the number of Pitcairnia species for Mexico bescent. Flowers erect to divergent, sessile; sepals cm 1-1.2(- 2.6-2.9 and Central America to 67. It is likely that this coriaceous, triangular, long, cm number will continue to fluctuate our kKnow ledge 1 .5) wide, short attenuate, brown floccose abax- much of the flora expands, due not only to new species, ially, glabrous adaxially, thickened basally, me- thickened asymmetrically keeled but also to reinterpretations of species limits (cf. to distinctly McVaugh, 1989). dially; corolla narrowly tubular, curved (abaxially?) appendaged, in distal V& at anthesis; petals basally narrowly obovate, dissimUar, straight to falcate, & beachiae Pitcairnia Utiey Burt-Utley, sp. cm cm 6-6.4 0.7-1.4 ovate or eUiptic, long, wide, nov. type: Costa Rica. Puntarenas: Valle de and mu- attenuate, apicaUy acute y«"°^' ^a^ally May 300 m, 12 1974, General, collected flow- cm 3-4.6 cronulate; stamens included, filaments Beach 74-25 1984, ered cultivation April in nu r lone, flattened, anthers basifixed, narrowly hastate, TTc r*^ (/,hol1 ot, ype, Ub; i• so*types, LK, r, \MjUff)\\. rig- n n ^ ^ q/ r o , cm , • 0.9- .3- ovary about i .6 long; ¥4 inferior, 1 .3 1 1 ure 1. cm 0.75-1 cm 4.5-5.5 cm diam.; long. long, style Scapus decur- named honor Beach Folia petiolata persistentia spinescentia. This species in of Eloise is vus abrupte bracteae persistentes internodia superantes. of Orlando, Florida. In addition to collecting this cm 4.5-10 Inflorescentia longa densiflori. Petala lutea. species for the time, Eloise's unstinting studies % first Ovarium inferum. circa of the Bromeliaceae have added considerably to m Epilithic or terrestrial herbs, to about 1.5 tall our horticultural and botanical knowledge of the In flower. Leaves dimorphic, persistent; outer leaves family. P. beachiae is most similar to P. quesne- m 1-1.7 Smith from Colombia and the Peru- sheathing, bladeless; inner leaves long, lioides L. B. cm 1-1.5 subpetiolate to petiolate; sheaths long, fi cm 4-4.5 wide, serrulate, light brown to stramin- flowered, simple inflorescences, persistent petiolate eous with brown shaggy pubescence, contracting armed leaves, and sessile to subsessile flowers with 20-60 cm abrubtly into the petiole; petiole long, appendaged petals and largely inferior ovaries. It cm from by 0.4-1.2 wide, scattered spinose-serrate, be- easily distinguished these taxa its per- is coming strongly involute on drying; blade with a sistent floral bracts, in contrast to the deciduous pronounced midrib, plicate, narrowly elliptic to or early decomposing floral bracts of the latter two 69-100 cm 3-6 cm from quesnelioides lance-elliptic, long, wide, api- species. It further diff^ers P. in cally attenuate, glabrous adaxially, densely pale having persistent upper scape bracts and a shorter cm pubescent abaxially, marginally scattered spinu- inflorescence (4.5-10 vs 15 cm). In addition. lose-serrulate becoming subdensely serrulate api- fi 22-32 cm 5-7 much cally, chartaceous. Scape long, in its scape bracts, which exceed the inter- mm cm diam. (1-1.5 diam. in living material), nodes and yellow flowers; in contrast the latter cm erect for 5-7 and then abruptly decurved, species has red flowers and scape bracts that are cm brown floccose pubescent; bracts 3.5-36 long, conspicuously shorter than the internodes. Despite numerous we have been unable ceding the internodes but divergent to sub- our attempts to 266-269. Ann. Missouri Hot. Card. 78: 1991. Volume Number 78, Notes 1 267 1991 — & — — — Figure Pitcairnia beachiae 1. Utiey Burt-Utley A. Habit. B. Leaf. C. Inflorescences. D. Sepal. E. Petal. F, Flower post-anthesis. From Beach 74-25, cm collect fertile material at the type location, even rocks; 60-- 100 Leaves tall in flower. trimor- though vegetative individuals are regularly en- phic: the outer two types with broadly triangular, countered. overlapping tightly sheaths, these entire proximally becoming serrate near junction with blade, casta- & Pitcairnia virginalis Utley Burt-Utley, sp. neous, densely white to pale ferrugineous lanate nov. TYPE: Mexico. Oaxaca: steep roadbanks abaxially, glabrous glabrescent some to adaxially; MEX N N along 29.7-30.1 175, mi. of with blades side persistent, spiniform, pectinate-serrate, N 3-5 cm of Pochutla or 5.1-5.5 mi. of turnofF to long, others with apparently linear(?), de- Pluma Hidalgo, 4,900-5,000 17 July ciduous blades which disarticulate 2-4 cm above ft., 8400 MEXU; 1989, Utley iSc Utley {holotype, the sheath, persistent portion of blade 1-2.5 cm MICH, MO, isotypes, US). Figure wide, densely 2. serrate (characters of deciduous por- unknown): inner leaves and lower scape '^"^^ bracts Folia heteromorpha. Laminae magiores deciduae. Sea- weakly 4- 32-65 cm ^"^^^^^ ^'* serrate basally: sheaths ovate, pus longus bracteae infernae foliaceae. Inflo- ^™ cm rescentia 7-10 cm longa ante 30 cm ^-^ l^i^g* 2.2-3 wide, pale, scattered pu- florenti circa ubi cm fructificans. Bracteae florales 4.5-6.5 longae late bescent abaxially; blades narrowed above the sheath, ovatae vel anguste ellipiticae acutae chloroleucae pubes- often with a tendency to disarticulate at the sheath centes pallentes. Petala alba appendiculata. Ovarium circa upon drying, elongate-triangular or nar- elliptic to inferum. \^ 30-36 cm cm rowly ovate, 2.5-3 long, wide, scat- Herbs, terrestrial or epilithic on humus-covered tered pale floccose abaxially. Scape curved-erect, Annals the of 268 Garden Missouri Botanical 6.8cm 6cm 4 3.1cm D Scm E — — & Figure Pitcaimia virginalis Utiey Burt-Utley. A. Habit. B. Inflorescence.— C. Flower at anthesis. 2. — & From Utley Utley 8400. D. Sepal. E. Petal. cm 32-65 cm subdensely pale aments 4.1-4.3 long, anthers basifixed, has- long, scattered to floe- cm upper reduced 1.4-1.5 long; ovary trigonous in cross lower bracts foliaceous, the tate, cose; cm cm 21-31 cm glabrous adax- section, about 1.2 long, 0.6-0.7 diam., and subfoliaceous, long, 5-5.2 about sheaths about one-half or less inferior; style scattered pale floccose abaxially, in- ially, cm. clasping, blades divergent to drooping-re- flated, curved above middle. Inflorescence simple, Pitcairnia virginalis most similar to P. abiin- is Mexico 7-10 cm dans Smith from Nayarit, in racemose, long pre-anthesis, elongating L. B. its about 30 cm post-anthesis. Floral bracts broadly heteromorphic leaves, with the larger leaf blades to cm 1.33 4-6.5 deciduous, elongate scape with foliaceous to subfoli ovate narrowly long, to elliptic, appendaged cm becoming reduced acute, pale aceous lower bracts and white petals wide, distally, narrowly having broadly ovate green-white drying brown post-anthesis, adaxially It differs in to el cm 4-6.5 long acute bracts, glabrous, abaxially white floccose proximally, liptic, apically floral abundans densely pale ferrugineous distally. Flowers ascend- in contrast to the floral bracts of P, ing to divergent or subspreading at anthesis, ped- which are triangular to triangular-lanceolate, api- cm 3-5 mm; caudate-attenuate and 1.5-3.5 long, sepals broadly triangular to subligu- cally icels P 2.9-3.3 cm about cm wide, acute. Moreover, sepals of virginalis are generally long, late, 1 2.63 cm) and acute subdensely brown pubescent; corolla broadly tu- longer (2.9-3.3 vs apically ahun- elongate-campanulate; petals basally ap- rather than long subulate like those of P. bular to 96. cm 2-2.3 cm unusual among Mex- dans, Pitcairnia virginalis pendaged, obovate, 5. 3 long, is wide, white, broadly acute; stamens included, ican and Central American Pitcairnia species in fil- Volume Number 78, Notes 269 1 1991 having white, elongate-campanulate and Two corollas, 1987b. new Pitcairnias from northwest- . Panama. large, pale green to white, pubescent ^^n Bromeliad See. 37: 212-214. floral bracts. J, McVaugh, W. R. 1989. R. Anderson In addition, the inflorescence elongates //i; (editor), Flora consider- 11 Novo-Galiciana 4-79. m 15: ^u ui ably post*-anthesis; *i.- cih_ ange morphology . ^ this so is r.^^,^ 936. Bromelienstudien Neue and wenig ^ I. striking that plants at anthesis and in fruit could, bekannte Arten aus Peru and anderen Landern (18. on casual inspection, be taken for distinct species. Mitteilung). Trop. Subtrop. Pflanzenwelt 58: 5-63. & Smith, Downs. L. B. R. 1974. Pitcairnioideae J. — Additional collections. Mexico, oaxaca: EI Porve- (Bromeliaceae). Neotrop. 1-658. Fl. 14: & nir, carr. Pochutla-Oaxaca, 15 junio 1985. /?. Torres R. Read. 1975. Notes on Bromeliaceae, MEX 6835 (MEXU); C. 175 1.5 mi. S of La Soledad, XXXVll. 289-303. Phytologia 30: & 5,100 ft., 1 Aug. 1990, Utley Utley 8588 (CAS). Zamudio, S. 1988. Descubrimiento de Pitcairnia an- dulata Scheidweiler (Bromeliaceae) en Tabasco, This work was supported by a grant from the Mexico. Acta Mexicana 5-9. Bot. 2: Standley Smith Horticultural Trust the Univer- to — John and of New Orleans and by NSF F. Utley Kathleen Burt- Utley, De- sity in part grant partment DEB-S 107868 of Biological Sciences, University of to the Missouri Botanical Garden. We New New Orleans, Orleans, Louisiana 70148, thank the curators of the following herbaria U.S.A. MEXU, for the loan of specimens or use of facilities: MICH, MO. Literature Cited Luther, H. E. 1987a. Pitcairnia hammelii, new a Pitcairnia from Panama. 128- Bromeliad Soc. 37: J. 129.

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