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Strategic Self-Hypnosis: How to Overcome Stress, Improve Performance, and Live to Your Fullest PDF

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Preview Strategic Self-Hypnosis: How to Overcome Stress, Improve Performance, and Live to Your Fullest

| moore a. steaus, PH.D, ‘Autor CREATIVE SLE-HYONO REE HOW TO OVERCOME STRESS, L IMPROVE PERFORMANCE, AND LIVE TO YOUR FULLEST POTENTIAL STRATEGIC SELF-HYPNOSIS ( How to Overcome Stress, | Improve Performance, and Live to Your Fullest Potential Revised Edition ROGER A. STRAUS, Ph.D. Foreword by Thecdore X. Barber, Pb.D. PRENTICE HALL PRESS Dedicated. 2 sheuld by, fest oaks ‘ny’ barons Preacon Pree (pig © 16831986 eee A. Sm, Pa, Al gs sve inching ho wt ta wisi FRESTICE HAL FESS wi eslophon a gre mua f Son & ee Caton Plt ata Pia Read CONTENTS Foreword by Theodere X. Barber, Ph.D Preface ta the Revised Edition ‘Mow to Gel the Most fram’This Book ONE Hypnosis Is Something You Lo, Two Yourself Is Also Something You De THREE What Do Yu Do When You Do Hypuosis? FOUR Doing Strategic Hypacsis HIVE Orgontainng Your Plan of Action sx ‘Your Selfttypnosis Routh SEVEN Making Sell-Hypnacis Work for You vi CONTENTS sor Strategies for Selving Problems NINE Psychosomatic Sulf-Conts TEN Programs for Maximum Portormance References and Suggested Readings Index 198 FOREWORD. ‘Moze has been Ieamsd about aypacsis ard ael-ypnosls In tho past twenty Run yoors shan in the poecading (wo lution yours. Foseshsdowed by K. Wl, White's influential theory in the forties and che sominal vosk of Sarbin in the fies, strides wore made kath slisically ane exporimuutaliy ducing the sixties and savontise waen a “aypnosis renaissance ‘occurred and the Zog that had 20 long clouded this topic began #9 fl The many mew understwcdiags tbat Lave accu ‘mulated curing recent decades have been beautifully inte- spstod and extoncted by Roger A. Straus In this uaoful bank, Strwtngiv Sei/-ypmonis ‘The Aypnosis renaissance of the sixties and sevensies ‘yleldedt atleast fo. major insights intasel* hypnoste: 4, SelZhypnosis s+ such broader and more important than sets nreviousiy thought, Sines it involves cirwct fatiompt through goal-ditected. sel-suggestions to change one's own feelings, thougets, end farsasie, it ‘ean markedly change the canree ata pron ia 2, Suliypaosis can be viewed as a learnable skill: stu ests lean how to take an active role in thelr cen fmuidanee, how t9 word gral-direr‘ad suggestions fur tomselves, and how to use eresvely thet imaginse on and fantasy, mle cove, lf hypnosis, fem the new views Yelors 0 udividuale purpostoly giving them cl gonb-direied suggestions, In ac, wall iiypansis onsite gure of spstery and Decomes mach Mare applicable when ano soos that ety refers {0 certah Eyes of goo-lietod all suggetions. 8 oy importa set of elfsgeestions are those for Sorskete catanees and teal mont physical exe Kon, These kinds af doop-slunation suggestions sta ypically given subwocaly to oes? who Toso wits eyes Closed. ate eepeeally lp Toe feleviog shoes anal tonsios ut for alleviating B5- Cheocnatc ailments, A second ver” ixportant st oF Selfugestions ace those or aren mse, which Seto be vsed momging duly ie Actserlesation Sunt ons tan be helpfal thooahout ts sy, sion ‘sugstst0 nivenlf o> tll—ah le fy wnrsing. atedy ing. performing, plaving, Mc that moor eb is calm nt eane, not wore a oncertring ine ponea’n profiel, focused mane eran the izmiats Lie station or tank. Otsee Usotulselfaypmonis procedures toca sel sugges tions to foal wore live, eng, halls, energie en fere;ib-sigpations lo appreciate gin a te fol doops apa both the wonder Tres things of Ui ‘Ce-sumtse the bin, thn rman. the plants, te Shite thr si) sal dhe many aces af at atone (sewing. hearing, feng, HIskIN tra. dreaming walking. tiking. ning conscious, be ingame sll ugg onto ane theMewing events tills to he fn ead to feel zo06 and happy aga fu sallsaggetions t allow ovr loving, Me c= frussionotefeings tn ain foith and to feel them Hing at to others De Stas hes gon example of many of these fie Estaggenions in thi fos, Bo has also Loocably emphasized the impertinent type FOREWORD ix ‘ing go, “net trying.” and allowing tha slf-suggestions to llow daoply iale ous saindioods, (b) comb ang the self-suggestions with self-guided imagery and visual. {eation of oneself in the suggested situation, and (2) Jouding the sell suggestions with rich vensory deals {ot "I fgel warmth from the fireplace” but “eel warmth from the crackling omingn ond red Tamer, whit ans licking upward and seuding out tile show __ ers of slowing sparks Although soit hypmosts has commonly fen vinwed fas must uselal in psychotiers veut s:luations, ft hes ‘even mate poteatal in educat one! settings. The focus formal edveation Is far too "yuck ex racering, specific subject mallee mathematics, etary. laa fSuages, sciences—and far too lite in mestering our- Selves and aur own lives, Learning to lack nogative selfsuggsstions ("Tean'l.. "What." *m toed ad bored .. "| and learaing to give oneself postive goolivetecl suggestions for greator enjoyment ane snoce uffeclive Tunclioning shvuld be pact of onal ‘edweation throughout our life span. Lexpect chia tex. dy Dr. Stave wil playa signific=at vale in public zing the vast educatioual poleutiels of sitstegic sel-hyp= “Thmopore X. Banos, PHD. (Cushing Hospital Feaminghaa, Mosaachuseits PREFACE TO THE REVISED EDITION ‘Tho ion soemed like a winner to me. Reveal tothe public for Use fics time wht a new genetasion nf saci and hehavtortal Scientists have learned about hypaosis, | alteady kuww frost my worksheps tbat people were hungry fora no-b s introduc- liga to th subject. And I laved paving to thom that it wae they. themselves. wha teal iad zbe powers everybody aitib- ‘med to the mystery of "hypnosis. That was aay. ‘The hart part we figoring cut « way round ‘raining people myself. It was considered almost axlomatic that somebody else had te teach you how to 40 sall-ypmsis ana that aot only snemed ign a parade, 1 ht wrong. Almost like « confidence wame ia Whieh I got you te think that had the power thet was yours all aloag—anl thea expectae yom te be gratotil when I gave Plsy a musical instrament from a dock, sc why not set ip @ Solbinslescting “method” for playing *he oman ming? 1st vou, the reader, explore fo: yourself how you cau ust thes Insights to manago stress and gain a new level of control over Your awe it's and mind. 1 PREFACE 70 THE REViS80 EDTION So st own at my typowniter and tuned t fa manuscript. When | lcd to fsa a gulls Self-Hypnosis, editors told me thet thos anil the rendoeship s:mply wasn't there, Hypnosis was passe The subject ween't popular cauugh Fouple woulda reac a fectual book about hypnosis. let alone o ‘uawis boils den to neshing more then feeling, and imasining in a now way. So thon were a host of now understandings amezying from the explosion of scientific rsearch ince hypnosis during the etaties and seventies, But it just woulda’: sell. Pothaps I should wile somelbing fo professionals, instead ‘Acid thom thee was my goal of giving nosders tools fae solving their own problems. Wasi’ thal going a Uil low far showing reators how 20 do something on their own? Isnt angers Io give thm toe one gn lines for using those tools—to solve their own problems? Air ail, tumporiay wil the mind is a dangerous :hing there vou have to imagine som ells fom 22930 ho=rbe mr ‘As a clinical scccologis, I felt that there was a basis einciple inv hero: Do vo, a8 individuals ox a «society Bg, com ourselves ung prop cnr abr ‘ow lives and mines of do we gull ther: into believing Ibn ty should otporoe eoaiewt eo prelaeslaral elf Ist by mistake that we are uot bom wit a label stating that fre no user-serviceable parts inside? Are humans 0 problems? ‘Oniy Dennis Fewest, © senior editor at Pzentice-tall Inc. tas willing ‘a gamba er my bak. New, wall aves Ay thousand roaders later. its cleat the: there is, Ladd, an Invelligert roading public cut there willing t@ spead time wil book that teaches reacers how ‘9 make eal hypnosis worker themselves. You can ke you own clinical suciulowi analyzn ond everceme vour problems, overcome sess, and gol nd of old unwantod habs Actually, Strategic Seif-!Hvpnosis las accomplished ane athor of my goals: shoring my ideas and methovis sith my fellow professignals as wall a lay -waders. hawe hoon copy PREFACE TO THE REVISED EDITION st gratified hy she widasprasd acenplanci the book has seen ved frum practitioners renging from professional hyprotiste to \ntemationally recognized authorities like 7 X. Barber, ard Iny she fact that i has fren ssid asm sextnck it unversliy ‘courses acioss the nation, ‘This revised edition allows me te build on what have proved tn bo aeiie fowndaticns, incorporates what T bave learned from working wit those tecan:ques ove> the in ‘ening vears and the fesdback I have rcelved about the book tel from my readers and students, Te hoep Uaings mage slo, the prosent version updates the original edition while a companion volume, Creative Self Hypnosis, forthcoming im Prenlicn Hall Proms, will cover new approaches «id snetods thot take this material several steps farther Renders who wish ta da so can simply frwose theough the tex. They will find it ta bu 4 nonluchsieal introduction ‘othe “nonste‘e" hypaosis othe 1900s as well asa handbook Dl inetics hased on thos neve insights. Sines torhmigins are fly sus a Ue which they are applied this ¥ approach %0 problen: solving and sol-devolapment, drawing an the ropidly grow ing distipline uf clinical sociology’ tie application of the perspectives, methods, and knowledge of social science to alv'ng harman prbicms). ‘This volute oles more than mere ceading raterial Explicitly designed to serve a: « method fos taining fr in one to nse and apply sel hype, i pews a complets pragran of experiments and exercises allowing vou to gain the skills vou need "To gat the mo ri of his bso, why a uss i Uw way in whic it as intesdec! ‘The moze systematically vou proach it, the more vou will get out af i. Whon you camo leer exporiment, stop racing end iry oul, Wher yuu come oan excicise, do il. Take nothing on ‘aith; taking nothing for granted. Things are carely clte wal thoy seem (and hepa. fis, ae you will lar, = eof th raa8t mvaechalle examples Gf this). So what should you do? Put i¢ to the test. Cher us, ‘And, hy all tans, lot sn Kaow how you do. Ihave bees Xv PESEAGE 70 THE REVISED ELITION delighted by the cany letters J rveaived érom renders of the lirs edition. i you write eare of Prentice Hall P4ess, it uy ‘ake some Lin fur multe he forwarded to me, bet be patient snd Fl plely respond, Roam A. Sraavs, PD CChioney HM, Ij, 1986 T THE MOST FROM THIS BOOK ‘To gut the ost from: this book, approach the key techniques, experiments, end exercises sysiematically. The directions that follese tell you howe *0 use she book and sive directions forall the exorcise, Tow to Use This Hook PuRPase, learn through actual prectics how to ust strategic wel hhypaosis to overcome sizes, improve performance, and live to your fellest ptm ‘A strustused progrsion af ext to mad, experiments and ‘exercises to practice, and a personal jourbal. Werd-for- ‘word scripts aze provided, By "aps-reconding these scripts unt working with yes own inpes, yu cam mas these tockaiques just as if you wore working with your ‘own personal counselor WHA YOU WILL NEED Besices this volume you will ne da cassette “ape 20. TORT THE MOST PROMS condor a eestshree blank sixty-sinute tapes, anda spiral tnaune (or other) notebook in which te keep yan asta Sou will to decide how best ta pave yourself. H's not how fast you read, but how moch time you ll need te periorm the expurisign(s and work with the exercises unl your pre ready to ove ob. Lf ya ae ks Tost of my students and clients, you'd probably do Lest fallow- ling a schedule like this WEEK 1 WEEK 2 WEEK 3 WEEK 4 WEEKS — Chaplers 7, WEEK 6 Chaptors 9, 10 How ta Do All Experiments and Exercises pRECTIONS ‘A. Prepare yoursel 1. Always faruliarize yourself with the imstrac- tions ane the script. fw ser pt is inno taped you may veant to give a practice rewding, Just Teal if vat loud ener (bot only omee) with the taps recocder off. Now Lape B Kewding scripts 2 Read is your awn narurol volee, not ¢ “hyp: netic” menatone. 3. Emphasize iralicized words 4) Leave a gaust ishere yes sno three ets.) 5. Trwmetiza the words: ham i. uis a Lil, You've sho Alrecter, the actor, snd the atdience se let yur siceline be “whslewer tons right G. Taping (or listening :9) your stxipl 66. Always leave ahout 40 seconds af silence before ‘you start to speak 19 give yourself time to get ‘may sfter you start the tape playing {WOK TO GED THE MOST FROM THIS BOOK sit o jon’: worry ual hw you sand, I's for your buts only ea I any cas, doce ane ike vou" thats pron al orth tine 4 Danit wo:ny ilies aut peste i's going to be dong . When youte ready to actly oth wxerin 2 Sit o lie awa: (iol on «recline, but any Shasrotccuch will do thet comfortably suppats tournack tnd back ns signty rsd post, Pree not a on your beck). 10, fist lt euro tink, fel and imagine along ‘th Sous own suggestions’ yn pela! So Zrnautually esperimcing wha your words ee Suggesting. jou wll beable fo get he most out ofits 39 plae aang jUCLAL DRC TIES FoR GARIN WTP PARTNERS fv rill ditions ate sep sor a single person working cn i ct her cwn. You katy wont t WE ‘Rrough che mato ith» part. By msi Co 0 anata inj expmieace usiog this book at toxt with ‘ny own climeal soielogy stacents weld shggest Flowing A prosadven mul ara working si & treo later rou Moet toeterat lest once a Wook to decues ratings thd wo oxparimnnts and wracizs tlie Gon can Sl ty experiments om your nes en yo came to thers in wo readin 2. Gpon dineuesion ie trucial—talk about the saterial ou have teas, and seing sp ouside reais and xperinee: Den take anything sntion im hs be fc igornol et mery werd su working hypothesis nd tat aout or rouse 3, Keep your own piven journal 4h tm ag ak wat oat oc ie teil logelher a your next session, bu afterontl rke tp your own nividual taps (00 you em wok Decree) sl HOWTO GET THE MOST FROM TEIS BOOK 5. Read shorter scripts for one ancthes, or have one 30a tape and then play back the experiment 3% your eeting IMPORANT NOTE ‘Although this volume ie designed for workiay om your dwn, a qualified professional can, of coursa, take you eyed whet Lam able to include here. Professional guidance is an absolute must if you are severely troubled, are currently in counsoling or shorepy, have a history of pychologica! proble nt take satisfectory progress on your ewn. Fi sd got the job cons Fight’ Consult a clinical pavekologist sotivlogis., yaych-alrist. or viher comsnlar. IF you bose ‘medical protloms—aven if you ust want to lose weight— frst chook with vour physiekan, Hypnosis Is Something You Do ‘You are In a psychiatrist's office, seclining on a comfortable hair. The dictar is saying, "Please ‘ako this lerge, holism filled balloon a your ight nand. That's ight. hiss 2 specia haloes itis your awn laverite calor. Netice hove :t begins to {ug al your hand snd arm just Like a >wal balloon. ft is big and ligh: it warts to loat your hand and arm riht up all the ‘way Into the air. Why dow’: vou tell me what your pretty alloca looks lke to you?” ‘Youreply ina tiny, childlike voice, “Ub. it's ared Mickey ‘Mouse balloon” Somesew you haven't neticeé thet your right haad is slowly lifing ell yous lap. Belorw log. it is jus hanging there in midair, "The dector aks on about this end that. Thea he inter- jects, “Oh, why don't you lel yo of your balloess now and jos ‘atch it float aay ino the clouds? ‘Your hand opens—by itself it scoms. Thon ie hogins very slowly (g sulle bac inte your ap. The session coal muss, “That's hypnosis. isa tt? Under what ottor ‘would suoh 9 thing take place? A person hell Dalloow that thei pulls a head! ale the ale. OF eaurve that Iypnosis! ‘What olse could you think? You aro reading this book because you aw hoping to lsat mece about bypoosis and suhat it can do for you. Therofoze, you have some aotios of ‘what hypnosis refer to. Yo rad a oenario in which ws saw

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