Downloaded from on February 14, 2006 Cbf5p, a potential pseudouridine synthase, and Nhp2p, a putative RNA-binding protein, are present together with Gar1p in all H BOX/ACA-motif snoRNPs and constitute a common bipartite structure N. J. Watkins, A. Gottschalk, G. Neubauer, B. Kastner, P. Fabrizio, M. Mann and R. Luhrmann RNA 1998 4: 1549-1568 References Article cited in: Email alerting Receive free email alerts when new articles cite this article - sign up in the box at the service top right corner of the article or click here Notes To subscribe to RNA go to: © 1998 RNA Society Downloaded from on February 14, 2006 RNA(1998),4:1549–1568+CambridgeUniversityPress+PrintedintheUSA+ Copyright©1998RNASociety+ Cbf5p, a potential pseudouridine synthase, and Nhp2p, a putative RNA-binding protein, are present together with Gar1p in all H BOX/ACA-motif snoRNPs and constitute a common bipartite structure NICHOLAS J. WATKINS,1 ALEXANDER GOTTSCHALK,1 GITTE NEUBAUER,2 BERTHOLD KASTNER,1 PATRIZIAFABRIZIO,1 MATTHIAS MANN,2 and REINHARD LÜHRMANN1 1InstitutfürMolekularbiologieundTumorforschung,Philipps-UniversitätMarburg, EmilMannkopff-Straße2,D35037Marburg,Germany 2EuropeanMolecularBiologyLaboratory,Meyerhofstrasse1,Postfach102209,69012Heidelberg,Germany ABSTRACT The eukaryotic nucleolus contains a large number of small nucleolar RNAs (snoRNAs) that are involved in pre- ribosomal RNA(pre-rRNA) processing. The H box/ACA-motif (H/ACA) class of snoRNAs has recently been demon- strated to function as guide RNAs targeting specific uridines in the pre-rRNA for pseudouridine (C) synthesis. To characterize the protein components of this class of snoRNPs, we have purified the snR42 and snR30 snoRNP complexes by anti-m G-immunoaffinity and Mono-Q chromatography of Saccharomycescerevisiaeextracts. Se- 3 quence analysis of the individual polypeptides demonstrated that the three proteins Gar1p, Nhp2p, and Cbf5p are commontoboththesnR30andsnR42complexes.Nhp2pisahighlybasicproteinthatbelongstoafamilyofputative RNA-bindingproteins.Cbf5phasrecentlybeendemonstratedtobeinvolvedinribosomebiogenesisandalsoshows strikinghomologywithknownprokaryoticCsynthases.ThepresenceofCbf5p,aputativeCsynthaseineachH/ACA snoRNPsuggeststhatthisclassofRNPsfunctionsasindividualmodificationenzymes.Immunoprecipitationstudies usingeitheranti-Cbf5pantibodiesorahemagglutinin-taggedNhp2pdemonstratedthatbothproteinsareassociated withallH/ACA-motifsnoRNPs.InvivodepletionofNhp2presultsinareductioninthesteady-statelevelsofallH/ACA snoRNAs. Electron microscopy of purified snR42 and snR30 particles revealed that these two snoRNPs possess a similarbipartitestructurethatweproposetobeamajorstructuraldeterminingprincipleforallH/ACAsnoRNPs. Keywords: ribosomalRNAprocessing;RNA-bindingproteins;rRNAmodification;Saccharomycescerevisiae; smallnucleolarRNAs INTRODUCTION anendonucleaseincleavingthepre-rRNAupstreamof the 5+8S rRNA (Lygerou et al+, 1996)+ The majority of The nucleolus contains a multitude of small RNAs the snoRNAs have been demonstrated to function as (snoRNAs) that function in ribosome biogenesis+ Sev- sequence-specific guides in the nucleotide modifica- eral of these snoRNAs have been shown to be re- tion of rRNA transcripts+ These snoRNAs are either quired for pre-rRNA cleavage events (reviewed in involved in the modification of sugars to create 29-O- Maxwell&Fournier,1995;Tollervey&Kiss,1997;Smith methylgroups(Cavailleetal+,1996;Kiss-Laszloetal+, &Steitz,1997)+RNaseMRPistheonlysnoRNPcom- 1996; Tycowski et al+, 1996) or the isomerization of plexthathasbeendemonstratedtofunctioninvitroas uridine to pseudouridine (C) (Ganot et al+, 1997a; Ni etal+,1997)+IthasalsobeenpostulatedthatsnoRNAs Reprintrequeststo:ReinhardLührmann,InstitutfürMolekularbi- function as chaperones that help fold the rRNA tran- ologieundTumorforschung,Philipps-UniversitätMarburg,EmilMann- scripts, and also in the transport of the mature ribo- kopff-Straße 2, D35037 Marburg, Germany; e-mail: luehrmann@ imt+uni-marburg+de+ somalsubunitstothecytoplasm(reviewedinBachellerie 1549 Downloaded from on February 14, 2006 1550 N.J.Watkinsetal. etal+,1995;Maxwell&Fournier,1995;Steitz&Tycow- cases, has recently been shown to be associated with ski,1995;Smith&Steitz,1997;Tollervey&Kiss,1997)+ snR30, snR10, and U3 (Ursic et al+, 1997)+ WiththeexceptionoftheRNAmoietyofRNaseMRP The rRNAC synthase has yet to be identified; how- (7-2 RNA), all known snoRNAs can be classified into ever, it is entirely possible that the protein responsible one of two categories based on conserved-sequence for the enzymatic activity is an integral component of motifs+ SnoRNAs contain either the nucleotide box C theH/ACAsnoRNPs+TheprokaryotictRNAandrRNA and D (C/D) motif or the recently characterized box C synthases do not use a guide RNA to recognize H/ACA motif (H/ACA) (Balakin et al+, 1996; Ganot specific RNA substrates+ Multiple tRNA C synthases etal+,1997b)+TheboxC/DclassofsnoRNAsusesbox exist in prokaryotes that recognize either a single site DorD9,inconjunctionwithlargerRNA-complementary orseveralsiteswithasimilarstructure(Kammenetal+, sequences, to direct the site-specific 29-O-methylation 1988; Nurse et al+, 1995; Wrzesinski et al+, 1995a,b; ofrRNA(Cavailleetal+,1996;Kiss-Laszloetal+,1996; Simos et al+, 1996; Lecointe at al+, 1998)+ Therefore, Tycowski et al+, 1996)+ The H/ACA snoRNAs snR30 the use of a guide RNAto direct rRNAC synthesis in andsnR10havebeendemonstratedtoberequiredfor eukaryotes is quite unique (Ganot et al+, 1997a; Ni the 18S rRNAcleavage events (Tollervey, 1987; Mor- et al+, 1997)+ It has recently been demonstrated that rissey &Tollervey, 1993)+ However, the majority of the Gar1p, a protein common to all H/ACA snoRNPs, is H/ACAsnoRNAshaverecentlybeenimplicatedtofunc- required for C formation in yeast (Bousquet-Antonelli tion as guide RNAs in the site-specific pseudouridyl- et al+, 1997)+ It is, however, highly unlikely that this ationofrRNA(Ganotetal+,1997a;Nietal+,1997)+This proteinisthemodificationenzyme,becauseGar1phas classofsnoRNAhasbeendemonstratedtopossessa little homology to known C synthases and is therefore commonhairpin-hinge-hairpin-tailstructurethatincludes postulated to function as an accessory protein in this twoevolutionarilyconservedsequenceelementstermed event (Bousquet-Antonelli et al+, 1997)+ One possible the H box and the ACA motif (Ganot et al+, 1997b)+ A candidate for the C synthase is Cbf5 (mammalian ho- bulge structure (C pocket) within one or both of the mologue NAP57; Meier & Blobel+, 1994), a nucleolar stems of the snoRNA base pairs with the rRNA on protein involved in ribosome biogenesis that shows a eithersideofthesubstrateuridine,thustargetingitfor remarkably high degree of sequence similarity with modification+ Either an H box or ACA motif is located knownCsynthases(Koonin,1996;Cadwelletal+,1997)+ between 14 and 16 nt downstream of the modification Indeed, while we were preparing this article, a paper site in the C pocket (Ganot et al+, 1997a; Ni et al+, describing Cbf5p as an integral H/ACA snoRNP pro- 1997)+ Since both the H box and the ACA motif are tein involved in snoRNA biogenesis, 18S rRNA pro- proposed to be protein-binding sites it is thought that cessing, and C synthesis was published (Lafontaine polypeptidesinteractingwiththeseconservedmotifsare et al+, 1998)+ intimatelyinvolvedinCsynthesis(Ganotetal+,1997a)+ The recent demonstration of the isolation of yeast The conserved nature of the hairpin-hinge-hairpin- snRNP complexes coupled with the advances in sen- tailstructureoftheH/ACAsnoRNAswouldsuggestthe sitivity in protein sequencing has resulted in the de- possibility that this motif could serve as a binding site tailed biochemical and genetic characterization of the for common proteins+ A similar scenario is observed yeast U1 snRNP (Neubauer et al+, 1997; Gottschalk with the spliceosomal snRNPs, where a set of eight et al+, 1998)+ Here we describe the application of such commonproteinsassociatewiththecoreSmsequence techniquestotheisolationandcharacterizationofyeast (reviewed in Will & Lührmann, 1997)+ One protein, H/ACAsnoRNPs+ThesnR30andsnR42snoRNPswere Gar1p,wasdemonstratedtobecommontoallH/ACA purifiedbyanti-m G-immunoaffinityandMono-Qchro- 3 snoRNPs by co-immunoprecipitation experiments (Gi- matography and their individual protein components rard et al+, 1992; Balakin et al+, 1996; Ganot et al+, identifiedbymassspectrometrypeptideanalysis+Gar1p, 1997b)+ The snR30 (H/ACA) snoRNP has been puri- Nhp2p,andCbf5pwerefoundtobepresentinboththe fied by a combination of anti-m G-immunoaffinity and snR30andsnR42snoRNPs+Thesethreeproteinswere 3 Mono-Q anion exchange chromatography+ This puri- also demonstrated to be associated with all known fied complex contains at least seven proteins, four of H/ACA snoRNAs+ In vivo depletion studies demon- which (the 65-, 25-(Gar1p), 23-, and 10-kD proteins) strated that Nhp2p is also required to maintain the arecandidatesforastableboundcoreastheyremain steady-state levels of H/ACA snoRNAs+ Electron mi- associated with the RNAin cesium sulphate gradients croscopy analysis of negatively stained core H/ACA (Lübben et al+, 1995)+ Very few H/ACA snoRNP spe- snoRNPsrevealedthatacommonconservedbipartite cificproteinshavebeenidentified+Theonlycharacter- structure defines this class of RNP+ These data pro- ized H/ACA snoRNP specific protein is Ssb1p, which vide the first major insight into the composition and has been reported to be present in the snR10 and structureofH/ACAsnoRNPs,andsuggestthattherRNA snR11 snoRNP complexes (Clark et al+, 1990)+ Inter- C synthase is an integral component of these RNP estingly, Sen1p, a member of the superfamily I heli- complexes+ Downloaded from on February 14, 2006 CommonH/ACAmotifsnoRNPproteins 1551 RESULTS withapparentmolecularmassesof25,27,and65kD, suggesting that they may constitute a common core proteinelement+ThemajorityofsnR42RNAispresent Purified snR42 and snR30 snoRNPs in fraction 11; however fractions 17, 18, 23, and 24 share three common proteins probably contain free snR42 RNA that has been dis- We have previously demonstrated that the snR30 sociated from its protein components+ snoRNPcanbeisolatedfromyeastwhole-cellextracts byanti-m G-immunoaffinityandMono-Qchromatogra- 3 Identification of snR42 and snR30 snoRNP phy (Lübben et al+, 1995)+ Here we have modified this proteins by mass spectrometry approach to enable the isolation of sufficient material for mass spectrometry peptide analysis and to allow Thenextstepwastoidentifytheproteincomponentsof the purification of other H/ACA box snoRNP com- thesetwopurifiedsnoRNPcomplexes+Theinitialfocus plexes+ Briefly, total snRNPs and snoRNPs from a wouldbedirectedtowardsthe25-,27-,and64-kDpro- whole-cellSaccharomycescerevisiaeextractwereen- teinsastheseappeartobeprimecandidatesforcom- richedbyanti-m G-immunoaffinitychromatography+To mon core H/ACA snoRNP proteins+ The snR30 and 3 simplifythesubsequentchromatographicsteps,theU1 snR42snoRNPswereisolatedfromextractderivedfrom snRNP,whichcontainsahistidine-taggedU170-kDpro- 100Lofyeastculturetogeneratesufficientmaterialfor tein, was depleted by passing the extract over a Ni21- massspectrometryanalysis+WhenthepurifiedsnR42 nitrilotriaceticacid–agarosecolumn(Lübbenetal+,1995; proteins were stained with Coomassie, only the 25-, Neubauer et al+, 1997)+ The flow-through of such a 27-,and65-kDproteinswerevisible+Itispossiblethat column was then subjected to Mono-Q chromatogra- the 80-kD band is a snR42-specific protein that does phy+ Elution was performed with a three-step gradient notstainwellwithCoomassie+TheCoomassiestained from 50 mM to 1M KCl at pH 7+ Three RNP peaks bandsforboththesnR30andsnR42snoRNPproteins absorbingat260nmand280nmwereobservedelut- wereexcisedfromapolyacrylamidegel,characterized ing from the column at approximately 550 mM, by mass spectrometry, and the genes identified by a 650 mM, and 700 mM KCl (Fig+ 1A)+ Figure 1B shows databasesearch(Wilm&Mann,1996;Neubaueretal+, theRNAprofileoftheelutedfractionsstainedwithethid- 1997;Shevchenkoetal+,1996;Gottschalketal+,1998)+ iumbromide;thethreeRNPpeakscorrespondtofrac- This revealed that the 25-, 27-, and 64-kD proteins of tions 11, 20, and 24/25+The RNAs in fractions 20 and both the snR30 and snR42 complexes are Nhp2p, 24/25 are snR30 and U2, respectively+ Northern blot Gar1p,andCbf5p,respectively+Asanexamplethedata analysisoftheseRNAfractionsconfirmedthatthe350-nt used to identify the 25-kD snR30 snoRNP protein as RNA present in fraction 11 is snR42 (Balakin et al+, Nhp2pisshowninFigure2+Gar1pwasexpectedtobe 1996)+ThesnR42snRNPcomplexelutesinthreepeaks+ present in these complexes because it is tightly asso- This could be because of either differences in confor- ciated with all H/ACA snoRNAs (Balakin et al+, 1996; mation or composition of the RNPcomplex+The other Ganotetal+,1997b);however,thisisthefirsttimethat twoabundantRNAsinfractions14,15,and16arethe Gar1p, Nhp2p, and Cbf5p have been demonstrated to U5 snRNAs (Fig+ 1C)+ be present in biochemically purified snoRNP com- Analysis of the protein composition of the Mono-Q plexes+ fractions on a high-TEMED 13% SDS polyacrylamide gel revealed three major peaks (Fig+ 1D)+ The protein Nhp2p and Cbf5p are associated peaks in fractions 11, 20, and 24/25 cofractionate ex- with all H/ACA-motif snoRNPs actly with the snR42, snR30, and U2 RNAs, respec- tively+AnalysisofthesnR30snoRNPcomplex(fraction Next we determined whether Nhp2p and Cbf5p are 20) revealed that at least four proteins with apparent associated with all H/ACA snoRNAs+ Anti-Cbf5p anti- molecularweightsof10,25,27,and64kDarepresent bodies have been previously described that could be in this peak+ Low amounts of Sm proteins present in usedforimmunoprecipitationstudies(Jiangetal+,1993)+ the snR30 peak are probably associated with contam- BecauseantibodiesagainstNhp2pwerenotavailable, inating U1 snRNP complexes that also elute from the ayeaststrainwasgeneratedwherethegenomiccopy Mono-Q column at this salt concentration (Fig+ 1D; of the gene was deleted and replaced with a plasmid Lübbenetal+,1995)+ThesnR42snRNPcomplex(frac- expressing a hemagglutinin- (HA) tagged version of tion11)containsfourproteinsof25,27,64,and80kD+ the protein+ Nhp2p has been demonstrated to be es- Theelutionprofileofthe80-kDproteindoesnotexactly sentialforviability(Kolodrubetz&Burgum,1991),there- matchthatofeitherthesnR42RNAorthe25-,27-,and fore,astheNhp2p-HAfusionproteinsupportedgrowth, 65-kDproteinsanditispossiblethatthisproteinisnot weassumethatthismodifiedproteinisfullyfunctional partofthesnR42snoRNPcomplex+Interestingly,both (data not shown)+ Whole-cell yeast extracts were im- the snR30 and snR42 snoRNPs share three proteins munoprecipitatedusingeithernonimmuneserum,anti- Downloaded from on February 14, 2006 1552 N.J.Watkinsetal. FIGURE1. PurificationofsnR42andsnR30 snoRNPsfromU1snRNPdepletedextracts+ Approximately300mgofanti-m3Gaffinitypu- rifiedyeastsnRNPsandsnoRNPsfromstrain BSY283,whichhadbeenpreviouslydepleted ofU1snRNPs,werepassedoveraMono-Q anion-exchangecolumn+ThesnoRNPsand snRNPswereelutedinathree-stepgradient from50mMto1MKClin100mLfractions+ A: Elution profile of Mono-Q purified RNP complexes+ The KCl concentration used in the gradient is indicated on the left of the graphandtheabsorbanceontheright+The fractions taken are indicated at the bottom+ The260-and280-nmabsorbancereadings are represented by thick and thin lines, re- spectively+TheKClgradientisindicatedbya dashedline+B:Ethidiumbromidestainanaly- sis of the RNA fractions+ Mono-Q fractions were extracted with phenol/chloroform and theRNAethanolprecipitatedfromtheaque- ousphase+RNAswereseparatedona8% polyacrylamide/7Mureagelandvisualized byethidiumbromidestaining+Thepositionof U2, snR30, snR42, and U5 RNAs are indi- cated+Thefractionnumberisindicatedabove eachrespectivelane+C:Northernblotanaly- sisoftheRNAfractions+RNAsderivedfrom each fraction were separated on a 8% polyacrylamide/7Mureagelandtransferred toanylonmembrane+Theblotwashybrid- izedwithprobesagainstsnR42andU5+The position of snR42, and U5 RNAs are indi- cated+Thefractionnumberisindicatedabove eachrespectivelane+D:Silverstainanalysis oftheproteinfractions+Proteinsfromtheor- ganicphaseofthephenol/chloroformextrac- tion described in B were precipitated with acetone and separated on a high-TEMED 13%polyacrylamideSDSgelandthenvisu- alized by silver staining+ The snR42 and snR30 snoRNP peaks correspond to frac- tions 11 and 20, respectively+ The fraction number is indicated above each respective lane+LaneM:proteinmolecularmassmark- ers the size of which are indicated at the side+ArrowsindicatethesnR30andsnR42 snoRNP proteins+ The Sm core proteins of U2 and other spliceosomal snRNPs are in- dicatedbyablacksquares+ Downloaded from on February 14, 2006 CommonH/ACAmotifsnoRNPproteins 1553 FIGURE2. Identificationofthe25-kDproteinofsnR30asNhp2pbymassspectrometry+Product-ionspectrumofthetriply charged peptide ion at m/z 500+1+ After in-gel digestion, the resulting peptide mixture was analyzed by tandem mass spectrometry+ Two peptides from Nhp2 were fragmented and their sequences partially determined+ Shown here is the fragmentspectrumofthepeptide(RPTSVVFIVPGSNK),whichwasusedfordatabasesearching+FromtheB-ion seriesB5–B9,asequencetagwasconstructed((541+4)VF(I/L)V(999+8))and,togetherwiththeintactmassofthepeptide (1,498+2Da),wasusedtoidentifytheproteinasNhp2(SwissProtP32495)inanonredundantsequencedatabase(Mann &Wilm,1994)+Notethattheisobaricaminoacidsisoleucineandleucinecannotbedistinguished+ Cbf5p,anti-m G,oranti-HAantibodies+TheRNAspre- are clearly coprecipitated with both Cbf5p and Nhp2p 3 cipitated by each antibody were resolved on an 8% (Fig+ 3A, lanes 4–9)+ We note that the relative amount polyacrylamide/7Mureagelandtransferredtoanylon ofeachsnoRNAprecipitatedwitheitherCbf5porNhp2p membrane+ The membrane was then hybridized with appears to change relative to the salt concentration probesdirectedagainstspecificyeastRNAs(Fig+3A)+ used+ The precipitation of snoRNAs by the anti-Cbf5p The immunoprecipitation of the HA-tagged Nhp2p antibodies appears to be more salt sensitive than with strainwithnonimmuneserafailedtoprecipitateanyof theHAtaggedNhp2p+Webelievethatthisisbecause the tested RNAs (Fig+ 3A, lane 2)+Also, no signal was of the reduced affinity of the anti-Cbf5p antibody for observed when the anti-HA antibodies were used to Cbf5p at increasing salt concentrations+The reduction precipitate an extract prepared from a yeast strain ex- in precipitation levels of snoRNAs is probably not due pressing the wild-type (nontagged) Nhp2p (Fig+ 3A, to the destabilization of the snoRNPs at high salt con- lane 10)+ The anti-m G (CAP) antibodies clearly pre- centrations because these H/ACA complexes are ex- 3 cipitateallcappedRNAs(Fig+3A,lane3;snR30,snR37, tremely stable and remain intact on cesium sulphate snR42, snR11, snR10, snR3, and U3)+ However, the gradients (Lübben et al+, 1995; data not shown)+ As anti-m Gprecipitationswereperformedat100mMKCl seen previously, a minimal amount of the U3 snoRNA 3 and the amount of U4 precipitated under these condi- is coprecipitated at low salt concentrations; however, tions is relatively low and only seen on longer expo- theselevelsareconsiderablylowerthanpreviouslyre- sures(datanotshown)+U14andsnR43donotcontain ported and in our hands only just visible (Fig+ 3A, am Gcapstructureandarethereforenotprecipitated lanes4and5,anddatanotshown;Ganotetal+,1997b)+ 3 bythisantibody(Fig+3A,lane3)+TheH/ACAsnoRNAs ThelowlevelcoprecipitationofU3snoRNPswasonly snR30,snR37,snR42,snR11,snR10,snR43,andsnR3 seen at 100 mM KCl (Fig+ 3A, lanes 4 and 5); at Downloaded from on February 14, 2006 1554 N.J.Watkinsetal. FIGURE3. (Legendonfacingpage.) Downloaded from on February 14, 2006 CommonH/ACAmotifsnoRNPproteins 1555 250 mM (Fig+ 3A, lanes 6 and 7) and 500 mM KCl andsnR13,aswellasseveralotherm Gcappedtran- 3 (Fig+3A,lanes8and9)onlytheH/ACAsnoRNPswere scripts (Fig+ 3B, lane 2)+ It is clear from this result that precipitated+ Significantly, the box C/D U14 snoRNA an identical subset of RNAs is associated with Cbf5p, andthespliceosomalU4snRNParenotprecipitatedat Nhp2p, and Gar1p (Fig+ 3B, lanes 3, 4, and 5)+ The any of the tested salt concentrations (Fig+ 3A)+ This threeproteinsareassociatedwithsnR30,snR37,snR11, datathereforesuggeststhatCbf5pandNhp2parespe- snR10, and snR31, as well as several RNAs between cifically associated with the H/ACAclass of snoRNAs+ 182 and 211 nt in length+ The anti-fibrillarin antibodies Becausethereareapproximately20H/ACAsnoRNAs clearly precipitate a completely different subset of in yeast, some of which have yet to be fully charac- cellularRNAsfromthoseprecipitatedwithGar1p,Cbf5p, terized, a slightly different approach was required to and Nhp2p (Fig+ 3B, lane 6) which include snR190, demonstratethatthethreeproteinsNhp2p,Gar1p,and snR45, snR13 and the small antisense box C/D Cbf5pareassociatedwithallmembersofthisclassof snoRNAs (Balakin et al+, 1996; Ganot et al+, 1997b)+ snoRNA+Therefore,theimmunoprecipitatedRNAswere From this we conclude that Gar1p, Cbf5p, and Nhp2p 39-endradiolabeledwith[32P]pCptoidentifytheRNAs are specifically associated with all of the H/ACA associated with Cbf5p and Nhp2p+ In addition to the snoRNPs+InadditiontotheknownCguidesnoRNAs, antibodiesusedinFigure3A,cellextractsexpressinga there appear to be several RNAs specifically associ- proteinA-taggedGar1pwereimmunoprecipitatedwith ated with the three common H/ACAsnoRNP proteins IgG agarose (Ganot et al+, 1997b)+ As a comparison, that are either new, uncharacterized RNAs or possibly cell extracts were also immunoprecipitated with anti- specific degradation products+ fibrillarin antibodies (Reimer et al+, 1987)+ The radio- labeledRNAswereseparatedona8%polyacrylamide Genetic depletion of Nhp2p results sequencinggel(Fig+3B)+Allimmunoprecipitationswere in a reduction in the levels of performed at 250 mM KCl, which appears to be the all H/ACAsnoRNAs minimum salt concentration required to provide speci- ficitywithoutdramaticallyreducingthesignalseenwith Because Nhp2p is an integral snoRNP protein of the Cbf5p(Fig+3A)+TheHA-antibodiesandtheIgGagarose H/ACA snoRNPs we decided to analyze the effect of onlyprecipitatedaverylowamountofbackgroundtRNA depleting this protein on snoRNP biogenesis and sta- andrRNAfromacontrolstrainthatexpressesboththe bility+ To achieve this we constructed a conditional le- wild-type Nhp2p and Gar1p (Fig+ 3B, lanes 7 and 8)+ thal allele of NHP2, cloned under the control of the The nonimmune serum also only precipitated a mini- GAL1promoter (Johnston & Davis, 1984)+ Growth of malamountoftRNAfromtheHA-taggedNhp2pstrain this strain is galactose dependent and the cells do not (Fig+ 3B, lane 1)+ The anti-m G cap antibodies specif- grow on glucose (Fig+ 4A and data not shown)+ When 3 icallyprecipitatesnR30,U1,snR42,U3,snR11,snR10, the growth rate of this conditional strain in glucose FIGURE3. Cbf5p and Nhp2p are associated with all H/ACAsnoRNAs+ A: Whole-cell yeast extract containing either a HA-taggedNhp2porthewild-typeproteinwereimmunoprecipitatedwithantibodiesraisedagainsttheHAepitope,Cbf5p, them3Gcap(monoclonalantibodyH20),andcontrolnonimmuneserum+Immunoprecipitationswereperformedateither 100,250,or500mMKCl+RNAsrecoveredfromeachimmunoprecipitationwereseparatedonan8%polyacrylamide/7M ureagelandtransferredtoanylonmembrane+TheblotwashybridizedwithprobesagainstseveralsnRNAsandsnoRNAs+ The antibody used for each immunoprecipitation is indicated above the respective lane+ NIS: nonimmune serum; CAP: anti-m3Gantibodies(H20);Cbf5:anti-Cbf5antibodies;HA:anti-hemagglutininepitope-tagantibodies;TOT:totalRNA+Salt concentrations used during each immunoprecipitation are also indicated+ The specific snRNA/snoRNA probe used is indicatedtotherightofeachindividualpanel+SeveralRNAsappeartomigratefasterinthetotalRNAlanesthaninthe precipitated lanes+ This effect is probably because of the excess of additional RNApresent in the total RNAlanes+ B: Whole-cell yeast extract was immunoprecipitated as described above+ The HA-tagged Nhp2p cell extract was also im- munoprecipitated with anti-fibrillarin antibodies+ In addition, the cell extracts containing a protein-A-tagged Gar1p were immunoprecipitatedwithIgGsepharose+TheimmunoprecipitatedRNAsweresubsequentlyradiolabeledwith59-[32P]pCp usingT4RNAligase+RadiolabeledRNAswereseparatedonan8%polyacrylamide/7Mureasequencinggelandvisualized byautoradiography+Theantibodyusedforeachimmunoprecipitationisindicatedabovetherespectivelane+NIS:nonim- mune sera; CAP: anti-m3G antibodies (H20); Gar1 (PA): IgG precipitation of proteinAtagged Gar1p; Cbf5: anti-Cbf5p antibodies; Nhp2 (HA): anti-hemagglutinin epitope-tag antibody precipitation of HA-tagged Nhp2p; Fibr+: anti-fibrillarin antibodies;PA-cont+:IgGprecipitationofwild-typeyeastextract;HA-cont+:anti-hemagglutininepitope-tagantibodyprecip- itationofwild-typeyeastextract;Total:totalRNAfromtheHA-taggedNhp2pstrain+Itshouldbenotedthattheradiolabeled totalRNAsfromeachyeaststrainusedintheseexperimentsgaveanidenticalpatternoflabeledRNAs(datanotshown)+ ThepositionsofthesnoRNAs,snRNAs,ribosomalRNAsandtRNAsareindicatedinaccordancewithBalakinetal+(1996) andGanotetal+(1997b)+ThetermCguideRNAsisusedtodenotethecomplexpatternofH/ACAsnoRNAsbetween 215 and 180 nt in length and include snR43, snR44, snR35, snR34, snR5, snR46, snR3, snR189, snR8, snR32, snR9, snR33,andsnR36+“AntisensesnoRNAs”isusedtodenotethesmallboxC/D29-O-methylaseguideRNAsthatincludeU18 andU24+ Downloaded from on February 14, 2006 1556 N.J.Watkinsetal. media is compared to that of the wild-type strain the doubling times are almost identical for the first 12 h+ However, after 12 h there is a sharp decrease in the growthoftheGAL1::NHP2strainincomparisontothe wild-type strain (Fig+ 4A)+ To analyze the effect of depleting Nhp2p levels on snoRNAlevels,totalRNAwasextractedfromthewild- type and the GAL1::NHP2strain at 12-, 24-, 36-, and 48-h growth in glucose containing media+ The relative levelsofsnoRNAsandsnRNAswerethendetermined by Northern blot analysis (Fig+ 4B)+ Strikingly, the de- pletion of Nhp2p results in an almost complete loss of all H/ACA snoRNAs tested (snR30, snR37, snR42, snR11,snR10,snR43,andsnR3)by36h+Interestingly, thelevelsofseveralH/ACAsnoRNAs,notablysnR30, snR3,snR10,andsnR37,appeartobesomewhatless sensitive to the depletion of Nhp2p than others; this mayeitherreflecttherelativeturnoverratesofindivid- ual snoRNAs or the relative requirement of Nhp2p for snoRNA stability+ As expected, the levels of box C/D snoRNAs(U3andU14)andspliceosomalsnRNAs(U4) remain unchanged+ In comparison, the depletion of Cbf5p, another core H/ACA snoRNP protein, also re- sults in the loss of this class of snoRNA (Lafontaine etal+,1998),whilethedepletionofGar1phasnoeffect on snoRNAstability (Girard et al+, 1992)+ Identification and alignment of Gar1p, Nhp2p, and Cbf5p homologues Gar1p, Cbf5p, and Nhp2p have been demonstrated to be essential for viability in yeast (Kolodrubetz & Bur- gum, 1991; Girard et al+, 1992; Jiang et al+, 1993)+As Gar1p, Nhp2p, and Cbf5p are present in all H/ACA- motif snoRNPs in yeast, it was expected that highly conservedhomologuesofthesethreeproteinsexisted inothereukaryotes+Acomparisonofthesequencesof eachcommonproteinfromadiverserangeofeukary- FIGURE4. Genetic depletion of Nhp2p results in a reduction of otes should enable the primary identification of con- H/ACAsnoRNAlevels+A:ArrestofcellgrowthbydepletionofNhp2p+ The galactose inducible strain, YNW3 (GAL::NHP2), as well as a served domains in each polypeptide+ We therefore strain expressing Nhp2p under its own natural promoter, YNW2 screened the standard sequence databases and the (NHP2),weregrowntomid-logarithmicphasein2%galactoseme- expressed sequence tag (EST) database for homo- dium+ These initial cultures were then used to inoculate glucose- containing medium to an initial OD600 of 0+05+ The cultures were logues of these three core snoRNP proteins+ diluted accordingly to keep all OD readings below 0+5, thus main- Published Gar1p sequences from S.cerevisaeand mtaoinninitgortehdeecveellsryin1l2oghaarinthdmpiclogttreodwaths+aThfuenOctDio6n00ooffteimaceh+Bcu:lRtuerequwiraes- Schizosaccharomycespombe(Girardetal+,1992,1993) ment for Nhp2p in snoRNAmetabolism+ Total RNAwas extracted are aligned in Figure 5+ Included in this alignment are fromtheyeastcellsatvarioustimesfollowingtheswitchtoglucose the new Gar1p homologues derived from a variety of medium+RNAsrecoveredfromeachtime-pointwereseparatedon an8%polyacrylamide/7Mureagelandtransferredtoanylonmem- highereukaryotes+Thesepolypeptidescontainseveral brane+TheblotwashybridizedwithprobesagainstseveralsnRNAs RGGmotifrepeatsinboththeGARdomains;however, and snoRNAs+ The yeast strains used along with the respective the number of repeats and the length of the domain incubation time in glucose medium are indicated at the top of the figure+ThespecificsnRNA/snoRNAprobeusedisindicatedtothe vary from protein to protein (Fig+ 5)+ Interestingly, the rightofeachindividualpanel+Repeatexperimentsdemonstratethat central region of Gar1p is the most highly conserved thevariationsseeninthelevelsoftotalRNAs(inparticularthe24-h part of the protein, consistent with the fact that this time-pointfromtheNHP2strain)isbecauseofexperimentalvaria- regionofGar1pisessentialforviabilityinyeast(Girard tionintheamountofRNArecoveredfromindividualbatchesofyeast cells+ etal+,1994)+ThefunctionofthiscentralregionofGar1p is at present unclear because this region of the poly- Downloaded from on February 14, 2006 CommonH/ACAmotifsnoRNPproteins 1557 FIGURE5. HomologuesofGar1pshareacentralhighlyconserveddomainbutpossessGARdomainsofvariablelength+ AminoacidalignmentoftheS.cerevisiae(accessionno+X63617),S.pombe(accessionno+Z19576),human(accession no+AA308727),Drosophila(accessionno+S49193),Cytosporidium(accessionno+AA532317),C.elegans(accessionno+ C47427),andArabidopsis(accessionno+N65654andT21476)Gar1phomologuesusingtheClustalVprogram+Identical residues are indicated in white on black boxes+ Conserved residues are indicated by grey boxes and are grouped as describedinSchulz&Schirmer(1979)+ConservedRGGtripeptidesareindicatedinwhiteondarkgreyboxes+Aminoacid positionsareindicatedontheleft+Dashedlinesindicatespacesinsertedtoaidthealignmentoftheaminoacidsequences+ Notethatthehuman,Cytosporidium,andC.eleganssequencesareincompleteattheNterminusandtheCytosporidium, C.elegans,andArabidopsissequencesappeartobeincompleteattheCterminus+ peptide appears to have little significant homology to lishedNhp2psequenceisfromS.cerevisiae(Kolodru- known protein-functional motifs that would predict ei- betz&Burgum,1991);additionalhomologuesfromhu- ther RNA or protein-binding activities+ However, this man,Caenorhabditiselegans,andricewerediscovered centraldomainprobablyissufficientfortheassociation in the database and compared by alignment (Fig+ 6)+ of this protein with the H/ACAsnoRNPs (Girard et al+, Thehumansequenceis38%identicaland56%similar 1994)+ to Nhp2p while NHP2L1 (Fig+ 6), a sequence previ- Nhp2p was initially characterized as a high-mobility- ouslyproposedtobethehumanhomologueofNhp2p, group-likeprotein;however,itcontainsaputativeRNA- is 27% identical and 41% similar to the yeast protein binding motif that is also found in ribosomal proteins (Saito et al+, 1996)+ Interestingly, the NHP2L1 protein and omnipotent suppressors of translation termination hasrecentlybeenshowntobeanessentialcomponent (Kolodrubetz & Burgum, 1991; Koonin et al+, 1994)+ ofthespliceosome(S+Nottrott,P+Fabrizio,andR+Lühr- Thisproteinisproposedtohaveamassof17+1kDbut mann, unpubl+)+ We therefore propose that the new migrates at 25 kD on a high-TEMED SDS polyacryl- humansequence,andnotNHP2L1,isthehumanortho- amide gel+ Interestingly, in vitro translated Nhp2p also logue of Nhp2p+ migratesat25kDonahigh-TEMEDSDSgel(datanot The sequence homology seen between the Nhp2 shown);however,itisnotunusualforahighlycharged protein candidates from several eukaryotic species is protein(Nhp2phasanestimatedpIof9+73)tomigrate extremelyhigh+IthasbeenobservedthatseveralRNP anomalously on polyacrylamide gels+ The only pub- proteins, including Nhp2p, share a conserved region/