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Stringing Together a Nation: Cândido Mariano da Silva Rondon and the Construction of a Modern Brazil, 1906–1930 PDF

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2 4 2 f o 1 t e e h s / N O I T A N stringing together a nation A R E H T E G O T G N I G N I R T S / n o c a i D 2 5 9 6 1 1 : 7 0 9 . 2 1 . 3 0 0 2 g n e s T 2 4 2 f o 2 t e e h s / N O I T A N A R E H T E G O T G N I G N I R T S / n o c a i D 2 5 9 6 1 1 : 7 0 9 . 2 1 . 3 0 0 2 g n e s T 2 4 2 f o 3 t e e h s / N O I AT stringing together a nation N A R E H T E G O T cândido mariano da silva rondon G N I G RIN andthe constructionofa T S / modern brazil, 1906–1930 n o c a i D 2 5 9 6 todd a. diacon DukeUniversityPress * DurhamandLondon * 2004 1 1 : 7 0 9 . 2 1 . 3 0 0 2 g n e s T 2 4 2 f o 4 t e e h s / N O I T A N A R E H T E G O T G N I NG © 2004 duke university press All rights reserved. I R T S PrintedintheUnitedStatesofAmericaonacid-freepaper(cid:4) / n o DesignedbyAmyRuthBuchanan.TypesetinCyclesbyTseng c a i D InformationSystems,Inc.LibraryofCongressCataloging-in- 2 5 9 6 PublicationDataappearonthelastprintedpageofthisbook. 1 1 : 7 0 9 . 2 1 . 3 0 0 2 g n e s T 2 4 2 f o 5 t e e h s / N O I T A N contents A R E H T E G O T G N I NG Illustrations vii I R T S Acknowledgments ix / n o Introduction 1 c a i D one StringingTogetheraPeopleandaPlace 9 2 5 9 6 two BuildingtheLonelyLine,1907–1915 19 three WorkingandLivingontheLonelyLine 53 four ThePowerofPositivism 79 five LivingwithOthersontheLonelyLine 101 six SellingaPersonandaProduct:PublicRelations andtheRondonTelegraphCommission 131 seven TheLegacyoftheLonelyLine 155 Notes 163 Bibliography 207 Index 225 1 1 : 7 0 9 . 2 1 . 3 0 0 2 g n e s T 2 4 2 f o 6 t e e h s / N O I T A N A R E H T E G O T G N I G N I R T S / n o c a i D 2 5 9 6 1 1 : 7 0 9 . 2 1 . 3 0 0 2 g n e s T 2 4 2 f o 7 t e e h s / N O I T A N illustrations A R E H T E G O T G N I G Maps N I R T S 1909expedition 28 / n Cuiabá–SantoAntoniotelegraphline 48 o c a i D Thetelegraphline 158 2 5 9 6 Figures CândidoMarianodaSilvaRondon 2 Telegraphright-of-way 24 RondonandofficersontheJuruenaRiver 26 Telegraphright-of-way,probablynearPimentaBueno station 31 RooseveltandRondon 35 Rondonandofficerswithsupplywagon 35 BrazilianandU.S.flags,Rondon-Rooseveltexpedition campinPortodoCampo,MatoGrosso 38 Roosevelt-Rondonexpeditionattheheadwatersofthe RiverofDoubt 40 Rondon,TheodoreRoosevelt,andmembersofthe Roosevelt-Rondonexpedition 43 Erectingatelegraphpole 49 Telegraphpostholediggersreturningtocamp 50 1 1 : 7 0 9 . 2 1 . 3 0 0 2 g n e s T 2 4 2 f o 8 t e e h s / N O I AT LieutenantSebastiãosurveyingneartheJamariRiver 58 N A Commissionworkers 60 R E H ET Reveille 60 G O T Rondoninunidentifiedcamp 70 G N I NG UnidentifiedmenincampwithRondon 72 I R T S Raisingtheflag 86 / n Positivist-Indianshrine 88 o c a i D Rondonandhiswife,FranciscaXavierdaSilvaRondon 98 2 5 9 RondonwithParecismenandwomeninfrontof 6 UtiaritiFalls 117 RondondistributingpresentsandclothestoParecismen, women,andchildren 119 RondonaddressingaNambikwaraman 119 Unidentifiedtelegraphstation 157 1 1 : 7 0 9 . 2 1 . 3 0 0 2 g n e s T 2 4 2 f o 9 t e e h s / N O I T A N acknowledgments A R E H T E G O T G N I G Afew years ago an anonymous donor established the N I R ThomasJeffersonAwardforcreativeresearchattheUni- T S versityofTennessee.Myreceiptofthisgenerousawarddur- / n ing the first year of its existence freed me from the need o c a to spend time and energy writing grant proposals. Instead, i D I was able to engage in archival research in Brazil immedi- 2 5 9 ately,andmyworkproceededquicklyandsmoothly.ThusI 6 wishtothank,firstandforemost,thatunnamedindividualfor thiswonderfulendowment.Foradditionalfundingforearlier partsofmyresearchIalsothanktheNationalEndowmentfor theHumanities(SummerStipendProgram)andtheFulbright Foundation(LecturingandResearchAward). ConductingarchivalresearchinBrazilisalwaysareward- ing experience, due primarily to the staffs of the archives discussed below. These fine professionals are committed to furthering historical research in Brazil. But more than that, the Brazilian archivists with whom I worked became both my friends and advisors; indeed, these days a trip to Rio de Janeiro would not be complete without stopping by to say hellotothem.AttheMuseuHistóricodoExército,locatedin theCopacabanaFort,SolangeCoelhoCalvano,MariaIsabel TravassosRomano,MariaBleydaSilveira,IsabelMariaSan- son Portela, Maria Lídgia Peçanha Alonso Gonçalves, Ivan Coelho de Sá, and Tenente Gilson César da Silveira Bastos mademyworkprofitableandcomfortable. ThereisnobetterplacetoconductresearchinBrazilthan at the Museu do Índio in Rio de Janeiro. The building and grounds are lovely, but it is the people who make it special. 1 1 : 7 0 9 . 2 1 . 3 0 0 2 g n e s T

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