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Streamer Branching rationalized by Conformal Mapping Techniques Bernard Meulenbroek1, Andrea Rocco1 and Ute Ebert1,2 1CWI, P.O.Box 94079, 1090 GB Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2Dept. Physics, TU Eindhoven, 5600 MB Eindhoven, The Netherlands (February 2, 2008) Spontaneousbranchingofdischargechannelsisfrequentlyobserved,butnotwellunderstood. We 4 recentlyproposedanewbranchingmechanismbasedonsimulationsofasimplecontinuousdischarge 0 0 model in high fields. We here present analytical results for such streamers in the Lozansky-Firsov 2 limit where they can be modelled as moving equipotential ionization fronts. This model can be analyzed by conformal mapping techniqueswhich allow thereduction of thedynamical problem to n finite sets of nonlinear ordinary differential equations. Our solutions illustrate that branching is a generic for the intricate head dynamics of streamers in theLozansky-Firsov-limit. J 1 2 When non-ionized matter is suddenly exposed to rich head dynamics that includes spontaneous branch- strong fields, ionized regions can grow in the form of ing. Furthermore, our analytical solutions disprove the ] streamers. These are ionized and electrically screened reasoning of [15] by explicit counterexamples. Our ana- h channelswithrapidlypropagatingtips. Thetipregionis lytical methods are adapted from two fluid flow in Hele- p - a very active impact ionization region due to the self- Shaw cells [18–22]. But our explicit and exact solutions m generated local field enhancement. Streamers appear that amount to the evolution of “bubbles” in a dipole s in early stages of atmospheric discharges like sparks or field [23], have not been reported in the hydrodynamics a sprite discharges[1,2],they alsoplay a prominentrolein literature either. l p numerous technical processes. It is commonly observed The relation between our previous numerical investi- . s that streamers branchspontaneously [3,4]. But how this gations [5,6] and our present analytical model is laid in c branching is precisely determined by the underlying dis- twosteps. First,numericalsolutionsshowessentiallythe i s charge physics, is essentially not known. In recent work same evolution in the purely two-dimensional case as in y [5,6],wehavesuggestedabranchingmechanismfromfirst thethree-dimensionalcasewithassumedcylindergeome- h p principles. This work drew some attention [7,8], since try[5,6]. Becausethereisanelegantanalyticalapproach, [ the proposed mechanism yields quantitative predictions we focus on the two-dimensional case. This has the ad- for specific parameters, and since it is qualitatively dif- ditional advantage that such two-dimensional solutions 2 ferent from the older branching concept of the “dielec- ratherdirectlyapply to,e.g., dischargesin Corbinodiscs v 2 tric breakdown model” [9–11]. This older concept actu- [24]. Second, we use the following simplifying approxi- 1 ally can be traced back to concepts of rare long-ranged mations for a Lozansky-Firsovstreamer: (1) the interior 1 (and hence stochastic) photo-ionization events probably ofthe streameris electrically completely screened;hence 5 first suggested in 1939 by Raether [12]. Therefore, it the electric potential ϕ is constant; hence the ionization 0 came as a surprise that we predicted streamer branch- front coincides with an equipotential line, (2) the width 3 0 inginafullydeterministic model. Sinceourevidencefor of the screening layer around the ionized body is much / thephenomenonwasmainlyfromnumericalsolutionsto- smaller than all other relevant length scales and in the s c getherwithaphysicalinterpretation,theaccuracyofour present study it is actually neglected, (3) the velocity of i numerical scheme was challenged [13,14]. Furthermore, the ionization front v is determined by the local elec- s y someauthorshavearguedpreviously[15,16]thatinade- tric field; in the simplest case to be investigated here, h terministic discharge model like ours, an initially convex it is simply taken to be proportional to the field at the p streamer head never could become locally concave, and boundary v = c ∇ϕ with some constant c (for the va- : v that hence the consecutive branching of the discharge lidity of the approximation, cf. [25,26]). Together with Xi channel would be unphysical. ∇2ϕ = 0 in the non-ionized outer region and with fixed Therefore in the present paper, we investigate the is- limiting values of the potential ϕ far from the streamer, r a sue by analytical means. We show that the convex-to- thisdefinesamovingboundaryproblemforthe interface concave evolution of the streamer head with successive between ionized and non-ionized region. We assume the branchingisgenericforstreamersintheLozansky-Firsov field far from the streamer to be constant as in our sim- limit [5,6,17]. We define the Lozansky-Firsov-limit as ulations [6]. Such a constant far field can be mimicked the stage of evolution where the streamer head is al- byplacingthestreamerbetweenthetwopolesofanelec- most equipotential and surrounded by a thin electro- tric dipole where the distance between the poles is much static screening layer. While in the original article [17], larger than the size of the streamer. only simple steady state solutions with parabolic head When the electric field points into the x direction shape are discussed, we will show here that a streamer and y parametrizes the transversal direction, our two- in the Lozansky-Firsov limit actually can exhibit a very dimensional Lozansky-Firsov streamer in free flight in a 1 homogeneous electric field is approximated by: the Laplace equation (1) in a given region is equivalent to finding a complex function Φ(z) that is analytical in ∇2ϕ(x,y)=0, outside the streamer, (1) the same region and has real part ReΦ(z)=ϕ(x,y). −∇ϕ(x,y)→E0xˆ, far outside the streamer, (2) (ii) A conformal map from the interior of the unit circle ϕ(x,y)=0, inside the streamer, (3) totheexteriorofthestreameror“bubble”isconstructed. Including the point at infinity, the region outside the v =c∇ϕ , velocity of the boundary, (4) bound. bound. streamer is simply connected and Riemann’s mapping (cid:12) where xˆ is the (cid:12)unit vector in the x direction, and we theorem applies; therefore the mapping exists. Since the have chosen the gauge such that the potential inside the boundarymoves,the mapping is time dependent; we de- streamer vanishes. The asymptote (2) implies that the note it with z =f (ω) where ω parametrizes the interior t total charge on the streamer vanishes; otherwise a con- oftheunitcircle|ω|<1. Thecompletemapcanbecom- tribution ∝1/ x2+y2 has to be added on the r.h.s. of posed from a conformalmap ζ =h (ω) that deforms the t Eq. (2). p unitdisccontinuously,followedbytheinversionz =1/ζ. SimilarmovingboundaryproblemsariseinHele-Shaw Since h (ω) is conformalon the unit disc, it is analytical t flow of two fluids with a large viscosity contrast [18,19]: and has a single zero which we choose to be at ω = 0. Lozansky-Firsov streamers and viscous fingers on the Thereforef (ω)=1/h (ω)hasasinglepole∝ω−1 andis t t presentlevelofdescriptioncanbeidentifiedimmediately otherwise analytical. Rather than a pole decomposition by equating the electric potential ϕ with the fluid pres- [20], we choose a Laurent expansion for f (ω) t sure p [25,26]. To such problems, powerful conformal ∞ mapping methods [20–22] can be applied. Most work x+iy =z =f (ω)= a (t)ωk. (5) with this method is concerned with viscous fingers in a t k channel geometry, i.e., with boundary conditions on a kX=−1 lateral external boundary that cannot be realized in an This expansion allows us to identify the exact dynami- electric system. A few authors also study air bubbles within a viscous fluid, or viscous droplets in air, mostly calsolutions (10)below. Taking a−1(t)as arealpositive number makes the mapping unique, again according to under the action of flow fields generated by one source Riemann’s mapping theorem. or one sink of pressure,i.e., by monopoles. On the other (iii)Now the potentialΦˆ(ω) on the unit disc can be cal- hand, the approximation (1)-(4) describes streamers in culated explicitly. Since f (ω) is a conformal mapping, free space between two electrodes as in [6]. With the t the function Φ(z)is analyticalif and only if the function asymptote (2), this is mathematically equivalent to air Φˆ(ω) = Φ(f (ω)) is analytical. The asymptote of Φˆ(ω) bubbles in a dipole field. This case has not been studied t for ω →0 is determined by (2) and (5): for |x|,|z|→∞, indetail. Itisknownthatanyellipsewiththemainaxes we have ϕ(x,y) → −E x, hence Φ(z) → −E z, and orientedparallelandperpendiculartothedirectionofthe 0 0 dipole is auniformly translatingsolutionofthis problem therefore with (5): Φˆ(ω) → −E0a−1(t)/ω for ω → 0. This means that the pole of Φˆ(ω) at the origin of the [27]. The time dependent solutions of [28] do not apply unit disc ω = 0 corresponds to the dipole of Φ(z) at to streamers since the boundary condition on the mov- z → ±∞. This dipole generates the field and the inter- ing interface is different. Refs. [23] and [29] study how facial motion. In the remainder of the unit disc, there andwhen cusps in the interfaces ofdroplets andbubbles areno sourcesorsinksofpotential, henceΦˆ isanalytical emerge when these are driven by multipole fields. But there. Furthermore,attheboundaryofthe streamer,we for bubbles in a dipole field, again only the steady state haveϕ=0 from(3)or ReΦ=0, resp. The boundaryof ellipse solutions are given [23]. the streamer maps onto the unit circle, so Re Φˆ(ω) = 0 In the present paper, we therefore apply conformal for |ω| = 1. Using the asymptotics at ω → 0 and an- mapping methods to the evolution of “bubbles” in a alyticity in the remaining region, the unique and exact dipole field in a Hele-Shaw experiment and proceed be- solution for the potential is yond the steady state ellipse solutions. We identify the general structure of time dependent solutions of (1)- 1 (4). The analyticallyderivedexactsolutionsshowhow a Φˆ(ω)=E0a−1(t) ω− . (6) (cid:18) ω(cid:19) streamerheadcanbecomeflatter,concaveandbranchas observednumerically[5,6]. Ratherthanapoledecompo- (iv) The velocity v = c∇φ (4) determines the mo- sition[20],wederiveadecompositionintoFouriermodes bound. tionoftheinterface. Thisinterfaceisthetimedependent of the circle and calculate an equation for the non-linear mapf (ω)ofthe unit circleω =eiα parametrizedby the dynamical coupling of their amplitudes. t angle α ∈ [0,2π). Therefore Eq. (4) determines the dy- In detail, this is done in the following steps: namics of f eiα . According to [18,20], it is (i)Thespatialcoordinatesareexpressedbythe complex t (cid:0) (cid:1) coordinate z = x+iy. According to standard complex analysis,finding arealharmonicfunctionϕ(x,y) solving Re −i∂αft∗ eiα ∂tft eiα =cRe i∂αΦˆ eiα . (7) h (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1)i h (cid:0) (cid:1)i 2 The problem (1)-(4) is symmetric under reflection on First, it is now easy to reproduce the uniformly pro- the x-axis. We assume the solutions to have the same pagating ellipse solutions of [23,27]as the solutions with symmetry. Therefore all ak(t) have to be real. The po- N =1: for|a1|=6 |a−1|, the equations reduce to ∂ta−1 = sition (x,y)(α,t) of the point of the interface labelled 0 = ∂ta1 and ∂ta0 = 2E0c a−1/(a1 −a−1). These so- by the angle α at time t can be read directly from the lutions correspond to ellipses whose principal radii are Laurentexpansion(5) by insertingω =eiα; ithas essen- oriented along the axes. These radii maintain their val- tially the form of a Fourier expansion of the unit circle ues rx,y = a−1±a1 (assuming a−1 > a1 > 0) and move wherethecircleanditspositionarecreatedbythemodes with constant velocity v =−E c (r +r )/r . The ellipse 0 x y y k =−1 and 0: Lozansky-Firsov-parabola can be understood as limit ∞ ∞ cases of such uniformly propagating ellipses. x(α,t)= a (t) coskα , y(α,t)= a (t) sinkα, In contrast to N ≤ 1, all solutions with N ≥ 2 have k k kX=−1 kX=−1 nontrivialdynamics. Itcanbetrackedbyintegratingthe ak(t) real , a−1(t)>0 , 0≤α<2π . (8) N+2ordinarydifferentialequations(11)numericallyand then plotting the boundaries (10) at consecutive times. Substituting the mapping function (5) and the poten- Examples of such dynamics are shown in the figures. tial (6) into the equation of motion for the mapping (7), andassumingthe a (t) to be real,we obtainforthe evo- k 2 2 2 2 lution of the amplitudes a (t): k x x x x ∞ ′ ′ k ak′(t)∂tak(t) cos (k−k )α 1 1 1 1 k,kX′=−1 (cid:0) (cid:1) =2E0ca−1(t) cosα. (9) 0 0 0 0 A closer investigation shows that this equation has an important property: suppose that the streamer boundary can be written initially as a finite series N a (0) eikα, a (0) 6= 0. Then at all times t, the −1 −1 −1 −1 k=−1 k N Pinterfaceisdescribedbythesamefinitenumberofmodes N y 0.5 0 −0.5 y 0.5 0 −0.5 y 0.5 0 −0.5 y 0.5 0 −0.5 z(α,t)= a (t)eikα, (10) k kX=−1 i.e., the a (t) with k > N stay identical to zero at all k times t > 0. Sorting the terms in (9) by coefficients of coskα, the equation can be recast into N +2 ordinary differential equations for the N +2 functions ak(t) FIG. 1. Upper panel: evolution of the interface in equal time steps up totime t=0.1/(E0c) with initial condition N−m a) z0(α,0)=e−iα+0.6·eiα−0.08·e2iα, (k+m)ak+m ∂tak+k ak ∂tak+m b) z(α,0)=z0(α,0)−5·10−3·e8iα kX=−1h i c) z(α,0)=z0(α,0)+3·10−3·e8iα =2E0ca−1 δm,1 for m=0,...,N +1, (11) d) z(α,0)=z0(α,0)−4.5·10−7·e30iα, and lower panel: zoom into theunstable head of Fig. d. where δ is the Kronecker symbol. Eq. (11) is equiv- m,1 alent to a matrix equation of the form A({a (t)}) · k Fig.1showsfourcasesofthe upwardmotionofa con- ∂t a−1(t),...,aN(t) = 0,2E0ca−1(t),0,...,0 ,where ically shaped streamer in equal time steps. The initial (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) the matrix A depends linearly on the {a (t)}. conditions are almost identical. On the leftmost figure, k Eqs. (10) and (11) identify large classes of analytical an ellipse is corrected only by a mode e2iα to create the solutions with arbitrary fixed N. These solutions reduce conical shape. This shape with N = 2 eventually de- the dynamical moving boundary problem in two spatial velops a concave tip, but only after much longer times dimensions of Eqs. (1)–(4) exactly to a finite set of ordi- than shown in the figure. In the other figures this coni- nary differential equations for the nonlinear coupling of cal shape is perturbed initially by a minor perturbation the amplitudes a (t) of modes eikα, 0 ≤ α < 2π. These with wavenumber 8 or 30, corresponding to N = 8 and k equations are easy to integrate numerically or for small 30 in (10) and (11). The amplitude of the perturbation N evenanalytically. Wewillusethisformtodiscussnow is chosen such that a cusp develops at time 0.1/(E c). 0 generic solutions of Eqs. (1)–(4) as the simplest approx- Depending on the sign of the amplitude, the cusp devel- imation of a streamer in the Lozansky-Firsovlimit. ops on or off axis — where we stress that we are not 3 interested in the cusp itself, but in the earlier stages of evolution. Notethatourreductionofthemovingbound- ary problem to the set of ordinary differential equations (11) assures that the evolving shape is a true solution of the problem (1)–(4). Figs. 1b and 1d demonstrate that [1] V.P.Pasko,U.S.Inan,T.F.Bell,Geophys.Res.Lett.25, spontaneous branching is a possible solution. 2123 (1998); E.A. Gerken, U.S. Inan, C.P. Barrington- Leigh, Geophys. Res. Lett. 27, 2637 (2000); V.P. Pasko et al.,Nature416, 152 (2002). [2] E.R. Williams, Physics Today 54, No. 11, 41-47 (2001). [3] W.J. Yi, P.F.Williams, J. Phys.D:Appl.Phys. 35, 205 (2002). [4] E.M. van Veldhuizen, W.R. Rutgers, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 35, 2169 (2002). [5] M.Array´as,U.Ebert,W.Hundsdorfer,Phys.Rev.Lett. 88, 174502 (2002). [6] A. 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