STRUGGLE ON THEIR MIND S ST R U G G L E O N T H E I R M I N D S T H E P O L I T I C A L T H O U G H T of A F R I C A N A M E R I C A N R E S I S TAN CE ALEX ZAMALIN Columbia University Press New York Columbia University Press Publishers Since 1893 New York Chichester, West Sussex c Copyright © 2017 Columbia University Press All rights reserved Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data A complete CIP record is available from the Library of Congress. ISBN 978-0231-18110-5 (cloth) ISBN 978-0231-54347-7 (e-book) Columbia University Press books are printed on permanent and durable acid-free paper. Printed in the United States of America Cover design: FaceOut Studio FOR ALISON, S AM, AND ANIT A • CONTENTS List of Illustrations ix A cknowledgments xi INTRODUCTION: THE POLITICAL THOUGHT OF AFRICAN AMERICAN RESIS TANCE 1 1 DAVID WALKER, FREDERICK DOUGLA SS, AND THE ABOLITIONIS T DEMOCRATIC VISION 22 2 IDA B. WELLS, THE ANTIL YNCHING MOVEMENT, AND THE POLITICS OF SEEING 59 3 HUEY NEWTON, THE BLA CK PANTHERS, AND THE DEC OLONIZATION OF AMERICA 88 VIII(cid:3)CONTENTS 4 ANGELA DAVIS, PRISON ABOLITION, AND THE END OF THE AMERICAN CARCERAL S TATE 119 CONCLUSION: THE FUTURE OF RESIS TANCE 150 N otes 161 B ibliography 203 I ndex 219 ILLUSTRATIONS Fig. 1.1. Frontispiece to David Walker’s A ppeal , 1830 27 Fig. 2.1. Duluth lynchings, June 15, 1920 60 Fig. 3.1. Huey Newton sitting in wicker chair, 1967 89