Strongly Correlated Fractional Quantum Hall Line Junctions U. Zu¨licke1 and E. Shimshoni2,3 1Institut fu¨r Theoretische Festk¨orperphysik, Universit¨at Karlsruhe, D-76128 Karlsruhe, Germany 2Department of Mathematics–Physics, University of Haifa at Oranim, Tivon 36006, Israel 3Department of Physics and Astronomy, Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ 08854–8019 3 (Dated: February 1, 2008) 0 0 Wehavestudiedacleanfinite–lengthlinejunctionbetweeninteractingcounterpropagatingsingle– 2 branchfractional–quantum–Halledgechannels. Exactsolutionsforlow–lyingexcitationsandtrans- n port properties are obtained when the two edges belong to quantum Hall systems with different a filling factors and interact via the long–range Coulomb interaction. Charging effects due to the J couplingtoexternaledge–channelleadsarefullytakenintoaccount. Conductancesandpowerlaws 3 in the current–voltage characteristics of tunnelingare strongly affected by inter–edge correlations. 1 ] Two–dimensional(2D)electronsystemsexhibitincom- low–lying excitations are represented by two decoupled l l pressibilitieswhentheirsheetdensityn iscommensurate bosonicmodesthathaveoppositechirality. Oneofthem, a 0 with the value B of perpendicular magnetic field such the chargedmode, corresponds to fluctuations in the to- h - that the filling factor ν =2π¯hn0/eB is integer or equal talelectrondensity inthe twoedges andis free. The dy- s | | to certain fractions [1, 2]. Such an incompressible phase namics of its orthogonal complement, the neutral mode, e m is characterized by a quantized value of the Hall resis- turns out to be governed by realizations of chiral sine– tance and low–lying excitations that are localized at the Gordon models [27, 28] that can be solved exactly for . at boundary of the 2D system [3, 4, 5, 6, 7]. When ν is certain values of the parameter ν˜=νRνL/νR νL . We | − | m the inverse of an odd integer, these quantum–Hall (QH) use these exact solutions to calculate transport through edge excitations have been shown [8] to be isomorphous the line junctionandfindthatthe stronginter–edgecor- - d to those of a single–branch chiral one–dimensional (1D) relationssignificantlyaffectthe conductanceandtunnel- n electron system [9]. Similar to their nonchiral counter- ingresonancesarisingfromtranslationalinvariancealong o parts that are realized, e.g., in semiconductor quantum the barrier. c [ wires [10] or carbon nanotubes [11], QH edges are ex- Starting point of our calculations is the Hamiltonian pected [8] to exhibit power laws in electronic correlation for our model of the line junction. (See Fig. 1.) It reads 2 v functions that are the hallmark of Luttinger–liquid be- H = L/2 dx ( + + + ) where 7 havior[12]. Virtuallynootherquasi–1Delectronsystem, J −L/2 HR HL Hint Htun HR/L describeRisolated edge channels, the inter–edge in- 4 however,matchesthe versatilityofQHedgesintailoring Hint teraction,and uniformtunnelingacrossthebarrier: 3 their electronic properties which can be achieved, e.g., Htun 0 simply by adjusting the magnetic field and/or appropri- 1 ate nanostructuring techniques. Recent applications of a 2 0 the cleaved–edge overgrowth method [13, 14] have suc- 2 3 / ceededincreatingextendeduniformtunneljunctionsbe- t ν ν a tweentwo integerQHedges [15]or a 2Delectronsystem m R L andaQHedge[16]. Besidesopeningupnewpossibilities - for electron tunneling spectroscopy [17], these new sam- d 1 4 ple geometries enable the controlled experimental study n o oftheinterplaybetweentunnelingandinteractioneffects b 1 2 c in low dimensions [18, 19, 20, 21] that cannot be per- : formed in conventional systems. v i A diverse set of electron–correlation effects has been 4 3 X proposed for QH line junctions where both edge chan- r nels belong to QH systems having the same filling −L/2 0 L/2 x a factor[22, 23, 24, 25, 26]. In our work presented here, we consider the case of a clean junction where the filling FIG.1: Schematiclayoutofaquantum–Halllinejunction. An extended uniform tunnel barrier couples counterpropagating factors ν and ν , characterizing the respective right– R L single–branch edge channels from two 2D electron systems moving and left–moving edges, are different. Such a sit- that have different fractional filling factors νR and νL. (See uationcouldbe realized,e.g.,insampleswithtwomutu- panel a.) We model this situation by two parallel infinite ally perpendicular 2D electron systems [16] and a mag- chiral fractional edge channels that are coupled via uniform netic field properlyadjustedinmagnitude anddirection. tunnelingand Coulomb interactions along the finitejunction Intheexperimentallyrealisticlimitwhereelectronsfrom region where |x|≤L/2. Outside the junction, edge branches thetwoedgesinteractstronglyviaCoulombinteractions, correspond to leads connecting to external reservoirs. 2 ∆ := Y Y . We see from Eqs. (3) that the charged R L − mode is free while the neutral–mode dynamics is that of HR/L = 41π n¯hvR(0/)L+ ν2Rπ/L Uo (cid:2)∂xφR/L(cid:3)2 , (1a) aitschsoirlaultisoinn,e–wGeoirndtoenrjemctodaenl e[2la7b,o2r8a]t.ionBeofnoreobosbetravianbilnegs √νRνL = λU ∂ φ ∂ φ , (1b) related to electron transport. Hint 4π2 x R x L To discuss transport properties,it is necessary to con- Htun = tnψR†(x)ψL(x)+H.c.o . (1c) sidercontinuityequationsandchemicalpotentialsforthe various edge densities. Denoting time by τ, the operator Here we denote the second–quantized annihilation op- forparticlecurrent(perunitlength)acrossthe barrieris erators for electrons from the two edges as ψ . The R/L chiral bosonic phase fields φ (x) are related to the R/L d d respective edge densities via ̺R/L = ψR†/LψR/L = IJ(x) = −dτ ̺R(x)= dτ ̺L(x) , (5a) √νR/L∂xφR/L/(2π) and obey the commutation rela- t tions φR/L(x),φR/L(x′) = ±iπsgn(x−x′). The bare = i¯h nψR†(x)ψL(x)−H.c.o , (5b) (confin(cid:2)ement–induced)e(cid:3)lectronvelocitiesinthetwoedge channels are given by v(0) , U is the matrix element In our limit of interest, its bosonizedexpressiondepends R/L on the neutral mode only, of screened Coulomb interactions, and we have taken into account the generally different interactionstrengths t φ x∆ n within and between the edges by a factor 0 < λ ≤ IJ(x)=2¯h√zRzL sin(cid:18)√ν˜ + ℓ2 (cid:19) . (6) 1. It is straightforward to diagonalize the part H J − L/2 dx , and using the bosonization identity [29] Itisstraightforwardtofindacontinuityequationforden- −L/2 Htun R sity ̺ := ∂ φ /(2π) associated with the charged mode, c x c ixYR/L±i φR/L(x) ψR/L(x)=√zR/L R/L e ℓ2 (νR/L)1/2, (2) F d ̺ +̺ d R L 0 = ̺ , (7a) thetunnelingtermHtun canbeexpressedsolelyinterms dτ νR νL ≡ dτ c of bosonic phase fields as well. [In Eq. (2), z are | − | R/L = ∂ p+sgn(ν ν )v ∂ ̺ , (7b) normalization constants, R/L Klein factors, YR/L the { τ R− L c x} c F guiding–centercoordinatesofedgeelectronsinthedirec- and the corresponding one for ̺ :=∂ φ /(2π), n x n tion perpendicular to the junction, and ℓ = ¯hc/eB | | the magnetic length.] However, explicit exprepssions for d sgn(ν ν ) R L 0 = ̺ − , (8a) normal modes in the most general case are unilluminat- n J dτ − √ν˜ I ing. We therefore proceed immediately to the special = ∂ sgn(ν ν )v ∂ ̺ . (8b) case of interest to us where strong Coulomb interactions { τ − R− L n x} n dominatethebareelectronvelocitiesineachbranch,i.e., In the stationary regime, densities have no explicit time ¯hv(0) U, and the distance between the two edges is dependence. The above continuity equations then imply R/L ≪ of the order of or smaller than ℓ such that λ 1. It is thattheyassumeconstantvalues̺¯ alongthejunction. → c/n thenpossibletorewritetheQH–junctionHamiltonianas We can also derive expressions for local chemical poten- HJ = −LL/2/2dx (Hc+Hn) with the contributions tials µc/n :=δHJ/δ̺c/n ≡∓isgn(νR−νL) HJ,φc/n as- R sociated with the charged and neutral mod(cid:2)es: (cid:3) ¯hv = c [∂ φ ]2 , (3a) Hc 4π x c µc(x) = 2π¯hvc̺c(x) , (9a) = ¯hvn [∂ φ ]2+2t√z z cos φn + x∆ (,3b) µn(x) = 2π¯hvn̺n(x) Hn 4π x n R L (cid:18)√ν˜ ℓ2 (cid:19) L π¯h 2 + dx′ (x′) sgn(x x′). (9b) J for independent c(harged) and n(eutral) modes [36]. √ν˜Z−L I − 2 Theircorrespondingphasefieldsobeycommutationrela- tions φ (x),φ (x′) = sgn(ν ν )iπsgn(x x′) Specializing these to the stationary limit, we find c/n c/n R L ± − − and a(cid:2)re related to the(cid:3) densities of the original right– µ (x) = 2π¯hv ̺¯ =const. , (10a) moving and left–moving edge electrons via c c c π¯h µ ( L/2) = 2π¯hv ̺¯ I , (10b) ̺ = ±sgn(νR−νL) ν ∂ φ √ν ν ∂ φ . n ± n n± √ν˜ J R/L R/L x c R L x n 2π ν ν − p| R− L| (cid:0) (cid:1) (4) where I := L/2 dx (x) is the total current flowing J −L/2 IJ The velocities are vc = |νR − νL|U/(2π¯h) and vn = through the jRunction. The values of ̺¯c/n and IJ can be ν v(0)+ν v(0) /ν ν ,andweusedtheabbreviation related to chemical potentials in the external leads that R L L R | R− L| (cid:0) (cid:1) 3 connectthe QHjunctiontoreservoirs(seeFig.1),which It has been shown [28] that the cosine term constitutes we proceed to show now. only an irrelevant perturbation to the dynamics of the In a real setup as sketched in Fig. 1a, edge channels chiralbosonicfieldwhen m m′ >2. Moreinteresting, | − | away from the junction are not coupled via tunneling or and easier to realize experimentally, are the two cases interactions anymore. However, for each of these chi- 1/ν˜ 2,4 where the cosine term turns out to be rele- ∈{ } ral 1D leads, Coulomb interactions between electrons at vantormarginal,respectively,andexactsolutionsforits the same edge stillgivethe dominantcontributiontothe dynamics can be found [27, 28]. edge–magnetoplasmonvelocity [30]. We therefore model Lets first consider the case ν˜ = 1/2 realized, e.g., the dynamics of electrons in regions x > L/2 by the at a line junction between QH systems having filling | | leadHamiltonianH = −L/2+ ∞ dx ( + ). factors 1 and 1/3, respectively. Introducing an auxil- E n −∞ L/2o HR HL iary chiral boson field η(x) that has the same chiral- While H is not diagonaRl in theRcharged and neutral E ity and velocity as φ , we can define fictitious chiral modes, their corresponding chemical potentials are still n fermionoperatorsΨ via aninversebosonizationiden- well–defined in the lead regions. As the densities in ↑/↓ tity Ψ exp isgn(ν ν )[η+σφ ]/√2 . Note eachofthefourchiraledge–channelleadscannotchange, σ R L n ∝ − − chemicalpotentialsremainconstantaswell[31]. Assum- that the pseudo(cid:8)spin degree of freedom indexed(cid:9)by σ is ing again U ¯hv(0) , we find for these (in a compact not related to the spin of the original electrons in the ≫ R/L sample. Inthenewfictitious–fermiondegreesoffreedom, notation where µ means µ or µ , respectively) i/j i j Eqs. (3b) and (6) are quadratic: ν µ ν µ µ = R 1/2− L 4/3 sgn(ν ν ), (11a) ′ = Ψ† [isgn(ν ν )h¯v ∂ ]Ψ c|x><∓L ν ν R− L Hn σ R− L n x σ 2 | R− L| Xσ µn|x><∓L = −√pν˜ µ1/2−µ4/3 sgn(νR−νL).(11b) +t Ψ†↑Ψ↓eixℓ∆2 sgn(νR−νL)+H.c. (,13a) 2 (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:16) (cid:17) t Dlineemaarnrdeilnagtiocnosntiinnvuoiltvyinogf tµhce/nchaetmxic=al±poLt/e2ntyiaielsldisnfothuer IJ′ = −i¯h (cid:16)Ψ†↑Ψ↓eixℓ∆2 sgn(νR−νL)−H.c.(cid:17) .(13b) four leads, the constants ̺¯ , and I . After some In addition, density and chemical potential of the neu- c/n J straightforwardalgebra,we obtain the expressions tralmodearerelatedtocorrespondingfictitious–fermion quantities via Ψ†Ψ Ψ†Ψ √2̺ and µ µ 2π¯h ↑ ↑ − ↓ ↓ ≡ n ↑ − ↓ ≡ µ = µ I , (12a) √2µ . Note that only the pseudospin sector of the new 2/4 1/3± ν J n R/L fermionic theory has any bearing for real observations, νRµ1 νLµ3+2π¯hIJ while the pseudocharge sector describedby the auxiliary v ̺¯ = − sgn(ν ν ), (12b) c c R L 2π¯h ν ν − field η is hidden. We see that the problem of the orig- R L | − | p inal line junction between two strongly interacting edge µ µ + πh¯ + πh¯ I v ̺¯ = 1− 3 (cid:16)νR νL(cid:17) Jsgn(ν ν )(,12c) branches with opposite chirality has been mapped onto n n 2π¯h/√ν˜ R− L that of tunneling between two branches of noninteract- − ing andchiral fermions. Thelatterisreadilysolvedusing relating the ‘output’ chemical potentials µ2/4 as well as standardmethods. Forexample,whentunneling isweak the constants ̺¯c/n to the experimentally adjustable ‘in- enoughsuchthatitispossibletoneglectthecontribution put’ chemical potentials µ1/3 and the a priori unknown IJ in Eq. (12c), we find e2IJ = GJ(µ1 µ3) with the current IJ [37]. To obtain the full solution for the trans- ∝linear electric conductance − port problem of our finite QH junction that is attached tdoeteedrmgei–nceh̺a¯nnnaenldleIaJdsse,lfw–ceoanrseistneonwtlyleuftsiwngiththtehdeytnaasmkitcos GJ = 2eπ2¯h sin2hπL1Lt+pξ12+ξ2i . (14) oftheneutralmodeexpressedinEqs.(3b),(6),(9b),and (12c). We now show how this can be achieved. Here Lt = π¯hvn/t is a fundamental length scale set by | | The Hamiltonian of the neutral mode [given by tunneling, and ξ = h¯vn∆/(2tℓ2) a resonance parame- | | Eq.(3b)]isarealizationofrecentlydiscussed[27,28]chi- ter: GJ is maximal for ξ 0 which corresponds to the → ral sine–Gordon models. In contrast to the well–known resonance condition where both energy and 1D momen- nonchiral sine–Gordon model [32], the quantum charac- tum are conserved in a tunneling event [38]. The ob- terofits dynamicsarisesbecausethe bosonicfieldenter- tainedlinear dependence ofIJ onµ1 µ3 has to be con- ing the cosine term does not commute with itself. 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