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LETTERTOTHEEDITOR Strong subadditivity for log-determinant of covariance matrices and its applications 6 1 0 GerardoAdesso 2 SchoolofMathematicalSciences,TheUniversityofNottingham, ul UniversityPark,NottinghamNG72RD,UnitedKingdom Email:[email protected] J 2 1 R.Simon Optics&QuantumInformationGroup,TheInstituteofMathematicalSciences, ] h C.I.T.Campus,Tharamani,Chennai600113,India p Email:[email protected] - t n Abstract. We prove that the log-determinant of the covariance matrix obeys the strong a subadditivity inequality for arbitrary tripartite states of multimode continuous variable u quantum systems. This establishes general limitations on the distribution of information q encodedinthesecondmomentsofcanonicallyconjugateoperators.Theinequalityisshownto [ bestrongerthantheconventionalstrongsubadditivityinequalityforvonNeumannentropyina classofpuretripartiteGaussianstates.Wefinallyshowthatsuchaninequalityimpliesastrict 2 monogamy-typeconstraintforjointEinstein-Podolsky-Rosensteerabilityofsinglemodesby v Gaussianmeasurementsperformedonmultiplegroupsofmodes. 6 2 2 3 PACSnumbers:03.67.Mn,03.65.Ta,03.65.Ud,42.50.Dv 0 . 1 0 6 1. Introduction 1 : v The formulation of classical information theory, thanks primarily to the seminal work by Xi Shannon[1],ledtoaremarkablybroadspectrumofconcreteapplicationsinthelastcentury, encompassing in particular systems theory, signal processing, communication and control, r a complexity and cybernetics. The more recent and still ongoing developments in quantum information theory [2] have opened the way for even more exciting and unprecedented scenarios in the processing of information, with quantum technologies well in the course of revolutionising industrial sectors such as data storage, encryption, sensing, learning, and computing[3]. Whileclassicalandquantumtheoryradicallydifferinthebasicsetofrulesdetermining the possible and the impossible for the manipulation of information, the two theories rest on some common formal pillars with far-reaching physical implications. Crucial in both cases is in fact the concept of entropy H as quantifier of information (or, more precisely, of uncertainty), respectively formalised as Shannonentropy H = −(cid:80) P(x)logP(x) fora X i i i Strongsubadditivityforlog-determinantofcovariancematricesanditsapplications 2 classicalrandomvariable X takingvalues{x}withprobabilitydistribution P(x),andasvon i i NeumannentropyH =−tr(ρlogρ)foraquantumstateρ.‡ ρ A fundamental limitation for the distribution of entropy in a composite system is then establishedbythestrongsubadditivity(SSA)inequality[4],whichimpliesthenonnegativity of the mutual information as a measure of total correlations, and guarantees that the latter quantity never increases upon discarding subsystems. For a tripartite classical or quantum systemABC,thiscanbeformallyexpressedas H +H −H −H ≥0. (1) AB BC A C The SSA inequality is straightforward to prove in the classical case, but far less trivial to establishinthequantumcase[5,6]. In this Letter we prove that an alternative quantifier of information that can be defined inthequantumcase,namelythelog-determinantofthecovariancematrixofaquantumstate, also obeys a SSA inequality formally analogous to Eq. (1). We prove that this alternative SSAinequalityisstrongerthanandimpliesthetraditionalSSAforthevonNeumannentropy, in a class of pure tripartite Gaussian states. We then show that the SSA inequality for log- determinanthasimportantimplicationsforlimitingtheEinstein-Podolsky-Rosen(EPR)joint steerability[7]ofquantumstatesinamultipartitesetting. 2. Continuousvariablesystemsandlog-determinantofcovariancematrices We focus on continuous variable composite quantum systems described by infinite- dimensional Hilbert spaces [8], as exemplified by a set of n quantum harmonic oscillators (modes). To describe the most general state ρ of such systems, one requires in principle an infinite hierarchy of moments of the canonically conjugate quadrature operators {q ,p } j j defined on each mode j = 1,...,n. However, in many practical situations, one can extract already valuable information by considering the first and second moments of the state only. Of these, the first moments play no role in determining any informational quantity, as they canbefreelyadjustedbylocalphasespacedisplacements;weshallhenceassumevanishing first moments in all the states considered in the following with no loss of generality. What remainscentralisthenthecovariancematrix(CM)V ,whoseelementsaredefinedas[9] ρ (V ) =tr[ρ(R R +R R )], (2) ρ jk j k k j whereR = {R ,...,R } = {q ,p ,q ,p ,...,q ,p }isthevectorofthecanonicaloperators, 1 2n 1 1 2 2 n n andwehaveadoptedthenaturalunitconventionsuchthatV =Iifρistheground(vacuum) ρ stateofeachoscillator. Anypositivedefinite,real,symmetric2n×2nmatrixV isavalidCM ofaphysicalstateiffitobeysthebonafideconditionstemmingfromtheuncertaintyprinciple [10]: (cid:32) (cid:33) 0 1 V+iσ⊕n ≥0, withσ= . (3) −1 0 The CM of an arbitrary state can be reconstructed efficiently by homodyne detections [11, 12]. Confining the description of a state ρ to its CM V is analogous to implementing ρ a ‘small oscillations’ approximation for classical oscillators. In the quantum case, for any ρ (with vanishing first moments), one can always define a reference state χ uniquely ρ specifiedbytheCMV : thestateχ willbelongtothewell-studiedclassofGaussianstates ρ ρ [13, 9], which are central resources in continuous variable optical and atomic technologies ‡ Logarithms are usually assumed in base 2 for finite-dimensional systems and in natural base for infinite- dimensionalsystems;however,theanalysisofthispaperdoesnotdependonanyspecificchoice. Strongsubadditivityforlog-determinantofcovariancematricesanditsapplications 3 includingnetworkedcommunication,phaseestimationand(ifsupplementedbynon-Gaussian detections) one-way quantum computation [14, 13]. Useful sufficient criteria to detect nonclassical correlations such as inseparability [15, 16], steerability [17, 7] and nonlocality [18,19]ofanarbitrarystateρcanbeformulatedandaccesseddirectlyatthelevelofitsCM, althoughtheywilltypicallybenecessaryonlyforGaussianstates. Infact, onecanquantify the‘error’inapproximatingastateρbyitsCMintermsofthenon-Gaussianityofρ,which canbeinturnmeasuredbythedifferenceinentropy[20,21]betweenthereferenceGaussian stateχ andtheoriginalρ. ρ Quantifying the degree of information (or uncertainty) in a CM V can thus provide ρ important indications regarding the corresponding properties of any state ρ compatible with such CM, which will be the more accurate the less ρ deviates from Gaussianity. In this respect, notice that most non-Gaussian resources considered in current protocols (such as photon-subtractedandphoton-addedstates)[22]areconstructedasdeviationsfromGaussian reference states, which means that precious quantitative indications on their degrees of information and (for composite systems) correlations can be gained from the CM alone [23,24]. Fromnowon,weshallthenspeakdirectlyofCMsandmeasuresappliedtothem. Wedefinethelog-determinantofaCMV as M =log(detV). (4) V TheideathatM mayberegardedasanindicatorofinformationakinto(butdifferentfrom) V conventional entropy can be understood as follows. For a Gaussian state ρ, the purity is givenbytrρ2 =(detV )−1/2,henceM isamonotonicallydecreasingfunctionofthepurity. ρ Vρ Precisely, 1M is equal to the Re´nyi entropy of order 2 of a Gaussian state with CM V , 2 Vρ ρ which is in turn equal to the Shannon entropy of its Wigner quasi-probability distribution (moduloanadditiveconstant)[25]. Forageneralnon-GaussianstateρwithCMV ,wecan ρ theninterpretM asaquantifierofuncertaintyinitssecondmoments,expressedby(twice) Vρ theRe´nyientropyoforder2ofthereferenceGaussianstateχ withthesameCMV . ρ ρ 3. Strongsubadditivityforlog-determinantandrelatedinequalities Givenanarbitraryn-modecontinuousvariablesystempartitionedintothreegroupsofmodes forming subsystems ABC, with n + n + n = n, we denote by V and M the CM of A B C α α (sub)system α and its log-determinant, respectively. In the following, we shall establish the centralresultofthisLetter,announcedbythenextTheorem. Theorem 1 (SSA inequality for log-determinant of CMs). For any tripartite CM V , the ABC followinginequalityholds, M +M −M −M ≥0, (5) AB BC A C which by comparison with Eq. (1) will be referred to as the SSA inequality for the log- determinantoftheCM. Before moving to the proof of the main Theorem, it is instructive to give a simple demonstrationofthefactthatordinary(weak)subadditivityholdsforlog-determinantofCMs. Proposition 1 (Subadditivity for log-determinant of CMs). For any bipartite CM V , the AB followinginequalityholds, M ≤M +M . (6) AB A B Strongsubadditivityforlog-determinantofcovariancematricesanditsapplications 4 Proof. Let V be the CM of a bipartite state, with reduced subsystem CMs V and V . In AB A B blockform,wecanwrite (cid:32) (cid:33) (cid:32) (cid:33) V = VA Voff = LT VA 0 L, (7) AB VT V 0 V¯ off B AB\A where V¯AB\A =VB−VoTffVA−1Voff (8) (cid:32) (cid:33) is the Schur complement of VA in VAB, and L = 0I VA−1IVoff . Since VoTffVA−1Voff ≥ 0, we have that detV¯AB\A ≤ detVB, with equality holding iff Voff = 0. It follows then that detV ≤detV detV ,whichupontakinglogarithmsimpliestheclaim. (cid:3) AB A B Theinequality(6)isanalogoustotheordinarysubadditivityofentropy,H ≤H +H . AB A B AGaussianstatesaturatestheinequality(6)iffitisaproductstate, butnon-Gaussianstates can saturate it even if they are not product states, provided their CM takes the direct sum form √VAB = VA ⊕ VB. One such example is the non-Gaussian entangled state |ψAB(cid:105) = |00(cid:105)/ 2+(|02(cid:105)+|20(cid:105))/2,whosecorrelationsareallinhigherordermoments[23]. The validity of ordinary subadditivity for log-determinant prompts us to proceed and tackletheproofoftheSSAinequality(5)announcedinTheorem1. Tothisend,wemakeuse oftwomathematicalingredients. Lemma1. Thelog-determinantisconcaveoverthesetofallpositivedefinitematrices. Proof. This follows from a well known result of classical information theory [26]. Let V ,V ,...,V bem×mpositivedefinitematrices;andletλ ,λ ,...,λ beasetofprobabilities, λ1j ≥20,(cid:80)jλjl = 1. Then,det(cid:16)(cid:80)lj=1λjVj(cid:17) ≥ (cid:81)lj=1(detVj)λ1j. T2akingllogarithmsweobtainthe desiredconcavityproperty,logdet(cid:16)(cid:80) λ V (cid:17)≥(cid:80) λ logdetV . (cid:3) j j j j j j Lemma1establishesthatconcavity,theprimarypropertyofentropy,holdsforthelog- determinantofCMs. Thenextauxiliaryresultweneedisasfollows. Lemma2. ThedifferenceM −M isconcaveoverthesetofallbipartiteCMsV . AB A AB Proof. LetV beanm×mpositivedefinitematrix,andletV bethe(m−l)×(m−l)matrix (m) (m−l) obtainedbydeletinginV asetoflchosenrowsandthecorrespondingcolumns. Without (m) loss of generality, V can be taken as the leading (m−l)-dimensional diagonal block of (m−l) V . Wehavethen[27]thatlogdetV −logdetV isconcaveoverthesetofallm×m (m) (m) (m−l) positivedefinitematrices.ChoosingnowV =V andV =V ,theclaimisproven. (cid:3) (m) AB (m−l) A Notice that this is true even though the difference in Lemma 2 can be negative, as it doeshappenformostcasesofinterestinquantuminformationtheory(e.g.bipartiteentangled states); analogousresultsholdforthecorrespondingvonNeumannentropicquantityH − AB H ,whosenegativityhasbeeninterpretedasaresourceforquantumstatemerging[28]. A Equippedwiththeseresults,theproofofTheorem1cannowbecompleted. Proof(ofTheorem1). Lemma2readilyimpliesthat (M −M )+(M −M ) (9) AB A BC C is concave over all tripartite CMs V . Since {V } form a convex set, concavity implies ABC ABC that the quantity in Eq. (9) achieves its minimum value at one of the extreme points of this set, i.e., on aCM V with det(V ) = 1. Anysuch CM describesa pureGaussian state, ABC ABC Strongsubadditivityforlog-determinantofcovariancematricesanditsapplications 5 forwhichwehavedetV = detV anddetV = detV ,whichmeansthatthequantityin AB C BC A Eq.(9)evaluatestozeroinanysuchcase. ThisconcludestheproofoftheSSAinequalityfor thelog-determinantofCMsasanticipatedinEq.(5). (cid:3) WenowproceedwithsomeremarksonTheorem1. First,Proposition1triviallyfollows as a corollary of Theorem 1. Next, we notice that the SSA inequality (5) is saturated not onlybypuretripartiteGaussianstates, butalsobyallstates(Gaussianornot)forwhichV B issymplectic(i.e.suchthatVBσ⊕nBVBT = σ⊕nB),thatisbystatesρABC = ρAC ⊗ρB whereρAC is arbitrary and ρ is a pure Gaussian state; the CM of these states can be written in block B diagonalform,V =V ⊕V . ABC AC B Ifwefocusinsteadonthecaseofadifferentlypartitionedproductstateρ =ρ ⊗ρ ABC AB C whereρ isnowapureGaussianstate, andweconsiderboththeSSAinequality(5)andits C variantwhenAandBareswapped,weobtaintheinequality M ≥|M −M |, (10) AB A B whichisformallyanalogoustotheAraki-LiebtriangleinequalityforShannon/vonNeumann entropies[4,29]. Finally,letusrecallthat,givenanyCMV ,itcanbe‘purified’toasymplectic(positive ABC definite)CMV withdetV =1,sothatforglobalbipartitionsofthisfour-partiteCM ABCD ABCD one has detV = detV , detV = detV , and so on. Then, the inequality (5) can be AB CD A BCD recastas(finallyrelabellingDasCforaestheticconvenience) M +M ≥M +M , (11) AB AC A ABC reminiscentofthecelebratedcounterpartofEq.(1)forShannon/vonNeumannentropies, H +H ≥H +H , (12) AB AC A ABC whichisalsotypicallyreferredtoasSSAinequalityininformationtheoryliterature. Notice that if V is assumed to be the CM of a tripartite Gaussian state, the inequality (11) ABC reproducestheonedemonstratedfortheRe´nyientropyoforder2in[25](seealso[30]). We remarkthatin[25]anassumptionofGaussianityofstateswasmade, whilehereanexplicit (and particularly didactic) proof of the SSA for the log-determinant of CMs of arbitrary Gaussianornon-Gaussianstateshasbeenpresented. 4. Comparisonsbetweenlog-determinantandvonNeumannentropy OnemightwonderwhetherthereexistsahierarchicalrelationbetweentheSSAinequalities for the log-determinant M , Eq. (5), and for the von Neumann entropy H , Eq. (1), in Vρ ρ arbitrarytripartitestatesρ. However,thetwoinequalitiesareprimafacieincomparable,asit canbeseenthattheyaresaturatedfordifferentclassesofstatesingeneral[27]. Furthermore, whileM canbecomputedeasilyforanystatebasedonsecondmoments,H doesnotadmit Vρ ρ amanageableexpressioninarbitrarycontinuousvariablestates,whichrendersthecomparison evenmoredifficulttoundertake. Nevertheless,ifwefocusourattentionontoGaussianstates, somepartialanswerscanbeobtained. RecallthatthevonNeumannentropyofanarbitraryn-modeGaussianstatewithCMV canbecomputedinclosedformviatheexpression[31,32] (cid:88)n ν +1 (cid:32)ν +1(cid:33) ν −1 (cid:32)ν −1(cid:33) H = j log j − j log j , (13) V 2 2 2 2 j=1 where {ν }n are the symplectic eigenvalues of V, obeying ν ≥ 1 ∀j as a consequence j j=1 j of the bona fide condition (3). The latter quantities can be evaluated by noting that the Strongsubadditivityforlog-determinantofcovariancematricesanditsapplications 6 spectrum of the matrix (−Vσ⊕nVσ⊕n) is of the form {ν2,ν2,...,ν2,ν2}, i.e., contains the 1 1 n n squaredsymplecticeigenvaluesofV withdoubledegeneracies. Exploitingacomparisonbetweenvariousentropiesperformedin[33],wehavethatthe von Neumann entropy H admits tight lower and upper bounds as a function of the log- V determinantM ,foranyn-modeGuassianstatewithCMV,givenby V f (M )≤H ≤ f (M ), (14) 1 V V n V with fn(m)= 2n(cid:34)log(cid:32)emn4−1(cid:33)+e2mn log(cid:18)coth4mn(cid:19)(cid:35) . (15) For any real m ≥ 0 and integer n ≥ 1, the function f (m) is monotonically increasing with n bothmandn,andisconcaveinm;furthermore,sincelimm→0+ fn(m)=0,itfollowsthat fn(m) isalsosubadditiveinm. Therefore,foranyx,y≥0,thefollowingholds, f (x)+ f (y)≥ f (x+y)≥(cid:2)f (2x)+ f (2y)(cid:3)/2. n n n n n Noticethatif wesetn = 1inEq. (14), theupperandlower boundscoincide, meaning that the von Neumann entropy is a simple monotonic, concave, and subadditive function of the log-determinant of the CM for all single-mode Gaussian states, while for n > 1 we can onlysaythatH isconstrainedbetweentwomonotonic,concave,andsubadditivefunctions V ofM ,withtheupperboundarybecominglooserwithincreasingnumbernofmodes. V WecannowshowthattheSSAinequalityforthelog-determinantisinfactstrongerthan theconventionalSSAinequalityforthevonNeumannentropyinarelevantinstance. Theorem2(SSAhierarchyforpureGaussianstates). LetV withdetV =1denotethe ABC ABC CMofa(n +n +n )-modepureGaussianstatesuchthatthereducedCMV hassymplectic A B C A spectrum{1,...,1,ν }. Then,theSSAforthelog-determinant,Eq.(11),impliestheSSAfor nA thevonNeumannentropy,Eq.(12). Proof. Forapurestate,M = 0andEq.(11)rewritesasM ≤ M +M . Ifsubsystem ABC A B C A is in a Gaussian state whose CM V has (n − 1) symplectic eigenvalues equal to 1 A A (correspondington −1vacuainitsnormalmodedecomposition),thenitsentropicproperties A areequivalenttothoseofasinglemodewithsymplecticeigenvalueν ,meaninginparticular nA thatthevonNeumannentropyofAsaturatesthelowerboundinEq.(14)[33]. Wehavethen thefollowingchainofinequalities: H = f (M )≤ f (M +M )≤ f (M )+ f (M )≤H +H , (16) A 1 A 1 B C 1 B 1 C B C wherewehaveusedrespectivelythemonotonicityof f (m)andtheSSAforlog-determinant 1 inthefirstinequality,thesubadditivityof f (m)inthesecondinequality,andthelowerbound 1 ofEq.(14)inthethirdinequality. Eq.(16)yieldsH ≤H +H ,concludingtheproof. (cid:3) A B C WeremarkthatTheorem2holdsinparticularforallpuretripartiteGaussianstateswith n = 1 and n ,n arbitrary. In order to provide a simple illustration of the Theorem, let A B C us consider the instance of pure three-mode Gaussian states (n = n = n = 1). Up to A B C localunitaries,theirCMV isfullyspecifiedbythreesymplecticinvariants,whichcanbe ABC √ √ identifiedwiththedeterminantsofthethreereducedCMs,thatis,a= detV ,b= detV , √ A B andc = detV [34,35]. Inthiscase,consideringallpermutationsofthethreemodes,the C SSAconstraintstaketheformofatriangleinequality |S −S |≤S ≤S +S , (17) A B C A B Strongsubadditivityforlog-determinantofcovariancematricesanditsapplications 7 ℋ ℳ  Figure1. (Colouronline)HierarchyofSSAinequalitiesasformalisedbyTheorem2. The plotshowsacross-sectionoftheregionsdefinedbythetriangleinequality(17)forpurethree- modeGaussianstateswithlocalsymplecticinvariants{a,b,c}atfixedc=2,withtheentropy functionScorresponding,inorderofincreasingstrength,to: (i)thevonNeumannentropy H (blueoutermostregionwithdottedboundary);(ii)thelog-determinantoftheCMM(red intermediateregionwithdashedboundary);and(iii)thesqrt-determinantoftheCMD(green innermostregionwithsolidboundary),definedinthetext. Thelatterinequalitydelimitsthe physicalparameterspaceofallpurethree-modeGaussianstates[34,35]. with S ≡ H for the von Neumann entropy, and S ≡ M for the log-determinant. In Fig.1 wecomparetheregionsdefinedbytheseinequalitiesinthespaceofparameters{a,b,c}. The figureshows,asproveninTheorem2,thatthelog-determinantSSAdefinesasmallerregion and is thus stronger than the von Neumann SSA. However, the set of physical three-mode pureGaussianstatesisdelimitedbyanevenstrongertriangleine√quality,obtainedbysetting S ≡ D in Eq. (17), with the sqrt-determinant function D = detV −1 [34]. The latter V inequality,whichcanbeseenasasolutiontotheGaussianmarginalproblemforn = 3[36], furtherincorporatestherequirementthattheCMV mustobeythebonafidecondition(3), ABC whiletheSSAinequalityintheform(11)forthelog-determinantonlyreliesonthepositivity oftheCM,V >0(seealso[25,30,27]),whichisweakerthanEq.(3). ABC 5. ApplicationstoEPRsteeringofmultimodestates In the remaining part of the Letter, we investigate applications of the SSA inequality (5) for log-determinant of CMs to characterising possibilities and limitations of EPR steering in continuous variable systems. Let us briefly introduce the necessary concepts. Steering, intended in a bipartite setting as the possibility for Alice to remotely prepare Bob’s system in different states depending on her own local measurements, is a genuine manifestation of quantum correlations that embodies the crux of the original EPR paradox [37], and was recognised by Schro¨dinger as evidence of the “amazing knowledge” allowed by quantum mechanics[38,39]. Letρ beabipartitestate,andletaandbbemeasurementoperatorsonsubsystems A AB (operatedbyAlice)andB(operatedbyBob),withrespectiveoutcomesαandβ.Bydefinition Strongsubadditivityforlog-determinantofcovariancematricesanditsapplications 8 [7],thestateρ isA→ Bsteerableiff,forallpairsaandb,themeasurementstatisticsobeys AB p(α,β|a,b;ρ )(cid:44)(cid:80) p p(α|a,λ)p(β|b,τλ), (18) AB λ λ B that is, it cannot be interpreted as arising from correlations between a random local hidden variable (λ) for Alice and a random local hidden state (τλ) measured by Bob. Here p is a B λ probability distribution and p(α,β|a,b;ρ ) = tr[(Πa ⊗Πb)ρ ], where Πa is the projector AB A B AB A satisfyingaΠa =αΠa. A A Foratwo-modecontinuousvariablesystem, asufficientconditiontodetectsteerability [17] can be expressed in terms of the violation of Heisenberg-type uncertainty relations for theconditionalvariancescorrespondingtomeasurementsofcanonicallyconjugateoperators. Let q and p be quadrature operators on Bob’s mode, satisfying [q ,p ] = i, and define B B B B thevariancesthatAlicededucesforBobbylinearinferencebasedonherownmeasurements ofapairofuncharacterisedoperatorsq and p ,e.g.∆ q = (cid:104)[q −qest(q )]2(cid:105) ,where A A inf,A B B B A ρAB qest(q ) = g q for some optimised value of the linear gain coefficient g (and similarly for B A q A q p ). Onehasthenthatthestateρ isA→ Bsteerableif[17] B AB E (ρ )=∆ q ∆ p <1 (19) B|A AB inf,A B inf,A B The criterion in Eq. (19) can detect steerability due to quadrature (Gaussian) measurements which act on second moments. If one optimises it over all possible choices of canonically conjugate pairs (i.e. over local phase space symplectic transformations for Alice and Bob), thentheminimumofE canbeexpressedonlyintermsoftheCMV ofρ [40,41,42]: A|B AB AB (cid:16) (cid:17) detV min E (U ⊗U )ρ (U ⊗U )† =detV¯ = AB , (20) UA⊗UB B|A A B AB A B AB\A detVA where V¯ denotes the Schur complement of V in V as in Eq. (8). In this form, the AB\A A AB criterion can be extended to an arbitrary number of modes: given a bipartite state ρ with AB CMV ,iftheSchurcomplementisnotitselfabonafideCMinthesenseofEq.(3),i.e.if AB V¯AB\A+iσ⊕nB (cid:3)0, (21) then ρ is A → B steerable. Steerable states are useful resources for one-sided device- AB independent quantum key distribution [43], subchannel discrimination [44], and secure continuousvariableteleportation[45]. InthespecialcaseofbipartiteGaussianstatesρ , Eq.(21)isnecessaryandsufficient AB for steerability by Gaussian measurements [7, 41]. Accordingly, a quantitative measure of Gaussian steerability has been proposed for a (n +n )-mode bipartite Gaussian state [40], A B definedas  GA→B(VAB)= 0−,(cid:80)j:ν¯AB\A<1ν¯AljoBg\A(cid:16)ν¯≥AjB1\A∀(cid:17)j,=o1t,h.e.r.w,nisBe;, (22) j where{ν¯AB\A}denotethesymplecticeigenvaluesofV¯ .InthespecialcaseofBcomprising j AB\A one mode only (n = 1), the Schur complement V¯ has only one symplectic eigenvalue B AB\A (cid:113) ν¯AB\A = detV¯ ,hencetheaboveexpressionsimplifiesto AB\A (cid:40) (cid:41) (cid:12) 1 GA→B(VAB)(cid:12)(cid:12)nB=1 =max 0, 2(MA−MAB) , (23) wherewehaveadoptedtheexpressioninEq.(4)forthelog-determinant.Thelog-determinant is therefore useful to capture the quantitative degree of steerability of mode B by Gaussian measurements performed on the multimode subsystem A, as detectable at the level of CMs. Notice however that, very recently, examples of Gaussian states unsteerable by Gaussian Strongsubadditivityforlog-determinantofcovariancematricesanditsapplications 9 A B C Figure 2. (Colour online) Monogamy of EPR steering by Gaussian measurements as formalisedbyTheorem3. ForanystateρABC ofamultimodesystempartitionedintothree subsystemsABC,whereAandCarecomposedofanarbitrarynumberofmodeswhileBis composedofasinglemode,ifAcansteerBbyGaussianmeasurements,thenCcannotsteerB byGaussianmeasurements,andviceversa.ThisisadirectconsequenceoftheSSAinequality forthelog-determinantoftheCMofρABCpresentedinTheorem1. measurements (i.e. with GA→B = 0) have been found, which are nonetheless steerable, accordingtodefinition(18),bymeansofsuitablenon-Gaussianmeasurements[46,47]. Consider now a tripartite setting. Quite interestingly, if only quadrature (Gaussian) measurementsandsecondmomentsareconsideredforsteeringdetection,thenaverystrong limitation occurs: for an arbitrary (Gaussian or non-Gaussian) three-mode state ρ , the ABC monogamyconstraint E (ρ )E (ρ )≥1, (24) B|A ABC B|C ABC holds[48,49,50]. Thismeansthatitisimpossibletodetectanysimultaneoussteeringofthe singlemodeBbythesinglemodesAandCifusingsecondmomentcriteria. WecannowgeneralisethisresulttothecaseofpartiesAandC comprisinganarbitrary numberofmodes,whilethesteeredpartyBremainsformedbyasinglemode(seeFig.2). Theorem 3 (No-joint steerability of one mode by multimode Gaussian measurements). Let ρ be an arbitrary (n +n +n )-mode quantum state with n ,n arbitrary and n = 1. ABC A B C A C B Thenitisimpossibleforρ tobesimultaneouslyA→ BandC → BsteerablebyGaussian ABC measurements. Proof. The claim follows by combining the SSA inequality (5) for log-determinant of CMs with the CM-based steering criterion (21). Denoting by V the CM of the composite ABC tripartite system (with nB = 1), we have in fact that V¯AB\A + iσ⊕nB (cid:3) 0 is equivalent to detV¯AB\A = detVAB/detVA < 1, and similarly V¯CB\C + iσ⊕nB (cid:3) 0 is equivalent to detV¯ =detV /detV <1.ToaccomplishsimultaneoussteeringofmodeBbygroupsA CB\C BC C andCbasedonsecondmoments,onewouldthusneed(detV /detV )(detV /detV )<1, AB A BC C orequivalently,takinglogarithms,M +M −M −M <1. Butthisisimpossibleasit AB BC A C contradictsEq.(5),henceconcludingtheproof. (cid:3) The SSA inequality for the log-determinant implies therefore a limitation for joint steerability based solely on CMs in arbitrary continuous variable states. Specifically, subsystems A andC cannot simultaneously steer the single-mode subsystem Bby Gaussian measurements, although this no-go may be circumvented by non-Gaussian measurements evenontripartiteGaussianstatesρ [47]. ABC However,itiseasytoseethat,assoonas Bismadeofatleasttwomodes,suchastrict monogamyislifted,andBcanbesteeredbypartiesAandCsimultaneouslyalreadyinanall- Gaussiansetting.Asanexample,consideraGaussianstateoffourmodes1,2,3,4,andgroup themsuchthatsubsystemAisassignedmode1,subsystemBisassignedmodes2and3,and subsystemC is assigned mode 4. For illustration, we can focus on the family of four-mode purestatesintroducedin[51](seeFigure1therein),whoseCMtakestheform V ≡V =S (a)S (a)S (s)ST (s)ST (a)ST (a), (25) ABC 1234 3,4 1,2 2,3 2,3 1,2 3,4 Strongsubadditivityforlog-determinantofcovariancematricesanditsapplications 10 whereS (r)denotesatwo-modesqueezingsymplectictransformationactingonmodesiand i,j j with real squeezing degree r [9]. These states are symmetric under swapping of modes 1 ↔ 4 and 2 ↔ 3. Therefore, their 1 → (2,3) and 4 → (2,3) steerability properties are the same; with respect to our grouping, modes A and C are thus able in principle to steer simultaneouslythetwo-modegroupBbythesameamount. Toseewhetheranysuchsteering ispossibleatall,wecancalculatetheGaussiansteerabilitymeasure(22)[40]intherelevant settings. We find that as soon as a,s > 0, i.e., as soon as the state is not a product state, then it is both A → B andC → B steerable by Gaussian measurements, with its Gaussian steerabilityGA→B(V ) = GC→B(V )beingamonotonicallyincreasingfunctionofaand ABC ABC s,notreportedhere.ThisdoesnotcontradictthegeneralSSAinequality(5),whichholdswith equalityonthisexampleasdetV =1. Theexplanationisthat,whenthesteeredpartyhas ABC morethanonemode,thesymplecticspectrumenteringEq.(22)doesnotdependonlyonthe determinantoftheSchurcomplement,hencesteerabilitycannotbedecidedsolelyintermsof abalanceoflog-determinants. 6. Conclusions In this Letter we demonstrated that the log-determinant, a simple informational quantity definedonthecovariancematrixofanycontinuousvariablestate,behavesasafullyfledged entropy,obeyingthefundamentalstrongsubadditivityinequality. Inaparticularclassofpure tripartiteGaussianstatesofanarbitrarynumberofmodes,weshowedthatsuchaconstraint isstrongerthantheconventionalstrongsubadditivityinequalityforvonNeumannentropy. It wouldbeveryinterestingasafuturedirectiontoinvestigatewhetherthishierarchybetween strongsubadditivitiesholdstrueingeneral,ormaybereversedonotherclassesofstates. Our result implies a strict limitation on the joint steerability of one quantum harmonic oscillator by two other groups of oscillators, within a steering detection setting based on second moments. This is in turn relevant for practical applications, e.g. in the context of securequantumcommunication[13].Inatypicalquantumopticslaboratorywhereoperations (includingmaliciousattacks)arelimitedtotheGaussiantoolbox,itisimpossibleforasingle modeinBob’spossessiontobesteeredbymorethanonepartneratonce. Suchamonogamy ensures that Bob’s exclusive pairing with Alice (who can operate on multiple modes), for thepurposesofentanglementverification[7]andone-sideddevice-independentquantumkey distribution [43], cannot be disrupted by the attempts of an eavesdropper Claire. It will be interesting to investigate other applications of this no-go result in the context of secure teleportationandtelecloningprotocolsinvolvingthreeormoreparties[45]. Moreextensionsandadditionalstrenghteningsofthestrongsubadditivityinequalityfor log-determinant of covariance matrices, taking into account physical requirements such as theuncertaintyprinciple,andinspiredbyseminalormoremoderndevelopmentsinclassical and quantum information theory, are certainly worthy of further investigation [30, 52]. In particular, weanticipatethatitispossibletodefinearemaindertermforEq.(11)bymeans of a Gaussian recovery map [52], in analogy to the latest advances obtained for the strong subadditivity of von Neumann entropy by Fawzi and Renner [53]. A more comprehensive characterisation of (Gaussian and non-Gaussian) states saturating the strong subadditivity inequality for log-determinat also deserves a separate study. We finally notice that other monogamy-typeconstraintsoncontinuousvariablesteeringwithinmultipartitenetworkshave beenrecentlyexploredandreportedelsewhere[54].

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