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Structure and evolution of the Central Alps and their northern and southern foreland basins P. A. Ziegler *, S. M. Schmid *, A. Pfiffner** & G. Sc HON bor.\ *** * Geological-Paleontological Institute, University of Basel, Bernoullistr. 32, CH-4056 Basel. Switzerland ** Geological Institute, University of Bern, Baltzerstr. 1, CH-3012 Bern, Switzerland *** Insitut de Geologie, Universite de Neuchatel, rue E. Argand 11, CH-2000 Neuchatel, Switzerland ABSTRACT gation into the forelands and partial destruction of the flexural northern and southern foreland basins. Across the Central Alps, Cenozoic N-S plate convergence amounting to 500 to 550 km was A combined geological and deep reflection- accompanied by subduction of substantial amounts and refraction-seismic profile crossing the Central of continental and oceanic lithospheric material. Alps helps to unravel the crustal structure of this Following Paleogene collision of the Alpine oro¬ classical orogenic belt which had been the focus of genic wedge with the little attenuated northern pioneering geologists since he middle of the 18th foreland, Ncogene back-thrusting governed the century. New insights were gained by integrating evolution of its southern parts. Imbrication of the the stratigraphic, structural, geochronologic and northern and southern foreland crust, resulting in metamorphic record of the Alpine nappe systems uplift of basement cored external massifs, is a con¬ and of the northern and southern foreland basins sequence of continued post-collisional crustal with new geophysical data on the deep structure of shortening and lithospheric overthickening. the Alps. The Molasse Basin was displaced together The Central Alps developed in response to with the Jura Mountain fold-and-thrust belt which Middle and Late Cretaceous dextral oblique partial represents the northernmost external unit of the or complete closure of oceanic basins, which had Central-Alpine orogen. The Molasse Basin is a opened during Middle Jurassic to Early Cretaceous remnant of a fore-arc foreland basin. The thin- times, and to Paleogene orthogonal full-scale colli¬ skinned external South-Alpine thrust belt scooped sion of the Apulian block with the European era- out an Early Mesozoic rift-induced basin, causing ton. Neogene continued convergence, accompanied partial destruction of the southern, conjugate retro- by dextral transpression, resulted in thrust-propa¬ arc foreland basin. Ziegler, P. A., Schmid, S. M .. Pfiffner, A. & Schonborn, G., 1996. Structure and evolution of the Central Alps and their northern and southern foreland basins. In: Ziegler. P. A. & Horvath, F. (eds), Peri-Tethys Memoir 2: Structure and Prospects of Alpine Basins and Forelands. Mem. Mus. nain. Hist, nat., 170. 211-233 + Enclosure 1. Paris ISBN: 2-85653-507-0. This article includes l enclosure. 212 P. A. ZIEGLER ET AL:. CENTRAL ALPS INTRODUCTION ing the Briangonnais terrane from the Helvetic Shelf; the latter formed the southern continental margin of cratonic Europe. In Enclosure 1, different signatures are given This paper discusses the structure and evolu¬ for continental basement complexes which are tion of the Central Alps on the basis of a regional attributed to the proximal and distal parts of the geological-geophysical cross section which European margin, the Middle Penninic Briangon- extends from the Molasse Basin of Eastern nais terrane and the Austoalpine and South Alpine Switzerland into the Po Basin near the city of parts of Apulia. Ophiolitic sequences, correspond¬ Milano. Supporting structural cross-sections are ing to the floor of the former North Penninic Valais provided for the eastern and central parts of the and the South Penninic-Piemont-Ligurian ocean, Swiss Molasse Basin and the southern margin of are highlighted in black. The Hallstatt-Meliata the Southern Alps. ocean is not involved in the area of the Central The geotransect, given in Enclosure 1, inte¬ Alps, although its Late Jurassic closure did play a grates surface and sub-surface geological data with significant role in the evolution of the Austroalpine refraction-seismic and deep reflection-seismic nappes (Stampfli et al., 1991; Froitzheim et al., data. Geophysical data were acquired in the con¬ 1996) text of the Swiss National Research Project 20 Enclosure 1 illustrates clearly that during the (NFP-20; Pfiffner et al., 1988, 1996) and during the Alpine orogeny the European and the Apulian the recording of the European Geotraverse (Blun¬ margins were intensely deformed and that these dell et al., 1992). This transect crosses the Central deformations were not restricted to their sedimen¬ Alps where the external massifs plunge axially to tary cover but involved large-scale imbrications of the east-northeast and straddles the western ero- the basement which propagated far into the fore¬ sional margin of the Austoalpine nappes (Fig. 1). land. The autochthonous basement of the Molasse This permits axial projection into the plane of the Basin extends only some 20 km beneath the exter¬ section of major structural units, including the nal units of the Alps and rises to the surface in the basement-involving Aar and Gotthard massifs, the imbricated Aar Massif. The Oligocene to Miocene supra-crustal Helvetic and Penninic nappes and the synorogenic clastic wedge of the Molasse Basin orogenic lid, formed by the Austoalpine nappes. attains a thickness of some 4000 m and is under¬ Correspondingly, this profile gives also a possible lain by a relatively thin sequence of Mesozoic shelf reconstruction for the eroded parts of the Alpine series. Late Miocene and Pliocene compressional orogen (Schmid et al., 1996a and 1996b). deformation of the Jura Mountains, attributed to in¬ The Central Alps developed in response to sequence thrust propagation into the foreland, Cretaceous and Cenozoic convergence of Africa- caused uplift and erosion of the western and central Arabia and cratonic Europe. This involved pro¬ parts of the Molasse Basin (Laubscher, 1974; see gressive closure of three oceanic basins which had also Philippe et al. and Roure and Colletta, this opened during the Mesozoic break-up of Pangea volume). Exploration for hydrocarbons in the and the development of the Tethys (Fig. 2). The Swiss Molasse Basins has yielded only oil and gas oldest of these oceanic basins is the Hallstatt-Meli- shows and one very small gas accumulation (Brink ata Ocean which opened during the Middle Trias- et al., 1992). In contrast, the southern margin of the sic along the eastern margin of the continental Central Alps is characterized by a relatively wide, Apulia terrane (Italo-Dinarid Block); this ocean thin-skinned foreland fold-and-thrust belt involv¬ may have formed part of the Hellcnic-Dinarid ing a thick, southward tapering wedge of Mesozoic basin, referred to also as the Vardar Ocean. The and Paleogene series overlain by synorogenic elas¬ second oceanic basin is the South Penninic tics (Cassano et al., 1986). To the north, this thin- (Piemont-Ligurian) Ocean which opened during skinned thrust belt gives way to a system of major the Middle Jurassic between Apulia and the conti¬ basement imbrications such as the Orobic and nental Briangonnais domain. The third oceanic Mezzoldo (Colitignone unit) blocks (Laubscher, basin is the North Penninic (Valais) Trough which 1985; Schonborn, 1992; Roeder and Lindsay, opened during the Early Cretaceous, thus separat¬ 1992). The discovery of major hydrocarbon accu- Source: P E R I-T E T H Y S M E M O IR 2 : A L P IN E B A S IN S A N D F O R E L A N D S FIG. I. Tectonic map Of the Swiss Alps, showing major structural units and traces of cross-sections given in Fig. 4 and Enel. 1. Gray lines in Molasse Basin: major anticlines. E: Entlebuch gas accumulation. +: Tertiary intrusions. Nar¬ row and wide spaced pattern in South-Alpine domain corresponds to crystalline basement and Mesozoic sediments, respectively. S o 2 u 1 r 3 ce : M N H N , P a r is 214 P A. ZIEGLER ET AL.: CENTRAL ALPS FIG. 2. Palinspastic sketch map of Alpine domain at end-Jurassic times (after Schmid ct al., 1996b). LA: Lower Austroalpine domain, MG-Magua extcnsional allochthon, NCA: Northern Calcareous Alps, SA: South Alpine passice continental margin, SE-Sesia extcnsional allochthon. UA: Upper Austroalpine domain. Geo¬ graphic reference: B (Bologna), C (Corsica), Ci (Geneva), I (Insbruck), M (Mar¬ seilles), S (Sardinia), T (Torino), Z (Zurich). EVOLUTION OF THE CENTRAL ALPINE mulations, such as the Malossa gas/condensate OROGEN field, testifies to the hydrocarbon potential of the South-Alpine external thrust belt (Anelli et al., this volume). The two cross-sections through the Molasse Basin, given in Fig. 4, are based on industry-type The crystalline basement of the Alpine area reflection-seismic profiles which are calibrated by was consolidated during the Variscan orogeny wells drilled during the search for hydrocarbons which terminated at the end of the Westphalian (Stauble and Pfiffner, 1991; Pfiffner and Erard, (von Raumer and Neubauer, 1993). However, dur¬ 1996). The profiles through the Southern Alps and ing the terminal Stephanian and Early Permian the adjacent Po Valley Basin, given in Fig. 6, are phases of the Hercynian suturing of Godwana and partly constrained by industry-type reflection-seis¬ Laurussia, crustal shortening persisted in the mic profiles and well data (Schonborn, 1992). Appalachian orogen; this was accompanied by dextral shear movements between Africa and Europe, causing the collapse of the Variscan oro¬ gen and the subsidence of a system of wrench- Source: PERI-TETHYS MEMOIR 2: ALPINE BASINS AND FORELANDS 215 induced troughs in which thick continental elastics in Figure 2, giving a latest Jurassic-earliest Creta¬ accumulated. Following the Early Permian assem¬ ceous palinspastic sketch map of the Alpine region. bly of Pangea, a fundamental plate boundary reor¬ Opening of the Valais Trough entailed separation ganization underlies the development of the Tethys of the continental Briangonnais terrane from and Arctic-North Atlantic rift systems (Ziegler, Europe. It is questionable whether the Brianson- 1990). nais terrane formed part of the larger Iberian ter¬ rane, as postulated by Stampfli (1993), who visualizes a kinematic link between the opening of the Bay of Biscay and the Valais Trough. In this Opening of The Alpine Tethys Segment respect, data presente by Vially and Tremolieres (this volume) suggest that the Corsica-Sardinia block remained attached to Europe during the Cre¬ During Late Permian and Triassic times, the taceous opening of the Bay of Biscay and that the Tethys rift systems propagated westward and inter¬ suture between Europe and Iberia projects from the fered in the North Atlantic domaine with the Pyrenees to the south of Sardinia (after palinspastic southward propagating Arctic-North Atlantic rift restoration of the Corsica -Sardinia block; see also system. In the East Alpine-Carpathian-Dinarid Ziegler, 1988). The eastern continuation of the domain, rifting activity culminated in the intra-Tri- Valais Trough is probably found within or near the assic opening of a first system of oceanic basins, northern margin of the earlier formed Piemont-Lig- namely the Hallstatt-Meliata and Vardar oceans; uria Ocean (Rhenodanubian flysch and Upper these were possibly connected (Fig. 2). Following Schieferhu 1 le of the Tauern window. Outer Middle Jurassic development of a discrete trans¬ Carpathian flysch belt). Correspondingly, the Bri- form-divergent plate boundary between Gondwana an^onnais terrane is essentially confined to the and Laurasia, progressive opening of the Central Central and Western Alps. Relative movements Atlantic was accompanied by a sinistral transten- between the European and Africa-Arabian conti¬ sional translation of Africa-Arabia relative to nents and intervening microplates or terranes, lead¬ Europe. This led to the opening of a second ocean¬ ing to the opening and closing of oceanic basins in ic basin in the Alpine domain, the Liguria- the Alpine domain, is discussed in greater detail by Piemont-South Penninic oceanic basin, resulting in Stampfli (1993), Stampfli and Marchant (1996), the isolation of the Apulian (Italo-Dinarid) micro- Froitzheim et al. (1996) and Schmid et al. (1996a contionent. Opening of the Ligurian-South Pen¬ and 1996b). ninic Ocean went hand in hand with the gradual closure of the earlier formed Vardar and Hallstatt- Meliata oceans (Fig. 2). Latest Jurassic-earliest Cretaceous Orogeny Cretaceous collision of the Apulia terrane with the eastern margins of the Vardar and Hallstatt-Meliata oceans and continued sinistral translation between Europe and Africa entailed the onset of counter¬ Induced by the Cretaceous counter-clockwise clockwise rotation of Apulia. This sequence of rotation of Apulia, mass transport along its north¬ events indicates that opening of the Ligurian-South western margin, facing the South Pennimc- Penninic Ocean was neither spacially nor kinemati¬ Piemont-Ligurian Ocean, was directed westwards. cally related to the opening of the Hallstatt-Meliata In the area of the Austroalpine units of Austria, and Vardar oceans (Ziegler, 1988, 1990; Dercourt closure of the Hallstatt-Meliata Ocean had et al., 1993). occurred during a first stage in the Early Creta¬ Early Cretaceous gradual opening of the North ceous (Neubauer, 1994). During the Cenomanian Atlantic and couter-clockwise rotation of Apulia to early Turonian second stage of the Cretaceous were accompanied by the transtensional opening of orogeny, a dextral thrust wedge propagated west¬ a third oceanic basin in the Alpine domain, the wards into the Central Alpine domain (see Schmid North Penninic Valais Trough. The trace along et al., 1996a and 1996b for a discussion of con¬ which this youngest oceanic basin opened is shown straints on timing of orogenic activity along our 216 P. A. ZIEGLER ET AL.: CENTRAL ALPS transect). Subduction processes during both stages 1990) and controlled the collisional and post-colli- are indicated by the occurrence of Cretaceous-aged sional phases of Alpine orogeny. HP/LT eclogites which must be related to the acti¬ During the late Senonian, the Austroalpine vation of subduction zones along the former Melia- nappe stack was affected by tensional tectonics. ta Ocean as well as along the northwestern margin This so-called Ducan-Ela extensional phase is of Apulia (Froitzheim et al., 1996). Late Creta¬ viewed by Froitzheim et al. (1994) as reflecting the ceous west-vergent imbrications and penetrative gravitational collapse of an overthickened orogenic deformations, partly associated with metamor¬ wedge upon relaxation of the stress systems con¬ phism, are also observed in the Western Alps trolling its development. Exhumation and cooling (France, Italy) and in the Eastern Alps (Aus- of the Austroalpine units during the Ducan-Ela troalpine nappes), as discussed by Polino et al. phase had severe implications for the subsequent (1990), Ring et al. (1989) and Froitzheim et al. evolution of the Central Alps. During the Cenozoic (1994). The Austroalpine nappes were emplaced as orogenic phases, the Austroalpine units remained thin allochthonous flakes onto the South Penninic largely undeformed and acted as a relatively rigid ophiolites. This Late Cretaceous orogenic activity orogenic lid (in the sense of Laubscher, 1984), was accompanied by the shedding of elastics into Boating on viscously deforming Penninic units. the gradually closing South Penninic Trough. The In our transect, the South Penninic Ocean was Insubric Line marks the boundary between Aus¬ not closed before the end of the Cretaceous. The troalpine nappes, which are characterized by Creta¬ evolving orogen, which during the Late Cretaceous ceous metamorphism, and the South Alpine had been confined to the southeastern margin of domain which lacks such an overprint (Laubscher, the Piemont-Liguria Ocean and the Austroalpine- 1991). However, in the South-Alpine domain, there South-Alpine domain, collided in the Central is also good evidence for a Late Cretaceous first Alpine region during the Paleocene with the south¬ stage activation of the south-verging, basement ern margin of the Middle Penninic Briangonnais involving Orobic and Gallinera foreland thrusts terrane (Figs. 3a and 3b; for timing constraints see (Schonborn, 1992). These rising ramp anticlines Schmid et al., 1996a). However, in the Western acted as the source of the Turonian to Campanian Alps, collision of the evolving orogen with the Bri- flysch series which were deposited in the Lombar¬ angonnais terrane did not occur before the dian Basin, located to the South of the South- Oligocene, as evident by ophiolitic nappes overrid¬ Alpine domain (Bichsel and Haring, 1981; ing late Eocene pelagic series (Barfety et al., Bersezio and Fornaciari, 1987; Wildi, 1988; 1992). Bernoulli and Winkler, 1990). During the Senonian, and particularly during the Paleocene, the European Alpine foreland was subjected to horizontal compressional stresses which gave rise to important intra-plate deforma¬ Paleogene Orogeny tions, including the upthrusting of basement blocks and the inversion of Mesozoic tensional basins as far North as Denmark and the Central North Sea In conjunction with the Late Cretaceous and (Ziegler, 1990; Ziegler et al., 1995). In the area of Paleogene step-wise opening of the Arctic-North the Central Alps, large parts of the Helvetic Shelf Atlantic, sinistral motions between Europe and were uplifted at the end of the Cretaceous and sub¬ Africa decreased during the latest Cretaceous and jected to erosion; this is confirmed by latest Creta¬ Paleogene; with this the rotational movement of ceous and Paleocene fission-track data from the Apulia decreased gradually and westward mass Black Forest area (Wagner and van den Houte, transport along its northern margin came to an end. 1992). Regional uplift and large radius deformation However, in connection with the progressive of the Helvetic Shelf caused the removal of much break-up of Gondwana, Africa-Arabia commenced of its previously deposited Cretaceous cover and to converge during the Senonian with Europe in a truncation and karstification of the Jurassic plat¬ counter-clockwise rotational mode; this motion form carbonates particularly in the area of the Jura persisted during Cenozoic times (Ziegler, 1988, Mountains, the Molasse Basin and the North Hel- Source: MNHN, Paris PERI-TETHYS MEMOIR 2: ALPINE BASINS AND FORELANDS 217 vetic domain (Trumpy, 1980). Although the Pale- to a considerable, fault-related relief in the Hel¬ ocene deformation of the Helvetic Shelf of vetic facies domain. During the Eocene-Oligocene Switzerland was not as intense as further to the phases of nappe emplacement onto the European East in the area of the Bohemian Massif and the foreland, the latter was apparently mechanically southward adjacent Austrian Molasse Basin (Zim¬ decoupled from the orogen, as there is no evidence mer and Wessely, this volume), its positive deflec¬ for contemporaneous intraplate compressional tion must be related to compressional stresses deformations. which were exerted on the Alpine foreland in Detachment of the sedimentary cover of the response to its collisional coupling with the evolv¬ Gotthard massif, resulting in the development of ing orogen (Ziegler, 1990; Ziegler et al., 1995). the Helvetic nappes, commenced during the late However, as by the end of the Cretaceous the Eocene; by early Oligocene time, the Helvetic Alpine orogenic front was still located along the nappes, together with the overlying North Penninic southern margin of the Briangonnais terrane, it and Austroalpine nappes, had advanced into the must be assumed that the lithosphere of the Valais area of the future Aar massif (Figs. 3c and 3d). Trough had sufficient strength to permit the trans¬ During the Paleocene and Eocene phases of the mission of large stresses through it and into the Alpine orogeny, substantial parts of the crust of the European foreland. Brian9onnais, the North-Penninic realm and the Along our transect, subduction of the Bri- distal parts of the European foreland were subduct¬ an^onnais microcontinent had commenced during ed. However, the entire upper crustal volume of the the Paleocene and by the early Eocene this terrane more proximal and less attenuated part of the Euro¬ was completely subducted together with the ocean¬ pean crust (Gotthard and Lucomagno-Leventina ic parts of the Valais Tough (Schmid et al., 1996b; units) was accreted to the orogenic wedge during Figs. 3a and 3b). By early Eocene times, the south¬ the Oligocene and later phases. Resulting post- ern margin of the European foreland, correspond¬ Eocene excessive thickening of the orogenic ing to the Adula nappe, started to be overridden by wedge implies that, following the main collisional the advancing more internal nappe systems of the event, only lower crustal material was subducted. Central Alps; subsequently it was subducted to Overthickening of the orogenic wedge was accom¬ great depth, as indicated by a Tertiary aged eclogite panied by south-directed back-folding north of. facies metamorphism (Figs. 3c and 3d; for timing and back-thrusting along, the Insubric Line, caus¬ of eclogite facies metamorphism in the Alps see ing rapid exhumation of the formerly deeply hur¬ Froitzheim et al., 1996). By late Eocene time, the ried supra-crustal units in the Penninic (Lepontine) Austroalpine and North Penninic nappes had area during the Oligocene, as well as by thrust advanced into the area of the future Gotthard mas¬ propagation into the northern foreland crust, result¬ sif which corresponds to the crystalline substratum ing in step-wise imbrication of the Gotthard and of the future Helvetic cover-nappes (Fig. 3c). This Aar massifs and detachment of the Helvetic cover- led to the progressive flexural subsidence of the nappes. In the Southern Alps, late Oligocene dex- Helvetic Shelf under the load of the advancing oro¬ tral transpressive movements along the Insubric genic lid, resulting in the development of a classi¬ Line induced in the area of the Lago Maggiore cal flexural foreland basin. By late Eocene time, restraining bend East-West directed compressional marine transgressions had advanced northwards deformations (Figs. 3e and 3f; Schumacher et al., across the taincated Mesozoic strata to the south¬ 1996). ern margin of the present day Molasse Basin Oligocene post-collisional overthickening of (Pfiffner, 1986; Lihou, 1995). Flexural subsidence the Alpine orogenic wedge was associated with the of this foreland basin was accompanied by the onset of northwestward movement of the rigid development of an array of relatively small, essen¬ Adriatic indenter, south of the Periadriatic line tially basin-parallel normal faults (Herb. 1965, (Schmid et al., 1989). This indenter is composed of 1992). Synsedimentary faulting is indicated by stacked Apulian and European lower crustal and rapid lateral facies and thickness changes of mantle material at its western end (Ivrea Zone and Eocene sediments, containing large slump blocks Ivrea geophysical body. Fig. 3e). In map view this of carbonates (Menkveld-Gfeller, 1995); this points indentation is associated with dextral strike slip 218 P A. ZIEGLER ET AL.\ CENTRAL ALPS N a) Early Paleocene 65 Ma S N of Insubric line: b) Early Eocene 50 Ma upper crust of Apulian margin Aa Autlroalplne nappe* PI: Plalla - Aroaa ophiolne* A.ers BOndnerschlefer a [ * . *f] Brlen^onnals upper crust Su: Surelta- Ta Tambo nappe* Sch Schams Valal* oceanic cruel and eubconiinanlal manlle Vo Valais ophlolltes (cid:9633) North Pennlmc Bundnerschlefer (NPB) * M upper crust of European margin Ad & Or Adula -Grut Si Slmano- nappes lu Lucomagno Go Gotthard- FIG. 3. Retro-deformed cross-sections through the Central Alps showing step¬ wise evolution of the Alpine orogen (after Schmid el al., 1996b). Source: MNHN. Paris PERI-TETHYS MEMOIR 2: ALPINE BASINS AND FORELANDS 219 N e) Oligocene 32 Ma S S of Insubric Iine: sedimentary cover 100 upper crustal basement lower crust u lithospheric mantle < 150 km f) Early Miocene 19 Ma o 10 50 km g) Present Engadine 0 10 50 km Source: MNHN, Paris 220 P. A. ZIEGLER ET AL.: CENTRAL ALPS movements along the Insubric line. Note that, due some 120 km (Schmid et al., 1996b) and resulted to the subsequent dextral strike slip movements, in the development of a correspondingly long new Fig. 3e depicts a section through the Ivrea zone subduction slab. Based on seismic tomography, (after Zingg et al., 1990), presently located west of such a slab is at present still attached to the lithos¬ the transect given in Enclosure 1. Only by Miocene phere of the Alpine orogen (de Jonge et al., 1993) times (Fig. 30 may the present-day section through and exerts a negative load on it (Bott, 1993). Of the Southern Alps be depicted in our transect this total amount of late Oligocene to recent short¬ (Fig. 30- In profile view, Oligocene differential ening along our transect, about 50 km were accom¬ uplift of the southern Penninic zone can be related modated by imbrication of the European crust, to upwards directed material flow in its southern 55 km by imbrication of the South Alpine base¬ steep belt and its deflection into a North-directed ment and 15 km by back-thrusting along the Insub¬ horizontal movement of the Tambo-Suretta pair of ric Line. nappes (Schmid et al., 1996a and 1996b). This induced spectacular refolding of some of the earli¬ er formed Penninic nappe structures. These defor¬ Neogene Orogeny mations were contemporary with the activation of the Glarus thrust along which the Helvetic nappes were transported to the North. During the Oligocene, the northern foreland basin subsided During the late Oligocene and early Miocene, rapidly, expanded northwards into the area of the northward transport of the Helvetic nappes contin¬ present-day Molasse Basin and received the detri¬ ued. By early Miocene time the Glarus thrust had tus of the rising Alps. In the South-Penninic probably broken surface and by mid-Miocene time, domain, the tonalitic and granodioritic Bergell plu- Helvetic detritus appeared in the Molasse sedi¬ ton intruded syntectonically during early ments. Uplift of the Aar Massif along a crustal Oligocene post-collisional shortening (Rosenberg scale ramp commenced at the end of the et al., 1995). These magmas were derived by par¬ Oligocene, persisted into late Miocene and tial melting of the mantle lithosphere and were Pliocene times and was probably directly linked to contaminated by crustal material during their thrust deformation of the Sub-Alpine Molasse ascent; their generation is thought to be related to (Figs. 3e-g). Crustal shortening in the Aar Massif detachment of the subducted lithospheric slab and amounts to about 20 km. Folding of the Jura ensuing upwelling of the asthenosphere to the new Mountains, which form the northwestern margin of base of the lithosphere (von Blankenburg and the western and central Molasse Basin, com¬ Davies, 1995). Considering the total amount of menced during the late Miocene (Serravallian/Tor- Cretaceous to early Oligocene crustal shortening tonian, ±11 Ma) and persisted into Pliocene and along our Central Alpine transect, ihis slab may possible into recent times (Laubscher, 1987, 1992; have had a length in excess of 400 km. Burkhard, 1990; Philippe et al., this volume). The Although slab-detachment probably con¬ origin of this external crescent-shaped fold belt, tributed to the rapid early Oligocene uplift of the which separates from the Alps near Geneva, is Alpine orogen (Bott, 1993), thickening of the oro- under dispute. Shortening in the Jura Mountains, as genic wedge due to continued northward conver¬ derived mainly from surface geological criteria, gence of Apulia with cratonic Europe was boreholes and limited reflection-seismic data, presumably the dominant mechanism. This process decreases from approximately 30 km in its south¬ continued during the late Oligocene and Miocene western parts to zero at its northeastern termina¬ but included now an orogen parallel dextral slip tion. This amount of shortening may be taken up at component that is difficult to quantify. However, an intra-Triassic sole thrust which extends from the late Oligocene to Miocene lateral movements Jura through the Molasse Basin and ramps down to along the Insubric Line alone amount to some the basement at the northern margin of the Aar 50 km. Along the transect given in Enclosure 1, Massif (thin-skinned model of Laubscher, 196L late Oligocene to Recent crustal shortening in a 1992; Philippe et al., this volume). Alternatively, North-South direction is estimated to amount to shortening may be transferred to an intracrustal a Source:

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