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710 ACS SYMPOSIUM SERIES Structure and Properties of Glassy Polymers 1 0 0 w 0.f 1 7 0 8- 9 9 1 k- b 1/ 02 Martin R. Tant, EDITOR 1 0. 1 Eastman Chemical Company oi: org 9 | d acs.199 Anita J. Hill, EDITOR pubs.y 28, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation p://uar httan 2 | e: J 201Dat ctober 29, ublication Developed from a symposium sponsored by the OP Division of Polymeric Materials: Science and Engineering at the 213th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, San Francisco, California, April 13-17, 1997 American Chemical Society, Washington, DC In Structure and Properties of Glassy Polymers; Tant, M., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1999. TA 455 .P58S7444 1998 c.1 Structure and properties of glassy polymers Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Structure and properties of glassy polymers / Martin R. Tant, editor, Anita J. Hill, editor. p. cm.—(ACS symposium series, ISSN 0097-6156 ; 710) "Developed from a symposium sponsored by the Division of Polymeric Materials: Science and Engineering at the 213th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, San Francisco, California, April 13-17,1997." 1 0 w0 Includes bibliographic references and index. 0.f 71 ISBN 0-8412-3588-0 0 8- 9 1. Polymers. 2. Amorphous substances. 9 1 bk- I. Tant, Martin R., 1953- . II. Hill, Anita J. III. American Chemical 21/ Society. Division of Polymeric Materials: Science and Engineering. IV. 0 1 American Chemical Society. Meeting (213th : 1997 : San Francisco, Calif.) V. 0. 1 Series. oi: acs.org 1999 | d T62A04.515'9.P25—8Sd7c72414 49 189-9286 922 CIP pubs.y 28, p://uar The paper used in this publication meets the minimum requirements of American National Standard for 2 | htte: Jan Information Sciences—Permanence of Paper for Printed Library Materials, ANSI Z39.48-1984. 201Dat ctober 29, ublication CDoisptryirbiguhtetd © b 1y9 O98x fAomrde rUicnaivne Crshiteym Picraesl sS ociety OP All Rights Reserved. Reprographic copying beyond that permitted by Sections 107 or 108 of the U.S. Copyright Act is allowed for internal use only, provided that a per-chapter fee of $20.00 plus $0.25 per page is paid to the Copyright Clearance Center, Inc., 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, USA. Republication or reproduction for sale of pages in this book is permitted only under license from ACS. Direct these and other permissions requests to ACS Copyright Office, Publications Division, 1155 16th Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20036. The citation of trade names and/or names of manufacturers in this publication is not to be construed as an endorsement or as approval by ACS of the commercial products or services referenced herein; nor should the mere reference herein to any drawing, specification, chemical process, or other data be regarded as a license or as a conveyance of any right or permission to the holder, reader, or any other person or corporation, to manufacture, reproduce, use, or sell any patented invention or copyrighted work that may in any way be related thereto. Registered names, trademarks, etc., used in this publication, even without specific indication thereof, are not to be considered unprotected by law. PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA In Structure and Properties of Glassy Polymers; Tant, M., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1999. Advisory Board ACS Symposium Series 01 Mary E. Castellion Omkaram Nalamasu 0 0.fw ChemEdit Company AT&T Bell Laboratories 1 07 Arthur B. Ellis Kinam Park 8- 99 University of Wisconsin at Madison Purdue University 1 k- 1/b Jeffrey S. Gaffney Katherine R. Porter 2 Argonne National Laboratory 0 Duke University 1 0. 1 Gunda I. Georg org 9 | doi: University of Kansas TDhoe uDgAlSa sG Aro.u Spm, Initch. acs.199 Lawrence P. Klemann Martin R. Tant pubs.y 28, Nabisco Foods Group Eastman Chemical Co. p://uar Richard N. Loeppky 2 | htte: Jan University of Missouri PMarikceh-Daealv iDs .P hTaarymlaocre utical 201Dat Cynthia A. Maryanoff Research ctober 29, ublication R. WRe.s eJaorhcnhso Inn sPtihtuatrem aceutical ULneirvoerys iΒty. oTf oMwicnhisgeannd OP Roger A. Minear William C. Walker University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign DuPont Company In Structure and Properties of Glassy Polymers; Tant, M., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1999. Foreword THE ACS SYMPOSIUM SERIES was first published in 1974 to provide a mechanism for publishing symposia quickly in book form. The pur­ 1 00 pose of the series is to publish timely, comprehensive books devel­ w 0.f oped from ACS sponsored symposia based on current scientific re­ 71 search. Occasionally, books are developed from symposia sponsored 0 8- by other organizations when the topic is of keen interest to the chem­ 9 9 1 istry audience. k- 1/b Before agreeing to publish a book, the proposed table of contents 2 0 is reviewed for appropriate and comprehensive coverage and for in­ 1 10. terest to the audience. Some papers may be excluded in order to better oi: focus the book; others may be added to provide comprehensiveness. org 9 | d When appropriate, overview or introductory chapters are added. acs.199 Drafts of chapters are peer-reviewed prior to final acceptance or re­ pubs.y 28, jection, and manuscripts are prepared in camera-ready format. p://uar As a rule, only original research papers and original review pa­ httan pers are included in the volumes. Verbatim reproductions of previ­ 2 | e: J ously published papers are not accepted. 201Dat ctober 29, ublication ACS BOOKS DEPARTMENT OP In Structure and Properties of Glassy Polymers; Tant, M., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1999. Preface This volume was developed from selected contributions to the Symposium on Structure and Properties of Glassy Polymers, sponsored by the Division of Polymeric Materials: Science and Engineering (PMSE) and held during the 1997 Spring ACS Meeting in San Francisco. This three-day symposium provided a 01 forum for lively discussions on diverse topics ranging from ionic transport in 0 pr polymer glasses to glass formation of spatially confined molecules. The discus­ 0. 71 sions continuously evoked the principles of glassy polymer physics to interpret 0 8- new or recent data on physical, mechanical, electrical, and transport properties. 9 9 1 Application of recent and developing mechanistic models (in place of phenome- k- b nological models) to such newly emerging data showed promise for developing 1/ 02 unified interpretations of glassy behavior. It became clear during the symposium 1 0. that only by obtaining a fundamental understanding of the underlying physics of 1 oi: polymeric glasses will polymer scientists and engineers be able to develop the pubs.acs.org y 28, 1999 | d eabrtiileitsTy dh teioss ibtraeoidolo kfro, trlh iskep ees tctrhiufeic ctsu ayrpmep palioncsdai tuisomtan,ts e.i s o of rtghaen pizoeldy minetro gfliavses steoc aticohnise:v eP hthyes icpsr oopf ­ p://uar Glassy Polymers, Molecular Mobility and Relaxations in the Glassy State, 2 | htte: Jan Panh yisnitcraold uAcgtoinryg, cMhaepctehra nwicriatlt ePnr obpye rtthiees ,e daintodr sT. raWnsep okrnt oPwr oopfe nrtoie so thaenrd bionocklu dtheast 201Dat covers such a diverse range of topics concerning the structure and properties of ober 29, blication gpllaascseyd pino lyanmye rosf isne svuecrahl asne cutpio-ntos-.d aTteh ufass, hrieoand.e rSs oamree ecnhcaoputerargs ecdo utlod phearvues eb etehne OctPu entire book for only then will a complete picture of glassy polymer physics emerge. Note that the physics of polymer melts is not covered except where an understanding is needed of, for example, the approach toward the glass transi­ tion or where comparing glassy behavior to that of the liquid. We express our deep gratitude to the sponsors of the symposium: Eastman Chemical Company, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organi­ zation (CSIRO) Division of Manufacturing Science and Technology, EG&G Ortec, the Petroleum Research Fund of the American Chemical Society, and the ACS Division of Polymeric Materials: Science and Engineering, Inc. We are also grateful for the expert assistance of Anne Wilson of the ACS Books ix In Structure and Properties of Glassy Polymers; Tant, M., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1999. Department. In addition, the editors acknowledge Georgina Roderick of CSIRO for her assistance with the cover design. Contributors to the symposium and to the volume are thanked for sharing their work and opinions with the scientific community. MARTIN R. TANT Research Laboratories Eastman Chemical Company Kingsport, TN 37662 ANITA J. HILL CSIRO Manufacturing Science and Technology 1 0 Clayton, Victoria 3168 Australia 0 pr 0. 1 7 0 8- 9 9 1 k- b 1/ 2 0 1 0. 1 oi: pubs.acs.org y 28, 1999 | d p://uar 2 | htte: Jan 201Dat er 29, cation obbli OctPu χ In Structure and Properties of Glassy Polymers; Tant, M., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1999. Chapter 1 The Structure and Properties of Glassy Polymers An Overview Anita J. Hill1 and Martin R. Tant2 1CSIRO Manufacturing Science and Technology, Private Bag 33, South Clayton MDC, Clayton, Victoria 3169, Australia 2 Research Laboratories, Eastman Chemical Company, P.O. Box 1972, 1 Kingsport, TN 37662 0 0 ch An overview of the physics of glassy polymers and the relationships 0. 1 between molecular mechanisms and macroscopic physical, mechanical 7 8-0 and transport properties of polymer glasses is presented. The 9 9 importance of local translational and/or rotational motions of molecular 1 k- segments in the glass is discussed in terms of the implications for b 21/ thermodynamic descriptions of the glass (configurational states and 0 1 energy surfaces) as well as history dependent properties such as 0. org 9 | doi: 1 mexepcahnasniviciatyl ,b erheafvraioctuivr.e index, gas permeability, and viscoelastic pubs.acs.y 28, 199 aGplpasliscya tiopnolsy mfroerms satrreu cttuercahl no(hloygpeicrablalryic imwpinodrtoawnts ) atcor oeslse ctthroen icg a(miounti co cfo nmdautcetroiarsls, p://uar surface coatings for printed circuit boards) to environmental (membranes for industrial 2 | htte: Jan pgaresd sicetpaabrlaet iodnu)e. toT hthee p vroaprieerttyie so fo pfo gslsaisbslye pchoelymmicearsl satrreu cwtuidreesly t hvaatr ycianng b aen dsy nnotht eesaiszielyd 201Dat and the range of non-equilibrium states available to the polymer. Early theoretical ctober 29, ublication wagnloadsr ksth ietnriar ng vlsaiistsicsooyne platoeslmtyicmp ebererahst aufvroeico uu(streh d(e1 -ot7en)m .t wpAeor a foatusrmpreea clbt sde leoosfwc rth ipwetiihro innc haat nuthdree u: ntshdueepr esgrtaclanosdosil netdrga nolsifqi tutihoiden OP behaves as a glass) is necessary in order to determine the configurational state and hence physical (and possibly mechanical and transport) properties of the glass. The contributions to this book and other symposia compilations (8-12) illustrate the quest for theories and characterization techniques that adequately predict and measure phenomena responsible for the mechanical, electrical, magnetic, physical and transport properties of polymer glasses. The Glass Transition Glasses can be easily formed from non-crystallizable polymers and can be formed as well from crystallizable polymers if the cooling rate from the melt to below the glass ©1998 American Chemical Society 1 In Structure and Properties of Glassy Polymers; Tant, M., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1999. 2 transition temperature is sufficiently rapid. The glass transition, or glassy solidification, has been described as either a thermodynamic transition or a kinetic phenomenon (13). Glassy solidification shows similarities to a formal second-order transition in the pressure dependence of T; however, as pointed out by Rehage and g Borchard (14) internal thermodynamic equilibrium does not exist on both sides of T g (the Ehrenfest relationships do not hold) making it impossible to describe the solidification process as a formal second order transition. Alternatively, the kinetic argument suggests that our measurement techniques and their characteristic frequencies define the phenomenological glass transition temperature. As the melt is cooled, viscosity increases to such an extent (ca. 1011 -1013 poise) that the time scale of the experiment becomes similar to or longer than the molecular relaxation times. The temperature dependence of the coefficient of thermal expansion, elastic modulus, 01 specific heat, dielectric constant, chemical shift linewidth, difïusivity, etc. defines the 0 ch glass transition temperature, but (it is argued) the change in these parameters is due to 0. 1 the frequency of molecular motion with respect to the measurement frequency or time, 7 0 8- not due to the existence of a thermodynamic second order transition temperature. 9 9 DiMarzio suggests in Chapter 2 that there is an intimate connection between kinetic 1 k- and equilibrium quantities and argues for a thermodynamic transition on the basis of b 21/ theory and experiment, as do Bohn and Krtiger in Chapter 5. For the purposes of this 0 0.1 discussion, the transition in behaviour from that of a liquid to a glass will be described oi: 1 by the observation that the large-scale cooperative rearrangements of the molecules pubs.acs.org y 28, 1999 | d tpedhxueaprecte ortailomrae tie fonopntroa mosls rati tibdimoluenee itsonocf at tlhhgeeelsa lsfilsomiqyriu tmierded og patioiraonetni se; en hfwcfoeehw ciotceifhvv t eehlcrey,o eewaxxrhiprseeettshr tieewmdri et thnhi tniats lh itshelit em i lsiigqt ellueadifsd tsm t ouoinn btth iilrleie t ylreae vtoaieodcncnetuur ra ttoslo p://uar decide (see arguments presented in this volume by DiMarzio: Chapter 2, Baschnagel: 2 | htte: Jan vCehrayp tlearrg 4e, aasn dth Be oghlna sasn tdra Knsrittiigoenr: iCs haappptreora c5h)e. d Ino ne icthoeorl incags es,u cthhe t hvaistc tohsei tynu bmecboemr eosf 201Dat configurational states on an energy landscape is greatly reduced in the glass as ctober 29, ublication cA(oonrmg eepnlaler re(g7dy5 t )om h tiahnsie ms uluigqmguei)ds tt,eo ad na ntdho atthhtee trh eeia ssn eda etouprfe enre doaefr rntahtn ego enemn tehernegt y nf arlatounmrdes ocoanfpe te hc eroe neflfneiegcrtugsr yatth iloean npadols lcsyatmapteee.r OP "personality", and knowledge of this energy landscape gives information regarding the solidification history, the structure of the polymer glass, the population of configurational states available and the energy necessary for configurational rearrangements which lead to relaxations in the glassy state. Angell discusses in Chapter 3 the factors that affect the energy landscape placing emphasis on the α-β bifurcation temperature (or the temperature at which the β relaxation diverges from the main α relaxation). In this case the α relaxation is used to describe the large-scale cooperative rearrangements of the molecules in the region of the glass transition whilst the β relaxation is used to describe slower segmental or sub-T relaxations. The g persistence of local-scale cooperative, as well as uncoupled segmental, motion of the molecules in the glass is of interest from the polymer physics as well as applied property points of view and will be explored further in this chapter as well as Chapters 8-12. It is thus important to be able to predict the energy landscape of a polymer glass, or if this landscape is infinitely complicated, to be able to predict and measure In Structure and Properties of Glassy Polymers; Tant, M., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1999. 3 the main factors that reflect this landscape, namely the relaxation times for the molecular motions. Figure 1 shows an isobaric specific volume-temperature schematic for glassy, liquid and crystalline states of a polymer. The theoretical 100% crystalline material has a first order thermodynamic transition at T, which represents the melt m temperature. The first feature of interest for glassy polymers is the departure from equilibrium on cooling. As the polymer is cooled below T, nonequilibrium properties g (in this case volume, but as shown in Chapter 13, enthalpy as well) are quenched in and will relax to some quasi-equilibrium value with time. The quasi-equilibrium glassy state is shown in Figure 1 as a dotted line extrapolated from the liquid. At much lower temperatures the quasi-equilibrium dotted line displays a change of slope associated with vanishing configurational entropy. As mentioned above, in addition to 1 0 volume and enthalpy changes observed on cooling through T, the entropy of the 0 h g c polymer changes as indicated by a significant increase in relaxation times which 0. 71 signifies a decrease in the number of configurations available to the polymer system. 0 8- Kauzmann (16) originally noted the thermodynamic inconsistencies associated with 9 19 the extrapolation of equilibrium data far below T by calculating unrealistic quantities bk- such as negative configurational entropy and gnegative free volume. Gibbs and 1/ 2 DiMarzio (17) resolved the paradox of negative configurational entropies by 0 1 0. predicting a second order transition at a temperature T much less than T. At T the 1 2 g 2 oi: configurational entropy vanishes and remains zero to 0 K. Chapter 2 by DiMarzio and org 9 | d Chapter 3 by Angell (75,18) further discuss Kauzmann's paradox and its resolution via pubs.acs.y 28, 199 erimexltapexlniacstiaiootinno sn os( fAf onergq eusltilrl)oi.b nrgiRu emalna dxli afqtriuaoigdni oletfh bethoeerhy av voitolouu mrl oeow f( a lnitqedmu iepdnesthr aaatslup rywe)se l tla( kDaesiMs c paolroazpcioee)r a bteaivlnoidtwy ioTtsf p://uar due to the departure from quasi-equilibrium as shown in Figure 1. The relaxationg ctober 29, 2012 | httublication Date: Jan poPpruohotlyyclisemniscesead Trl s ibhA syei gs niH nsotheognced loai gnnnceedhd a( a ir1nnf 9 geama,en2to udo0rr efe)n . dso lToenotfhepa xiiesilpn aobt(epinynrpeec rSnsroettiiam aacsliohe nn ai inFsinn did gC eiusxchcrapauenaps n st1eesb ridev f1 oiit3nmry . ) aot hdasieussl be tsdhde eiqs uucmsueinnsasttgei os reianacn lti ooiafsnp hpgerlenaoatsaitsteclyedh d OP through various relaxation regions labeled with Greek symbols. The largest change in linear expansion coefficient occurs at T (the α relaxation). The schematic in Figure 1 g can be compared to experimental results for poly(methylmethacrylate) shown in Figure 2 (21). Each relaxation can be attributed to a particular molecular rearrangement in the glassy polymer and research to discover the molecular mechanisms responsible for the sub-T relaxations in glassy polymers is ongoing. g Cartoons in Figure 2 suggest the motions attributed to each relaxation in PMMA. Chapter 10 by Pratt and Smith discusses assignment of sub-T dielectric relaxations in g polycarbonate and polyester blends. The importance of these relaxational processes to physical, mechanical and transport properties is discussed in a subsequent section of this chapter entitled Links Between Sub-T Mobility and Macroscopic Properties. The g sub-T mobility responsible for these relaxations reflects the energy landscape of the g glass and as such, the activation energies for the relaxations and the distribution of relaxation times can give information on the intersegmental motion that affects macroscopic properties. In Structure and Properties of Glassy Polymers; Tant, M., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1999. 1 0 0 h c 0. 1 7 0 8- 9 9 1 k- T Tg 21/b 2 Temperature 0 1 0. Figure 1. Schematic illustration of volume-temperature behaviour for an 1 oi: amorphous and a crystalline polymer. org 9 | d pubs.acs.y 28, 199 ΤH ΠCH3 ΤH C H3 p://uar 2012 | httDate: Jan 0.88 backcbooonpee rmatoivtioe0n =mC oa-0fi- n2C 5Hc 3h rea0pi=neCa -t0 «uCnHit3e d October 29, Publication "ε 0.87 sploiodcsaesli b gmlryoa uirnepq curhioratiinantgi om snoom tioen Q-Q.O-CH3 V, 0.86-| ε ο 0.85 > (S •pa α* 0.84 (Λ 0.83 Η—ι—ι—·—ι—«—ι—«—ι—1—ι—•—ι—»—ι—'—r-' -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Temperature (°.C) Figure 2. Specific volume-temperature data for poly(methylmethacrylate). (Adapted from ref. 21.) In Structure and Properties of Glassy Polymers; Tant, M., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1999.

Content: The structure and properties of glassy polymers : an overview / Anita J. Hill and Martin R. Tant -- The use of configurational entropy to derive the kinetic properties of polymer glasses / Edmund A. Di Marzio -- Entropy, landscapes, and fragility in liquids and polymers, and the [delta]Cp [
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