STRUCTURALCONNECTOMEVALIDATIONUSINGPAIRWISECLASSIFICATION DmitryPetrov⋆† BorisGutman† AlexanderIvanov⋆ JoshuaFaskowitz† NedaJahanshad† MikhailBelyaev‡⋆ PaulThompson† ⋆KharkevichInstituteforInformationTransmissionProblems,Moscow,Russia †ImagingGeneticsCenter,UniversityofSouthernCalifornia,LosAngeles,USA ‡SkolkovoInstituteofScienceandTechnology,Moscow,Russia 7 1 0 2 ABSTRACT ICCisgenerallylow,whichcomplicatesmethodcomparison. n Also, theparametricconstraintsofclassicICC[10]maynot In this work, we study the extent to which structural a bevalid. Non-parametricapproachesfreeofdatadistribution J connectomesandtopologicalderivativemeasuresareunique assumptionsmaybemoresuitable. 0 to individual changes within human brains. To do so, we To address this issue, we propose a pairwise classifica- 3 classify structural connectome pairs from two large longi- tudinal datasets as either belonging to the same individual tionapproachtointrinsicallyassessconnectomeutilityacross ] time, somewhat in line with a recent method for functional C or not. Our data is comprised of 227 individuals from the connectomes as well [11]. For each set of connectomes Ci AlzheimersDiseaseNeuroimagingInitiative(ADNI)and226 j N and features f(Ci) in question, we construct all possible fromtheParkinson’sProgressionMarkersInitiative(PPMI). j o. Weachieve0.99areaundertheROCcurvescoreforfeatures pairs (Ci1,Ci2), where i-indices correspond to images and j1 j2 bi which represent either weights or network structure of the j-indices correspond to subjects. We then conduct a linear q- cOounrnaepcptoromaecsh(mnoadyebdeeugsreefeusl,fPoargeelRimaninkatainndglnoociaslyeffefiactuiernecsya)s. colfasthsiefisceatpiaoinrsonwtihtherpeasiprwecitsetoditfhfeeretanrcgeest∥vfa(rCiajib11l)e−y:f(yCji=22)1∥ [ apreprocessingstepinbrainagingstudiesandearlydiagnosis ifj1=j2,0else. 2 classificationproblems. We test this pipeline on structural connectomes derived v from two publicly available neuroimaging datasets: ADNI 7 Index Terms— machine learning, DWI, structural con- and PPMI. These datasets have scanned subjects multi- 4 nectomes ple times, with at least a one year interval between scans. 8 7 Weachieve0.99ROCAUCbothfordirectconnectomemea- 0 1. INTRODUCTION sures(bagofedges)andforfeaturesrepresentingconnectome 1. structure (PageRank), suggesting that the tested data is reli- 0 Predictivemodelingofneurodegenerativediseasesusingdif- ableenoughtodistinguishsubjectsbytheproposedapproach. 7 fusionMR-basedstructuralconnectomeshasbecomeapop- Similar research was conducted by Yeh et al. [12]. Though 1 ularsub-genreofneuroimaging[1]. Thegreatvarietyofpos- theauthorsusedalocalstructuralconnectome,differentfea- : v siblepre-processingapproachesneededforconnectomecon- tures, datasets and connectome construction pipelines, they i structionleadstopotentialchallengesindownstreamapplica- arrivedatsimilarconclusions. X tionoftheconnectomes,forexample,inaclassificationtask. r a Choices of e.g, non-linear registration, parcellation, or trac- 2. PAIRWISECLASSIFICATION tography, may all have a substantial impact ([2], [3]). This stateofaffairspresentsachallengebothintermsofintrinsic We propose the following pipeline for pairwise connectome connectomereliability,andthedegreetowhichtherecovered classification: normalization, building connectome features, connectomes are valid, if summary, representations of true building pairwise features based on connectome features. brainconnectivity([4],[5],[6],[7]). Let’s denote a set of connectomes as {Ci}, where j is an At the same time, the performance of a particular case- j indexofasubjectandiisanindexofanimage. control classifier may not suffice as a means of data verifi- cation due to small samples and high dimensionality. Al- ternative, more objective validation may be needed, such as 2.1. Normalizations the frequently used Intra-class Correlation Coefficient (ICC) Topological normalization of connectivity matrices may be ontest-retestdata([8],[9]). However,structuralconnectome useful prior to any analysis, because the number of detected [email protected] streamlines is known to vary from individual to individual and can also be affected by fiber tract length, volume of 3. EXPERIMENTS cortical regions and other factors ([13], [14]). There is no consensusonthebestnormalizationapproach,soweusethe 3.1. Basedata three following topological normalization schemes along- We used two datasets for our experiments. Our first dataset, side with pure weights (no normalization at all) – by mean, theAlzheimersDiseaseNeuroimagingInitiative(ADNI2),is by maximum and binary normalization with zero threshold: comprisedof227individuals(675scans),meanageatbase- ab = 1ifa >0,0elsewherea isaconnectomeedge. kl kl kl linevisit73.1±7.4,99females. Eachindividualhadatleast 1 brain scan and at most 6 scans. The data include 46 peo- 2.2. Networkfeatures plewithAD(111ADscans),80individualswithEMCI(247 MCI scans), 40 people with LMCI (120 LMCI scans) and For each connectome and each normalization we build “bag 61 healthy participants (160 scans). Second, we used imag- of edges” vectors from the upper triangle of the symmetric ing data from the Parkinsons Progression Markers Initiative connectivity matrix. In addition, we calculate eight net- (PPMI)database. FromitweselectedsubjectswithPD(159 work metrics for each node: weighted degrees, or strength; subjects)andhealthycontrols(67subjects). Theseincludeda closeness, betweenness and eigenvector centralities; local totalof226individuals(456scans),meanageatthebaseline efficiency; clustering coefficient; weighted number of trian- 61.0±9.8 years, 79 females. Each individual had at least 1 gles around node. We choose these features because they brainscanandatmost4scans. are well-described and reflect different structural properties of connectomes [15]. We also calculate PageRank for each node. Introduced in 1998 by Brin and Page [16] this metric 3.2. Networkconstruction roughlyestimatesprobabilitythatapersonrandomlyclicking InhomogeneitycorrectedT1-weightedimagesforADNIand onlinksinthenetworkwillarriveatparticularnode. PPMI data were processed with FreeSufer’s [17] recon-all pipeline to obtain a triangular mesh of the gray-white mat- 2.3. Pairwisefeatures ter boundary registered to a shared spherical space, as well Each normalization and set of features described above de- as corresponding vertex labels per subject for a cortical par- finesamappingfromconnectomespacetofeaturespaceC → cellationbasedontheDesikan-Killiany(DK)atlas[18]. This f(C).Sinceourgoalistocheckhowwellthismappingsepa- atlas includes 68 cortical brain regions; hence, our cortical ratesconnectomesinit,weproposevariouspairwisefeatures. connectivitymatriceswere68×68. Foreachsetofconnectomefeaturesinquestionwemakeall Inparallel,T1wimageswerealigned(6-dof)tothe2mm possible pairs of connectome features – (f(Ci1),f(Ci2)). isotropic MNI 152 template. These were used as the tem- For each pair, we assign a binary target variablje1– 1 ifjc2on- plate to register the average b0 of the DWI images, in or- nectomes are from the same subject (j = j ), 0 – if they der to account for EPI related susceptibility artifacts. DWI 1 2 are from different subjects (j ≠ j ). Finally, for each pair images were also corrected for eddy current and motion re- 1 2 webuildavectorofthreefeatures,describingtheirdifference lated distortions. Rotation of b-vectors was performed ac- ∥f(C )−f(C )∥accordingtol ,l andl norms. cordingly. Tractography for ADNI data was then conducted 1 2 1 2 ∞ usingthedistortioncorrectedDWIin2mmisotropicMNI152 space. Probabilistic streamline tractography was performed 2.4. Classifiersandvalidation usingtheDipy[19]LocalTrackingmoduleandimplementa- We use linear classifiers for pairwise classification: logistic tionofconstrainedsphericaldeconvolution(CSD)[20]witha regression (LR), SVM with linear kernel and stochastic gra- sphericalharmonicsorderof6. Streamlineslongerthan5mm dientdescent(SGD)withmodifiedHuberloss. Wescalefea- withbothendsintersectingthecorticalsurfacewereretained. tures with standard scaling and apply elastic-net regulariza- Edgeweightsintheoriginalmatricesareproportionaltothe tionforeachofclassifiers. numberofstreamlinesdetectedbythealgorithm. Model performance we measure with area under ROC PPMI data were processed in a slightly different fashion curve (ROC AUC) through a two-step validation proce- to account for variability in the acquisition protocols and to dure. First, for each dataset, we perform hyperparameter show our method is not dependent on any single processing grid search based on a 10-fold cross-validation with a fixed scheme. Imageswereinitiallydenoisedwithanadaptivede- random state for reproducibility. For each model we varied noising algorithm [21] and two DWI acquisitions from each overallregularizationparameter, l -ratioandnumberofiter- subject were merged. DWI images were corrected for eddy 1 ationsforSGD.Thenweevaluatethebestparameterson100 currentandmotionrelateddistortions,thennon-linearlyepi- train/test splits with fixed different random states (test size corrected with ANTs SyN. Rotation of b-vectors was per- wassetto20%ofdata).WereporttheROCAUCdistribution formed accordingly. Tractography for PPMI data was then on these 100 test splits for each combination of normaliza- conductedin2mmisotropicMNI152space,againusingthe tion/basefeatures/diagnosticgroupinresultssection. DipyLocalTrackingmodule. Ateachvoxel,theCSDwasfit- tedrecursively[20]withasphericalharmonicorderof6. De- terministicstreamlinetractographywasseededattworandom locations in each white matter voxel. Similar to the ADNI data,onlystreamlineslongerthan5mmwithbothendsinter- sectingthecorticalsurfacewereretained. 3.3. Pairwisedata Foreachsetofconnectomesdescribedabove(ADNI,PPMI) wemadeallpossiblepairsofconnectomesasdescribedin2.3. Usingthistechniqueweobtained227475pairs(764ofwhich were labeled as 1) from ADNI2 data and 152031 pairs from Fig.2. ROCAUCdistributionsforpairwiseclassificationon PPMI data (301 of which were labeled as 1). Due to huge all ADNI data depending on choice of connectome normal- imbalanceofclassesingeneratedpairs, weusedallsamples izing scheme and base features. For betweenness centrality, with label 1 and equally sized random subsample of 0. Our clustering coefficient, eigenvector centrality, PageRank and result do not depend for different subsamples of 0s, so we triangles,wereportresultsonlyforthebinaryandmeannor- reportthemforafixedrandomstate. malizations. Normalizing by the other norms affects these featuresidenticallytothemeannormalization. 3.4. Pairwiseclassificationperformance Figures 2 and 3 quantify this observation for ADNI and PPMIdataintermsofROCAUCdistributionsdependingon normalizationandbasefeatures. Weseethat0.99ROCAUC can be achieved either for connectome weights themselves, or for features that capture connectome structure. We also seethatthechoiceofnormalizationgreatlyaffectstheaccu- racyofpairwiseclassification. Normalizingbythemeanisa winnerinmostcases,withtheexceptionofeigenvectorcen- trality and clustering coefficient features. It is interesting to notethatforclusteringcoefficientandeigenvectorcentrality, binarynormalization performedbetter thanothernormaliza- tionseventhoughitpreservessomewhatlessinformation. Figures3-4showtheROCAUCdistributionsofpairwise classification depending on the base features and diagnos- tic group for connectomes normalized by the mean. We see thatthereisalmostnodifferenceinpairwiseclassificationre- sultsindifferentdiagnosticgroups. Wenotethatinterquartile spreadishighfordiagnosticgroupswiththesmallestnumber ofsubjects. 4. CONCLUSION Fig. 1. Multidimensional scaling for ADNI data based on l norm. Pointswithsamecolorsrepresentsamesubjects. To 2 We have presented a method for structural connectome fea- avoid mess on the pictures we’ve decided to color only 17 ture validation through pairwise classification which is free subjects. Othersubjectsrepresentedbysmallergreymarkers. ofdistributionassumptions. WetestedthispipelineonADNI Marker shape indicates diagnostic group: ◯ – controls, △ – andPPMIdataandobtainedhighclassificationperformance LMCI,▽–EMCI,◻–AD. in terms of ROC AUC suggesting that there are mappings fromconnectomestofeaturespacesthatatleastdifferentiate Figure1showsmultidimensionalscaling(MDS)basedon subjectsfromeachother. l -norm dissimilarity matrix of bag of edges for ADNI sub- Itisworthnotingthatpairwiseclassificationisnotafea- 2 jects (for PPMI data picture is essentially the same, so we tureselectiontechniqueforclassificationtasks. Itispossible omittedit). Weseethatinmostcasesimagesfromsamesub- that a feature distinguish classes in the context of this work, jectareneareachotherinthatfeaturespace. Wealsoseethat but fails to distinguish subjects, for example in a diagnostic thereisnosuchclearpicturewithdiagnosticgroupslabels. classification task. Our results suggest that pairwise classi- Fig.3. ROCAUCdistributionsforpairwiseclassificationon Fig.5. ROCAUCdistributionsforpairwiseclassificationon all PPMI data depending on choice of connectome normal- PPMIdatafordifferentdiagnosticgroupsondifferent“base” izing scheme and base features. For betweenness centrality, features. These results are reported for connectome normal- clustering coefficient, eigenvector centrality, PageRank and izationbythemean. triangles,wereportresultsonlyforthebinaryandmeannor- malizations. Normalizing by the other norms affects these featuresidenticallytothemeannormalization. Finally, due to limitations of the data used here, same- subjectpairswereconstructedfromdiffusionimagesacquired at least one year apart. Such a time scale provides ample opportunityforsubstantiallongitudinaleffects,suchasthose duetoneurodegeneration, toaffectourfeatures. Aswecan- not exclude such effects, any conclusions to be drawn about optimalnetworkfeaturesandnormalizationsforfurtherstud- iesmustbemadewiththeappropriatereservations. 5. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Theresultsofsections2and3arebasedonthescientificre- searchconductedatIITPRASandsupportedbytheRussian Fig.4. ROCAUCdistributionsforpairwiseclassificationon ScienceFoundation(project14-50-00150). ADNIdatafordifferentdiagnosticgroupsondifferent“base” Someofdatausedinpreparationofthisarticlewereob- features. These results are reported for connectome normal- tainedfromtheAlzheimersDiseaseNeuroimagingInitiative izationbymean. (ADNI) database. A complete listing of ADNI investiga- tors as well as data acquisition protocols can be found at Additional data were obtained from the Parkinsons Progression Markers Initiative (PPMI) ficationmaybeusefulforvalidatingpreprocessingpipelines database. For up-to-date information on the study, visit andparticularfeaturesintermsofhowmuchsubject-related signal they preserve. As such, it may be treated as a “first- pass”forconnectomefeaturestobeusedinfurtherstudies. Thereareseverallimitations. First,weusedonlyonepar- 6. 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