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Preview Structural Properties of Double-Walled Carbon Nanotubes driven by Mechanical Interlayer Coupling

Structural Properties of Double-Walled Carbon Nanotubes driven by Mechanical Interlayer Coupling. Ahmed Ghedjatti,1 Yann Magnin,2 Frédéric Fossard,1 Guillaume Wang,3 Hakim Amara,1 Emmanuel Flahaut,4 Jean-Sébastien Lauret,5 and Annick Loiseau1,∗ 1Laboratoire d’Etude des Microstructures, ONERA-CNRS, BP 72, 92322 Châtillon Cedex, France 2Aix-Marseille University and CNRS, CINaM UMR 7325, 13288 Marseille, France 3Laboratoire Matériaux et Phénomènes Quantiques, CNRS-Université Paris 7, 10 rue Alice Domon et Léonie Duquet, 75205 Paris Cedex 13, France 4Centre Inter-universitaire de Recherche et d’Ingénierie des Matériaux (CIRIMAT), CNRS UMR 5085, Université Paul-Sabatier, 31062 Toulouse, France 7 5Laboratoire Aimé Cotton, CNRS, École Normale Supérieure de Cachan, Université Paris Sud, 91405 Orsay, France 1 0 Structural identification of double-walled carbon nanotubes (DWNT) is presented through a ro- 2 bustprocedurebasedonthelatestgenerationoftransmissionelectronmicroscope,makingpossible a statistical analysis based on numerous nano-objects. This approach reveals that inner and outer n tubes of DWNTs are not randomly oriented, suggesting the existence of a mechanical coupling be- a tween the two concentric walls. With the support of atomic scale modelisations, we attribute it to J the presence of incommensurate domains whose structures depend on the diameters and helicities 0 of both tubes, and where inner tubes try to achieve a local stacking orientation to reduce strain 2 effects. ] i c I. INTRODUCTION Inthiscontext,anaccurateknowledgeofthestructure s of DWNTs is needed to reach a full understanding of - l the interactions between layers and their impact on r Double-walled carbon nanotubes (DWNTs) have t the electronic properties. To do so, it is necessary m attracted the attention of numerous scientists because to perform a statistical study on a large number of . theirintrinsiccoaxialstructuresgiverisetoexcitingnew DWNTs to determine whether inner and outer tubes are t a applications1–3. From a fundamental point of view, they randomly oriented each other or not, and subsequently m are highly attractive since they represent the simplest whether they are coupled or not. Such investigations - system for investigating the effect of the interwall face some challenges. The first difficulty lies in the lack d coupling on the physical properties of multi-walled of synthesis routes to pure, electronically well-defined n carbon nanotubes. As for heterostructures built from raw material17–19. However the main challenge is the o two-dimensional crystals4, this interaction can be the c identification of the structure itself. A complete identifi- [ cause of unexpected physical properties which are not cation of (n,m) indices of each layer of a DWNT can be well known for the moment. Therefore, a detailed un- extracted from the electron diffraction pattern recorded 1 v derstanding of the interlayer coupling is still mandatory in a transmission electron microscope (TEM)4,12,13,22. for designing more elaborate applications of DWNTs. 2 Although very powerful, it can be operated only on 3 long, straight and isolated tubes in such a way that 8 Inter-tube electronic coupling in case of DWNTs can the electron beam illuminates solely a tube area larger 5 depend on the mutual arrangement of the tube walls de- than its structure periodicity. The identification of the 0 fined by the inter-wall spacing and the relative rotation structure can also be performed by using phase contrast . 1 (or twist angle) between their hexagonal networks5–7. high resolution imaging (so-called HRTEM technique). 0 Forinstance,astronginter-tubecouplingthatcaninduce This technique has suffered for a long time of a too low 7 a semiconductor-to-metal transition has been predicted image resolution to provide atomically resolved images 1 : for commensurate DWNTs6. Incommensurate DWNTs ofcarbonsp2 structures. Thisisnotlongerthecasewith v were also studied8–11. It was recently shown that the theuseofTEMequippedwithaberrationcorrectorsand Xi DWNT resulting from the combination of two concen- delivering resolution below 100 pm. Indeed, the direct tric single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) can end identification of the (n,m) chiral indices of SWNTs from r a up with non-trivial electronic properties, depending on atomically resolved images has been recently reported the twist angle11. Impact of the structure of DWNT by Warner et al.23. on their spectroscopic properties has also been explored. Detailed Raman studies on individual DWNTs have es- In this article, we present a statistical study of the tablished that both walls are mechanically coupled via structure of DWNTs based on their identification from theinterlayervanderWaalsinteraction12–15. Finally,re- atomicallyresolvedimagesrecordedwithaHRTEM.The centmeasurementsusingopticalabsorptionspectroscopy DWNTs are produced by the chemical vapor deposition have shown that van der Waals interaction can strongly (CVD) technique described in1 since they serve as long- shift optical transition energies and is highly dependent standing reference samples in several works25–28. We on helicity indices of each layer12. show that inner and outer tubes of DWNTs are not ran- 2 domly oriented each other suggesting a strong coupling (a) (b) between both walls. The nature of the interwall interac- tionisdiscussedwiththesupportofatomicscalemodeli- sations. This leads to the conclusion that the respective D i θθ11 orientationoftheinnerandoutertubesminimizesstrain effects. (a) d dd2 dd3 θ2 Do 1 2 3 II. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Our sample produced by CVD techniques1,2 is a mix- ture of different structural configurations in terms of di- ameter and helicity. A systematic analysis of TEM im- 2 nm ages reveals that samples produced by this method con- tain approximately 66% of DWNTs with a small admix- (c) n ture of about 20% single-walled carbon nanotubes, and roughly 12% triple-walled carbon nanotubes. In these θ θ (36,3) experiments, the DWNTs have an outer diameter be- m (0,0) 2 1 (36,4) tween1.2and4nmandanaverageinnerdiameteraround 1.8nm(seeFigureS1ofthesupportinginformation). Al- Di Do though a big care is taken to disperse properly DWNTs on TEM grids, tubes are most often entangled, so that electron diffraction can hardly be recorded from isolated (32,21) tubes. (31,22) (d) simulations experiments simulations A. Procedure for DWNT structure determination with HRTEM (36,3)@(32,21) (36,4)@(32,21) A complete structure identification is provided by the knowledge of the pair of Hamada indices (n ,m )@(n ,m ) where (n ,m ) and (n ,m ) stand for i i o o i i o o chiralindicesofinnerandoutertubesrespectively. They canbeextractedfromgeometricalparameters: theinner (36,4)@(31,22) (36,3)@(31,22) and outer tubes diameters, D and D and their respec- i o tive helicities θ and θ 11. Here, we focus on HRTEM i o images23 and examine how they can be exploited in the complex situation of a DWNT. Figure 1a presents a typical atomically resolved HRTEMimageofaDWNT.Basically, itdisplaysacom- FIG. 1. (a) HRTEM images of a DWNT. (b) Its cor- plex contrast Moiré pattern which arises from the pro- responding Fourier transform : from the measure of the jectedviewoffourrotatedhexagonalnetworks. Threero- layer line spacings d and d , chiral angles can be obtained 2 3 tationanglesareinvolved: thetwohelicityangles(θi and with an error bar of ∼ 0.5◦. (c) Distribution of possible θ ) and the twist angle between the tubes, ∆θ, defined chiral indices after the analysis of the layer-lines. This o as ||θ |−|θ ||. As a result, the complexity of the Moiré lead to 4 configurations colored in green : (36,3)@(32,21), i o figure hinders the direct reading of the atomic structure. (36,4)@(32,21),(36,4)@(31,22)and(36,3)@(32,22). (d)Com- parison of Fourier transform from HRTEM image and sim- ulated results for previous solutions : (36,4)@(31,22) and In order to achieve a fully atomic-resolved structure (36,3)@(31,22) can be ruled out because some differences reconstruction from such image, we defined a data pro- (marked with circles) are noticed. cessingsequencecomposedofdifferentsteps. Itcombines analyses in real and Fourier spaces and the simulation of imagesbasedontheexactexperimentalTEMconditions. Thefirststepconsistsinthedeterminationofthediame- The second step consists in extracting helicities from ters from intensity profiles related to the set of dark and thenumericalfastFourierTransform(FFT)oftheimage. bright fringes lying on each side of the tube image (see Thisnumericaldiffractionpatterndisplaysthesamefea- FigureS2ofthesupportinginformationfordetailsofthe tures than an experimental electron diffraction. It con- assignment)31. Diameters are determined with an error sists in the superimposition of two series of punctuated of ∼0.05 nm. layer-lines related to inner and outer tubes respectively, 3 duetodiscretetranslationinvariancealongthetubeaxis. of the procedure consists in assigning all the possible First order spots define four hexagons, two for the inner (n,m) tubes according to the chiral map (Figure 1c). tuberotatedeachotherbyθ andtwofortheoutertube, This leads to several possible pairs of (n ,m )@(n ,m ) 1 i i o o rotated each other by θ . As proposed in 4, the values of indices. Then, thecomparisonbetweentheexperimental 2 the helicity angles are accurately determined by consid- and the simulated FFT (see Figure 1d) allows to ruled eringspacingsbetweenthedifferentlayerlinesd andd out some configurations. The final step consists in the 2 3 as defined in Figure 1b. The chiral angle is given by: comparisonbetweenexperimentalandsimulatedimages. √ The complex Moiré pattern is indeed very sensitive to θ =arctan((2d −d )/ 3d ). the (n ,m ) and (n ,m ) couples. Indeed, changing n or 2 3 3 i i o o m indices by one unit, which corresponds to a change in one helicity angle of 0.1◦or less, can induce dramatic (a) changes (see Figure 2a). From this procedure, only the (36,3)@(32,21) Moiré pattern from the simulated HRTEM image of a (36,4)@(32,21) DWNT can fit with the experimental image in Figure 2a. Various examples corresponding to different Moiré patterns and twist angles are shown in Figure 2. A broad-spectrum of data is presented illus- HRTEM image trating that any kind of configuration can be accurately determined using this procedure. Detailed examples with all the steps are shown in Figure S4 and Figure S5 of the supporting information. In this way, the chiral indices of DWNTs can be determined unambiguously (36,4)@(32,21) from our robust procedure. 2nm (b) B. Statistical analysis of DWNT helicities HRTEM image In order to emphasize a possible correlation between the DWNT layers, we examine whether there are pre- ferredcombinationsofinnerandoutertubesbyanalyzing thestatisticaldistributionsofdifferentstructuralparam- (38,5)@(38,18) eters of ∼70 isolated DWNTs. Let us first consider the interlayer distance ∆r, where ∆r = (D − D )/2. As o i seen in Figure S6, values of ∆r are distributed over a 2nm relatively wide range of 0.30 nm to 0.40 nm close to that (c) of bulk graphite (∼0.34 nm). More interestingly, the re- (37,4)@(48,1) sults show no significant correlation between ∆r and Do in agreement with previous works10,13 (see Figure S6 of the supporting information). HRTEM image Then, the apparent differences in the chiral angles be- tween inner and outer tubes are examined by analysing the relationship between the helicities of outer tubes θ o and ∆θ. The chirality distribution was discussed with (38,3)@(48,1) respect to ∆θ which implies the absolute value of the 2nm chiral angle, since we could not adequately distinguish right- or left-handed chirality from the experiment. As visualized in Figure 3a, the distribution of the chiral in- FIG. 2. Comparison between experimental and simulated HRTEMimageswheretheanalysisofMoirépatternsenables dicesoftheDWNTsisnothomogeneous. Indeed,config- to identify the structure of the DWNT. (a) (36,3)@(32,21) urations corresponding to areas filled in grey are not ob- and (36,4)@(32,21) DWNT (∆θ = 18.0◦) (b) (38,5)@(3818) served, i.e., ∆θ = 0◦ and ∆θ > 25◦. The first exclusion DWNT (∆θ = 12.24◦) (c) (38,3)@(48,1) DWNT (∆θ = zone is not so surprising since commensurate DWNTs 2.74◦). (∆θ =0◦) are rarely (or never) observed experimentally because itis unlikely to have two commensurate SWNTs The values of the angles are obtained with an error with the appropriate radius difference for the formation ∼ 0.5◦. Considering these helical angles (with error of a DWNT4,12,33. As for the second one, it suggests bars) and diameters of inner and outer tubes directly thatinnerandoutertubesarestronglycorrelatedinsuch measured from HRTEM observations, the third step a way to avoid twinning angles where ∆θ > 25◦. Be- 4 (a) and non observed configurations are expected to be dis- 30 tributedinredandgreytrianglesrespectively. Moreover, our calculations show an homogeneous and symmetric repartition with respect to 15◦ for both axes, in strong 25 contrast with our experimental findings. This supports the conclusion that inner and outer tubes are not ran- domly oriented each other. It is worth mentioning that 20 the correlation relates only to ∆θ and has no impact on the interlayer spacing as shown in Figure S6 of the sup- ) (° 15 porting information. θ o Using our criterion, we have also analyzed data found in the literature where DWNTs were prepared using 10 arc discharge method13 and an other CVD technique12 to confirm the intrinsic character of our results. In these works, structural analysis have been performed 5 by using electron diffraction. One can note that the Semiconducting relationship between the helicities and ∆θ has not been Metallic 0 investigated in these previous works making impossible (b) 0 5 10 15 20 25 the conclusions discussed here. By analysing those experimental results with our procedure, similar conclu- 30 sions to ours can be proposed in terms of favored (red square) and forbidden configurations (grey area)(see Figure S7). As a result, it can be concluded that the 25 orientations of the hexagonal carbon network between the inner and outer tubes of DWNT are not inde- 20 pendent, and that this results does not depend neither °) onthesynthesistechniquenoronthemethodofanalysis. ( o θ 15 C. Mechanical coupling between layers 10 Thenextstepistoidentifythenatureofthecoupling, 5 i.e., electronic and/or mechanical which is responsible to previousobservations. Fromtheelectronicpointofview, all the SWNT that form the DWNT can be classified according to their electronic nature by considering the 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 chiral indices (n ,m ) and (n ,m ). However, due to i i o o Δθ (°) inter-layercoupling, electronicproperties of DWNTscan differ from those of the constituent SWNTs. By using theoretical arguments developed in11 that take into FIG. 3. (a) Statistical analysis of ∼70 DWNT helicities fol- account this coupling, the electronic properties of the lowing our TEM procedure. (b) Random distribution of ∆θ forall(n ,m )and(n ,m )intheranges1.5<D <4.0nm nanotubes characterized above have been determined. i i o o m and 0.30<∆r<0.40 nm. In all cases, favored (red delimited As seen in Figure 3a, the distribution in terms of elec- area)andnonobserved(dashedgreyarea)configurationsare tronic population is relatively homogeneous. Therefore, marked. it can be concluded that the inter-wall coupling giving rise to favored and forbidden configurations is unlikely to be driven by electronic effects. sides, some configurations are particularly favored and arehighlightedbyaredsquareinFigure3awhere∼50% Besides, in some peculiar isolated DWNTs, anomalous ofthenanotubesareobserved. Thiszonefulfillstwocon- structures have been occasionally found suggesting ditions: both helicities are near armchair and ∆θ <15◦. that a mechanical coupling between walls can exist. In order to demonstrate the particular features of the Indeed, differentHRTEMobservationshaverevealedthe relationship between θ and ∆θ, we now consider the presence of defected DWNTs where only the inner tubes o random orientation of both layers as reference data (see are damaged. As seen in Figure 4a, structural changes Figure3b). Thedistributioniscalculatedforall(n ,m ) of the confined tube characterized by local deformations i i @ (n ,m ) in the ranges of 1.5 < D < 4 nm and (highlighted by red arrows) are observed. In the present o o o 0.30 < ∆ < 0.40 nm. As seen in Figure 3b, favored cases, the interlayer distance shows a variation along the r 5 (a) D. Atomic scale simulations We have performed atomic scale modelisation in order to get insight into the coupling between walls depending onwhethertheconstituentnanotubesarecommensurate or not. In the layered graphitic sheets, the interlayer interaction is dominated by the long-ranged van der Waalsinteraction. Therefore,empiricalmethodscapable of predicting the equilibrium distance at the van der Waals distances are needed for studying large graphitic systems. In the present simulations, the atomic interac- tion is described by a potential developed by Che et al9. (b) First, relaxed structures have been obtained after per- forming rigid relaxation including translations and rota- tions of the inner tube while the outer one is kept fixed. Using this approach, commensurate as well as incom- mensurate DWNTs containing a large number of atoms (∼1000to10000atoms)arestudied. Then,weanalysein an histogram form the local energies of carbon atoms of the inner tube to determine which C atoms gain some energy. As an example, results for the (14,8)@(23,9) DWNT (∆θ = 5.23◦), which has been observed exper- imentally, are plotted on Figure 5a. Two populations of carbon atoms are identified. They correspond to a Moiré pattern displaying two kinds of local stacking. On one hand, regions where neighbors atoms are almost on the top of each other, corresponding to the so-called AA stacking, arecharacterizedbythehighestinteractionen- ergy. On the other hand, since the walls are rotated, the well-known Bernal AB stacking is also observed, giving FIG. 4. (a) HRTEM image of defected inner tubes in some risetothelowestinteractionenergy. Theseresultsarein isolatedDWNTs. Localdeformationsofinnertubesarehigh- agreement with ab initio calculations showing that AB- lighted by red arrows. (b) Structural changes of DWNTs un- der electron irradiation. stackedbilayergrapheneisthemoststablestructure35,36. Considering now the case of unexpected (19,1)@(19,14) DWNT(∆θ =22.46◦),onlyonepopulationofCatomsis evidenced(ABstacking),wheretheirenergiesareslightly tube axis. Indeed, the inner tube bends locally to de- different with the previous example since diameters are crease the distance with the outer wall. Previous works not the same (see Figure 5a). These configurations show have already revealed the deformation of neighbouring a more uniform pattern where AA stacking is no more two DWNTs due to van der Waals interactions present present. Other examples displaying the same local en- in bundle10. In such situation, both walls sustained ergy distributions are discussed in the Supp. Materials. damage. This is clearly not the case here since only Despite these examples, local energy differences between isolated DWNTs are considered. Moreover, electron stackingsarenotsignificantenough(lessthan1meV/at) beam produced by TEM could also be at the root of toexplainthefavoredandforbiddenconfigurationshigh- these structural modifications. To test this assumption, light by our experiments. TEM observations have been performed with a Philips Consequently, we have then considered geometrical CM20 operating at 120 kV. Figure 4b shows structural arguments by investigating the spatial distributions of changes of a DWNT during the electron irradiation. C-C first neighbours intertube distances. This can be Both walls are clearly damaged, indicating that when seen as a signature of the roughness between walls and the deformation is observed solely on the inner tube, it therefore can be very helpful to identify a possible me- is not due to the electron irradiation of the microscope. chanicalcouplinginDWNTs. Asseeninhistogramplots As a result, the presence of defected inner tubes sug- presented in Figure 5b, both configurations display the gests that a mechanical coupling exist between walls. A same C-C first neighbours intertube distance distribu- mechanicalcouplinghasalreadybeenreportedusingRa- tion. However, theirspatialdistributionsalongtheinner man spectroscopy13,15 and for the first time, is directly tube are strongly different. In the case of the observed evidencedinthecaseofaDWNTbyTEMinvestigations. (14,8)@(23,9) DWNT multiple domains of two different Bernal-stacked configurations (AB vs AA stacking) 6 (a) highly pronounced where spatial distributions are sharp (14,8)@(23,9)e)680000 ((1243,,89))@ AA (19,1)@(19,14) athnadtdinisncerertean(dseeoustkeertcthubinesFinigtuerraec5tcs)t.roTnghliys irnedsuiclatitnegs ner tub 240000 staAcBki ng stacking itnheronuognh ionbtseerrtvuabteiosnpaocfintghse. W(1e9,c1a)@n(t1h9e,r1e4f)oreDWattNriTbuttoe n 0 s (i -52 -50 -48 -46 -44 the strain effects on the inner tube which tend to m C ato1200 ((1199,,11)4@) pcoruevpelinntgthcaisnkeinxdplaoifnsttahcekilnagck. Soifmciolamrmly,ensusuchramteeDchWanNicTasl of 800 ber 400 for a ∆θ equal (or close) to 0◦ (see Figure S8 of the m supporting information). Nu 0-52 -50 -48 -46 -44 Energy(meV/at) (b) 2500 K initial (14,8)@(23,9) 600 ((1243,,89))@ (19,1)@(19,14) (a) configuration (33Å..)7746 er tube)240000 (3Å.7)2 n 33..7606 ms (in 03.3 3.5 3.7 3.9 4.1 33..6684 3.62 of C ato1820000 ((1199,,11)4@) 33..6506 (10,0)@(18,0)3000 K er 400 b initial m Nu 03.3 3.5 3.7 3.9 4.1 (b) configuration Distance intertube C-C 1st neighbor (Å) 3000 K (c) ∆θ > 20° ∆θ = 0° (12,0)@(18,0) FIG. 6. (a) Relaxed configurations of (10,0)@(18,0) DWNT afterMCsimulationsat2500Kand3000K(b)Relaxedcon- figuration of (12,0)@(18,0) DWNT after MC simulation at 3000 K Observed Non-observed configurations configurations Lastly, we introduce the out-of-plane degrees of free- dom by using Monte Carlo (MC) simulations37 to relax FIG. 5. (a) Analysis of local energies of a (14,8)@(23,9) the structures and analyze the non stability of specific DWNT (∆θ = 5.23◦) and (19,1)@(19,14) DWNT (∆θ = DWNTs. The idea is to start from different cases not 22.46◦) in form of histogram plots (middle). Different stack- found experimentally and submit them to high tempera- ings (AA or AB) are highlighted by circles (left and right). tures up to 3000 K, which is a typical temperature used (b) Analysis of the C-C first neighbors intertube distances in graphitization processes38. The system is then able in form of histogram plots (middle) and spatial distribution to overcome high energy barriers and reach new states along the tube (left and right). (c) Sketchs to illustrate the corresponding to equilibrium configurations. Using this different types of roughness between walls. procedure,themechanismsexplainingthestabilityofdif- ferent DWNTs can be studied in detail. We present two representative DWNTs: (10,0)@(18,0) coexist. When looking at the C-C distances mapping, and (12,0)@(18,0) which are both commensurate with this DWNT presents a smooth variation (illustrated by ∆θ = 0◦ and not supposed to be stable according to a wavy profile in Figure 5c) pointing out that roughness our HRTEM observations. We have deliberately chosen between both walls is soft. This behaviour has also been tubes with very small interlayer distances ∆r (0.31 nm identified in case of an observed (11,10)@(20,11) DWNT and 0.27 nm, respectively) to emphasize interlayer cou- as shown in Figure S8. Both areas are present and the pling and obtain relaxed structures in a reasonable, al- roughness between walls is relatively poor. We thus thoughlong,CPUtime. Tomimicexperimentalobserva- showthattheinnertubeissubjecttoweakstresseffects. tionswhereonlytheinnertubeissubjectedtostructural Wenowfocusontheunobserved(19,1)@(19,14)DWNT. modifications, outershellsarekeptfixedandnoperiodic As seen in Figure 5b, the mapping along the inner boundary conditions have been applied along the tube tube differs strongly from the one of the (14,8)@(23,9) axis in order to allow the inner tube to relax completely. DWNT. Indeed, our analysis shows an irregular pattern Figure 6a shows the final states of the MC runs for a 7 (10,0)@(18,0) DWNT at two temperatures (T =2500 K suggested that MWNTs grow by a layer-by-layer mecha- and T =3000 K) containing 672 atoms. At 2500 K, the nism39–41. In this scenario, the outer tube mights start spontaneous closing of the inner tube into a graphitic to grow; then inner walls are formed which can be stabi- like dome can be observed. This is not surprising since lized by a lip-lip interaction42. By repeating this growth these edge relaxations are due to the presence of unsta- process,ananotubecangrowinlengthaswellasinthick- ble dangling bonds. More interestingly, the inner tube ness. Recently some in-situ TEM observations demon- moves along the tube axis (displacement ∼0.2-0.3 nm) strated this sequential nucleation processes in case of to minimize its interaction with the outer shell, and the DWNTs by using crystalline Pt as catalyst particle43. local stacking changes continuously during the simula- Our work is in complete agreement with this proposed tion. This shows the non stability of the initial structure mechanism and highlights the directional correlation be- since starting from a AA stacking the final configura- tween two adjacent graphitic layers in a DWNT when it tion corresponds to a AB one. At higher temperature grows,toaccommodateatbeststraineffectsontheinner (T = 3000 K), spectacular structural changes are no- tube. Meanwhile, the presence of favored configurations ticed. The diameter and chiral angle are strongly modi- shed new light on the structural control of DWNT. In- fiedasseeninFigure6ashowingthatconfigurationswith deed, the main hurdle in the development of a DWNT- ∆θ = 0◦ are not stable at all. It is reasonable to think based technology is to control their structure and more that the equilibrium configuration should correspond to precisely their diameter and chirality. For this reason, DWNT with structural parameters corresponding to fa- several groups are working on the subsequent processing vored configurations as discussed in Figure 3. However, and sorting of raw material18,19. By focusing on favored the relaxed structure presents important distortions and structures, realizing the ultimate goal of controlling chi- alotofdefectspreventingacompletedeterminationofits ralityduringsortingwillbefacilitatedenablingtheiruse chirality. Despite that, our simulations emphasize that for a wide variety of potential applications. strain effects on the inner tube exist leading to forbid- den structures, as observed experimentally. In the case of(12,0)@(18,0)DWNT,sameconclusionscanbedrawn ACKNOWLEDGMENTS with stronger evidences due to the small interlayer dis- tance which increases the effects (see Figure 6b). As an Theresearchleadingtotheseresultshasreceivedfund- example, diameter of the inner tube varies from 9.5 Å ing from C’Nano Ile-de-France (project Biptec). Y. M to 6.5 Å. To conclude, an important issue derived from andH.A.thanktheEuropeanUnionSeventhFramework theseresultsisthattheyconfirmthattheinnertubecan Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement nř besubjectedtostresseffectsduetoainterlayercoupling 604472 (IRENA project). J. S. L. were partly funded by explaining the non stability of particular configurations InstitutUniversitairedeFrance. G.Wacknowledgesthe and the deformation of inner tubes. support of the French Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR) under contract reference ANR-11-BS10-009. Au- thors wish to thank the METSA research foundation for III. CONCLUSION giving access to the Cs-corrected TEM of MPQ-Paris Diderot laboratory. We are also grateful to the Region In summary, we have shown that both layers consti- Ile-de-FranceforconventionSESAMEE1845forthesup- tuting DWNTs are not randomly oriented. Their struc- port of the JEOL ARM 200F electron microscope in- tural properties are mainly driven by a mechanical in- stalledattheParisDiderotUniversity. Authorsacknowl- terlayer coupling where the inner tube tries to achieve edge Drs M. Kociak (DiffractX) and Y. Le Bouar for us- a local stacking in order to reduce strain effects. This ing their softwares. Drs F. Ducastelle, L. Marty and P. can be achieved during their synthesis since it has been Poncharal are acknowledged for helpful discussions. ∗ [email protected] 6 V. Zólyomi, Á. Rusznyák, J. Kürti, Á. Gali, F. Simon, H. 1 C. Shen, A.H. Brozena, Y. Wang, Nanoscale 3, 503-518 Kuzmany,Á.Szabados,ÁandP.R.Surján,91,Phys.Stat. (2011). Sol. (b) 243, 3476 (2006). 2 Y. A. Kim, K.-S. 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Thefirsttermimpliesacutoffdistancearound20Åtoreproducecorrectlytheinterlayerenergy in graphite9. To limit the CPU time of our MC simulations, only commensurate tubes have been considered when completeatomicrelaxationshavebeeninvestigated. TheconvergenceofthetotalenergyasafunctionofMonteCarlo steps is controlled and the simulation is stopped when the total energy no longer varies on the average, which implies that the system has reached a Gibbs energy minimum. Typical runs consist in 103 external Monte Carlo loops, each of them randomly performing 103 atomic displacements trials. The different tubes studied here were subjected to temperatures ranging from 1000 to 4500 K. At low temperature (T <2500 K) no obvious structural modification are observedsincethesystemistrappedinalocalminima. Ontheotherhand,closetovaporizationconditions(T >4000 K), the tube is completely destroyed. To avoid this difficulty, simulations are performed at different temperatures ranging from 2500 K to 3500 K. 10 The DWNT samples under study In Figure S1 we report the TEM analysis of our samples in term of population and diameter of tubes. (a) (b) 10 Ts <d> = 1.5 nm Ts 16 <d> = 1.8 nm umber of SWN Number of nanotubes864 umber of DWNNumberofnanotubes111464208 n n 2 2 0 0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 Diamdeitaer mdistreibutteionr o(f SnWmNT)s (nm) Diaomeutetredris tdribiuatimoneoftDeWr N(Tnsm(nm)) FIG. S1. (a) Population of different kinds of tubes (b) Histograms of all SWNTs and DWNTs.

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