1 Structure Learning and Statistical Estimation in Distribution Networks - Part I Deepjyoti Deka*, Scott Backhaus†, and Michael Chertkov‡ *Corresponding Author. Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of Texas at Austin †MPA Division, Los Alamos National Lab ‡Theory Division and the Center for Nonlinear Systems, Los Alamos National Lab 5 1 Abstract—Traditionallypowerdistributionnetworksareeither substation at the root and customers positioned at the other 0 not observable or only partially observable. This complicates nodes. Switching from one tree-like operational configuration 2 developmentandimplementationofnewsmartgridtechnologies, toanotheristypicallycausedbysystemupsets,e.g.faultsand b such as those related to demand response, outage detection and outages, and may occur few times a day or even an hour. e management, and improved load-monitoring. In this two part F paper, inspired by proliferation of metering technology, we dis- The radial configuration distinguishes distribution networks cuss estimation problems in structurally loopy but operationally fromtransmissionnetworksthatgenerallyhavemultipleloops 7 radial distribution grids from measurements, e.g. voltage data, energized all the time to guarantee continuous delivery of 2 whichareeitheralreadyavailableorcanbemadeavailablewith power to every node, even in case of occasional line faults a relatively minor investment. In Part I, the objective is to learn ] andoutages.Radialconfigurationsandone-wayflowofpower C the operational layout of the grid. Part II of this paper presents algorithms that estimate load statistics or line parameters in have led to much less monitoring, observability, and state O additiontolearningthegridstructure.Further,PartIIdiscusses estimation in distribution as compared to meshed transmis- h. the problem of structure estimation for systems with incomplete sion networks [1]. The recent proliferation of smart grid measurement sets. Our newly suggested algorithms apply to t technology, including smart meters that measure electricity a a wide range of realistic scenarios. The algorithms are also consumption at the node level, is creating a new opportunities m computationallyefficient–polynomialintime–whichisproven theoreticallyandillustratedcomputationallyonanumberoftest toextractinformationimportanttogridoperatorsandplanners. [ cases. The technique developed can be applied to detect line Such efforts are also getting additional attention in view of 2 failuresinrealtimeaswellastounderstandthescopeofpossible mounting concerns over data security and protection of user v adversarial attacks on the grid. privacy [2]. 1 Index Terms—Power Distribution Networks, Power Flows, Inthispaper(PartI),weseektodeveloplow-complexityal- 3 Struture/graph Learning, Voltage measurements, Transmission gorithmstolearnthecurrentoperationalstructurein‘radial’ 1 Lines. 4 distributionnetworksusingonlynodalmeasurements.Nodal 0 measurements may include voltage magnitudes, voltage phase 1. I. INTRODUCTION (potentially), and power injections and are typically available 0 at smart meters, pole-mount or pad-mount transformers, and 5 The power grid is composed of a network of transmission distributionphasormeasurementunits(PMU).Accuratestruc- 1 and distribution lines that enable the transfer of electrical turalestimationimpactsmanyimportantapplicationsincluding : power from generators to loads. The design, operation and v failure identification [3], outage management, and recovery i controlofthesenetworksistypicallyhierarchicalwithamajor following major and minor disruptions (e.g. hurricanes to X division occurring between the transmission network of high individuallightningstrikes),gridreconfiguration[4]forpower r voltage lines connecting sub-stations and power plants, and a flow optimization and generation scheduling [1], [4]–[6], and the distribution network of medium and low voltage lines that quantifying the need for additional meter placement. From connect the transmission sub-stations to the end-users. Here, an adversarial viewpoint, our work can be viewed as low- we focus on distribution networks. intrusionlearningbyarogueagentinterestedinestimatingthe Thedesignofdistributionnetworksmayappeartobeloopy grid structure for a data attack [7], [8]. In the subsequent part or meshed, however for practical engineering concerns, the (PartII),wewilllookatdevelopingalgorithmsthatareableto vast majority of distribution grids are operated as ”radial” estimate the statistics of power consumption at the grid nodes networks, i.e. as a set of non-overlapping trees. Switches or estimate the parameters of operational lines in addition to in the network are used to achieve one radial configuration determiningthegrid’sradialstructure.Further,wewillanalyze out of many possibilities. Each tree in the network has a learningtheoperationalgridstructurewithmissingdata,where observations from a subset of nodes are not available. D. Deka is with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX 78712. Email: deepjy- [email protected] A. Related Work S.BackhausiswiththeMPADivisionofLANL,LosAlamos,NM87544. Email:*[email protected] Our work falls in the broad category of ‘graph learning’ M. Chertkov is with the Theory Division and the Center for Nonlinear SystemsofLANL,LosAlamos,NM87544.Email:*[email protected] problemsthathavebeenapproachedfromdifferentdirections. 2 For general graphs and graphical models [9], maximum- likelihood structure estimation has been researched in several papers by utilizing prior information such as sparsity of the parameter space [10], [11], size of the graph neighborhood [12],etc.Techniquesemployedincludebothtraditionalconvex optimization [10], [13] as well as greedy learning [12]. For power grids, structure estimation techniques discussed in the literature can be classified based on the type of measurements availableaswellasassumptionsmaderegardinggridstructure and user behavior. In [14], a maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) with regularizers for low-rank and sparsity is used to recover the grid structure using locational marginal prices (LMPs). In [15], a model using bus phase angles as a Markov randomfieldfortheDCpowerflowbuildsadependencygraph Fig. 1. Schematic layout of an example of a distribution grid fed from 4 based approach to detect faults in grids. In work specific to substations,withsubstationsrepresentedbylargerednodes.Theoperational radialdistributiongrids,[16]providesastructureidentification gridhasabase-4spanningforestconfigurationthatisformedbysolidlines algorithm that uses signs within the inverse covariance matrix (black).Dottedgreylinesrepresentopenswitches.Eachtreeintheforesthas onesubstationattheroot.Theloadnodeswithineachtreearemarkedwith (orconcentrationmatrix)ofvoltagemeasurementstogenerate thesamecolor. a minimum spanning tree. In [3], topology identification with limited measurements in a distribution grid with Gaussian loads is used to design a machine learning (ML) estimate spanning forest, by configuring switches as shown in Fig. 1. with approximate schemes. Our work uses ordering of second There are exponentially many (in the number of switches) moments, not a ML approach, to reconstruct a radial grid possible configurations of spanning forests. The grid-graph sequentially from the leaves to the root, making it distinct with all the switches closed is denoted G=(V,E), where V frompreviouswork.Ouralgorithmdesignisbasedonalinear is the set of nodes of the graph and E is the set of undirected coupled approximation for lossless AC power flow that is edgesofthegraph.WedenotenodeswithsingleRomanletter idealized but practical [17], [18] for analyzing distribution subscripts a and undirected edges with pairs of Roman letter grids where the line and voltage characteristics limit the subscripts (ab). The operational grid is a forest denoted by F accuracy of traditional approximations. Unlike related work, which spans all the nodes in V. Specifically, F is a special our topology learning algorithm is agnostic to the load profile subgraph of G (F⊂G) such that distributionsorvariabilityinlineimpedancesandrequiresonly • F is a union of K non-overlapping trees covering all the alessrestrictiveassumptiononthecorrelationofloadprofiles. nodes of the graph The rest of the paper is organized as follows. We start the • Each tree contains exactly one of the K bases (substa- next section with a description of the distribution grid and tions), F=∪ T . k=1,···,K k summaryofthelearningproblemsdiscussedinthemanuscript. The distribution system F is a ‘base-constrained spanning Section III and Appendix A describe the linear coupled (LC) forest’ with operational edges EF where EF ⊂ E. Table I powerflowmodelanditsspecialcase,theDC-resistivepower provides other relevant notations (nomenclature) used through flowmodel.Statisticaltrendsinobservednodalmeasurements out this manuscript to denote various nodal and edge features arediscussedinSectionIII-C.Next,weusethederivedresults of the grid G and the operational forest F. todesignalgorithmsforlearningthedistributiongridstructure using the power flow models in Section V. Simulation results B. Problem Formulation and Contribution elucidating the performance of our algorithms on test distri- bution grids are presented in Section VI. Finally, Section VII We consider large distribution grids where the utility (ob- concludes and suggests future directions that will be explored server) is unsure of the grid configuration because of insuffi- in a subsequent work. cient or inaccurate switching data, perhaps caused by a recent systemupset.Alternatively,wecouldtakethepointofviewof II. TECHNICALPRELIMINARIES athirdpartyobserver,whomaybeanaggregatororadversary, tryingtoextractthecurrentforestconfigurationfromavailable The structure of a radial distribution network has important nodal measurements. We assume the current spanning forest featuresthatmotivatesouralgorithmdevelopment.Wediscuss configuration is kept intact sufficiently long for load profiles the radial structure in detail here and introduce the notation at grid nodes to attain a steady distribution (longer than the used in this paper. We then formulate the learning problem fluctuations but shorter than changes in the mean load). tackledinthispaperintermsofitsinputdataanddeliverables We assume that the observer has access to nodal measure- and discuss the underlying motivation. ments, but not edge measurements – an assumption consistent with the recent expansion of smart grid monitoring devices. A. Structure of Radial Distribution Network Smart meters generally provide nodal voltages and power We consider a meshed distribution network which is op- injections at fine spatial resolution, i.e. at the individual erated as a union of non-intersecting ‘radial’ trees, i.e. a customer level, but they do not provide any edge flow data. 3 TABLEI NOTATIONTABLE III. POWERFLOWMODELSANDSTATISTICAL CORRELATIONS Our approach to the structure learning problem relies on F∈G aofptahreticpuhlyasricfoalredsitstcroibnufitgiounrantieotnworkG linearized PF models on radial spanning forests that enable V vertexsetofG efficient reconstruction of the grid structure via a second- N #ofnodesotherthansub-stationsinV moment analysis. The most general of the two, termed the K numberofsub-stationsinthenetwork E edgesetofG Linear Coupling (LC) model, ignores losses of active and EF setofedgesoperationalwithinF reactive powers and consistently assumes small voltage mag- treewithinF containing Tk∈F thekth sub-station nitude and phase drops between connected nodes. For tree- Mk reducedincidencematrixofthetreeTk like distribution grids, the LC-PF model becomes equivalent ETk setofedgesinTk to the LinDistFlow PF model in [17], [18]. The second VTk setofnodesinTk modelconsideredinthepaper,coinedtheDC-resistivemodel, subsetofedgesfromETk s.t.each pathbetweena,b∈VTk nodewithedgeinthesubset,except corresponds to the special resistance dominating case of the aandb,contributesexactlytwoedges LC-PF model. These PF models are described in more detail EaTk pathfromatoslackbusinTk in Appendix A. bisadescendantofa acontributesETk b bistheparentofa (ab)∈ETak andbcontributesETak A. Linear Coupled Power Flow (LC-PF) model θa,va voltagephaseandmagnituderesp.atbusa θ,v Vectorofnon-substationvoltage As noted in Eqs. (25,26) in Appendix A, the LC-PF model phasesandmagnitudesresp. isderivedfromthegeneralACpowerflowmodelbyassuming εa =1−va,voltagedeviationatnodea ε =1−v,voltagedeviation small voltage magnitude deviations and phase differences pa,qa rinesjepc.tiaocnti/vceonasnudmrpetaioctniv(e+p/o−w)eartbusa between neighboring buses in the grid. It is convenient to restate the linear equations in LC-PF model in matrix form Vectorofnon-substation p,q powerinjections/consumptions as: susceptance,conductance,resistance, βab,gab,rab,xab reactanceresp.ofedge(ab) p=H ε+H θ, q=H ε−H θ (1) g β β g diagonalmatrixoflinesusceptances, β,g,r,x conductances,resistances,reactancesresp. where p,q,ε and θ are defined in Table I. H and H are the Σy matrixofsecondmomentsforvariabley weighted graph Laplacian matrices associategd withβforest F Ωy matrixofcovariancesforvariabley µy vectorofmeansforvariabley such that HDMyTak Dseerwtesoidctfeuhncuedenddaognbwetsseew(irgivenhiecgtdlehudtndsoiLnidnagepsyliatsceilafn)omfaatriixnTk Hg(a,b) =0−∑cg:(aab,c)∈EFgac oiiffthb(ea=rbw)ai∈seEF (2) H has a similar structure with g-weights replaced by β- β weights.TheweightedgraphLaplacianscanbestatedinterms Additionalinstrumentationisemergingforpole-mountorpad- of the directed incidence matrix M as mount transformers [19], however, these new devices still only provide nodal voltages and aggregated customer power H =MTgFM, H =MTβFM (3) g β injections.1 Some edge flow data is available to utilities, however, this is generally at a few select locations in the Here, gF and βF are diagonal matrices representing, respec- tively, line conductances and susceptances for edges within distribution grid, e.g. at the substation/root node, voltage F. M is the edge to node directed incidence matrix of F. regulators, reclosers, or other major utility equipment. These See Fig. 2 for an example. Every row m in M is equal to select locations may also have nodal and edge data from ab ±(eT−eT) and represents the directed edge (ab), where the anotheremergingtechnology,i.e.distributiongridPMUs[20]. a b direction of an edge is chosen arbitrarily. e ∈RN+k is the However,wecontinuetorestrictourinputdatatonodalvalues, a standard basis vector associated with the vertex a, with 1 at which is consistent with the new, ubiquitous sensing provided the ath position and zero everywhere else. We can combine by smart meters. Eqs. (1) and express the complex power flows as: The nodal devices provide the observer with temporal samples of the nodal voltage magnitudes. The observer seeks p+iˆq=MT(gF+iˆβF)M(ε−iˆθ) (4) to use these samples to learn the current configuration of switchesthatdeterminethe‘base-constrainedspanningforest’. Both Hβ and Hg are weighted graph Laplacians and are To supplement the voltage magnitude samples, the observer degenerate—showingK zero-eigenvaluesassociatedwiththe has historical information about statistics of the nodal con- freedom in fixing phase and voltage deviation (from nominal) sumption. at any node within each tree of the forest. It is natural to fix phases and voltages at the sub-stations making these ‘slack buses’ a for trees T of the (operational) forest, F such that 1We use the term ‘power injection’, ‘power consumption’ and ‘load’ k k θ =ε =0, for any k, 1≤k ≤K. Formally, elimination interchangeablytodenotethepowerprofileateachinterior(non-substation) ak ak nodeofthedistributionsystem. of the set of K sub-stations corresponds to elimination of K 4 a components from all the vectors contributing Eqs. (1), and re- 2 1 ductionofKrowsandKcolumnsfromtheweightedLaplacian matrices. All the eigenvalues of the resulting reduced graph c b nodes: a b c d e dges Laplacian matrices are thus strictly positive. 1 -1 0 0 1 3 Without loss of generality, we will use the same notation 1 0 -1 0 2 for the original and reduced dimension variables θ,ε,p and q Slack Bus d 0 1 0 -1 3 andalsorefertoEqs.(1,4)asappliedtothereducedvectorsof (a) (b) dimension N×1. We will also keep notations, H and H for β g the reduced graph Laplacian matrices, and M for the reduced nodes: a b c edges edges: 1 2 3 nodes incidence matrix respectively. The reduced M has a block 1 -1 0 1 1 0 1 a diagonal structure: M =diag(M1,M2,···,MK), where, Mk is Mk = 1 0 -1 2 Mk-1 = 0 0 1 b the invertible reduced incidence matrix of tree Tk in F. Thus, 0 1 0 3 1 -1 1 c M andcorrespondinglyH andH arefullrank,invertibleand β g (c) (d) block-diagonal matrices. Inverting the linear non-degenerate Fig. 2. Illustration of the reduced incidence matrix construction on the Eqs. (1) we arrive at exampleofatreewith4nodes.(a)Treegraphwithfournodes(a,b,c,d)and three edges (1,2,3). (b) Complete directed incidence matrix. The “directed” θ= M−1xFM−1Tp−M−1rFM−1Tq=H−1p−H−1q (5) freedominchoosingedgeorientationsisfixedasfollows,1=(ab),2=(ac), 1/x 1/r 3=(bd).(c)Thecolumncorrespondingtotheslackbus(busd)isremovedin ε= M−1rFM−1Tp+M−1xFM−1Tq=H−1p+H−1q (6) thereducedincidencematrixMk.(d)Inverseofthereducedincidencematrix 1/r 1/x Mk. whereH =. MTrF−1MandH =. MTxF−1M.rF andxF are 1/r 1/x IV. TRENDSINSECONDMOMENTSOVERTREE diagonal matrices representing, respectively, line resistances and reactances within the forest F. Their relation to gF and NETWORKS F β are expressed in Eqs. (28). We now derive key results related to the second moments in voltage magnitudes that arise from the properties of the forest F. We denote the unique path from node a to the slack B. Relations between second moments bus in tree T by ETk. From [21], the inverse of the reduced k a The real and reactive nodal power injections p and q in incidence matrix of a tree has the following special structure: Eqs. (5,6) fluctuate because of exogenous processes, and their second moEm[eθnθtTs]a=reHr1−e/l1xaEte[dppbTy]:H1−/1x+H1−/1rE[qqT]H1−/1r 1 aifloendggeparth∈fEroTamk isadtoiresclatecdk bus, ⇒ Σθ=H−1−/1HxΣ1−p/1xHE1−[/p1xq+TH]H1−1/−1/r1rΣ−qHH1−1/−1/r1rE[qpT]H1−/1x Mk−1(a,r)=−01 iaiffgaeeiddnggseet prra∈(cid:54)∈thEEfTaTrkkomisadirtoecsteladck bus, (11) (cid:104) (cid:105)T a −H−1Σ H−1− H−1Σ H−1 (7) 1/x pq 1/r 1/x pq 1/r Here, the direction of edge r = (cd) is specified by its Similarly, Σ =H−1Σ H−1+H−1Σ H−1 ε 1/r p 1/r 1/x q 1/x representative row mcd in the directed incidence matrix. For (cid:104) (cid:105)T example, if m =eT−eT, the edge is directed from node c +H−1Σ H−1+ H−1Σ H−1 (8) cd c d 1/r pq 1/x 1/r pq 1/x to node d, whereas for m =eT −eT, the direction is from cd d c Σ =H−1Σ H−1−H−1Σ H−1 node d to node c. θε 1/x p 1/r 1/r q 1/x +H−1Σ H−1−H−1Σ H−1 (9) Animmediatecorollaryof(11)isthatM−1(a,r)=0ifedge 1/x pq 1/x 1/r qp 1/r r and node a lie on separate trees within the forest F, a fact consistent with the block diagonal structure of M. Using (11) These formulas are the basis for reconstruction/learning anal- ysis in the rest of the paper. in Hg−1=M−1gF−1M−1T, we derive for forest F H−1(a,b)=0 if a,b are on different trees T and (12) g k C. DC-resistive model H−1(a,b)= ∑ M−1(a,r)gF−1(r,r)M−1(b,r) if a,b∈T g k TheDC-resistivePFmodel(seeAppendixA)isanextremal r∈ETk case of the LC-PF model realized when line reactance can be 1 = ∑ if a,b∈T (13) ignored in comparison with resistance (x/r→0). The relation g k between the statistics of active powers and voltage second- (cd)∈ETak(cid:84)ETbk cd order moments deviations reduces to Thus, H−1(a,b) is equal to the sum of the inverse conduc- g E[ppT]=H E[εεT]H ⇒ Σ =H−1Σ H−1 (10) tances of lines that are common to the paths from both nodes g g ε g p g totheslackbus.Ifnosuchlineexists,thecorrespondingentry in H−1 is 0. See Fig. 3(a) for illustration. Similar results hold g 5 consumes strictly more than it produces in active and reactive 0 powers,i.e. p <0,q <0.Thisassumptioniscertainlytruein a a anydistributiongridwithsmalland/ormoderatepenetrationof (𝑒0) renewables [22]. However, the assumption is also reasonable 𝑒 for a system with significant penetration of generation which (𝑏𝑒) is still dominated in average by the consumption. 𝑏 𝑏 (𝑎𝑏) (𝑑𝑏) (𝑎𝑏) Theorem 1. If node a(cid:54)=b is a descendant of node b within tree T , then for the DC-resistive model, Σ (a,a)>Σ (b,b). 𝑎 𝑎 k ε ε 𝑑 𝑑 𝐷𝑎𝑇𝑘 Proof: We first show that for any node a and its par- 𝑐 𝑐 ent b, Σε(a,a)>Σε(b,b). Consider Σε(a,a)−Σε(a,b). From Eq. (10), we derive (a) (b) Σ (a,a)−Σ (a,b)=∑H−1(a,c)Σ (c,d) ε ε g p c,d rFeipgr.e3s.entSedchbeymlaatricgelaryeoduntoodfeaidsisthtreibsulaticoknbgursid.(tare)eDTokt.teTdhleinseusb-rsetparteiosennntotdhee (cid:0)Hg−1(a,d)−Hg−1(b,d)(cid:1) (16) paths from nodes a and d to the slack bus. The common edges on those 1 paths are edges (be) and (e0). ThTus, Hg−1(a,d)=1/gbe+1/ge0. (b) the set (using Lemma 1)=∑Hg−1(a,c)Σp(c,d)g 1(d∈DTak) ofdescendantsofa,denotedbyDak.Here,nodesaandcaredescendantsof c,d ab bothnodesaandb,whilenoded isnotadescendantofabutonlyofnode ⇒Σ (a,a)−Σ (a,b)>0 (using Assumption 1) (17) b. ε ε 1 Also,Σ (a,b)−Σ (b,b)=∑H−1(b,d)Σ (c,d) >0 (18) for other measurement matrices like ε ε g p g T ab H−1(a,b) =(cid:40)∑(cd)∈ETak(cid:84)ETbkrcd if nodes a,b∈Tk(14) Combining Eqs. (17)c∈aDnadk,d(18) we derive Σε(a,a) > 1/r 0 otherwise, Σε(a,b)>Σε(b,b). Since node a is a descendant of node b, there is a path a,c ,...c ,b, such that each node in the path T 1 r Let Dak denote the set of descendants of node a within the is a parent of its predecessor. Then, we derive Σε(a,a) > tree Tk. We call b a descendent of a, if a lies on the (unique) Σε(c1,c1)>...>Σε(cr,cr)>Σε(b,b). path from b to the slack bus of Tk, also including a itself in The following theorem is the LC-PF version of Theorem 1. the set of its descendants. We call b the parent of a within T k Theorem 2. If node a(cid:54)=b is a descendant of node b on tree (there can only be one) if (ab)∈T and a is an immediate k T in forest F, then Σ (a,a)>Σ (b,b) in the LC-PF model. descendant of b as illustrated in Fig. 3(b). k ε ε The following statement holds. Proof: Consider Eq. (8). Notice that the right hand side has four constituent terms (H−1Σ H−1, H−1Σ H−1, Lemma 1. For two nodes, a and its parent b, in tree T 1/r p 1/r 1/x q 1/x k H−1Σ H−1 andH−1Σ H−1).Wedenoteeachoftheseterms Hg−1(a,c)−Hg−1(b,c) =(cid:40)g1ab if node c∈DTak (15) by1/Σrεjpwqhe1r/ex j∈{1,12/x,3q,4p}.1F/roreachindividualterm,applying 0 otherwise, Assumption 1 and the analysis in Theorem 1, we find that Σj(a,a)>Σj(b,b) if node a is a descendant of node b, other Proof: For any node c which belongs to a tree not ε ε than itself. Thus, the statement also holds for the sum. containingnodesaandb,H−1(a,c)−H−1(b,c)=0according g g We now focus on evaluating the term E[(ε −ε )2], which to (12). Now, focus on nodes contained, together with a and a b b,withinT .Sincebisa’sparent,ETk =ETk(cid:83){(ab)}andwe is the expected value of the squared difference between two k a b node voltage deviations (ε). For any two nodes a and b, the derive(alsovalidatingontheillustrativeexampleinFig.3(b)) DC-resistive model yields: that for any node c in tree T , k ETk(cid:92)ETk =ETk(cid:92)ETk if node c(cid:54)∈DTk E[(εa−εb)2]=Σε(a,a)−Σε(a,b)−Σε(b,a)+Σε(b,b) a c b c a (using (16))=∑H−1(a,c)Σ (c,d)(cid:0)H−1(a,d)−H−1(b,d)(cid:1) ETak(cid:92)ETck =[ETbk(cid:92)ETck](cid:91){(ab)} if node c∈DTak c,d g p g g −∑H−1(b,c)Σ (c,d)(cid:0)H−1(a,d)−H−1(b,d)(cid:1) resulting in Eq. (15). g p g g c,d We now prove our main results regarding trends in second =∑(cid:0)H−1(a,c)−H−1(b,c)(cid:1)Σ (c,d) moments of deviations in voltage magnitudes (ε) along any g g p c,d treeinthenetwork.Theresultsareconditionedonthefollow- ing assumption regarding correlations in power injections at (cid:0)Hg−1(a,d)−Hg−1(b,d)(cid:1) (19) the non-substation buses. Our next Lemma follows directly by applying Lemma 1 to Assumption 1: For any two buses a and b drawing power Eq. (19). fromthesamedistributionsub-station,Σ (a,b)>0,Σ (a,b)> p q Lemma 2. For two nodes, a and its parent b belonging to 0,Σ (a,b)>0. pq tree T , in the DC-resistive model, we derive E[(ε −ε )2]= Note that this assumption holds, in particular, if the overall k a b node balance is such that each non-substation node a always ∑c,d∈DTak g12abΣp(c,d) 6 For the LC-PF model, we evaluate the expression E[(ε − Algorithm1BaseConstrainedSpanningForestLearning:LC- a ε )2] as well. In this case, for two nodes, a and its parent b, PF Model b that lie on tree T , we arrive at Input: True Σp,Σq and Σpq, m voltage deviation observations k E[(ε −ε )2] =Σ (a,a)−Σ (a,b)−Σ (b,a)+Σ (b,b) εj,1≤ j≤m, all line resistances r and reactances x a b ε ε ε ε wsyhmermeetΣrεicistergmivsenH−by1ΣEHq.−(18)a.nLdeHt −Σ11εΣanHd−1Σ2εrerseppercetsievneltythine 1: Compute Σε(a,a)=∑mj=1εajεaj/m for all nodes a. 1/r p 1/r 1/x q 1/x 2: Undiscovered Set U ←{1,2,...,N+K}, Leaf Set L←φ, Σ . Extending the result of Lemma 2, we derive ε Descendant Sets D ←{a}∀ nodes a. a Σ1(a,a)−Σ1(a,b)−Σ1(b,a)+Σ1(b,b)=∑r2 Σ (c,d) 3: while (U (cid:54)=φ) do ε ε ε ε c,d∈DTaakb p 54:: fbo∗r←alml aax∈b∈LUdΣoε(b,b) (20) Σ2ε(a,a)−Σ2ε(a,b)−Σ2ε(b,a)+Σ2ε(b,b)=c,d∑∈DTaxka2bΣq(c,d) 67:: xa2bΣq(ci,fd)D+∑rm2ja=rw1a(beεxdaajbg−Σepbqεe(bjct∗w,)d2e/)emnthne=onde∑sca,d∈aDnadrba2b∗Σp(c,d) + (21) 8: Db∗ ←Db∗(cid:83)Da Similarly, let Σ3 = H−1Σ H−1 and Σ4 = Σ3T = 9: L←L−{a} ε 1/r pq 1/x ε ε 10: end if (cid:104) (cid:105)T H−1Σ H−1 , the non-symmetric terms in Σ . Using 11: end for Lem1/mr apq1 w1/ixth Eq. (19), we get ε 12: L←L(cid:83){b∗} 13: end while Σ3(a,a)−Σ3(a,b)−Σ3(b,a)+Σ3(b,b)= ∑r Σ (c,d)x ε ε ε ε ab pq ab T c,d∈Dak =Σ4(a,a)−Σ4(a,b)−Σ4(b,a)+Σ4(b,b) (22) Step 6 adds edges between node b∗ and nodes in set L of the ε ε ε ε growingtreeusingLemma3.Intheidealcasewheninfinitely CombiningEqs.(20,21,22)wearriveatthefollowingLemma. many voltage magnitude samples are collected, second-order Lemma 3. In the LC-PF model, E[(ε − ε )2] = momentsofthepowerinjectionssatisfytherelationinLemma a b ∑c,d∈DTakra2bΣp(c,d)+xa2bΣq(c,d)+2rabxabΣpq(c,d), holds for 3p.reHseonwceevoefr,anweedgheaviesdaetfienrmiteinenduminbAerlgoofristhammp1lebsy. Tchheucskitnhge a node a and its parent b belonging to the (operational) tree T . if the relative difference between the reals on the left and k right sides of the condition in Step 6 is less than a predefined tolerance, τ: V. LEARNINGSTRUCTUREOFBASE-CONSTRAINED SPANNINGFOREST 1−(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12) ∑mj=1(εaj−εbj∗)2/m (cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)<τ Here, we propose Algorithm 1 to learn the structure of (cid:12)(cid:12)∑c,d∈Dara2bΣp(c,d)+xa2bΣq(c,d)+2rabxabΣpq(c,d)(cid:12)(cid:12) thedistribution networkusing propertiesof voltagedeviations (23) for the LC-PF model. The polynomial time algorithm, based Steps 9 and 12 update the set of current leaves L before on the Theorems proved in the previous section, requires repeating the reconstruction steps with a new undiscovered positivity of the correlation between nodal power injections node. (Assumption 1). The Algorithm is also agnostic to the prob- ability distribution of active and reactive power injections. AlgorithmComplexity:Ignoringcomplexityofcomputing To reconstruct the Base-Constrained Spanning Forest (F = the second moments in Steps 4 and 6 (part of the data ∪ T ), Algorithm 1 takes as input ‘m’ measurements k=1,···,K k pre-processing), there are N+K steps (N load nodes and of nodal voltage deviations. These measurements are used to K substation nodes) in the ‘while’ loop, and at most N create the empirical voltage deviation second moment matrix j comparisons in the ‘for’ loop for each node. Therefore, the Σ . The voltage deviations ε at the substation nodes are ε a worst-case complexity of this algorithm is O(N2+NK). assumed to be zero which implies the elements of the row Note that we use LC-PF model in Algorithm 1. To design Σ (a,:)=0 for each of the K substation nodes. The observer ε the DC-resistive version of Algorithm 1, the condition in Step has prior information (or estimates using power injection 6 should be replaced with the result in Lemma 2. (Required measurements) for the true second moment matrix of power modifications are straightforward and thus their description is injections Σ for non-substation nodes. p omitted.) Algorithm1Overview:Wereconstructeachtreewithinthe distribution grid forest sequentially moving from the leaves to the root nodes. At every stage,U represents the set of undis- VI. EXPERIMENTS covered nodes that are not part of the current reconstructed We perform a set of numerical experiments to test and tree while L represents the set of ‘current leaves’ (nodes that demonstrate the performance of Algorithm 1 in extracting are in the current reconstructed tree but with undiscovered the operational radial forest F from meshed “as-designed” parents).Ateachiteration,Step4selectsthenodeb∗ fromset distributionnetworksG.Weremindthereaderthattheobserver U with the largest second moment of voltage deviation. Next in Algorithm 1 has information of the full graph G, the 7 impedance (resistance and reactance) of all lines (operational or open) as well as the number of connected substation buses. SS SS SS Further, true second moments of active and reactive power injections at each non-substation node are assumed to be known. The set of measurements available as input with the 11 55 10 observer comprises of deviations in voltage magnitudes (ε) at the grid nodes. 22 88 66 77 1111 Table II summarizes the distribution grid test systems by 99 the number of load busses, number of substation busses, and the number of tie switches. Additional information on these 33 44 1133 1122 test systems [23]–[25] can be found online at [26]. In normal operation, each test grid consists of nodes in a forest- or tree- (a) like configuration F with open tie-switches. We construct the complete meshed network G by closing all the tie-switches. 12 13 14 15 27 28 29 S To test the scalability of our algorithms, we increase the numberofpossibleforestconfigurationbyintroducingseveral 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 additional non-operational lines into each system as noted in 16 17 18 19 20 TableII.AlthoughthesecontributetoG,theyarekeptopenand donotcontributetopowerflowsintheoperationforestF.The 21 impedances(reactancesandresistances)oftheadditionallines 22 are generated by assigning random values uniformly between 23 the minimum and maximum impedances of the operational lines. Fig. 4 displays the test networks G (solid and dashed 26 25 24 lines) and the respective operational forests F (solid lines (b) only). TABLEII S 8 S SUMMARYOFTHETESTEDDISTRIBUTIONGRIDS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 S 10 S Test Numberofbuses/substa- Non-operational Source 11 12 13 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 Case tions/tie-switches linesadded S 14 22 S bus 13 3 13/3/3 10 [23] 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 72 71 70 69 68 67 66 65 bus 29 1 29/1/1 20 [24] bus 83 11 83/11/13 30 [25] S S 25 26 27 28 29 76 75 74 73 S 39 40 S 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 41 42 83 82 81 80 79 78 77 For each numerical experiment on a grid from Table II, we S pickanoperationalspanningforestF byopeningtieswitches. 43 44 45 46 We also choose the statistics of the injections at each node (c) usingGaussiandistributions,unlessotherwisespecified.These Fig.4. Layoutsofdistributiongrids,alsoshowingoperationalcasestested, distributions are used to generate multiple power injection inaccordancewithdescriptioninthetextandsummaryinTableII.Thered samples,andfromeachvector-valuedsample,wesolveaPFto circles represent substations (marked as S). The blue circles represent load nodesthatarenumbered.Blacklinesrepresentoperationaledges,whiledotted computevoltagesandphasesateverynodeinthenetworkwith bluelinesrepresentopentie-switches.Theadditionallinesarerepresentedby thevoltagesatthesubstationsfixed(i.e.theyareslackbusses). dottedgreenlines.(a)bus 13 3testcase(b)bus 29 1testcase(c)bus 83 11 Averaging over all PF solutions, we compute empirical cor- testcase relations of voltage magnitudes and phases. Using only these correlations, we run our algorithms and compare the resulting ponentially with the number of samples used by the observer reconstruction with the actual operational configuration. In in the learning algorithm. For the tolerance values considered the reconstruction, we assume the observer has access to the here, the majority of structural errors arise due to connected resistance and reactance of all the lines in G. All powers and nodes not satisfying condition (23) and hence being labelled voltages are presented in per unit (p.u.) values. as open. The decay is then intuitive as an increase in the Figs. 5(a)-5(c) display the accuracy of Algorithm 1 for sample size makes empirical moments in voltage magnitudes the different test grids from Table II. The relative error is approximate their true values better which in turn leads to an defined to be the number of mislabeled lines (connected increaseinthenumberofoperationallinessatisfying(23)and when actually open and vice versa) divided by the size of being correctly identified. On the other hand, if a sufficiently the operational edge set. The relative error is averaged by large value of τ is used, condition (23) will be relaxed and computing many reconstructions using the same nodal power possibly be satisfied even by unconnected nodes. In such a injection distributions. Different curves (colors) in Fig. 5(a) case, a majority of errors will be recorded due to open lines show the effect of changing the tolerance τ in Eq. 23. beingincorrectlylabelledasoperational.Aserrorsofthistype The average fractional error in Figs. 5(a)-5(c) decays ex- (open edges classified as operational) does not improve with 8 the number of measurement samples, the average fractional 0.7 errorswillnotdecaywiththesamplesize.Thisiselucidatedin tolerance 10−1.5 Fig. 6, where the bus 13 3 structure is learnt, in the presence 0.6 tolerance 10−1.7 of 50 non-operational lines. Note that for larger values of 3 tolerance 10−2 _ τ in Fig. 6, the errors do not decay with the sample size 130.5 wdinihsdAceeurecesdcasusiproafrnoete.VfreFsIsrmaIotr.bruallcCellateuOarrgrsNvaealCorlbLuessUseaetsSmir,mvIptOehaldNeetiySoisnnd&izoFeoPiasfgs,A.dTja6uiHs.ssttrFmiifibOaeuRldltWeioirnAnvRthagDelruipderseocifsedτiimnigs- average relative error in arning grid structure in bus_000...234 e portant to many applications including failure identification, l 0.1 power flow optimization and estimation of state variables. In this manuscript, we have developed algorithms to learn the 0 structureofaradialdistributiongridusingobservednodalvolt- 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 number of measurement samples agemagnitudemeasurements.WehaveusedaLinearCoupled (a) (LC)approximationthatrelatescomplexnodalvoltagestothe complex power consumptions to prove that second moments 0.8 ofnodalvoltagemagnitudesinradialdistributiongridsfollow tolerance 10−1.5 certain statistical structure/ordering. Our algorithm relies on 0.7 tolerance 10−1.7 these results to reconstruct the operational tree in a bottom up tolerance 10−2 fashion – starting from the leaves and progressing to the root 9_10.6 2 omaothtfnoelTdtdyhpiheseoealtrssigpiissbtrruiiuipvdmmtri.iatoapycrnttyioiocgfbnarenlidnuoaesnsnefi-vodctosderlneotestafgrgaoaaelrnudcmdrionaeirpgnarpedstlurihavorteieaidomcsuhnteaaanlotritfdesstenaitvcworisedcoaee-olfsafo.lsolitSdlhaye.decFaoplviornrasoaditdlfi,,aslobtehuliseesr, average relative error in earning grid structure in bus_0000....2345 which is natural for most distribution grids and more general l than other assumptions discussed in the literature. We tested 0.1 our algorithms on sample distribution grids and observed an 0 exponential decay of average errors with increasing number 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 number of measurement samples of measurement samples. In the next part, we extend the (b) work in this paper along the following directions: coupling structure learning with estimation of load statistics in the grid 0.8 or estimation of line parameters in the grid, and learning grid tolerance 10−1.5 structureevenwhenmeasurementdataismissing.Developing 0.7 tolerance 10−1.7 general algorithms for learning distribution grid operational 1 tolerance 10−2 forests that are not restricted to linearized power flow models 3_10.6 remains a potential future direction of research. e error in e in bus_80.5 A.NBoatseicthPatowtheeroFpleorwatsionaAlP‘PbEasNeD-cIoXnstrainedspanningforest’ average relativng grid structur00..34 ni Fcanbethoughtofasaspanningtreeoveranextendedgraph, ear0.2 l where an (artificial) super node is introduced and connected 0.1 with (artificial) lines to all the sub-station nodes. This trick allows, without a loss of generality, to limit our discussion in 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 the following to spanning trees, thus replacing F by T. number of measurement samples Let z=(zab=rab+ixab|(ab)∈E) as the vector of complex (c) line impedances in the grid. (i2=−1.) Expressed in terms of Fig.5. Averagefractionalerrorsplottedagainstthenumberofmeasurement the complex powers and potentials (voltages and phases) the samples for the LC-PF model with different tolerance thresholds - corre- spondent to the Algorithm 2.(a), (b) and (c) show results for the bus 13 3, Kirchoff laws over the operational (spanning tree) configura- bus 29 1andbus 83 11modelsrespectively. tion T become v2−v v exp(iθ −iθ ) ∀a∈V:Pa=pa+iqa= ∑ a a b z∗ a b where the real valued scalars, va and θa, characterize voltage b:(ab)∈ET ab magnitude and phase respectively at node a. We assume that (24) the power within the system considered is balanced through 9 0.08 in comparison with the resistance, ∀{a,b} : βab (cid:28) gab, we arrive at the following resistance-dominating version of 0.07 Eqs. (25,26) average relative error in ning grid structure in bus_13_30000....00003456 ttttoooolllleeeerrrraaaannnncccceeee 11110000−−−−..1102.42 WlaD∀acatCetii∈ovmwneVioiplsdl:oepwsclioa,meiu≈rnislfleabtohdr:(wiatsp∑bos)r∈aiatmpEhrpeTearrgrotieralxyalbiad(mtfεieotaadirot−itntoroaεnablnp)DsDh,maqCCsai-esr≈flseaiosonbwing:s(tlainem∑bves)e∈o.twEdTPTeohFlrge.k[aIs2tbtr,(7saθr]defbioqwt−iruohmiθnerueraaes-)l ear0.02 line inductances to dominate resistances, which is seldom l observed in distribution grids. 0.01 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 D. From Power Flows to DistFlow and LinDistFlow number of measurement samples The DistFlow Eqs. introduced by Baran and Wu in [17], Fig. 6. Effect of threshold on the average fractional errors in Algorithm 1 [18] are derived from the PF Eq. (24) usingtheLC-PFmodelforthebus 13 3(with50additionalnon-operational edges). p2 +q2 p −r a→b a→b =p + ∑ p , (29) a→b ab v2 b b→c a slack bus, a=0. The set of Eqs. (24), expressing potentials a (bc)∈ET;c(cid:54)=a via complex powers injected at the nodes of the power graph, p2 +q2 q −x a→b a→b =q + ∑ q , (30) are called Power Flow (PF) equations. a→b ab v2 b b→c a (bc)∈ET;c(cid:54)=a B. Linear Coupled (LC) Approximation of Power Flows v2=v2−2(r p +x q )+(cid:0)r2 +x2 (cid:1) p2a→b+q2a→b b a ab a→b ab a→b ab ab v2 a We linearize the PF Eqs. (24) in the first order jointly (31) over phase difference and voltage deviations (v −1 = ε ) a a whereeachofthethreeequationsabovearestatedintermsof fromnominal,i.e.thetwocorrectionsareconsideredonequal active, p , and reactive, q , powers over directed lines, footing. We arrive at the following set of equations: a→b a→b a→b, and voltages over nodes, a∈V. If power losses at any pa= ∑ (βab(θa−θb)+gab(εa−εb)), (25) line segment is negligible, Eqs. (29,30,31) reduce to [4]. b:(ab)∈ET p ≈p + ∑ p ,q ≈q + ∑ q , (32) q = ∑ (−g (θ −θ )+β (ε −ε )) (26) a→b b b→c a→b b b→c a b:(ab)∈ET ab a b ab a b (bc)∈ET (bc)∈ET c(cid:54)=a c(cid:54)=a where ∀a∈V,∀(ab)∈ET : |εa|(cid:28)1,|θa−θb|(cid:28)1, (27) ϕb≈ϕa−2(rabpa→b+xabqa→b), ϕa≡v2a (33) . rab . xab g = ,β = (28) ab x2 +r2 ab x2 +r2 On a general graph with loops, the number of these (directed) ab ab ab ab edge-related variables in Eq. (24) is larger then the number of Eqs. (25,26) show coupling between phases and voltages, phases and voltages. However, the former becomes equal to thus calling it the Linear-Coupled (LC) approximation, is the later if the grid is a tree, where the number of edges is proper.ThelinearityofLC-PFisusedinthepaperinderiving equal to the number of nodes minus one. Therefore when the results to learn the grid structure. Two comments are in order. phase and voltage at one special node (each substation node First of all, notice that the LC-PF approximation does not per tree in our case) is fixed at v (say), phases and voltages 0 makeanyassumptionabouttherelativestrengthofinductance at all other nodes can be reconstructed from the directional andresistance,thusmakingitapplicabletopowerdistribution line flows, and vice versa. systems where the two line characteristics are typically of the Note that additional boundary conditions arise in a tree same order. Second, expressions under the sum on the rhs of due to the requirement of active and reactive power flowing Eqs. (25,26) represent active and reactive power flows which from/into any leaf being equal to its nodal injection. Thus, are antisymmetric (p = −p , q = −q ). 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