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STUDIES IN LITERATURE AND THE HUMANITIES George Whalley (by courtesy of William O'Neill, Whig-Standard, Kingston, Ontario, 1980) STUDIES IN LITERATURE AND THE HUMANITIES Innocence of Intent GEORGE WHALLEY Selected andintroduced by Brian Crick and John Ferns M MACMILLAN Selectionand introduction© Brian Crick andJohnFerns 1985 Text © the EstateofGeorge Whalley 1985 Softcoverreprintofthehardcover1stedition 1985 Allrightsreserved.Noreproduction,copyor transmission ofthis publicationmay bemade withoutwrittenpermission. Noparagraphofthispublicationmay bereproduced,copied or transmittedsavewithwrittenpermissionorinaccordancewith the provisionsoftheCopyrightAct 1956(asamended). Anypersonwhodoesanyunauthorisedactinrelationtothispublication maybeliabletocriminalprosecutionand civilclaimsfordamages. First published 1985 Published by THEMACMILLANPRESSLTD Houndrnills, Basingstoke,HampshireRG21 2XS and London Companiesand representatives throughouttheworld BritishLibraryCataloguinginPublicationData Whalley,George Studiesinliteratureand thehumanities. I.Criticism I.Title II. Crick, Brian III. Ferns,John 801'.95 PN81 ISBN 978-1-349-07779-3 ISBN 978-1-349-07777-9(eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-1-349-07777-9 For Elizabeth Whalley andfamily It's certain there are trout somewhere And maybe I shall take a trout Ifbut I do not seem to care. W. B. Yeats, 'The Three Beggars' Contents frontispiece: George Whalley Acknowledgements IX Introduction TheMariner and the Albatross[1947] 15 2 Frye'sAnatomyofCriticism[1958] 35 3 OnTranslatingAristotle'sPoetics[1969] 44 4 'Scholarship','Research'and 'The Pursuit ofTruth' [1970] 75 5 'Research' and theHumanities[197I] 102 6 PickingUp the Thread [I973] 122 7 JaneAusten: Poet [1975] 145 8 Birthright to the Sea: Some PoemsofE.J. Pratt [1976] 175 9 Literature: An InstrumentofInquiry [1977] 197 10 Teaching Poetry [1978] 215 I I The Humanities in the World at Large [1978] 230 Notes 249 Bibliography ofthe WorksofGeorge Whalley 263 Index 268 VB Acknowledgements For permission to reprint the essays and review article selected for inclusion here weshould like to thank the following: Professor W.J. Keith, Editor of the University ofToronto Quarterly, for 'The Mariner and the Albatross' and 'On Translating Aristotle's Poetics'; Mr Robert Weaver, Editor of Tamarack Review, for the review of Northrop Frye's Anatomy ofCriticism; Dr Alexander G. McKay of McMaster University, Honorary Editor of the Transactions of the Royal Society ofCanada, for '''Scholarship'', "Research" and "ThePursuitofTruth" ';ProfessorMichaelFox, Editor of Queen's Quarterly,for' "Research" and the Humanities', 'Birthright to the Sea: Some Poems of E. J. Pratt' and 'The Humanities in the World at Large'; Mrs Elizabeth Whalley for 'Picking Up the Thread', which first appeared inJoseph Gold's In the NameofLanguage, published by Macmillan ofCanada; the Macmillan Press, London, for 'Jane Austen: Poet', which first appeared in Jane Austen'sAchievement, edited byJuliet McMaster; President L. Harris ofMemorial University ofNewfoundland for 'Birthright to the Sea: Some Poems ofE.J. Pratt', first published in his university's Pratt Memorial Lecture series; ProfessorJohn Baxter of Dalhousie University, Editor of The Compass, for 'Teaching Poetry'. 'Literature: An Instrument of Inquiry' was first delivered as theJames Cappon Inaugural Lecture at Queen's University in 1977 and first appeared in the HumanitiesAssociation Review, XXIX (1978). Brock, McMaster and the School of Graduate Studies and Research of Queen's University deserve thanks for financial assistance towards publication ofthe book in Canada.We should like to thank the late George Whalley and Elizabeth Whalley for their hospitality, which we shall always remember, when we IX Acknowledgements visited Hartington to discuss the present selection. Mrs Shirley Welstead ofBrock University deserves our thanks for typing the manuscript. Finally, we should like to thank our families for their help and patience while the book was being prepared. BRIAN CRICK, Brock University JOHN FERNS, McMaster University x

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