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StrategicAssetsandOrganizationalRent RaphaelAmit;PaulJ.H.Schoemaker StrategicManagementJournal,Vol.14,No.1.(Jan.,1993),pp.33-46. StableURL: http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0143-2095%28199301%2914%3A1%3C33%3ASAAOR%3E2.0.CO%3B2-8 StrategicManagementJournaliscurrentlypublishedbyJohnWiley&Sons. YouruseoftheJSTORarchiveindicatesyouracceptanceofJSTOR'sTermsandConditionsofUse,availableat http://www.jstor.org/about/terms.html.JSTOR'sTermsandConditionsofUseprovides,inpart,thatunlessyouhaveobtained priorpermission,youmaynotdownloadanentireissueofajournalormultiplecopiesofarticles,andyoumayusecontentin theJSTORarchiveonlyforyourpersonal,non-commercialuse. Pleasecontactthepublisherregardinganyfurtheruseofthiswork.Publishercontactinformationmaybeobtainedat http://www.jstor.org/journals/jwiley.html. EachcopyofanypartofaJSTORtransmissionmustcontainthesamecopyrightnoticethatappearsonthescreenorprinted pageofsuchtransmission. TheJSTORArchiveisatrusteddigitalrepositoryprovidingforlong-termpreservationandaccesstoleadingacademic journalsandscholarlyliteraturefromaroundtheworld.TheArchiveissupportedbylibraries,scholarlysocieties,publishers, andfoundations.ItisaninitiativeofJSTOR,anot-for-profitorganizationwithamissiontohelpthescholarlycommunitytake advantageofadvancesintechnology.FormoreinformationregardingJSTOR,[email protected]. http://www.jstor.org SatDec2918:52:382007 Strategic Management Journal, Vol. 14, 33-46 (1993) / STRATEGIC ASSETS AND ORGANIZATIONAL RENT RAPHAEL AMlT (_I Faculty of Commerce and Business Administration, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada \ PAUL J.H. SCHOEMAKER Graduate School of Business, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, U.SA. We build on an emerging strategy literature that views the firm as a bundle of resources and capabilities, and examine conditions that contribicte to the realization of sustainable economic rents. Because of (I) resource-market imperfections and (2) discretionary managerial decisions about resource derjeloprnent and deployment, Mee expect firms to differ (in and out of equilibriicm) in the resources and capabilities they control. This asymmetry in turn can be a source of sustainable economic rent. The paper focuses on the linkages between the industry analysis framework, the resource-based view of the firm, behavioral decision biases and organizational implementation issues. It connects the concept of Strategic Industry Factors at the market level with the notion of Strategic Assets at the firm level. Organizational rent is shown to stem from imperfect and discretionary decisions to develop and deploy selected resources and capabilities, made by boitndedly rational managers facing high uncertainty, complexity, and intrafirnz conflict. INTRODUCTION dimensions of competition that will prevail in the future. For managers. the challenge is to identify, However they phrase them, executives often develop, protect, and deploy resources and examine such questions as, 'What makes us capabilities in a way that provides the firm with distinctive or unique?'; 'Why do some and not a sustainable competitive advantage and, thereby, other customers buy from us?'; 'Why are we a superior return on capital. profitable?'. Typical answers might refer to the Managerial decisions concerning such resources firm's 'technical know-how,' 'responsiveness and capabilities are ordinarily made in a setting to market needs,' 'design and engineering that is characterized by: (1) Uncertainty about capability,' or 'financial resources.' The com- (a) the economic, industry, regulatory, social, mon theme among these responses is that and technological environments, (b) competitors' management deems some firm-specific behavior, and (c) customers' preferences; resources and capabilities to be crucial in (2) Complexity concerning (a) the interrelated explaining a firm's performance. causes that shape the firm's environments, (b) the While empirical models may, ex post, point to competitive interactions ensuing from differing a limited set of resources and capabilities that perceptions about these environments; and by explain some of the firm's past performance, ex (3) Intraorganizational conflicts among those who ante such models offer limited insight into the make managerial decisions and those affected by them. ~ h e i ec onditions of uncertainty, corn- plexity9 and conflict are to Key words: Bounded rationality, heuristics, organ,- zational rents, resource view. strateg-i c assets, strateg- ic articulate or ~~~odFeolr. example, the exact industry factors relationships between the firm's bundle of capa- a0143-20951931010033-14$12.00 Received 18 June 1990 1993 by John Wiley & Sons. Ltd. Revised 18 August 1992 34 R. Amit and P.J. H. Schoemaker bilities and its performance may be unclear in strengths and the Key Success Factors (KSF)"n the present, let alone the future.' its environment. Using a range of mature By explicitly addressing these dimensions of industrial product industries, their empirical the managerial challenge, our paper attempts to findings showed that organizations which rated link the 'industry analysis framework' with the highest on industry KSF clearly outperformed 'resource view of the firm' and highlight the their rivals. human limitations in crafting firm strategy. We Although this analysis provides an important start by briefly reviewing the existing literature test of a core thesis in strategy, it also raises on the resource-based view and defining the further questions. First, the Vasconcellos and terms we use. We proceed by articulating our Hambrick (1989) study considers the industry as view and contribution to the theory. We end by the primary unit of analysis, whereas managers examining the theory in the context of multiple operate from a firm perspective. Second, the dimensions and emphasizing the heuristic nature empirical analysis is ex post, whereas managers of organizational rent creation. need to make resource deployment decisions ex ante, which involves uncertainty, complexity and organizational conflict. Third, it should be LITERATURE AND DEFINITIONS recognized that if all firms score high on the presumed KSF, these factors will cease to be A growing body of empirical literature points KSF. Thus, we need to introduce sustainable to the importance of firm-specific factors in asymmetry into the analysis, possibly stemming explaining variations in economic rent2 (Jacobson from mobility barriers, organizational inertia, 1988; Hansen and Wernerfelt, 1989). For exam- heterogeneous expectations, failures in resource ple, Cool and Schendel (1988) reported significant markets, and so forth. and systematic performance differences among The use of KSF as a core concept in strategy firms belonging to the same strategic group within was recently critiqued by Ghemawat (1991a) as the U.S. pharmaceutical industry. Additionally, lacking: (1) identification (there may be many Rumelt (1991) found that business units differ success factors, making it hard to decide which far more within than across industries. Theorists ones to focus on); (2) concreteness (ambiguity have long recognized the importance of firm about the causal processes that tie the firm's differences and distinctive competencies success factors to its performance); (3) generality (Selznick, 1957; Ansoff, 1965; Andrews, 1971; (to be success factors they must be undervalued; Hofer and Schendel, 1978). Current managerial i.e., the cost benefit ratio associated with their writings such as Irvin and Michaels (1989), development must be less than one): and Wernerfelt (1989), Prahalad and Hamel (1990), (4) necessity (the failure of the success factor Grant (1991), or Stalk, Evans, and Shulman approach to account for dynamic aspects of (1992) further evidence a continuing interest in strategy). Whereas we agree with Ghemawat core skills and capabilities as a source of (1991a) about these challenges, it should be competitive advantage. pointed out that without uncertainty, complexity, Vasconcellos and Hambrick (1989) recently and conflict, there would be no room for conducted an empirical, ex post test of the long- discretionary managerial decisions on strategy standing strategy premise that an organization's crafting. Only differences in initial endowments, success depends on the match between its or luck, could underlie asymmetric performance in that case. Since KSF notions are commonly used by strategy scholars and managers alike, they need I Lippman and Rumelt (1982) refer to this as 'causal ambiguity.' to be related more carefully to strategy theory. ' Economists commonly distinguish among three types of An emerging theoretical perspective-that of the rent: Ricardian rents are extraordinary profits earned from firm as a collection of resources and capabilities resources that are in fixed or limited supply. Pareto rents (or quasi rents) refer to the difference between the payments to a resource in its best and second best use. Lastly, Monopoly ' rents stem from collusion or government protectton. Klein, There are numerous interpretations in the Marketing and Crawford and Alchian (1978) examine quasi-rents in the Strategic Management literature concerning the meaning of context of vertical integration. KSF. See for example Thompson and Strickland (1990). Strategic Assets 35 required for productlmarket competition-pro- the firm. Resources are converted into final vides one such underpinning. This Resource View products or services by using a wide range of of the firm (Coase, 1937; Penrose, 1959: Nelson other firm assets and bonding mechanisms such and Winter, 1982; Teece, 1982; Rumelt, 1984; as technology, management information systems, Wernerfelt, 1984; Barney, 1986a, 1986b, 1989, incentive systems, trust between management 1991; Dierickx and Cool, 1989a, 1989b, 1990; and labor, and more. These Resources consist, Teece, Pisano, and Shuen, 1990; Conner, 1991; inter alia, of knowhow that can be traded (e.g., Ghemawat, 1991b; Peteraf, 1991) focuses on patents and licenses), financial or physical assets factor market imperfections and highlights the (e.g., property, plant and equipment), human heterogeneity of firms, their varying degrees of capital, etc.' specialization, and the limited transferability of Capabilities, in contrast, refer to a firm's corporate resources. The resource perspective capacity to deploy Resources, usually in combi- complements the industry analysis framework nation, using organizational processes, to effect (Porter, 1980; Schmalensee, 1985). The latter a desired end. They are information-based, focuses on product markets; it views the sources tangible or intangible processes that are firm- of profitability to be the characteristics of the specific and are developed over time through industry as well as the firm's position within the complex interactions among the firm's Resources. industry. The resource view holds that the type, They can abstractly be thought of as 'intermediate magnitude, and nature of a firm's resources and goods' generated by the firm to provide enhanced capabilities are important determinants of its productivity of its Resources, as well as strategic profitability. flexibility and protection for its final product or In developing the theoretical foundations, we service. Unlike Resources, Capabilities are based shall build on both perspectives: The resource view on developing. carrying, and exchanging infor- of the firm and the industry analysis framework. mation through the firm's human capital. Itami In addition, we introduce a third perspective, that (1987) refers to information-based Capabilities as of Behavioral Decision Theory (BDT). This new 'invisible assets.' He notes that some of the firm's field explicitly acknowledges that managers often invisible assets are not carried by its employees make suboptimal choices, be it in personnel but rather depend on the perceptions of the selection or in crafting their firm's strategy. BDT firm's customer base (as brand names may do). can shed light on how boundedly rational managers Capabilities are often developed in functional cope with the kinds of uncertainty and complexity areas (e.g., brand management in marketing) or referred to above. Unlike the resource view, which by combining physical, human, and technological focuses on failures in resource markets. the BDT Resources at the corporate level. As a result, perspective highlights cognitive imperfections that, firms may build such corporate Capabilities as while internal to the firm (e.g., internal conflict, highly reliable service, repeated process or cognitive biases of managers, etc4), have a great product innovations, manufacturing flexibility, impact on the firm's approach to its external responsiveness to market trends, and short environment. To date, few links have been drawn product development cycles. between the BDT literature, the industry analysis Some of the firm's Resources, but especially framework and the resource view of the firm (for its Capabilities, may be subject to market failure: an exception, see Zajac and Bazerman, 1991). that is, an inability to trade these factors in Before proceeding to the theory section, where perfect markets. Multiple sources of market these perspectives are examined and integrated, we failure have been suggested: Williamson (1975) clanfy below the key terms and concepts we use. points to small numbers, opportunism. and information impactedness; Klein, Crawford and Alchian (1978) focus on factor specialization in Definitions terms of use or location; Caves (1984) highlights The firm's Resources will be defined as stocks of sunk costs, and suggests that a factor's value is available factors that are owned or controlled by inversely related to the extent of its specialization ' Penrose's (1959) sem~nalw ork also addresses some of these See Grant (1991) for a detailed description of various types intrafirm issues. of both tangible and intangible resources of the firm. 36 R. Amit and P.J.H. Schoemaker Table 1. General characteristics of strategic industry factors (SIF)* a. Stock type Resources and Capabilities that ex post are shown to be key determinants of firm profitability in an industry; b. Determined at the market level through complex interactions among industry rivals, new entrants, customers, regulators, innovators, suppliers, and other stakeholders; c. Strategic in that they are subject to market failures and may be the basis for competition among rivals; d. The bundle of SIF changes over time and is not known ex ante; e. Their development takes time, skill, and capital; they may be specialized to particular uses; f. Investments in them are largely irreversible (i.e.. entail sunk costs); g. Their values deteriorate or appreciate, over time, at varying rates of change; h. Their pace of accumulation may be affected by a range of managerial actions (policy levers) and by the magnitude of other Resources and Capabilities that are controlled by industry rivals. One cannot easily speed up their development (e.g.. doubling the investment will not usually halve the time); i. Their value to any particular firm may depend on its control of other factors-the complementarity property. For instance, the value of a firm's product design capability may depend upon the effectiveness of its distribution network; j. Not all aspects of their development and interactions will be known or controllable. This table synthesizes notions from Penrose, 1959; Nelson and Winter. 1982; Teece. 1982; Rumelt, 1984; Wernerfelt, 1984: Barney, 1989, 1991; Dierickx and Cool, 1989a, 1989b. 1990: Teece er. a/.. 1990: Conner. 1991; Ghemawat, 1991b; Peteraf, 1991. for a particular use or industry ~ettingW.~e thus set of Strategic Industry Factors changes and define the firm's Strategic Assets as the set of cannot be predicted with certainty ex ante.' difficult to trade and imitate, scarce, appropriable The challenge facing a firm's managers is to and specialized Resources and Capabilities that identify, ex ante, a set of Strategic Assets (SA) as bestow the firm's competitive advantage. grounds for establishing the firm's sustainable When the industry (or product market) is the competitive advantage, and thereby generate Organ- unit of analysis, one may observe that, at a given izational Rents. These are economic rents that stem time, certain Resources and Capabilities which from the organization's Resources and Capabilities, are subject to market failures, have become the and that can be appropriated by the organization prime determinants of economic rents. These will (rather than any single factor). This requires be referred to as Strategic Industry Factors (SIF). managers to identify the present set of Strategic For instance, Ghemawat (1991b) suggests that Industry Factors (SIF) as well as to assess the one may classify industries in terms of the possible sets of SIF that may prevail in the future. 'strategic factors that drive competition in them Also, decisions on the further development of by virtue of dominating the structure of sunk existing and new Strategic Assets-those that are costs incurred in the course of competition.' most likely to contribute to the creation and Strategic Industry Factors, in this context, are protection of economic rents--need to be made. characterized by their proneness to market Not every firm will succeed with its targeted set failures and subsequent asymmetric distribution of SA, as their applicability and relevance ultimately over firms. By definition, Strategic Industry hinges on the complex interaction referred to above. Factors are determined at the market level Examples of possible SA include: Technological through complex interactions among the firm's capability; fast product development cycles; brand competitors, customers, regulators, innovators management; control of, or superior access to, external to the industry, and other stakeholders. distribution channels; a favorable cost structure; Their main characteristics are articulated in Table buyer-seller relationships; the firm's installed user 1. It is important to recognize that the relevant base; its R&D capability; the firm's service The roles of factor specialization and sunk costs in a firm's 'While it may not be possible to identify ex ante the relevant ability to earn economic rents have been examined by Klein set of strategic assets. one can screen out those assets that er al. (1978), as well as by Baumol. Panzar, and Willig (1982). are not strategic. Strategic Assets 37 Firm Industry to market failure e scarce e overlap with strategic e appropriabk industry fadm e firm specdic 6 uncertain ex-ante formthebasis dthe r determineorganizabnal Figure 1. Key constructs organization; its reputation and so forth. The Resources and Capabilities (R&C),whose economic relationships between industry determined Strategic returns are appropriable by the firm. The basic Indusny Factors, and firm level Resources, Capabili- idea that underlies this perspective, cited earlier ties, and Strategic Assets, are depicted in Figure 1.' as the Resource-Based View Of The Firm, is that marshalling a set of complementary and specialized Resources and Capabilities which are scarce, A RESOURCE VIEW OF STRATEGIC durable, not easily traded, and difficult to imitate, ASSETS may enable the firm to earn economic rents. Thus, according to the resource perspective, the value of By focusing on the firm as the relevant unit of a firm's Strategic Assets extends beyond their analysis. managers are concerned with the creation contribution to the production process. It depends of a bundle of tangible as well as intangible on a wide range of characteristics (see Figure 2), and varies with changes in the relevant set of Strategic Industry Factors, as depicted by Figure 1. Wote that we abandon from here on the term Key S~rccess The supposition is that, even in equilibrium, firms Fuctors. because of its many possible interpretations and may differ in terms of the Resources and Capabilities Useb. 38 R. Amit and P.J. H. Schoemaker Figure 2. Desired characteristics of the firm's resources and capabilities they control, and that such asymmetric firms scarcity, limited transferability of Resources, imper- may coexist until some exogenous change or fect substitutability, and appropriability. Barney l0 Schumpeterian shock occurs (Schumpeter, 1934).9 (1986a, 1986b, 1989, 1991), Dierickx and Cool Economic rents, in this setting, derive from (1989a, 1989b, 1990), and Ghemawat (1991b) asymmetry in initial resource endowments, resource provide incisive discussions of desired attributes of such firm Resources. Figure 2 summarizes the primary determinants of the rent producing capacity The assumption of heterogeneous firms controlling resources that are not perfectly mobile (i.e.. that cannot be easily of a firm's Strategic Assets. bought. sold or imitated) is essential to the existence of such In general, the strategic value of a firm's an equilibrium. Lippman and Rumelt (1982) and Barney Resources and Capabilities is enhanced the (1986a, 1986b) articulate some of the reasons for imperfect imitability. These include unique histor~calc onditions, causal ambiguity, and complexity. Ghemawat (1991b) refers to these "' conditions as intrinsic inimitability and therefore the firm's Whereas Industrial Organization economics often looks factor combinations are viewed as intrinsically heterogeneous. outside the firm to explain sustained superior performance He suggests that less stringent conditions (e.g., imitation by examining. for example, various market structures, being costly but not infeasible) may be sufficient for alternative regulatory settings. collusive relationships, or sustainability. Relatedly, Peteraf (1991) equates resource substitute technologies. the source of rents according to the heterogeneity to differential levels of factor efficiency. resource perspective is internal. Strategic Assets 39 more difficult they are to buy, sell, imitate or Capabilities declines to the extent that they are substitute. For example, invisible assets such substitutes. as tacit organizational knowledge or trust The more firm-specific, durable and scarce between management and labor cannot be Strategic Assets are, the more valuable to the firm traded or easily replicated by competitors can be their deployment, for at least three reasons. since they are deeply rooted in the organiza- First, if few other firms have R&C that are in tion's history. Such firm-specific and often high demand and are difficult to imitate, fewer tacit assets accumulate slowly over a period firms will pursue market strategies based thereon, of time (i.e., they are history-dependent state since others would find these strategies too costly variables. See Dierickx and Cool 1989a, and time consuming. Second, firm-specificity and I' 1989b, 1990). The focus here is not just the presence of transaction costs suggest that the on the material aspects of Resources and value of some Resources and Capabilities will be Capabilities, but especially on their transform- lower for certain firms. Third, the more durable ational characteristics. These are often specific they are, the smaller will be the investment required to a firm andlor to a particular industry at a to offset their depreciation, if any.'" given point in time. This idiosyncracy makes These characteristics of the firm's assets them difficult to imitate and their development emphasize the trade-off between the speciali- time cannot be easily compressed. zation of assets (a necessary condition for In addition, the applicability of the firm's rent) and the robustness of these assets across bundle of Resources, and Capabilities to a alternative futures (see Schoemaker, 1992a). The particular industry setting (i.e., the overlap trade-off between specialization and robustness with the set of Strategic Industry Factors), is only partial, as specialization can be of two will determine the available rents. Managers kinds: (1) limited use or (2) unique use. Limited influence the development and deployment use entails reduced robustness in that the asset of Strategic Assets by adopting a process is of little value in particular states of nature. perspective (in contrast to an input-output Uniqueness, in contrast, is defined relative to model). This perspective recognizes distinct other players (rather than to states of nature) phases of development, the importance of and need not be restricted in scope or by feedback, and the need for vision. It also circumstance. Due to competitive pressures, the entails careful scripting of how Resources, kinds of specialization that can yield positive information and people are combined and rents tend to entail limited use (and hence, risk). sequenced over time in order to evolve specific Uniqueness, in contrast, may reflect historical Capabilities. In this sense, the viewpoint is accident or heterogeneous expectations as the essentially an institutional one (de Gregori, primary reasons for non-imitation. 1987). Dierickx and Cool (1989a, 1989b) In essence, firms develop specialized assets to especially highlight the importance of pro- enhance profits at the price of reduced flexibility cesses for asset accumulation and their impact in the face of Schumpeterian shocks. This trade- on inimitability of the firm's Resources. off is, in our view, a core issue in deciding The firm's Strategic Assets may further exhibit which R&C to develop. Sustainable advantage is complementarity in deployment or application obtained when existing and potential competitors (Barnard, 1938); that is, the strategic value of each asset's relative magnitude may increase with an increase in the relative magnitude of other Dierickx and Cool (1989b. 1990) have introduced the Strategic Assets (also known as positive externali- notion of complementarity in asset accumulation (or interconnectedness) which refers to economies of scope in ties; see Dierickx and Cool, 1990). An example asset accumulation. This distinction highlights the dynamic is Teece's (1986) notion of co-specialized assets- nature of asset accumulation. whereas complementarity in those for which there is a bilateral dependence asset deployment is a static notion. The strategic value of R&C may not lie merely in the in application. Under complementarity, the com- scarcity of natural resources such as land and oil reserves, bined value of the firm's Resources & Capabilities but also in the ability to deploy concurrently in multiple uses may be higher than the cost of developing or such invisible firm-specific assets as culture, reputation, and relationships with suppliers and buyers. deploying each asset individually. Conversely, Unlike physical capital, most capabilities are enhanced the strategic value of the firm's Resources & with use as more experience is gained. 40 R. Arnit and P.J.H. Schoemaker (new entrants) lack either the ability or desire Uncertainty to imitate the rent-producing R&C. A firm's managers can lessen the incentives of competitors Under rational expectations, the SA challenge will to imitate or develop close substitutes by, for largely vanish as managers will hold the same example, erecting entry or mobility barriers or expectations about the set of SIF that will prevail by building 'isolating mechanisms' (Rumelt, in the future. Since they will maximize the expected 1984). Like Ghemawat (1986). we focus here on value of returns, their initial SA endowments are aspects that relate to the firm's superior access the only source of variance regarding their behavior. to Resources. (Of course. competitive advantage In reality, however, managers face considerable may also arise from size and scope, as well as uncertainty and ambiguity, stemming from new legal or other restrictions on competition.) proprietary technologies, economic and political Given the competitive and changing context in trends, competitive actions, changes in societal which managers must decide which R&C to values, and corresponding shifts in consumer develop as their firm's basis for competition, it is preferences. Pervasive uncertainty and ambiguity doubtful that decisions about which SA to develop make it probable that managers will hold diverse and deploy can be optimally deduced from a expectations about such key variables as demand general normative theory. More likely, continually growth, price levels, costs, and consumer tastes. changing heuristics will emerge that strive to Further, their judgements and choices are likely better incorporate the uncertainty, complexity and to exhibit idiosyncratic aversions to risk and organizational conflicts confronting managers. l4 As ambiguity (Kahneman and Tversky, 1979; Einhorn such. our view extends that of Porter's (1980) by and Hogarth. 1986). Ih emphasizing not only the industry environment The joint effects of heterogeneous beliefs and in determining future profit but especially the manager-specific decision processes (and biases) importance of managerial discretion and innovation make equilibrium analyses hard to conduct for in SA decisions. The latter are by no means both managers and researchers. Coupled with foregone conclusions; the external environment is overconfidence (Lichtenstein, Fischhoff, and Phil- only one part of the economic rent story. lips, 1982) and a penchant for confirming over disconfirming evidence (Klayman and Ha, 1987), Strategic Assets choices under uncertainty may DECISIONS ABOUT STRATEGIC entail opposing biases whose net effects are hard ASSETS to assess. For example, ambiguity aversion and underweighting of medium and high probabilities In making investment decisions about Strategic will normally lead to risk aversion. However, Assets, managers face the daunting tasks of this tendency may be countered or mitigated by (1) anticipating possible futures, (2) assessing overconfidence and ambitious targets, either of competitive interactions within each projected which can induce strong risk-seeking." Conse- future, and (3) overcoming organizational inertia quently, the final SA investment decisions are and internal dispute in order to realign the firm's bundle of SA. Recent psychological literature a multiplicity of state and control variables in noncooperative (Kahneman, Slovic, and Tversky, 1982) suggests multiplayer games. An added complication in our case arises that managers will approach this uncertainty, from the difficulty of specifying the game in terms of the number of players. as well as the state. action. and pay-off complexity, and conflict with considerable bias, spaces. illusion, and suboptimality. Even if highly simpli- '' When gambles entail well-defined probabilities, most fied and abstracted, the associated SA decisions people exhibit risk aversion (except for low probability and pure loss gambles). If probabilities are ill defined (the case may not be solvable in closed-form equilibrium of ambiguity), even greater risk-aversion is encountered due terms (although, see Camerer, 1991).'" to people's dislike to unknown risk. Most managerial decisions entail risk as well as ambiguity. '' The predicted bias is toward risk-seeking for R&C that '' Economic rent may accrue to firms with superior or more are deemed to be below some chosen reference point and timely heuristics, thereby capitalizing on variable as well as toward risk-arjersion for those that exceed this aspiration bounded rationality (see Schoemaker, 1990). level (see Kahneman and Tversky, 1979). Thus. unrealistic l5 For example, when modeled as a differential game, the goals or ambitious targets will likely result in unduly risky problem will probably not be tractable. Closed or even open- R&C decisions. For additional biases and indeterminacies in loop solutions are generally unattainable when confronted with risk-taking see MacCrimmon and Wehrung (1986). Strategic Assets 41 hard to predict without detailed micro-level In hindsight, chance and skill are often confused knowledge of managers' reference points, prob- (Fischhoff and Beyth, 1975). Judgments about lem framing, degrees of overconfidence, non- correlation or relative importance frequently linear weighting of probabilities, etc. (see Schoe- miss important cues and interactions (Jennings, maker, 1992b). Amabile, and Ross, 1982; Hammond, 1955; A bounded rationality view (Simon, 1979) may Hogarth, 1987), especially if not driven by a nonetheless predict some overriding biases. For causal theory. Imputations about causality, in example, managers will probably over-emphasize turn, may be overly sensitive to temporal and past Strategic Industry Factors, and the SA spatial contiguity, covariation, and similarity of associated therewith. People generally tend to cause and effect (Einhorn and Hogarth, 1986). repeat what was rewarded before. Consequently, Unless aided by formal analyses, managers may managers might be too focused on past competi- easily misconstrue the industry's success factors tors and pay too much attention to recent and persist in erroneous beliefs about their firm's experience. The latter is known as the recency SA until proven wrong by competitors. effect which is closely linked to the more general Lindblom (1959) and Quinn (1980), among notion of the availability heuristic (Tversky and others, have highlighted the incremental way in Kahneman, 1974). If perceptions about strategy which managers usually deal with complexity. are unduly anchored on past SA, rent opportuni- Writers on policy formation have, in general, ties arise for firms that approach the future more emphasized the contextual and labile nature of flexibly and imaginatively. These may be new organizational decision making (Mintzberg, 1978; firms or incumbent ones that vigorously challenge Isenberg, 1987, MacCrimmon and Wehrung, their own beliefs. Past success may especially 1986). An example is Cohen, March, and Olsen's bias managers toward an illusion of control (1972) garbage can model, in which problems, (Langer, 1975). Recent emphasis on the strategic solutions, hidden agendas, coalitions and so importance of continual organizational learning on mesh in complex ways to yield decisions. (de Geus, 1988; Senge, 1990) underscore the Mintzberg (1978) and Mintzberg and Waters special challenges posed by uncertainty and (1983) further highlight the role of the firm's complexity, whether the firm has been successful unconscious past. They view a firm's realized or not. strategy (e.g., its SA decisions) to be a blend of rational, or at least intentional choices, and implicit or tacit forces within organizations (see Complexity also Hamel and Prahalad, 1989). The litany of To keep SA decisions within cognitive bounds, biases mentioned above serves to underscore managers must often and extensively simplify our main point here: Discretionary managerial (Russo and Schoemaker, 1989). The kinds of decisions that relate to Strategic Assets are simplification they engage in may lead to affected by a wide range of cognitive biases about additional biases. Tversky and Kahneman (1981) the handling of uncertainty and complexity. offer persuasive examples of how simplified This, in turn, creates suboptimality, imperfect framing (such as isolating alternatives or express- imitability. and organizational rents for some ing outcomes relatively) can lead to inconsistent firms. decisions. Specifically, frames may (1) bound out important futures, competitors, or new Conflict technologies; (2) dictate the reference point relative to which SA are measured (e.g., Chrysler Intraorganizational conflict is another serious comparing its quality control capability to GM's challenge encountered by management in making rather than to Japan's Honda); and, (3) specify SA decisions. Any change in the existing bundle the yardsticks or metric used to measure SA of SA may benefit some employees and hurt (e.g., measuring quality in terms of defective others. Not only do complex agency problems parts per thousand vs. number and type of (Jensen and Meckling, 1976; Fama and Jensen, consumer complaints). 1983a, 1983b) exist in obtaining the necessary Managers' attempts to understand present and information and judgments concerning SA selec- past SIF may be hampered by additional biases. tion, but also issues of cooperation, trust, and

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