Concepts for the Study of Culture Edited by Doris Bachmann-Medick, Horst Carl, Wolfgang Hallet and Ansgar Nünning Editorial Board Mieke Bal, Hartmut Böhme, Sebastian Conrad, Vita Fortunati, Isabel Gil, Lawrence Grossberg, Richard Grusin, Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht, Ursula Heise, Claus Leggewie, Helmut Lethen, Christina Lutter, Andreas Reckwitz, Frederik Tygstrup and Barbie Zelizer Volume 5 ISBN 978-3-11036951-9 e-ISBN [PDF] 978-3-11-036548-1 e-ISBN [EPUB] 978-3-11039132-9 ISSN 2190-3433 e-ISBN (EPUB) 9783110391329 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data A CIP catalog record for this book has been applied for at the Library of Congress. Bibliographic information published by the Deutsche Nationalbibliothek The Deutsche Nationalbibliothek lists this publication in the Deutsche Nationalbibliografie; detailed bibliographic data are available on the Internet at © 2015 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Munich/Boston Epub-production: Jouve, Table of Contents Concepts for the Study of Culture Title Page Copyright Page Introduction 1 2 Structures of Feeling and the Study of Affects 3 Affect Studies 4 A Case of Affect 5 Being Moved References Websites: Structures of Feeling 1 Producing Affect Mediashock 1 Introduction 2 Premediation 3 Geoaffective Mediation 4 Mediashock doctrine References Websites Parsing Affective Economies of Race,Sexuality, and Gender: The Case of ‘NastyLove’ 1 2 3 4 References Affect Image, Touch Image 1 Texture | Texxture 2 Deleuze’s Texture 3 Discrete Entity 4 [k]not a conclusion References Introducing Wounds: Challenging the ‘CrapTheory of Pain’ in Nikola Lezaić’s Tilva Roš 1 2 3 4 References Websites: Affect, Biopolitics and the Field ofContemporary Performing Arts 1 Considering Theatrical Performance as Biopolitical Practice 2 Materiality of Affect and its Historicity Within the PerformingArts 3 Actual Virtuality 4 Conclusion References Websites Reflections on Fear as a Structure of Feelingin Large Scale Installations in ContemporaryArt 2 3 References Websites: 2 Affective Pasts Compelling Affects Structured Feelings:Remembering 911 2 3 References Websites: Staging Emotions: On Configurations ofEmotional Selfhood, Gendered Bodies, andPolitics in the Late Eighteenth Century 1 An Emotional Public Space and Civic Self 2 Gendering Emotions 3 Doing and Staging Emotions 4 Staging Patriotic Emotions 5 Conclusion References Nostalgia and Nostophobia: EmotionalMemory in Joseph Roth and Herta Müller 1 Introduction 2 Nostalgia Revisited 3 Home, Sweet/Disgusting Home 4 The Aesthetics of Emotional Memory References ‘Affects as Stabilizers of Memory’? - The Literary Representation of Emotion, Affect, and Feeling in Self- Reflexive Autobiographies 1 Introduction 2 Emotion, Affect, and Feeling 3 Feelings and the Cartesian Divide 4 Emotion and Pseudo-Memory References “The Past Beats Inside Me Like a SecondHeart”: The Narrative (Re)Construction ofEmotions in John Banville’s The Sea 1 Introduction 2 ‘Emotion-Making’ through Narrative 3 Narrativising Emotions in The Sea 4 Limits of Narrative as an Affective Instrument 5 Conclusion: The Narrative-Emotion Nexus as a Promising Field of Research References 3 Affective Thinking Affect and Feminist Methodology, Or WhatDoes It Mean to be Moved? 1 The Many Lives of Affect 2 The Temporalities of Affect 3 The Scents of Affect References The Curious Case of Affective Hospitality:Curiosity, Affect, and Pierre Klossowski’sLaws of Hospitality 1 Curiosity as Affect 2 Klossowski’s Laws of Hospitality References “What Can This Sorrow Be?”: ElegiacAffectivity in Virginia Woolf’s Jacob’s Room 1 The Elegiac Lamentation 2 Curious Sadness and Audible Lamentation 3 Echoes of Apostrophe 4 Affective Resonance References “One Thing Melts into Another”: Unanimism,Affect, and Imagery in Virginia Woolf’s TheWaves 1 Unanimism and Literature 2 From a Body in Space to a Bodily Space 3 Woolf and Unanimism 4 Two Figurative Strategies 5 The Body as Metaphorical Expression 6 The Circle and the Wave 7 Performative Language References Towards a New Thinking on Humanism inFernand Deligny’s Network 1 2 3 References 4 Circulating Affect Sympathetic Mobilisation 1 Introduction 1 Theoretical Framework 1.1 Imitation and Biopolitics 1.2 Prestige and Sympathy 2 Analysis 2.1 Mobilising Illness Awareness: 65 Red Roses 2.2 Mobilising Environmental Awareness: Climate Justice Fast 3 Concluesion References Websites: A Strategic Romance? - On the Affective Relation between Lady Gaga and Her Little Monsters in Online Communication 1 Introduction 2 Establishing Stardom Through Media 3 Performing Privacy Online 4 Creating an Affective Online Environment 5 Strategic Affect? References Webpages Experiences of Assisted Reproduction inVideo Blogs: On the Aesthetic-AffectiveDimension of Individual Fertility Projects onYouTube Introduction 1 The Unique and Yet Modifiable Body – Pursuing Fertility 2 Re-encodings – Strange and Yet Familiar Fertility Projects 3 Concluding Remarks References Articulations of Well-being in Images ofBeauty and Health 1 Introduction 2 Articulation of Affective Elements of Well-being in Imagery ofK&T Magazine 2.1 The Analytic and Problem-oriented Articulations of Well-being 2.2 The Affective and Pleasure-oriented Articulations of Well-being 3 Conclusion References How to meet the ‘Strange Stranger’:A Sketch for an Affective Biophilia 1 Biophilic Wonder 2 Biophilia’s Discontents 3 Towards an Affective Biophilia References The Characteristics of Traditional ChineseTheories of Affect and their Impact on Artistic Creation: A Study Based on SeveralKey Chinese Words 1 An Experimental Method for the Study of Key Words 2 A Conceptual System of Affect According to Chinese Thought 2.1 Air, Soul, and Heart: Three Keys of Human Life Air Soul