STRUCTURE-PRESERVING MODEL REDUCTION FOR NONLINEAR PORT-HAMILTONIAN SYSTEMS∗ S. CHATURANTABUT†, C. BEATTIE‡, AND S. GUGERCIN‡ Abstract. This paper presents a structure-preserving model reduction approach applicable to large-scale,nonlinearport-Hamiltoniansystems. Structurepreservationinthereductionstepensures theretentionofport-Hamiltonianstructurewhich,inturn,assuresthestabilityandpassivityofthe reduced model. Our analysis provides a priori error bounds for both state variables and outputs. 6 Three techniques are considered for constructing bases needed for the reduction: one that utilizes 1 properorthogonaldecompositions;onethatutilizesH2/H∞-derivedoptimizedbases;andonethatis amixtureofthetwo. Thecomplexityofevaluatingthereducednonlineartermismanagedefficiently 0 usingamodificationofthediscreteempiricalinterpolationmethod(deim)thatalsopreservesport- 2 Hamiltonianstructure. Theefficiencyandaccuracyofthismodelreductionframeworkareillustrated n withtwoexamples: anonlinearladdernetworkandatetheredTodalattice. a J Key words. nonlinear model reduction, proper orthogonal decomposition, port-Hamiltonian, 4 H2 approximation,structurepreservation ] AMS subject classifications. 37M05,65P10,93A15 A N 1. IntroductionandBackground. Themodelingofcomplexphysicalsystems . ofteninvolvessystemsofcoupledpartialdifferentialequations,whichuponspatialdis- h t cretization, lead to dynamical models and systems of ordinary differential equations a with very large state-space dimension. This motivates model reduction methods that m produce low dimensional surrogate models capable of mimicking the input/output [ behavior of the original system model. Such reduced-order models could then be 1 used as proxies, replacing the original system model in various computationally in- v tensive contexts that are sensitive to system order, for example as a component in a 7 larger simulation. Dynamical systems frequently have structural features that reflect 2 underlying physics and conservation laws characteristic of the phenomena modeled. 5 0 Reducedmodelsthatdonotsharesuchkeystructuralfeatureswiththeoriginalsystem 0 may produce response artifacts that are “unphysical” and as a result, such reduced . models may be unsuitable for use as dependable surrogates for the original system, 1 0 even if they otherwise yield high response fidelity. The key system feature that we 6 wish to retain in our reduced models will be port-Hamiltonian structure. In a certain 1 sense, this will be an expression of system passivity. : v 1.1. Port-Hamiltonian systems. Modelsofdynamicphenomenamaybecon- i X structed within a system-theoretic network modeling paradigm that formalizes the r interconnection of naturally specified subsystems. If the core dynamics of subsystem a componentsaredescribedbyvariationalprinciples(e.g.,least-actionorvirtualwork), the aggregate system model typically has structural features that characterize it as a port-Hamiltonian system. Whilegreatergeneralityisbothpossibleanduseful(see,in particular, the review article [28], and the monographs [8] and [30]), it will suffice to considerrealizationsoffinite-dimensionalnonlinearport-Hamiltonian(nlph)systems ∗ThisworkwassupportedinpartbyNSFthroughGrantDMS-1217156. †Department of Mathematics and Statistics,Thammasat University, Pathumthani, 12120, Thai- land. [email protected] ‡DepartmentofMathematics,VirginiaPolytechnicInstituteandStateUniversity,460McBryde, VirginiaTech,Blacksburg,VA24061-0123. {beattie,gugercin} 0DRAFT:January5,2016 1 2 S.CHATURANTABUT,C.BEATTIE,ANDS.GUGERCIN that appear as: x˙ =(J−R)∇ H(x)+Bu(t) x (1.1) y=BT∇ H(x), x where x ∈ Rn is the n-dimensional state vector; H : Rn → [0,∞) is a continuously differentiable scalar-valued vector function - the Hamiltonian, describing the internal energy of the system as a function of state; J=−JT ∈Rn×n is the structure matrix describingtheinterconnectionofenergystorageelementsinthesystem; R=RT ≥0 is the n×n dissipation matrix describing energy loss in the system; and, B∈Rn×m is the port matrix describing how energy enters and exits the system. We will always assume that the Hamiltonian is bounded below and so without loss of generality, strictly positive, H(x)>0 for all x. The family of systems characterized by (1.1) generalizes the classical notion of Hamiltonian systems which would be expressed in our notation as x˙ = J∇ H(x). x The analog of conservation of energy for Hamiltonian systems becomes for (1.1): (cid:90) t1 H(x(t ))−H(x(t ))≤ y(t)Tu(t) dt, (1.2) 1 0 t0 which is to say, the change in the internal energy of the system, as measured by H, is bounded by the total work done on the system. The presumed positivity of H conforms with its use as a “supply function” in the sense of Willems [29], and so nlph systems are always stable and passive. Furthermore, the class of nlph sys- temsdefinedasin(1.1)isclosedunderpowerconservinginterconnection-connecting port-Hamiltonian systems together produces an aggregate system that must also be port-Hamiltonian, and hence a fortiori, must be both stable and passive. This last factprovidescompellingmotivationtopreserveport-Hamiltonianstructurewhenpro- ducing low-order surrogate models intended to be used as proxies for systems of the sort defined by (1.1). WeassumeinallthatfollowsthatthematricesJ,R,andBareconstant,however this assumption is adopted here largely for convenience. J, R, and B may each depend on the state vector, x, input vector, u, and may also carry an explicit time dependence, all without introducing any complications to port-Hamiltonian aspects of system structure; the dissipation inequality (1.2) will still hold and the system remains passive. For this reason, port-Hamiltonian systems can accommodate a very richvarietyofnonlinearinteractions. Moreover,thestructure-preservingstrategiesfor model reduction that we describe below may be adapted with negligible modification in this more complex setting. 1.2. Petrov-Galerkin reduced models. Most model reduction approaches involvesomevariationofaPetrov-Galerkinprojectiveapproximationtotheequations describingthesystemdynamics. ThisproceedsbychoosingtwosubspacesofRn: anr- dimensional trial subspace, V ⊂ Rn, and an r-dimensional test subspace, W ⊂ Rn. r r It is convenient and nonrestrictive in practice to assume additionally that V and r W have a “generic orientation” with respect to one another so that neither subspace r containsanynontrivialvectorsthatareorthogonaltoallvectorsintheothersubspace. Theevolutionofanassociatedreduced-ordermodelmaybedescribedinthefollowing Modelreductionfornonlinearport-Hamiltoniansystems 3 (initially indirect) way: Find a trajectory, v (t), contained in V such that r r v˙ (t)−(J−R)∇ H(v )−Bu(t) ⊥ W ; (1.3) r x r r the associated output is y (t)=BT∇ H(v ). r x r The dynamics described by (1.3) can be represented directly as a dynamical sys- temevolvinginastate-spaceofreduceddimensionroncebasesarechosenforthetwo subspaces V and W . Let Ran(M) denote the range of a matrix M. Define matrices r r V , W ∈Rn×r sothatV =Ran(V )andW =Ran(W ). Wecanrepresentreduced r r r r r r systemtrajectoriesasv (t)=V x (t)withx (t)∈Rr foreacht;thePetrov-Galerkin r r r r approximation (1.3) can be rewritten as WT [V x˙ (t)−(J−R)∇ H(V x )−Bu(t)]=0 r r r x r r and y (t)=BT∇ H(V x ). r x r r SinceV andW areassumedtohaveagenericorientationwithrespecttooneanother, r r WTV is invertible and we may choose bases for V and W such that WTV = I. r r r r r r This leads to a state-space representation of a reduced-order nonlinear dynamical system approximating (1.1): x˙ =WT (J−R)∇ H(V x )+WTBu(t) r r x r r r (1.4) y =BT∇ H(V x ), r x r r Typicallyr (cid:28)nand(1.4)describesareduced-ordermodelfortheoriginalsystem (1.1). There are two shortcomings that may be anticipated. First, (1.4) will not have the form of (1.1) unless special subspaces are chosen, and so, (1.4) will not typically be a nlph system and passivity may be lost. Secondly, if the Hamiltonian function, H, is non-quadratic, each evaluation of ∇ H(V x ) in (1.4) occurring in the course x r r of a simulation will likely require a lifting of x to Rn (implicit in the formation of r V x ), and so direct simulation of (1.4) is still likely to have complexity proportional r r to n(cid:29)r; little or no savings may be realized from reducing the system order. We consider each of these issues in subsequent sections. In §2, a structure- preservingmodelreductionapproachforlarge-scalenlphsystemswillbeintroduced. This approach is built upon Petrov-Galerkin projections that are modified to assure that the resulting reduced system retains port-Hamiltonian structure; thus stability andpassivity. Threetypesofreduced-orderbasesusedtodefinetheseprojectionswill beconsidered: (i)onebasedontheProperOrthogonalDecomposition(pod),(ii)one derivedfromH -optimalapproachesforarelatedlinearproblem(whichwerefertoas 2 “Hε-bases”), (iii) hybrid Hε- pod bases that combine both types. The bases (i) and 2 2 (ii) were originally considered in [3]. Numerical experiments in §2.4 illustrate that the hybrid Hε- pod bases significantly outperform the other two. In §2.5, we develop 2 corresponding error analyses and bounds for reduced states and outputs. In order to resolve the “lifting bottleneck” described above, we develop, in §3, a variant of the Discrete Empirical Interpolation Method (deim) [6] that incorporates the structure- preserving model reduction approach of §2. In §3.4, the efficiency and accuracy of our approach are illustrated with two examples: a nonlinear ladder network and a tethered Toda lattice. Corresponding a priori error bounds for states and outputs are derived in §3.5. 4 S.CHATURANTABUT,C.BEATTIE,ANDS.GUGERCIN 2. Preservingport-HamiltonianStructureinReducedModels. Thepro- cess of obtaining a reduced model from an original full-order model can be viewed as one of identifying and preserving high-value portions of the state space, i.e., portions of the state space that contribute substantively to the system response. We proceed withthefollowingheuristics: Supposewehaveidentifiedtwor-dimensionalsubspaces, V and W , that are “high-value” in the sense that for “most” input signal profiles, r r u(t), in (1.1), we have • Theassociatedtrajectory,x(t),stays“close”toV ,sothat High Value x(t)≈vr(t) for some vr(t)∈Vr, and r (2.1) PH-Spaces: • t∇heHin(xte(rtn))al≈fowrce(,t)∇fxoHr(sxom),estways(t“)c∈loWse”.to Wr, so that x r r r Evidently if V = Ran(V ) and W = Ran(W ), then v (t) = V x (t) for some r r r r r r r trajectory x ∈ Rr and w (t) = W f (t), for some choice of f ∈ Rr. Exactly what r r r r r comprises“most”inputsignalprofiles andhowonemeasures“closeness” in(2.1)will varydependingoncontext;weconsiderdifferentpossibilitieslaterinthissection. For the time being, note that if x(t)≈V x (t) then plausibly, r r ∇ H(V x (t))≈∇ H(x(t))≈W f (t). x r r x r r Significantly, these statements amount to assertions about the subspaces, V and r W , and do not constrain the choice of bases for the subspaces. As long as V and r r W have a generic orientation with respect to one another, bases may be chosen so r that WTV =I. With this in mind, note further that r r f (t)=VTW f (t)≈VT∇ H(V x (t))=∇ H (x (t)), (2.2) r r r r r x r r xr r r where we have introduced a reduced Hamiltonian, H (x )=H(V x ). Thus, r r r r ∇ H(V x (t))≈W ∇ H (x (t)). (2.3) x r r r xr r r Substituting V x (t) for x(t) and W ∇ H (x (t)) for ∇ H(x(t)) in (1.1) and r r r xr r r x then multiplying by WT, leads to a state-space representation of a reduced port- r Hamiltonian approximation: x˙ =(J −R )∇ H (x )+B u(t), r r r xr r r r (2.4) y (t)=BT ∇ H (x ) r r xr r r with H (x ) = H(V x ), J = WTJW , R = WTRW , and B = WTB. Note r r r r r r r r r r r r that H : Rr → [0,∞) is continuously differentiable; J = −JT; and R = RT ≥ 0, r r r r r so (2.4) retains the structure of (1.1) and is a port-Hamiltonian system. The earlier works, [10] and [24], also offer structure-preserving model reduction methodsfornlphsystems. ThesepapersexploittheKalmandecompositionandbal- ancedtruncationinderivingreducedmodelsof nlphsystems. ObtainingtheKalman decompositionofthefull-orderoriginalsystemorbalancingit,iscomputationallyde- manding for nonlinear systems of even modest order; see e.g. [11, 24] and references therein. Such approaches are infeasible for the problem class we consider, which may havethousandsofstate-variables. Inwhatfollows,wedevelopapproachesthatremain feasible for this problem class; they depend on the construction of low-dimensional projecting subspaces motivated by the heuristics in (2.1) . Modelreductionfornonlinearport-Hamiltoniansystems 5 Algorithm 1 : Structure-preserving pod reduction of NLPH systems (pod-ph) 1: Generate a trajectory x(t), and collect snapshots: X=[x(t ),x(t ),x(t ),...,x(t )] 0 1 2 N 2: Simultaneously collect associated force snapshots: F=[∇ H(x(t )),∇ H(x(t )),...,∇ H(x(t ))]. x 0 x 1 x N 3: Truncate an SVD of the snapshot matrix, X, to get a pod basis, V(cid:101)r, for a “high- value” subspace of the state space. (x(t)≈V(cid:101)rx˜r(t)) 4: Truncate an SVD of F to get a second pod basis, W(cid:102)r, spanning a second “high- value” subspace approximating the range of ∇xH(x(t))≈W(cid:102)r˜fr(t). 5: Change bases W(cid:102)r (cid:55)→Wr and V(cid:101)r (cid:55)→Vr such that WrTVr =I. 6: With Vr and Wr determined in this way, the pod-ph reduced port-Hamiltonian system is then specified by (2.4). 2.1. POD subspaces. The Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (pod) is a nat- ural approach to producing high-value modeling spaces as described in (2.1). pod is a popular approach to (unstructured) model reduction ([16, 25]) which we adapt to our settingas follows: Fix asquare integrable inputsignal, u(t), for thesystem (1.1). The corresponding trajectory, x(t), will then also be square integrable. Denoting orthogonal projections, P and Q, we consider the minimization problem: argmin (cid:90) ∞ P = (cid:107)(I−P)x(t)(cid:107)2dt (cid:63) rank(P)=r 0 and argmin (cid:90) ∞ Q = (cid:107)(I−Q)∇ H(x(t))(cid:107)2dt. (cid:63) rank(Q)=r x 0 We would like to take V = Ran(P ) and W = Ran(Q ), but this is not a compu- r (cid:63) r (cid:63) tationally tractable approach as it stands. If the integrals are truncated and then approximated with a Trapezoid Rule, one arrives at a characterization of pod sub- spaces which is incorporated into our first method, summarized as Algorithm 1. As our numerical results show (and consistent with common experience), the use of pod in Algorithm 1 provides subspaces V and W that can be very effective in capturing r r dynamic features that are present in the original sampled system response. However, as an empirical method, it is incapable of providing information about dynamic re- sponse features that are absent in the sampled system response, but that could have been present had a different choice of input profile been made. One can mitigate this difficulty somewhat by extending pod by including a representative sampling of input profiles, but this leaves open the question of what constitutes a representative sampling of input profiles. A different approach leads to our next class of subspaces. 2.2. Hε-optimal subspaces. We next consider a choice of subspaces, V and 2 r W ,thatareoptimal(inasensewewilldescribe)forallpossible inputprofilesthatare r sufficiently small (“ε-optimal”). It is often the case that this choice will be effective for larger input profiles as well. In contrast to the previous pod approach, no choice of inputs is necessary and no simulations need to be performed in order to derive the approximating subspaces. The proviso that (virtual) inputs be sufficiently small, but 6 S.CHATURANTABUT,C.BEATTIE,ANDS.GUGERCIN otherwisearbitrary,allowsustotailorthesubspacesV andW ,soastoprovidenear- r r optimal reduction for the corresponding linearized port-Hamiltonian model. Note that linearization is used here only as a tool to obtain useful information that will be encoded into the projection subspaces, V and W , which are then used for reduction r r of the nonlinear system (1.1). Any input profile, u(t), may be scaled to have sufficiently small magnitude so that the resulting trajectory, x(t), is small as well. Then linear terms in the internal forcing dominate, and ∇ H(x) ≈ Qx for some symmetric positive definite matrix x Q ∈ Rn×n. Indeed, Q = ∇2H(0), the Hessian matrix for H(x) evaluated at x = 0. This approximation leads to an ancillary linear port-Hamiltonian system: x˙ =(J−R)Qx+Bu(t) (2.5) y=BTQx. We proceed to construct projecting subspaces, V and W , that would produce, r r via the reduction described in (2.4), an effective reduced port-Hamiltonian model approximating (2.5): x˙ =(J −R )Q x +B u(t), r r r r r r (2.6) y (t)=BTQ x , r r r r where J = WTJW , R = WTRW , Q = VTQV and B = WTB. Observe r r r r r r r r r r r that J =−JT, R =RT ≥0 and Q =QT >0. The quality of the subspaces is in- r r r r r r terpretednowashowwell(2.6)approximates(2.5). This,inturn,maybeinterpreted asarationalapproximationproblem: Weassociatethelineardynamicalsystems(2.5) and (2.6) with their transfer functions, G(s)=BT(sQ−1−(J−R))−1B and (2.7) G (s)=BT(sQ−1−(J −R ))−1B , r r r r r r respectively. If G (s) approximates G(s) well with respect to some (appropriately r chosen)norm,thenthereducedsystemoutputswillapproximatethefullordersystem outputs uniformly well over all inputs with bounded energy (square integrable); our model reduction problem has been reduced to a rational approximation problem. We wish to find a degree-r rational function, G (s) having the structure given in r (2.7) that also approximates G(s) well. Tangential rational interpolation provides a useful toolfor this: Given r interpolation points σ ,...,σ in the complex plane with 1 r corresponding tangent directions {b ,...,b } ∈ Cm, construct an rth order system, 1 r G , so that G is port-Hamiltonian, and r r G (σ )b =G(σ )b for i=1,...,r. (2.8) r i i i i A solution to this problem was given in [14]. Theorem 2.1. Given interpolation points σ ,...,σ and tangent directions 1 r b ,...,b , construct 1 r V(cid:101)r =[(σ1I−(J−R)Q)−1Bb1,...,(σrI−(J−R)Q)−1Bbr]. Define the Cholesky factorization of V(cid:101)rTQV(cid:101)r = RTR, assign Vr = V(cid:101)rR−1, and then construct W =QV . Set r r J =WTJW , Q =VTQV =I , R =WTRW , and B =WTB. (2.9) r r r r r r r r r r r r Modelreductionfornonlinearport-Hamiltoniansystems 7 x˙ =(J −R )Q x +B u Then the reduced model, G : r r r r r r (2.10) r y =BTQ x r r r r is port-Hamiltonian (hence stable and passive) and also satisfies the interpolation conditions (2.8). For information on transfer function interpolation in the special case of single- input/single-output port-Hamiltonian systems, see [21, 13, 22]. For an overview of model reduction methods for linear port-Hamiltonian systems, see [20]. 2.2.1. Hε port-Hamiltonian approximation. port-Hamiltonian approxima- 2 tions of reduced order may be constructed using Theorem 2.1 once shifts, {σ }, and i tangent directions, {b }, are chosen, but this does not give any information on how i best to choose {σ } and {b }. We discuss issues related to finding effective approxi- i i mations with respect to the H norm: The H norm of G is defined as 2 2 (cid:18) 1 (cid:90) ∞ (cid:19)1/2 (cid:107)G(cid:107) = (cid:107)G(ıω)(cid:107)2 dω . H2 2π F −∞ Let G (s) minimize the H error (cid:107)G−G (cid:107) over all possible degree-r rational func- r 2 r H2 tions and suppose that G (s) has a partial fraction expansion G (s) = (cid:80)r ckbTk . r r k=1 s−λ(cid:98)k Then, as shown in [12], the interpolation conditions G(−λ(cid:98)k)bk =Gr(−λ(cid:98)k)bk, for k =1,...,r (2.11) are necessary conditions for H optimality (there are additional conditions that must 2 also be satisfied in general). In other words, the optimal H approximant G is a 2 r tangential interpolant to G at the mirror images of the reduced-order poles. For the full set of necessary conditions required for optimality, see [12]. A method was introduced in [14] that produces an interpolatory reduced-order port-Hamiltonian system satisfying the conditions given in (2.11). Since the interpo- lation points −λ(cid:98)k and the tangential directions bk depend on the reduced-model to be computed, an iterative process is used to correct the interpolation points and tan- gentialdirectionsuntilthedesiredconditionsin(2.11)areobtained. Theseconstitute only a subset of the necessary conditions required for H -optimality. The remaining 2 degreesoffreedomareusedinmaintainingport-Hamiltonianstructure. Analgorithm that accomplishes was introduced in [14]. Algorithm 2 below uses this methodology to construct the model reduction bases for the second structure-preserving model reduction of nlph systems. Notethatweusethelinearizedport-HamiltonianmodelonlytoobtaintheHε-ph 2 model reduction subspaces. Once V and W are obtained using the Hε-approach r r 2 outlinedinAlgorithm2,weusethesesubspacestoreducetheoriginalnonlinearsystem as shown in (2.4). See [19, 23] for other approaches that derive useful information from linearized systems in order to reduce nonlinear systems. 2.3. A hybrid POD-Hε approach. The model reduction subspaces that pod 2 provides are effective in capturing the dynamics that are represented in the original snapshot data; but naturally will miss features that are absent in this data. To resolve this issue in part, we have proposed to use ε-optimal subspaces that were accurate for input profiles that are sufficiently small (“ε-optimal”). These subspaces are generated from a near-optimal reduction of a linearized port-Hamiltonian model using an approach proposed in . As the trajectory moves away from the linearization 8 S.CHATURANTABUT,C.BEATTIE,ANDS.GUGERCIN Algorithm 2 : Structure-preserving H2ε reduction of nlph systems (Hε2-ph) 1: Linearize the nlph system (1.1) to obtain a linear port-Hamiltonian system of the form in (2.5). 2: Make an initial selection of shifts {σi}r1, and tangent directions {bi}r1. 3: while (not converged) do 4: V(cid:98)r =[(σ1I−(J−R)Q)−1Bb1,..., (σrI−(J−R)Q)−1Bbr] 5: Set Vr =V(cid:98)rL−1 with V(cid:98)rTQV(cid:98)r =LTL (so Qr =VrTQVr =Ir). 6: Set Wr =QVr. (so VrTWr =Ir). 7: Set Jr =WrTJWr, Rr =WrTRWr, and Br =WrTB. 8: Calculate left eigenvectors: zTi (Jr−Rr)=λizTi . 9: Set σi ←−−λi and bi ←−BTrzi for i=1,...,r 10: end while { Calculate final Hε-ph bases: } 2 11: Find V(cid:98)r =[(σ1I−(J−R)Q)−1Bb1,..., (σrI−(J−R)Q)−1Bbr] 12: Set Vr =V(cid:98)rL−1 with V(cid:98)rTQV(cid:98)r =LTL. 13: Set Wr =QVr. 14: With Vr and Wr determined in this way, construct the reduced nonlinear PH system using (2.4). point,theefficiencyofthesesubspacesincapturingthetruedynamicsmightdegrade. Therefore, we propose to combine the subspaces resulting from pod (i.e., directly obtainedfromasimulationofthenlphsystem)togetherwiththeε-optimalsubspaces resulting from the linearized model. The structure-preserving reduction is applied as in (2.4) with the aggregate subspace. of diFmoernasiogniver(cid:98)nobretdaiunceeddfdroimmeAnsligoonrirth,mlet1V(cid:98)anr(cid:98)d=le[tv(cid:98)V1¯,r¯v(cid:98)2=,.[.v¯.1,,v(cid:98)v¯r(cid:98)2],.b.e.,tvh¯re¯]pboedt-hpehHbε2a-psihs basis of dimension r¯obtained from Algorithm 2, where r and r¯are positive integers (cid:98) with r +r¯ = r. Then, the hybrid basis V of dimension r can be obtained from (cid:98) r the orthonormal basis of concatenated matrix [V(cid:98)r(cid:98) V¯r¯]∈Rn×r The other projection basisWr canbeconstructedsimilarlybycombiningpod-phandHε2-phbasisvectors. This leads to the third algorithm for structure-preserving model reduction of nlph systems. 2.4. An illustrative example. To illustrate the structure-preserving model reduction techniques described in Section 2, we consider an N-stage nonlinear ladder network (see Figure 2.1) producing reduced models for three cases of bases: (i) pod bases (Algorithm pod-ph), (ii) H2ε bases (Algorithm Hε2-ph), and (iii) hybrid pod- H2ε bases (Algorithm pod-Hε2-ph). The system has two inputs and two outputs. The two inputs are a voltage signal applied to the left-hand terminal pair and a current injection across the right-hand terminal pair. The symmetrically paired outputs are the induced current across the left-hand terminal pair and the induced voltage signal across the right-hand terminal pair. For simplicity, we assume that each stage of Modelreductionfornonlinearport-Hamiltoniansystems 9 Algorithm 3 : Structure-preserving pod-Hε reduction of nlph (pod-Hε-ph) 2 2 1: Pick r(cid:98)and r¯=r so that r(cid:98)+r¯=r. 2: Obtain the pod-ph bases V(cid:98)r(cid:98) and W(cid:99)r(cid:98) of dimension r(cid:98)using Algorithm 1. 3: Obtain the Hε2-ph bases V¯r¯ and W¯ r¯ of dimension r¯using Algorithm 2. 4: Construct V(cid:101)r of dimension n×r as the orthonormal basis of the concatenated matrix [V(cid:98)r(cid:98) V¯r¯]∈Rn×r 5: Construct W(cid:102)r of dimension n×r as the orthonormal basis of the concatenated matrix [W(cid:99)r(cid:98) W¯ r¯]∈Rn×r 6: Change bases W(cid:102)r (cid:55)→Wr and V(cid:101)r (cid:55)→Vr such that WrTVr =I. 7: WithVr andWr determinedinthisway,thepod-H2ε reducedport-Hamiltonian system is then specified by (2.4). the ladder network is built from identical components and that the current injection from the right is zero. Resistors and inductors are assumed to behave linearly. The capacitors have a nonlinear C-V characteristic of the form Ck(V)= VC00+VV0. Fig. 2.1. Ladder network circuit topology (capacitors are nonlinear) (cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:2) (cid:3)(cid:3)(cid:2)(cid:2) (cid:4)(cid:4)(cid:2)(cid:2) (cid:5)(cid:5)(cid:2)(cid:2) Inductors and capacitors are evidently the energy storage elements of the circuit, sowetakeasstatevariablesthemagneticfluxesintheinductors,{φ (t)}N ,andthe k k=1 charges on the capacitors, {Q }N , with labels referring to the Stages k =1,...,N, k k=1 respectively, where they occur. The energy stored in the Stage k (linear) inductor may be expressed in terms of its magnetic flux as 1 φ2. To determine the energy 2L0 k stored in the nonlinear capacitors, note first that the charge on a capacitor may be expressed as a function of the voltage, V, held across the capacitor: (cid:90) V (cid:18) V (cid:19) Q (V)= C(v)dv =C V log 1+ , k 0 0 V 0 0 which may be inverted to find (cid:20) (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:21) Q V (Q )=V exp k −1 . k k 0 C V 0 0 The energy stored in the capacitor at Stage k of the circuit, is then given by (cid:90) Qk (cid:20) (cid:18) Q (cid:19) (cid:21) V (q)dq =C V2 exp k −1 −Q V , k 0 0 C V k 0 0 0 0 10 S.CHATURANTABUT,C.BEATTIE,ANDS.GUGERCIN and the total energy stored in Stage k is then (cid:20) (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:21) Q 1 H[k](φ ,Q )=C V2 exp k −1 −Q V + φ2. k k 0 0 C V k 0 2L k 0 0 0 The Hamiltonian for this system is N (cid:88) H(Q ,...,Q ,φ ,...,φ )= H[k](φ ,Q ). 1 N 1 N k k k=1 We order the state variables so that x = [Q ,...,Q ,φ ,...,φ ]T and therefore 1 N 1 N (cid:20) (cid:21) 0 S J= where S is an upper bidiagonal matrix with 1 on the diagonal and −ST 0 (cid:20) (cid:21) G I 0 −1 on the superdiagonal; R= 0 ; and B=[e ,e ] where e denotes 0 R I N+1 N k 0 the kth column of the identity. Consider the particular case of a 50-stage (N = 50) circuit with parameters: L =2µH, V =1V, R =1Ω, G =10µ(cid:102). 0 0 0 0 We applied a voltage pulse to the left port of the network (Gaussian pulse win- dowed to 3µsec with a magnitude of 3V, σ of 0.5) and observed the output voltage at the right port. The output is displayed as a solid green trace in Figure 2.2. The induced response of the linearized full-order network is also displayed (green dashed line) for comparison. Notice that nonlinearity sharpens the peak of the response and significantly reduces dispersion. The pod basis sets are generated from uniformly sampled snapshots x(t) and ∇ H(x(t)) of this full-order system with Gaussian im- x pulse training input. These basis sets are then used to construct the pod-ph reduced system. In the cases of Hε-phbases, the procedure described in Algorithm 2 is used. 2 We also use Algorithm 3 to generate the pod-Hε-phbases. All three reduced models 2 are then simulated for the same Gaussian impulse training input, which was used for generating the pod snapshot as well as a different one, a sinusoidal input. First we investigate the accuracy of pod-ph and Hε-ph for r = 6. Figure 2.2 illustrates the 2 two structure-preserving nonlinear reduced models capture the output of the original nonlinear system very accurately for both types of excitations. Fig.2.2. Laddernetwork: Timeresponsesofthereduced-ordersystemsfromGaussianpulse(left) andfromsinusoidalinput(right). Output response to Gaussian pulse input (POD from Gaussian pulse) Output response to sinusoid input O(PuOtpDut frreosmp oGnasues tsoia snin puuslosied) input (POD from Gaussian pulse) 8 8 True 6 response 6 4 Linearized 4 full order Volts 2 POD−PH 2 Volts r=6 0 0 H(cid:161)−PH −2 2 −2 r=6 −40 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10−4 Time (µ−seconds) Time (µ−seconds) Next, we consider the effect on the accuracy of the state space solutions of using differentproportionsofpod-phandHε-phbasisvectorsinthehybridpod-Hε-phbasis. 2 2