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Structural Properties and Antifungal Activity against Candida albicans Biofilm of Different PDF

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Preview Structural Properties and Antifungal Activity against Candida albicans Biofilm of Different

polymers Article Structural Properties and Antifungal Activity against Candida albicans Biofilm of Different Composite Layers Based on Ag/Zn Doped Hydroxyapatite-Polydimethylsiloxanes AndreeaGroza1,CarmenStelutaCiobanu2,CristinaLianaPopa2,3,SimonaLilianaIconaru2, PatrickChapon4,CatalinLuculescu1,MihaiGanciu1andDanielaPredoi2,* 1 NationalInstituteforLaser,PlasmaandRadiationPhysics,409AtomistilorSt.P.O.BOXMG36, Magurele077125,Romania;andreea@infim.ro(A.G.);catalin.luculescu@inflpr.ro(C.L.); ganciu@infim.ro(M.G.) 2 NationalInstituteforMaterialsPhysics,405AAtomistilorStreet,P.O.BoxMG07,Magurele077125, Romania;[email protected](C.S.C.);[email protected](C.L.P.); [email protected](S.L.I.) 3 FacultyofPhysics,UniversityofBucharest,405AtomistilorStreet,P.O.BoxMG1,Magurele077125,Romania 4 HoribaJobinYvonS.A,16-18,rueduCanal,LongjumeauCedex91165,France;[email protected] * Correspondence:[email protected];Tel.:+40-0-21-3690-185 AcademicEditor:JianxunDing Received:29February2016;Accepted:30March2016;Published:9April2016 Abstract: Modernmedicineisstillstrugglingtofindnewandmoreeffectivemethodsforfighting offviruses,bacteriaandfungi. Amongthemostdangerousandattimeslife-threateningfungiis Candidaalbicans. Ourworkisfocusedonsurfaceandstructuralcharacterizationofhydroxyapatite, silver doped hydroxyapatite and zinc doped hydroxyapatite deposited on a titanium substrate previously coated with polydimethylsiloxane (HAp-PDMS, Ag:HAp-PDMS, Zn:HAp-PDMS) by different techniques: Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Glow Discharge Optical Emission Spectroscopy (GDOES) and Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR). The morphological studies revealed that the use of the PDMS polymer as an interlayer improves the quality of the coatings. Thestructuralcharacterizationsofthethinfilmsrevealedthebasicconstituentsofboth apatitic and PDMS structure. In addition, the GD depth profiles indicated the formation of a compositematerialaswellasthesuccessfulembeddingoftheHAp,Zn:HApandAg:HApintothe polymer. Ontheotherhand,invitroevaluationoftheantifungalpropertiesofAg:HAp-PDMSand Zn:HAp-PDMSdemonstratedthefungicidaleffectsofAg:HAp-PDMSandthepotentialantifungal effectofZn:HAp-PDMScompositelayersagainstC.albicansbiofilm. Theresultsacquiredinthis researchcompletepreviousresearchonthepotentialuseofnewcomplexmaterialsproducedby nanotechnologyinbiomedicine. Keywords: compositelayers;Ag/Zndopedhydroxyapatite;PDMS;C.albicansbiofilm 1. Introduction Inanerawhenscienceandtechnologyhavereachedapointwhentheimpossiblewastransformed intoreality,whencarslearntodrivethemselvesandintelligentrobotslearnhowtowalkashuman beingsandtointerprethumanemotions,themedicalfieldisstillstrugglingtofindnewandmore effectivemethodsforfightingoffviruses,bacteriaandfungi. Outofalmost611,000speciesoffungi, only600speciesareconsideredtobehumanpathogens[1–3]. Amongthemostdangerousandat timeslife-threateningfungiisCandidaalbicans,whichintheUnitedStatesisconsideredtobethefourth Polymers2016,8,131;doi:10.3390/polym8040131 www.mdpi.com/journal/polymers Polymers2016,8,131 2of22 mostfrequentlyencounteredcauseofsystemicinfectionsacquiredfromhospitals[1,4,5]. Thiswas possibleduetotheincreasingresistancetoantibioticsofdifferenttypesoffungiandalsoduetothe limited number of antifungal drugs. Candida species is one of the most dangerous human fungal pathogensresponsiblefordeeptissueandmucosalinfections,especiallyintheoralcavity. Inaddition, itwasprovedthatupto50%ofhospital-relatedC.albicansinfectionsaredeadly[1,4,5]. Accordingto Samaranayakeetal.[6]infectionscausedbyCandidaspeciesareassociatedtobiofilmgrowth. Inthis context,itisimperativetofindnewsolutionsforfightingofftheinfectionscausedbythisfungus. Althoughnanotechnologyhasbroughtimprovementstothefieldofnanomedicine,providing improvedmaterialsthatareabletomimicthehumanbodytissuestoacertainpoint,therearestill manychallengestoovercome. Oneofthemedicalfieldsthathasbeenimprovedinthelastdecades duetotheadvancesmadeintheareaofbiomaterialsisthefieldoforthopedics. Inordertoimprovethe metallicprosthesisthatareusedinorthopedicsurgeries,differentbiocompatiblematerialshavebeen usedascoatings. Inthiscontext,agreatdealofattentionwasdirectedtobioceramics. Theirability topromotenewboneformationandtheircapacitytofacilitatetheadherencetotissuesaswellasto inducegrowthofperipheraltissues[7]havemadethemexcellentcandidatesforvariousapplications inthebiomedicalfield. Inthiscontext,synthetichydroxyapatite(HAp)hasattractedtheattentionof researchersandmedicsalikeduetoitssimilaritytotheinorganiccomponentofthehumanbone[8]. Currentlyitisusedasadsorbentfordifferentproteinsandenzymes[8]orashardtissuesubstitute inorthopedicanddentalsurgeries[9]. Hydroxyapatiteisusedindifferentshapesandsizes, from granules, porous or solid matter to fine nanoparticles [8]. However, although hydroxyapatite has remarkablebiocompatibleandbioactiveproperties[10–12],itwasdemonstratedthatHApcoatings promotebacterialgrowthalongwithitsevidentosteoconductivity[10,13]. Itwasobservedthatcoated devicesaremorepronetoperi-implantitisthanuncoatedones[10,13]. Asolutiontoincreasetheantimicrobialactivityofhydroxyapatitebasedcoatingswastodope HApwithdifferentmetalionswhichpossessspecialantimicrobialproperties. Inthiscontext,agreat dealofattentionwasdirectedtosilverandzincions. Silver(Ag)isawell-knownbiocidalagentused invariousmedicalfields,whichsucceedsineradicatingalargenumberofbacteriaandfungi[14,15]. Accordingtopreviousresearch[14,16],silverdisruptstherespiratoryfunctionofbacteriabyattaching tothebacterialcellmembraneandmodifyingitspermeability[14,16]. Anotherexplanationforits ability to destroy bacteria is that very small Ag nanoparticles have the capacity to penetrate the bacterialcellandtobindwiththeirDNA[14,15,17,18]. Zinc(Zn)isoneofthetraceelementswhich is naturally found to some extant in the composition of the human hard tissue (in the enamel of theteethandinthebonetissue)[19,20]. Accordingtoseveralresearchers,zinccouldbeconsidered one of the most important element in medicine due to its vital role in the proper functioning of almost200enzymes[19,21]. DopingHApwithZn2+ionswasfoundnaturalalsoduetoitsabilityto promoteboneformation[22,23]. Therefore,embeddingeithersilverorzincionsinthestructureof synthetichydroxyapatiteleadstoasuperiormaterialmoreadequateforbeingusedindifferentmedical applications. Anotherdrawbackofhydroxyapatiteisitsbrittleness[24,25]. Inordertoimprovethe brittle nature of HAp, scientists have found a solution by combining it with various biopolymers. Polydimethylsiloxane(PDMS)hasattractedtheattentionofscientistsduetoitsbiocompatibility. Ithas beenusedinvariousbiomedicalimplantssincethe1960s[26]. Differentworksdemonstratedthatmost ofPMDSremarkablepropertiesarisefromthesiloxanebond[27–30]. Amongtheseproperties,itslow glasstransitiontemperatureat´123˝C,hydrophobicity,anditslowsurfaceenergy,itschemicaland thermalstabilityaswellaslowelectricalconductivity,physiologicalinertnessanditshighpermeability togasses[27,28]aresomeofitsadvantages. Recently,YalingLinetal.[31]revealedtheantimicrobial activitiesofpolysiloxane-containingquaternaryammoniumsaltsagainstbacteriaandphytopathogenic fungi,consideringthatpolysiloxanesprovedhighstaticanddynamicflexibilityinmanysolvents,high permeabilityandspecialsurfaceproperties.Inaddition,PDMSlayersbecameapreferredsoftsubstrate forculturingdifferenttypesofcells[32]duetotheirbiocompatibility[33],non-toxicitytowardmany speciesoforganismsandtheirbiodegradability[34]. Polymers2016,8,131 3of22 Differenttechniqueslike: sol–gelmethods,radio-frequencymagnetronsputteringplasma-spray technique,pulsedlaserdepositionorelectrodepositionarenowusedforthedepositionofamorphous HAp coatings on different types of substrates [35,36]. As these coatings are further crystallized at elevated temperatures, during these thermal treatments, many cracks are formed, as the bonding strengthofthecoatinglayerwiththesubstrateisaffectedduetothethermalexpansionmismatch betweenthecoatingandthemetalsubstrate[36]. Asaresult,differenttypesofinterlayersarenow usedasreinforcementagentsforimprovingthedelaminationofHApcoatings. Asanexample,due to their own excellent compatibility with the living tissues, and their high chemical inertness [37] SiO layershavebeenusedforthispurpose. 2 In this context, in our previous papers [38] we analyzed the physico-chemical influences of a polydimethylsiloxanefilmusedasinterlayerforanAg:HApcoating. GiventhattheX-raydiffraction spectraevidencedthecrystallineformofthehydroxyapatitedopedwithsilverintheAg:HAp-PDMS compositelayerandtheFourierTransformInfraredSpectroscopymeasurementsindicatedtheSiO 4´ 4 ionsformation,wesupposedthattheSiO 4´/PO 3´ ionssubstitutionmechanismispossibletotake 4 4 place. In addition, it was shown [39] that the hardness (H) of the Ag:HAp layer increased in the presenceofthePDMSlayerwhileitsYoung’smodulus(Y)decreased. Thegoalofthisresearchwasaninvitroevaluationoftheeffectsofvariouscompositelayersbased onsilverorzincdopedhydroxyapatite/polydimethylsiloxane(Ag:HAp-PDMSandZn:HAp-PDMS) orhydroxyapatite/polydimethylsiloxane(HAp-PDMS)onCandidaalbicans(C.albicans)adhesionto layerssurfaces. Thesecompositelayersthatcovercommerciallytitaniumsubstrateswerepreparedby combiningcoronadischargeatatmosphericpressureandsol-geldipcoatingmethod. Asaresultofthefactthattitanium-basedimplantscouldpotentiallyberesponsibleC.albicans for infections [40,41], our studies presented in this work may bring new specific information on the interactions between fungal cells and complex layers (Ag:HAp-PDMS, Zn:HAp-PDMS and HAp-PDMS).Despitethefactthattheantimicrobialpropertiesofsilverandzinchavebeenextensively studied,scientificknowledgeofthecomplexinteractionsbetweencomplexlayersbasedonsilverand zincareverylimited. In this context, the research has focused on studies of the Ag:HAp-PDMS, Zn:HAp-PDMS and HAp-PDMS complex layers surface and structure. These composite layers deposited on Ti substrates were analyzed by different techniques such as Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), GlowDischargeOpticalEmissionSpectroscopy(GDOES)andFourierTransformInfraredSpectroscopy (FTIR).Furthermore,theinvitroevaluationoftheantimicrobialeffectofthevariouscomplexlayers, whichappearedtobeactiveagainstC.albicansbiofilmembeddedcellsatdistinctintervalsoftime, ispresented. 2. MaterialsandMethods 2.1. Materials Calcium nitrate tetrahydrate [Ca(NO ) ¨4H O, Aldrich St. Louis, MO, USA], phosphorus 3 2 2 pentoxide(P O ,98%,Merck,Kenilworth,NJ,USA),silvernitrate(AgNO ,99.9%,AlfaAesar,Ward 2 5 3 Hill, MA, USA) and zinc nitrate hexahydrate (Zn(NO ) ¨6H O, 99%, Alfa Aesar, Ward Hill, MA, 3 2 2 USA) were used as precursors for the synthesis of HAp, Ag:HAp and Zn:HAp thin films. All the precursorswereusedwithoutfurtherpurification. Vinylpolydimethylsiloxane(PDMS,M «25,000, w Sigma Aldrich, St. Louis, MO, USA) liquids were used as precursors for PDMS layers generation. Commerciallypuretitanium(Ti,1.0mmthick,AlfaAesar,WardHill,MA,USA)foilwascutintodisks witha20mmdiameterandwereusedassubstrates. Allthedisksweredegreased(fivetime)inan ultrasonicbathwithacetone. Aftereachdegreasingthediskswererinsedwithdeionizedwater. Polymers2016,8,131 4of22 2.2. DepositionofPDMSLAyersonTiSubstrates ThePDMSlayersweredepositedonTisubstratesinatmosphericairpressurecoronadischargesin apointtoplaneelectrodeconfiguration. Undercoronachargeinjection(mainlynegativeoxygenions) theliquidprecursorofvinylterminatedpolydimethylsiloxanesthatliesontheanode(Tisubstrate), is transformed into a solid polymer layer after two hours. The entire deposition procedure was describedindetailin[42,43]. 2.3. DepositionofHApLayersonaTitaniumSubstratePreviouslyCoatedwithaPDMSLayer Hydroxyapatite was synthesized by sol-gel method using calcium nitrate tetrahydrate (Ca(NO ) ¨4H O) and phosphorus pentoxide (P O ) as Ca and P precursors. On the one hand, 3 2 2 2 5 a designed amount of Ca(NO ) ¨4H O was dissolved in anhydrous ethanol. On the other hand, 3 2 2 aproperamountofP O wasdissolvedsimilarlyinanhydrousethanol. Thephosphorussolutionwas 2 5 addeddropbydropintotheCasolutionundervigorousstirring. Theobtainedsolutionwasstirredfor 30minat40˝C.Theresultedsolswereagedfor72h. Finally,theobtainedsolswereclearandstable. Furthermore,thetitaniumsubstratepreviouslycoatedwithaPDMSlayerwasimmersedintoHApsol. Eachcoatingwasdriedat80˝Cfor30minandthecoatingprocedurewasrepeatedfivetimes. Inthe endthesampleswerethermallytreatedat600˝Cfor2hinair,withaheatingrateof10˝C/min[44]. 2.4. DepositionofAg:HApandZn:HApLayersonaTitaniumSubstratePreviouslyCoatedwith aPDMSLayer The composition ratios in the Ag:HAp (Ca Ag (PO ) (OH) , x = 0.3) and Zn:HAp 10´x x 4 6 2 Ag (Ca Zn (PO ) (OH) , x = 0.3) sols were adjusted so that the [Ca + Ag]/P and [Ca + Zn]/P 10´x x 4 6 2 Zn ratioswouldbeequalto1.67[45–47]. InordertoobtainAg:HAp,silvernitratewasusedforthesubstitutionofCawithAgionsinthe hydroxyapatitestructure.Firstly,AgNO andCa(NO ) ¨4H Oweremixedanddissolvedinanhydrous 3 3 2 2 ethanol.Ontheotherhand,aproperamountofP O wasdissolvedsimilarly.Thephosphorussolution 2 5 wasaddeddropbydroptothe(Ag+Ca)solutionundervigorousstirring. Theobtainedsolutionwas stirredfor30minat40˝C.Theobtainedsolswereagedfor72h. Finally,theobtainedsolswereclear andstable. Furthermore,thetitaniumsubstratepreviouslycoatedwithaPDMSlayerwasimmersed into the Ag:HAp sol. Each coating was dried at 80 ˝C for 30 min and the coating procedure was repeated five times. In the end the samples were thermally treated at 400 ˝C for 2 h in air with a heatingrateof10˝C/min[39,48]. ThesameprocedurewasfollowedforobtainingZn:HApsol. Thistime,forthesubstitutionof CaionswithZnionsinthestructureofHAp,zincnitratehexahydrate(Zn(NO ) ¨6H O),wasused. 3 2 2 2.5. StructuralCharacterizations RoughnessmeasurementsoftheTisubstrateswereperformedusingaMahrperthometer(Göttingen, Deutschland).ForeachTisubstratethearithmeticmeandeviationR ofroughnessprofile,meanpeakto a valleyheightR androotmeansquaredeviationR oftheroughnessprofileweredetermined. z q ThemorphologicalfeaturesofthehydroxyapatitecoatingsurfaceswereinvestigatedbyScanning ElectronMicroscopy(SEM)usingaFEIInspectSscanningelectronmicroscope(Hillsboro,OR,USA) inbothhigh-andlow-vacuummodes. TheelementaldepthprofileanalysisoftheAg:HAp-PDMS,Zn:HAp-PDMSandHAp-PDMS coatings were performed by Glow Discharge Optical Emission Spectroscopy (Horiba Company, Longjumeau,France). TheexperimentalconditionsusedfortheoperationoftheGDProfilerwere: 650Pa,35WRFpowerimpulsemodeat1kHzandadutycycleof0.25. Polymers2016,8,131 5of22 TheIRspectraoftheAg:HAp-PDMS,Zn:HAp-PDMSandHAp-PDMScoatingsobtainedonTi substratewereacquiredusingaSP100IRPerkinElmerspectrometer(Waltham,MA,USA)equipped withavariableanglespecularreflectanceaccessory. Themeasurementswerecarriedoutforanangle ofreflectionof300. Accordingto[10],thesecondderivativeIRspectrawereacquiredafterperforming a5-pointsmoothingoftheIRabsorbancespectra. Forthe450–2000cm´1 spectralranges,thepeak fittinganalyseswerecarriedoutusingproceduresdescribedbyIconaruetal.[10]. 2.6. InVitroAntifungalActivity ThebacterialstrainusedinthebiofilmformationwasC.albicansATCC10231. Inordertoassess thebiofilmformationonthesurfaceondifferentsurface(Ti,PDMS,HAp-PDMS,Zn:HAp-PDMSand Ag:HAp-PDMS)ofcompositelayers,0.5McFarlandmicrobialsuspensioninsterilesalineobtained from24hmicrobialculturesweregrownonthesurfaceofthethinfilmsinaliquidyeastpeptone glucose(YPG)medium. Every24,48and72hthethinfilmswereremovedfromtheculturemedium. Theywerewashedusingsterilesalinesolutioninordertoremovethenon-adherentmicrobialcellsand reintroducedintosterilesaline. Afterthat,thesampleswerevortexedforsuspendingthemicrobial cellsembeddedinthebiofilmformedonthethinfilmsspecimens. Thisentireprocedurewasrepeated forthethinfilmscolonizedwithfungalbiofilmsat48and72h. ThebiofilmformationofC.albicansondifferentsurface(Ti,PDMS,HAp-PDMS,Zn:HAp-PDMS andAg:HAp-PDMS)ofcompositelayers,wasinvestigatedusingconfocallaserscanningmicrocopy (CLSM).FortheCLSMobservation,thecellswerestainedfor2minwithpropidiumiodide,washed 2timeswithwater,airdriedandthenvisualizedinreflectionandfluorescencemodesbyusingaTCS SPconfocalmicroscope,equippedwitha10XHCXPLFLUORITEobjective,withanumericalaperture NAof0.3. Inordertoacquirebothreflectionandfluorescence,anArionlaser(488nm)wasused. The biofilm morphology of the samples was analyzed using scanning electron microscopy. ForSEMobservation,theC.albicansbiofilmswerepreviouslyfixedonthethinfilmsusing200µLcold absolutemethanolfor5min. Themethanolexcesswasremovedandthefilmswereallowedtoairdry. Thesampleswereplaceonasampleholderusingcarbontapeandthenanalyzed. 3. ResultsandDiscussions The results presented in this paper were focused on evaluation of the antifungal activity of differentsurfaces(Ti,PDMS,HAp-PDMS,Zn:HAp-PDMSandAg:HAp-PDMS)againstC.albicans onbiofilmdevelopment. Inaddition,westudiedthemorphologicalandstructuralcharacteristicsof differentsurfacessuchasPDMS,HAp-PDMS,Zn:HAp-PDMSandAg:HAp-PDMS. 3.1. ScanningElectronMicroscopy Depending on the Ti substrate surface roughness (R), the characteristic features of Ag:HAp, Zn:HApandHApcoatingswereanalyzedwithorwithoutapolymerinterlayerbyscanningelectron microscopy. ThemorphologyofaPDMSlayerdepositedonaTisubstratewithanopticallypolished surface,(R =0.084µm,R =0.489µm,R =0.108µm)inthecoronadischargeinairatatmospheric a z q pressureisshowninFigure1. Asthepolymercoveredonlyacircularareaof10mmindiameteronthecenterofthesubstrate surfaceandtheHApwasdepositedontheentireTidisksurface(20mmindiameter),theinterfacezone betweentheAg:HAp-PDMS,Zn:HAp-PDMS,HAp-PDMSandAg:HAp,Zn:HAp,HAprespectively willbefurtherinvestigated. Polymers 2016, 8, 131 5 of 22 for an angle of reflection of 300. According to [10], the second derivative IR spectra were acquired after performing a 5-point smoothing of the IR absorbance spectra. For the 450–2000 cm−1 spectral ranges, the peak fitting analyses were carried out using procedures described by Iconaru et al. [10]. 2.6. In Vitro Antifungal Activity The bacterial strain used in the biofilm formation was C. albicans ATCC 10231. In order to assess the biofilm formation on the surface on different surface (Ti, PDMS, HAp-PDMS, Zn:HAp-PDMS and Ag:HAp-PDMS) of composite layers, 0.5 McFarland microbial suspension in sterile saline obtained from 24 h microbial cultures were grown on the surface of the thin films in a liquid yeast peptone glucose (YPG) medium. Every 24, 48 and 72 h the thin films were removed from the culture medium. They were washed using sterile saline solution in order to remove the non-adherent microbial cells and reintroduced into sterile saline. After that, the samples were vortexed for suspending the microbial cells embedded in the biofilm formed on the thin films specimens. This entire procedure was repeated for the thin films colonized with fungal biofilms at 48 and 72 h. The biofilm formation of C. albicans on different surface (Ti, PDMS, HAp-PDMS, Zn:HAp-PDMS and Ag:HAp-PDMS) of composite layers, was investigated using confocal laser scanning microcopy (CLSM). For the CLSM observation, the cells were stained for 2 min with propidium iodide, washed 2 times with water, air dried and then visualized in reflection and fluorescence modes by using a TCS SP confocal microscope, equipped with a 10X HCX PL FLUORITE objective, with a numerical aperture NA of 0.3. In order to acquire both reflection and fluorescence, an Ar ion laser (488 nm) was used. The biofilm morphology of the samples was analyzed using scanning electron microscopy. For SEM observation, the C. albicans biofilms were previously fixed on the thin films using 200 μL cold absolute methanol for 5 min. The methanol excess was removed and the films were allowed to air dry. The samples were place on a sample holder using carbon tape and then analyzed. 3. Results and Discussions The results presented in this paper were focused on evaluation of the antifungal activity of different surfaces (Ti, PDMS, HAp-PDMS, Zn:HAp-PDMS and Ag:HAp-PDMS) against C. albicans on biofilm development. In addition, we studied the morphological and structural characteristics of different surfaces such as PDMS, HAp-PDMS, Zn:HAp-PDMS and Ag:HAp-PDMS. 3.1. Scanning Electron Microscopy Depending on the Ti substrate surface roughness (R), the characteristic features of Ag:HAp, Zn:HAp and HAp coatings were analyzed with or without a polymer interlayer by scanning electron microscopy. The morphology of a PDMS layer deposited on a Ti substrate with an optically Ppoolylmisehrse2d0 1s6u,8r,fa13c1e, (Ra = 0.084 μm, Rz = 0.489 μm, Rq = 0.108 μm) in the corona discharge in 6aoirf 2a2t atmospheric pressure is shown in Figure 1. Polymers 2016, 8, 131 6 of 22 As the polymer covered only a circular area of 10 mm in diameter on the center of the substrate Figure 1. SEM image of Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) layer deposited on Ti substrate in negative Figure1. SEMimageofPolydimethylsiloxane(PDMS)layerdepositedonTisubstrateinnegative surface and the HAp was deposited on the entire Ti disk surface (20 mm in diameter), the interface corona discharge. coronadischarge. zone between the Ag:HAp-PDMS, Zn:HAp-PDMS, HAp-PDMS and Ag:HAp, Zn:HAp, HAp respectively will be further investigated. InFigure2areshowntheimagesofAg:HAp-PDMS,Zn:HAp-PDMSandHAp-PDMSlayers, In Figure 2 are shown the images of Ag:HAp-PDMS, Zn:HAp-PDMS and HAp-PDMS layers, depositedonTisubstrateswithopticallypolishedsurfaces,attheirinterfacewiththeAg:HAp,Zn:HAp deposited on Ti substrates with optically polished surfaces, at their interface with the Ag:HAp, orHAplayers. Thecoatingsseemtobecompactandhomogeneouswithnocracks,thepolymeracting Zn:HAp or HAp layers. The coatings seem to be compact and homogeneous with no cracks, the likeamatrixthatallowsthehydroxyapatiteembedding. polymer acting like a matrix that allows the hydroxyapatite embedding. Figure 2. The SEM images of the interface zone between: (a) Ag:HAp-PDMS (darker zone) and Figure2.TheSEMimagesoftheinterfacezonebetween:(a)Ag:HAp-PDMS(darkerzone)andAg:HAp Ag:HAp (lighter zone); (b) Zn:HAp-PDMS (darker zone) and Zn:HAp (lighter zone); (c) HAp-PDMS (lighterzone);(b)Zn:HAp-PDMS(darkerzone)andZn:HAp(lighterzone);(c)HAp-PDMS(darker (darker zone) and HAp (lighter zone). zone)andHAp(lighterzone). It is well known that for biological applications, the physical properties of the coatings like: It is well known that for biological applications, the physical properties of the coatings like: uniformity, delamination or cracking are very important issues that depend not only on deposition uniformity,delaminationorcrackingareveryimportantissuesthatdependnotonlyondeposition procedure but also on the roughness of the substrate surface. A rough substrate surface will procedurebutalsoontheroughnessofthesubstratesurface. Aroughsubstratesurfacewilldetermine determine a non-uniform deposited layer, the possibility of coating delamination and cracking being anon-uniformdepositedlayer,thepossibilityofcoatingdelaminationandcrackingbeingincreased. increased. Therefore, we supposed that the use of a polymer interlayer for the HAp coating could Therefore,wesupposedthattheuseofapolymerinterlayerfortheHApcoatingcouldovercomeits overcome its delamination even when cracks appear. Thus, in the following, we extend our SEM delaminationevenwhencracksappear. Thus,inthefollowing,weextendourSEMinvestigations investigations to the case of HAp based coatings deposited on rough surfaces in the presence and the tothecaseofHApbasedcoatingsdepositedonroughsurfacesinthepresenceandtheabsenceofa absence of a PDMS layer laying on the substrate surface. PDMSlayerlayingonthesubstratesurface. On a Ti rough surface (Ra = 0.520 μm, Rz = 3.064 μm, Rq = 0.643 μm) partially coated with a OnaTiroughsurface(R =0.520µm,R =3.064µm,R =0.643µm)partiallycoatedwithaPDMS PDMS layer, we depositeda by sol-gel dizp coating metqhod a Zn:HAp layer. The SEM images layer, wedepositedbysol-geldipcoatingmethodaZn:HAplayer. TheSEMimagespresentedin presented in Figure 3 indicate the embedding of the Zn:HAp coating into the PDMS layer. Figure3indicatetheembeddingoftheZn:HApcoatingintothePDMSlayer. Figure 3. SEM images of the interface zone between Zn:HAp-PDMS and Zn:HAp coating. Polymers 2016, 8, 131 6 of 22 As the polymer covered only a circular area of 10 mm in diameter on the center of the substrate surface and the HAp was deposited on the entire Ti disk surface (20 mm in diameter), the interface zone between the Ag:HAp-PDMS, Zn:HAp-PDMS, HAp-PDMS and Ag:HAp, Zn:HAp, HAp respectively will be further investigated. In Figure 2 are shown the images of Ag:HAp-PDMS, Zn:HAp-PDMS and HAp-PDMS layers, deposited on Ti substrates with optically polished surfaces, at their interface with the Ag:HAp, Zn:HAp or HAp layers. The coatings seem to be compact and homogeneous with no cracks, the polymer acting like a matrix that allows the hydroxyapatite embedding. Figure 2. The SEM images of the interface zone between: (a) Ag:HAp-PDMS (darker zone) and Ag:HAp (lighter zone); (b) Zn:HAp-PDMS (darker zone) and Zn:HAp (lighter zone); (c) HAp-PDMS (darker zone) and HAp (lighter zone). It is well known that for biological applications, the physical properties of the coatings like: uniformity, delamination or cracking are very important issues that depend not only on deposition procedure but also on the roughness of the substrate surface. A rough substrate surface will determine a non-uniform deposited layer, the possibility of coating delamination and cracking being increased. Therefore, we supposed that the use of a polymer interlayer for the HAp coating could overcome its delamination even when cracks appear. Thus, in the following, we extend our SEM investigations to the case of HAp based coatings deposited on rough surfaces in the presence and the absence of a PDMS layer laying on the substrate surface. On a Ti rough surface (Ra = 0.520 μm, Rz = 3.064 μm, Rq = 0.643 μm) partially coated with a PolymePrsD2M01S6, 8la,1y3e1r, we deposited by sol-gel dip coating method a Zn:HAp layer. The SEM images7 of22 presented in Figure 3 indicate the embedding of the Zn:HAp coating into the PDMS layer. Figure 3. SEM images of the interface zone between Zn:HAp-PDMS and Zn:HAp coating. Figure3.SEMimagesoftheinterfacezonebetweenZn:HAp-PDMSandZn:HApcoating. Polymers 2016, 8, 131 7 of 22 Whenthesamplewastiltedatanangleof45˝,(enlargedimagesfromFigure3),thesmoother When the sample was tilted at an angle of 45°, (enlarged images from Figure 3), the smoother surfaceoftheZn:HAp-PDMSwasbetterevidencedincomparisonwiththeZn:HApcoating. Similar surface of the Zn:HAp-PDMS was better evidenced in comparison with the Zn:HAp coating. Similar morphologiestotheZn:HApcoatingswereobtainedfortheothertwostudiedsamples(Ag:HApand morphologies to the Zn:HAp coatings were obtained for the other two studied samples (Ag:HAp HanAdp HlaAype rlsa)y.ers). TThhee SSEEMM aannaallyyssiiss ooff tthhee ttrraannssvveerrssaall ccrroossss sseeccttiioonn ooff aa ZZnn::HHAApp--PPDDMMSS llaayyeerr,, FFiigguurree 44,, iinnddiiccaatteedd iittss tthhiicckknneessss ((aarroouunndd 335500 nnmm)) aass wweelll laas sththe erorolel eofo fthteh epoploylmymere prrperseesnecnec oeno tnhteh seusbusbtrsattrea tseursfuarcfea.c Iet. Ictocuoldu lbdeb oebosbersverevde hdohwo wtheth peoplyomlyemr ecrovcoevrse rusnuifnoirfmorlmy ltyhet huenuevneenv esnubsustbrsattrea steursfuarcfea.c Teh.uTsh,u its ,ciotuclodu blde ba eparopmroomteor tfeorrf tohret hinecirnecarseea osef ZofnZ:HnA:HpA cpoactoinatgi nagdhaderheenrceen ctoe ttohet hreouroguhg shubsustbrsattrea. te. Figure 4. SEM images of the transversal cross section of a Zn:HAp-PDMS layer deposited on a rough Figure4.SEMimagesofthetransversalcrosssectionofaZn:HAp-PDMSlayerdepositedonarough Ti surface substrate. Tisurfacesubstrate. On a scratched and rough (Ra = 0.462 μm, Rz = 2.349 μm, Rq = 0.550 μm) surface of Ti substrate Onascratchedandrough(R =0.462µm,R =2.349µm,R =0.550µm)surfaceofTisubstrate partially coated with the polymer,a we deposited az HAp layer. In qFigure 5a,b can be observed that the partiallycoatedwiththepolymer,wedepositedaHAplayer. InFigure5a,bcanbeobservedthatthe scratches from the Ti surface affect the HAp coating morphology and layer uniformity, its scratchesfromtheTisurfaceaffecttheHApcoatingmorphologyandlayeruniformity,itsdelamination delamination being promoted. Even if the coating is non-uniform, delaminated and cracked, its beingpromoted. Evenifthecoatingisnon-uniform,delaminatedandcracked,itsembeddinginto embedding into the polymer could prevent it from further deterioration. The Ag:HAp and HAp thepolymercouldpreventitfromfurtherdeterioration. TheAg:HApandHApcoatingshadsimilar coatings had similar morphologies when deposited on Ti surfaces. morphologieswhendepositedonTisurfaces. Figure 5. SEM images of the interface zone between HAp-PDMS (darker zone) and HAp (lighter zone) for different magnification: (a) ×2000; (b) ×10,000. Polymers 2016, 8, 131 7 of 22 When the sample was tilted at an angle of 45°, (enlarged images from Figure 3), the smoother surface of the Zn:HAp-PDMS was better evidenced in comparison with the Zn:HAp coating. Similar morphologies to the Zn:HAp coatings were obtained for the other two studied samples (Ag:HAp and HAp layers). The SEM analysis of the transversal cross section of a Zn:HAp-PDMS layer, Figure 4, indicated its thickness (around 350 nm) as well as the role of the polymer presence on the substrate surface. It could be observed how the polymer covers uniformly the uneven substrate surface. Thus, it could be a promoter for the increase of Zn:HAp coating adherence to the rough substrate. Figure 4. SEM images of the transversal cross section of a Zn:HAp-PDMS layer deposited on a rough Ti surface substrate. On a scratched and rough (Ra = 0.462 μm, Rz = 2.349 μm, Rq = 0.550 μm) surface of Ti substrate partially coated with the polymer, we deposited a HAp layer. In Figure 5a,b can be observed that the scratches from the Ti surface affect the HAp coating morphology and layer uniformity, its delamination being promoted. Even if the coating is non-uniform, delaminated and cracked, its Polymeersm2b0e16d,d8i,n1g31 into the polymer could prevent it from further deterioration. The Ag:HAp and HAp8 of22 coatings had similar morphologies when deposited on Ti surfaces. Figure 5. SEM images of the interface zone between HAp-PDMS (darker zone) and HAp (lighter Figure5.SEMimagesoftheinterfacezonebetweenHAp-PDMS(darkerzone)andHAp(lighterzone) zone) for different magnification: (a) ×2000; (b) ×10,000. fordifferentmagnification:(a)ˆ2000;(b)ˆ10,000. Polymers 2016, 8, 131 8 of 22 The texture of Ag:HAp, Zn:HAp and HAp coatings deposited on mirror like surfaces, in the The texture of Ag:HAp, Zn:HAp and HAp coatings deposited on mirror like surfaces, in the presenceandabsenceofthepolymerlayer,wasobtainedperforminga3Dsurfaceplot(Figure6)of presence and absence of the polymer layer, was obtained performing a 3D surface plot (Figure 6) of theirSEMimagesusingaprocessingimageusingImageJsoftware(https://imagej.nih.gov/ij/). their SEM images using a processing image using Image J software (https://imagej.nih.gov/ij/). Figure6. 3Dsurfaceplotof: (a)PDMS(SEMimagefromFigure1);(b)Ag:HAp(SEMimagefrom Figure 6. 3D surface plot of: (a) PDMS (SEM image from Figure 1); (b) Ag:HAp (SEM image from Figure 2a); (c) Ag:HAp-PDMS layer (SEM image from Figure 2a); (d) Zn:HAP (SEM image from Figure 2a); (c) Ag:HAp-PDMS layer (SEM image from Figure 2a); (d) Zn:HAP (SEM image from FigurFeig2ubr)e; 2(be)); Z(en) :ZHnA:HPA-PP-DPMDMSS( S(SEEMM iimmaaggee frforomm FiFgiugrue r2eb)2; b(f)); H(fA)pH (ASEpM( SimEMagei mfroamge Fifgruorme 2Fci)g; (ugr)e 2c); (g)HAHpA-pP-DPDMMSS( S(SEEMMi mimaaggee ffrroomm FFiigguurree 22cc)); ;(h(h) )ZZnn:H:HAAp p(S(ESME Mimiamgea gfreofmro FmiguFrige u3r);e (3i)) ;Z(ni):HZAnp:H-PADpM-PSD MS (SEM(SimEMag iemfargoem froFmig uFirgeu3r)e; 3()j;) (Hj) AHpAp(S (ESEMMi mimaaggee ffrroomm FFiigguurree 55a)a; )(;k()k H)AHpA-PpD-PMDSM (SSEM(S EimMagime fargome from FigurFeig5uar)e. 5a). 3.2. Glow Discharge Optical Emission Spectrometry (GDOES) 3.2. GlowDischargeOpticalEmissionSpectrometry(GDOES) Glow discharge optical emission spectrometry (GDOES) is a chemical analytical method often Glowdischargeopticalemissionspectrometry(GDOES)isachemicalanalyticalmethodoften used for the evaluation of constituent elements distributed throughout the coatings. It gives used for the evaluation of constituent elements distributed throughout the coatings. It gives information on a macroscopic scale (usually the diameter of the investigated surface is around 4 informmamti)o anboount athme adcerpotshc opproicfislicnagl eo(f utshuina lfliylmths ethdaita cmoveteerr moefttahlleici nsuvrefsatciegsa, thedavsinugr fashcoerits mareoausunrdin4g mm) abouttimthee adndep htihghp sreonfislitiinvgityo. fInth GinDOfiElmS,s thteh aemt cisosvioenr imnteentaslitliiecs souf rtfhaec eelse,mheanvtsin cgonsthaionretdm ine aa scuoraitningg time are measured as function of the sputtering time of the sample in a glow discharge plasma. GDOES depth profiles of the chemical elements contained in the Ag:HAp, Zn:HAp, and HAp films deposited on substrates previously covered with a PDMS layer are presented in Figure 7. Figure 7. GDOES depth profiles of: (a) Ag:HAp-PDMS; (b) Zn:HAp-PDMS; (c) HAp-PDMS composite layers. Polymers 2016, 8, 131 8 of 22 The texture of Ag:HAp, Zn:HAp and HAp coatings deposited on mirror like surfaces, in the presence and absence of the polymer layer, was obtained performing a 3D surface plot (Figure 6) of their SEM images using a processing image using Image J software (https://imagej.nih.gov/ij/). Figure 6. 3D surface plot of: (a) PDMS (SEM image from Figure 1); (b) Ag:HAp (SEM image from Figure 2a); (c) Ag:HAp-PDMS layer (SEM image from Figure 2a); (d) Zn:HAP (SEM image from Figure 2b); (e) Zn:HAP-PDMS (SEM image from Figure 2b); (f) HAp (SEM image from Figure 2c); (g) HAp-PDMS (SEM image from Figure 2c); (h) Zn:HAp (SEM image from Figure 3); (i) Zn:HAp-PDMS (SEM image from Figure 3); (j) HAp (SEM image from Figure 5a); (k) HAp-PDMS (SEM image from Figure 5a). 3.2. Glow Discharge Optical Emission Spectrometry (GDOES) Glow discharge optical emission spectrometry (GDOES) is a chemical analytical method often used for the evaluation of constituent elements distributed throughout the coatings. It gives Polymers2016,8,131 9of22 information on a macroscopic scale (usually the diameter of the investigated surface is around 4 mm) about the depth profiling of thin films that cover metallic surfaces, having short measuring taimnde haingdh hsiegnhs isteivnistiyt.ivIintyG. DInO GEDS,OtEhSe, etmhei sesmioinssiinotne ninstiteinessitoifesth oef ethleem eelenmtsecnotsn tcaoinnteadinienda inco aa tcionagtianrge amree amsueraesduraesdf uans cftuionnctoiofnth oef stphuet tsepruinttgertiimnge toimfteh eofs athmep sleaminpaleg ilno wa gdlioscwh adrigsechpalargsme pa.laGsmDOa.E GSDdOepEtSh dperopfithle sporofftihlees chofe mthicea lcehleemmiecnatl secloenmtaeinntes dcionntthaienAedg :HinA tph,eZ nA:gH:HAAp,pa, nZdnH:HAAppfi, lmansdd eHpAospi tefdilmons dsuepbsotsriateteds opnr esvuibosutsrlaytecso pvreerevdiowusiltyh caoPvDerMedS wlaiyther aa PreDpMreSs elanyteedr ainreF pigreusreen7te.d in Figure 7. Figure 7. GDOES depth profiles of: (a) Ag:HAp-PDMS; (b) Zn:HAp-PDMS; (c) HAp-PDMS Figure 7. GDOES depth profiles of: (a) Ag:HAp-PDMS; (b) Zn:HAp-PDMS; (c) HAp-PDMS composite layers. compositelayers. TheCaandPdepthprofiles,themainelementsinaHApbasedcoating,hadsimilarbehaviorin allinvestigatedsamples. Accordingtoourpreviousstudies[42],inaGDOESdepthprofilespectrum ofaPDMSlayer,wemarkedthesurfaceandthepolymer/substrateinterfacebytheSidepthprofile curvebehavior. TheSi,CaandPdepthprofilecurvesbeginandendedsimultaneously,thusindicating thattheHApwasembeddedintothepolymer. Thebroadeningofthedepthprofilecurvesassociatedwiththechemicalelementsidentifiedin thespectrafromFigure7werealmostthesameinallthesamples,beingnocleardelimitationbetween themasinthecaseofmultilayercoatings. Differentreasonslikeroughnessofthelayer/substrate interfaceasthesignalsrecordedbytheGDProfilerareaveragedovertheinvestigatedzone,crater bottomflatnessoracompositematerial,coulddeterminesuchofbehavior. Sincethesubstratesare mirrorlikesurfacesandtheoperatingconditionswerechosenforprovidingaflatcraterbottom,the GDdepthprofilesfromFigure7seemtoindicatetheformationofacompositematerial. By reaching the coating/substrate interface, the steep rise in the Ti depth profile curve is accompanied by the decrease of all signals specific to the elements contained in the investigated sample[42]. 3.3. FourierTransformInfraredSpectroscopy(FT-IR) TheIRspectraoftheHAp-PDMS,Ag:HAp-PDMSandZn:HAp-PDMSlayersthatcoveruniformly the mirror like surfaces of Ti substrates were obtained by reflectance spectroscopy. The FTIR absorbancespectratogetherwiththeirsecondderivative(inthespectralregionof450–2000cm´1) arepresentedinFigure8. IntheIRabsorbancespectraofthestudiedsamples,themainvibrational bands were attributed to the Si–O–Si (about 1004 and 1071 cm´1) [49], SiO 4´ (around 490 and 4 695cm´1)[44,48,50–54],Si–OandSi–C(approximatively862cm´1)[55]functionalgroupspresentin thePDMSlayer. Inourpreviousstudies[42,43],weshowedthatduringthepolymerizationtimein negativecoronadischarge,inaPDMSlayer,SiO likestructuresweregenerated,theSiO 4´groups 2 4 beingpredominantatthepolymersurface. Asaresultofthethermaltreatmentperformedonthe samplesafterthedepositionofHAp, Ag:HApandZn:HAponthetitaniumsubstratespreviously coatedwiththePDMSlayer,somesubstitutionsofthePO 3´ fromtheapatiticstructurebySiO 4´ 4 4 werepossible.[38,52,53,56–58]. Furthermore,theappearanceofSiO 4´groupsinthespectralregion 4 of450–650cm´1at498(inHAp-PDMSlayer)respectively511cm´1(inZn:HAp-PDMSlayer),was previouslyattributedtoapartiallossofphosphategroupsand/orofthesymmetryatthesitecaused bysubstitutionofsilicatespeciesinSi-HAp[51,59,60]. Polymers2016,8,131 10of22 Polymers 2016, 8, 131 10 of 22 FFiigguurree 88..F TFIRTIsRp ecstpreacatnrad saencodn dsedceorinvda tivdeesriovfatthiveeHs Aopf- PDthMe S,HAAgp:H-PADpM-PSD, MASga:nHdAZpn-P:HDAMpS-P DaMndS Zconm:HpAopsi-tPeDlaMyeSr sc.omposite layers. TThhee IIRRb bananddssid iednetinfiteifdieadt aabto uabto60u0t a6n0d0 1a0n5d3 c1m0´531 ccomrr−e1 spcoornrdestpoothned PtOo 3t´heg rPoOup43s− tghraotuapscse rtthaaint 4 athsceeHrtaAinp stthreu cHtuArep[ 4s8tr].uTcthuerec h[a4r8a]c. teTrhiset icchpaeraakcstearsisstoicci apteedaktso tahsesoHciaOte,dO Hto, Sthi–eO HH2Ovi,b rOaHtio, nSsi–wOeHre 2 vidibernattiifioends nweaerre1 6id00encmtif´ie1d[ 6n1e]a,rw 1h6il0e0t hcmep−1e a[6k1f]r,o wmh1il2e6 0thcem p´e1aiks forfotemn 1a2tt6r0ib cumte−d1 itso othfteeCn –aHttrbiobnudtefdro tmo tthhee CSi––HC Hbongdro furpom[6 2t]h.eO Sni–tCheHo3 tghreoruhpa n[6d2,]t.h Oenv itbhrea toiothnearl bhaanndds, tfhoeu nvdibaratt7i0o0narel sbpaencdtisv feolyun7d37 act m70´01 3 raersepsepceticvifielcyt 7o3C7 –cHm−v1i abrrea tsiponeciinficC tHo Cg–rHou vpisbrtahtaiotnbe ilno nCgHt3o gSrio–uCpHs th[4a9t ,b6e3l]o.ng to Si–CH3 [49,63]. 3 3 In Table 1 are summarized the main IR vibrational bands observed in the FTIR spectra of In Table 1 are summarized the main IR vibrational bands observed in the FTIR spectra of HAp-PDMS, Ag:HAp-PDMS and Zn:HAp-PDMS composite layers. HAp-PDMS,Ag:HAp-PDMSandZn:HAp-PDMScompositelayers. A powerful tool usually used for the determination of the weak absorption bands and for improvement of the resolution of overlapped bands is the second derivative of FTIR spectra. The second derivative spectrum of each sample is presented in the Figure 8. The formation of SiO44− groups [44,48,50–54] was also evidenced in the second derivative spectrum of the investigated samples. Furthermore, in the case of HAp-PDMS layer, the presence of bands characteristics to the ν4 PO43− vibrations was noticed. These bands are characteristic to the hydroxyapatite structure and are located at 547 and 599 cm−1 respectively [10,48]. The IR band

Abstract: Modern medicine is still struggling to find new and more effective methods for fighting . Different techniques like: sol–gel methods, radio-frequency magnetron sputtering plasma-spray . Furthermore, the titanium substrate previously coated with a PDMS layer was immersed into HAp sol.
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