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Structures of local rearrangements in soft colloidal glasses Xiunan Yang,1 Rui Liu,1 Mingcheng Yang,1 Wei-Hua Wang∗,2 and Ke Chen∗1 1Beijing National Laboratory for Condensed Matter Physics and Key Laboratory of Soft Matter Physics, Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, People’s Republic of China 2Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, People’s Republic of China (Dated: May 19, 2016) We imagelocal structuralrearrangementsin softcolloidalglassesunder smallperiodicperturba- tions induced by thermal cycling. Local structural entropy S positively correlates with observed 2 rearrangementsincolloidalglasses. ThehighS valuesoftherearrangingclustersinglassesindicate 2 that fragile regions in glasses are structurally less correlated, similar to structural defects in crys- tallinesolids. Slow-evolvinghighS spotsarecapableofpredictinglocalrearrangementslongbefore 2 therelaxationsoccur,whilefluctuation-createdhighS spotsbestcorrelatewithlocaldeformations 2 right before the rearrangement events. Local free volumes are also found to correlate with particle 6 rearrangements at extreme values, although the ability to identify relaxation sites is substantially 1 lower than S . Our experiments provide an efficient structural identifier for the fragile regions in 2 0 glasses, and highlight the important role of structural correlations in the physics of glasses. 2 y PACSnumbers: 82.70.Dd,61.43.Bn,83.50.-v,61.43.-j a M Understanding the structure-property connections in Phonon modes, which reflect the collective excitations 8 glasses is one of the most challenging problems in con- in glasses, are shown to be a powerful identifier of frag- 1 densed matter physics. The lack of a clear characteri- ile regions in glasses. Soft spots defined by the low- zation of the structures in glasses has hindered the for- frequencyquasi-localizedsoftmodesareshowntooverlap ] mulation of general theories for glass transition and de- significantly with rearranging regions in glasses [12–14]. t f formation of glasses [1–7]. The most elementary relax- However,measurementsofthelocalgeometricstructures o s ation events in glasses are the local atomic rearrange- of soft spots did not find any distinctive structural char- t. mentsthatplaysimilarrolesinthemechanicalproperties acteristic for these regions [14]. Recent theories and ex- a of glasses as the structural defects in crystals. Local re- periments suggest that in glasses, there may exist amor- m gionspronetorearrangementsinglassesareoftenknown phously correlated structures formed during the glass - as flow units [8, 9], shear transformation zones (STZs) transition [24–29], and the dynamics-structure correla- d n [10, 11], soft spots [12–15], or geometrically unfavoured tiongoesbeyondsingle-particlemeasures[30]. Therefore, o motifs (GUMs) [16]. Unlike crystalline solids whose de- the search for “defects” in glasses needs to probe corre- c fects are easily identified from a periodic lattice, no dis- lations (or lack thereof) on length scales greater than [ tinguishing structures have been found for the fragile re- the first-neighbor shell. Recent simulations by Tong et 2 gions of glasses in an apparently disordered background. al.[15],findstrongcorrelationsbetweenthedistributions v Withoutaclearstructuralindicatorforfragileregionsin of soft modes in glasses and structural entropy S , rais- 2 9 glasses, many studies rely on phenomenological models ing the possibility that this correlation-based structural 1 suchassoftglassyrheology(SGR)tounderstandmacro- parameter may also be able to predict elementary defor- 9 5 scopic properties of amorphous materials [17]. mations in glasses. 0 . Early studies attempt to connect a particle’s propen- In this letter, we employ video microscopy to directly 1 0 sitytorearrangetoitsimmediateenvironment. Spaepen image local deformations in quasi-2D colloidal glasses 6 proposedafree-volumetheorythatfavorssiteswithlarge consisting of thermo-sensitive microgel particles, and 1 free volumes for local rearrangements in hard-sphere measure the structures of local rearranging regions un- : v glasses [18]. For soft sphere systems, which include der cyclic thermal perturbations. Thermal cycling tunes i metallic glasses, Egami and co-workers suggest that re- the sizes of soft colloidal particles, and generates uni- X gions with extreme local stresses, which correspond to form compression or dilation when the particles swell r a particles with either extremely large or extremely small or shrink. Similar to mechanical shearing [31–35], re- free volumes, are potential “defects” sites [19, 20]. Di- arrangements during thermal cyclings are the results of rect experimental examinations of these scenarios, how- local stress imbalances. But perturbations from thermal ever, are rare due to the difficulty of measuring local cycling impose no directional bias or boundary effects, free volumes or atomic stresses in glassy materials [21]. and allow simultaneous activation of defects with differ- More recently, machine learning methods are employed entorientationalpreferences. Wefindthatlocalfreevol- tosearchthroughmulti-dimensionalparameterspaceand umesareweaklycorrelatedwithparticlerearrangements; useacombinationofstructuralfeaturestoidentifyfragile particles with either extremely high or low free volumes regions in disordered solids [22, 23]. are equally likely to rearrange. Local structural entropy 2 ple remains at ambient temperature [42, 43]. When the mercury lamp is turned off, the heated region rapidly recovers to its original temperature. The temperature increase from optical heating is calibrated to be about 0.2K; and the sample reaches new thermal equilibrium in less than 1 second [36]. For this small temperature change, the samples remain in jammed glassy states at both temperatures, with a brief transient period in be- tween. The samples are aged on the microscope stage for 200 min. beforebeingperiodicallyheatedandcooledforato- talof10cycles. Eachcyclelastsfor30min.,with15min. each at the elevated and ambient temperature [36]. The samples are continuously imaged using standard bright- field microscopy at 20 fps for the duration of the experi- FIG.1: (coloronline)Spatialdistributionofrearrangingclus- ment. Thereare∼3700particleswithintheimageframe, tersduringthermalcycling. Rearrangingclustersfromdiffer- with a packing fraction of 0.88 at the ambient temper- ent thermal cycle numbers, shown by large spheres in differ- ent colors. Small dots are background particles that did not ature. The trajectory of each particle is extracted by experience neighbor changes during the experiment. Large particle tracking techniques [44]. We limit our analyses bluedottedcirclesindicateregionswithrepeatedrearranging on particles that are at least 3 diameters away from the events. Small red circles show the only 4 overlapping rear- image boundaries, which leaves ∼2990 particles in a re- ranging particles during the experiment. duced field of view. Information of particles outside of this reduced field of view is utilized only for the calcu- lation of parameters for particles within. Most particle S2 derived from local pair correlation functions strongly rearrangementsareobservedwithin60secondsofatem- correlateswithobservedlocalrearrangements. Rearrang- perature switch. A video of one local rearranging event ing clusters emerge and evolve with regions of high S2 can be found in the supplementary materials [36] values,whicharestructurallylesscorrelatedormoredis- We extract plastically rearranged regions by compar- orderedcomparedtothemorestablebackground,similar ingparticlepositionsatthelastminuteofeachcyclewith to the topological defects in polycrystalline solids. The thepositionsoftheparticles1minutebeforethesamecy- resultspresentedherearefordeeplyjammedsamplesun- cle; at both points the sample is at thermal equilibrium der small periodic perturbations. We have also observed with the ambient temperature. Separation cut-offs de- qualitativelythesamecorrelationsinsamplesofdifferent fined by the first minima on the particle pair correlation packing fractions and under different perturbation pat- functionsbetweendifferentspeciesareusedtodetermine terns [36]. neighbor changes during thermal cycling [12, 43]. Distri- The samples are prepared by loading a binary mix- butions of particle separations over time are also consid- ture of poly-N-isopropylacrylamide (PNIPAM) particles ered to avoid accidental misidentification [36]. Particles betweentwocoverslips. Thecolloidalsuspensionspreads thatchangedneighborsduringonecyclearegroupedinto under capillary forces, and forms a dense monolayer be- clusters based on nearest-neighbor pairings, and clusters tween the glass plates. The samples are then hermeti- containing fewer than 5 particles are ignored [13, 14]. cally sealed using optical glue (Norland 63). A binary Most neighbor changes are permanent; only about 2% of mixture is used to frustrate crystallization. The diam- rearranging particles regain their lost neighbors in sub- eters of the particles are measured to be 1 and 1.3 µm sequent thermal cycles. at 22◦C by dynamical light scattering; and the number Fig.1showsallrearrangingclustersobservedduring10 ratiobetweenlargeandsmallparticlesiscloseto1. PNI- thermal cycles. Clusters from different cycles are shown PAM colloidal particles are temperature sensitive whose in different colors. For a single cycle, the spatial distri- diameters decrease when temperature increases [37–40]. butionofrearrangingclustersappearsuncorrelated,with The interactions between PNIPAM particles are gener- clusterseparationsmuchlargerthantypicalclustersizes. allycharacterizedtoberepulsivesoft-spherewithahard However, when the distributions of rearranging clusters core [41]. Rearrangements are induced by locally chang- from different thermal cycles are compared, it is clear ing the sample temperature. The colloidal suspension that the clusters are concentrated in certain regions of is mixed with a small amount of non-fluorescent dye the sample, as indicated by the large blue dotted circles (Chromatch-Chromatint black 2232 liquid, 0.2% by vol- inFig.1,insteadofevenlyscatteredthroughoutthesam- ume). Whenilluminatedbyamercurylamp,thedyeab- ple. Overlapping between neighboring clusters are rare, sorbs the incident light and heats up a small area much with only 4 overlapping particles for the duration of the larger than the field of view, while the rest of the sam- experiment (small red circles in Fig. 1). The rest of the 3 that of the least active particles, which gives free vol- ume relatively weak ability to predict rearranging re- gions, compared to other known parameters such as soft spots [12–14]. As a highly local structural pa- rameter, particle free volume focuses only on the con- tacting neighbors of a particle. Rearrangements in glasses, however, require the cooperation between par- ticles over a longer range [12, 48]. Thus the struc- tural correlations beyond the first-neighbor shell need to be considered to better identify rearranging regions. Pair correlation function g(r) is a simple measure of structural correlations in glasses. Using local g(r), the structural entropy of a particle i can be defined as FIG. 2: (color online) Free volumes and local structural en- S = −1/2(cid:80) ρ (cid:82) d(cid:126)r{gµν((cid:126)r)lngµν((cid:126)r)−[gµν((cid:126)r)−1]} tropy in colloidal glasses. (a) Distribution of V for all par- 2,i ν ν i i i f [15, 28, 49], where µ and ν denote the type of particles ticles(blacksquares),initialV forrearrangingparticles(red f (large or small), ρ is the number density of ν parti- (cbirlculeest)r,iaanngdlesV)f. (obf)rReaerarrarnagnignigngpparrotibcalebsiliatfytearsdaeffuonrmctaiotinonosf cles, and gµν((cid:126)r) is tνhe pair correlation function between i initialV (subtractedbytheaverageV ). (c)S distribution particle i of type µ and particles of ν type. Structural f f 2 for all particles (black squares), for rearranging particles be- entropy measures the loss of entropy due to positional fore deformations (red circles), and for rearranging particles correlations [50]; high S values indicate less correlated 2 afterdeformations(bluetriangles). (d)Rearrangingprobabil- local structures and vice versa. In our experiments, the ity as a function of initial S . Dashed lines and arrows show 2 integrationistruncatedatthe3rd neighborshelltoavoid theaveragevalueandstandarddeviationofV andS forthe f 2 the loss of a large fraction of particles due to boundary distributions for all particles. All distributions are obtained from the combined data of 10 cycles, and are individually effect. We verify, for particles near the center of the field normalized. of view, that the S obtained from 3 shells of neighbor 2 arehighlycorrelatedtoS obtainedfrom5neighborshell 2 integrations, with correlation coefficients about 0.9. Be- rearranging particles did not rearrange again during our yondthe5th neighborshell,localg(r)becomesveryclose experiment. to 1, thus contributing only negligibly to measured S . 2 We examine the rearranging clusters in search for dis- Foreachparticle,time-averageisperformedforlocalg(r) tinctivestructuralcharacteristicsfromtherestofthecol- before integration to remove short-time fluctuations, al- loidal glasses. We first measure the particle free volumes though in principle, this averaging is not critical to the (V ). We employ radical Voronoi tessellation to define a measurements of S [51]. We limit the averaging time f 2 polygon for each particle for our binary mixture [45–47]. to the last 60 seconds (1200 frames) of each thermal cy- The radical Voronoi tessellation avoids cutting through cle, within the β relaxation time of the sample, to avoid large spheres by taking into account the relative particle direct coupling to diffusive dynamics [29, 51]. sizes. The Vf is determined by subtracting the cross- The structural entropy of rearranging particles are section area of a particle from the area of the polygon. qualitatively different from those of the general popula- The soft-sphere interaction between the colloidal parti- tion in the colloidal glass. Fig. 2c plots the distribution cles allows negative Vf for compressed particles. The of S2 for all the particles in the colloidal glass (black average Vf for particles in a rearranging cluster before squares)andthoseforrearrangingparticles(redcircles). and after local rearrangements is effectively the same as Compared to V distributions, the distribution of S for f 2 thatofalltheparticlesinthesample,withslightlylarger rearrangingparticlespeaksatasignificantlyhighervalue widths, as plotted in Fig. 2a. Fig. 2b plots the mea- than the distribution from all particles, indicating less sured rearranging probability as a function of initial Vf correlated structures in rearranging clusters. After re- for individual particles. Particles with extremely high or arrangements, the S values of particles in rearranging 2 extremelylowVf arethosemostlikelytorearrangecom- clusters are decreased, but remain elevated compared to pared to particles with average Vf. The curve in Fig. 2b thesystemaverage,asshownbybluetrianglesinFig.2c. is roughly symmetric to the system average, suggesting Fig. 2d plots the rearranging probability as a function of that loose and compact regions are equally prone to re- initial S for individual particles. The probability to re- 2 arrangement. This symmetry may explain why previous arrangeincreasesalmostmonotonicallywithS ,withtwo 2 studies that search for monotonic correlations between orders of magnitude difference between the most stable localfreevolumesandrearrangementsdidnotfindasig- particles and most unstable particles, revealing intrinsi- nificant overlap [14]. callydifferentresponsesfromlocalstructuresincolloidal The rearranging probability for particles with the glasses. Qualitatively the same correlations as shown in most extreme free volumes is about 3 times higher than Fig. 2havebeenobservedinsamplesofdifferentpacking 4 fractions and under different perturbation patterns [36]. mal cycle in the supplementary materials [36]. Similar to soft modes, the structural entropy for indi- TheoverlapbetweentheS distributionbeforethermal 2 vidualparticlescanbeemployedtopredictregionsprone cycling and rearranging clusters in later cycles suggests to rearrangements. The colored contour plot in Fig. 3a that the distribution of high S regions evolves slowly 2 shows the initial distribution of S in the colloidal glass under thermal cycling, which can be clearly seen in the 2 before thermal cycling, black circles overplotted on the video in the supplementary materials [36]. An exam- contour plot are the rearranging clusters observed in the ple of the stability of local distribution of S is shown 2 following 10 cycles. Remarkable overlap is observed be- in Fig. 3(b1-b3) (down-left corner of the video in the tween regions with high S values and rearranging clus- supplementary materials [36]). During the 3 consecutive 2 ters, which demonstrates that local S is able to predict local rearrangements, the area with high S values only 2 2 rearranging regions long before they actually occur in changes slightly. On the other hand, high S regions can 2 colloidal glasses under thermal cycling. This correlation be created through local fluctuations. Some rearranging is enhanced when the system is closer to the relaxation clusters that have small overlaps with high S regions in 2 events, as shown in the video of the evolution of the S Fig. 3a are found to significantly overlap with high S 2 2 distributionsandtherearrangingclustersfromeachther- spots that emerge during the thermal cycling. An ex- ample is shown in Fig. 3(c1-c6) (mid-left region of the video in the supplementary materials [36]). Before the 4thand7thcycles,twohighS spotsaredevelopedwith 2 noprecedingrearrangingclustersinitsimmediateneigh- borhood. Theemergencesofthesetwospotsarefollowed bytworearrangingeventsinthesameregion,afterwhich local S distribution falls back to the background. 2 We quantitatively evaluate the correlations between highS regionsandlocalrearrangementsduringthermal 2 cycling. High S clusters are identified to the particle 2 level by applying a cut-off to the distribution of local structural entropy. Averaged correlation between high S clusters and rearranging clusters is measured to be 2 0.34foracutoffvalueof-1.5[36],comparabletothecor- relations between soft spots and local rearrangements in colloidal experiments [13]. The highest single-cycle cor- relationismeasuredtobe0.69[36]. Wealsomeasurethe direct correlations between non-affine displacement coef- ficient D2 and S for all particles, regardless of neigh- min 2 bor changes. D2 measures the particle level non-affine min strain, and is defined as the minimum of D2(t ,t ) = 1 2 (cid:80)(cid:80)[ri −ri −(cid:80)(δ +ε )×(rj −rj )]2 , where n,t2 0,t2 ij ij n,t1 0,t1 n i j ri is the i-th (x or y) component of the position of n,t the n-th particle at time t (before or after a single cycle) andindexnrunsovertheparticleswithintheinteraction range of the reference particle n = 0. The δ +ε that ij ij minimizes D2 are calculated based on ri [10]. Direct n,t correlationbetweenD2 andparticleS forallparticles min 2 at each cycle yields an averaged correlation coefficient of 0.30 [36], suggesting that particles with higher S values 2 FIG. 3: (color online) Spatial distribution of particle S and tend to experience larger strains under external loading. 2 rearranging clusters. (a) Colored contour plot: S distribu- Thenoiselevelsfortheabovetwocorrelationcoefficients 2 √ tionbefore thermalcycling,andrearrangingclustersobserved arebothontheorderof∼1/ N,whereN isthenumber in the following 10 cycles (black circles). (b1-b3) Contour of particles in the field of view. plots: local S distributions before the 1st,2nd, and 3rd ther- 2 On the other hand, structurally stable regions asso- mal cycle in a sub-region in the sample; black circles: re- arranging clusters from 1st,2nd and 3rd in the same region. ciated with low S2 values in the colloidal glasses show (c1-c6) Contour plots: local S distributions from the 3rd to strong resistance to the migration of rearranging clus- 2 8th thermal cycle in another sub-region in the sample; black ters. Fig. 4 plots the particles whose S remain below 2 circles: rearranging clusters from the 4th cycle (c2), and the -1.6 (the 90th percentile in the S ) for the duration of 2 7th cycle (c5). the experiment (large gray circles). 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