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Structure of Partially Ordered Sets With Transitive Automorphism Groups PDF

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Preview Structure of Partially Ordered Sets With Transitive Automorphism Groups

Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society Number 334 Manfred Droste Structure of partially ordered sets with transitive automorphism groups Published by the AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY Providence, Rhode Island, USA September 1985 • Volume 57 • Number 334 (end of volume) MEMOIRS of the American Mathematical Society SUBMISSION. This journal is designed particularly for long research papers (and groups of cognate papers) in pure and applied mathematics. The papers, in general, are longer than those in the TRANSACTIONS of the American Mathematical Society, with which it shares an editorial committee. Mathematical papers intended for publication in the Memoirs should be addressed to one of the editors: Ordinary differential equations, partial differential equations and applied math ematics to JOEL A. 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All orders must be accompanied by payment. Other correspondence should be addressed to Box 6248, Providence. Rl 02940. MEMOIRS of the American Mathematical Society (ISSN 0065-9266) is published bimonthly (each volume consisting usually of more than one number) by the American Mathematical Society at 201 Charles Street, Providence, Rhode Island 02904. Second Class postage paid at Provi dence, Rhode Island 02940. Postmaster: Send address changes to Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society, American Mathematical Society, Box 6248, Providence, Rl 02940. Copyright © 1985, American Mathematical Society. All rights reserved. The paper used in this journal is acid-free and falls within the guidelines established to ensure permanence and durability. TABLE OF CONTENTS Abstract iv Acknowledgements v §1 Introduction 1 §2 Notation 5 §3 Transitive automorphism groups 7 §4 The structure theorem 17 §5 Trees 31 §6 Countable trees 55 §7 Embeddings of arbitrary finite partially ordered sets 76 §8 Relationship between transitivity and homogeneity of A(Q) 87 §9 Some open problems 97 References 98 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Droste, Manfred, 1956- Structure of partially ordered sets with transitive automorphism groups. (Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society, ISSN 0065-9266; no. 334 (Sept. 1985)) "Volume 57, number 334 (end of volume)." Bibliography: p. 1. Partially ordered sets. 2. Groups, Multiply transitive. 3. Automor phisms. I. Title. II. Series: Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society; no. 334. QA3.A57 no. 334 [QA171.485] 510s [511.3'2] 85-15625 ISBN 0-8218-2335-3 COPYING AND REPRINTING. Individual readers of this publication, and nonprofit libraries acting for them, are permitted to make fair use of the material, such as to copy an article for use in teaching or research. Permission is granted to quote brief passages from this publication in reviews, provided the customary acknowledgement of the source is given. Republication, systematic copying, or multiple production of any material in this publication (including abstracts) is permitted only under license from the American Mathematical Society. Requests for such permission should be addressed to the Executive Director, American Mathe matical Society, P.O. Box 6248, Providence, Rhode Island 02940. The owner consents to copying beyond that permitted by Sections 107 or 108 of the U.S. Copyright Law, provided that a fee of $1.00 plus $.25 per page for each copy be paid directly to the Copyright Clearance Center, Inc., 21 Congress Street, Salem, Massachusetts 01970. When paying this fee please use the code 0065-9266/85 to refer to this publication. This consent does not extend to other kinds of copying, such as copying for general distribution, for advertising or promotion purposes, for creating new collective works, or for resale. ABSTRACT In this paper, we study the structure of infinite partially ordered sets (ft,£) under suitable transitivity assumptions on their group A(ft) = Aut(ft,<0 of all order-automorphisms of (ft,<c) . Let k € K. We call A(ft) k-transitive (k-homogeneous) if whenever A,B <z ft are two subsets of ft each with k elements and tp: {A,<) ->- (B,<_) is an isomorphism, then there exists an automorphism a € A (ft) which maps A onto B (which extends tp) , respectively. A(ft) is w-transitive (w-homogeneous), if A(ft) is k-transitive (k-homogeneous) for each k£l. We show that under the assumption that A(ft) is k-transitive or k-homogeneous for some 2 < k E 3N various sufficiently complicated struc tures {Q,<) exist, and we give a classification and characterization of these structures. As one of many consequences we obtain that for each k >_ 2, k-transitivity of A(ft) is indeed weaker than k-homogeneity, but, surprisingly, for any partially ordered set (ft,_<), A(ft) is a)-transitive iff A (ft) is oo-homogeneous. 1980 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 06A10, 20B22 Secondary: 20B27, 06A1 2 Key words and phrases: Partially ordered set, order-automorphism, k-transitive automorphism group, k-homogeneous automorphism group, order-preserving permutation, linearly ordered set, chains, antichains. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This paper consists of a revised version of the first part of the author's doctoral dissertation written at the University of Essen under the supervision of Professor R. Gobel; part of the research was also done in 1981 in Bowling Green (Ohio, U.S.A.). Several sections have been rewritten during the preparation of this memoir. The author wishes to express his appreciation to both Professor R. Gobel (Essen) and Professor W.C. Holland (Bowling Green) for their encouragement and continuous support. He would also like to thank Professor A.M.W. Glass for stimulating discussions in Bowling Green. This paper is dedicated to my parents. vi §1 INTRODUCTION In this paper let (ft,<0 always be an infinite partially ordered set and A(ft) = Aut(ft,_<) the group of all order-automorphisms of (ft,_<) . If (ft,_<) is linearly ordered (a chain) and k E ]N, (ft,A(ft)) or simply ft is called k-homogeneous if the following condition holds: (+) Whenever A,B <= ft are subsets of ft with |A| = |B| = k, there exists a £ A(ft) with Aa = B. Doubly homogeneous chains (ft,<0 and their automorphism groups A(ft) have been extensively studied. These groups can be used e.g. for the con struction of certain infinite simple groups (Higman [20]). In a natural way they also become important examples of lattice-ordered groups, and any lattice-ordered group can be embedded into the automorphism group of some doubly homogeneous chain (Holland [23]). The interplay between the struc ture of such chains and the normal subgroup lattices of their automorphism groups was studied in [1,2,10-12]. Obviously, ®, JR, and more generally all linearly ordered fields are examples of 2-homogeneous chains. For a variety of further results see Glass [17]. In this memoir we examine the structure of partially ordered sets (p.o. sets) (ft,_<) under similar transitivity conditions as ( + ). A study of this kind was already proposed by H. Wielandt [32]. Answering another question of Wielandt, in [9] we showed that the assumption ( + ) for (ft, <_) , even if k is only assumed to be an arbitrary cardinal with 2 £ k <_ [ft|, is very strong: Then either the order on ft is trivial, or (ft,£) is linearly ordered and k is finite. Almost the same conclusion is true, as shown here in §3, even if we just suppose that any two subsets of ft of cardinality k are elementarily equivalent in the first order language of Received by the editors September 12, 1983 and, in revised form March 1, 19^5• 1 2 MANFRED DROSTE predicate calculus for partially ordered sets. Therefore, the following weakening of ( + ) was suggested by W.C. Holland. Let (Q<) be a p.o. set and k £ 1ST. We call A(ft) k-transitive r (k-homogeneous), if whenever A,B c= ft each have k elements and <p: A •> B is an isomorphism, then there exists a £ A (ft) with Aa - B (a| = ip), respectively. A (ft) is ^-transitive (^-homogeneous), if A(ft) is k-transitive (k-homogeneous) for each k £ ISf, respectively. For chains (ft,<:) condition (+), k-transitivity, and k-homogeneity of A(ft) coincide (k € IS!) . Obviously, k-transitivity is always implied by k-homogeneity and w-transitivity by w-homogeneity. Henson [18,19] showed that there are 2 ° non-isomorphic countable binary relational structures with 03-homogeneous automorphism group; precisely countably many of these are graphs (Lachlan and Woodrow [26]), for related results see [14-16,25, 28]. Schmerl [30] characterized all countable p.o. sets (ft,<0 with w-homogeneous automorphism group. We will obtain his result as a conse quence of our considerations. Lattices with certain homogeneity properties were investigated in [5,6,13]. For further related work, see [3,4,8,21,22, 27]. We will examine infinite p.o. sets (ft,£) of arbitrary cardinality under the assumption that A(ft) is k-transitive for some 2 < k £ W. Under this assumption instead of (+), various different and complicated structures (ft,<0 are possible. We now give a summary of our results. We derive a classification of these partial orders in §4, and in this and subsequent sections we obtain in almost all cases a characterization of the condition that A(ft) is k-transitive for some k _> 2 by the struc ture of the p.o. set (ft,<0 . In many of these cases, we either give an explicit description of the order on ft or we reduce it to the structure of doubly homogeneous chains, which we consider as basic in our study. Sections 5 and 6 deal with the special case that (ft,<0 is a "tree"; then, in particular, ft is not a chain, for any two elements a,b £ ft there exists c € ft with c < a and c < b, and for each a £ ft the set {x e ft; x < a} is a dense chain. We prove in §5 that in this case A(ft) can be k-transitive or m-homogeneous only for k £ {1,2,3} and PARTIALLY ORDERED SETS WITH TRANSITIVE AUTOMORPHISM GROUPS 3 m £ {1,2}, respectively. We show that 3-transitivity of A(ft) implies 2-homogeneity (which trivially implies 2-transitivity), and we charac terize by the structure of (Q,<) when these implications can be reversed. As a consequence, we obtain that if A (ft) is 2-homogeneous, then it also satisfies certain other kinds of higher homogeneity properties. For in stance, if (ft,<0 is, in addition, assumed to be a meet-semilattice, then any isomorphism between two maximal subchains of ft extends to an auto morphism of ft; for countable trees the converse is also true, as shown in §6. In section 6 we first construct a large class of trees of arbitrary cardinality with 2-homogeneous or 3-transitive automorphism groups and various additional properties. This provides many examples for the results of §5 and also a solution of a problem of Fraisse [14], since for these partial orders A(ft) is 1- and 2-homogeneous, but, as noted above, clearly not w-homogeneous. Then we give an explicit characterization and construction of all countable trees (ft,£) with 2-transitive automor phism groups; it follows that then A(ft) is also 2-homogeneous. Up to isomorphism, there are precisely countably many such countable trees, of which countably many are meet-semilattices and equally many not. Moreover, there is a unique countable tree with 3-transitive automorphism group. Another important class of p.o. sets with 2-transitive automorphism groups consists of those sets (ft,<.) in which any two elements have a lower and an upper bound and which contain a subset {a,b,c} c ft such that a < b and c is incomparable with both a and b. Here we have for any n £ ]N and all sufficiently large k > n the following implica tion: If A(ft) is k-transitive, then A(ft) is n-homogeneous and any finite p.o. set (P,j<) with at most n elements can be embedded into (ft,<0 . As a special case we see that if A (ft) is aj-homogeneous, any finite p.o. set (P,<0 can be embedded into {&,<); for countable sets ft this was proved by Schmerl [30], Finally, in section 8 we study the relationship between k-transitivity and k-homogeneity of A(ft) and various properties of the order on ft. For instance, there exist precisely two countable lattices (ft,<:) for

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