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Strength Training Anatomy Workout, The PDF

256 Pages·2011·32.94 MB·English
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Strength Training Anatomy y~ can {ntraducton: ‘Advantages af Warking Out at Home roca dese ol eer et ame Wy Wares tet Hare re Choice Part Deveip Your St Equipment Dori Resistance for Motu factvenoss How» Mosel Gane Strength achanisms of Muscle Enlargement ow Massie crease Thee Endurance Contraindeatins ta Strength Training [ery Ufie Your Obectines ‘ant Your Objectives ‘20 Stops to Develop Your Pra Rate of Propose Roe of Diet ‘Wara-Up Tachiquas Caa-Down (eturn to Cam) ogp« WarinutNotabnak Theory of belts Strangth Taino Musca Fatrs? Beyand Fire ‘hontReettions Fareed Repti Tapeing Rest Break Ngee Creu: How Should You Bresthe While Exercising? sueeseeoateoaeerssgerss Part 2 Part & Exercises 59 | Programming aa Strong Yur Arms @ m Bape ct 7 wg 75 | Spore-Spctc traning 26 Fares Ps 2 8 1 1% ry ry 1 Lumar Huss 19 Strengthen Yur Thighs 8 Tsroess 8 Adc 164 Strengthen Your Leps 0 Aamags 10 Ses Ww Fir Your lates 186 Sn Flt inthe Roar Nosles ofthe Hips 200 Sculpt Your Abdi 2 ‘Maes m Exercises forthe iaphranm ‘and Respiratory Muses aw INTRODUCTION Advantages of Working Out at Home There are tw and then there i the Michael Guncll, erase to Delavie, dis three-quarters of hi Practical Aspects of Exercising at Home Bit can be diffieutt to find BB You have the freedom to exercise 2 good gym. when you want to. is toma the Best se Bo age limit exists. Baing to the yr sree, drive tthe ye, otkout lotnes Then Fr wert iodo tal gain oes Ma serve bea utvthy may for up cass = Foo ing eben ou ory warttospen Why Working Qut at Home Is the Right Choice iFirst and foremost: You get results. GB tis the best way to achieve Weight taining smese than «fubly You must the workout you planned. bes Your dive of exreses atc it seosly and not tae ight You are gy, you ‘auing to achieve esuls wt to pes tre tine, by over gyre Unfortusatey, mas: aysdanatwaet rising of 6 equipment depends on hat is vals dersnse rember Qymscnpase lhe Tan sue's youre work out Al of hs aay wth the oFexesagansdanateeusonetestinces Ths pagar you Have Set 10 lt your oajestves Swwamsoen chose equpnent hat caiscice Cult, arch sindaersble for athle'es ver mens thas wots we ‘sight tates nox to images = gun "ho ig outst hone gat ya ts een, BB You need a place that fits your program [You climinate ego, Bprwcceay tic nese que cinyut nh ee pe 3 nol oe Sy mconsettcn acd eeridresicyon —paxtenafipc nn heeled wernt Cleve Oh eopRone sue Mey Ure geo Hy a mum pte Grroncbenstolestyeertowrtos. Tey Ulnatey isl mes sme prs da Societe hia este tosex rea cae fm an cca rt on Detlef west su way aba oat ote pe You avoid the equipment trap a ee ee cnuse @BYou already have advice tioclonsatde dunt from a good coach You vi id eqonen Satin ale Reiner en eau of ib ke me Esrckwoi wal wih umn neaony, Than ED peas ef ese ft nh uprensaGameroatormacisend in” Thala moe ope hn hf Peo you wil met a gm who tart ge B You have better concentration. trong, no core wi at you whe you ar stein ote oscar Sout yo tat xen te gh Way. You wilteabe 0 oman fous an ve 3 fe, ror poaicive worst 6 Equipment ers Resistance for Maximum Efetivenss dy Ah rorg dia esse Tin sire Pare Hestnce Sathing How i Seth How «Nase Gans Strength Nectar of Mel Enlrgement How Musces Increase Thule Endurance Conrandzatins te Strength Training ‘lary Ofine Your Dkjectives ‘uantly Your Objective 10 Sta ta Developing Yur Program 11H man rsp wah hu i? 2, Wick dasa ys tei 2. em tis por sho ys wrk 5 mas? 4 Sif yas eevee neo tis de? Wit el days ys co? Baw mses shu var ‘hewn sie 4. eater shade au wrk msl 1. owns add yas fr ncn? 1 Hoey emcees lou laren nl? 1 Ramin etirshoud ye inca 1 a shit you eri reper 12 How gate werk? 1 hati pti att 1 oe cs hs wi eh Fr ck mera” 15. then hal onan se wit? 1B Shale reset earn aruick rere? "ny te eri ‘fet welche see 18 Men sha our ving 0 19 thea operas ag? ‘0 Shas yak ssi Rates of Progress ale of Diet ‘Wara-Up Techniques ohms Mike Mar an-Down (Reture to Car) oap «Workout Notebook Analyze Your Workouts Using Vide Teciques fr Isrensin Intensity Develop Your Strength Training Program read Freak Youre aris Invoad Theory Theory of Aisa Sten “rain ta Muscle Flue? Bayon Faire Fast Break Negatives Stopand-a Barn Cantiuous Tension Usiatral Tasig 8 Creuits Haw Should You Breathe While Exoeisig? ‘At first. developing @ personalized workout program might seem like 2 tedious chore In act, its rather easy if you start with goed goals and go in stages. This we describe. Equipment For equipment, this book sets two ecnditions 1. Theecupmentisineapemsive ofc 2. The sace rere or ores fine the slow progression that icisgssble to exer nto: any ips, bu es tol wi reese ths quero neces you. an do sel asthe effec yeness ley you shoul vet >a pi of uber > apuleupber > etic bands follow “Yul se your bea coo" em, ao a chair ta peor these ness a& ‘jaa vunboetsare ase in ay spring eds store. 420-sound (appeinatly 1g) ites round $20, lel yu should have two Ks Tren, 3s you becorestinger, yu cn purchase sions! igh you net ‘Turin iing dumbest insesethediieuly ofthe eeesstha: you contine to ake pros ‘yu ahs do sxe th he same eight our bey TNE er ump) even yu nese the ruber of repens aw sey il ail eas 9 pte. (vsgh taining everyting i based an the new of rer, Ur ones the Bes: ay a each his cre Insend af mbes you can use betes le with water [te ama uf water depends on te esstance ‘at youn} Lye lotles with Rass tok suaslareeaie (a, ull-Up Bar ha ise morsel br thal you aac abave the doer- fiamcarbebieen ow kn atallay. Mer se, tan esmoec ajay sft ooes nt ike up space TNS sar ts in wording the ch, Bt sno: eguied rote are stort bas les than fest, or shout & rst and longer srs upto # et. you have he foam ehoose anger bar, They all ge you greater tdveray nthe execs you cr 8. ‘Elastic Bands lista ortubesare ava ne inarypotira gos store Sericherdvare stores ao the “hs vantage of neti bande shat hey prise Slanican esstence bu: dent igh ari and fa cy £0 Warspot ana store tome Mel you raul nave oats in seer lametes or hieknesses sothat you can easly vy Te esstace Tne resistance provided by elas bards i very | sierentthar mat proved oy thehoay or ya near. | The more you al ora bang the ete te resstance | However you tts 20-a0una durobe, eat says | weigh 20 pounds whether you ae att begin, mie arena ofa maser. Sill, a4 aot be wise to choase one type of | resslance over another Bath dumobels ara tanes | have the advantages on8eisacaages in ters of | resistence. One snot Stier thar the ether The west | method to combire the two a5 cen 2s gos. | Combining then allons yos to exoy al the arefs | inte eminating ote Srabacs co toth Trssyreray | pravides kind 0” eesistrce that is supeir to al ‘We develop this concept further Uroughout this | booe. ’ Diversify Resistance for Maximum Effectiveness ‘Muscular progression is even “nore rapid when you use vatious kinds at resistance, or this “ason, we recommend {sing aus ons tive pes ws od veight tana 2. bisonaressinee 2. Cane rst |. Pyonereesstanee © Seen y* | Body-Weight Training Tithe sisforweght taining Ihe averages are that doesnot eque any equpmert ard al of the ‘uses inthe bys be Wared Un-ornatey hen o-ring reaches eran penn tr sengih and ensurance gully reaches isis Asin al dseplnes i ce: to mrrave yeu must reas the duly. Ore of the ays > do this to reas tie urbe: of epetions 4 you gobeverd US repettons in bady-neight taining, you rae rom eng Waning toemaurence ar For bu kg ie anc Sergi th sees was eettions snot selec ssireeasng wegh INVOLUNTARY STFENGTE |X PROGRESSIV! DEPOSI 2& Additional Resistance ines tr dict ef an cee and to ere the unl to go you ms push it.The eases wy 70 tin by using dumb. Duroeets alse you ta vary te vebtanse gradual Is Soa te ost tne pil about) at 9 re oF more Fy have the sveagr Ts progtenive aon of weight bh ‘oppaste of tet pried by bey weigh which dos tlotvaty Hany geas'ecanrat do pll-seser push-ups (with eumbBel. a's never a ste since YoU can selec any lg yu tie, Durie are an extension of bay-neight ting, but they ae les rive or veple whe are new ‘eight tiring aed ho fae yet ines arcu strength Tor bcay-neight Ul ng, sity dunbbels, Stronger atnlees can go Gere using only the eo weight by nereasing the weight valuta ad yasualy, IElastie Resistance We nave creat explains hat the rature of elastic restaree svar fret shan Tt pies by dumb balsor our bad wiht Tnvarytheresitnee flac Sand shave toch Tr Saveith the tenon=the roe yousreteh2 tard the ore istarce you emeountc. 2. pedir hes ofbsedvandteteor fee stensthe Sekting este in i ay sss prec thew shen as Sumbbels but i ews mor variion than tat prvi by your boy weight Tring wth dmbeliso: basy weight mean the maces ely fr volustary stenath to nerease tre waignt. Wich a tan the ole of abate nln streng’ much fence I this wy, the cand presets a tension Ucsneen Yad tonalsstaneardpymesic net inher vou pall ons band tre Fins movement quik tiiegs you back the srtine postion Tis kind of Taig rir othe que moverers of poretes Fora orein-deoth xplaratir of th see Tesction les Negatwes on ae 48. To progress que, os ustbot increase the tol tren he muscles iniage #8 murs gossble 07 aku Iniluncary stterth in other aod reduce thestrength df Biyoratre taining a wel a3 esatonce proved by ards alow you to co st hat.

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