AAnnddrreewwss UUnniivveerrssiittyy DDiiggiittaall CCoommmmoonnss @@ AAnnddrreewwss UUnniivveerrssiittyy Dissertation Projects DMin Graduate Research 2014 SSttrraatteeggyy ffoorr IInnccrreeaassiinngg tthhee PPaarrttiicciippaattiioonn ooff SSttuuddeennttss FFrroomm aa SSeevveenntthh--ddaayy AAddvveennttiisstt BBaacckkggrroouunndd iinn SSppiirriittuuaall AAccttiivviittiieess iinn KKiissiiii UUnniivveerrssiittyy Richard O. Ayako Andrews University Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.andrews.edu/dmin Part of the Practical Theology Commons, and the Student Counseling and Personnel Services Commons RReeccoommmmeennddeedd CCiittaattiioonn Ayako, Richard O., "Strategy for Increasing the Participation of Students From a Seventh-day Adventist Background in Spiritual Activities in Kisii University" (2014). Dissertation Projects DMin. 260. https://digitalcommons.andrews.edu/dmin/260 This Project Report is brought to you for free and open access by the Graduate Research at Digital Commons @ Andrews University. It has been accepted for inclusion in Dissertation Projects DMin by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Andrews University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Thank you for your interest in the Andrews University Digital Library of Dissertations and Theses . Please honor the copyright of this document by not duplicating or distributing additional copies in any form without the author’s express written permission. Thanks for your cooperation. ABSTRACT STRATEGY FOR INCREASING THE PARTICIPATION OF STUDENTS FROM A SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST BACKGROUND IN SPIRITUAL ACTIVITIES AT KISII UNIVERSITY by Richard O. Ayako Adviser: Nancy Vyhmeister ABSTRACT OF GRADUATE STUDENT RESEARCH Dissertation Andrews University Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary Title: STRATEGY FOR INCREASING THE PARTICIPATION OF STUDENTS FROM A SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST BACKGROUND IN SPIRITUAL ACTIVITIES AT KISII UNIVERSITY Name of researcher: Richard O. Ayako Name and degree of faculty adviser: Nancy Vyhmeister, Ed.D. Date completed: October 2014 Problem The 1992 Annual Council of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists noted that “too often Adventist students on public campuses feel like second-class citizens; not only do they not fit in with the lifestyle of their secular campus, but the local church often ignores their needs, sometimes overtly suggesting that they are inferior to students who have chosen an Adventist education” (General Conference, 2005, p. 250). Kisii University serves as an example of a public university with low participation in spiritual activities by students from an Adventist background. Method A critical analysis of Bible texts on involvement of young people in ministry, a review of Ellen White’s writings concerning young people’s participation in ministry, Seventh-day Adventist literature, and other Christian writers were consulted and the political, cultural, and religious background of the location of the project was described. A Gantt chart and logical framework approach was used to organize the project and describe the linkage of activities in the development and implementation of the project. The project implementation involved conducting a survey, developing a training curriculum on spiritual gift-based ministries, conducting the training, and monitoring and evaluation. Results The Kisii University Church experienced a tremendous increase in the number of students attending meetings, growing from 300 to 600 (100% increase) as witnessed during Sabbath services. During special meetings such as choir days the number went up to between 800 and 1,000. Conclusions Effective campus ministries extended to public universities for students from a Seventh-day Adventist background will create a vibrant presence of Adventism in secular universities. Establishing such a ministry in every public university will be a step forward in reaching out to thousands of Adventist students in those institutions. Andrews University Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary STRATEGY FOR INCREASING THE PARTICIPATION OF STUDENTS FROM A SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST BACKGROUND IN SPIRITUAL ACTIVITIES AT KISII UNIVERSITY A Dissertation Presented in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Doctor of Ministry by Richard O. Ayako October 2014 © Copyright by Richard O. Ayako 2014 All Rights Reserved STRATEGY FOR INCREASING THE PARTICIPATION OF STUDENTS FROM A SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST BACKGROUND IN SPIRITUAL ACTIVITIES AT KISII UNIVERSITY A dissertation presented in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Doctor of Ministry by Richard O. Ayako APPROVAL BY THE COMMITTEE: ________________________________ _________________________________ Adviser, Director, DMin Program Nancy Vyhmeister Skip Bell ________________________________ _________________________________ Bruce Bauer Dean, SDA Theological Seminary Jiȓí Moskala ________________________________ _________________________________ Wagner Kuhn Date approved DEDICATION This dissertation is dedicated to my wife Pauline my daughter Gloria my sons Stephen and Calvin and my mother Esther iii TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS ...................................................................................... viii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS .......................................................................................... ix Chapter 1. INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................... 1 Background to the Study ...................................................................... 1 Statement of the Problem ..................................................................... 2 Purpose of the Project ........................................................................... 2 Significance of the Project ................................................................... 2 Limitations of the Study ....................................................................... 3 Delimitations of the Study .................................................................... 3 Personal Basis for Ministry .................................................................. 4 General Background ....................................................................... 5 How God Has Shaped My Ministry ............................................... 6 Culture..................................................................................... 7 Call .......................................................................................... 7 Community ............................................................................. 7 Communion............................................................................. 8 Conflict ................................................................................... 8 Commonplace ......................................................................... 9 Specific Personal Assessments ....................................................... 9 Conversion and Assurance of Salvation ................................. 10 Time and Finance Management .............................................. 10 Time Management .............................................................. 11 Financial Management ....................................................... 11 Spiritual Path .................................................................................. 12 Spiritual Stage ......................................................................... 12 Devotional Life and Plan ........................................................ 12 Worldview............................................................................... 14 Temperament .......................................................................... 14 Damage Factors ...................................................................... 14 Assessments in Relation to Others ................................................. 15 Spiritual Gifts .......................................................................... 15 Leadership/Interaction Styles.................................................. 16 Task Type Preferences ............................................................ 16 iv