Digitized by tine Internet Arciiive in 2010 witii funding from Lyrasis IVIembers and Sloan Foundation http://www.archive.org/details/studenthandbook2006mere VIEREDITH O L L E G E 006-2007 Undergraduate handboo student calendar activities 5c ike you think—and make you laugh.^.that leadership can be taug cation lasts a lifetime... that 3 Qoocl life stafts here. At Mer s a good question. jood questions. -hing. Yet ...in smart choices, hard work and serious fun...in friends that m :hat the best colleges are good cc'-'-"^""'ties...that the b Alma Mater Wesalute thee, AlmaMater, we salute thee with a song, At thyfeetour loyal hearts their tribute lay; We had waitedfor thy coming in the darkness, waited long. Ere the morningstarproclaimed thy natal day. Thou hast come through tribulation and thy robe is clean and white. Thou artfairer than the summer in its bloom. Thou art bom unto a kingdom and thy crown is all oflight; Thou shaltsmile away the shadow and thegloom. In thypath thefields shall blossom and the desertshall rejoice, In the wilderness a livingfountain spring; For the blindshall see thy beauty and the deafshall hear thy voice. And the silent tongues their high hosannas sing. Where the rhododendron blushes on the burly mountain's breast. In the midland, where the wild deer love to roam; Where the water lilyslumbers, while the cypressguards its rest, Lo, thysunny land ofpromise and thy home. Where the sons ofCarolina taught a nation to befree. And her daughters taught their brothers to be brave; O'er a land ofpeacefulplenty,from the highlands to the sea. May thy banner. Alma Mater, ever wave. —Richard Tilman Vann, President ofMeredith College, 1900-1915 " 2006-2007 Each ofyou willfind a challenging and supportive environment asyou explore a rich tradition ofknowledge and wisdom. You will also be encouraged to become engaged in the community, to be women ofhonor and integrity, to care aboutyourfellow students, and to stretch yourselfintellectually. Maureen A. Hartford, President, Meredith College " 11 Believe I ... ...that a good life starts here. At Meredith VvClCOTnC to a new and excitingyear atMeredith College! Our campus is a warm and ' friendly community ofdiverse and talented learners, seekers and leaders. Ourstudents from large cities, urban centers, small towns, and open country neighborhoods. We welco studentsfrom the United States andfrom many nations throughout the world. And wi celebrate each person's individuality and uniqueness as we all work together to creatt^^ outstanding educational experience—theMeredith experience. From thefirst dayyou ar^m i on campus all the way to your commencement day, we accept the responsibility andprivilege ofhelpingyou to become thepersonyou want to be. Womenjoin togetherhere because they 1 know they will be challenged to become their best. Each ofyou willfind a challenging and 1 supportive environment asyou explore a rich tradition ofknowledge and wisdom. You will \I also be encouraged to become engaged in the community, to be women ofhonorandintegrity, to care aboutyourfellowstudents, and to stretchyourselfintellectually. jBi The most importantgifts you bring to Meredith areyourselfandyourpersonal dreamsfor thefuture. Meredith's most importantgiftforyou is to encourage and guideyou in becoming\ a mature woman, preparedfor leadership and service in the global community. In the spirit I ofRobertFrost's words, do not withholdyourselffrom the grand experiences waitingfor \ you here, butgiveyourselfgenerously to the "land ofthe living. \ I inviteyou to help me know aboutyour experiences whileyou are on campus, andI wish you the best ofsuccessfor this academicyear. «, Dr. MaureenA. Hartford, President, Meredith College able of contents renera! Information About Meredith /elcomefromthe President 2 lission Statement 6 londiscriminatory Policy 6 ighttoAmend 6 dent Activities Calendar scation CodesforCalendar 9 I ourse Schedule 10 xam ScheduleforFall 2006and Spring2007 11 — ndergraduateAcademic Calendar 2006-2007 12 ear-At-A-Glance—2007-2008 13 /eeklyActivity Calendar.August2007-August2008 14 tudent Resources ampus Map 122 dministrative Offices 124 esidentoftheCollege-SeniorVicePresidentandVicePresidentforAcademicAffairs-VicePresidentforBusinessand nance VicePresidentforInstitutionalAdvancement•VicePresidentforStudentDevelopment OfficeofMarketingand )mmunications Registrar»DeanofStudents OfficeofAlumnae&ParentRelations tudentServices 126 ssistanceforInternationalStudentsandStudentsofColor•ATMMachine• BulletinBoardsand Publicity Cablevision Campus Dining: BelkDining Hall,The BeeHiveCafe• Campus Events' Campus Ministry Campus Police/Parking areerCenter CheckCashing CommuterLife and DiversityPrograms-CopyCenter Counseling Center Dial-A-Menu OisabilityServices FacilitiesServices,Maintenance,and Housekeeping<•FinancialAssistance•FirstYearExperience itnessCenter Health Services Housekeeping InclementWeather< Information Desk Insurance International udentAdvisor LaptopsforLoan Carlyle Campbell Library Lostand Found Meredith Performs Box Office Meredith applyStore(BookStore) PostOffice RD on Duty=Residence Life&Housing Seminars StudentActivities and «adership Development Switchboard TechnologyServices tudentOpportunities 139 ludentGovernmentAssociation Publications ProgrammingAssociations Religious Organizations Service rganizations Classes Clubs HonorSocieties CulturalPrograms IntercollegiateAthletics PerformingArts' laditionsandAnnual Events Security, Safety and Emergency Procedures 154 — Security SharedResponsibility•CampusClosingHours•CardAccesstoResidenceHalls•CampusEmergency Procedures•MinorIllnessorInjurytoStudents•CampusEmergencyProcedures•TheftofPersonal Property•Snowstornr Safety•FireEmergencyProcedures•HurricaneSafety•TornadoEmergencyProcedures Student's Guideto Greater Raleigh 158 Restaurants•Pizza•SubSandwiches•CoffeeShops•IceCream•Bagels•Banks•Copies/Shipping•GroceryStores• ShoppingCenters•MovieTheaters•VideoStores•ComedyClubs•Sports•ParksandRecreation•Museums•Other Attractions•OtherLocalCollegesandUniversities Academic and Student Life Guidelines Academic information 164 AcademicProbation/Suspension•Advisors,Academic•Advisors,Student•ClassAttendance•Classification•Committees withStudentRepresentation•CooperatingRaleighColleges•Exams•ExperientialLearning•GradePointAverage•Grading System•GraduateandProfessionalStudies HonorsProgram•inclementWeatherPolicy-LeaveofAbsence'Learning Center•OpportunitiesforAcademicEnrichment•Plagiarism•ProgressReport•Pre-Registration•AccessToRecords• Readmission•Registrar•SummerSchool-Transcripts•UndergraduateDegreeProgramforWomen23+•Withdrawals HonorSystem 172 StatementofHonor•HonorPledge•HonorCouncil'ResidenceHallHearingsCommittee•HonorCodeViolations•Reportinga ViolationoftheHonorCode-Sanctions AppealsofHonorCouncilAction•AppealsofResidenceHallFines•CRCStudents• CommuterStudents GoodSocialStanding•HonorSystemRecords•JurisdictionoftheCollege•HonorCouncilOfficersand Members ReviewBoardOfficersandMembers•ResidenceHallHearingsCommitteeOfficersandMembers College Policiesand Regulations 178 AlcoholandOtherDrugs•SmokingPolicy=AutomobileRegulationsandFees:StudentParkingPermits,FeeSchedulefor ParkingPermits,ParkingRegulations,TemporaryParkingPermits,FamilyandGuestParking•BabySitting•CamNetResponsibl, ComputingPolicy>CampusIDCards/CamCards•ContractualAgreements•CopyrightPolicy•CorrectionstoCollegeRecords• Dress FamilyCommunications•FreshmanRegulations•Fundraising,VendingandSales•GrievanceProcedures:Academic Problems,HousingProblems Guests:FemaleGuests,MaleGuests,SafetyRestrictions•HarassmentandNon-Discrimination Policy:ConsensualRelationshipsPolicy•HealthRelatedIssues:AIDS,SexualAssaultandRape,SexuallyTransmittedDiseases^ OtherCommunicableDiseases,ImmunizationRecords,Self-Injury•Intra-CampusMailService•JurisdictionofttieCollege• Lake'MeredithSealandWordmark•Off-CampusEvents•Off-CampusResponsibility•Performances•Publications•Publicity andAdvertising•ReservationsforSpaceforUnofficialMeredithGroups•ResidenceHallRegulations•ResidenceRequirement ReturnedChecks SocialSororitiesandSecretSocieties SolicitationPolicy•StudentActivitiesFee•Sunbathing•T-shirtand SweatshirtDesignApproval VanTransportation•Weapons/Firearms•WithholdingGrades Constitution and By-Laws ofthe Student GovernmentAssociation 191