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Structures of the Appalachian Foreland Fold-Thrust Belt: New York City, to Knoxville, Tennessee, June 27-July 8, 1989 PDF

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Preview Structures of the Appalachian Foreland Fold-Thrust Belt: New York City, to Knoxville, Tennessee, June 27-July 8, 1989

Structures of the Appalachian Foreland Fold-ThnISt Belt New York City, to Knoxville, Tennessee June 27-July 8, t 989 Field Trip Guidebook Tt66 Leaders: Terry Engelder, Editor; Bill Dunne, Peter Geiser, Steve Marshak, R. P. Nickelsen and David Wiltschko American Geophysical Union, Washington, D.C. Copyright 1989 American Geophysical Union 2000 Florida Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20009 ISBN: 0-81590-586-2 Printed in the United States of America SHS CMA LNMT SE ...~~~~~.~..==.:::;.~ :~;,,:~~ -:~r, >"~':.'"-,<~.,-~r;,-,,~:,~,;,~~;->;.~-;~r.:'.;:~~~~L:~,,~'-.:~~,.,,_;~.~:,_',~.,.:·~ ~-no-c-=-. :<-c 'r CMA LNMT sE [ WMA SHS CMA LNMT o 20 ! I km COVER Profiles for section lines through the valley and ridge of West Virginia. Leaders: Terry Engelder Department of Geosciences Pennsylvania State University University Park, PA 16802 Bill Dunne Department of Geological Sciences University of Tennessee Knoxville, TN 37996 Peter Geiser Geology Department University of Connecticut Storrs, CT 06268 Steve Marshak Department of Geology University of Illinois Urbana, IL 61801 R. P. Nickelsen Department of Geology Bucknell University Lewisburg, PA 17837 David Wiltschko Center for Tectonophysics Texas A&M University College Station, TX 77843 TRIP 166: STR-UCTURES OF THE APPALACHIAN FORELAND FOLD-THRUST BELT Editedby TerryEngelder DepartmentofGeosciences,ThePennsylvaniaStateUniversity, UniversityPark, Pennsylvania FOREWORD During nine days, field trip T166 stops at outcrops within three distinct subprovinces ofthe Appalachian TheAppalachianOrogenicBelt,whichextendsalong Valley and Ridge, and two subprovinces of the theeasterncoastofNorthAmericafrom Newfoundland Appalachian Plateau (Figure 1). The field trip to Alabama is a structural geologist's delight. assembles at Kennedy Airport in New York Cityfor a Geologists divide the mountain belt into several drive to Rosendale, NewYork andthe startofthe trip. geological provinceseach having theirown unique set This drive crosses all the major provinces of the ofstructures and structural problems. Majorprovinces Appalachianforelandfold-thrustbeltexceptthePlateau. includetheAppalachianPlateau,theValleyandRidge, Starting at Rosendale the first day, the field trip the Blue Ridge, and the Piedmont. The focus ofthis traverses the Hudson Valley subprovince, a 2 - 6 Ian field tripis thePlateauandtheValley andRidgewhere widefold-thrustbeltofdefonnedSilurianandDevonian sedimentary rocks show the least indication of carbonate and clastic rocks. Although much narrower metamorphism. During mapping of Paleozoic than other portions of the Appalachian Valley and deformation in these two provinces, the 19th century Ridge, structural features of this belt have many the geologists, H.D. and W.B. Rogers, first realized that characteristics found in other larger fold-thrust belts. there was structural regularity along strike to both Ofspecialinterestis thecorrelationofthedevelopment asymmetric folds and thrust faults. Although the anddistributionofspacedcleavage andclaycontentin Rogers brothers' initial observations are still valid, thecarbonatesoftheUpperPaleozoic. detailedmapping during the subsequent 145 years has Attention during the second day focuses on shown that several subprovinces of the Appalachian mesoscopic structures Uoints, solution cleavage, foreland have theirown characteristic structures. The pencils, anddeformedfossils) thatdevelop priorto the purpose of field trip T166 is to examine variation in growth of first-order folds in the Valley and Ridge. style of foreland deformation along a strike-parallel These structures are well exposed on the Appalachian traverseof 1200Ianfrom easternNew York toeastern Plateau of New York where they developed under Tennessee. The Appalachians are particularly conditionsoflayer-parallel shorteningabove aSilurian convenientfor such a study ofstructural style because saltdecollement. OntheAppalachian Plateau, the trip thismountain beltisexhumed,exposingdeep structures route will pass through the Devonian Catskill Delta to which are only detected seismically or in well data in examine the effect of stratigraphic position on the youngerbelts. development ofjoints prior to and during Alleghanian Fieldtrip T166 visits classic localitieswhere thrust layer-parallel shortening. The role of high fluid geometry was first understood. Some localities are pressureonthedevelopmentofjointswillbestudiedin reinterpreted in light of current knowledge about the detail. developmentofstructuresinfold-thrustbelts. Subjects On days three throu~h six the trip moves south into which will be stressed during the trip include: A) the Central Appalachian Valley and Ridge, a Deformation mechanisms associated with the subprovince found in the states of Pennsylvania, development anddistribution ofmesoscopic structures Maryland, and West Virginia, where the early layer such as joints, cleavage, pencils, and sliding surfaces; parallel shortening fabric as seen on the Appalachian B) Distribution of strain in both strike and transverse Platau is overprinted by first-order folding. In the sections of the Appalachians; C) A comparison of anthracitecoaldistrictrocksarehighergradethaninthe overthrust terranes involving blind thrusts versus Juniata culmination. The stratigraphic section of the e~mergentthrusts; and D) The analysis ofthree general ValleyandRidge subprovinceisdividedintotwomajor architectural stylesofthe Appalachian fold-thrust belt. mechanicalunits: LowerPaleozoiccarbonates (thestiff These three architectures include: 1) a style where layer) andMiddletoUpperPaleozoicclastics(thecover layer-parallel shortening byvolume-loss strain permits layer). During the development of first-order decollement slip without major folding; 2) a style structures,the lowerpackagefracturedandstackedina where shortening is accomplished by the development duplex under the clastic rocks. The upper package offIrst-order folds; and 3) a style where shortening is shortened by folding and pervasively straining, and absorbed by the stacking ofthrust sheets. Modes for draped over the carbonate duplex. Horses of Lower thrust propagation differ among these architectural Paleozoic carbonates have a floor thrust in Cambrian styles. These thrust propagation modes are labeled shalesandapassiveroofthrustintheReedsvilleShale. layer shortening, decollement, and imbricate, RocksintheMarylandandWestVirginiaportionofthe respectively (Geiser, 1988). Valley and Ridge differfrom the Pennsylvania section T166: 1 byonly slightchangesinthelithologyandstratigraphic thickness. This area marks the northern end of the / transition from central Appalachian to southern I/ Appalachainstructures. I On the seventh day, the field trip visits a third t , ,/ subprovince of the Valley and Ridge, the southern , ,/ J / Appalachian Valley and Ridge. In this subprovince, \ '\\ ( / emergent thrusts cut LowerPaleozoic rocks; the map .\ pattern of this subprovince contrasts with the central If, "......... / / HU~::e~~ley Appalachians where major thrusts did not cut cover '") NewYork .... ' rocks. Stratigraphic studies have shown that the { southern Appalachians did not have the same thick ,./ cover which was responsible for blind thrusting in the ( central Appalachians. The southern portion of the ~.-J Ithaca Valley and Ridge locally consistsof3 tomore than 10 // ....•. / majorthrustsheets,whicharetraceablealongstrikefor I - : / I ..... AppalachianPlateau --, hundredsofkilometers. \'\...". \..······..0../ / :......./.......\ The final days, eight and nine, will be spent in a Wellsville / ,. I second subprovince of the Appalachian Plateau, the \. ,,' Pine Mountain thrust block of the Southern I f /\ J / " Appalachians. Here the boundary between the Valley ,.I. ,/ ,/\." "--- andRidgeandtheAppalachianPlateauismarkedbythe J '.... / ", frrst thrust sheetto the southeastofthe Pine Mountain' I,I, ...,.... ", Block, the Wallen Valley sheet. This block, where , MaryIInd , Rich (1934) first proposed the concept of ramp-flat , geometry, formed over a major bedding parallel , '"\./'~Washington , /" , decollement before breaking through to the surface. Unlike the AppalachianPlateauofNew York, thePine I' (' (,-I' -- " Mountain Block shows very little evidence for the ,\, developmentoflayer-parallelshorteningfabrics. \'',/,/ \ \, l (.I VirJinia ( ~ WestVirpnia ""'S' ~ t. > .... ) .... "'-'-J "" " '-""'" r- ;I' '"'""-....1.'\ --) ,/ ;I' ~ ,/ I ( .... / Ten_ \ ;I' ,/ FIGURE 1 Route of IGC field trip T166 which focuses on the structures ofthe Appalachian foreland fold-thrust belt. Thetriprouteisindicatedbythedotted line. Nightly stopsareinicatedbycirclesatRosendale, NY, Ithaca, NY, Wellsville, NY, State College, PA, Cumberland, MD, Harrisonburg, VA, Kingsport, VA, CumberlandCap TN,Knoxville, TN, andWashington, DC. T166: 2 INTRODUCTION TO APPALACHIAN GEOLOGY: A GEOLOGICL SKETCH OF SOUTHEASTERN NEW YORK STATE StephenMarshak DepartmentofGeology, UniversityofIllinois,Urbana, lliinois INTRODUCTION TheAppalachianMountainscontaintherecordofat least three complex Paleozoic contractional orogenic events (Rodgers, 1970): the Taconic orogeny (Mid- to Late Ordovician), the Acadian orogeny (Mid- to Late Devonian), and the Alleghanian orogeny (Pennsylvanian to Permian time). Subsequent to the Alleghanian orogeny, the range was beveled by erosion, and then in middle Mesozoic time it was subjectedto arifting eventwhich ultimately led to the openingoftheAtlantic Ocean. Topographic details of the range reflect structural features created during the Paleozoic orogenies, but the uplift that resulted in the overallelevationthatwenowseeisamorerecentevent, probablyrelatedtorifting. The sinuous map-view trace of the Appalachian Mountains(Figure 1)reflectsrealbendsinthe structural grain ofthe range. Southeastern New York lies in the apex of the New York recess, a bend that is concave toward the craton and lies between the Pennsylvania salientand the New England Appalachians (Figure 1). TheAppalachianMountainsareverynarrowintheNew York recess, so on the drive from Kennedy Airport to Rosendale, we pass through eight geologic/physiographic belts. In order to make the drive geologically more meaningful, we now describe thesebelts andadjacentgeologicprovinces(Figure2). Atlantic Coastal Plain Kennedy Airportis builtonLongIsland, arelictof Pleistocene glaciation. Most ofthe ground surface of Long Island is composed of glacial till and outwash plain sedimentwhich was deposited at the front ofthe Wisconsin ice sheet on exposed continental shelf. Beneath the glacial veneer are Cretaceous deposits (clay, silt, sand, and gravel) which represent onlap of the Atlantic coast passive-margin wedge onto the (a) continent when there was a eustatic rise in sea level (Owens, Minard, and Sohl, 1968). Long Islandmarks the northeast edge ofthe Atlantic coastal plain; to the FIGURE 1 Trendline map of the Appalachians, north,crystallinerocksoftheAppalachiansextendright showing the outcrop of Grenville Precambrian tothe shore, andtothesouth, thecoastalplainbroadens crystalline terrane and the traces of structrures in the andinplacesis almost200Ianwide. Appalachian fold-thrust belt. Principal salients and recessesarelabeled. Manhattan Prong Upon crossing the East River at the western tenninusofLongIsland,weentertheManhattanProng include from base to top: Fordham Gneiss composed of metamorphic rocks of Precambrian (Precambrian, representing NorthAmericanGrenville through Middle Ordovician age. These rocks, which age basement), Lowerre Quartzite (Cambrian, form the bedrock ofNew York City (Schaffel, 1975), representing the base of the Early Paleozoic passive- T166: 3 I / New I / I ( \ ~ \ .............. ~ TACONIC I MOUNTAINS!Z !Z Zr:,IO ·'0 ,I I L. PaleozoIc I I GEOLOGIC-PHYSIOGRAPHIC LOCATION MAP OF SOUTHEASTERN NEW YORK STATE o, miles 10 o km 10 FIGURE 2 Map of the principal geologic/physiographicprovincesofthe Appalachians. Major fault boundaries are shown by heavy lines with theteethonthehanging-wallsheet T166: 4 margin wedge thatdeveloped subsequentto the rifting the Cortland Complex, a 435 myoid intrusion ofLaurentiain Late Precambrianandthe development consisitingofperidotite,pyroxenite,anddiorite. of the Proto-Atlantic Ocean), Inwood Marble (Cambrian, representing the Lower Paleozoic Hudson Highlands/Gap of Wingdale miogeoclineofeastern NorthAmerica), andManhattan Schist (Middle Ordovician, composed of The Hudson Highlands (average elevation 200 metamorphosed shales and sandstones). Recent work 450m) formpartofachainofGrenville-age (~ 1.1 by) suggests that three "Manhattan Schists" exist. crystallinerockstherunthelengthofthe Appalachians. Manhattan Schist "A" was deposited unconformably In southeastern New York, the Highlands include both over the Inwood Marble and is a para-autochthonous paragneiss(biotite-hornblende-quartzplagioclasegneiss "flysch sequence" signalling the inception of the interlayeredwithcalc-silicaterockandamphibolite) and Taconic Orogeny. Manhattan Schists "B" and "C" orthogneiss (horneblende granite and granite gneiss) represent allochthonous deeper-water portions of the (Hall and others, 1975). The paragneiss occurs LowerPaleozoic passive-margin wedge andwere later dominantly in the Eastern Highlands and the thrust westwards over Schist A (Hall, 1968). The orthogneiss occurs dominantly in the Western rocks of the Manhattan prong are poly-deformed and Highlands. Itis likely that the crystalline rocks ofthe metamorphosed. ProminantfIrst-orderfoldscontrolthe Hudson Highlands are allochthonous, and have been topographyofNew YorkCity. Gneiss and schistform thrust to the northwest. The northwest edge of the the ridges, and marble lies beneath the valleys. The' Highlands is complex, and includes a large infolded eastern limitofthe ManhattanProngcrystallineterrane syncline of Paleozoic rocks (Jaffe and-Jaffe, 1967). is ductile shear zone called "Cameron's Line" To the northwest ofthis syncline, lie a string ofsmall (Merguerian, 1983). Along this shear zone, Lower klippen placing Precambrian rocks over Ordovician Paleozoic eugeosynclinal strata (now metamorphosed) strata. of the Hutchinson River Group were transported To the northeast, the crystalline rocks of the westward and juxtaposed against rocks of the Hudson Highlands plunge beneath metamorphosed ManhattanProng. LowerPaleozoic'sedimentary rocks, in aregion called the "Gap of Wingdale". The metamorphic grade of Newark Basin and Ramapo Fault theserocksincreasesprogressivelyfrom westtoeastin aclassic Barrovian succession (Bence and McLelland, Upon crossing the Hudson River, we enter the 1976). Newark Basin. By Late Triassic time, the New York City region had been beveled down to a peneplain Hudson Valley Ordovician Clastic Belt surface. At this time, the region was broken by extensionalfaulting, and the Newark Basin developed. Continuingnorthwestoffofthe Hudson Highlands, The basin is basically a half-graben filled with up to we enter a region of low'relief underlain by various 5000 m ofcontinental sedimentary deposits called the Ordovicianclasticunits thathavebeenmetamorphosed NewarkGroup (Savage, 1968),whichconsistsofthree toonlylowgrade(argilliteunitswithinthesequenceare interfingering formations, namedfrom base to top: the nowslate). Atleastthreeunitshavebeendistinguished LockatongFormation (argilliteandshale), the Stockton intheregion thatwe traverse, butthecontactsbetween Formation (arkose and shaly mudstone), and the the units are not well exposed. The Austin Glen and Brunswick Formation (red mudstone, sandstone, and MartinsburgFormationsconsistofturbiditesdeposited shale). The unconformityatthe baseofthetheNewark unconformably over Lower Paleozoic carbonate Group dips gently westward, andits map tracefollows platform deposits. The Austin Glen sequence were theHudsonRiver. probably thrustoverthe Martinsburg sequence (Fisher Development of· the Newark Basin was and Rickard, 1973). The Martinsburg contains accompanied by mafic igneous activity. The most substantial intervals of slate. The Quassaic Group prominentigneousfeature isthePalisades sill, a300m includes conglomeratic units and sandstones. thick diabase intrusion which forms the cliff Ordovician strataofthe Hudson Valley were possibly overlooking the Hudson River across from New York deposited atthe baseofan accretionary prismadjacent City. Towards its top, the Newark Group is to an offshore volcanic arc that converged on an east interlayered with three thick flows which stand out in dipping subduction zone and collided with North ridgescalledtheWatchungMountains. America during the Taconic Orogeny (Bosworth and • The western boundary ofthe Newark basin is the Vollmer, 1981). Ramapo fault (Ratcliffe, 1971), which separates the sedimentary strata of the basin from the resistant Hudson Valley Fold-Thrust Belt Precambrian gneiss that underlies the Hudson Highlands. Seismic activityis quitefrequent alongthe A sequence of Silurian through lower Middle fault. The Newark Basin.does not extend east of the Devonian shallow marine carbonate and clastic rocks Hudson River, so east ofthe river, the Ramapo Fault were deposited unconformably over the Ordovician cuts into the Hudson Highlands, dividing it into the clastic sequence. In most places, the unconformity is EasternHighlands andWestern Highlands. Justtothe angular,fortheOrdovicianrocksweredeformedduring southoftheRamapofaultontheeastsideofthe·riveris the Taconic orogeny. Silurian units pinch out T166: 5 progressivelytothe north, sothatbythe latitudeofthe Mountains arenearlyflat-lying withadipofonlyafew town ofCatskill, only about 1mofrock liesbelow the degrees to the west. Coarse strata of the Catskill basalDevonianunit. ThebeltofSilurianthroughlower Mountains grade westwards with the Devonian Middle Devonian strata is a west-verging, miniature siltstones and shales that we will study onthe second fold-thrustbeltcalledtheHudsonValleyfold-thrust belt dayofthisfieldtrip. (Marshak:, 1986). This will be the subject ofthe fIrst dayofourfieldtrip. Taconic Mountains Catskill Mountains Alongtheeasternborder·ofNewYorkState,eastof The Catskill Mountains are a relatively high and the Hudson River, lie the Taconic Mountains. These fugged portion of the Appalachian Plateau. The mountainsareunderlain by asequenceofdeeper-water bedrock ofthe mountains is composed of the Middle Lower Paleozoic strata which were thrust westwards andUpperDevonian "Catskill sequence" composedof overtheLowerPaleozoiccarbonateplatfonnofeastern shales, red sandstones, and conglomerates (Fletcher, North America during the Taconic orogeny (Zen, 1962). These rocks were deposited in a huge delta 1972). At least five distinct thrust sheets have been complex, the Catskill clastic wedge, whose preserved identified in the Taconic Mountains; together, they thickness is at least 3.5 Ian. The wedge was derived comprise the Taconic allochthon. Eastofthe Taconic from erosion ofthe Acadian highlands to the east, and Mountains is the Berkshire Massif, consisting of an wasdepositedin aforeland basin. StrataoftheCatskill allochthonoussheetofGrenville-agecrystallinerock. T166: 6

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