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EPJ manuscript No. (will be inserted by the editor) STRING and PARTON PERCOLATION C. Pajares Departamento deF´ısica de Part´ıculas Elementais e InstitutoGalego de F´ısica deAltas Enerx´ıas 5 Universidadede Santiago de Compostela, 15782 Santiago deCompostela, Spain 0 0 Received: date/ Revised version: date 2 n Abstract. A brief review to string and parton percolation is presented. After a short introduction, the a main consequences of percolation of color sources on the following observables in A-A collisions: J/ψ J suppression, saturation of the multiplicity, dependence on the centrality of the transverse momentum 4 fluctuations, Cronin effect and transverse momentum distributions, strength of the two and three body 1 Bose-Einstein correlations and forward-backward multiplicity correlations, are presented. The behaviour of all of them can be naturally explained by the clustering of color sources and the dependence of the 1 fluctuations of the numberof theseclusters on the density. v 5 PACS. 2 5.75.-q, 12.38.Mh, 24.85.+p 2 1 1 0 1 Introduction 2 Local parton percolation and J/ψ 5 suppression 0 Whatconditionsarenecessaryinthepre-equilibriumstage / to achieve deconfinement and perhaps subsequent quark- h gluon plasma formation? This question on the occurence Hardprobes,suchasquarkonia,probethemediumlocally, p - ofcolordeconfinementinnuclearcollisionswithoutassum- and thus test only if it has reached the percolation point p ing prior equilibration has been addressedon the basic of and the resulting geometric deconfinement at their loca- e two closely related concepts, string or parton percolation tion.Itisthusnecessarytodefineamorelocalpercolation h [1]-[2] and parton saturation [3]-[4]-[5].In this paper we criterium [7]. : v will study the first subject. As we mentioned before, at the percolating critical Xi Consider a flat two dimensional surface S (the trans- density,1/3ofthesurfaceremainsempty.Hencediscden- verse nuclear area), on which N small disc of radius r sity in the percolating cluster must be greaterthan 3 ηc . ar (the transverse partonic or string size) are randomly dis0- In fact numerical studies show that percolation se2tsπri02n tributed, allowing overlapping. With increasing density when the density of partons in the largest cluster reaches n N/πR2 (wetakehereS =πR2),clustersofincreasing thecriticalvalue1.72/πr2,slightlylargerthan 31.13.This siz≡eappear.The crucialfeatureis thatthis clusterforma- 0 2 πr02 result provides the required local test: if the parton den- tion shows critical behaviour: in the limit N and → ∞ sity at a certain point in the transverse nuclear collision R withnfinite,the clustersizedivergesatacertain →∞ plane has reached this level, the medium there belongs critical density. The percolation threshold is given by to a percolating cluster and hence to a deconfined parton N condensate. In Fig. 1 the percolation probability and its ηc =πr02πR2 (1) derivative as a function of η are shown. LetusapplytheaboveideatoJ/ψsuppressioninA-A andits value 1.13is determinedby numericalstudies.For collision [8]. We denote by n (A) the density of nucleons finiteN andR,percolationsetsinwhenthelargestcluster s in the transverse plane and by dN (x,Q2)/dy the parton spans the entire surface from the center to the edge. Be- q distributionfunctions.(Atcentralrapidityy =0,wehave cause of overlap, a considerable fraction of the surface is x = k /√s, where k denotes the transverse momentum still empty at the percolationpoint in fact, at the thresh- T T ofthe partons andthus k Q). The localpartonperco- old, only 1 exp( ηc) 2/3 of the surface is covered by T ≃ − − ≃ lation condition is discs. In high energynuclearcollision,the strings orpartons are originated from the nucleons within the colliding nu- n (A) dNq(x,Q2c) = 1.72 (2) clei, therefore their distribution on the transverse area of s (cid:18) dy (cid:19) π/Q2 x=QC/√s c the collision is highly non uniform with more nucleons and hence more strings or partons in the center than in For a given A-A collision at a fixed centrality and en- the edge. In this case the value of η becomes higher [6]. ergy, the relation (2) determines Q . c C 2 C. Pajares: STRINGand PARTONPERCOLATION 1 qq¯pairs in this field. With growing energy and/or atomic 0.9 numberofcolliding particles,the number ofstringsgrows and they start to overlap, forming clusters. At a critical y 0.8 bilit 0.7 densityamacroscopicclusterappearsthatmarkstheper- ba colation phase transition. o 0.6 Pr The percolation theory governs the geometrical pat- on 0.5 tern of the string clustering. Its observable implications, ati 0.4 however, require introduction of some dynamics to de- Percol 00..23 η sfocrrmibeedsbtryinsgevienrtaelroavcteirolanp,pi.ien,gtshterinbgesh.aviour of a cluster 0.1 c It is assumed that a cluster behaves as a single string 0 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.4 withahighercolorfieldQ→n correspondingtothevectorial η sum of the color charge of each individual Q→ string. The 1 resulting color field covers the area S of the cluster. As n Fig.1.Percolationprobabilityanditsderivativeasafunction Q→= n Q→, and the individual string colors may be of η n i 1 orientePdinanarbitrarymannerrespectivetooneanother, 2 2 the averageQ→ Q→ is zero, and Q→ =nQ→ . 1i 1j n 1 ForPb Pbcollisionat√s=17.4GeV,Q 0.7GeV. c The scales−of the charmonium states χc and≃ψ′, as de- Knowing the charge color Q→n, one can compute the termined by the inverse of their radii calculated in po- particle spectra produced by a single cluster ofsuch color tential theory, are around 0.6 GeV and 0.5 GeV respec- charge and area Sn using the Schwinger formula. For the tively, therefore the parton condensate can thus resolve multiplicity µn and average p2T of particles, < p2T >n, thesestatesandallχ andψ statesformedinside the per- produced by a cluster of n strings one finds [11]-[12] ′ colating cluster disappear. The location is determined by the collision density. The first onset of J/ψ suppression in Pb Pb collision at SPS should occur at Npart 125, µ = nSnµ ; <p2 > = nS1 <p2 > (3) where−theJ/ψ sduetofeed-downfromχ andψ st≃atesin n r S 1 T n r S T 1 ′ c ′ 1 n the percolating cluster are eliminated. Directly produced J/ψ′s survive because of their smaller radii (leading to a whereµ1and<p2T >1arethemeanmultiplicityandmean scales of 0.9–1.0 GeV) and its dissociation requires more p2 of particles produced by a single string with a trans- T centralcollisions,whichlead to a better resolution,i.e. to verse area S1 = πr02. For strings just touching each other anincreaseofQc.ForQc =1.0GeV weneedNpart 320. Sn =nS1 and hence µn =nµ1;<p2T >n=<p2T >1 as ex- TheresolutionscaleofthedirectJ/ψcannotbereac≃hedin pected (simple fragmentation of n independent strings). S-Ucollisions,thereforeonlyonestoppatternsuppression In the opposite case of maximum overlapping, Sn = S1 is obtained for this case. and therefore µn = √nµ1,< p2T >n= √n < p2T >1, so ForAu-AucollisionatRHIC,theincreasepartonden- that the multiplicity results maximally supressed. Notice sity shift the onset of percolation to a higher resolution that a certain conservation rule holds scale,sothatfromthethresholdon,allcharmoniumstates µ including J/ψ s are supressed,starting atN 90,i.e. n <p2 > =µ <p2 > (4) ′ part ≃ n T n 1 T 1 a single step suppression pattern occurs. ForthecaseIn-IncollisionsatSPSenergies,thethres- and also the scaling low hold for directly produced J/ψ s is not reached even for ′ the most central collisions, and again a single step sup- <p2 > /µ S =<p2 > /µ S (5) T n n n T 1 1 1 pression patterm is expected. In the limit of high density Adetaileddiscussionandcomparisonwithexperimen- tal data can be found in references [7] and [9]. η 1 <nS /S >= ,η =N πr2/πR2 1 n 1 exp( η) ≡ F2(η) S 0 3 String percolation − − (6) Thus Multiparticle production is currently described in terms ofcolorstringsstretchedbetweenpartonsoftheprojectile µ=N F(η)µ ; <p2 >=<p2 > /F(η) (7) S 1 T T 1 andtarget,whichdecayintonewstringsthroughq q¯pro- − duction and subsequently hadronize to produce observed The universalscalinglaw(5)is validfor allprojectiles hadrons. Color strings may be viewed as small discs in and targets, different energies and centralities, being in the transverse space, πr2, r = 0.2 0.25 fm, filled with reasonableagreementwithexperimentaldata[13].Asim- 0 0 − the color field created by the colliding partons. Particles ilarscalingisfoundinthecolorglasscondensateapproach are produced by the Schwinger mechanisms [10] emitting [14]. C. Pajares: STRINGand PARTO NPERCOLATION 3 Notice that N N N4/3 at central rapidity (at <pT>1 <pT>2 <p > S ∼ coll ∼ A <pT>1 T 1 the fragmentation region N N N ). As F(η) S part A ∼ ∼ ∼ N1/3,µ N . A ∼ A Therefore,themultiplicityperparticipantdoesnotde- <p > <p > <p > pend on the number of participants, there is saturation. T 1 T 3 T n Numerical studies show a good agreement with SPS and RHIC data [12]. The prediction for central Pb Pb colli- No fluctuations No fluctuations sions(N =400)atLHC(√s=5.5GeV)isµ/0−.5N = Fig. 2. Clusterformation forlow, intermediateand high den- A part 8.6andthetotalchargedmultiplicityperunitrapidity(at sity respectively. centralrapidity)is1800.Thisnumbersareverysimilarto theonesobtainedfromHeradata,assumingscaling,using PQCD and the BK equation [16]-[17]. T p 6 F 4 Transverse momentum fluctuations 5 4 The behaviour of the transverse momentum fluctuations 3 canbeunderstoodasfollows:Atlowdensitiesmostofthe particlesareproducedbyindividualstringswiththesame 2 < p > , so the fluctuations must be small. Similarly, at T 1 large density, above the percolation critical point, there 1 is essentially one cluster formed by almost all the strings created in the collision and therefore fluctuations are not 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 expected either. Indeed, the fluctuations are expected to Number of participants bemaximalwhenthenumberofdifferentclustersbecomes larger,justbelowthe percolationcriticaldensity(seeFig. 2). In this case in addition to the normal fluctuations Fig. 3. FpT(0/0)vsthenumberofparticipants.Experimental aroundthe meantransversemomentumofa singlestring, datafrom PHENIX at √s=200 GeV. Solid line our results. there are more fluctuations due to the different average transverse momentum of each cluster. 5 Universal transverse momentum Experimentally, it has been measured the quantity distributions In order to know the transverse momentum distributions ω ω <p2 > <p >2 Fpt ≡ Datωar−andormandom ω = p T<p−T > T colnuestnere,edasndthtehefrmageamnensqtautairoendfturnacntsivoenrsfe(mx,opmTe)ntfourmedaicsh- (8) tribution of the clusters, W(x), which is related to the whereω denotesthecorrespondingnormalizedfluc- random cluster size distribution through Eq. (3). For f(x,p ) we T tuations in the case of statistically independent particle assume the Schwinger formula, f(x,p ) = exp( p2x), emission. T − T used also for the fragmentation of a Lund string [21], at InFig.3ourresult[18]comparedwiththeexperimen- first approximation x is related to the string tension or tal data is shown. A reasonable agreement is obtained. equivalently to the inverse of the mean transverse mo- There is an alternative explanation based on the occur- mentumsquared.FortheweightfunctionW(x)wechoose renceatRHIC ofminijets whichwillenhance the pT fluc- the gamma distribution tuations.Athighcentrality,itiswellestablished,thesup- γ pression of high pT particles at RHIC what can explain W(x)= (γx)k−1exp( γx). (9) the suppression of fluctuations seen at lower centralities. Γ(k) − According to this picture, at SPS where the production The reason of this choice is the following: In periph- of minijets is negligible, this behaviour is not expected, eral heavy ion collisions there is almost not overlapping contrary to the expectations of percolation of strings. between the formed strings and therefore the cluster size Insteadofp fluctuations,theNA49Collaboration[19] distributionispeakedaroundlowvalues.Mostoftheclus- T has measured (< n2 > < n >2)/ < n >) at SPS ters are made of one single string. As the centrality in- for Pb-Pb collisions−, as a−functio−n of the cen−trality of the creases the number of strings grows, so there are more collision,showinga maximumat lowcentrality andbeing and more overlapping among the strings and the cluster 1athighcentrality.Thisbehaviourhasnothingtodowith size distribution is strongly modified, according to Fig. minijets. On the contrary, it is explained naturally in our 4where three cluster distributions correspondingto three approach [20]. differentcentralitiesofthecollisionareshown.Eachcurve 4 C. Pajares: STRINGand PARTONPERCOLATION and the normalized p distribution is T dN (k 1)F(η) 1 f(p ,y)= − (13) T dy k <p2T >1 1+ F(η)p2T k (cid:16) k<p2T>1(cid:17) The equation (12) can be seen as a superposition of chaotic color sources (clusters) where 1/k fixes the trans- verse momentum fluctuations. At small density η << 1, the strings are isolated and there are not fluctuations, k . When the density increases, there will be some → ∞ overlappingofstringsformingclusters,thefluctuationsin- creaseandk decreases.Theminimumofk willbereached when the fluctuations in the number of strings per clus- ter reach its maximum. Above this point, increasing η, these fluctuations decrease and k increases. In the limit, when only one cluster of all strings is formed, there are not fluctuations and again k . →∞ The obtained power-like behaviour (p2) k, with an T − exponent k related to some intrinsic fluctuations, is com- mon to many apparently different systems, as sociologi- cal, biological or informatic ones. Distributions like the Fig. 4. Schematic representation of the numberof clusters as citations of scientific works, or other complex networks a function of the number of strings of each cluster at three [25][26] where the probability P(m) of having a given different centralities (the solid line corresponds to the most nodewithmlinksisdescribedbythefreescalepowerlaw peripheral one and the pointed line to themost central one). P(m) (m)−k with k related to the fluctuations in the ∼ numberoflinksobeythesamebehaviour.Also,ithasbeen shown[27]-[28]thatmaximizationofthenonextensivein- in Fig. 4 can be reproduced by gamma distributions with formation Tsallis entropy leads to the same distribution different k values. (12). Moreover, the increase of centrality can be seen as a The universal behaviour indicates the importance of transformation of the cluster size distribution of the type thecommonfeaturespresentinthosephenomena,namely, the cluster structure and the fluctuations in the number xP(x) xkP(x) of objets per cluster. P(x) ... ... (10) → <x> → → <xk > → ¿From (13) one can calculate This kind of transformation were studied long time ago by Jona-Lasinio in connection to the renormalization dlnf 2F(η) p2 > = − T , (14) gthroeucpenintrparliotbieasbiilsisetiqcutivhaeloernyt[2to2].aAtcrtaunaslfloyrmanatiinocnrewasheicohf dlnpT (cid:16)1+ F(kη)<pp2T2T>i(cid:17)<p2T >1i changes cells (single strings) by blocks (clusters) and the where “i” refers to the different particle especies. caonrdre<spopn2d>ing.vTarhiaesbeletsrµan1safnordm<atpio2Tn>s1ofofththeetcyeplelsobfytµhne As p2T →0 this reduces to −2F(η)p2T/<p2T >i. T n This behaviour has been confirmed by the PHOBOS chain (10) have been used also to study the probability Collaboration.As <p2 > <p2 > <p2 > the associatedtoeventswhichsatisfysomerequirements[23]. T 1p ≥ T 1k ≥ T 1π absolute value is larger for pions than for kaons and than Theγ andkparametersofthegammadistributionare for protons. related to the mean x and dispersion of the distribution Now,letusdiscusstheinterplaybetweenlowandhigh through p . One defines the ration R (p ) between central and T CP T peripheral collisions as k <x2 > <x>2 1 <x>= − = (11) γ <x>2 k f (p ,y =0)/N R (p )= ′ T c′oll (15) CP T We use Eq (7) to take into account the effect of over- f(p ,y =0)/N T coll lappingofstrings,andhencef(x,m )=exp( p2xF(η)). T − T where the distribution in the numerator corresponds to Therefore we obtain higher densities η > η. In the p 0 limit, taking into ′ T 1 = ∞dxexp( p2xF(η)) account that 32 ≤ k−k1 ≤ 1 and th→at F(η′) < F(η), we 1+ F(η)p2T k Z0 − T obtain (cid:16) k<p2T>1(cid:17) 2 γ F(η ) (γx)k 1exp( γx) (12) R (0) ′ <1 (16) − CP Γ(k) − ≃(cid:18)F(η)(cid:19) C. Pajares: STRINGand PARTONPERCOLATION 5 approximatelyindependentofk andk .Asη /η increases, ′ ′ theratioR (0)decreases,inagreementwithexperimen- λ 0.8 CP tal data. 0.7 As p increases we have T 0.6 R (p ) 1+F(η)p2T/<p2T >1i (17) 0.5 CP T ∼ 1+F(η′)p2T/<p2T >1i 0.4 and R (p ) increases with p (again, F(η)>F(η )) 0.3 CP T T ′ At large p , T 0.2 R (p ) F(η) k′(p2)k k′ (18) 0.1 CP T ∼ F(η ) k T − 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1η.2 ′ Fig. 5. λasafunctionofη.Experimentalpointsareforsemi- whichmeansthatifweareinthelowdensityregimek >k ′ centralS-Pbcollisions(filledtriangle),18%centralPb-Pbcolli- and R (p ) > 1, and we reproduce the Cronin effect. CP T sions(nonfilledcircle)and10%centralPb-Pbcollisions(filled As we increase the energy, the density increases and on box) at SPS. reaches the high density regime where k < k and sup- ′ pressionofp occurs.TheCronineffectdisappearsathigh T energiesand/ordensities.Thecriticaldensityatwhichthe Cronin effect disappears is the same at which the trans- verse momentum fluctuations presents a maximum. ω 1 R (p )fortwodifferentparticles,forinstancepand CP T π, becomes, at intermediate p , T 0 RCpP(pT) <p2T >1p k′−k (19) -1 Rπ (p ) ≃(cid:18)<p2 > (cid:19) CP T T 1π -2 As < p2 > >< p2 > , in the high density limit T 1p T 1π (Au-Au collisions k′ >k) we expect a ratio larger than 1, -3 as the experimental data show. As far as we approach the low density limit, the ratio -4 decreases, becoming closer to 1 or even lower. 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 η Amoredetailedcomparisonwithexperimentaldataon Fig. 6. ω asafunctionofη.ExperimentalpointsareforS-Pb Au-Au, d-Au collisions discussion of the forward rapidity semicentral collisions and 9% central Pb-Pb collisions at SPS. regioncanbefoundinreference[24].Anoverallreasonable agreement is obtained. It is very remarkable that such agreement is based on the universal behaviour of the p T distribution given by Equation (13). a chaotic source λ = 1, and the production of particles from several clusters can be seen as the superposition of 6 Bose-Einstein Correlations chaotic sources. In this schemce, λ = ns/n, being ns the number of pairs produced in the same cluster and n the T totalnumberofpairs.Inthisway,λisproportionaltothe MostofthestudiesoftwobodyBose-Einstein(B.E)corre- inverse of the number of independent sources (clusters), lationshavepaidattentionto the parametersR ,R , side out therefore it decreases with the density up to the critical R and not to the strength of the correlation, defined by L percolation value. ¿From this critical value, it increases the chaoticity parameter with density. This behaviour is shown in Fig. 5. C (0,0)=λ (20) 2 Similar considerations can be done concerning the s- Experimentally, due to Coulomb interference and to trength of the three body B-E correlations,ω. NA44 Col- the necessaryextrapolationsthere aremanyuncertainties laboration has obtained for S-Pb collisions, ω = 0.20 ± in its evaluation, however, some trend of the dependence 0.02 0.19 and for central Pb-Pb collisions ω = 0.85 ± ± ofλonthemultiplicitycanbeestablished.First,SPSmin- 0.02 0.21. STAR collaboration obtains for central Au- ± imum bias data for O-C, O-Cu, O-Ag and O-Au collision Au collisions values of ω close to 1. This sharp variation show that λ decreases as the size of the target increases, from ω = 0.2 to ω = 0.8 1 in a small range of η is eas- − from λ=0.92 up to λ=0.16. However for S-Pb and Pb- ily explained in the framework of percolation of strings. Pb central collisions, where the values of η are larger λ is Nowω becomesproportionaltotheinverseofthesquared also larger, λ 0.5 0.7. of the number of independent sources (clusters) what can ≃ − This behaviour can easily explained in the percola- acomodatestrongervariationcomparedtothecaseoftwo tion framework [29]. Each cluster can be considered as body. In Fig. 6 our result is shown [30]. 6 C. Pajares: STRINGand PARTONPERCOLATION 7 Forward-Backward Correlations Acknowledgements. I thank the organizers for such a nice meeting and E.G. Ferreiro for a critical reading of An useful observableto check the percolationapproachis the manuscript.This workhasbeen doneunder contracts the forward-backwardcorrelation measured by the quan- FPA2002-01161ofCICyTofSpain,andPGIDIT03PXIC- tity 20612PNfrom Galicia. D =<n n > <n ><n > (21) FW F B F B − References where n denotes the multiplicity in a forward (back- F(B) ward) rapidity interval. In order to eliminate the short 1. N. Armesto, M.A. Braun, E.G. Ferreiro and C. Pajares, range correlations, the forward and backward o intervals Phys. Rev.Lett. 77, (1996)3736. should be separated by at least one unit of rapidity. On 2. M. Nardi and H. Satz, Phys.Lett. B 442, (1998) 14. general grounds, one can see that D is proportional FW 3. 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