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STRUCTURE FORMULAS FOR WAVE OPERATORS UNDER A SMALL SCALING INVARIANT CONDITION M.BECEANUANDW.SCHLAG 7 1 0 Abstract. Wecontinueourworkonthestructureformulafortheintertwining 2 wave operators W˘ associated with H “ ´∆`V in R3, cf. [BecSch]. We considersmallpotentialsrelativetoascalinginvariantnorm. n a J 1 1 1. Introduction In a recent paper [BecSch] we obtained a structure formula for the intertwining ] P wave operators for H “ ´∆`V in three dimensions. We imposed the following A condition on the potential V. Define Bβ, β ě0, as L2 functions with ath. }f}Bβ :“}1r|x|ď1sf}2` ÿ8 2jβ››1r2jď|x|ď2j`1sf››2 ă8 (1.1) j“0 m Then for V real-valued, V PBβpR3q, β ě 1, the wave operators [ 2 1 W˘ “ lim eitHe´itH0 tÑ˘8 v 5 existinthestrongL2 sense,withH0 “´∆. Theseoperatorssatisfyforcontinuous, 1 bounded f on the line, fpHqW “ W fpH q, and P “ W W˚, where P is the ˘ ˘ 0 c ˘ ˘ c 0 projection onto the absolutely continuous spectral subspace of H in L2. There is 3 no singular continuous spectrum (asymptotic completeness). Yajima [Yaj1, Yaj2], 0 establishedtheLp boundednessofthewaveoperatorsassumingthatzeroenergyis . 1 neither an eigenvalue nor a resonance. 0 In [BecSch] we proved the following theorem. By B1` we mean Bβ for some 7 1 β ą1. By My we mean the Borel measures on Euclidean space. : v Theorem1.1([BecSch]). LetV PB1` bereal-valuedandassumethatH “´∆`V Xi admits no eigenfunction or resonance at zero energy. Then there exists gpx,y,ωqP L1M L8, i.e., r ω y x ż a }gpx,dy,ωq} dω ă8 MyL8x S2 such that for any f PL2 one has the representation formula ż ż pW fqpxq“fpxq` gpx,dy,ωqfpS x´yqdω. ` ω S2 R3 where S x“x´2px¨ωqω is a reflection. A similar result holds for W . ω ´ The first author thanks the University of Chicago for its hospitality during the summers of 2015and2016. ThesecondauthorwaspartiallysupportedbyNSFgrantDMS-1500696duringthepreparation ofthiswork. 1 2 M.BECEANUANDW.SCHLAG As an application, suppose X is any Banach space of measurable functions on R3 which is invariant under translations and reflections, and in which Schwartz functions are dense. Assume that }1 f} ďA}f} for all half spaces H ĂR3 and H X X f PX with some uniform constant A. Then }W f} ďACpVq}f} @f PX (1.2) ` X X where CpVq is a constant depending on V alone. In particular, this recovers Ya- jima’sLp boundednessofthewaveoperators. Furthermore,[BecSch]obtainsquan- titative estimates on the norm in (1.2) as well as on CpVq. These bounds blow up as β Ñ 1 with V P Bβ. Nevertheless, we remark that one can obtain Theo- rem 1.1, albeit without quantitative control, under the condition V PB1 although the details are not worked out in [BecSch]. ThegoalhereistoseekascalinginvariantconditiononV underwhichastructure formula (1.6) can be obtained. The natural scaling of the Schr¨odinger operator H “ ´∆`V is V Ñ λ2Vpλxq, λ ą 0 in any dimension. In the framework of the B-spaces above (1.1) the critical norm relative to this scaling is B9 12pR3q where ÿ8 › › }f}B9β :“ 2jβ›1r2jď|x|ď2j`1sf›2 (1.3) j“´8 Thisnormisinvariantundertheaforementionedscalingprovidedλisapowerof2. However, it is currently unclear whether Theorem 1.1 might hold for potentials V P B9 12. It is possible that the threshold β “ 1 could be optimal for the Bβ spaces. It is natural to investigate the scaling invariant class for several reasons: (i) it is an optimal scenario, corresponding to the |x|´2 decay rate which balances the Laplacian (ii) it arises in widely-studied energy critical nolinear equations such as the u5 wave equation in R3: u ´∆u´u5 “0 tt which admits explicit the 1-parameter stationary solutions upt,xq “ λ21Wpλxq “: Wλpxq, λ ą 0, Wpxq “ p1 ` |x|2{3q´12. In the radial class, these are the only stationarynonzerosolutionsoffiniteenergy. LinearizingaboutW yieldsthefamily λ of Schr¨odinger operators H “ ´∆´λ2W4pλxq. It is therefore desirable to work λ with a condition on the potential that is uniform in λą0. Thispaperpresentssuchanorm,butcurrentlyweonlyconsidersmallpotentials in this norm. To formulate it, we recall some notation. Definition 1.1. For any Schwartz function V we define |||V|||“}L } , where V L1 ż t,ω 8 LVpt,ωq“ Vpp´τωqe2itττdτ 0 is as above. For any Schwartz function v in R3 ż 8 }v} :“sup |||δ vpxq|||dt (1.4) B Πptq Π ´8 where Π is a 2-dimensional plane through the origin, and Πptq“Π`tN(cid:126), N(cid:126) being the unit norm to Π. Clearly, |||v||| ď }v} . We will show below that }v} ă 8 is finite for Schwartz B B functions. We will do this by dominating }v} by a stronger norm which is also B scalinginvariantandmoreexplicit,cf.Lemma3.1. Thismoreexplicitnorminvolves STRUCTURE FORMULAS FOR WAVE OPERATORS, SCALING INVARIANT NORM 3 halfofaderivativeon2-planes. Soitisnotapuredecayconditiononthepotential. Thekeyanalyticalargumentsinthispaperarebasedontheprecisenormasdefined in (1.4). The main result of this paper is the following one. Theorem 1.2. There exists c ą0 with the following property: for any real-valued 0 V with }V} `}V} ďc , there exists gpx,y,ωqPL1M L8 with B B921 ż0 ω y x }gpx,dy,ωq} dω (cid:46)c (1.5) MyL8x 0 S2 such that for any f PL2 one has the representation formula ż ż pW fqpxq“fpxq` gpx,dy,ωqfpS x´yqdω. (1.6) ` ω S2 R3 where S x“x´2px¨ωqω is a reflection. A similar result holds for W . ω ´ The spectral properties of H “ ´∆ ` V are irrelevant under the smallness assumption. ForL1 ÑL8 dispersiveestimatesoftheSchr¨odingerevolutioneitHP c with a scaling-invariant condition on V in R3 without any smallness assumption, see [BeGo]. It is not clear to the authors if there might be other scaling-invariant norms which are better suited for structure theorems for the wave operators. This question is particularly relevant with respect to large potentials and the Wiener formalism that is instrumental for Theorem 1.1. 2. The wave operators and their expansion WenowrecalltheformalismofthewaveoperatorW goingbacktoKato[Kat]. ` First, by [BecSch, Lemma 2.2], B9 21 ãÑ L23,1 (using Lorentz space notation). If V P L32,1, then the wave operators W˘ exist, and are isometries from L2 onto the range of P , the projection onto the continuous spectrum of H. Moreover, if V c is small in L32,1, then H has no eigenvalues and no zero energy resonance, and the spectrum is purely absolutely continuous. In other words, W are unitary ˘ operators. Moreover, for any f PL2pR3q the integral ż 8 W f “f `i eitHVe´itH0fdt (2.1) ` 0 convergesinthestrongsense. SeeforexampleSection4of[BecSch]formoredetails. Expanding (2.1) iteratively by means of the Duhamel formula one has W f “f `W f `...`W f `..., ` ż 1` n` W f “i e´it∆Veit∆fdt, ... 1` tżą0 (2.2) W f “in e´ipt´s1q∆Ve´ips1´s2q∆V ... n` tąs1ą...ąsn´1ą0 e´isn´1∆Veit∆fdtds1... dsn´1 for f P L2. For small potentials one can actually sum this series, which will give Theorem1.2. InadditiontotheoperatorsW ,weshallworkwiththeirregularized n` version, ż Wε f :“in eiptn´tn´1qH0´εptn´tn´1qV ... n` 0ďt1ď...ďtn (2.3) eipt2´t1qH0´εpt2´t1qVeit1H0´εt1Ve´itnH0fdt ... dt , 1 n 4 M.BECEANUANDW.SCHLAG where ε ą 0. By [BecSch, Lemma 4.3], Wε Ñ W in the strong L2 sense as n` n` ε Ñ 0`. One has the following representation formulas for each n ě 1 going back to Yajima, see [BecSch, Lemma 4.7]: ż xWε f,gy“p´1qn F´1Tε p0,x,yqfpx´yqgpxqdydx (2.4) n` x0 n` R9 where for any εą0, Tε px ,x ,yq is defined in the sense of distributions as 1˘ 0 1 p Vpξ ´ξ q pF´1F Tε qpξ ,ξ ,ηq:“ 1 0 (2.5) x0 x1,y 1˘ 0 1 |ξ `η|2´|η|2˘iε 1 and, more generally, for all ně1 we have ż ś n Vppξ ´ξ qdξ ... dξ pF´1F Tε qpξ ,ξ ,ηq:“ (cid:96)ś“1 (cid:96) (cid:96)´1 1 n´1. (2.6) x0 xn,y n˘ 0 n n p|ξ `η|2´|η|2˘iεq R3pn´1q (cid:96)“1 (cid:96) Even though the first variable does not play a role in (2.4), it is essential in order to express Tε in terms of Tε by means of a convolution structure. In fact, we n` 1` (formally) compose three variable kernels Tpx ,x ,yq on R9 by the rule ż 0 1 pT (cid:126)T qpx ,x ,yq“ T px ,x ,y qT px ,x ,y´y qdx dy . (2.7) 1 2 0 2 1 0 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 R6 Dually (on the Fourier side), (cid:126) is given by pF´1F pT (cid:126)T qqpξ ,ξ ,ηq xż0 x2,y 1 2 0 2 (2.8) “ pF´1F T qpξ ,ξ ,ηqpF´1F T qpξ ,ξ ,ηqdξ . x0 x1,y 1 0 1 x1 x2,y 2 1 2 1 R3 So(cid:126)consistsofconvolutioninthey variable(ormultiplicationinthedualvariable η), and composition of operators relative to the other two variables. In the dual coordinates ξ , ξ , and ξ , composition of operators is preserved. Note the order 0 1 2 of the variables: x is the “input”, x the “output” variable, whereas y is the dual 0 2 energy variable. Lemma 2.1. Let V be a Schwartz potential. For all εą0 and any n,mě1 Tε (cid:126)Tε “Tε m` n` pm`nq` in the sense of (2.8). Proof. By inspection ż p p Vpξ ´ξ q Vpξ ´ξ q F´1F Tε pξ ,ξ ,ηq“ 2 1 ¨ 1 0 dξ x0 x2,y 2` 0 2 |ξ `η|2´|η|2`iε |ξ `η|2´|η|2`iε 1 (2.9) R3 2 1 “F´1F pTε (cid:126)Tε qpξ ,ξ ,ηq x0 x2,y 1` 1` 0 2 both in the pointwise sense, as well as in the space of distributions. The general case follows by induction. (cid:3) In order to prove Theorem 1.2, we will show that there exists an algebra under (cid:126) with the norms of Definition 1.1. In [BecSch, Section 5] it was shown that ż Wε fpxq“ Kε px,x´yqfpyqdy 1` 1` R3 ż (2.10) p K1ε`px,zq“´RlÑim8 R6 |ξe`ixη¨ξ|2V´pξ|qηe|2iz`¨ηiεe´2|ηR|22 dξdη STRUCTURE FORMULAS FOR WAVE OPERATORS, SCALING INVARIANT NORM 5 Furthermore, Kε px,zq“const¨|z|´2e´ε|z|Lp|z|´2x¨zˆ,zˆq (2.11) 1` where for any ω PS2, and r PR, ż 8 Lpr,ωq“LVpr,ωq:“ Vpp´sωqeir2s sds 0 HereV isanySchwartzfunction. Thefollowingcorollaryfrom[BecSch]showshow the structure function for W arises easily from this formalism. It also explains 1` how the norm |||¨||| arises in Definition 1.1. Corollary 2.2. Let V be a Schwartz function. Define S :“ x´2pω¨xqω to be ω the reflection about the plane ωK. Then for all Schwartz functions f ż ż pW fqpxq“ g px,dy,ωqfpS x´yqσpdωq (2.12) 1` 1 ω S2 R3 For fixed xPR3, ω PS2 the function g px,¨,ωq is a measure satisfying 1 ż ż ż }g px,dy,ωq} dω ď |L pr,ωq|drdω “|||V||| (2.13) 1 MyL8x V S2 S2 R with }¨} being the total variation norm for Borel measures. M Proof. From eq. (2.10) and (2.11), ż ż 8 pW fqpxq“ Lpr´2ω¨x,ωqfpx´rωqdrdω 1` ż0 żS2 (2.14) “ 1 Lpr,ωqfpx´2pω¨xqω´rωqdrdω rrą´2ω¨xs S2 R Define g px,dy,ωq:“1 Lpy¨ω,ωqH1 pdyq (2.15) 1 rpy`2xq¨ωą0s (cid:96)ω Here (cid:96) :“trω|r PRu is the line along ω, and H1 is the 1–dimensional Hausdorff ω (cid:96)ω measure on the line (cid:96) . Then (2.12) holds and ω }g px,dy,ωq} “|Lpy¨ω,ωq|H1 pdyq (2.16) 1 L8x (cid:96)ω which implies (2.13). (cid:3) Thisresultdoesnotexplaintheoriginoftheothernorm,}V} inDefinition1.1. B That norm is needed to bound the higher order structure functions g , n ě 2. n The remainder of this paper will be devoted to working out the details of this construction. To end this section, we recall how [BecSch] fails to reach the scaling- invariant space B9 12 and we explain how }V}B is designed to circumvent the exact difficulty responsible for the loss of 1 power in Theorem 1.1. 2 First, we point out the connection between |||¨||| and }¨} as given by [BecSch, B912 Proposition 6.1]. Proposition 2.3. Let L “ L be as above, and V a Schwartz function. Then, V with r PR and ω PS2, }Lpr,ωq}L2 (cid:46)}V}L2 (2.17) r,ω 6 M.BECEANUANDW.SCHLAG and ÿ }Lpr,ωq} (cid:46) 2k{2}1 p|r|qLpr,ωq} (cid:46)}V} . L1r,ω r2k,2k`1s L2r,ω B912 (2.18) kPZ Moreover, for any 0ăαă1, ÿ 2αk}1 p|r|qLpr,ωq} (cid:46)}V} . (2.19) r2k,2k`1s L2r,ω B9α kPZ The aforementioned loss of a 1 power occurred in the following estimate (6.9) 2 from [BecSch]: }vpxqKε px,yq} (cid:46)}v} }V} 1` L1yBx12 B1 B12 In view of (2.11) this is the same as (in the limit εÑ0) ż ż 8 }vpxqL pt´2x¨ω,ωq} dtdω (cid:46)}v} }V} V 1 B1 1 S2 0 B2 B2 We now show how to avoid this loss by means of the norm (1.4). Lemma 2.4. For Schwartz functions v,V one has ż ż 8 |||vpxqL pt´2x¨ω,ωq|||dtdω (cid:46)}v} |||V|||. (2.20) V B S2 0 Proof. Writing ωKpsq“ωK`sω, we compute ż ż 8 |||vpxqL pt´2x¨ω,ωq|||dtdω V S2ż 0ż ż 8 8 ď |||δ vpxqL pt´2x¨ω,ωq|||dtdsdω ωKpsq V żS2ż´8ż0 8 8 (2.21) ď |L pt´2s,ωq||||δ vpxq|||dtdsdω V ωKpsq żS2ż´8 ´8 ż 8 8 ď |L pt,ωq|dtdω sup |||δ vpxq|||ds V ωKpsq S2 ´8 ωPS2 ´8 “|||V|||}v} B which is (2.20). (cid:3) Before continuing with the main argument, the following section exhibits norms that dominate those in Definition 1.1, but which are more explicit. We also check that }¨} is scaling invariant. B 3. A closer look at the norms of Definition 1.1 The following lemma bounds the rather implicit }¨} -norm by a more explicit B Sobolev-type norm. It appears that this cannot be improved significantly. Lemma 3.1. The norm }¨} is scaling invariant in the sense that with v pxq:“ B λ λ´2vpx{λq, λą0, one has }v} “}v } . Furthermore, ż B λ B 8 ÿ › }v}B ďCωsPuSpř2 ´8kPZ2k2›ψp2´kx1qvpx1`sωq}H9 12pωKqds“:}v}˚B (3.1) where x1 P ωK and ψp2´kx1q “ 1 for x1 P ωKzt0u is a Littlewood-Paley par- kPZ tition of unity. The norm }v}˚ is finite on Schwartz functions, and }v}˚ “}v }˚ B B λ B for λ“2´(cid:96), (cid:96)PZ. STRUCTURE FORMULAS FOR WAVE OPERATORS, SCALING INVARIANT NORM 7 Proof. One has L pt,ωq “ λ´1L ptλ´1,ωq whence |||V ||| “ |||V|||. With χ a stan- V Vλ λ dard bump function on the line, ż › › 8 › › }V } “ sup lim ›δ´1χppx¨ω´tq{δqλ´2Vpx{λq› dt λ B ωPS2δÑ0ż´8 › L › 8 › › “ sup lim λ´1›pδ{λq´1χpppx{λq¨ω´t{λq{pδ{λqqλ´2Vpx{λq› dt ωPS2δÑ0ż´8› › L 8 › › “ sup lim ›δ´1χpppx{λq¨ω´tq{δqλ´2Vpx{λq› dt ωPS2δÑ0ż´8› › L 8 › › “ sup lim ›δ´1χppx¨ω´tq{δqVpxq› dt“}V} B ωPS2δÑ0 ´8 L which is the scaling invariance of the B-norm. Toprove(3.1)wefixtheplaneΠtobex “0,orequivalentlywesetω “p1,0,0q. 1 One has, with v “δ v, s Πpsq ż 8 Lvspt,ωq“ Fx2,x3vps,´ω2τ,´ω3τqeiτ2pt´2sω1qτdτ 0 so that ż ›ż › 8 › 8 › }v}żB “ ´ż8› 0ż Fżx2,x3ˇvżps,´ω2τ,´ω3τqeiτ2tτdτ›L1t,ωds ˇ 8 8 π 2πˇ 8 ˇ “ ds dt ˇ Fx2,x3vps,´τsinθsinφ,´τsinθcosφqeiτ2tτdτˇ sinθdφdθ ´ż8 ´ż8 0ż 0ˇż 0 ˇ 8 8 πˇ 8 ˇ “π ds dt ˇ Fx2,x3vps,´τsinφ,´τcosφqeiτ2tτdτˇdφ ÿ´8ż8´8 ´ż08 0żπ ˇˇż8 ˇˇ2 ¯1 ďC 2k2 1r|t|»2ksˇ Fx2,x3vps,´τsinφ,´τcosφqeiτ2tτdτˇ dφdt 2 ds kPZ ´8 ´8 0 0 For a Schwartz function w in R2 define the sublinear operator A w as ´ż ż ˇż ˇ k ¯ 8 π ˇ 8 ˇ2 1 Akw “ 1r|t|»2ksˇ wppτsinφ,τcosφqeiτ2tτdτˇ dφdt 2 (3.2) ´8 0 0 Then, on the one hand, ÿ ż8 żπˇˇż8 ˇˇ2 pAkwq2 (cid:46) ˇ wppτsinφ,τcosφqeiτ2tτdτˇ dφdt kPZ ż´8ż 0 0 (3.3) π 8 (cid:46) |wppτsinφ,τcosφq|2|τ|2dτdφ“}w}2 0 0 H9 12 and, on the other hand, ÿ ż8 żπˇˇ ż8 ˇˇ2 22kpAkwq2 (cid:46) ˇt wppτsinφ,τcosφqeiτ2tτdτˇ dφdt kPZż ż ´8 0 0 π 8 (cid:46) |B pτwppτsinφ,τcosφqq|2dτdφ τ ż0 ż0 π 8“ ‰ (cid:46) τ´1|wppτsinφ,τcosφqq|2`|pB wpqpτsinφ,τcosφq|2τ τdτdφ r 0 0 (cid:46)}wp}2H9 12 `}|ξ|12Brwp}22 (3.4) 8 M.BECEANUANDW.SCHLAG The first term in the last line is obtained by Hardy’s inequality in the ξ variable, and we bound it further by applying Hardy’s inequality in the x variable: }wp}H9 12 “}|x|12w}2 “}|x|´12|x|w}2 (cid:46)}|x|w}H9 12 (3.5) For second term in (3.4) we first rewrite B wp as r ż ξ B wppξq“ ∇ e´ix¨ξwpxqdx r |ξ| ξ ż R2 (3.6) x ξ “ e´ix¨ξapx,ξq|x|wpxqdx, apx,ξq“ ¨ “:xˆ¨ξˆ |x| |ξ| R2 Therefore, }|ξ|12Brwp}2 ď}xˆ|x|w}H9 12 (3.7) By Lemma 3.2 below one has }xˆ|x|w} (cid:46) }|x|w} . Combining this bound H9 21 H9 12 with (3.5) we conclude that ÿ 22kpA wq2 (cid:46)}|x|w}2 k H9 12 (3.8) kPZ By interpolation ÿ 2k2Akw (cid:46)}w}˚ (3.9) kPZ where in the notation of the real interpolation method ` ˘ }w}˚ “ }w}H9 12,}|x|w}H9 12 p12,1q (3.10) By Lemma 3.2 the right-hand side is bounded by }w}˚ and (3.1) is proved. The B other stated properties of }¨}˚ are immediate. (cid:3) B The previous proof required two technical properties which we now establish. They are special cases of more general statements, but we limit ourselves to what is needed here. Lemma 3.2. The following two properties hold: ‚ For any Schwartz function f in R2 one has }xˆf} (cid:46) }f} where xˆ “ H9 12 H9 12 x{|x|. ‚ With }¨}˚ defined as, cf. (3.1) B ÿ › 2k2›ψp2´kxqwpxq}H9 12pR2q “:}w}˚B kPZ one has ` ˘ }w} ,}|x|w} (cid:46)}w}˚ H9 12 H9 21 p12,1q B Proof. The first property cannot simply be obtained by interpolating between the obviousL2 propertyandthecorrespondingH91 inequality. Indeed,thelatterwould require Hardy’s inequality in R2 with an r´1 weight, which fails. So we proceed differently. Using polar coordinates and complex notation we expand f into a Fourier series: ż ÿ 1 fpreiθq“ a prqe2πinθ, a prq“ fpre2πiθqe´2πinθdθ n n nPZ 0 STRUCTURE FORMULAS FOR WAVE OPERATORS, SCALING INVARIANT NORM 9 By Plancherel ż ÿ 8 }f}22 “const¨ |anprq|2rdr (3.11) nPZ 0 and }f}2 “}B f}2`}r´1B f}2 H91 r 2 ż θ 2 ÿ 8` n2 ˘ (3.12) “const¨ |a1 prq|2` |a prq|2 rdr n r2 n nPZ 0 By interpolation, ż ÿ 8` |n| ˘ }f}2H9 21 »nPZ 0 |p´Br2q41anprq|2` r |anprq|2 rdr (3.13) Since xˆ“e2πiθ “:epθq we conclude that ż ÿ 8` |n`1| ˘ }epθqf}2H9 21 (cid:46)nPZ 0 |pż´Br2q14anprq|2` r |anprq|2 rdr (3.14) 8 |a prq|2 (cid:46)}f}2 ` 0 rdr H9 21 0 r Since ż 1 a prq“ fprepθqqdθ, 0 0 the final term in (3.14) is ż ż ż 8 |a prq|2 8 1 |fprepθqq|2 0 rdr ď rdθdr 0 r 0 0 r (3.15) (cid:46)}r´12f}22 (cid:46)}f}2H9 12 by Hardy, and the first claim is proved. To prove the second claim we first dominate the weighted norm via a smooth Littlewood-Paley partition of unity, viz. ÿ ÿ }|x|w} (cid:46) }ψp2´kxq|x|w} (cid:46) 2k}ψp2´kxqw} H9 12 H9 12 H9 12 (3.16) kPZ kPZ For the final inequality it suffices to verify the case k “0 by scaling. Then, by the r fractional Leibnitz rule and with ψψ “ψ another Littlewood-Paley function, }ψpxq|x|w}H9 12 (cid:46)}|x|ψrpxq}8}ψpxqw}H9 12 `}|∇|12|x|ψrpxq}L4}ψpxqw}L4 (3.17) (cid:46)}ψpxqw} H9 21 where the final step is obtained by Sobolev embedding. Clearly, ÿ }w} (cid:46) }ψp2´kxqw} H9 21 H9 12 (3.18) kPZ By the real interpolation property, see [BecSch, Section 2], [BeL¨o] ` ˘ ´ÿ ÿ ¯ }w} ,}|x|w} (cid:46) }ψp2´kxqw} , 2k}ψp2´kxqw} H9 21 H9 12 p12,1q ÿkPZ H9 21 kPZ H9 12 p12,1q » 2k2}ψp2´kxqw}H9 12 “}w}˚B kPZ (3.19) 10 M.BECEANUANDW.SCHLAG and we are done. (cid:3) 4. The convolution algebra and the proof of Theorem 1.2 We now present the algebra formalism in the scaling invariant setting. Definition 4.1. The Banach space Z of tempered distributions is defined as Z :“tTpx ,x ,yqPS1pR9q|F Tpx ,x ,ηqPL8L8L1 u (4.1) 0 1 y 0 1 η x1 x0 with norm }T} :“ sup}F Tpx ,x ,ηq} Z y 0 1 L8L1 (4.2) ηPR3 x1 x0 sup being the essential supremum. We add the identity I to Z, which corresponds to the kernel T “δ pyqδ px ´x q. The convolution (cid:126) on T ,T PZ is defined by 0 0 1 ”ż0 1 2 ı pT (cid:126)T qpx ,x ,yq“F´1 F T px ,x ,ηqF T px ,x ,ηqdx pyq (4.3) 1 2 0 2 η y 1 0 1 y 2 1 2 1 R3 Lemma 4.1. Let Z is a Banach algebra under (cid:126) with identity element I. If V PL3{2,1 then Tε defined by (2.5) belongs to Z and F Tε is given by 1` y 1` F Tε px ,x ,ηq“e´ix1ηR p|η|2´iεqpx ,x qVpx qeix0η. (4.4) y 1` 0 1 0 0 1 0 Moreover, sεuąp0}T1ε`}Z (cid:46)}V}L3{2,1 (cid:46)}V}B912 (4.5) If, in addition, }V} is sufficiently small, then Tε also belongs to Z and L3{2,1 ` pI`Tε q(cid:126)pI´Tεq“pI´Tεq(cid:126)pI`Tε q“I. (4.6) 1` ` ` 1` Proof. Z isaBanachspace. Theexpressionsin(4.3)appearinginbracketssatisfies ›ż › › › sup› F T px ,x ,ηqF T px ,x ,ηqdx › y 1 0 1 y 2 1 2 1 ηPR3 R3 L8x2L1x0 (4.7) ď}F T } }F T } “}T } }T } y 1 L8L8L1 y 2 L8L8L1 1 Z 2 Z η x1 x0 η x2 x1 and so it is a tempered distribution in R9. Therefore, the composition (4.3) is well-defined in Z and }T (cid:126)T } ď}T } }T } 1 2 Z 1 Z 2 Z whence Z is a Banach algebra under }¨} . Z Formula (4.4) follows from (2.5) by taking Fourier transforms. By the resolvent identity pI`R pzqVq´1 “I´R pzqV; R pzq“pI`R pzqVq´1R pzq (4.8) 0 V V 0 0 for Imz ą 0. Here R pzq “ pH ´ zq´1 which exists for Imz ą 0 since H is V self-adjoint. For V small in L23,1 it follows that 1 sup }R pzqVf}ďC}V} }f} ď }f} Imzą0 0 L32,1 8 2 8 Hence pI `R pzqVq´1 exists as a bounded operator on L8 uniformly in Imz ą0, 0 and we may also take the limit Imz ě0. In particular, RVpzq:L32,1pR3qÑL8pR3q

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