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Structures Congress 2011 : proceedings of the 2011 Structures Congress : April 14-16, 2011, Las Vegas, Nevada PDF

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by  Ames
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Preview Structures Congress 2011 : proceedings of the 2011 Structures Congress : April 14-16, 2011, Las Vegas, Nevada

Structures Congress 2011 PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2011 STRUCTURES CONGRESS April 14–16, 2011 Las Vegas, Nevada SPONSORED BY The Structural Engineering Institute (SEI) of the American Society of Civil Engineers EDITED BY Dana Ames, P.E. Theodore L. Droessler, P.E. Marc Hoit, Ph.D. Published by the American Society of Civil Engineers Copyright and Disclaimer ISBN: 978-0-7844-1171-1 Any statements expressed in these materials are those of the individual authors and do not necessarily represent the views of ASCE, which takes no responsibility for any statement made herein. No reference made in this publication to any specific method, product, process or service constitutes or implies an endorsement, recommendation, or warranty thereof by ASCE. The materials are for general information only and do not represent a standard of ASCE, nor are they intended as a reference in purchase specifications, contracts, regulations, statutes, or any other legal document. ASCE makes no representation or warranty of any kind, whether express or implied, concerning the accuracy, completeness, suitability, or utility of any information, apparatus, product, or process discussed in this publication, and assumes no liability therefore. This information should not be used without first securing competent advice with respect to its suitability for any general or specific application. Anyone utilizing this information assumes all liability arising from such use, including but not limited to infringement of any patent or patents. Copyright © 2011 by the American Society of Civil Engineers. All Rights Reserved. ASCE and American Society of Civil Engineers—Registered in U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. American Society of Civil Engineers ASCE International Headquarters 1801 Alexander Bell Drive Reston, VA 20191-4400 USA Call Toll-Free in the U.S.: 1-800-548-2723 (ASCE) Call from anywhere in the world: 1-703-295-6300 Internet: http://www.pubs.asce.org ! Preface Preparation for the 2011 Structures Congress required significant time and effort from the members of the Local Planning Committee, the National Technical Program Committee, and the staff at SEI. Therefore, much of the success of the conference is a reflection of the level of effort by this group of volunteers. The committee would like to acknowledge the critical support of the sponsors, exhibitors, presenters, and participants who contributed to the success of the conference through their participation. The Structures Congress technical program consists of over 100 concurrent technical sessions on topics that are redefining structural engineering in the areas of bridge and transportation structures, buildings, strategies for today’s global economy and advances in research. The CASE Spring Risk Management Convocation and the Forensic Specialty Track supplement the Congress. All of these help enforce networking, interacting and forming partnerships with our structural peers. Sharing in the success of the 2011 Structures Congress are our cooperating organizations, CASE, SEAOC, SEASoN, ACI, Las Vegas Chapter, ACEC Nevada, Southern Nevada Post Society of American Military Engineers, ASCE San Francisco Section, ASCE Los Angeles Section, ATC and ASCE Southern Nevada Branch. On behalf of our dedicated volunteers and SEI staff, we would like to thank you for spending your valuable time attending the 2011 Structures Congress. It is our hope that you and your colleagues will benefit greatly from the information provided and make professional connections that lasts for years. By increasing communication skills, helping the practicing engineer expand his or her knowledge, leadership, and influence, we believe that delegates will learn how to excel in this new and exciting environment. Dana Ames and Theodore L. Droessler Co-Chairman, Local Planning Committee Acknowledgments Local Planning Committee Dana Ames, P.E., S.E. Theodore L. Droessler, P.E. Co-Chairman Co-Chairman R2H Engineering, Inc Clark County Department of Development Services, Building Division Curt Haldeman, P.E. Aly Said, Ph.D. Granite Construction Company University of Nevada, Las Vegas Arvid Handegard, P.E. Kaushal Shah, P.E., S.E. Jacobs Engineering BergerABAM Chuck Joseph, P.E. Craig Smart, P.E. Jacobs Engineering HDR Ron Lynn, C.B.O. Ying Tian, Ph.D. Clark County Department of University of Nevada, Las Vegas Development Services, Building Division (UNLV) Daniel Paulis, P.E. CH2M HILL Ta-.e o2 Content6 7ridge6 Sei6=i> ?e.ia-i.it@ and Per2or=an>e A66e66=ent o2 7ridge6 S@6te=CDeve. Ca.i-ration o2 7ridge Co=Fonent Da=age State6 1 K. R. Mackie Sei6=i> Fragi.it@ E6ti=ate6 and OFti=iKation o2 ?etro2itting Strategie6 2or 13 ?ein2or>ed Con>rete 7ridge6: Ca6e StMd@ o2 tNe Fa-e.a 7ridge in To.M>aO Mexi>o V. Bisadi, M. Head, and P. Gardoni E22e>t o2 RroMnd Motion SMite SiKe on Sn>ertaint@ E6ti=ation in Sei6=i> 7ridge 23 Fragi.it@ Mode.ing B. G. Nielson and W. C. Pang ?e.ia-i.it@ and ?edMndan>@ o2 7ridge S@6te=6 Mnder Datera. Doad6 35 G. Anitori, J. R. Casas, and M. Ghosn Dong Ter= StrM>tMra. Hea.tN Monitoring o2 7ridge6 Ano=a.@ Dete>tion UitNoMt StrM>tMra. 7eNavior Mode.6 47 I. F. C. Smith Da=age Dete>tion and Do>a.iKation in StrM>tMre6: A Stati6ti>6 7a6ed A.goritN= 53 S6ing a Den6e.@ C.M6tered Sen6or NetUorW Elizabeth L. Labuz, Shamim N. Pakzad, and Liang Cheng 7ridge StrM>tMra. Hea.tN Monitoring SFe>i2i>ation: 2020 Monitoring o2 Dong Ter= 7ridge Per2or=an>e XDT7PY Progra= 7ridge6 65 Steven M. Petroff, Marvin W. Halling, and Paul J. Barr DataCDriven MetNod6 2or TNre6No.d Deter=ination in Ti=eCSerie6 7a6ed 77 Da=age Dete>tion Ruigen Yao and Shamim N. Pakzad A CNara>teriKation o2 Tra22i> and Te=FeratMre IndM>ed Strain6 A>qMired S6ing 89 a 7ridge Monitoring S@6te= Mustafa Gul, H. Burak Gokce, and F. Necati Catbas ProFo6ed Data SFe>i2i>ation6 2or 7ridge StrM>tMra. Hea.tN Monitoring Sen6or 101 Data Stephen Prusaczyk, Richard Christenson, John Dewolf, Alireza Jamilapour, and John Bartoletti Ca-.e SMFForted 7ridge6 \ind Engineering StMdie6 2or a Ca-.eCSta@ed 7ridge in Ta.avera de .a ?einaO 113 SFain F. Nieto, S. Hernández, J. Á. Jurado, F. Pereira, and A. Díaz A66e66ing and ?etro2itting Stee. 7ridge6 2or FatigMe Dete>tion o2 Criti>a. FatigMe Cra>W6 in Stee. 7ridge Materia.6 UitN ?e=ote 123 A>oM6ti> E=i66ion Monitoring Jianguo Yu and Paul Ziehl I=Froved MetNod 2or 7onding CF?P Over.a@6 to Stee. 2or FatigMe ?eFair 133 Fatih Alemdar, Adolfo B. Matamoros, Caroline R. Bennett, Ron Barrett-Gonzalez, and Stanley T. Rolfe FatigMe ?eFair o2 tNe ArWan6a6 ?iver 7ridge 145 Y. Zhao, K. W. M. Roddis, G. Ramirez, and J. P. Jones ExFeri=enta. Inve6tigation o2 7ridge ?e6Fon6e ExFeri=enta. StMd@ o2 SNear CaFa>it@ o2 ?ein2or>ed Con>rete S.a-6 152 Eva Lantsoght, Cor van der Veen, and Joost Walraven Sei6=i> ?e6Fon6e o2 7earing6 2or ]Ma6iCI6o.ated 7ridge6^Te6ting and 164 Co=Fonent Mode.ing J. S. Steelman, L. A. Fahnestock, J. M. LaFave, J. F. Hajjar, E. T. Filipov, and D. A. Foutch Mea6Mre=ent6 o2 a Stee. OrtNotroFi> De>W Mnder CraU. Doading 179 S. Roy, R. S. D. Alapati, N. K. Manandhar, and J. W. Fisher Innovative 7ridge De6ign and Con6trM>tion AFFroa>Ne6 Si=F.i2ied Ere>tion RMide.ine6 2or DoM-.e ICRirder S@6te=6 dMring 7ridge 190 Con6trM>tion Quihong Zhao, Baolin Yu, and Edwin G. Burdette Fea6i-i.it@ Ana.@6i6 o2 S6ing SHPC in Pre6tre66ed 7ridge Rirder6 203 Christopher W. Taylor, Kristin F. Montoya, David W. Jáuregui, Craig M. Newtson, and Brad D. Weldon Innovative 7ridge Ana.@6i6 AFFroa>Ne6 E22e>t o2 Se>ondar@ E.e=ent6 on Doad Di6tri-Mtion in Pre6tre66ed 7ridge 215 Rirder6 M. R. Roddenberry, J. Chipperfield, and K. S. Tawfiq 7ridge6 SM-_e>ted to I=Fa>t Doad6 o2 Moving ‘eNi>.e6 O-tained 2ro= ‘eNi>.e 227 D@na=i>6 S. Jerath and S. B. Gurav E.a6ti> Non.inear Ana.@6i6 o2 P.ane TrM66 7ridge6 239 Morteza A. M. Torkamani and Jyh-Hung Shieh Innovative Sei6=i> Ana.@6i6 o2 7ridge6 Sei6=i> Ana.@6i6 o2 7ridge Co.M=n6 Mnder Axia.O F.exMreO SNearO and Tor6iona. 252 Doading6 T. Ravi S. Mullapudi and Ashraf Ayoub E22e>t o2 A-Mt=ent SNear ae@6 on tNe Sei6=i> ?e6Fon6e o2 7ridge6 265 M. W. Salveson and B. V. Fell Co=FMtationa. Ana.@6e6 o2 ]Ma6iCI6o.ated 7ridge6 UitN FM6ing 7earing 276 Co=Fonent6 E. T. Filipov, J. F. Hajjar, J. S. Steelman, L. A. Fahnestock, J. M. LaFave, and D. A. Foutch Sei6=i> Ana.@6i6 o2 Integra. A-Mt=ent 7ridge6 In>.Mding Soi.CStrM>tMre 289 Intera>tion Qiuhong Zhao, Reza Vasheghani-Farahani, and Edwin G. Burdette 7Mi.ding6 Dong SFan StadiM= ?oo26 Ere>tion o2 tNe Ca-.e Net ?oo2 2or tNe Dondon 2012 O.@=Fi> StadiM= 304 N. Cole and P. Hulme CNa..enge6 o2 ?etro2itting an Exi6ting Do=ed StadiM= UitN a NeU ?etra>ta-.e 314 ?oo2^7C P.a>e StadiM=O ‘an>oMverO 7C David M. Campbell and Karen A. Lynch De6ign o2 tNe ?etra>ta-.e ?oo2 2or tNe F.orida Mar.in6b NeU 7a..FarW 324 Stephen E. Blumenbaum and Aaron C. White \ind IndM>ed Tor6iona. Doad6 on 7Mi.ding6 Eva.Mation o2 \indCIndM>ed Tor6iona. Doad6 on 7Mi.ding6 -@ NortN A=eri>an 337 and EMroFean Code6 and Standard6 M. Elsharawy, T. Stathopoulos, and K. Galal \indCIndM>ed Tor6iona. Doad6 on DoUC?i6e 7Mi.ding6 349 M. Elsharawy, K. Galal, and T. Stathopoulos F.oor ‘i-ration Servi>ea-i.it@ F.oor ‘i-ration CNara>teri6ti>6 o2 Dong SFan Co=Fo6ite S.a- S@6te=6 360 T. Andres Sanchez, Brad Davis, and Thomas M. Murray I=Fedan>e Mode.ing 2or Predi>tion o2 Train IndM>ed F.oor ‘i-ration6 371 M. Sanayei, N. Zhao, P. Maurya, J. A. Moore, J. A. Zapfe, and E. M. Hines Si=F.i2ied MetNod6 2or E6ti=ating tNe ?e6Fon6e o2 F.oor6 to a Foot2a.. 383 C. J. Middleton and J. M. W. Brownjohn E22i>ient De6ign o2 F.oor StrM>tMre6 S6ing A>tive ‘i-ration Contro. 404 M. J. Hudson, P. Reynolds, and D. Nyawako StrM>tMra. Per2or=an>e in Fire A Co=Fari6on -etUeen tNe Sing.e P.ate and Ang.e SNear Conne>tion 416 Per2or=an>e Mnder Fire Serdar Selamet and Maria E. Garlock E22e>t6 o2 TNer=a. ExFan6ion and SMFFort ?e6traint6 on Per2or=an>e o2 427 Co=Fo6ite F.oor6 in Fire H. Mostafaei and F. Alfawakhiri ?C 7earing \a..6 SM-_e>ted to E.evated Te=FeratMre6 439 M. J. McGinnis, K. A. Mueller, Y. C. Kurama, and K. P. Graham ExFeri=enta. Eva.Mation o2 Co=Fo6ite F.oor A66e=-.ie6 Mnder Fire Doading 451 Purushotham Pakala, Rustin Fike, Emily Wellman, Venkatesh Kodur, and Amit Varma 7eNavior o2 Stee. Co.M=n6 Mnder Fire Doading 463 Lisa Choe, Amit H. Varma, and Andrea Surovek Integrating Di2e C@>.e and Car-on A66e66=ent6 Car-on E=i66ion6 and 7Mi.ding StrM>tMre: \Nat tNe StrM>tMra. Engineer Need6 472 to anoU a-oMt Car-on in tNe 216t CentMr@ Mark D. Webster, Helena Meryman, and Dirk M. Kestner Di2e C@>.e A66e66=ent S6ing ATHENA I=Fa>t E6ti=ator 2or 7Mi.ding6: A Ca6e 483 StMd@ Elizabeth Stek, Dave DeLong, Terry McDonnell, and Jose Rodriguez Integrating Di2e C@>.e and Car-on A66e66=ent6: \Nat Di2e C@>.e A66e66=ent 495 Can Tea>N StrM>tMra. Engineer6 a-oMt De6ign and SFe>i2i>ation Frances Yang In2ra6trM>tMre SM6taina-i.it@: Strea=.ining Di2e C@>.e A66e66=ent 2or 507 Pra>ti>ing 7ridge Engineer6 Jeralee L. Anderson Ta.. 7Mi.ding De6ign in Sei6=i> ?egion6: De6ign PNi.o6oFNie6 and R.o-a. Per6Fe>tive6 De2.e>tion Di=it6 in Ta.. 7Mi.ding6^Are TNe@ S6e2M.c 515 Rob Smith StrM>tMra. Ana.@6i6 and De6ign CNa..enge6 o2 tNe Ping An ToUer Mnder 528 Con6ideration o2 tNe SF>o=ing CNina Code Dennis C. K. Poon, Ling-en Hsiao, Yi Zhu, Steven Pacitto, Steve Zuo, Torsten Gottlebe, and Shenming Wang NonCDinear Ti=e Hi6tor@ Ana.@6i6 2or tNe Per2or=an>e 7a6ed De6ign o2 541 SNangNai ToUer Dennis C. K. Poon, Ling-En Hsiao, Yi Zhu, Leonard Joseph, Steve Zuo, Guoyong Fu, and Onur Ihtiyar ?ein2or>ing ToFi>6 2or Con>rete StrM>tMre6 E22e>t o2 StirrMF6 on tNe Contri-Mtion o2 Con>rete Co=Fre66ive StrengtN and 552 Ten6i.e Stee. to tNe SNear StrengtN o2 ?C 7ea=6 S6ing Arti2i>ia. NeMra. NetUorW6 Hassan El-Chabib C@>.i> ?e6Fon6e o2 Con>rete Fra=e Me=-er6 ?ein2or>ed UitN S.traNigN 560 StrengtN Stee. H. Tavallali, A. Lepage, J. Rautenberg, and S. Pujol No=ina. SNear StrengtN Di=it6 2or SNort Diagona..@C?ein2or>ed Con>rete 571 CoMF.ing 7ea=6 Steven Barbachyn, Yahya C. Kurama, and Lawrence C. Novak Exi6ting Ma6onr@ 7Mi.ding6 Eva.Mation and ?etro2it A Si=F.e MetNod in tNe Pre.i=inar@ A66e66=ent o2 Hi6tori> Ma6onr@ 7Mi.ding6 583 James S. Cohen Pro-.e=6 in tNe ?eFair o2 Hi6tori> 7ri>W Ma6onr@ 7Mi.ding6 594 James S. Cohen ?e.ia-i.it@ Ana.@6i6 o2 Ma6onr@ Me=-er6 Mnder Co=Fre66ion 605 S. Kazemi, M. Mahoutian, H. Moosavi, and Y. Korany \ood DigNt Fra=e De6ign I6 ?oo2 Eave 7.o>Wing ?eqMired to Tran6=it \ind/Sei6=i> For>e6c 616 Felix Martin TrM66 P.ate6 2or S6e A6 \oodCCon>rete Co=Fo6ite SNear Conne>tor6 626 Peggi L. Clouston and Alexander C. Schreyer E22e>t o2 SMFFort ?e6traint on \oodCtoC\ood eoi6t Hanger Conne>tion 636 William T. Bolduc and Samaan Ladkany ContextMa.iKing tNe Doad DMrationCDeFendent StrengtN o2 \ood Me=-er6 650 G. R. Searer, T. F. Paret, and R. J. Kristie TNe 14tN Edition AISC Stee. Con6trM>tion ManMa. TNe AISC 2010 !"#$%&%$’(%)* and tNe 14tN Edition !(##+ -)*.(/0$(%)* 1’*0’+ 661 Larry Muir and Cynthia J. Duncan Sei6=i> De6ign o2 Co.d For=ed Stee. and Meta. 7Mi.ding S@6te=6 Deve.oF=ent o2 Sei6=i> De6ign Provi6ion6 2or Stee. SNeet SNeatNed SNear 676 \a..6 C. A. Rogers, N. Balh, C. Ong-Tone, I. Shamim, and J. DaBreo Sei6=i> De6ign o2 Diagona. StraF 7ra>ing S6ing AISI S213 688 Greg Greenlee EartNqMaWe Si=M.ator Te6ting o2 Meta. 7Mi.ding S@6te=6 693 C. M. Uang, M. D. Smith, and W. L. Shoemaker Sei6=i> For>e Di6tri-Mtion 2or Meta. 7Mi.ding S@6te=6 UitN MeKKanine6 705 M. D. Smith and C. M. Uang

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