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Struers Emco-Test DuraScan-70 - AIIM PDF

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Preview Struers Emco-Test DuraScan-70 - AIIM

DuraScan Micro/macro hardness tester with extended load range from 10 gf - 10 kgf for Vickers and Knoop tests • Unique test load range from 0.098 N • Vertically movable test head and • Automatic stop function once a (10 gf) to 98.1 N (10 kgf) enables fixed stage/anvil (z-direction) for defined case hardness limit has DuraScan to replace two single task optimal precision and stability been reached minimizes the number machines of indents and time required to • State-of-the-art focusing system, perform an evaluation • Suitable for Vickers and Knoop tests ensures extremely fast and automatic focus on all surfaces • Case depth evaluation is projected • Unique system of combined closed- (patented) graphically for reporting, including loop and dead weight technology multiple curves ensuring accurate and repeatable • Automatic image evaluation assures test loads (patented) the highest possible repeatability • Automatic indent spacing ensures and reproducibility perfect spacing according to norms • Completely automatic test cycles eliminate operator influence and • High-resolution evaluation camera • Workflow based software for easy frees operator time setup and execution of test runs • LED system for uniform illumination (ecos Workflow™) • Extremely fast test cycle intensity • Multiple specimens software makes • Extremely fast exchange of test • A second camera (overview camera) automatic measuring of test lines methods makes it easy to select starting on multiple specimens easily points and test series with just a few • Automatic exchange of lens and programmed, allowing hours of mouse clicks indenter eliminates the number one unattended testing cause of machine misalignment • Unique, user-defined templates • QR-code reader/writer simplify and automate repetitive • Automatic 6-position turret testing jobs • Ideal for case hardness depth eliminates need for manual measurement and test of welds exchange of indenters and objective • Automatic case hardness depth lenses CHD, Rht, and nitrited depth (Nht) • European developed and test runs manufactured Extended test load range the common over- and undershoot from Automatic illumination adjustment dead weight systems is eliminated. The The DuraScan will automatically adjust The unique test load range from 10 gf absence of mechanical weights not only the illumination intensity according to to 10 kgf enables you to cover many ap- eliminates friction problems but also the material surface condition being plications, which usually requires a makes the equipment less sensitive to tested, whether it being bright, dark, minimum of 2 pieces of equipment – a misalignments caused by vibrations. polished, ground or etched. That means micro- and a macro indentation hard- As the benefits of the load cell techno- the operator does not need to manually ness tester. With DuraScan, just one logy are limited to higher loads a dead adjust the illumination, which otherwise hardness tester will do the job! weight system is applied for the lower will affect the repeatability and calibra- DuraScan covers all of the following test loads (≤50 gf) in order to obtain the tion of the system. methods: highest possible degree of repeatabil- Vickers: HV0.01, HV0.025, HV0.05, ity. The result is a unique and patented Efficient measurement procedure HV0.1, HV0.2, HV0.3, HV0.5, HV1, HV2, hardness testing system ensuring that On DuraScan models equipped with au- HV2.5, HV3, HV5, HV10 the DuraScan not only conforms to all tomatic stage (DuraScan-50/-70/-80) Knoop: HK0.01, HK0.025, HK0.05, standards but instead offers the highest you can choose between two test pro- HK0.1, HK0.2, HK0.3, HK0.5, HK1, HK2 possible degree of accuracy and repeat- cedures, depending on your applica- ability throughout its entire load range. tion. Either all indentations can be made Additionally the DuraScan can automati- first and then evaluated, or each indent cally convert hardness values according Extremely fast cycle time can be evaluated immediately after it to EN ISO 18265, DIN 50150 & The unique loading system also enables has been made. For automatic CHD the ASTM E140. the machine to change test method and latter procedure implies that you don’t load in less than a second. Combined have to perform more measurements Time saving automatic test cycles with a state-of-the-art measurement than actually required to measure your DuraScan is supplied with the user- turret the entire measurement cycle of CHD, as the material hardness is moni- friendly ecos Workflow™ software loading, indenting, unloading, focusing tored “live”. The machine can therefore system. and evaluating is carried out extremely be programmed to have a cut-off at, or Regardless of which DuraScan mod- quicly. just after the hardness limit, thus avoid- el you choose, the entire test cycle of ing additional and unnecessary test applying the load, uploading, focus- Unique autofocus technology points. At the end of the day this will ing, capturing the image and evaluating The unique autofocus technology and significantly save you time and effort. hardness is performed fully automati- high quality optical system enable you cally. The full-automatic measuring of to perform fast autofocus and automat- indentations with image analysis soft- ic hardness evaluation on even non- ware significantly improves the repeat- reflective surfaces, such as ceramics ability of the results and eliminates vari- and etched or welded surfaces. As this ations among operators. In combina- is possible for even the smallest loads tion with a motorized stage, entire test and highest magnifications the result is series can be run automatically, saving a highly versatile machine suitable for time and allowing the operator to attend most hardness applications. Further- to other tasks. more the LED illumination system ensures a constant and uniform illumi- Innovative combination of load cell Autofocus on the DuraScan is standard nation intensity. and dead weight technology – the best of two worlds The load cell technology implies that test loads are applied via a closed loop control unit with a load cell, DC mo- tor and electronic measurement and control unit. The technique ensures the highest possible degree of accuracy and repeatability during load application, as Automatic hardness evaluation on all surfaces Vertically movable Workflow based software (ecos Work- test head flow™) for easy and intuitive operation The user interface is based on a con- cept that follows the natural sequential steps related to the hardness test, i.e. preparing and setting up the test, exe- cuting the test, reviewing and editing the results, and managing and report- ing the data. In other words, each tab- page in the software represents each Vertical concept and asymmetric step in the hardness testing workflow. design The software follows and guides you The DuraScan is based on a compact through the natural workflow in the test and asymmetric design with the pat- lab, prompting you to input informa- ented V-concept, implying a motorized Manual 3-position turret tion when needed. This also means that test head and a vertically fixed stage. (Standard with DuraScan-10/-20) no unnecessary and confusing software The test head is movable in the y- and options are available when not needed, z-directions whereas the stage is mova- as only necessary software functions ble in the x-direction. Advantages of this will be available on the different steps. patented concept are many. Ecos Workflow™ is a very user-friendly • Larger effective stroke on the same software requiring only a minimum of workspace training. Even if the machine is extreme- • Larger vertical capacity, 260 mm ly advanced, why should the software (10.2") meaning taller samples can be not be simple and straightforward? measured DuraScan with ecos Workflow™: a • Samples with different height can be state-of-the-art solution bringing hard- tested fully automatically ness testing into the 21st century. • Stage is fixed in the z-direction, meaning an elimination/reduction of play in spindle Automatic 6-position turret • Stage is fixed in the y-direction, (Standard with DuraScan-50/-70/-80, optional with resulting in a higher degree of preci- DuraScan-10/-20) sion in positioning of test points during test series ing indenters and/or objectives lenses is • Ergonomic design due to constant eliminated, hereby avoiding subsequent working height calibration and/or potential human Software controls on DuraScan -50/-70/-80 sources of errors. For details on the various model config- urations, please refer to the Specifica- With the low magnification overview tions section. camera option the DuraScan can facili- tate up to a total of 7 positions in the Automatic turret turret, hereby offering a previously un- The DuraScan is available with a 6-po- seen flexibility in the testing. sition automatic measurement turret The turret works extremely quickly and which can hold up to two indenters (e.g. precisely due to the pre-programmed Vickers and Knoop) and four objective test methods and high quality mechan- lenses, or one indenter and five objec- ics enabling the DuraScan to exchange tive lenses. With an automatic turret the test methods or turret position in less tedious task of continuously exchang- than 2 seconds. XY-axis control Z-axis control Specimen holder Turret control with autofocus and stage positioning The software guides you through setting up and running the hardness test, The DuraScan-10/-20 is operated via the with each tab-page representing each step in the hardness testing workflow. integrated touch screen Two different software designs are available, one for the DuraScan-10 and -20; (touch screen operated) and one for the DuraScan-50/-70 and -80, but based on the same workflow oriented concept: D u r a S c a n - 1 0 /- 2 0 1 2 3 Setting up specimen, incl. naming and Determination of test method and procedure Positioning of test point(s) and execution of test generic information REPORT 4 5 Display and review of results Analyzing, reporting and archiving D u r a S c a n - 5 0 /- 7 0 /- 8 0 1 2 3 Setting up specimen, incl. naming and Determination of test method and procedure Positioning of test point(s), under objective lens or generic information overview camera, and execution of test REPORT 4 5 Display and review of results Analyzing, reporting and archiving CHD measurement Applications Testing of Welds Case Hardness Depth (CHD) measurement The case hardness depth is defined as the distance from the sample surface to the area inside the sample where a cer- tain hardness is measured, ie. the hard- ness limit. The CHD measurement is typically performed as a series of meas- urements perpendicular to a polished cross-section of the sample surface. ▼ CHD-measurements are typically per- formed using low load Vickers (≤HV1) or low load Knoop test methods. With DuraScan, the overview camera option gives you the possibility to eas- ily position and execute your test series, in a macro view, with just a few mouse clicks. You can save single and multiple test point series as templates and easily position them across your sample. This functionality is very helpful if you are performing repetitive or high volume Base metal Heat-affected zone Weld metal CHD-measurements or just want easy set-up and execution of your test series. view camera option gives you the pos- depth evaluations and hardness testing Welds sibility to easily position and execute of welds as quickly and reliably as the DuraScan makes it possible to perform your test series, with just a few mouse DuraScan. These unique features are fully automatic testing of welds using clicks. You can also save your test point time savers you would not want to be test methods HV5 and HV10. patterns as templates for future use. All without: The optional overview camera (Dura- this will save you valuable time during Scan-70/-80) enables the user to see both the setup and execution of the test • Easy test point editor the entire sample in the macro view and series. Testing of welds is usually per- • Overview camera easily place and align the test points in formed using HV5 and HV10, making • Automatic stop at defined hardness accordance with the sample geometry. DuraScan the obvious choice. limit (for CHD) Typically, a line or series of indentations • Automatic indent spacing (for CHD) is made a few mm parallel to the sam- In the following section you can read • Graphical projection of case depth ple edge across the sample surface. In more about features related to these ap- evaluation (for CHD) particular the hardness around the heat plications: • Multiple specimens software affected zone (HAZ) is of interest, as too • Possibility to save test point patterns high hardnesses might incur risks to the The time saver for case depth for future use. strength of the weld. measurement and testing of welds As the measurements usually are per- The DuraScan is second to none when formed over a large area or long dis- it comes to automatic case hardness tance, they can be difficult to carry out depth measuring (CHD) and testing of under a normal high-magnification ob- welds. A motorized XY stage and auto- jective lens. matic test cycles are important in that With a fully automatic DuraScan hard- respect. But no other equipment on the ness tester, the low magnification over- market will allow you to perform case Easy test point editor Easy test point editor The test point editor allows you to freely select test points just by clicking coordi- nates with the mouse. Alternatively, you can draw a line and set the number of test points or the distance between the points: all set with a few mouse clicks. Overview camera The second CMOS-camera offers a field of view of 52 x 40 mm. It allows you to view your entire specimen surface and with a few mouse clicks you can easily select starting test points for case depth measuring or define test series. An in- finite number of test points can be set, and the motorized stage will automati- cally take you to each one for fine-posi- tioning if necessary. This will save you setup time and once you start the test- ing, DuraScan can run unattended due to the fully automatic testing cycles. In addition, a picture from the second The overview camera allowing you to view the camera can be included in your report entire sample and place test points via mouse clicks for easy identification and viewing. Multiple specimens software The overview camera allows for fast setup of multiple test points or series on your specimen. With the multiple specimens software added on, you can set up test runs on multiple samples and further increase the level of auto- mation. Again, this will save you setup time and once you start the testing, DuraScan can run unattended for hours, or even overnight, due to the fully auto- matic testing cycles. Multiple CHD testing Multiple testing of welds Additionally the following features are Graphical projection of case depth available if you perform CHD measurements: Automatic stop at defined hardness limit On DuraScan, set-up of automatic case depth test runs is done easily and with- out guessing. You simply define a hard- ness limit and decide how many addi- tional indentations you want after the you to monitor the test run. Multiple limit is reached. This way, you do not test series can be displayed simultane- need to know in advance how many in- ously and compared individually. dentations are necessary to reach the case depth. Templates If you often perform hardness tests on Automatic indent spacing similar samples, you can define tem- When running case depth measure- plates that will simplify and automate ments, you traditionally need to set a your entire process. The benefits are fixed spacing (in μm) between your obvious: indents, regardless of the fact that the size of your indentations changes • Templates contain pre-defined Statistics through the case. DuraScan offers the patterns and minimise set up time unique automatic indent spacing fea- • Repeatability is ensured as the opera- All measurement series can be dis- ture, allowing the spacing to be set ac- tor does not need to setup anything played and analyzed statistically via the cording to actual indentation size (e.g. on his own flexible statistical functions. 3x indentation diagonal). • Standardised procedures are ensured The spacing between each indentation and independent of the operator Reporting and exporting is calculated individually, ensuring that • Operators without extensive training An advanced exporting tool enables you spacing increases as the indentation in- are able to perform sophisticated to retrieve data from your databases for creases in size. The result is perfectly hardness testing with ease. processing in other programs. Export spaced indentations and a more smooth templates can be defined to include only and accurate projection of the case the fields you find relevant. depth curve. In addition DuraScan comes with a number of reporting templates that Graphical projection of case present your measurement data profes- depth evaluation sionally and include sample pictures The case depth evaluation is automati- and graphs. The build-in List&Label® cally plotted graphically as a curve to- report editor allows you to modify re- gether with the preset hardness limit. ports and create new reports. The curve is shown in real-time and new points are added continuously as Logo can easily be indentations are measured, allowing changed and edited Generic sample information www.struers.com can be included and modified via customizable user fields A picture from the overview camera can be included in test report to visualize placement of test points Graphics can be included to show progression of hardness values Hardness Automatic spacing based on diagonal lengths values and statistics can be displayed Machine overview The DuraScan offers solutions from semi-automatic to full-automatic hardness testers. European developed and manufactured DuraScan-10: The easy entry model for DuraScan is the result of a close coop- one-off hardness tests. Touch screen eration between Struers, with our many operated. years of experience within the field of materialography, and EMCO-TEST, the no. one expert in hardness testing sys- tems on the market! DuraScan has been entirely developed and manufactured at the same location, EMCO-TEST in Salz- burg, Austria, in close cooperation with Struers: right from the basic hardware (tester and automation mechanics), to the operation and the sophisticated control software. You get a hardness tester of highest quality you can rely on throughout its lifetime, from delivery and use to after sales service. DuraScan: Developed and manufactured DuraScan-20: As DuraScan-10, but with at EMCO-TEST, represented by Struers! manual xy-stage and software for CHD Struers and EMCO-TEST are both determination. ISO9001 certified companies. Online solutions Struers offers online solutions for fast and easy support. The e-training mod- ule guides you through the set-up and operation of the product and the e-ed- ucation module explains more about hardness testing and the various appli- cations. Furthermore, we are able to offer you fast live online support via the internet DuraScan-50: The fully automatic hardness tester. PC operated, in case you experience urgent issues. with motorized x-stage and 6-position automatic turret. The only requirement is that your hard- ness tester PC is connected to the inter- DuraScan-70: as DuraScan-50, but with overview camera for net. Contact your local Struers repre- easy positioning of test points. sentative for further information. DuraScan-80: as DuraScan-70, but with larger x-stage. The ultimate hardness tester. Specifications Cat.no. DuraScan-10 Hardness Tester EMDS10 Low load hardness tester based on combined dead weight and load cell technology, with extended test load range of 0.098 - 98.1 N (10 gf - 10 kgf). With high-resolution camera, LED illumination, auto focus and automatic image evaluation. Vertical movable test head (motorised) and manual 3-position measurement turret. Integrated PC with 8.4” colour touch screen and ecos Workflow compact software. Ø90 mm dia. fixed test anvil. Automatic 6-position measurement turret is optional (EMF01). Objective lenses and indenter are ordered separately. DuraScan-20 Hardness Tester EMDS20 Low load hardness tester based on combined dead weight and load cell technology, with extended test load range of 0.098 - 98.1 N (10 gf - 10 kgf). With high-resolution camera, LED illumination, auto focus and automatic image evaluation. Vertical movable test head (motorised) and manual 3-position measurement turret. Integrated PC with 8.4” colour touch screen and ecos Workflow compact software, incl. software module for CHD determination. Manual XY-stage, size 135×135 mm, stroke 25×25 mm. Automatic 6-position measurement turret is optional (EMF01). Objective lenses and indenter are ordered separately. DuraScan-50 Hardness Tester EMDS50 Low load hardness tester based on combined dead weight and load cell technology, with extended test load range of 0.098 - 98.1 N (10 gf - 10 kgf). Fully automatic testing, with automatic 6-position measurement turret, high-resolution camera, LED illumination, auto focus and automatic image evaluation. Software for fully automatic measuring and case depth evaluation. Multiple specimen software is optional (EMS04). Motorised stage, size 200×120 mm, effective stroke 140×140 mm. Objective lenses and indenters are ordered separately. PC and monitor are necessary but not included DuraScan-70 Hardness Tester EMDS70 Low load hardness tester based on combined dead weight and load cell technology, with extended test load range of 0.098 - 98.1 N (10 gf - 10 kgf). Fully automatic testing, with automatic 6+1-position measurement turret, high-resolution camera, LED illumination, auto focus and automatic image evaluation. Overview camera with FOV 52×40 mm. Software for fully automatic measuring and case depth evaluation. Multiple specimen software is optional (EMS04). Motorised stage, size 200×120 mm, effective stroke 140×140 mm. Objective lenses and indenters are ordered separately. PC and monitor are necessary but not included DuraScan-80 Hardness Tester EMDS80 Low load hardness tester based on combined dead weight and load cell technology, with extended test load range of 0.098 - 98.1 N (10 gf - 10 kgf). Fully automatic testing, with automatic 6+1-position measurement turret, high-resolution camera, LED illumination, auto focus and automatic image evaluation. Overview camera with FOV 52×40 mm. Software for fully automatic measuring and case depth evaluation. Multiple specimen software is optional (EMS04). Motorised stage, size 280×120 mm, effective stroke 280×140 mm. Objective lenses and indenters are ordered separately. PC and monitor are necessary but not included. Indenters and turrets Vickers indenter for DuraScan EMIV1 Standard Vickers indenter for DuraScan. With MPA certificate Knoop indenter for DuraScan EMIK1 Standard Knoop indenter for DuraScan. With MPA certificate Automatic 6-position turret for DuraScan-10/-20 EMF01 Automatic 6-position measurement turret for DuraScan-10 and DuraScan-20 Adapter for multiple indenters EMZ06 For use with DuraScan with 6–position turret (EMF01). Required if two indenters are to be installed in turret. Clamping jaw Objective Lenses Objective Lens 2.5x EML25 Objective lens for DuraScan Objective Lens 4x EML4 Objective lens for DuraScan Objective Lens 10x EML10 Objective lens for DuraScan. Recommended for HV5-HV10 and HK2 Objective Lens 20x EML20 Objective lens for DuraScan. Recommended for HV2-HV3 and HK0.5-HK1 Objective Lens 40x EML40 Objective lens for DuraScan. Recommended for HV0.3-HV1 and HK0.2-HK0.3 Objective Lens 60x EML60 Objective lens for DuraScan. Recommended for HV0.05-HV0.2 and HK0.05-HK0.1 Digital micrometers Objective Lens 100x EML100 Objective lens for DuraScan. Recommended for HV0.01-HV0.025 and HK0.01-HK0.025 PC and Software modules Cat.no. ecos Workflow multiple specimens software EMS04 Software module for programming of test lines on multiple specimens for automatic measuring. For DuraScan-50/-70/-80 DuraScan-10 to -20 upgrade kit EMZ09 ecos Workflow CHD software module. Includes manual XY-stage (size 135 x 135 mm, stroke 25 x 25 mm), and analogue micrometers. Only for DuraScan-10 PC system for DuraScan, German EMZ12-D PC system for DuraScan-50/-70/-80. Including PC with Windows Vista, Manual XY-Stage 19” TFT monitor, keyboard and mouse. With 2nd Ethernet (RJ45) port. PC system for DuraScan, English EMZ12-E PC system for DuraScan-50/-70/-80. Including PC with Windows Vista, 19” TFT monitor, keyboard and mouse. With 2nd Ethernet (RJ45) port. Colour Printer, A4 EMM1Z060 Colour printer, incl. USB cable Others Dust Cover for DuraScan-10/-20 EMZ07 Dust protection for DuraScan-10/-20 Dust Cover for DuraScan-50/-70/-80 EMZ08 Dust protection for DuraScan-50/-70/-80 Digital micrometers for DuraScan-20 (with machine) EMF13 Resolution 0.001 mm / 0.00005" Machine vice Digital micrometers for DuraScan-20 (retrofit) EMZ10 Resolution 0.001 mm / 0.00005" Analog micrometers for DuraScan-20, inch (with machine) EMF21 Inch read-out. Resolution 0.0005" Analog micrometers for DuraScan-20, inch (retrofit) EMZ22 Inch read-out. Resolution 0.0005" Specimen Holders Machine vice EMM1Z071 Jaw width 50 mm Clamping jaw EMM1Z075 Sample holder with 3 cheeks, width 80 mm Specimen holder for 1 specimen of 30 mm / 1" diameter EMM1Z076 Specimen holder for 1 specimen of 40 mm / 1½" diameter EMM1Z077 Specimen holder for 1 specimen of 50 mm / 2" diameter EMM1Z078 Specimen holder for 6 specimens of 30 mm / 1" diameter EMM1Z676 Specimen holder Specimen holder for 6 specimens of 40 mm / 1½" diameter EMM1Z677 Specimen holder for 4 specimens of 50 mm / 2" diameter EMM1Z478G2 Minimum PC requirements for DuraScan-50/-70/-80: Intel Core 2 Duo E7500, 2.93 GHz, 80 GB hard drive, DVD-ROM, 2 GB RAM, 1 x RS232, 3-6 x USB 2.0 ports, 1-2 x RJ45, 1 x VGA or DVI, 2 x PS/2 (keyboard / mouse) 19” TFT monitor, keyboard, mouse Windows 7, Vista Business or XP Pro with SP 3 PC interface on DuraScan-10/-20 (integrated)

sion in positioning of test points during test series. • Ergonomic design due to constant working height. For details on the various model config- urations, please
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