Publishedin ApJ,743:68,Dec. 10,2011. Submitted2011July21;accepted2011Sept. 30 PreprinttypesetusingLATEXstyleemulateapjv.8/13/10 STRONG GRAVITATIONAL LENS MODELING WITH SPATIALLY VARIANT POINT SPREAD FUNCTIONS Adam Rogers & Jason D. Fiege DepartmentofPhysicsandAstronomy,TheUniversityofManitoba,Winnipeg,Manitoba,R3T-2N2,Canada Published inApJ, 743:68, Dec. 10, 2011. Submitted 2011 July 21; accepted 2011 Sept. 30 ABSTRACT Astronomical instruments generally possess spatially variant point-spread functions, which deter- 2 minetheamountbywhichanimagepixelisblurredasafunctionofposition. Severaltechniqueshave 1 been devised to handle this variability in the context of the standard image deconvolution problem. 0 We have developed an iterative gravitational lens modeling code called Mirage that determines the 2 parameters of pixelated source intensity distributions for a given lens model. We are able to include n the effects of spatially variant point-spread functions using the iterative procedures in this lensing a code. In this paper, we discuss the methods to include spatially variant blurring effects and test the J results of the algorithm in the context of gravitational lens modeling problems. 0 Subject headings: gravitationallensing: strong — methods: numerical 1 ] 1. INTRODUCTION σ,andgivenasourceintensitydistribution,theresulting O χ2 statistic between the data and model is Modeling gravitational lens systems is fundamentally C a twostep process. A successfulmodel requiresanouter 2 h. olepntsimmizoadteiol,napnrodceadunreestteoddiospcotivmeriztahteiopnarsatmepetteorsdoefttehre- χ2 = di− jfijsj (2) p mine the structure of the lensed source object. This in- i (cid:16) Pσi2 (cid:17) - X o ner source optimization step must incorporate the effect By requiring derivatives of this equation with respect to r of the point spread function (PSF). Observed data are t the elements of the source vector s vanish, we find that s blurred by the PSF, and the presence of noise compli- theoptimalsourcepixelintensitiessatisfyaleast-squares a catesthedeconvolutionprocessingeneral(Hansen et al. equation: [ 2o0f0a6u)t.hoTrhsiusspinrgobslpeamtiahlalysibneveanriawnetllPsStFudsi(eWdabryreanv&arDieytye FTFs=FTdˆ (3) 1 (2003); Koopmans (2005); Suyu et al. (2006)). v where we have absorbed factors of σ into the matrix i 7 Toincludeblurringandlensingeffects,wedescribeop- F = f /σ and data vector dˆ = d /σ . The details of 2 erationsonimagesbytheapplicationoflinearoperators. thijisderiivjatiioncanbefoundinWi arrein &i Dye(2003)and 1 We use “flattened” images to facilitate this notation, in Koopmans (2005), where the system is solved by direct 2 which each column of the image is stacked upon the matrix inversion with regularization. This least squares . next, forming a vector. Our preferred scheme for solv- 1 form is commonly found in the context of large scale ing the lens modeling problem is a modification of the 0 imagedeconvolutionproblems,whicharetypicallysolved semilinear method of Warren & Dye (2003), as outlined 2 by iterative methods (Golub & Reinsch (1970); Bj¨orck inRogers & Fiege(2011). Tobegin,wedefineimageand 1 (1996);Hansen(2010)). Notethatthesemilinearmethod sourcecoordinatesystemsthatareconnectedbythethin : providesa technique for solving the linear parametersof v lens equation: thelensedsystemonly(thesourceintensitydistribution) i β =θ−α(θ), (1) X inan“innerloop”,whilethenonlinearparametersofthe r where θ and β are the image and source coordinates re- lensmassdistributionmustbesolvedinaseparate“outer a spectively, and α(θ) is the deflection angle determined loop” optimization step (Rogers & Fiege 2011). by the gravitational potential of the lens density dis- Spatial dependence of the PSF is not considered in tribution. The lens equation is a nonlinear equation most conventional deconvolution problems. This simpli- that maps pixels from the image to the source plane fiestheconstructionoftheblurringmatrixB,sinceonly (Schneider et al. (1992); Petters et al. (2001)). onePSFistakenintoaccount. However,itiswellknown The source plane pixels are represented as a vector s, that the PSF cannot always be treated as constant over with elements that can be varied independently to ac- an image in cases of astronomicalinterest. For example, countforthedetailsoftheunknownsourceintensitydis- spatially variant PSFs have been studied in the context tribution. ThedetailsofthePSFareencodedintheblur- ofadaptiveoptics(Lauer(2002);Gilles et al.(2002))and ring matrix B and gravitational lens effects, described thePSFofastronomicalinstruments,suchastheHubble byEquation1,areincludedinthe lensing matrixL. We AdvancedCameraforSurveys,canbeextremelyposition then define the total lens matrix f = BL and data vec- dependent (Bandara et al. 2009). Several schemes have tor d. Denoting the standard deviation of the noise as been designed to deal with this variability (Boden et al. (1995); Biretta(1994); Adorf(1994); Lauer(2002)). De- [email protected] scribing a spatially variant PSF is much more compli- 2 Rogers & Fiege cated than for the invariant case, since each row of the of the image. The image is then divided into a square blurring matrix B will be derived from a unique PSF in grid, where the PSF is assumed constant in each region. general. The position of a pixel in the image determines These image regions and the PSFs are then padded to the amount by which it is blurred. match in size. The two-dimensional fast Fourier trans- Weillustratethe effectofspatiallydependentPSFson form(FFT)isusedtocalculatetheresultantblurredim- gravitationally lensed images in Figure 1. Consider the ageregionsindependently,resultinginaneffectivepiece- lensing effect produced by a singular isothermal sphere wiseconvolution. Bysubstitutingefficientalgorithmsfor (SIS), which has three parameters: velocity dispersion the explicit matrix andmatrix-transposemultiplications σ and lens center (x,y). The deflection angle due to a in Equation 3, the least squares form of the problem is v SIS lens has a simple analytical form most conveniently preservedand the system can be solved efficiently. described in standard polar coordinates (r,ω): Inprinciplespatiallyvariantblurringcanbedescribed by a blurring matrix compatible with the semilinear σ 2 D v ls method. However, in practice there are several prob- α(r)=4π , (4) c D lems with the matrix approach. First, the size of the os (cid:16) (cid:17) blurring matrix is N × N , so the matrix quickly whereD andD aretheangulardistancesbetweenlens pix pix ls os becomes large as the image resolution is increased. Sec- andsourceandobserverandsourcerespectively,andcis ond, since the PSFs vary over regions of the image, it is thespeedoflight. WemodeltheblurringinFigure1with possiblethatB maycontainalargenumberofsmallbut σ = 265 km s−1 and use source redshift z = 1.5 and v s non-zeroentries,particularlyforlarge,complicatedPSFs lens plane redshift z =0.12. This model was calculated l that are not well approximated by Gaussians or other using cosmological parameters H = 70 km s−1 Mpc−1, 0 simple analytical functions. This complicates the opti- Ω0 =0.3andΛ0 =0.7whichweadoptfortheremainder mizationbecauseM=FTF mustbeinvertedinthesemi- ofthisstudy. Thesourceiscomprisedofasetofcircular linear scheme. It is generally required that M is sparse disksin the sourceplane asshownin the left-handpanel in order to store and invert this large matrix. The spar- ofFigure1andthegravitationallylensedimageisshown sity requirement helps to reduce computation time and in the center panel. The lensed image is then blurredby reduces the amplification of noise in the reconstructed aspatiallyvariantPSFandisshownintherightpanelof source. In practice the semilinear method requires regu- Figure1. The distortionusedto createthis imagevaries larization to control the amount of noise present in the from a delta function in the lower-left corner (negligible solutionof Equation3. The details andeffects of several blur) to a Gaussian with standard deviation σ = 6.0 g distinct regularizationmethods used with the semilinear pixels in the upper rightcorner. Each PSF is defined on method were studied in detail by Suyu et al. (2006). anarbitrary33×33gridandisnormalizedtounitysum. Our previous work (Rogers & Fiege 2011), compared The source and image plane size are 240×240 pixels. the semilinear method with severaliterative methods to Unlike constant PSFs, spatially variant PSFs cannot solve the least-squares problem (Equation 3). Iterative be described by a simple convolution operation. For- schemeshave the advantagethat time is savedby avoid- tunately, numerical methods have been devised to han- ingtheexplicitconstructionofthelensandblurringma- dlethem, including sectioningmethods(Trussel & Fogel trices. This is done using direct interpolation on the 1992), which deconvolve each PSF independently and sourceplaneunderthe effectofthe lensequation(Equa- forms the source from the sum of the reconstructions. tion 1). Nagy & O’Leary (1998) devised a clever method to Rogers & Fiege (2011) used the Qubist Optimization model the effects of spatially variant PSFs within the Toolbox (Fiege 2010) to map the χ2 surface over the frameworkofthestandardimagedeconvolutionproblem. space of the nonlinear lens parameters using the Ferret Thisapproachdiffersfromsectioningmethodsinthatthe GeneticAlgorithm(GA)andLocustParticleSwarmOp- separatePSFsareusedtobuildanapproximationtothe timizer (PSO).Since this mapping requiresa largenum- blurred image of a given source, and a single iterative ber of function evaluations (≈ 105) over the course of a deconvolutionoperationisneededtosolveforthesource run, speed is of the essence when choosing an inner loop intensity distribution. The method was implemented in optimization to determine the source plane parameters. Nagy et al.(2002)andrepresentsthespatialdependence Using the techniques introduced by Nagy et al.(2002) of the PSF as a summation of piecewise blurring ma- asa foundation, we haveadded the capabilityto include trices, each of which applies over a limited area of the spatiallyvariantPSFstoourgravitationallensmodeling image. In this study, we use the method of Nagy et al. codeusingpiecewiseconstantPSFs. Thisnewcapability (2002) to incorporate spatially variant blurring into our is the subject of the current exploration. gravitational lens modeling code. We briefly review the method here and discuss the procedure in detail in the 2. ASMALL-SCALETEST Appendix. Toincludetheeffectsofspatiallyvariantblurs,theim- In this section, we provide an example of modeling an age of the unblurred lensed source is padded to enforce extended source under the effects of a spatially variant a boundary condition(Hansen et al.2006). We focus on PSF.Wegeneratethelensedimageofananalyticalfunc- theuseofreflexiveboundaryconditions,inwhichtheim- tion that describes a spiral source intensity distribution, ageispaddedbysymmetricreflectionsofitself. Reflexive according to the equation: boundary conditions tend to reduce ringing artifacts if a S significant amount of structure is located near the edges S(r,ω)= 0 exp −2sin2 ω−ω −τr2 , (5) r2+r2 0 c (cid:2) (cid:0) (cid:1)(cid:3) Strong Gravitational Lens Modeling with Spatially Variant PSFs 3 where S is the maximum brightness in arbitrary units between the model solution and the true solution im- 0 and core radius r . The tightness of the arms about the proves until a minimum is reached and then begins to c centralbulgeiscontrolledbyτ,andω controlstheorien- increase. This is due to the properties of the local opti- 0 tation of the spiral, in standardpolar coordinates (r,ω). mizer used to determine the optimal source, and arises This artificial “galaxy”, originally described by Bonnet in the deconvolution step due to noise in the observed (1995), serves as a convenient test pattern. To draw image. Regularization methods are generally used to comparisons between our results for spatially invariant control the increase of noise in the reconstructed source PSFs (Rogers & Fiege 2011), we will again make use of foundbythe semilinearmethod(Suyu et al.2006). Sev- a Singular Isothermal Ellipse (SIE; Keeton & Kochanek eral optimization methods have been applied to prob- (1998)) with deflection angle components: lems with spatially variant blur including Landweber iteration (Nocedal & Wright (1999); Fish et al. (1996); bq x 1−q2 Trussel & Hunt(1978)), Richardson-Lucydeconvolution αx = tan−1 (6) (Faisal et al.1995),andLanczos-Tikhonovhybridmeth- 1−q2 pψ+s ! ods (Chung et al. 2008) in the context of the standard p imagedeconvolutionproblem. FollowingRogers & Fiege α = bq tanh−1 y 1−q2 , (7) (2011), we focus on the conjugate gradient method for y 1−q2 ψp+q2s ! least-squaresproblems (CGLS) and the steepest descent method (SD). Figure 6 shows the convergencehistory of with ψ2 = q2(sp2 +x2)+y2 and q = (1−ǫ)/(1+ǫ), theSDalgorithm. AsintheinvariantPSFcasediscussed and b is the equivalent Einstein radius when q =1. The in Rogers & Fiege (2011), the SD solution converges parameter b is related to the velocitypdispersion σ by more slowly than CGLS and therefore it is less sensitive v Equation 4. tothestoppingcriteria. Whenusinganiterativemethod Theparametersusedinthistestarevelocitydispersion forlocaloptimization,thenumberofiterationsitselfacts σ = 265 km s−1 with z = 0.3 and z = 1.05 giving an as a regularization parameter. The optimal stopping it- v d s equivalent Einstein ring of b = 1.32 arcsec, ellipticity erationoftheselocaloptimizersisattheminimumofthe ǫ = 0.35, lens center (x,y) = (0.11,0), core size s, and relativeerrorcurveforagivensetoflensparametersand orientation angle θ = π/4 measured counterclockwise PSF tiling. This critical iteration represents a balance L from the right of the image. We set s=0, resulting in a between the reduced image χ2 and the amount of regu- singular mass distribution. larization used (Press et al. 2007). Established methods We used Equation 1 to form the lensed image of the exist to determine this critical iteration, including the source (Equation 5) using the SIE deflection angle for- L-Curve criterion (Hansen & O’Leary 1993) and Gener- mulae. We generated a 20×20 grid of spatially variant alized Cross Validation (Golub et al. 1979). In previous Gaussian PSFs where each PSF is defined by a 33×33 work(Rogers & Fiege2011)wemadeuseoftheL-Curve pixel mesh and has an FWHM ranging from 2.35 to 4.8 criterionbut Generalized Cross Validation is also imple- pixels,showninFigure 2. This gridofPSFs wasusedto mented in our software. blurthe gravitationallylensedimageandadditiveGaus- We find that the execution time of the problem in- sian white noise with standard deviation σ = 1.05 was cluding a spatially variant PSF increases approximately g added after the blurring operation, resulting in the arti- linearly with the number of separate PSFs used in the ficialdatashowninFigure 3. We define the peaksignal- inversionasshowninFigure7. Thissuggeststhatsignif- to-noise ratio (PSNR) as icantgainscouldbe madeinthe efficiencyofthe routine byparallelizingtheimplementation,sinceeachimagere- I max gion is independent. By splitting up the problem over PSNR= , (8) σ several processors, the runtime for very large PSF grids g can become feasible. giving PSNR=105.83. To illustrate the effect of vary- ingthenumberofPSFs,wemodelthedatausingsmaller gridsof3×3,5×5,7×7,10×10,and20×20PSFs. As 3. ALARGE-SCALETEST shownin Figure 4, the best reconstructionwith the low- To demonstrate the code in operation on a large scale est reduced χ2 is obtained using a grid of 20×20 PSFs, problem, we simulate the lensing effect of the mass dis- which is the same number used to generate the data. tribution of a galaxy cluster on a portion of the Hub- This source and corresponding model image after 20 it- ble deep field using an elliptical potential. This test is erations are also shown in Figure 3. The 3×3 and 5×5 intended as a demonstration of the feasibility and effi- image residuals show significant structure, which is not ciency of our method on a problem that would be diffi- present in the finer approximations. The residuals using cult using the semilinear method while including a spa- a grid of 20×20 PSFs appear featureless. This demon- tially dependent PSF. Problems of this size are realis- strates the improvement in image reconstruction as we tic for a number of practical modeling situations. For include successively more information characterizingthe example, Alard (2009) has modeled the lensed system blur. SL2SJ021408-053532,whichproducesa setoflargearcs. Figure 5 shows the relative error between the model Thissystemhasalensthatiscomprisedofasmallgroup source and the true solution as a function of iteration. of six galaxies. Due to the large size of the lensed arcs, For all PSF grid sizes, we find that the solutions display the scope of the source modeling prohibited the direct semi-convergence behavior such that the relative error application of the semilinear method. 4 Rogers & Fiege We form the lensed image of a portion of the Hubble terscouldbe foundusingglobaloptimizationmethods if deep field (Williams et al. 1996) by applying the ellipti- one ofthe following strategieswereemployed: (1) a low- calpotentialofBlandford & Kochanek(1987)whichwas resolutionapproximationtothedatacouldbeusedearly used by Link & Pierce (1998) to simulate the lens effect during the lens parameter optimization, with successive of the dark matter distribution of galaxy clusters. This refinement occurring later during the run; (2) a global potential function is given by optimizercouldbe usedtoroughlyapproximatethe lens parameters,shiftingtoafasterlocaloptimizationscheme ψ(x,y)= b2(1−q) s2+(1+ǫc)x2+2ǫsxy+(1−ǫc)y2 q, otenrcsepsaocleu;toiorn(s3)argelolboacalloipzetdimtiozaatisomnaclolurledgiboenuosfedpaforarmthee- 2q entire problem making use of large-scale parallelization. (cid:2) (9(cid:3)) which results in deflection angle α(θ) = ∇ψ(θ). The 4. CONCLUSION elliptical potential depends on seven parameters: b is Wehavedevelopedamethodtoincludetheeffectsofa the equivalent Einstein radius in the limit of vanishing spatially variantPSFin gravitationallens modeling. In- core radius s, ellipticity ǫ, and power law index q, where 0 ≤ q ≤ 0.5. The position angle of the lens φ deter- cluding these effects in the standard semilinear method wouldbedifficultduetothecomplicatedblurringmatrix mines the functions ǫ = ǫcosφ and ǫ = ǫsinφ. We c s required. Thesecomplicationscanbeovercomeeasilyby use the Einstein radius b=9, power law index q =0.25, incorporatingthemethodofNagy et al.(2002). Ourap- φ = π/4, position (x,y) = (0,0) and s = 0.5. The lens proachcanaccommodate largelensing problems like the and source redshifts are z = 0.12 and z = 1.5, re- d s casestudiedbyAlard(2009),whichlimitstheapplicabil- spectively. We used an array of 25 PSFs arranged on a 5× 5 grid to blur the image. This set of PSFs has ity of the direct semilinear approach. Techniques to in- cludetheeffectsofspatiallyvariantPSFsareimportant, been used to test image restoration schemes for Hub- as the response varies over the detector area for many ble Space Telescope (HST) images and represents the astronomical instruments. Our algorithm allows this ef- spatially variant nature of the aberrations affecting the fect to be included in lensing problems, thus improving HST before it was repaired (Katsaggelos et al. (1994); Nagy & O’Leary(1998)). ThesizeofeachPSFis60×60 the qualityofreconstructionswhenthe variabilityofthe PSF is significant. The CGLS and SD algorithms allow pixels, and the source and image plane used to generate our lensed image are 800×800 pixel2. Gaussian white a regularizedinversionto be found quickly by truncated iteration. noise was added with standard deviation σ =1.37, giv- g ing the image PSNR=138.4. 5. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Theimageafter100iterationsisshowninFigure8,and a reducedχ2 =0.995was found. The system was solved A.R. acknowledges NSERC for funding this research, using the CGLS algorithm with all 25 PSFs using the and J.F. acknowledges funding from an NSERC Discov- lens parameters defined above. The model took approx- ery Grant. The authors also thank the anonymous ref- imately 7 minutes to solve using a single 2.4 GHz CPU eree, whose comments helped to improve the flow of the core. An approximation to the nonlinear lens parame- paper. APPENDIX SPATIALLY VARIANTBLURRING EFFECTS TodescribeblurringbyaspatiallyvariantPSFwefirstpresentanefficientmethodusingtwo-dimensionalFFTs. We then show how to treat the problem in terms of blurring matrices and flattened image vectors. See Nagy & O’Leary (1998) for more details on the approachand Nagy et al. (2002) for a MATLAB implementation. Consider anN×N gridof independent PSFs P and split the unknown blurredimage Y into regionsY , eachof ij ij size k×k: Y Y ··· Y 11 12 1N Y Y ··· Y 21 22 2N Y = ... ... ... ... (A1) Y Y ··· Y N1 N2 NN Each of these blocks will be affected by an independent PSF. Suppose that the size of each PSF is (r+1)×(r+1) with r even, and let the unblurred N ×N image be represented by X. Let us define a set of “mask” matrices w . In the case of piecewise constant PSFs, these masks are the same size ij as the unblurred image and are comprised of 0 entries everywhere except for the k×k block at position (i,j), where the entries of w are set to 1. ij TofindthecomponentsofagivenregionweconvolveX withthecorrespondingPSFP ,followedbyanelement-wise ij multiplication by the mask w . The non-zero elements of this product give Y . Proceeding in this way we build up ij ij the blurred image block by block: N N Y = w ◦(P ∗X), (A2) ij ij ij i=1j=1 XX Strong Gravitational Lens Modeling with Spatially Variant PSFs 5 where the symbol “◦” represents element-wise multiplication and symbol “∗” is the convolution operation. Note that each term in the sum is determined by the convolution of the entire image X with the appropriate PSF before the mask is applied. This is crucial to ensure that “seams” will not be visible between regions in the blurred image Y. Ingeneral,it is possible to speedup this routine by calculatingY directly. Considersplitting the unblurredimage ij into regions Xk where the superscriptdenotes the size ofthe block,in this case k×k. In order to avoidartifacts and ij keepthe correctintensity near the edges of this block after convolution,we include a number of neighboring rowsand columns on each side of Xk. The width of this border is set by the size of the PSF, r/2, with regions on the image ij boundarypaddedtoenforcethe boundaryconditionsdiscussedin Section1. Theseextendedregionsarethendenoted X(r+k). ThePSFsarepaddedtomatchtheextendedregionsinsize,resultinginP(r+k). Theblurredextendedregion ij ij is found by the convolution Y(r+k) = P(r+k)∗X(r+k) . (A3) ij ij ij (cid:16) (cid:17) The central k×k block of this product is clipped out and placed in the (i,j) position of Y. The process is repeated until the entire blurred image is filled in. Time is saved working with extended regions and padded PSFs since we only need to calculate the convolution over the (r+k)×(r+k) block for each PSF rather than the entire image as in Equation A2, and the construction of masks is not needed. The convolutions can be carried out efficiently with two-dimensional FFTs. Thebasicprocedurecanalsobedescribedbyananalogousmatrix-vectoroperation. ToexpressthesuminEquation A2 in terms of matrix multiplication, we define the unblurredflattened image as a vector x, and the flattened blurred image as y. We build a set of N2 blurring matrices to describe the effect of each PSF on x, which we denote as B . ij Themaskmatricesw areusedtoconstructanalogousweightingmatricesD . ThesematricesareofsizeN ×N , ij ij pix pix where N is the number of pixels in the image, identical to the size of the blurring matrices B . The total blurring pix ij matrix B is then written as a weighted sum of blurring matrices B , B ,...,B . 11 12 NN N N B = D B . (A4) ij ij i=1j=1 XX Theblurredimageisthenfoundbyamatrixmultiplicationy=Bx. TheweightingmatricesD havethemthdiagonal ij entryequalto1providedthatimagepixelmisinregion(i,j),andallotherelements0. Theweightingmatricessatisfy N N D =I where I is the N ×N identity. We adopt the use of piecewise constant PSFs but in general i=1 j=1 ij pix pix it is possible to include higher order interpolation schemes between PSFs using the weighting matrices. The case of P P linear interpolationin solvingsystems with spatially variantblur has been studied by Nagy & O’Leary(1998), but its inclusion complicates the procedure and did not provide a significant improvement to the quality of the solution and increased computation times (Nagy et al. 2002). 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Right: thesamediskpatternundertheeffectoftheSISlens,withaspatially variantPSFblurringtheobservation. TheblurisdescribedbyadeltafunctioninthelowerlefthandcornertoaGaussianwithstandard deviationσg =6.0pixelsintheupperrightcorner,introducingasignificantblur. 8 Rogers & Fiege Fig.2.—Gridof PSFs usedinFigure3. The PSFs varyfromaGaussian of FWHMof 2.35 pixelsinthe lower-leftcorner producing a modestblurtoaGaussianwithFWHM4.75pixelsintheupperrightcorner. Strong Gravitational Lens Modeling with Spatially Variant PSFs 9 Observation Model Image 1 1 y 0 y 0 θ θ −1 −1 −1 0 1 −1 0 1 θ θ x x Source Model Source 0.4 0.4 y 0 y 0 β β −0.4 −0.4 −0.4 0 0.4 −0.4 0 0.4 β β x x Fig.3.— Top left: artificial data on a 120×120 grid. Bottom left: artificial source on a 50×50 grid. Top right: model observation. Bottomright: modelsource. Theresultsafter19iterationsareshown. Notethepresenceofreconstructed noiseinthesource. Themodel hasareducedχ2=0.998. 10 Rogers & Fiege 3x3 5x5 7x7 10x10 Reduced χ2 vs N 20x20 psf 1.1 1.05 1 0 200 400 Fig.4.—Imageresidualsfora3×3,5×5,7×7,10×10,and20×20PSFgridsafter19CGLSiterations. ForasmallnumberofPSFs thereisasignificantamountofresidualstructure,buttheseartifactsarereducedasthegridofPSFsisenlarged. Thereducedχ2 isshown asafunctionofthenumberofPSFs(Npsf)usedintheinversion.