string Quartet rl PLeigrer By Gregory “3 given a regular note head, attack neemaliy. -If gdven a note head in parenthesis, do not re-articulate, “Te given an open note head (Like a hole note, play continuously until sthezwise indicated. “If given a closed note head {like a quarcer-note bead), play for a short durstien [0,8 te 1.8 seconds!, “Unless othorv?ce Ladicales (by use ut vosrdinst'or arrows or riwite/second markings}, ovonts cra 0 bo uicoordinalay, and to be placed irregularly and non-netricaliy in time. “Coordination markings are absclute and must be pe=fomned ay written, “IE qiven a dotted coordination arrow, the event polated tovards is to cecuz more or lege immediately afserrarda wiimer markings ave qiven as a courtesy and are there Lo provide an idea of tae approkixa-e pacing of ihe plese: whey are by so means meant to bo anderatoed ae absolura. “Grace notes are to be played ag fast as possible. W3.0.8, {2 Be 6 peF in _— = T aE = 4 sng : x me = __ es git Bt = PF i> ee = aes = = = = t j i op SEO relia ox eat she we a2 = one Pp Pp FA Pr — i * 2 i = dehane tu egetuo Sz E ‘a — : 7 Ge a mp eee Fh Ftavtanas ji oe 7 ———_——— id 4 f " Et is 2 t ae C = Biss 7 pp ———— = Fee =e or fe